Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Camera ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Cardcaptor Sakura is not mine and never will be.

Warning: Obscene lemon, contains Yuri (meaning scenes of a sexual nature including girl-girl moments, so if you find such content offensive or you’re generally not ‘into’ that kind of thing, click the ‘back’ button and do not read the story).

A/n: Before I begin… DEAR GOD, I’M SORRY!!! This idea has been haunting me for a long while, so I had to write it. Please forgive me…


After being kicked out of the apartment by his cousin Meilin so she could replace the furniture which he and Sakura had ‘ruined’, Syaoran was forced to temporarily live at Tomoyo Daidouji’s house. Why didn’t he stay at Sakura’s house? Simple. The vicious, over-protective ‘I’ve already picked a nice spot to bury you’ Toya Kinomoto happened to be visiting for the week. Anyway that doesn’t matter, Sakura’s been staying at Tomoyo’s house with Syaoran.

Currently, Tomoyo’s okaasan Sonomi Daidouji has left the country to attend a seminar in for her toy company. Also, all of the staff at the huge household have been given a holiday, leaving just the three seventeen year olds.

Tomoyo’s mansion

Late afternoon. This week was Sakura and Syaoran’s fourth anniversary, and they spent the warm day together by first taking a trip to to see the radio tower and to have a nice meal out, then returning to Tomoeda to visit the amusement park. After hours of going on various fun rides and visiting the parks giant clock tower (their special little place, where they’d captured the Hope card and confessed their true feelings), they then returned to the empty mansion and made wild, passionate love like sea otters on the fluffy living room carpet.

Now, the sweet couple snuggled up warmly together on the very spacious double bed in the room they’ve been ‘borrowing’ until Syaoran’s allowed to return to his apartment. Facing each other with their legs entwined, Sakura’s feather light head used Syaoran’s left muscular upper arm as a pillow and her adorable scarlet coloured face buried into his solid chest. Sakura’s left arm hung over his broad torso, while her right folded in the very small gap between the two with her fingers unconsciously stroking his front.

Syaoran’s left forearm crossed over Sakura’s back and his hand placed onto her shoulder, while his strong right arm wrapped over and his hand buried in her short auburn hair. His head rested on the actual pillow, leaning forward and tucking Sakura underneath his chin. Both of the teens held happy smiles, as they peacefully dreamt of one another.


Tomoyo sat at the steel desk in her okaasan’s home office, reviewing a few of the mansion’s security tapes for the day just gone. She had only just returned home after spending most of the summer day with Meilin down at the local mall, helping to choose new sofas, tables, chairs and carpets for the apartment. She was happy to help, although slightly disappointed in being unable to follow and record the events of Sakura and Syaoran’s anniversary. Tomoyo had yet to give the couple a nice present, which she was currently working on; a special feature length collection of some super kawaii Sakura and Syaoran moments. Meilin had already given her present, which was a promise not to kill Syaoran.

She looked away from the multiple mini screens and glanced up to the diamond wall clock just above the office door. It was nearly nine-thirty. Tomoyo yawned, laced her fingers together a stretched out her arms whilst rotating her head a few times in a clockwise direction. She was a little bored, checking the tapes was something the staff usually do. But with them all away, she had to do them herself.

Tomoyo slid off her shoes underneath the desk, undone the buttons of her light blue cardigan and shook it off her shoulders. She began to fold it up neatly on the desk, until something on one of the screens starting to play caught her eye. Tomoyo sat in the leather chair staring at the screen in awe, when suddenly a long, insane giggle rolled up out of her. After a few minutes of manic ‘ohoho’s she sprung out of the chair, ejected the tape and wandered out of the room.

She made her way through the wide, stretching hallways of her enormous mansion. Tomoyo stopped outside the crème double doors of a particular room; Sakura and Syaorans. With a smile creeping across her pale face and patting her camera, Tomoyo raised her hand and tapped her knuckles lightly three times against the door. There was no response. Tomoyo knocked a little longer the second time. Still no reply. Grinning from ear to ear, Tomoyo readied her camera and twisted the handle, pushing the door open slowly.

The bright light from the hallway spread into the darkened room quickly as the door opened wider. She stepped inside quietly, leaving the door partially open so there was enough light to see around the room, yet not enough to disturb the occupants. Tomoyo silently tip toed across the thick peach carpet, looking down every three seconds to make sure there was nothing she could accidentally trip on. She froze still the second she noticed Syaoran moving and mumbling something on the bed, but then continued to move forward once he’d settled down and tightened his embrace on Sakura.

After maneuvering across a desert of rumpled clothing, Tomoyo stopped at the foot of the bed and clamped her hand over her mouth. She pressed the red record button on her camera after aiming it, desperately trying to hold back a loud squeal of happiness.

‘Those two just can’t help being so kawaii!’ Her excited amethyst eyes constantly switched between the small screen of the camera and the actual sight of the sleeping forms in front of her.

“My little wolf…” Sakura began to mumble delightfully in her sleep, her cheeks glowing a magnificent pink. “Love you… so much…”

Unable to last any longer than twenty seconds, Tomoyo released an extremely loud ‘kawaii’. This deafening squeal carried throughout the empty mansion’s grounds, and was finally enough to awaken the dreaming koibitos.

“W-what the…” Syaoran raised his head and groggily glanced over towards the light leaking doorway, then towards the foot of the bed. His right hand left Sakura’s back and rubbed his right eye with it’s palm “Daidouji!”

Despite being caught, Tomoyo was now jumping up and down with glee at the foot of the bed, her trusty camcorder still recording the scene. Once Sakura’s weariness faded and she realised what was happening, her entire body glowed a deep scarlet as she pulled the light covers up further to cover herself and Syaoran.

“Tomoyo-chaaannn…” Sakura whined in embarrassment and dropped her head back onto Syaoran’s arm. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’m just recording a few things for my anniversary present to you two,” Tomoyo laughed out loud. “I’ll also be using some footage from what you both did in my living room today.”


Tomoyo began to laugh hysterically once again at their reaction. Sakura tried to hide underneath the sheets, Syaorans cheeks began to flare up and his eyes held so much confusion and shock.

“I do have security cameras set up around the house, you know!” She was finally able to control her laughter, yet couldn’t wipe the grin off her face “Anyway, this isn’t the only one I have of you two doing the worm!”

“What? You have more?!” The couple choked out in horror, both looking to each other in alarm.

“Oh yes, let me see…going on from last year, I have your very first time together… that one was so sweet!” Tomoyo was now in deep thought, but continued to aim her recording camera towards the bed. “Counting Christmas time, new years eve and day, valentines, your birthdays…plus all the days before, after and in-between…three hundred and twenty seven of them!”

The young couple looked up to the girl in disbelief. She’d been spying on them for an entire year, and recording them without knowing. What if someone, like Toya, caught a glimpse of the tapes? He’d start working right away on that burial spot for Syaoran…

“Don’t worry. I’m the only one who has seen them,” Tomoyo winked “I thought making a little tape for you composed of these events would be a wonderful idea!”

“Couldn’t you give us something a little less unusual, Daidouji?” Syaoran’s voice was firm, and his arms wrapped further around Sakura. “And not one of your stupidly crazy videos which invade our privacy?”

Syaoran’s words ‘stupidly crazy’ had an odd effect on Tomoyo. She’s never had anyone say such a thing to her like that about her masterful photography, and she really didn’t take it too well.

“But…don’t you like my movies?” Tomoyo looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

“Of course we do,” Sakura spoke quietly from Syaoran’s embrace, her eyes softening at the sound of her friends quivering voice. “It’s just that you shouldn’t be recording us when we’re… you know…”

“But I must, Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo placed her hand against her cheek. “I have to be able to capture all of your wonderful experiences in life, especially your happiest moments with Li-kun!”

Sakura and Syaoran lay back silently, unsure of what exactly to say. Thinking about it, being able to look back over some of their greatest moments together as long as no one (other than Tomoyo) has seen them is not actually all that bad.

“T-Tomoyo-chan, please…we’re sorry,” Sakura unravelled herself from Syaoran’s strong hold, and sat up covering her chest with the sheet. “We are grateful for everything you have done for us.”

As Sakura spoke, Syaoran had to genuinely nod along in agreement. He sat up next to Sakura, wrapping one arm around her slim waist. Tomoyo seemed to be calming down slightly.

“If you wanted to record us in any way…you should really ask first.”

The three remained in silence for a while. Sakura took a hold of Syaoran’s hand, and Tomoyo pressed the ‘stop’ button on her camera. Something strange was running through Tomoyo’s mind, Syaoran noticed, as an odd grin appeared on the amethyst’s oval face replacing her former sorrowful composure.

“Sakura-chan, Li-kun,” Tomoyo lowered her camcorder, looking at the couple hopefully. “Could I… make a special recording as an anniversary gift for you?”

Tomoyo sat on the bed and quietly made her proposal. Once she’d finished, Sakura and Syaoran exchanged concerned glances, before they both nodded together.


Tomoyo’s room

Ten minutes later. Sakura sat on Syaoran’s lap on the edge of Tomoyo’s queen sized bed. Both were wearing ruby coloured silk robes, matching the current colour of their cheeks.

“Are you… really… sure about this?” Syaoran asked quietly, looking down to Sakura who rested her head against his robust shoulder.

“S-she is my best friend and my cousin… we owe her a lot… so…” Sakura looked up to him, her adorable oval face tinting a little more scarlet. “You do l-like Tomoyo-chan, don’t you Syaoran-kun?”

“Yeah… but as a sister,” Syaoran paused for a minute. He thought over his sentence about ‘his sister’ and added it to what they’re all about to do together…

“Syaoran-kun?” Both Sakura’s voice and eyes showed real concern for him, as she noticed how he suddenly went very pale. “Is something the matter?”

“N-no,” Syaoran began to furiously shake his head, trying to rid his mind of the nasty images and focus on Sakura’s angelic face. “Anyway, doesn’t she like Hiirigizawa?”

“I’m not sure,” Sakura replied whilst closing her eyes, shifting slightly in Syaoran’s hold and pressing a few light kisses along his collarbone. “Because Eriol-kun is in a relationship with Mizuki-san.”

“Mizuki?! Our old math teacher?!” He choked quietly in disbelief and disgust, titling his head to right as Sakura kissed up to and along his square jaw. “She’s more than twice his age, even old enough to be his moth-”

Syaoran stopped himself before another horrible thought appeared in his head. He already has one image in his mind to replace Toya in his nightmares. Sakura opened her eyes and gave him a glance of curiosity as if to ask what he was going to say, but then closed her eyes again and giggled as Syaoran buried his face into the crook of her slender neck.

“Is everything alright in here?” Tomoyo emerged from her dressing room on the other side, wearing a long purple silk dressing gown. The couple sitting on the bed both nodded slowly, as the dark haired girl strolled towards them. “I’ve set up the cameras…”

“Cameras? You mean you have more than one?” Syaoran asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, you know… for different angles,” She stopped a foot away from the bed. “And I’ve made sure that there’s enough of your morning afters, Sakura-chan.”

‘She’s put a lot of thought and effort into this.’ Sakura and Syaoran both thought at the same time.

“Well… Okay then…” Syaoran and Sakura shared a quick but passionate kiss.

Sakura undid her gown, slid off Syaoran’s lap and stood up in front of Tomoyo. Syaoran followed after and stood behind the amethyst, wrapping his arms around her slim waist. Sakura’s hands reached up and cupped Tomoyo’s face, although with slight hesitation she leant forward and covered her mouth with a deep kiss. Together their eyes fluttered closed, and Tomoyo let out a low moan as Syaoran’s hands slid inside her silk gown and gently squeezed her breasts.

One of Tomoyo’s hands snaked around under Sakura’s gown and rubbed against her buttocks, causing the girl to squeak slightly, while her other arm reached up and back around Syaoran’s neck. The girl’s kiss broke, the both of them breathing deeply, but Tomoyo’s lips were once again captured. This time it was Syaoran, who leant down and covered her open mouth as she slowly flung her head back against his chest.

His tall muscular frame towered over the two petite figures, one of his hands massaging Tomoyo’s mound as the other assisted Sakura in the removal of the amethysts robe. One swift pull of her sash and the gown opened, then Sakura hooked her thumbs underneath and slid off the robe. The trio’s cheeks all matched in a crimson colour, although Sakura’s deepened as she timidly leant down and flicked her tongue over Tomoyo’s left nipple poking through Syaoran’s clutching fingers.

Tomoyo and Syaoran’s long kiss ended, but his hands continued to rotate and squeeze her breasts slowly. Syaoran peeked over her shoulder, resting his chin over her collarbone, as they both looked down and watched Sakura. Her tongue trailed all over Tomoyo’s chest, licking hungrily over both Syaoran’s fingers and the amethysts hard nipples.

Sakura stopped as Syaoran’s hands no longer squeezed Tomoyo’s mounds. She looked up to her left to see Syaoran leaning down to her, having unwrapped his arms from Tomoyo, and opened her mouth for him. He instantly slid his tongue into her mouth, pulled her into a tight and caring embrace, and led her back towards the large lightly quilted bed.

Syaoran undone and slid off his robes before he sat down on the edge, eventually breaking the kiss as Sakura took a hold of his enormous erection. Together Sakura and Tomoyo knelt down in front, their eyes wondrously glancing over his length, before they both began to lick their way up and around. Syaoran’s arms reached behind to support him up, and he let out a long satisfied moan.


The two girls happily shared Syaoran’s manhood, their fingers and palms rubbing along every inch. They took turns to cover certain spots, occasionally leant back and kissed each other, until Sakura took it into her mouth.

“Sakura-chan…” Tomoyo watched in amazement as Sakura nearly engulfed Syaoran’s whole length. Syaoran was too big for Sakura, so she had to pull back up quickly. Tomoyo giggled before lightly kissing Sakura’s cheek, then licked the exposed inches of Syaoran’s shaft as the emerald girl’s mouth moved up and down slowly.

“Li-kun…” The amethysts left hand reached up, taking a hold of Syaoran’s ball sac, and gently squeezed. After an almighty groan, Syaoran released into Sakura’s mouth.

Sakura pulled away, not before taking the chance to swallow some of her koibito’s white liquid, so Tomoyo could have her share. Tomoyo quickly took Sakura’s place, her mouth covering and tasting Syaoran.

“T-thanks…” Syaoran smiled weakly, leant down to Sakura and tenderly kissed her on the forehead. He done the same to Tomoyo once her mouth left ‘him’.

Tomoyo crawled up onto the bed, lying down on it’s centre, while Syaoran lay on his side next to her and Sakura moved up just below. She felt Sakura’s hands rubbing against her inner thighs, and Syaoran’s right hand moving up and taking a hold of her left breast. Tomoyo moaned ever so loudly as Syaoran covered his mouth over her right mound and Sakura’s tongue slid into her opening.

“S-Sakura-chan! Li-kun!” Tomoyo’s left hand rubbed against the back of Sakura’s neck, while her right roughly combed through Syaoran’s messy chocolate hair.

Sakura tried to push her tongue in as far as possible while her hands spread Tomoyo’s legs far apart. At first what she was doing felt unusual… but she tried to do what Syaoran does. Sakura knew how Syaoran makes her lose all control and cry out his name loudly, but whether she could do it for Tomoyo is another matter. She’s beginning to understand why Syaoran loves this a lot…

After what seemed like hours of hard suckling, Syaoran’s mouth left her breast. He kissed Tomoyo’s stomach as he shifted down and dropped off the end of the bed. Syaoran knelt beside Sakura, who stopped her ‘activity’ as he kissed her warm pink cheek, and whispered into her ear.

“I’ll take it from here.” He kissed her again, lightly stroked his right hand down across her silk covered back and squeezed her buttocks.

Sakura warmly smiled and quickly kissed his firm lips. She removed her own gown, crawled up over Tomoyo on her hands and knees, leant down and trailed a few kisses across her chest. Having thought that Syaoran was going to take her place working on Tomoyo, she really squealed in surprise as his hard chest pressed against her back and his ten inches began to push all the way up her anal canal.

“Sy-Syaoran-kun!!” She panted out, her supporting arms wobbling as Syaoran began to buck lightly.

“Sakura.” Syaoran’s first few thrusts were long, slow, yet incredibly hard and powerful. He hooked his hands around her chest, cupping her breasts and pulling Sakura up with him as he knelt on the very edge of the bed.

Tomoyo sat up, a wide smile appearing on her face as she crawled forward and knelt in front of Sakura. She began to kiss and trail her tongue all across her chest, her left hand on Sakura’s hip and her right moving down across the emerald’s stomach slowly. Syaoran’s right hand uncovered Sakura’s breast, lightly slid down her smooth side until it found Tomoyo’s. Tomoyo took Sakura’s uncovered breast into her mouth, suckling hard, as the amber and amethyst slid two finger’s each into the emerald’s opening.

Syaoran began to thrust his mighty hips upwards and together with Tomoyo he pumped his fingers in and out of Sakura. Her head fell back against his shoulder, so he leant down and slid his tongue into her open mouth, muffling her loud moans.

With one hand over Syaoran’s and the other massaging Tomoyo’s scalp, Sakura’s muffled moans were still loud enough for everyone to hear. She tried to move with Syaoran as he rocked hard into her anus and had four fingers sliding in and out of her quickly.

After so many long minutes of thrusting, suckling and finger pumping, Tomoyo’s mouth left Sakura’s breast and her fingers began to slide completely out of her. Syaoran followed suit, he began to thrust his hips at a slower pace and removed his fingers from Sakura’s wet opening. Sakura’s hands took a hold of Syaoran’s as he moved them both up to her chest, and their deep kiss had ended.

Sakura and Syaoran’s heavy breathing filled the room, and Tomoyo rolled aside as Syaoran began to let the tired Sakura down gently. The amethyst hovered closely over Sakura’s exhausted form lying face down on the bed, whose hands were still holding Syaoran’s, lightly tracing her fingers and a few kisses along her back. Tomoyo looked up to Syaoran, giving him a playful look and an inviting smile as she turned around onto her hands and knees.

“Alright,” Syaoran gave a hoarse chuckle as Tomoyo slowly waved her rear from left to right. He pulled out of Sakura, crawled up onto the bed behind Tomoyo and slid his length into her anus.

“L-Li-kun!” Tomoyo squealed very loudly, not being used to this, and cried out with every thrust as Syaoran took a firm hold of her hips and bucked incredibly hard and fast.

Sakura managed to lift herself up minutes after Syaoran started to anally penetrate Tomoyo. She could feel the tremors of Syaoran’s powerful movements, and nearly collapsed back down again. Having noticed Sakura getting up, Syaoran began to slow down until he eventually stopped, then removed himself from Tomoyo’s rear entrance. Tomoyo herself screamed and collapsed forward, her face hitting the pillows softly.

“Tomoyo-chan?” Sakura leant forward over her friend, who turned her head on the pillow and smiled tiredly.

Sakura smiled back, wrapped her arms around Tomoyo and rolled her towards herself so the amethysts head rested on her lap. She glanced over to Syaoran, who now leant over Tomoyo supporting himself by having both of his arms on either side of her. Sakura nodded to Syaoran, who nodded back, placed her right hand on Tomoyo’s crimson cheek, leant down and covered her mouth with her own.

Tomoyo’s right arm hooked over Sakura’s neck, while her left hand rubbed lightly up and down Syaoran’s muscular forearm pillared next to her. She could feel Syaoran’s length pressed against her inner thigh, then seconds later she shrieked into her kiss as Syaoran pushed himself all the way into her opening.

Syaoran was rocking gently, slowly into her as he watched Sakura tighten her embrace around the amethyst girl. A few visible tears trailed down her cheeks and over the hand Sakura held against her, and Tomoyo’s hand gripped his wrist forcefully.

“I-is she alright?” Syaoran asked Sakura quietly, his voice heavy with anxiety.

“I-I’m okay…” Tomoyo breathed out as her lips parted from Sakura’s, and slid off her lap onto the mattress. Sakura moved back, her right hand leaving Tomoyo’s cheek and taking a hold of the amethyst’s hand.

Syaoran leant down closely, squashing her breasts against his hard chest, slid his tongue into her open mouth and started to rock fast. The hand which formerly gripped his wrist wrapped around his broad torso, her nails digging into his back. Syaoran didn’t mind, not with Sakura kissing her way across his surface.

Syaoran pumped harder as Tomoyo’s fingers dug deeper into his skin. Sakura’s grip on Tomoyo’s hand tightened, and her free hand massaged Syaoran’s scratched back. Tomoyo began to cry louder and louder into her kiss, although it was almost completely muffled as Syaoran’s tongue circled her mouth.

“Li-kun!!!” Their kiss ended and Tomoyo screamed out into the air as the two climaxed hard. He stopped himself from collapsing forward onto her, and Tomoyo’s hand slid off of his back and fell limply onto the bed.

Syaoran slowly removed himself from Tomoyo’s opening, leant back down and kissed her forehead. He glanced up to Sakura, who placed her hand on his red cheek, and grinned tiredly. Syaoran crawled over the exhausted Tomoyo, following Sakura as she backed against the beds headboard, wrapped his arms around her waist and run his tongue over her left breast. She moaned softly and run her fingers through his hair as he trailed to her right, suckled her nipple for a few seconds, then moved up and licked the tip of her nose.

“Syaoran-kun…” Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to herself as her back pressed against the headboard. Her mouth was covered by his seconds before he thrust into her opening.

“Sakura!” Breaking the kiss minutes after they started, Sakura buried her face against his rock hard chest. Syaoran bucked his hips wildly as he leant his head down and set his lips over the pulse of her neck.

Sakura screamed uncontrollably, all of the empty halls echoing the words ‘Syaoran-kun’ and ‘I love you’. Her back rubbed against the cushioned headboard, which banged noisily against the plaster wall. His arms crossed over behind her, both his hands placing themselves on her shoulders as he leant back away from the wall. Syaoran’s hard, powerful thrusts quickened as the seconds passed by.

“Syaoran-kun/Sakura!!!” With a final climax and extremely loud screams, Syaoran collapsed backwards in exhaustion, hugging the heavily panting Sakura tightly to himself.

Sakura kissed along his square jaw line, and she slid her tongue into his already mouth. Syaoran held Sakura closely to him as he slid his right elbow behind himself, pushing the both of them up again, then shifted around and lay down on his back with his head resting on the soft pillows. Their lips parted, and Syaoran’s brown bangs swayed as Sakura’s warm breath brushed all over his handsome face.

Tomoyo scooted over beside them both, curling up into a ball. She rested her head on Syaoran’s shoulder and lightly draped her left arm over Sakura’s back. In turn, Syaoran wrapped his strong left arm around Tomoyo and Sakura her slid right arm over Tomoyo’s waist. The tired trio lay together silently, excluding the sounds of Sakura and Syaoran’s heavy breathing.

“Oh,” Tomoyo looked over to the corner of the room, and started to sit up. “I need to turn off the cameras.”

“Leave them.” Sakura and Syaoran said tiredly in unison, the both of them pulling Tomoyo back down. Tomoyo began to giggle lightly as they wrapped her up tightly in their arms.

“I don’t suppose you two would want to stay for an extra week, do you?”


A/n: Once again, I’m very sorry.