Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ The Dare ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is purely a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fanfictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 7


Touya smirked as he took a sip of his coffee. Some things never change. 10…9…8…7, he mentally counted. 4…3…2…1.

As if on cue, Sakura slid across the floor and passed the kitchen door in a blur, crashing into the wall.


"Ohayo, kaijuu," he said, not bothering to look up from his plate.

"I am NOT a monster," she yelled back as she stomped in the kitchen.

Yes. Some things just never change. Not that he had wanted them to. This ritual of theirs came out as natural as breathing. He knew that soon his kaijuu would grow up and would no longer indulge him with their morning bickering. And he was dreading that day like some kind of plague.

He hated changes. That was part of the reason why he was deeply affected by Yukito's decision to not come back to Tomoeda for a year. It was a little bit okay if he and Hiiragizawa gave him some warning but no…they had to do it with a big bang.

He was still adapting to Yukito's absence but was failing a bit miserably. He missed his best friend terribly. There were times when he found himself punching his number at the end of the day, forgetting that Yukito was a continent away. And in the mornings he would always get disappointed whenever he would round that corner and find out that he wasn't there waiting for him so they could go to school together.

Speaking of school…

"I'm leaving, Otousan. I won't be eating dinner here. I'll grab something on my break from work."

"Matte," Sakura said as she ate her cereal faster, choking a couple of times.

"It's still too early for you to go to school."


"I set your alarm clock thirty minutes earlier last night while you were taking a bath." He laughed inwardly when he saw his imouto's jaw drop, showing bits and pieces of her breakfast in her mouth.

"ONIICHAN!!!" He heard her wail as he slipped on his shoes. It took her a full minute to recover from the shock of being tricked.

"Ja, minna!"

He decided to walk to school instead of using his bike. Lately he had been more energetic than before, more energetic since he gave his powers to Yue. He rarely got too tired or too sleepy. It was a good thing because he needed to stay awake in class to get good grades this year.

Maybe he felt good because his body was now used to not having spiritual powers. Or maybe he was feeling extra happy today because he got a letter from Yukito yesterday.

It was a short letter, just slightly longer than the one Keroberos had delivered. There were no personal details about his extended visit in England. It gave him some idea on how top secret this mission of his was because Yukito always shared his daily happenings with him. The letter basically consisted of questions about Touya and Sakura and Tomoeda. It disappointed him a little bit but then instantly felt better when he read the last words written.

I miss you.

Sure it sounded mushy but not to him. Most guys in school would rather be caught dead than be heard say those words to another guy. But he wasn't 'most guys' and so was Yukito.

They have been best friends for a long time now that they stopped being 'most guys' and just said what was in their minds and hearts.

Unfortunately he was too tired last night to make his reply letter. Yesterday was the last day he was supposed to show Yukino around Tomoeda. They had been together everyday after school and the whole day yesterday.

Yukino, his thoughts reverted to the new girl. For some reason, he was drawn to her just as he was drawn to Yukito. Not only that, she really reminded him of his best friend.

At first he had thought that it was just because he missed Yukito so much that Touya saw him in her. But as he spent more time with her, he realized that it was not just his imagination.

Their physical similarities were quite uncanny. Well except for certain anatomical parts and eye and hair color. There was also their similarly huge appetite. He knew that Yukito ate that way in order to sustain a bit of Yue's powers. And unless Yukino had a magical being hidden in her then she was one weird woman.

Iya. Sakura would have felt it if something was wrong with Yukino and she would have told me.

They both hated math and loved science, particularly astronomy. They were both sweet and friendly and didn't like to hurt anybody's feelings. They have the same sense of humor. Heck, even their laughter had a tinge of similarity in them.

He remembered their side trip to Tokyo Tower yesterday. Yukino's blue eyes had the same look of excitement in them whenever he and Yukito would go up the tall structure.

She was definitely an intrigue. Whenever he would ask about her family and friends she would change the subject. Of course he didn't prod further. He respected her privacy even though he found her mysteriousness trifle suspicious.

I wonder what Yukito will think when I write to him about her.

"Ohayo, Touya-kun."

He snapped out of his thoughts and realized that he was already in their classroom. Yukino was smiling at him and was waiting for his reply.


Yes, even their smiles were the same. A gentle smile that reached the eyes and provided a soft glow on the face of the beholder. The kind of smile that could calm an angry person.

"Daijoubu? You seem to be a bit preoccupied."

"Aa. I was just thinking about Yukito," Touya said as he sat in his chair behind her. "I got a letter from him yesterday."

He saw something flicker in her eyes but then it might just be the sunlight pouring from the window.

"Honto? What did he say?"

"Nothing much. Just a bunch of usual questions."

"You sound a bit upset."

"A little. After all, I want to know what he was up to and if he was okay."

When he didn't hear her reply, he looked up and saw her looking at him oddly. It looked like as if she wanted to tell him something but thought it better.

"I'm sure your friend is all right," she said after a while. "Perhaps he just doesn't have anything interesting to say.

Ha! Nothing interesting? If Hiiragizawa is involved then there's definitely something interesting involved, he thought but of course didn't say out loud.

"Perhaps," he said instead just as their sensei entered the room.

~Lunch Period~

Touya and Yukino were sitting under their favorite tree as usual. He thought himself lucky that she would choose to eat with him every lunch when lots of their classmates (boys and girls alike) wanted her to join their groups.

And they always had fun. At least Touya did and, from the looks of it, so did Yukino or she wouldn't be hanging out with him at all. They talk about a lot of things (save her past) like school, food, movies, food, songs…food. The more they talk, the more he realized how much she has in common with Yukito.

And himself.

They complement each other, Touya and Yukino. It was as if they were meant for each other.

He had never been this attracted to any other woman since Kaho Mizuki. Every time she would laugh he could feel his heart jump in response. And every one of her smiles can take his breath away. There were times when he would find himself distracted in class because he was mesmerized by the gentle sway of her soft hair.

Maybe I should ask her out, he thought. It has been a long time since I went out with a girl.

Not that he was too chicken to ask anyone out. In fact, he could have his pick of any of the girls at Seijou High. He just didn't find anyone interesting to date.

Until now.

Gazing at Yukino, who was oblivious to anything or anyone other than her lunch, his heart thumped frantically from nervousness. She's different from all the other girls. What if she refused to go out with him?

No pain, no gain, right? His subconscious prodded him.

He took a couple of breaths before clearing his throat to get her attention. "Anou, Yukino-chan, would you…"

"Oi, Yukino-chan!"

Touya blew a mushroom bubble in exasperation, after which he glared at the guy who interrupted him.

"Sen-san," she acknowledged in a monotonous voice.

Touya couldn't blame her. For the past week Sen had been bugging her to come watch him play basketball and kept on asking her out on dates. But being the nice girl that she was Yukino always politely declined his offers even though she was clearly getting annoyed.

If it were Touya, he would have put the guy in his proper place already. The thing was it was none of his business. She was not his girlfriend to be overprotective about. For some reason that ticked him off more.

"What can I do for you, Sen-san?" she asked, her face showing extreme tolerance.

"Why so formal, Yukino-chan? You know you can call me by my first name."

"Very well, Hanamichi-san."

"It's still too formal for my taste but we'll work it out," he said smugly as he sat beside her and dropped his arm yet again on her shoulder.

Touya glared some more at the smirking boy, his face turning red from anger with steam coming out from his ears. He gave him his very own smirk when Yukino gently shrugged out of the basketball player's embrace and inched towards Touya.

"Anyway," Sen said even as he flashed Touya with an angry look, "I wanted to ask you where you want to go this afternoon, Yukino-chan."

"Nani?" she replied in confusion.

"For the tour, remember? You promised me last week that you'll hang out with me this week."

"I didn't hear her promise you anything, baka." Touya interrupted in irritation.

"Hey, who asked you?" Sen answered back.

Touya just had about enough of the guy. He was much too egotistic for his own good. He was about to tell him off but was stopped when he felt Yukino's hand on his clenched fist.

"Hanamichi-san, I did not promise you anything. I did not want to hurt your feelings then and I don't want to now. However, you must know the truth. I do not wish to go out with you."

"Aw, come on, baby," Sen replied after a brief pause. "Surely you don't mean that? We could be great together."

"I believe the lady said no, do'aho." Touya saw the slightly crazed look in the other guy's eyes.

"Who are you calling a do'aho? I've had it with you, Kinomoto. You've been a pain in the butt for quite some time now. I won't let you or any other baka come in the way between me and my Yukino."

The two boys stood up, posed for action. Touya was about to lunge at Sen but Yukino came in between them.

"I can fight my own battles, Touya-kun."

"You heard the lady," Sen sneered although he was nervously sweating. He was no match for Touya although his ego wouldn't admit it to anyone even himself. He was the school's basketball tensai. Many people looked up to him.

And then he got a brilliant idea.

"Why don't we make a deal, Yukino-chan? If you can beat me on a one-on-one shoot out, I would gladly leave you alone. But if I win you would have to be my personal slave for two weeks."

Why that conniving little asshole, Touya frowned. It was certainly unfair for Yukino's part since the guy was a varsity player. He was about to protest but he was stopped yet again.

"I accept your challenge," Yukino quietly answered back.

To be continued…