Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Plushies ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


YAY!! Let's start.




Malik is walking in front of plushies.

The Plushies... sit there doing nothing.

One happens to fall over slightly. 

"What's that?!" Malik grabs the blue eyes plushie. "Listen here!!" he says as he plops the plushie next to the others and stares closely at it. "I'm dah leader here and you all have to stay fluffy and soft for me!"

BEP does nothing.

Malik says, "Dontchu sassafrassa.. afrassetatersassl me!" he nudges the plushie. 

BEP squeaks.

"That's it!" He grabs onto the plushie and begins gnawing and chewing on it.

Seto appears standing in door way with tear rolling down his face. He takes in a deep breath. "...... YAAAAAAAAAMMMIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"HN?" Malik looks at him with stuffing in his mouth.

Yami runs in. "What!!??!"

Seto points to Malik. "SETO ATE MY PLUSHIE."

"I DID NOT!!!!!!!!" Stuffing tumbles from Malik's mouth with each word. "He's making that up!"

"I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!" Seto insists. 


"AM NOT!" 

"ARE TOO," Marik continues. 

"Can you two just relax?!" Yami suggests.

"Not until he fixes my plushie!!"

"Fix him?! He's part of my Army, now! He's going to help me wif dominating all of the planet!"

Seto leaps onto him and pulls at the plushie.

Marik snarls and stuffing floats into the air.

There is fluff everywhere.

".........." Yami slowly edges back towards the other room.



YAY! More of that!! I hope you liked! Please post a Review! ^.^