Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Broccoli ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shashomiru: ALRIGHT

???: -sudden name change- And here we are again… you cease to amaze me.
Shashomiru: You. What are you doing
???: Do what?
Shashomiru: Your name.
Hack: ?
Shashomiru: Well, then.
???: :D
Shashomiru: Okay, whatever… ANYWAY. I decided that perhaps… I should… UPDATE.
???: Why, God, why…?
Shashomiru: Well, It's been about 3 or more years—don't you think it's about time?!?!
???: I wonder
Shashomiru: As long as the love of Yugioh [coming from everyone else, that is] still lingers, WE CAN MAKE IT WORK. :3!
???:Do you still watch Yugioh
Shashomiru: Indeed, I did a few years ago! But, I do still enjoy writing and I'm very curious as to how things would occur if I updated once.. or twice… God
???: If that's so, then I suggest you keep your hopes…
Shashomiru: You might be correct! My writing style has probably changed, so… eat it up. And now, I disclaim! [God, I haven't done this in forever], and speak…. I do not own Yugioh, FFVII or any of their characters! But I do own Hack, and partially own [sort of—I guess it has been years] Aiseki and any other characters that you probably have no idea about their origin.
And now, we shall begin~!
Note!: By the way, seeing as how I -am- so much older and have better writing experience, there is a strong possibility that the writing style will be much different from how it began… Whether you decide you like it still or not is up to you. I hope you enjoy it. ^^;
“Dis is bullcwap!” Joey exclaimed as he chucked a plastic toy across the room.
“Joey! Watch your language!” Ms. Sota said to Joey as she cleaned paint from Marik's face.
"Joey said those kinds of things to me," Malik says to her.
Ms. Sota stared at Joey for a moment, and then turned to Marik, who slowly looked at her. “Marik… is this true? Was Joey saying that stuff to you?”
Marik stared deep into her eyes trying to seem adorable about it.
"Oh, he is full of bullcwap." 
“Joey, that is plenty from you! There we go... All cleaned up, now. Go have a seat.” Ms. Sota released Marik.
Marik began toward his seat and sat. He slowly turned his head to look at Ryou who had moved to the opposite side of the room and briefly looked back at him, before turning back to his desk.
“Okay, everyone! It's time for a story. Gather around.” Ms. Sota smiled warmly and sat in her special teacher seat at the front of the room holding a book as the class gathered to sit in front of her. As everyone finally settled, she began to speak, “Today… we're going to read a book called The Little Bird.
As Ms. Sota opened the book, Hack slowly turned to look at Aiseki. Feeling his stare, she glanced at him a little. Hack stared at her and slowly began to smirk.
Ms. Sota began, “Once upon a time…"
Joey listened to the story from his corner, muttering.
“...And despite what all that little Bird had been met with, she knew that she would have to stay strong. She decided that she would be able to keep herself safe.”
Ms. Sota carefully annunciated each word of the story. Halfway through her reading, some of the children were beginning to drift to sleep from the lull of her voice. Vincent had already curled up in a ball, and slept. Yugi stared intently at the teacher as she spoke. Ryou and Marik glanced at each other once or twice before turning away. Joey rocked a little in the corner as he listened, slowly beginning to drift into slumber.
Yugi continued to stare with wide eyes at the teacher. He raised his hand.
Ms. Sota looked at him. “Yes, Yugi…?”
“Ms. Sota, what would the wittle bird eat?”
She blinked. “Um.. seeds, berries, other things like that, dear.”
“Ohhh...... `kay.”
Ms. Sota paused for a moment before continuing slowly. “The little bird...-- Yes, Yugi…?”
“Ummm, why is all dat?"
Ms. Sota stared at Yugi's hair and blinked. “…Because this is a fictional story. And… things like that happen… in fictional stories… but that is what birds eat. Really.”
“Ohh… `kay!”
“Anyway…” Ms. Sota inhaled deeply. “The little—WHAT Yugi? What do you want, now?”
Yugi's hand flailed in the air as he began to speak again. “Where do—“
“Wherever they feel like it. All creatures are like that.”
“Ohhh Otay… But do dey—“
“Yes! They do eat it, sometimes. Will you please stop interrupting me? I'd like to actually complete this story today…” Ms. Sota recalled and glanced at the many books she had piled near the story area because of Yugi's billions of questions.
“Aww, otay, then…” Yugi put his hands in his lap and frowned.
“Thank you… So, anyway,…” she continued. “The—“
“BROCCOLI!!” Seto stood up and chucked broccoli at Ms. Sota's head.
She sat and stared for a moment.
Everyone looked around, confused.
“BWOCCOLI!?!” Joey jumped up. He rolled under a desk and grabbed for a random doll. “You're dah real man here. SHIELD ME!!!” He held the doll up in front of his face.
Kaiba, can you be proper!?” Malik asked Seto.
“Right here!” He threw broccoli at Marik's head.
Marik leaped up.
Yugi squealed. “Yay! Fun stuff is commencing!” He clapped his hands in excitement.
Hack sat and stared with a tired look through his long hair at the ground, slowly turning to Aiseki, who looked back at him. They stared at each other for a long time, calmly.
Vincent sat next to Cloud, gently speaking, “It appears as though our classmates have some unusual tidings going on…” He lowered his mouth behind his scarf. Cloud nodded in unison.
“Seems so,” spoke Cloud, preparing casually for his nap.
Ms. Sota sat holding her book and watching children run around tossing broccoli and other things at each other.
Yami entered through the classroom door with a smile and waved. “I'm here for my—! oh, dear God.” He stared at them all.
Ms. Sota blinked from behind the cover of her book. “Help…. Me…!"
Yami stared blankly.
Shashomiru: Weeell, was that just wonderful?
???: If you're a fan of vegetables..., I suppose.
Shashomiru: Yeah, yeah.
???: ......or Veget--