Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ The Game Begins ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 3


"I'll get it!" Sakura yelled as she dashed towards the front door. She knew that her Otousan and Oniichan were both busy in the kitchen.

"Konbanwa," the man greeted once the door opened. "I have a package for Sakura Kinomoto."

"Hoe?" Sakura said in surprise. Now who would send me a package, she thought as she stamped some forms.

She looked at the box and saw that it came from London. Eriol-kun!

She positioned the box near her ears and shook it up and down in order to get a clue to what was inside. She didn't expect to hear odd, scary noises.

"Hoe!" Sakura threw the box to the floor in surprise and took a nervous step back. What the heck was that?

She prodded the box with her foot twice and then she heard the howling sound again. The blood left her face, draining all color.

"What's going on now, kaijuu?" Touya emerged from the kitchen and found his sister pointing at the brown box on the floor, her eyes nervously twitching.

Touya sighed in exasperation. How in the world would she survive as the Card Mistress when she gets scared at the silliest things, he thought as he picked the box up. He turned it around ignoring the sounds coming from the inside. When he saw that one side of the box had holes in it he instantly knew what was inside.

His suspicions were correct. Once he had the box opened, the Seal Beast heaved himself over the flaps. The stuffed animal didn't look good because his eyes spiraled from dizziness and band-aids covered various areas of his head.

"Kero-chan!" Sakura exclaimed when she picked him up. "Gomen nasai. I didn't know it was you. Daijoubu?"

"Hands off, Suppi. That pudding is mine." Keroberos unconsciously muttered, his eyes still twirling. A second later, he vigorously shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and illusions. "Ow! My head! Can't you guys read? It says on the box 'FRAGILE'. Jeez, you could have killed me."

"It takes more than that to kill a pest like you," Touya said in a dry tone. He doesn't exactly get along with this particular guardian due to reasons better left unexplored

"Ha! Just for that I won't give you Yukito's letter," Keroberos brandished a rolled up paper tied to his neck with a blue ribbon and waved under Touya's nose.

Touya tried to grab it but Keroberos flew away before he could even touch it. He tried to catch the little stuffed toy, running around a sweatdropping Sakura in circles.

"Yamero! Give me that this instance!"

"Not until I hear you apologize and say that I'm more of a bishounen than you."

"In your dreams stuffed lion!"

"What's going on over there?" Fujitaka said as he appeared in the hallway.

Keroberos faltered so Touya was able to snatch the letter. Sakura, on the other hand, quickly grabbed Keroberos and held him like a stuffed toy.

"Nothing, Otousan. Sakura and I were just talking," Touya said as he kept on tugging at the letter inconspicuously. But it wouldn't budge because it was still tied around Keroberos' neck. The guardian sweatdropped because each tug cuts off his blood and air circulation.

"Oh. I thought I heard another voice," Fujitaka replied.

B/N: As you might have guessed by now, Fujitaka doesn't know anything about Kero-chan and anything related to the Clow Cards which are now Sakura Cards. Touya, on the other hand, knows everything since he did give his powers to Yue.

"You must have heard the delivery man. Eriol-kun sent me the stuffed toy Yukito borrowed," Sakura quickly made up an excuse. She impatiently untied the note off Keroberos because Touya wouldn't stop tugging at it.

"I see. Well, dinner's almost ready so be sure to tidy your mess quickly."

"Hai!" Touya and Sakura said in unison.

"You're in for it now, human," Keroberos immediately hissed at Touya as soon as Fujitaka was out of earshot. "I don't care what Sakura thinks. I'll barbecue you to a crisp!"

Touya ignored that remark for he was busy unrolling the paper. He sat down in the living room and read the very short letter.


Hey! How was your vacation? I hope you had more fun than I did. Things around here are a bit confusing but Eriol-sama said he has everything under control. Anou…don't worry about me. We'll see each other sooner than you expect.


"What did he say?" Sakura sat beside him, holding on tight to Keroberos who was still struggling from anger.

"Nothing that we don't already know," Touya shrugged, acting nonchalant but in truth was deeply bothered. Yukito's letter was very short and impersonal. That was weird because Yukito was never impersonal towards him. The note itself was weird as though something could be read between the lines.

Sakura looked worriedly at her brother. He had been acting strange ever since they went to Egypt and Yukito went to England. Sure, she missed Yukito but she had a feeling that Touya missed the other boy much, much more.

And then, on the night of their return in Tomoeda, they received the eerie phone call from Eriol-kun.


"Moshi moshi," Sakura breathlessly answered the phone. They had just arrived from the airport. Fujitaka asked Sakura to answer the phone while he and Touya brought in their luggage.

"Sakura-chan. You made it," Eriol drawled.

"Eriol-kun! Doushite?" Sakura's mind was still whirling from jetlag and that sprint across the driveway to unlock the door didn't help a bit.

"I wanted to ask how your trip was," he said conversationally. He thought it best to let Sakura catch her breath first before dropping the bomb.

"Sugoi! It was so cool! We went in a real pyramid but 'niichan kept on spoiling the fun." Sakura stuck out her tongue to Touya who was entering the house with their bags.

"And why was that?" Eriol asked in an amused tone because he already had an idea to her answer.

"He kept on scaring me about the ghosts of the pharaohs. He said that they wake up at midnight to visit those who entered their tombs." She said indignantly expecting Eriol to laugh at the notion.

"Actually, part of what he said was true," he replied smilingly because he could actually imagine Sakura's now-statue-like appearance. Some things never change, he chuckled inwardly.

"Oi, kaijuu! Stop dawdling around there and help me with your bags," Touya yelled.

Sakura snapped out of her frightened trance at that. "Anou, Eriol-kun…"

"Wakatta," Eriol said stating that he heard what Touya said. "Demo I have something important to tell you."


"It's about Yukito," Eriol paused to look at the 'girl' pacing in front of him. "Actually it's about Yue. I have an important mission for him here. I would like to borrow him for a year."

"Nani! But what about Yukito?" Sakura asked in confusion. Touya heard this when he entered the house the second time.

"What about Yukito?" Touya asked suspiciously.

"Eriol-kun said he needs Yue to stay with him for a year," Sakura explained, her hand covering the mouthpiece. Touya snatched the phone away from her.

"What's the kaijuu blabbering about, Hiiragizawa," Touya yelled at the phone, ignoring Sakura's flushed glares.

"It's what exactly you've heard. I have something for Yue here and Yukito agreed in staying," Eriol sweatdropped because Yukito was now tugging at his arm, eavesdropping at their conversation.

"Nani! Put him on!"

"I believe I can't do that," Eriol winced. Yukito was squeezing his arm tightly from anxiety. "Yukito is not here right now." In a way it was the truth. Yukito isn't exactly Yukito right now. Eriol wasn't fond of lying but couldn't do anything about this situation.

"Hiiragizawa," Touya said in a warning tone.

"I'm afraid I have to go now. Tell Sakura-chan I'll send Keroberos along soon. Ja!"

Touya heard the other line click followed by a dial tone. Kuso, he cursed inwardly, what had just happened? What is Hiiragizawa up to?

"Oniichan, what did Eriol-kun say?"

"How the heck should I know? He had cut the connection before I can even I ask him questions."

Touya walked away muttering stuff about her having weird friends. Sakura caught something else about assertive powers and arrogant assumptions. She stepped back to let her brother pass and watched his retreating figure. She never saw him this way before. Never saw him show intense irritation even with Syaoran.

~End of Flashback~

Since that day, Touya had been in a foul mood. Sakura understood how he felt. She tried to imagine not seeing Tomoyo for a whole year but couldn't. Not having your best friend around is certainly something that would put you in a bad mood.

They had tried calling Eriol and Yukito but it was always either Nakuru or Suppi who would answer the phone. According to them Eriol was busy researching something in the library while Yukito (or rather Yue) was away for his mission and won't be back until Eriol could find a way to make that mission go away.

Touya would then mutter something about lies, deceptions and conspiracies before retreating to his room.

After a while they stopped calling. Sakura spent the rest of the week catching up with Tomoyo and doing her homework. Touya, on the other hand, managed to get part-time jobs to keep him busy. When he wasn't at work he would lock himself up in his room. What he did there, Sakura had no idea.

On the last night of summer vacation though Sakura decided to bring Touya a big chunk of strawberry shortcake their father made. She had noticed that 'niichan had only picked on his dinner.

She balanced the tray with the cake and a pot of tea on one hand then knocked on his bedroom door. When he didn't answer, she slowly opened the door sticking her head in the room. His lights were on but he was nowhere in sight. Thinking that he was taking a bath she left the food on his desk.

It was then that she noticed the strange sounds coming from her room. Afraid that Kero-chan was up to no good again, she dashed out of Touya's room and into hers.

"Hoe!" What she saw shocked her.

Keroberos was hanging upside down in Touya's hands. He had one foot in each hand and was shaking the sun guardian furiously.

"Tell me why you left Yukito in England, stuffed lion, or else…" Touya threatened.

"Or else what?!" Keroberos yelled back stubbornly. He got his answer when Touya grabbed hold of his tail and twirled him in circles.


Keroberos seized that moment to squirm out of Touya's grasp and flew behind Sakura's head. "Pbbbllth!" He stuck out his tongue at the furious boy.

"Why you…" Touya took a step forward.

"Oniichan!" Sakura said more firmly. Somehow she was acting more mature than her older brother. "What's going on here?"

"That maniac attacked me. I was minding my own business then he barged in here to torture me." Keroberos yelled.

"Well, he wouldn't answer my questions so I had to use drastic measures." Touya defended himself.

Sakura sighed at being stuck in the middle again. She sat down on her bed and pointedly looked at her companions to join her. After a minute of glaring at each other, they sat down on opposite sides of Sakura.

"Now both of you listen," Sakura began, "I want you to end this crap right now. You're giving me a nervous breakdown. Oniichan will ask the question nicely and Kero-chan, you will answer nicely."

"And truthfully," Touya butted in.

"Why should I?" Keroberos dared.

"Because I said so," Sakura said forcefully, surprising both Touya and Keroberos. She could feel the veins on her head thump in preparation for a major headache.

"Very well. I'll answer as truthfully as I possibly can," Keroberos said in resignation. He floated cross-legged and cross-armed in front of the two.

Sakura nodded in satisfaction and motioned for Touya to begin.

"Why did you leave Yukito behind?"

"Because they said so…Eriol-sama and Yukito."

"I don't believe you. Yukito wouldn't want to be left behind."

"Hey! Do you think I wanted to be shifted from one country to another in a FedEx box?"

"Yamero," Sakura exclaimed. "If you don't stop this bickering, you won't have your answers," she pointed at Touya, "and you won't have desserts for two weeks," she pointed at Kero-chan.

Keroberos glared at Touya before turning his back at them. It would be easier to answer the questions without seeing that baka's face. And easier to evade the questions if they don't see his face.

"All I'm allowed to say is that both Yue and Yukito are on a mission of personal nature and Eriol-sama is helping him out."

"What is this mission?" Touya demanded.

"I can't tell you," Keroberos turned back to face them. He saw that Touya was about to explode again so he went on. "You told me to tell the truth so I'm saying it now. They made me promise not to tell you guys and I can't break that promise. Only Yukito can tell you what this is all about."

Touya opened his mouth to persuade Keroberos but stopped. Yukito wouldn't want me to act this way, he thought. He'll tell me when he's ready.

"Gomen nasai," he apologized to both Keroberos and Sakura then stood up to go back to his room.

~Morning came~

"Ohayo!" Sakura rushed into the kitchen and quickly sat down at the table. As usual, she got up late.

"Ohayo," Touya muttered, not bothering to look up from the morning paper.

Sakura looked at him with saucer eyes. Nani! No 'kaijuu jokes'? That's odd, Sakura thought. She wasn't sure if she liked it or not. Of course she didn't want to be called a monster especially this early of the day but somehow it wasn't the same. Oniichan looks so bummed. He really should snap out of this grumpy mood.

Later, as they were heading to school, she decided that it was time for that brother-sister talk. "Cheer up, 'niichan. I'm sure Yukito would be sad if he sees you like this. He'd be gone for only a year. And I know that he won't forget to call and write to you every chance that he could get."

"I know. It's just that I'm worried about him especially since I don't know anything about this mission," Touya sighed desperately. And I can't shake off this feeling of fright, he added to himself. I haven't felt like this ever since that day I saw Yukito's hands disappearing. I don't want to lose him.

"You shouldn't worry yourself so. Eriol-kun wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. Even Yukito wouldn't allow himself to get hurt. He wouldn't want you to be sad."

She's right, he thought, a little bit surprised at his sister's sudden perceptiveness. He felt the heavy load being lifted from his heart.

Sakura stopped skating when her brother suddenly stopped walking. He was looking up at the sky and taking a deep breath. She happily sighed when she saw his lips slowly tweaking upwards in a smile.

"You're right Sakura," Touya smiled at her. "It's just a year. And he did say in his letter that I'll see him sooner than I would expect."

"Arigatou, kaijuu," Touya grinned at Sakura when they were headed to school again.

"I am not a monster!" Sakura pouted but was smiling inwardly. She was starting to like being called kaijuu especially since it means that Touya wasn't sad anymore.

They separated when they reached Sakura's school. Touya walked directly to his school then to his classroom, nodding once in a while at the girls who were calling him. He sat down at his desk and stared at Yukito's desk in front of his. Couple of minutes later, the bell rang.

Their homeroom teacher walked in and asked the class to settle down. She was about to introduce a new student but Touya wasn't listening. He was still staring at Yukito's desk. Whoever that new student was would definitely take Yukito's seat.

"Class, I would like you to meet your new classmate, Yukino Tsuhiko," the teacher said. (B/N: From this part on I will be calling Yukito Yukino and would address him as her.)

"Ohayo gozaimasu," Yukino said, nervously eyeing her classmates to see if any one recognized her. Nobody did but then she let her eyes wander to the back of the room and saw him. She smiled in relief and amusement when she saw that he wasn't paying attention.

"You can take that seat by the window, Tsuhiko-san, in front of Kinomoto-san. Will you raise your hand, Kinomoto-san," the teacher ordered.

"Hai!" Touya snapped out of his reverie and duly raised his right arm. It was then that he noticed the beautiful girl walking towards him.

He felt a slight tug in his heart as though he knew this girl. He took in her dark tresses that fell over her shoulder and slim body. But it was her eyes that got his attention.

Her eyes were aquamarine blue, sparkling brightly like the ocean when sunlight reflects over it.

"Ohayo," he heard her say. She has a soft, melodious voice. "I am Yukino Tsuhiko."

"Touya Kinomoto," he managed to say.

She smiled brightly at him before turning in her seat to face the board.

I can't wait to tell Yukito about her, Touya said to himself gleefully.

To be continued…