Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Hallowed ❯ Part 07 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress' Notes: Finally…the last chapter! It's a Halloween fic that's taken me a long time to write! ^___^U Eh heh… Anyway, this one just wraps things up, and there is a LEMON, but not if you're reading this on ff. net. *shrugs* Sorry, but I don't wanna get booted again for that. So see below for where to go for the adult content…and be advised that if you're underage, I am not responsible for you!


Disclaimer: Don't own! Don't sue!


Warnings: Yaoi, language, fluffiness, etc. FanFiction. Net readers: if you're looking for the NC-17 version of this fic, go to either my homepage (see my bio), Only TyKa Hotness, Mediaminer. org (FireKali), or Aff. Net (Yami FireKali) - though I haven't gotten that far yet…sorry about that.


Pairing: TyKa! Hints of ReMa and Kenny/Hilary, too.


~ Hallowed ~


Part 07


The team trained until nearly 9 pm that evening. When it was done, Tyson was just so worn out that he simply stripped down to his boxers and crawled under his covers, collapsing into a near-dead sleep with little effort.

Kai, on the other hand, was still very much awake. Still, he decided it would be better if he got as much rest as he could so he wouldn't be yawning at the tournament in the morning.

With that decided, the dual-haired blader had a quick shower and changed into his night clothes. When he got back out to the bedroom, however, he had to stop and look back and forth between the two beds.

Oh, the temptation. He thought wryly, sweatdropping at his own indecision. I really should avoid it, and sleep in the other bed…but I just know if he wakes up and I'm not in bed with him, he'll jump to the wrong conclusion and freak out on me. Kai watched Tyson sleep a moment longer then sighed resignedly. It had sounded like no more than an excuse, even to him - and a really lame one at that.

Admit it. He told himself, going to the occupied bed and gently shoving Tyson over a bit so he could slide in with him. I want to be close to him as often as possible and I want to sleep with him - even if its only to sleep this time. Settling onto his side, facing Tyson, Kai sighed and relaxed, closing his eyes and waiting for sleep to claim him.

Hell. I'm so hopeless when it comes to you, Tyson. Was his last thought before he fell completely asleep.


He was jolted awake the next morning by the shrill ringing of the phone. Kai grumbled a curse under his breath and reached out, grabbing the phone and listening to the pre-recorded message of the hotel's wake-up call before slamming it back down again and reaching blindly for the covers to yank them up over his head again.

Discovering that took too much effort, he gave up and just lay there in a state of half-wakefulness.

However, the crimson-eyed phoenix was slowly becoming more and more aware, and eventually he noticed there was a familiar weight pressed to his back as he lay on his stomach. That weight shifted when he groaned, and Kai cracked open an eye owlishly when he felt Tyson's soft lips dropping small, loving kisses slowly over his shoulders and to the nape of his neck.

"Tyson…what are you doing?" He mumbled into the pillow, not moving a muscle.

"Hmm…saying good morning, my love." The bluenette replied between kisses. A calloused hand joined in the `greeting' and slid under the bottom hem of Kai's tank-top, slowly stroking circles over Kai's bare back. "I like waking up next to you, Kai."

"Are you always this cheerful and affectionate in the morning?" Kai inquired in a sleep-roughened voice.

"Couldn't tell you. I've never had a significant other to sleep with, before." Tyson smiled against Kai's shoulder blade. "Want me to stop and leave you alone?" He asked after a pause, removing his hand from under Kai's shirt.

The older teen blew out a breath and rolled over to face Tyson. He reached out and slid an arm around Tyson's waist, pulling the shorter teen closer to him and resting his forehead against Tyson's.

"No, I don't want you to stop." He murmured, kissing the tip of Tyson's nose. "But we can't start something we won't have time to finish. That's the problem." Kai felt obligated to point out that little glitch, then proceeded to memorize his dragon's facial features with his lips, brushing soft kisses across dark blue eyebrows, over closed eyelids, and down across Tyson's cheek. Tyson made a husky purring noise and rolled them both over so that Kai was on his back with the bluenette straddling his waist and lying chest to chest on top of him.

Pouting, Tyson ran his fingers through Kai's dual-shaded hair. "No fair. Couldn't we let the others sleep in? Just this once?"

Kai shook his head, staring up into sexy, sleep-heavy blue orbs that were darkened to a smoky blue-grey with love and desire as they stared back. "Sorry, love. I'd really like to say `yes,' but…"

The bluenette sighed and smiled reassuringly. "It's okay. There will be plenty of time soon. I can wait."

Kai smiled back. "I promise it will be sooner rather than later, Tyson. Now…go have a shower and get dressed while I go wake everyone else up." He instructed, patting Tyson on the backside and grinning when the younger blader gave him a mock glare and wriggled against that hand in reaction.

"I thought you said we didn't have time to play." Tyson smirked, dipping his head to capture Kai's mouth in a lusty kiss. He felt Kai's hand on his butt squeeze and broke away with a laugh, fighting back the covers and crawling off the bed and his boyfriend before temptation could overwhelm them both and they forgot that they had someplace to be. Grabbing his clean clothes, Tyson disappeared into the bathroom for a shower.

Kai ran a hand through his rumpled hair and took a few moments to fight off his raging hormones. Then he got dressed and went off to wake the rest of his team up and get them moving.


The tournament was a short and sweet one for the team. They won their matches, and enjoyed them immediately, even if they were only exhibition matches and not official competitions. Max had practically wrapped himself around Rei when he'd won his own match against Aaron from Barthez' Battalion - though that was normal. They had been with each other for long enough now that everyone was accustomed to it. Tyson, on the other hand, was able to use that impossible strength of will he possessed to keep from attaching himself to Kai when he won his own match against Johnny from the Majestics.

And Kai, realizing that Tyson was restraining himself for his sake, couldn't help bestowing a small smile on the dragon.

After it was all done, the team returned to the hotel to get ready for a banquet being held that evening.

"You don't have to get all dressed up, Tyson. It's just a meal." Kai watched his boyfriend go through a fit of fashion crisis, taking clothes out of his bags and tossing them all over the room as he tried to find something he wanted to wear. His eyes widened as a pair of brief underwear landed at his feet, and for some reason he felt a bubble of laughter well up. Kai snickered, covering his mouth with a hand to try and hide his own amusement.

"Do you like this shirt, or this?" Tyson held up two different shirts. Kai just looked at him and the bluenette made a frustrated scream in his throat and tossed both on the bed on top of the growing pile. "You're lots of help! Mr. I'm-always-in-style."

Kai smirked. "It's a gift."


"Okay, okay. Calm down and come here, Tyson." Kai stood and held out his hands. Pouting, Tyson walked over and allowed Kai to push him down on the bed to sit. "Let me see…" he began going through Tyson's clothes and the bluenette watched with reluctant interest. Kai was making questioning noises at some items, sounding sort of baffled.

"You have strange taste, Kinomiya." He shook his head and handed a pair of black jeans and a couple different shirts. "Here. Put those on."

"Um…okay." Tyson complied, stripping down to his underwear and changing into the ones Kai had picked. When he finished, he stood and looked down at himself dubiously. "Are you sure?"

Kai unconsciously licked his lips and crossed the floor littered with Tyson's clothes to lean in and kiss the dragon lustfully. When he pulled away, he straightened a dazed Tyson's shirt collar and said casually, "Does that answer your question?" Then he grabbed his jacket and walked to the door.

Blowing out a breath, Tyson slipped into his shoes and hurried after his captain.


It wasn't only bladers at the banquet. There were various BBA representatives and officials present, also, as well as some local politicians and a few other people Tyson had no clue who they were.

Dinner was served, and conversations flowed over the tables as the teams ate.

"So what exactly happened in Salem, anyway?" Max asked at one point. He gained the attention of the Blitzkrieg Boys and the Majestics, who were seated at the same table as the Bladebreakers.

"Salem? So that's where you two disappeared to this weekend." Robert gave Tyson a disappointed look. "And here I was hoping to get in a battle with you, Tyson."

"Sorry, Robert. But hey! I promise you we'll get one in sometime soon." Tyson grinned eagerly.

"I'll hold you to that, Tyson."

"Wait…" Tala raised a red eyebrow at them. " `You two?' Who went with Tyson?"

"I did." Kai answered with typical shortness. He continued eating as if he hadn't said a word. Tyson smiled peacefully and took a bite of his chicken.

"He practically insisted on it, too - well, as much as Kai insists on anything." Max grinned wickedly. Kai paused in cutting up his food and gave the blonde a hard glare.

"I did not. Clam up, Mizuhara, or a certain neko-jin is going to be very lonely tonight because you'll be on the couch."

"Hey! I didn't do anything!" Rei protested. Max made a zipping motion across his lips and turned his attention back onto his plate.

Tyson nudged Kai under the table and met his crimson gaze when it turned on him. "Lighten up, Kai. Quit threatening your team."

"Shut up, and eat, Tyson." Kai forked up a large bite of Tyson's food and shoved it in his mouth when the bluenette opened it to make a scathing retort. The phoenix went back to his own food, satisfied that the conversation was being dropped when the others laughed and made comments about their typical squabbles, forgetting about the hints of a deeper relationship between him and Tyson as they did. Tyson frowned around his fork and pulled it out of his mouth, chewing petulantly.

A few covert glances were exchanged, however, but no one dared comment on anything. No one liked a pissed off Kai, after all.

The meal ended and the mingling began an hour later. It went on and on, and while Kai didn't mind seeing old friends and rivals, he was getting to the point where the only thing he wanted to do at the moment was throw Tyson over his shoulder and haul him up to their room.

Gods. He groaned at his own thoughts and watched Tyson from across the room as the chatted with Miguel from Barthez' Battalion, Oliver, Mariah, and the F-Dynasty twins, Julia and Raul. What am I? A caveman? No…I'm a hell of a lot smarter than that. Let's see…how to get Tyson upstairs? This calls for strategy…

Five minutes later, strategy formulated, Kai left the wall he was holding up and wandered across the room toward Tyson.

"Welcome, Kai!" Oliver greeted him as he approached, and the bluenette glanced back over his shoulder at his boyfriend. "Care to join us?"

The phoenix gave a short nod. "For a moment. I'm going in a few minutes, I think." He stopped beside Tyson and waited.

"We were reminiscing." Mariah smiled. "The last Worlds were so exciting!"

Kai merely nodded and listened. When he felt that everyone's attention was away from him once more, he picked Tyson's pocket, taking the dragon's hotel key-card and slipping it into his pocket after sticking on a post-it note he'd written a message on earlier. Again, he listened and waited.

When the conversation got boring, Kai made a show of checking his watch and looked at Tyson.

"I'm leaving, Kinomiya." He said in Tyson's ear.

"Oh! Okay." Tyson looked up at him. Kai took out the key-card and held it in front of storm grey-blue eyes so Tyson could see the note. "What…?"

"Be more careful, Kinomiya. I found that on the floor." Kai lied smoothly. "It would be very bad if you lost it."

Tyson flushed and nodded, taking the card and reading the note. His eyes widened and he put the card back in his pocket. "Yeah, it's mine alright. Thanks, Kai. I'll be more careful."

"Good. Good night, everyone." Kai briefly nodded at the group of bladers in farewell and turned, walking away.

A thrill of anticipation ran through the dragon as he thought about the note, and he shifted restlessly on his feet.

Wait 5 min. then meet at elevator.


He waited four minutes.

Making up some sort of excuse, like he had to go to the washroom, Tyson left the group of his friends and disappeared.

Tyson slipped out of the room without anyone noticing. He moved quickly through the halls of the hotel until he reached the bank of elevators in the hotel lobby, and pressed the `up' button.

Tapping a foot impatiently, he glanced at a clock on the wall, kitty-corner to where he stood. The elevator pinged, drawing his attention back to it, and the doors swished open - revealing his patiently waiting, dual-haired boyfriend. Smiling, Tyson stepped inside and the doors swished shut behind him.

Kai pushed the button for their floor. "Hi." He murmured. "Any trouble getting away?"

"Nope. I told them I had to `go to the washroom,' and I'll just not come back." Tyson winked and stepped up close to Kai, reaching up to straighten his jacket lapels. "That was very sneaky of you, by the way."

"Hmm?" Kai made a questioning noise, pulling out Tyson's hair tie and combing his fingers through it, admiring the texture of the silken, blue-black strands.

"I didn't know when you managed it, but taking my key-card and pretending you found it to slip me that note was very clever." Tyson complimented him, sliding his hands back behind Kai's head and drawing him down a little so he could brush his lips across the phoenix's tantalizingly.

"Thanks. I have my moments." Kai muttered lowly and tried to press his mouth to Tyson's more firmly, but the bluenette pulled away just as the doors opened again to their floor.

"We're here. Come on, love." Tyson dropped his hands and took Kai's in his grasp, leading him down the hall to the door to the Bladebreakers' suite.

Tyson took out his key-card, pulled off the post-it note and crumpled it up to throw away later, then unlocked the door. It was difficult, however, because he was thoroughly distracted by the hands on his hips and the hot breath wafting against his skin at the curve of his neck, where Kai had buried his face from behind Tyson.

"The card goes in there, Tyson." Kai breathed huskily, pointing at the lock-box next to the door on the wall. Tyson rolled his eyes and managed to ignore the phoenix long enough to slide the card in and open the door when the little green light signalled the door was unlocked.

"Happy, oh smart-assed one?"

"No." Kai replied, nudging Tyson inside and closing the door behind them. "I won't be happy until we're naked and rolling around on a bed." He nearly purred that statement, shrugging out of his coat and quickly hanging it up in the suite's coat closet. Tyson sighed, blushing, and took off his shoes. Then he waited for Kai to do the same before pushing him up against the wall and capturing his mouth in a needy, passionate kiss that Kai immediately responded to, moaning in his throat and fisting his hands in Tyson's hair.

"You…don't know…" Tyson ground out between kisses. "…how badly…I've…God, you taste good…uhn…wanted this…Kai…"

"Oh yes…mmm…Tyson…I do." Kai returned against the bluenette's lips. He gasped and let his head fall back, allowing Tyson access to his neck when he felt his hands slip under his shirt and his fingertips slide just under the waistline of his pants, teasing. "I want this, too, Kinomiya." He sighed in disappointment when those hands were removed and the soft lips at his neck left him.

"That's good." Tyson chuckled and grasped Kai's hand, twining their fingers together and pulling Kai down the hall to their bedroom. "Come on, love."


Once inside, Kai let himself be led to one bed and pushed down onto it. He looked up at his boyfriend with heavy-lidded, hot crimson eyes and watched with interest as Tyson took off his outer shirt and flung it aside, then stripped off his other shirt, never taking his own smoky blue-silver eyes off Kai's as he did. Kai licked his lips and had to sit on his hands when Tyson gave him a grin, turned around, and bent over to pull off his socks, because his butt was a little too tempting to the phoenix - clad in tight black denim as it was - for Kai to resist reaching out and squeezing.

The wiggling movements weren't helping much either.

Smiling widely at the slightly glassy-eyed expression on Kai's face as he turned around, Tyson knelt down briefly in front of his lover and picked up one of Kai's feet, tugging off his sock. His fingertips brushed the sole of his foot, making Kai jump at the unexpected tickling sensation. Filing away that piece of info for later use, Tyson gave him an apologetic smile and lifted Kai's other foot, taking that sock off, too. Leaving them on the floor, the dragon slid his hands slowly up Kai's calves over his pant legs, and knelt up a little, resting his hand son Kai's knees and leaning in to meet Kai' half-way in another kiss, this time a slow, burning exploration of each other rather than the franticness of earlier.

Moving his hands again, as their tongues stroked and delved deeply, tasting, duelling each other for position, Tyson stood up, being careful not to break the heated kiss as he did, and knelt down on the bed with one leg on either side of Kai, sitting on his lap. He let his hands travel seductively up Kai's broad chest and worked the shirt off over Kai's head. The older blader made a husky noise and shivered when Tyson's hands met bare skin, fingertips ghosting over his shoulders and down his arms to take Kai's hands and place one at Tyson's side and the other over his left pectoral, right over his heart.

"Ooh…touch me, Kai." He moaned quietly as Kai obeyed and let his hands explore the exposed creamy skin he'd fantasized about for a long time now. "Mmm…anywhere and everywhere…touch me." Tyson gasped and nearly purred when one of Kai's hands came to rest at the small of his back and exerted pressure there, silently indicating that he wanted Tyson to move closer. He inched forward until he couldn't move any farther and dipped his head once more to capture Kai's mouth in another lusty, deep kiss, his hands delving into Kai's hair and running his fingers through with a growing restless desire. Kai's hands continued to glide over his back and shoulders, teasing, caressing, and working Tyson up even more. The phoenix could feel the large, hard, erection Tyson was suffering against his stomach and decided to see if he could do something about it.

Dropping his hands to Tyson's waist and gripping, Kai nudged Tyson to the side and rolled him onto the bed onto his back, following him swiftly to settle overtop of him between his legs. The younger blader looked up at him with sultry, smoke-filled blue eyes gone hazy with passion and ran his fingers through Kai's bangs, sweeping the lighter shaded locks from his eyes.

"Hmm…I like this." Tyson mused huskily.

"What?" Kai asked, tracing the bluenette's cheek with one finger and enjoying the smooth silkiness of his skin.

"I'm with you." Tyson replied simply. Kai smiled and dipped his head to kiss Tyson lingeringly. When he pulled back a little, he moved on to press small, sweet kisses along Tyson's jaw. The dragon sighed in pleasure and tilted his head to allow Kai easier access, raising his arms to curl them around the phoenix's shoulders, one hand slipping into darker-shaded hair and stroking.

Reaching Tyson's ear, Kai nibbled on the lobe and felt a tremor pass through Tyson's body. He grinned and murmured, "So, gorgeous…" as he let his hands cruise down the bluenette's sides to his hips, slipping fingers under the waistband of his black jeans. "…can I relieve you of these rather tight jeans?" Kai placed an open-mouthed kiss to Tyson's collarbone and rubbed the pads of his thumbs across the hard bulge between them. "They seem so…constricting."

Tyson sucked in a sharp breath and his hips thrust up on their own at the rapidly increasing burning sensation deep in his core - which he considered all Kai's fault. He struggled not to squirm and gave his reply to Kai's words with a laughing moan. "Oh, they just got a whole lot tighter, Kai. Hell yes! Take them off…"

Chuckling knowingly, Kai continued kissing his way south, stopping to swirl his tongue around dusky pink, hardened nipples and sucking on them, making his lover's back arch in pleasure. After several minutes of that blissful torture, he continued his descent, and while his hands busied themselves unbuttoning and carefully unzipping the black denim, he kept pressing slow, soft, open-mouthed kisses to Tyson's abs and navel, distracting him. The younger blader shivered in a haze of growing pleasure, eyes drooping shut and small noises of euphoria escaping him at Kais seductive ministrations. Had anyone asked him if he believed the seemingly cold blader and captain had a softer, gentler, sensual self, Tyson wasn't too sure he wouldn't have said no. Oh, he was sure that Kai - during sex, anyway - could be every bit as dominant and borderline rough as nearly everyone probably believed he was.

But here and now, with the older teen showing such restraint and careful attention as he worked the tight denim off over the younger one's hips and butt, and then down his legs, while continuing to place seductive, brief kisses to random patches of revealed skin…Tyson couldn't help sighing deeply as he gazed into Kai's russet eyes. It was a sigh of deepest affection, and a sense of wonder that he was privileged enough to have this complex and gorgeous soul to call his own, his lover…


Kai smiled faintly, moving back up Tyson's body a bit once more and gave him a curious raised eyebrow. "You're thinking. I can see it in your eyes." He brought his mouth down to meet the bluenette's for a slow, thorough kiss. "What about?"

Tyson shrugged a bit, reaching over to grab a tissue from the bedside table between the two beds. Smiling, he used it to wipe the blue face paint from Kai's cheeks. "That I'm the luckiest person in the world. I always wondered if there was a romantic softie in there somewhere, and now I know." He threw the tissue in the general direction of the waste-basket.

The phoenix smirked. "Tyson, love, you have no idea. Besides, seducing you is very enjoyable." He said in a desire-filled voice, burying his now unpainted face against Tyson's neck, softly kissing the pulse there and nuzzling. He felt lips press to his forehead and a hand slide over his shoulder to stroke up and down his back, and he let one of his own hands rest over Tyson's stomach, his fingers tracing patterns lightly, making the muscles there contract and ripple delightfully. Tyson moaned quietly at the fluttering sensation in his stomach from the touches and kisses.

"And a tease, too." He groaned, his pout just making him look more sexy to Kai's eyes, lying there flushed and nearly naked.

"I rather like seeing you all hot and bothered like this, Tyson. I wonder…" With a wicked glint of mischief in his eyes, he slid down Tyson's body and abruptly yanked his underwear down and off, tossing them over his shoulder recklessly, not caring where they landed. Tyson made a startled gasping noise and actually blushed a little at his sudden nudity.

"You wonder what?" He rasped thickly, running his fingers through his own midnight blue bangs in a nervous gesture. The bluenette moaned loudly as Kai settled back down between his legs on his stomach, teasingly kissing his way up the inside of one tanned thigh and over the younger blader's pelvis, his hot breath fanning the sensitive, most private areas of Tyson's body. "Uhn…oh God, Kai…"

Kai smiled against Tyson's hip bone and set his teeth to the area, nipping lightly and running a hand up Tyson's other leg to wrap his fingers around the thick, swollen and pulsing erection next to his face with a pleased, approving noise. "Hmm? Oh, I was wondering if it was possible to make you more hot and bothered." Pumping his hand a few times in slow, tightening jerks of his wrist, he made the dragon's hips buck slightly with each motion. Kai held it to his cheek after a moment and inhaled deeply the musky, intoxicating scent of his lover's need, rubbing the hardened flesh against his cheek with a sigh. Tyson shuddered and thrust his fingers into Kai's hair, looking down at him with darkened, nearly black eyes hazy with passion and love. Kai kissed his glistening tip, flicking his tongue over it once and never breaking their locked gazes, the bluenette beginning to vibrate with need. "Let's see…"

Quick as lightning, the dual-haired phoenix engulfed Tyson in his hot mouth, earning a sharp cry of pleasure from the dragon and a flexing of the fingers in his hair, encouraging him to continue. Kai took Tyson as deep as he could then slowly drew his mouth upwards, sucking as if he was drinking from a straw. He moved his hands to the bluenette's hips, pinning them down when Tyson involuntarily tried to thrust himself into Kai's mouth, needing more of that wet heat to keep giving him the most incredible pleasure he'd ever felt. Passionate mewls and whimpers filled the room at the rising waves and bolts of ecstasy crashing through Tyson's system. He let out a strangled cry of Kai's name as one of his lover's hands left his hip and trailed down between his legs to cup his balls and play with them gently while continuing to demonstrate how talented a mouth and how agile a tongue Kai had.

"Kai ! Oh…oh! Shit…I think…I want…can't…" Tyson babbled incoherently, eyes tightly shut and a fine sheen of sweat bathing his skin, bringing out the golden tones and giving his body a sort of glow. Satisfied with the effect he had on his younger lover, Kai released the now weeping length of Tyson's throbbing erection from his mouth and rested his cheek on his pelvis, breathing deeply. He rubbed his palm up and down Tyson's opposite side soothingly and watched him calm down with dark, heavy eyes.

"Shh…easy, love." Kai soothed, reaching into his pants' pocket and drawing out the tube of lubricant he'd bought in Salem, which he'd put there earlier that evening before they'd left for the banquet in anticipation of this night. "Come down a little, gorgeous."

"Damn…Kai, what?" Tyson shuddered, panting as he tried to collect his scattered thoughts. "Why?"

"Because." The reply was amused and didn't really explain anything. Kai crawled up, planting wet kisses on damp flesh as he moved, until he was eye to eye with his blue-eyed dragon. He slipped the tube under the pillow next to Tyson's head, and nudged his nose to Tyson's affectionately. Tyson muttered something unintelligible and drew Kai's head down to kiss him with all the pent up lust flooding his body. He felt a shiver run through the phoenix and heard a distant-sounding groan as their tongues duelled and danced insistently. Tyson wrapped both arms around Kai's shoulders, gripping at his back and feeling the muscles ripple under his fingertips with eve the slightest of Kai's movements. Sucking on Kai's bottom lip and mewling in pleasure, one of his legs bent slightly and tangled around one of Kai's. The fabric of the pants the older teen wore moved smoothly with Tyson's foot as he rubbed his insole restlessly up and down the calf of Kai's leg, and reminded the bluenette that his lover was still partly clothed.

"Mmm…oh, yeah." Tyson pulled back from the kiss, stealing a few nips at Kai's swollen bottom lip. He licked his own swollen lips and stared up at Kai hungrily. "You're still wearing clothes, lover. Highly inappropriate for the occasion, don't you think?"

Chuckling, Kai nodded and kissed Tyson's nose again, making him scrunch up his face and wiggle it. "I know." He stole another deep kiss before breaking away from Tyson's arms and rolling off the bed to his feet. Tyson turned onto his side to watch, propping himself up on one arm and stared unabashedly as Kai, blushing a bit, undid his pants and dropped them to the floor, where they pooled around his ankles. He kicked them away and, feeling incredibly shy for some reason, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear, preparing to pull them off.

"Wait, Kai…" Tyson stopped him, sitting up and draping his legs over the side of the bed. Kai's hands stilled, the elastic already halfway down his hips. "Come here, and let me…"

Eyes widening slightly, Kai stepped up to him and dropped his hands to his sides, hands that shook almost imperceptibly with nerves. Tyson took one hand in his own and gave Kai a reassuring smile, bringing it to his lips so he could brush a soft kiss over his knuckles. The younger blader tugged him closer to stand between his legs, and nuzzled his face into Kai's abdomen. He rubbed his cheek against he hard, rippled, muscular area and turned his head to kiss Kai's navel. Tyson released Kai's hand, feeling them both drop onto his shoulders and squeeze, urging him to continue. In response, he raised his arms and let his hands stroke down Kai's sides to come to a rest at his hips. Murmuring something Kai couldn't quite hear into his stomach, the bluenette slid his hands around to Kai's back, his fingers slipping beneath the waistband of the underwear and making Kai gasp as his fingers brushed against the soft skin of the mounds of his butt.

Kai's hands on his shoulders tightened their grip and Tyson flicked his tongue over his navel, wriggling the underwear down over his butt and moving his hands to the front to pull them over the crimson-eyed captain's raging erection, freeing it from its confines. Not surprised, really, but nonetheless impressed with Kai, the dragon shoved the unnecessary garment down pale legs and looked up at Kai appreciatively.

"You're so beautiful, Kai." He said huskily. "I want to know how you taste, too. Can I taste you?"

Kai stared down at him and nodded slightly, rasping, "Please…" in invitation. His lover once more buried his face in his stomach with a sighing purr, dropping open-mouthed kisses to the hyper-sensitive flesh and trailing his lips downward, taking Kai's massive erection in hand to lightly trace his fingertips over it. Kai closed his eyes and gripped one of Tyson's shoulders, the other hand burying into Tyson's hair to grip the back of his head. The bluenette brought the glistening tip to his lips and rubbed it against them, breathing in Kai's addictive, sort of spicy, musky scent of need deeply. Flicking his tongue out, tasting cautiously, Tyson made a happy, approving sound and took the head into his mouth, sucking and twirling his tongue around it, lapping up the sudden, expelled liquid and feeling Kai jerk with a low moan.

Clasping Kai's butt in one hand to hold him still, Tyson took more of him into his mouth, wanting more of that intoxicating flavour and to hear any and all sounds he could get out of the dual-haired teen. Unknowingly, Kai obliged with a groan of Tyson's name, his mind floating in an ecstatic, erotic haze. The dragon gave an answering hum and rolled his eyes up to see Kai's head fall back in pure bliss, his lips parted and swollen from all their kisses, a rosy shade of pink. Tyson continued to bob his head, sucking and licking and generally driving Kai to new heights of pleasure he'd never imagined could exist.

The phoenix felt his knees begin to tremble and threaten to drop out from under him. He was getting close to release and though he wanted it - badly - he wanted to reach that peak with Tyson, wanted the bluenette inside him, filling him as he knew now that only Tyson would be able to do. He filled him in every other way, and this would be no different.

"Ty-son…oh, God, enough." He said in a hoarse voice that shook with passion. Kai pried his hand from Tyson's hair and cupped the bluenette's cheek carefully, stroking the soft skin with his thumb and looking down at him with glazed burning eyes, meeting the glittering azure orbs that looked up at him in return. "Stop…"

Tyson didn't reply. Rather, he ran his tongue from tip to base and back again in one long lick and sat back on his hands, releasing his lover completely. Kai shivered and gestured for Tyson to get up. Once he was standing next to him, Kai drew back the covers and slid in. He held out a hand, lying on his side, to Tyson and the bluenette joined him, their fingers linking and squeezing.

"What now, love?" Tyson murmured, throwing a leg over Kai's hip and leaning toward Kai to press their mouths together. Eyes closing, the two lovers let themselves be immersed in the kiss, lips rubbing and pressing in demand, tongues intertwining and delving deeply to explore and exploit pleasure points, neither wanting to breathed despite their lungs burning insistence. Kai could taste his own lingering flavour on Tyson's lips and tongue and it made him dizzy and light-headed - though that could have been the lack of oxygen to his brain.

Sliding his free hand under the pillow, searching for the lube, Kai pulled it out and allowed Tyson to take control of the kiss, rolling onto his back and relaxing totally in Tyson's arms. Noticing the sudden change, Tyson pulled back enough that he could see into Kai's eyes without going cross-eyed himself, and sucked in much needed oxygen, panting, "Kai?"

Kai brought their joined hands in front of them and pried open their fingers, then pressed the tube into the younger teen's palm and curled his fingers around it. Tyson's midnight blue eyes went wide and he shot Kai a questioning look.

"I've never felt like this before, Tyson, never knew anything like it existed. The only thing I can give you after all these years that you've given me so much - the only thing I have to give is the most precious thing I have…the most hallowed thing…my love…myself." Kai spoke quietly, opening himself to Tyson as he'd never allowed himself to with anyone before. All his carefully developed shields and walls came down with surprising ease, and he gazed up at his only love and truest rival in all things with a vulnerability he'd never experienced.

Sucking in a sharp breath, shocked and overwhelmed with a flood of love and understanding of just what Kai was offering and how much it was taking for him to do it, Tyson felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. But they didn't fall. With a slow nod, he gave his acceptance in a chocked, watery voice.

"I love you. Kami-sama, is it any wonder why I love you so much?" Tyson dropped his forehead to rest against Kai's, their bangs mingling and their lips barely brushing each other with even the slightest movement.

Kai smiled softly and let go of Tyson's hand, raising his arms to curl them around his lover in a sort of hug, shivering at the near full-body, skin-to-skin contact. "Thank you." He whispered in Tyson's ear. "I love you, too."

A shaky laugh came from the dragon above him. "Don't thank me, at least not yet. I've heard it's a bit painful the first few times."

The older blader shrugged, seemingly uncaring. "Hn. Doesn't bother me, Tyson. I trust you."

"Do you have any idea how much that scares me? Even though I couldn't be happier at the same time?" Tyson shook his head wryly, and bent to kiss the phoenix softly, lingering for a moment before pulling back.

"Actually, yeah. I do. I've felt that way ever since Mr. Dickenson made me team captain of the Bladebreakers. It was exciting, annoying, and frightening all at the same time." Kai admitted. Then he glowered at Tyson in warning. "But if you ever tell anyone that, I'll deny it with my dying breath."

Tyson laughed and buried his head into the crook of Kai's neck, nuzzling. "Don't worry, my love. You're reputation is secure with me."

"Hn." Kai subsided and rubbed his cheek against Tyson's. "Are you going to finish what we've started? Because I'm so hard it hurts." He kissed Tyson's shoulder over and over, sliding one leg seductively against the bluenette's in a silent plea.

Tyson grinned and began to slide down the length of Kai's body, dragging his mouth over moon-pale skin as he descended. "You may be uke, lover, but damned if you're not still as commanding as usual." He drawled in amusement, breath wafting over Kai's erection s he popped open the tube of lube and used some of it on his fingers. He glanced up at Kai and winked saucily. "I like it. It turns me on more."

"Ba-aka!" Kai's voice hitched as he felt a finger probing his entrance and rubbing, coaxing its way inside. With a moan, his eyes dropped shut and his legs splayed apart farther. It was a weird sensation, but not altogether unpleasant. "Oohhh…God, yes!"

"This has got to be the most beautiful, erotic thing I've ever seen…" Tyson's voice dipped low, turning smoky in growing desire. He removed his finger and croaked, "Turn over onto your stomach, Kai."

Totally compliant, the phoenix rolled over, grabbing a pillow to rest his arms and head on. He nearly purred in pleasure at the feel of Tyson's hand caressing him from shoulder to shoulder and down his back appreciatively.

His body shook with a startled tremor at the unexpected feeling of Tyson's mouth on the lobe of one butt cheek. Kai let out a small his and felt Tyson's teeth graze the soft skin in response. "Tyson…stop teasing me…please?!"

"Shh…quiet love." Tyson licked the spot soothingly. He slid a finger inside Kai's entrance one more slowly. Kai's hips jerked and lifted slightly off the bed, as if he was trying to increase the sensations that were piercing him deep in his core and spreading out in tendrils of burning pleasure. Tyson smiled to himself and carefully added a second finger, stretching Kai a little more in preparation. "You'll get exactly what you want soon enough, I promise."

Kai made a frustrated growling noise and bit his lip to keep from crying out when his dragon added a third finger and slid the digits in and out slowly and smoothly with the aid of the lube. And, quite by accident, suddenly the bluenette's fingers bumped against a spot that made little white stars burst in Kai's mind and vision in shocked pure bliss. At that he did cry out and clutch at the bed under him, burying his face into the sheets and gasping in air. Tyson watched him wit hooded, dark eyes, pleased with the reaction and the way his lover's entire body tensed for a moment at the sudden blast of pleasure before shuddering violently.

"Oh, God, that was intense." Kai moaned, raising his head a bit with difficulty and looking back over his shoulder at the bluenette with a sultry, sexy expression. "Tyson, lover, I want you inside me…right now!" He gave a strangled groan and dropped his head to his arms again, unable to hold it up, when Tyson purposefully pushed against his prostrate once more. "Ah…ah! Damn it, Tyson! Take me !"

The desperate demand and needy, raspy quality of Kai's voice made Tyson grin. He pulled out his fingers and slid up the phoenix's back, covering him partially with his own body and dropping swift, feather-light kisses to Kai's shoulders and the nape of his neck with a deep chuckle.

"Seems as if I've finally figured out your weaknesses, doesn't it?" He said against the side of Kai's neck, licking at a bead of sweat there and thrusting his hips imperceptibly against Kai, his own throbbing length nestling between the mounds of Kai's butt. He heard his captain moan something in Russian and felt the body under him tremble in wanting. "What was that, lover?"

"I said, take me!" Kai ground out. "Please, Tyson…"

"Okay." The younger teen replied with cheerful blitheness. But just when Kai thought Tyson was going to thrust into him as he felt the dragon move off his back, Tyson rolled the older blader over onto his back and had one long, muscled leg up over his shoulder and the other bent at the knee and pressed to his hip. Tyson stared own at the young man he'd respected since their first official battle at the Regionals so long ago, and who he had known would be his one and only love as he'd reached across treacherous, icy waters to offer Kai everything he could.

This time it wasn't Tyson doing the offering. Kai stared back, crimson eyes gone soft and so full of love it made Tyson's breath hitch. The bluenette found one of Kai's hands and let their fingers intertwine, shifting slightly until he was poised at the phoenix's entrance. He pinned that hand to the pillow next to Kai's dual-haired head and bent down to kiss him with all the love and desire he had kept hidden for so long. He broke the kiss and murmured against Kai's delectable lips, "I love you." before thrusting into his lover with one sure stroke.

"Ty-yson !" Kai nearly shouted, tremors wracking him and waves of ecstasy pouring through him as he was finally claimed by his love - his mate in all things. His other arm shot up to curl around Tyson's shoulders and his fingers clutched at Tyson's back, digging into the muscles under them. "Fuck!"

"Ah-ha! I thought….we were." Tyson groaned and couldn't stop himself from thrusting into his lover again when Kai bucked under him demandingly. "Damn…you feel good! Kai…"

"More…I…so close…move!" The crimson-eyed phoenix moaned, beginning to get impatient enough that he might just beg if Tyson didn't do something about the situation - and now.

The bluenette buried his face in Kai's neck and began to move, at first just a slow, tentative thrust of his hips, but soon morphing into a desperate push to drive them both as far as and beyond their ultimate goal.

"Ugh…Kai! So good…" he moaned throatily against Kai's neck, sucking on the dampening, ivory skin with his eyes squeezed tightly shut, pleasure swimming through his mind. "So tight…"

Kai's fingers dug into his back harshly, sure to leave marks. "Ooooh yes! More…harder! Uhn…faster!" It didn't take much more than that to make Tyson comply. Soon they had the bed creaking rhythmically with the force of their motions, and the quiet of the room was filled with harsh breaths and gasps, and moaning of each other's names mixed with demands and expletives.

Tyson reached the shining edge of orgasm and held back, the air feeling unbearably hot and sweat beginning to soak his hair with his strenuous movements. He opened his eyes to meet Kai's, which had glazed over and begged for him to give them what they both wanted, needed, and now. Unable to hold back any longer, Tyson pried his other hand from Kai's and reached between them to firmly grasp his weeping, hard-as-granite erection and pump him forcefully.

It was all Kai could take and he threw his head back on a silent scream, coming hard with a steady stream of thick, white liquid spilling out over them. His body went through several amazing shudders and he clung to Tyson desperately ash he flew high. His world went blissfully white for a moment - though he wasn't entirely sure how long it had lasted.

Tyson watched his near-crystalline blood-red eyes go blind in release and whimpered in helpless ecstasy himself as every shudder and every clench and release of Kai's muscles around him drove straight to his groin, sending him hurtling over the edge after the phoenix into orgasm. Unintentionally and unknowingly, in his euphoric state, he sank his teeth into Kai's flesh at the curve of his neck and shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to bruise and leave an imprint of his teeth.

Gasping in air, exhausted and extremely satisfied, Tyson collapsed over Kai with a grunt and concentrated on getting his heart to quit leaping up into his throat. Kai's leg slid bonelessly off his shoulder to the mattress beside them and his arms wrapped firmly around the bluenette, holding him tightly as they both fought for coherence and sanity in the aftermath.

"Kai?" The dragon inquired after he got his voice back. "You okay?"

"Just ducky." Came the hoarse, dazed reply. Kai blew out a breath of air, ruffling their hair. "You?"

"Wonderful." Tyson yawned and rolled off of his lover cautiously. He caught a small wince from Kai, but didn't say anything. Instead, he propped himself up on an elbow and looked down into Kai's face, reaching out to trace a cheekbone fondly. "I think that we've pretty much said all there is to say, huh?"

"I'd prefer to sleep, now, yeah." Kai opened his eyes and smiled at Tyson. "But I knew you wouldn't disappoint me…"

Laughing, the bluenette settled down beside Kai on his side, pulling the covers of the bed up over them and laying a hand over Kai's heart. "You're heart's still racing."

"It'll quit, eventually." Kai turned on his side, too, facing Tyson and reached out to run his fingers through Tyson's hair. "We can shower in the morning. Let's just sleep now."

"I can get behind that idea." Tyson agreed, and kissed Kai lightly. "Good night, my love."

"Hmm…good night, Tyson."


Sometime later, after Kai had passed out beside him, Tyson had to get up and get something to drink. So he slipped out of bed and tucked Kai back into the covers, grinning when the phoenix made this cute little noise and snuggled into the warm spot Tyson had left behind.

Putting on a pair of boxers and his sleep-shirt, Tyson yawned and stretched as he quietly snuck out of the room and went down the hall to the kitchenette. He was pouring himself a glass of water when the door to the suite opened and the remainder of his team mates walked in.

"Tyson! There you are!" Max got this huge look of relief on his face and glomped the bluenette. "We were worried because we couldn't find you anywhere!"

"Huh? Kai and I were tired so we came up to go to bed. I mean, come on, guys…" Tyson shied away from the stony looks from Hilary, Rei and Kenny. "It's nearly 2:30 in the morning. You guys stayed down at the banquet really late."

"For your information, Kinomiya Tyson," Hilary scolded with a dark scowl. "We were out searching for you for the last hour or so! Oliver said you'd gone to the bathroom and never came back, and we got worried!"

"Uh…whoops. I'm sorry!" Tyson waved his hands defensively. "I ran into Kai and we decided to go to bed. It's been a long day and we're still tired from Salem, too…"

Rei sighed and patted the younger blader on the shoulder. "Okay, well, next time make sure you tell one of us before you just disappear like that. No harm done."

"Yeah." Kenny agreed, adjusting his glasses. "Now, I think we should all go to bed. We do have to catch our flight home tomorrow, after all."

Tyson grinned at them and finished up his glass of water, then followed them down the hall where they split up into their rooms. Tip-toeing back to the bed, Tyson took off his clothes again and crawled back under the covers with Kai.

"Where'd you go?" The dual-haired teen's voice startled Tyson in the silence.

"Ah! Geez…I thought you were asleep." He blew out a sharp breath. "I wanted a glass of water. The others are back, now, by the way."

"Hn. Come here." Kai muttered sleepily, wrapping his arms around the bluenette and pulling him closer so that Tyson was spooned against Kai's front. The phoenix buried his face in Tyson's hair with a content sigh. "Go to sleep, Tyson. Now I can, too."

"You mean you couldn't without me? How sweet…"

"Shut up, Kinomiya."

Tyson just smiled and closed his eyes.

Some things would never change.


Authoress' Notes: And…it's done. Fin! Ende! Owari! I hope you all enjoyed this Halloween fic…that turned into a full-fledged fic. *sweatdrops* It happens every time… oh well. ^___^ Please R/R!!!!


Yami FireKali