Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Getting Ready ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shashomiru: (takes in deep breath) o.o …..


They all were doing stuff.

"All of you getting ready to go to the Zoo?" Yami questions.

"Yes." Seto concurs.

"Maybe," Ryou says.

Malik tells him, "Yes, yes, I am just... preparing a few things..."

Without question, even though he maybe should have questions, as he watches Malik fill a plushie with some unusual things, Yami says quite simply, "Good."

Yugi speaks happily, "^.^ I am gonna go see da Chickens. And Den da cows and da hamsters."

Seto tells him, "This isn't dat kind of a Zoo, Yugi."

"o.o …. Kitties?"

"Yes. Okay."

"Kitties I can pet...?"

"Don't worry, Yugi," Seto smirks. "There are always the really big kitties."

Ryou quickly adds, "Oh yes. The cute, furry, big, smiling, gigantic ones..."

"o.o;; Oh…." Yugi fidgets.

Malik says, "We'll go see the penguins…"

"O_O;;;;" Tèa hides at the word.

Malik whispers to Ryou, "Let's be sure to include her..."

"Mmm, yes, quite so."

Seto scoffs, "Whatever. I am going to stay wherever smells less bad and are wess people."

Malik counters, "Oh, so you will be staying in the bathroom the whole time, then."

"Might as well."

"Likewise," Ryou agrees.

Joey walks in carrying Serenity upside down. "I am gonna show Sewenity dah whale."

"I hope it eats you, Wheeler," Malik tells him. Malik? Marik.

"^-^ Yeah, me too!"

Seto mutters to them, "Dat guy is going to go full monkey dah first five minutes we are dere."

"Maybe," says Ryou.

"He will," Malik agrees.

Yami wanders about confusedly. "Does anyone know what happened to Tristan?"

Tristan hums softly from the branch.

A squirrel says, "Cherroo."

Tristan looks up. "Squirrel?"

Seto tells him, "Don't worry about him."

Malik agrees, "Yeah, he's always somewhere with his pudding and all..."

Yami eyes them carefully. "Hmm… Strange…"

"Then I want to see dah horse," Yugi declares.

"Onwy if it hasn't been made into glue yet," Seto tells him before turning to walk to the other room.

"Awwwwww wut…."


Shashomiru: ^-^ Please review!