Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Hachigatsu no Yoru ❯ Summer Sake ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Bleach. Well I do own a bottle of bleach but not the Anime or Manga Bleach. Those belong to Tite Kubo and or any current licensees of his brilliant creation.
Nanao got up from the bath stool, swaying slightly as she stood. It was warm out tonight and later than she had realized. She had no intention of soaking in the tub that had been left for her, but the cool spray of the shower had felt good on her sake-heated flesh. Wrapping a towel around her slender body, she made her way to the bedroom. She had left her haircomb and eyeglasses on the vanity. Her fuzzy reflection in the darkened room didn't indicate what state of disarray her hair was in, for which she was grateful.
The cool floorboards creaked lightly under her bare feet as she made her way across the room to change into her nightwear. She would rather sleep in the nude, but being a vice captain meant that there was a chance of being called to action at any time day or night. Chancing the several drinks she had at the woman's association meeting was bad enough. Needing time to get dressed would risk making her look incompetent. Not the image she was going for. Ise Nanao the intelligent, reliable, neat and orderly second in command of the eighth squad was not going to be seen as anything but competent.
The room was dark, but her nightclothes were thoughtfully laid out for her. Glancing over at the futons pushed together on the floor, and at the blurry tangle of hair and limbs resting upon them, she couldn't help but smile to herself. Things were how they were supposed to be. Shunsui was home safely after his nightly round of drunken carousing and Jushiro was resting comfortably snuggled up against his oldest and dearest friend. His long silver hair a stark contrast to Shunsui's equally long wavy dark tresses, he slept peacefully and was not straining for every breath tonight. She quietly slipped into the futon next to them, worming her way in next to her dark haired captain. He reached his arm up to rest his hand on her hip, mumbling something incoherent.
“I finished the reports, and the women's meeting ran late,” she whispered, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Shunsui snuffled a bit, shifted and began to snore lightly.
“Good night, Nana ai,” Jushiro said quietly, sitting on one elbow, and reaching out to gently brush his hand through her hair, before settling back into the crook of Shunsui's other arm.
Nanao wriggled her way under the covers, settling in. She breathed the damp scent of the late night air and let the sounds of the summer crickets chirruping outside in counterpoint to Shunsui's faint snoring lull her into a contented doze.