Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ beyblade accademy ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Treasures from home
Before even opening her suitcase Becky had pulled a laptop with webcam and digital camera out of her rucksack and plugged them both in. She switched the laptop on and logged in as destiny's tiger checked her emails, and satisfied by this starting unpacking opening her rucksack to its fullest, she started removing photographs.
The first one to come out was of Becky, her mother Alice and her father Lei at the beach. Becky was only about five when it was taken but she could still remember it as though it was yesterday. She put it on the table next to the bed.
The others were mostly of her and the clan on days out but there were just a few of just her and Nadine, there was one of her, Nadine, Louise and Ben all smiling for the camera, Becky with her knee-length ember red hair, Nadine her hair dead straight and jet black, Louise her hair wavy, black with a ice white stripe down the right side and Ben in his ever present black baseball cap with the thunderbolts down each side his hair blond and all over the place as usual, when she looked at that photo she smiled.
Pulling more photos out she studied each in turn the first was a team photo, the four girls Herself, Lucy, Emma and Abbie.
The silver girls, the perfect mates, Becky was the peacekeeper and the loner, Lucy was the brains of the team, Emma was the bubbly one of them and Abbie well she was just mental.
Another photo showed the day to the beach with the girls “we all had our hair braided” she said to herself with a smile “I remember it me, Nadine, Louise, Katie, Sara, Amy, and Laura that was a great day” she said laughing softly to herself.
She pulled the last photograph from her bag the scene was a day she would not forget in a hurry it was of her and the clan on a trip to the Great Wall of China. She had no idea who had taken it but it wasn't one of those say-cheese ones it was a natural one, a typical day out that was why it was one of her favorites.
Her, Nadine, Louise and Ben were beybattling on the top of one of the towers, by this point only herself and Ben were left in the game.
The elders were sat watching them all …..Probably watching us and making sure we hadn't run off…..she thought the other girls were nowhere to be seen so it was probably one of them who took it.
The boys were racing their blades up and down the wall Lewis was in the lead followed by James, Harry and Peter but Sam was in last place.
Stowing her rucksack in the wardrobe, she turned to the suitcase and opened it this revealed treasures such as a portable radio/CD player and her favorite CDs, setting the station to BB ASSOCIATION she turned it up loud to hear blading information with Kelly /…and the blader we are portraying is the young Tyson granger, now Tyson is a member of the bladebreakers and is currently training his brain at the beyblade academy…/ at that note Becky stood upright and concentrated on the broadcast /… and now for Ming-Ming with wake me up…/she continued with her unpacking, hanging up crop tops in baby blue, white, peach and mint green then out came the message t-shirts, neon pink with bite me and a smiling mouth, white with a yin-yang and two as one around it and jet black with a silver spinning blade and the words let it rip!!! Across.
She hung this up and picked up her own blade, a tiger glared back at her, it was mostly white and silver except from the eye, the eye was blood red. Clutching it in her hand she whispered,
“I will avenge you” to herself then laying it next to the photograph of them, continued unpacking slowly but surely the pile began to shrink
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