Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Spellbound ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Hogwart's Third Year Boys' Dormitory *
Ami woke up the next morning in Eriol's bed, under all the blankets, while Eriol himself slept on top of the covers, half-sitting with an arm around her. Eriol felt her stir and woke up himself. “Good morning!” He said brightly as he yawned and stretched. “Oh Eriol,” Ami exclaimed, “you shouldn't have let me take your bed, you're probably so cold right now, I bet you didn't even get enough sleep.” Eriol chuckled at Ami's antics. “For your information my dear,” he replied calmly, “I slept fine, and you're like a little sister to me, so you're always welcome to join me if you can't sleep.” She stared at him, shocked by such a proclamation of love and friendship. A tear fell down her cheek as she threw the covers off and gave Eriol the biggest hug, “thank you so much for everything Eriol,” she cried into his shoulder. She quickly let go when she remembered they had classes today and ran for her own dormitory to change into her uniform.
Ami met Eriol, Harry, Ron and Hermione in the common room five minutes later. As they walked down to the Great Hall, Ron filled them in on everything they needed to know about his favourite quidditch team, the Chudley Cannons. Once there they collected their new timetables before heading to their seats and started on their breakfast. “Damn it,” cursed Ron, causing everyone to stare at him, “we've got double potions first!” Moans and groans came from all the surrounding Gryffindor third years. Ami and Eriol just stared at each other quizically before Eriol asked why double potions was o bad. “Snape,” was Harry's reply, “he always favours the Slytherins, and will find any excuse to take points of every other house, especially Gryffindor.”
So with that the group headed down to the dungeons, Ami's stomach tying itself into more knotts with every step. Ami was so glad she had Storm on her shoulder, and Eriol and Harry beside her. She walked into the potions room and took a seat at a bench between Harry and Eriol while Storm decided to take up his favourite place as a rather odd necklace. Professor Snape strode into the room, silence and forboding in his wake. Ami glanced across the room and noticed Malfoy and his gang, her day just couldn't get any better now could it? They spent the lesson making a rather difficult sleeping potion. Ami couldn't see the point in creating a potion for something she could induce in seconds to numerous people with a wave of her wand and a flick of the Sleep Card, but a warning glance from Eriol made her do it anyway. Snape spent the lesson picking on the Gryffindors, especially Nevile, until Sakura couldn't take it anymore, she took the Time Card out of her bag asking it to freeze time. Everyone in the room froze except for Ami and Eriol. “Quick,” she said, “tell me what to add to Malfoy's potion to make it explode.” Eriol shook his head at her but when he glanced at Malfoy and his gang, a sudden recklessness came over him, “I'll do it,” he told her, “it' would be me pleasure.” With a gleeful grin on his face he walked over to Malfoy's cauldron and slipped a couple of ingredients into his potion. Ami waited for Eriol to return to his place. “Ami ,” he said, “it might be wise if we don't tell anyone about the cards, just in case.” Ami nodded and waited for Eriol to remove any guilt from his face before she lifted the effect of the card.
Snape walked over to Malfoy as he added the last ingredient to his potion. He'd only stirred the concoction for a few seconds when the entire contents left the cauldron with a massive BANG, sending a tide of potion to flow over the floor. All the Gryffindors, and some of the Slytherins, jumped onto their chairs as the potion oozed under their chairs. Enormous boils blossomed all over those who were hit with the potion.
Those effected by Eriol's antics were eventually cured, and the mess cleaned up. Malfoy was given a detention for not paying enough attention to his potion and giving Snape boils. Finaly the class ended and the Gryffindor third years went outside to Care of Magical Creatures, unfortunately this class was also shared with the Slytherin third years. Harry took Sakura and Eriol to meet Hagrid, who would be taking them for this class. The class ended and Ami , Eriol, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over to their favourite tree by the lake.
“Did you see Malfoy's face when his potion exploded!” Exclaimed Ron, “I bet he knew he was going to cop it from Snape so bad.” Ami and Eriol erupted in a fit of giggles. The other three watched them momentarily before joining in the laughter. They slowly started to walk off to their next class, the rest of the day passed rather un-eventfully. After dinner Hermione ran off to the library, so Harry and Ron decided to take Ami and Eriol to meet Hagrid properly.
Hagrid beamed at group when he opened the door, allowing them to go inside and take a seat. Hagrid stared at Ami's odd necklace for twenty minutes before going into the kitchen to get something to eat. Apon smelling the food, Storm un-curled himself from Ami's neck and launched himself at the table. Harry, Ron and Hagrid stared at the creature for a while before Hagrid went all gooey over seeing a baby dragon. “He's always wanted a dragon,” Harry explained. Hagrid continued to tell Storm how beautiful he was, while Storm loved the attention, and so acted even more adorable. By the end of the night, Hagrid and Ami had become great friends, ude to the fact that Hagrid liked anyone who could handle animals, especially dragons, and that Ami liked anyone who was gentle with creatures. They regretfully bid good night and Ami , Eriol, Harry and Ron truged back up to the school.
The boys were just about to start chatting in their Dormitory again when they heard a quite knock. His time. Ron went to answer the door. Once again Ami entered the room in her pink PJ's. As she walked over to the circle, she realised that there was already a Ami -sized space in the circle, they had been waiting for her to arive. She joined in the fun for a while before drifting off again, this time on Harry's shoulder.
The days passed,every night Ami joined the boys to chat and to sleep, and Eriol could see Ami's magic growing stronger, but she still needed to learn more fighting skills. So one night after Ami joined the boys once again, Eriol stood and told her to take up a fighting stance. For one hour they practised various manouvers, twists, holds and throws before re-joining the circle and chatting. This became their new routine, the other boys actually joined in the lessons, until Ami had mastered all of the positions. Now her training became interesting, while the other boys were still learing the basics, Ami and Eriol were now sparring with each other. Ami improved daily until one day she finally defeated Eriol. The other boys stood in shock as they saw Eriol against a wall with Ami's foot at his throat. “I yield” Eriol told Ami as she lowered her foot. He bowed to her, “I believe that will do for tonight,” a smile on his lips, “after the holidays, we'll start mixing fighting with magic.” Ami bowed back before climbing into the mattress between Harry and Eriol's bed.
Ami woke up the next morning, then remembered that it was the last day of the year. Eriol was planning to go back to Japan to see his Tomoyo. “What about you Ami?” Asked Eriol “are you going to come back to Japan with me?” Ami thought about this, “I'm sorry Eriol,” she replied, “I can't, if I go back now and see Tomoyo and Kero, I'll never want to leave, and I have to come back, my magic's getting stronger, and I'm learning too much to give this up.” Eriol smiled and nodded, he too would have a hard time leaving Tomoyo back in Japan, but he also knew that if he didn't see her soon, his heart would shatter. “Just, please do my one favour,” asked Ami , “please tell them I send my love.” Eriol nodded, he would do that gladly. “The still doesn't answer what you're going to do with your holidays,” remarked Eriol. “You could always come and stay with me,” said Harry, “the Dursleys aren't much fun, but they're still better then nothing.” Eriol stared at Harry, during the year Harry had come to regard Ami as the little sister he never had. Harry had defended Ami everytime Malfoy and his gang decided to try to hurt her, he had helped her out with her magic and her school work whenever she got stuck. Yes, he thought, Harry would take care of her, he would fight for her if he had to, she was like family to him. Ami waited patiently for Eriol to decide if she could go with Harry. “Yes,” Eriol said finally, “you can go to Harry's for the summer, I'll see you next year.” He gave Ami a smile as she threw herself at both Eriol and Harry thanking them for their kindness.
By the end of the day they had all packed their things away and loaded them into the train. The train ride was over far too quickly for Ami , she didn't want to have to say goodbye to everyone, espescially Eriol. She made sure she gave Eriol a big hug and a kiss, for him and some to give to Tomoyo and Kero before he left for the airport. She finally gathered her things and saw Harry waiting patiently for her. Together they walked over to the Dursleys who were waiting to collect Harry.