Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction


Too much time to think
[T] by: Crimson
Anime/Manga: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Suspense | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: August 23, 2002 12:14 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.4K | Visits: 710
Summary: Schu goes to get Farf down from a night in his straitjacket, but Farf has a few surprises in store for the sexy German. Hints of SchuxBrad, and definate FarfxSchu. YAOI! And rather dark, if I do say so myself.

[T] by: Crimson
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Psychological | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 19, 2002 07:19 PDT | Chapters: 20 | Words: 122.6K | Visits: 5.1K
Summary: Fluesternd - or Whispering - continues where the series and OAV left off. Yep, this story explains everything you'd ever want to know about the Weiss boys, Schwarz, those other lovable characters, and even a few surprises. Every character gets their due, read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Interview With The Crawford
[P] by: Nora Neko
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Spamfic
Latest Revision: August 14, 2002 23:49 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 346 | Visits: 802
Summary: Nagi has a BS health homework assignment and guess who's gotta help him?

PS: Uhh...I forget weather or not this has any nono words in it, so uhh....don't report me, send me an email so I can change the rating, onegai? Arigatou gizimashta
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Incubi, Succubi
[T] by: Bombay
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Supernatural / Psychological / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: July 20, 2002 20:39 PDT | Chapters: 7 | Words: 17.1K | Visits: 2.7K
Summary: [Demons, Nightmares] Now in correct chapter order. Beware of shounen ai, language, death, and squick for shota and weirdo demon stuff. Both Schwarz and Weiß face old enemies who are out for more than payback: Estet?! Rating pending.

**Ch. 6 new read more

The Truth About Kritiker
[T] by: Pyrochan
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: July 18, 2002 00:18 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 848
Summary: Or when Manx and Birman take matters into their own hands ^_^ Based a little bit after the series, but before the OVA. I edited bits and pieces to keep it PG-13 ^^;; YAOI w/various pairings

When It Rains, It Pours
[T] by: Bombay
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Psychological / Mystery / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: July 12, 2002 19:50 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 7.0K | Visits: 2.2K
Summary: No, Omi! Don't----!!....

That kid keeps getting into trouble!

A thoughtful and vengeful rainy day's events as told through both Schwarz and Weiß eyes. Some shounen ai/spoilers involved, as well as spoilers.

Aya-draft added.

[T] by: shien
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: July 08, 2002 12:12 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 5.0K | Visits: 679
Summary: This is Farfarello's very own little mental diary. How did it all begin, what happened that made him blind for mercy and justice? How is it really not to be able to feel pain and why can't he?
Feel free to read the many bloodstained sins and confessio read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews