Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ RAGE!! ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello All. This is my first Bleach fic. All flames welcome........... XD
Well here is the story.
She breathed a sigh of relief. They managed not to set the alarms off while trying to jump the gates. He was panting as he wiped sweat off his brow. They all managed to escape without the Shinigami hot on their trail. Some Shinigami was going to come across eventually and spot them. She darted to the center off the Soul World. They ran behind their leader. She know this place like the back of her hand. She was once a Shinigami, but quit to become a rogue Shinigami.
A Rogue Shinigami is a person that wishes to not do what it is they are told. The Soul Society killed all that were against them and tried them for treason. Kirako Izuna was the only survivor because she was five at the time. General Yamamoto let her live.
A little girl about six stood in front of the Captains. Her mother,Father, Brothers and Sisters were set a fire. The little girl ran to them but was pulled back by the General. He shook his head "No". Her tears stormed down her cheeks. "Izuna, I know that you are going to become a great Shinigami one day." he whispered. She yanked her arm away from his grasp. "No! I will become a Rogue Shinigami and defeat you all!" she shouted. All the Captains and Lieutenants looked at each other, then began laughing . She began to cry again and ran into the Ranyoko district.
Chojiro Saskibe walked up to his captain. "Sir, Should I go get her. She is running in the direction of the Ranyoko District. That place is dangerous for a girl her age. She could-" Yamamoto's hand silenced him. "She will come back soon. I have a feeling she'll be back." He said as he walked away. "What's wrong with General Yamamoto?" Kenpachi Zaraki asked. "Kirako Izuna is his problem."said Chojiro.
End of Flashback
He sensed her reiraku as jump the gate. "Sir, you look tense. Are you ok?" His lieutenant asked. He smiled. The audience looked at each other. "General Yamamoto, there have been reports of Rogue Shinigami within the walls. Should I-" His lieutenant was interrupted by Kaname Tosen. " I thought they were burned years ago?" Gin Ichimaru shook his head. "One Escaped, Remember? Her name was Kirako Izuna ." That caught everyones attention. "She is heading for us. She is living up to her promise." said Kenpachi. Just then a bang came from the door. "You can't just bust in here. They are in an Important Meeting! AH!!" he srceamed at the figure. "Oh really, and they didn't invite me." came a female voice. Everyone reached for their Zanpakutos. General Yamamoto just sat there. He knew who that was. "Let her in."he said. They looked at him about to agrue but Chojiro stopped them. "Shino, Let her in." he shouted. Shino opened the shoijo door to reveal a young woman about the age of fifteen. She smirked. "Did you miss me Old Man?" she asked. "That's General Yamamoto-taichou to you!" Soi fon yelled. "Soi fon, let her speak." General Yamamoto asked. Soi fon sat down."I have come to claim your life Old Man. I will finally have my revenge against you and your Pathatic Shinigami." she said smashing her dual zanpakuto into the floor.
Everyone stood still. She stalked towards him. Chojiro and Soifon jumped in front of her. "Remove yourself this place, before this fight gets out of hand." Chojiro said calmly. She justed pointed her finger and explained to him. "General Yamamoto, I , Kiroko Izuna, will be back with more renforcements next time." she ripped her zanpakutos out of the floor and left.
General Yamamoto sighed. "We need Kurosaki, Ishida, Yasutora, and Inoue.They're the only ones that can help.Question is who's going to bring them to me?" He said as he scaned the room. Toshiro Hitsugaya raised his hand. "Yes, Hitsugaya-taichou?" He asked. "Me and Mastomoto-futaichou will go, We'll bring them to you General." he said with determanation. Rangiko Matsumoto nodded in agreement.
Ichigo walked out of the Mall with Orihime, Sado, Uryuu and some other friends. " Come on Ichigo, way can't you tell me what all you guys did during the summer." Keigo Asono asked his 'best friend'. "One its none of your business,two it's for us to know and for you to find out, Three, It's apart of our private lives." He said. Keigo walked on without a word. Tatsuki Arisawa looked at her watch. "Well you guys I have to go. See you at School!" she said walking away. "Yes, I better get home as well, I have lots of homework to do." Uryuu said taking his leave. Orihime and Sado left as well. Ichigo was on his own.
He opened the door to his house and made his way to his room. He was about to step on the stairs when his father called to him from the living room. "Ichigo, You have some guests!" he said in a sing-along-tone. He sighed. 'He's going to be the death of me.' he thought. He walked to the living room.
He sat there as he chattered on. "How do you know my son Ichigo?" he questioned. Hitsugaya smiled. "You could say that we're acquintances of some sort." He explained. Isshin looked at him. Steps could be heard coming outside the door. Ichigo yanked open the door. He was panting. Ichigo was surprized to see them here. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" he shouted. "I've come to get you and the rest, We are in a tight situation." he said looking away. "We will discuss this with the others." Matsumoto said. Ichigo nodded. He ran over the phone and called everyone. Isshin could sence what the problem was.
Ishida walked into the park. Sado and Orihime were already here. "I am guessing that Kurosaki called you as well?" Orihime nodded and smile. Sado said nothing like always. Ichigo, Hitsugaya and Matsumoto walked through the park entrance. "Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime shouted. He waved at her as he walked up to the gang. "Ok, now can you tell me what it is that we were summoned to do?" asked Ichigo. "There is a rogue shinigami within the walls of the Soul Society, They are armed and dangerous according to the others who know her." Rangiku said. Ishida, Orihime, and Sado nodded. "She threated all the Captains and Lieutenants. She is bringing more reinforcements this time." Hitsugaya-taichou explaned. "General Yamamoto-Taichou wants you to help." "Whoa whoa What just a darn minute who is she?" Ichigo asked. "Izuna Kirako, I think." Hitsugaya said. "Ok, What so you say guys?" Ichigo asked everyone. Everyone nodded. "I'll see everyone in the morning at Urahara's shop at 5 sharp.." said Toshiro Hitsugaya said leaving with his fuktaichou.
Urahara's Shop.....
Ichigo knocked on the doors as the sunset. The doors opened just a bit for Jinta to see. "We're close, Go Home Kurosaki!" he said slamming the door. Loud bangs and booms could be hear within the wall of the shop. Urahara opened the door with a goofy grin. "What do you need Kurosaki-san." Urahara said. "Since you were a previous Captain......Do you know Kirako Izuna?" he asked. "Well...... When she made her threat to us she mainly directed it at Yamamoto more than she did them." "So, what do you know about her.." he asked.
"She's Yamamoto's granddaughter."
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