Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Raindrops ❯ Tears turned Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura…*sighs*…CLAMP made it…I hate my life! Why can't I be just as friggin' hell good as them?! Why?!
I was there in my room, staring at the window next to me, seeing all those raindrops endlessly fall like the tears in my eyes. I could hear the thunder roaring like the pain inside my heart… I was there in my bed, curled up in my blanket, staring outside.
I can't believe it…he was at the movies with Tomoyo… and to think that she was my best friend! How could she betray me like that? I need to see Syaoran…did he really mean what he said back there? Or was it just an excuse? I need to see him.
I thought that Syaoran was just lying. I never even entertained the slightest notion that he was really telling the truth, that he loved me.
“That's a lie and you know it. You really expect me to believe that?!” Sakura flared up. “We came from practice and we really felt tired so we decided to hang out…you know, chill. She thought it would be nice if you joined along.” Syaoran explained. “Oh, so you're defending her now?! I can't believe you!” She yelled.
“I observed you; I saw how you were looking at her in the theater! You were drooling over her!” Sakura said. This time, Syaoran was fed up. “I was looking at her, thinking that's she's not you! I tried to tell myself that I wasn't with you even as much as I want to, Sakura! I was wishing I was with you!” Syaoran blurted out.
Her face told me that she didn't believe me at all, not a chance Syaoran thought. “You pathetic liar!” She yelled, before walking away.
I made my way downstairs quietly and then to the front door. By the time I opened the door, I realized that the rain was now coming down harder than ever. I've gone this far, I couldn't turn back only because of getting wet.
I stepped into the rain and when I did, all my problems and frustrations came crashing down on me. The rain that heavily fell on me was mixed with the tears in my eyes. I loved the rain for no one could see the endless tears falling down from my eyes.
I made my way to the empty streets, all alone, walking. I sounded off the sentences in my head. I'm so sorry, I was stupid, forgive me…Not really sure of what and how I would say this to Syaoran. But truth is, I didn't even know whether I'd be able to see him tonight.
As I walked with all the frustrations in my head, I suddenly froze. Syaoran was in the middle of the road, drenched, about to make his way to me.
She looked at me with a combination of hate and disbelief. I had never seen her that way before. The look made me feel really bad.
I found myself drenched in the middle of the street, talking and explaining everything to her, spilling my guts out, and settling myself up for heartbreak. It was sad but I was willing to take the risk of losing my friendship with her just to confess.
“I guess what I'm really trying to say is that…” I took a deep breath, feeling as if I was about to faint, “…is that there's been no one else but you, Sakura. It has always been you all along…I love you…I never …”
She whispered, “I love you too…” I shut up the moment I heard those 3 little words which meant a lot. I was completely stunned.
Did she just say what I think she said?!
Then we felt our heads drawn compellingly toward each other, inch by inch. Then it happened, the moment I've been dreaming of. We held hands and looked at each other as if it was the 1st time we met and then we smiled-no, grinned-like fools!
The rain stopped, as soon as I professed my love for him. Miraculously!
Next morning, when I woke up, the first thought that popped into my mind was,
“Someone loves me and I loved him back” Then a big smile spread across my face. Is he my boyfriend already? Boy. Friend. We used to be really close friends but now he's already my boyfriend…I guess… Boy. Friend. To Boyfriend…the space made such a big difference and yet, we loved each other. The rain doesn't only bring bad things, sometimes, it brings memorable moments to cherish.
I know it's short but it meant a lot, lots of things happened in just a short chapter like this…be ready! I'll be back for more fanfics to write! I will return!
Imagine this as the background song playing while the confession part is happening and also maybe the ending song! Hehe! Here are the lyrics:
Your face lights up the sky on the highway
Someday you'll share your world with me, someday
You mesmerize me with diamond eyes
I try to fool myself to think I'll be alright
But I am losing all control
My mind, my heart, my body and my soul

Never in my life have I been more sure
So come on up to me and close the door
Nobody's made me feel this way before
You're everythin' I wanted and more

To speak or not to, where to begin
The great dilemmas I'm finding myself in
For all I know you only see me as a friend
I try to tell myself, wake up fool
This fairy tale's got to end

Never in my life have I been more sure
So come on up to me and close the door
Nobody's made me feel this way before
You're everythin' I wanted and more...

You're everythin' I wanted and more