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  Title: Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar
Genre: Comedy / Fantasy
Run Time: unknown
Publisher: Geneon Entertainment
Released On: December 31, 2000
Type: n/a
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 24

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Characters: Alan, Anne, Cinnamon, Ginger, Greta, Jean, Luchino, Norma, Paul, Pepper, Phil, Regina, Saga, Saga's Mother, Salt, Sugar, The Elder, Tumeric

Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar - Description/Synopsis
Saga is a tidy young girl, living an ordinary life with her grandmother in a pleasant small town. One day she comes across a tiny pink-haired creature who seems to be ill. Thinking it might be hungry, Saga feeds it and brings it home. The creature turns out to be snow fairy apprentice Sugar, a hyperactive, cheerful little fairy with magical skills and the ability to make snow.. and she can only be seen by Saga! Now, what is Saga going to do with such a whimsical little thing invading her well-planned life, and will Sugar ever accomplish what she came to the human world for?

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