Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Heartbreakers ❯ The Truth Comes Out ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I never owned Card Captor Sakura¡Knever had and never will.


Chapter 4: The Truth Comes Out

¡¥Am I supposed to feel this way? All depressed again, even when I got the thing I wanted so badly for so long¡K¡¦ Kinomoto Sakura sighed and kept watch on her son, Shinakio, playing in his playpen. He was already two now. (A.N. He was one before, in the first chapter, just to remind you¡KXD)

She had only been back for two days and already she missed Hong Kong and, though her mind would not admit it¡Klike her heart did, she missed Syaoran too. Actually her heart knew that the one she missed most was the said boy.

Shinakio was a pleasure to look after as usual. He was extra cheerful since his mother was back from her trip. She only visited about three times that year, each time for about two days merely.

He shoved another of his toys in his mother¡¦s face again, begging her to play with him, with cute puppy dog eyes. Sakura giggled and lifted the toddler from his playpen.

They had a good relationship, although Sakura had school and so on. This year, Sakura was going to study modelling in university because she knew her mother was a model and her best friend was one crazy clothes designer.

Sakura laughed out loud when Shinakio¡¦s stomach growled. He pouted cutely at her and said, ¡§Mummy, me hunwry.¡¨

¡§I know,¡¨ Sakura said, half-giggling, and picked him up. ¡§Let¡¦s see, what would you like to eat?¡¨


¡§Ah, yes, your favourite food as well as mine!¡¨

¡§Yay pancakes!¡¨ He kissed his mother gently on her cheek. Sakura resisted the urge to squeal, he was just too adorable for his own good.


Li Syaoran was a complete mess; he was drunk, dirty and barely conscious. His apartment was also like him, a complete mess.

Hiiragizawa Eriol and Daidouji Tomoyo thought as they stepped into his apartment.

¡§Syaoran, what on earth happened to you?¡¨

At the sound of human voices, he snapped up from his lying position on his couch. ¡§Can you believe that she lied to me for revenge? After a long three years?¡¨

¡§I¡¦m sorry, Li-kun. I thought she had abandoned her plans when she started to go out with you genuinely.¡¨ Tomoyo apologised sincerely.

¡§I suppose that I deserve as much¡KI was reckless and weak to peer pressure back then.¡¨

¡§It was mostly my fault though; I challenged you to the bet.¡¨ Eriol confessed.

¡§Well, nothing matters now. She¡¦s gone now¡K¡¨

¡§But you can win her back! I know it! She is in love with you, more than she thought. I bet this is hurting the both of you¡Kand seeing you two so unhappy is hurting us, your best friends too.¡¨

¡§She clearly states she had another man.¡¨


¡§Another man.¡¨

¡§Another¡Kman¡Kbut nothing about her ever gets past me! Wait¡Koh¡KI see what she means¡K¡¨

¡§So she does have another¡K?¡¨

¡§Don¡¦t worry, you have a huge chance that that guy is not going to affect you in a negative way¡KI know it!¡¨

Syaoran laughed, making a cold and bitter sounding chuckle. ¡§The other man might not bother me? You have got to be joking.¡¨

¡§Have you ever thought maybe the other man might be family or relatives or something? She could be trying to get you more hurt by implying that she is playing with you and cheating off you.¡¨

¡§Maybe¡Kmostly not.¡¨

¡§Listen, all I know is that she really does love you¡Kshe just cannot put down her grudge for you until she hurts you one way or another.¡¨

¡§Loves me¡K? You should have seen how cold she looked when she rejected me¡K¡¨

¡§OH! And you¡¦re going to give up her just like that!?! Okay fine! I don¡¦t think I would want you to go close to her ever again; you might just as well hurt her yet again!¡¨ With that said, Tomoyo stomped her way out of Syaoran¡¦s apartment.

¡§Hey, if you look and feel this bad¡Kisn¡¦t it best to try it out another time before you give up. She could be testing you for all you care about.¡¨ Eriol suggested eagerly.

¡§I¡¦ll think about it.¡¨ Eriol slipped out of the door, while Syaoran stared up at the ceiling, thinking about his feelings and options.


Syaoran knocked on the door hardly. It was absolutely pouring outside and the people in the house seem to not have heard him.

He was just preparing to knock another time, when suddenly the door swung open. Sakura was just standing there, holding onto the door handle, and wide-eyed staring at the person at the door.

Syaoran knew he had no choice, he had fallen too hard for the girl in the past year to let her go like that.

He booked a ticket to Japan, after confessing about what happened to his mother. He had informed his mother, Yelan, about proposing to Sakura and she had agreed, having met the pleasant Sakura for a few times that year.

When Yelan heard what he had done to the poor girl three years ago, her heart ached for the girl. However when he told her, he was going to chase after her, she immediately gave her permission and she let out a relieved sigh.

¡§Now son, you have to apologise for what you did to the girl.¡¨ Yelan ordered sternly. ¡§I am very ashamed of your behaviour three years ago.¡¨

¡§I¡¦m sorry, mother.¡¨ Syaoran answered sorrowfully. ¡§I am ashamed of myself too.¡¨

¡§You should not be only saying sorry to me. Now go!¡¨ Yelan waved her hand, signalling that her son can leave now.

¡§Goodbye mother for the meantime.¡¨

¡§Don¡¦t come back without Sakura as your fiancee!¡¨

¡§Of course, mother.¡¨

He arrived at Japan, a day later.

Once Sakura gathered enough of her wits, she slammed the door close again. Syaoran anticipated this move and pushed his foot in to take the impact, wincing as the door contacted with his foot.

¡§Come on, Sakura!¡¨

¡§What do you want, Li?¡¨

He flinched as she called him Li, which had never sounded so uncomfortable on anyone else¡¦s lips.

¡§I want you and to work out what¡¦s wrong with our relationship, Sakura.¡¨

¡§Isn¡¦t it too late for that?¡¨

¡§Just open the door and I¡¦ll make up for all this.¡¨


He was about to persuade her to open the door, when he sneezed from his wet clothes and windy weather.

Sakura peeped out from the door and gasped, noting that Syaoran was all wet, from head to feet. She slowly opened the door and let him in.

¡§Fine, come on. I don¡¦t want you catching a cold. I might not like you, but I don¡¦t want to kill you, even if it¡¦s unintentionally.¡¨ She led him to the bathroom, gave him a towel and some of her brother¡¦s old clothes that he left behind, after moving with Yukito to Tokyo. Syaoran want into the bathroom and dried himself.

Meanwhile, Sakura kept Shinakio busy in his bedroom upstairs, with his favourite television show and a few other toys within his reach. She stayed with him until she heard a feint shout, ¡§SAKURA!?!¡¨

She immediately rushed downstairs and asked, ¡§Are you alright?¡¨

¡§Yeah, I¡¦m okay.¡¨ Syaoran felt slightly assured with the tinge of concern in her voice and big expressive eyes. ¡§Listen, can we work this out?¡¨

¡§What is there to work out, Li?¡¨ Sakura answered stubbornly. ¡§You don¡¦t want to see me and I don¡¦t want to see you so why bother?¡¨

¡§Because I still love you so much,¡¨ Syaoran exclaimed with love for Sakura expressed in his voice, and he kneeled do in front of her, to beg for her forgiveness. ¡§I know this might sound corny and cliched, but I realised that I can¡¦t live without you, after you left me.

¡§Tomoyo and Eriol saw me, after you left. They can tell you what a mess I was when you left me and broke my heart. I only need you to live! Let me be romantic and cliched. You are my sun and my moon and my world and my everything. You are my beacon of light in this world of darkness I live in.¡¨ (A.N. Ah ha, ha, ha! These are the cliched romantic sentences that come to my mind. I just typed them down.)

Sakura nearly burst out laughing at his extremely mushy speech, but he was looking so serious and sincere that she couldn¡¦t. Involuntary, her hand reached out and caressed his cheek. Incidentally, he also unconsciously leaned into her touch and smiled in such a peaceful and calming way.

All of a sudden, she snapped out of her daze and abruptly pulled her hand back to herself. Syaoran got a determination in him, knowing that somewhere in her heart, she still love him, like him to her.

¡§¡¦Anyways, now that you¡¦re done, please go away.¡¨ Sakura turned around, face flushed, making her even lovelier in Syaoran¡¦s eyes.

¡§I still love you and you still love me. Why fight the feeling when we CAN be together?¡¨


¡§Eh¡Kno buts from you¡KI love you no matter what you did to me! I suppose I deserved that too but I will only forget it if you are still here with me. Don¡¦t you get it? I love you too much to let you go. I love you, I love you, I love you, dammit!¡¨

Sakura nearly broke down but seeing Syaoran so serious, she went upstairs. Syaoran made to follow her but she said, ¡§Wait down here, I¡¦ll be back.¡¨

Syaoran was a complete nervous wreck. He was pacing around the place, thinking what he was going to give the engagement ring to her, without her rejecting him once again. He turned, hearing footsteps. What he saw shocked him.

¡§Who is he?¡¨ He asked. ¡§Your nephew? Surely not your son?¡¨

¡§He is my son,¡¨ Sakura answered, setting Shinakio down on the couch. He looked at the man standing in front of him and staring.

¡§Hwllo!¡¨ He waved to Syaoran. Syaoran had to resist a smile at the child¡¦s cuteness, while Sakura kissed Shinakio on the nose and squealed out a, ¡§HOW CUTE!¡¨

¡§Who¡¦s son is he?¡¨ Syaoran interrogated angrily, ignoring Shinakio¡¦s interruption.

¡§Yours,¡¨ replied Sakura calmly, playing with Shinakio.

¡§Mine?¡¨ Syaoran managed to choke out, starting to glare at Sakura. ¡§When the heck were you going to tell me, if I didn¡¦t come find you?¡¨

¡§Never, I guess.¡¨

¡§You didn¡¦t tell me we had a son? After how many years? Dammit! You like to hide things from me? Any more secrets to tell?¡¨

Sakura¡¦s emerald eyes flashed, ¡§Danger¡¨ it said. Syaoran took no notice. ¡§You think I was happy to hide it from you! If you hadn¡¦t dumped me in such a way, maybe you would have known even before he was born!¡¨

¡§So it¡¦s my fault now? It¡¦s my fault that you¡¦re not telling me that I have a son!¡¨

¡§NO, NO, NO, it was all my fault for choosing you for my baby¡¦s father! It¡¦s okay, I wouldn¡¦t bother you any further. Get out! Leave and don¡¦t come back!¡¨ She pushed Syaoran, who was too dazed to response, to the door and slammed it in his face.

Syaoran snapped out of his reverie and banged on the door. ¡§Sakura, Sakura, I¡¦m sorry!¡¨ It was already too late, after all he said, Sakura already had too much. She was already upstairs into her room and begun to cry herself to sleep.

Syaoran had already banged and yelled for hours. He could hear faintly at times that his son was crying. He ran a hand through his hair, ¡§How the heck did it turn out like this? I mean I turned my temper on Sakura only for a second. She didn¡¦t even tell me our son¡¦s name!¡¨

¡§Li-kun?¡¨ Syaoran brightened up at the sound of his name and looked towards the speaker.

¡§Daidouji-san! And¡KEriol.¡¨

¡§Nice to see you too, dear little cousin. Still unsuccessful in his task?¡¨ Eriol taunted, jokingly.

Syaoran turned depressed again. ¡§I accidentally released my anger on her for a second when she told me about the child.¡¨

Tomoyo gasped. Eriol was confused, ¡§What child?¡¨

¡§Their child, their son, Li Shinakio. You got angry at her!?!¡¨

¡§I was just too surprised, I tried to apologise but she wouldn¡¦t listen.¡¨

¡§I¡¦ll open the door, I got her keys.¡¨ Tomoyo opened the door and stepped in. Shinakio stopped crying and stared at them cutely. Syaoran could not stop himself and picked him up, hugging him.

¡§Da, da!¡¨ Shinakio laughed. Tomoyo smiled; the similarities between the father and son were uncanny.

¡§That¡¦s his way of saying dad.¡¨ Tomoyo explained as Syaoran was looking slightly puzzled. ¡§Anyways, where¡¦s Sakura? It is unusual that she leaves Shi-chan by himself.¡¨

They looked around the place. In the end, it was Tomoyo who found her. ¡§Sakura-chan!¡¨ she screamed. Everyone else came running. ¡§She¡¦s really hot and has a high fever.¡¨

¡§Take her to the hospital!¡¨ Syaoran was concerned about Sakura. It was important to make sure nothing happens to her, or else he would absolutely not forgive himself.


A.N. To be sure, I wanted this to be the last chapter, but I can¡¦t! I wanted to add an extra twist but I couldn¡¦t fit it! I only do Maximum 6 pages of writing for each chapter! I¡¦ll be adding the last chapter soon though!