Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Jail buddies ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- Don't own bleach or its characters, I do not like saying this you know. However, I have to put it there or im going to get sued. I am not making a profit of this, (unless that profit is reviews) and if I did, I would be in jail.
Moreover, I know im going to go to jail someday, but NOT anytime soon.
It all started one Thursday morning, it was only a few hours ago, and yet it is still unclear to me how this happened.
You see, it all started like this…
~Flash back~
March 11, 2010 (Thursday morning)
Time- 8:30
Location- School; homeroom.
I arrived at school just before the late bell as always.
Today was not any different from any other day, Rukia was at her seat talking to Orihime, Chad was sitting in the back staring at the window, and Uryu was busy studying.
Keigo was talking to Mizuiro, who was texting on his phone and ignoring him. Right after I sat down in my chair, the bell rang and our teacher came into the room. Ms.Ochi stood at her desk and told everyone to go back to his or her seat.
It was just a normal day.
After history, we had lunch, we all went outside to eat.
Rukia bought a bento and sat next to Orihime. Mahana, Chizuru, and Tatsuki were also with us.
Tatsuki was eating a banana claiming she wasn't that hungry, but I think it was because she saw what Orihime was eating.
Orihime was eating a bento she made, vegetables with a strange yellow substance on them…she claimed it was butter. She also had some rice with cheese grated on it. Rukia asked her about her tastes and she told her that she loved cheese and butter.
The rest of our bentos were pretty normal, rice, meat, and some veggies.
We all talked about what we would do on the weekend and soon, the bell rang. We packed up and went back to class.
We had English class, Ms. Ochi was telling us about synonyms, but I told her, we already knew about it and there was no point teaching us again. She just told me to shut up, and that it was not her decision, it was in the curriculum. She told us to list some synonyms on our own and went to her desk, grading our tests (which we took yesterday, apparently she had not finished grading them yet.)
I could not think of anything, really, I couldn't. I looked over at Uryu, he is smart, and he would have been able to think of something right?
He had only a few things written, he saw me looking at his paper but he didn't say anything. He probably thought that I could not think of any.
His synonyms were pretty simple and easy.
(It looked like this)
/ Pd 5 Uryu Ishida \
/ English 3/11/10 \
/Synonyms- \
/car- automobile
(Just so you know, it's supposed to actually look like a piece of paper. I dunno why but if its messed up its not my fault. I don't know how to make it like how it is on my computer. If you know how to fix it, I'd be happy to listen. But because its not working, and I don't know how to fix it, I say `screw this'.
He did a more, but I got the idea after that, I decided to do my own. I still used some of the ones that he used, but hey, his were good.
After I listed a few, I read my paper over, I might not seem like it, but I do not want to fail English. Hunting down hallows made me miss class a lot. Not that I mind hunting them down, it's to help people right? But, if I start failing school because of this, im going to be in trouble. My dad will start lecturing me on how `if you want to succeed in life, you must first start with a proper education'.
He can be really annoying sometimes, but I can tell he cares about us.. in his own unique way that is.
My synonyms were simple:
Rock-stone land-ground dead-deceased alive-living
Night-evening loud-noisy
Well, you get the point.
After a few minutes, Ms. Ochi told us to read them aloud. She picked Orihime first. I really wondered what her list was, but when she read it aloud, I decided it would have been better off not knowing.
Cat and kitten” Well, you can't disagree with that, they are similar.
Um a dog and a puppy” Why are all of them animals?
“.. Uh.. A desk and a table...” she smiled and sat down in her chair. The class was silent for a few seconds before Ms. Ochi told her that it was good.
She was about to pick Chad when my badge started flashing.
Rukia and everybody else (meaning Orihime and them) noticed and we all
got up and ran towards the door. Telling her, we had to go to the bathroom. As I ran down the halls, I heard Keigo say “Sensei! That's not fair!”
We quickly dispatched a minor hollow, but the badge did not stop flashing and ringing. Rukia told them to go back to class before it gets suspicious, and told me to use a soul candy. She swallowed one, and her soul separated from her gigai and her gigai smiled at her. “What should I do? Pyon.”
She told her to go back to school with the others. Chappy smiled and ran off, Rukia then told me that my body also needed to go back to school.
She offered me one I shook my head. I didn't want to act like that, hell I'd be a laughing stock once I got back.
She frowned and told me to use Kon then. Speaking of the devil, he came flying straight at Rukia, yelling “Nee-San!!!” she punched him and threw him to me. “Use him” She then ran off towards the park. I shrugged and used my badge to get him out of his stuffed body. Or whatever you want to call it. I put him in my body and when he was in, I told him not to cause trouble, and left to go after Rukia.
I still don't know exactly what happened…
But when I came back Kon was running towards me and told me that he was glad that I was back. I went back into my body and Kon back to his. When I walked down the hall with Kon, I asked him what he did today, he seemed nervous and avoided my question. That was odd.
Before I knew it I was tackled by two police officers and had cuffs around my wrists. They practically shoved me into a police car. They refused to tell me where I was going, `what did I do to deserve this?', and more importantly `why me?'
~end flash back~
I was taken to a prison on the outskirts of karakura town and was promptly given a change of clothes and directed to a cell.
The cell was like all the other cells, except this one had a few things, such as a few posters of women and cars. A chair next to the window (which had bars, so you couldn't escape, not that I'd fit through there anyway..) A calendar with the dates that passed crossed out. A bunk bed, the top bunk looked a bit messier than the lower one…And a wall and door inside the cell, for the bathroom. I guess that I was sharing this room with some one. At least I have the privacy of using the bathroom without anybody seeing me. I sighed and looked around, who ever shared the cell with me wasn't here, not that I really cared. This day sucked, I was put in jail for something I didn't even do… well, im not even sure what Kon did in my body. I sighed and walked over to the chair near the window. I was about to sit down when I looked up at the ceiling and noticed a bar hanging on the ceiling above the entrance. (say the bar is horizontal and looks like this.. l___l )
The bar was a good 6 inches off the ceiling and because I was at the entrance, I could not see it.
(You know how the entrance to the jail cell is bars and everything. The wall is lower and the bars are above the doorway about a foot, and the rest is covered by the .. Whatever the prison is made of.. Rock, perhaps? The bar is above the door by about 3-4 feet. Yeah, it's a tall cell, it has to be, bunk beds and all, did I mention it's on the top floor? There's that too)
Somebody was hanging on that bar. His feet were on the bar, he was hanging upside down, he also held onto the bar with his hands, if he didn't he would have been seen from the entrance. He opened his eyes and looked at me. “… Kurosaki?”
Tba- well, that's that.
Tba-.. yeah. What's wrong with that?
Rukia- what did Kon do anyway?
Tba- Hi-Mi-Tsu (secret)
Toshiro- you haven't thought of it yet have you?
Tba-… ahhahahaha… that's true..
Ichigo- wait.. So YOU put ME in PRISON for some thing KON did. AND you don't even know WHAT he DID??
Tba- sounds about right.
Ichigo- *red with anger* if you weren't the author I'd kill you! on second thought.. *hits Tba*
Tba- owww!! *holds head* what was that for?
Ichigo-*twitch* *holds up zangetsu*
Tba- ha ha ha, im just kidding ichi… PUT. THE. SWORD. DOWN.
Ichigo-*still holding sword*
Tba- backs away slowly* don't worry. Your friends will be joining you in prison. You wont be lonely at all. Just like your new.. Ahem. visitor.
Ichigo- which reminds me.. what is he doing here???
Tba- *puts finger to lips* SHHH! Don't spoil it!!
Toshiro- I think they know who it is.
Orihime-hm.. bar.. green eyes.. hmmm…
Toshiro-…. Its-
Toshiro-.. even me?
Tba- yes, even You.
Toshiro- REVIEW!!! She can describe some very terrifying things!!! Trust me!!!