Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Red is the Color.... ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Title: Red is the color…

Author: Kitsune of Darkness

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar or make any profit from this!

Red is the color that he cannot wear anymore; when he does he thinks of everything that he has done wrong in his life. Zuko-centric drabble

A/n: Just a little drabble. This was written for the LJ community promt_a_day. The prompt was ___ is the color of ____.


Red is the color that he cannot wear anymore; when he does he thinks of everything that he has done wrong in his life. Of how he betrayed his uncle, the only one he ever could trust- the one who raised him. Of how he has lied to hundreds- most of them his closest and most loyal friends. Of how he trusted and placed his loyalties to the ones that had hurt him in the past. Of how he tried to kill an innocent kid just to regain his honor, honor that he will never get no matter what he does.

But most of all he cannot wear red anymore because it reminds him of how alone he truly is. When he lies in his bed at night he is reminded of the bridges he has burnt and of how empty his bed is now that he lies in it alone, staring at his nation’s insignia.