Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Seireitei Serenade ❯ Too Cute ( Chapter 4 )

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4) Too Cute
Pairing/Characters: KenpachixIshida (hinted), Yumichika
Description: It was just too cute.
Warnings: Hinted yaoi, spoilers for SS arc (if you look really hard)
Dedication: No one, really... It just popped up into my head, so...
Rating: K+


"Aw, it's cute!"

"Shut up."

"But taicho, it is!" Yumichika insisted.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Kenpachi growled, glaring at his fifth seat.

"But it's cute!" the smaller man protested, laughing.

Zaraki Kenpachi did not think it was cute. In fact, there was nothing cute about it. Not at all. Nuh uh. No way... Dammit. "Before I squash you," the elevanth division captain added, just for good measure.

Yumichika laughed and shook his head. "It's very cute, taicho. You should just accept it."

Kenpachi was not going to 'accept' it. "Che. Fuckin' Quincy." He glared at his reflection, and subsequently, the large Quincy design on the back of his haori. He repeated. It was not cute.


Lol. I just wanted to write a Kenpachi drabble, soo... XD Hope you liked!