Crossover Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes ❯ Torn Between Identities ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Anyway, I'm glad for all those who have supported my story and I thank you for your continued support for this story. I know that it has been around one mouth since I've updated this story, but I hope that this chapter was worth the wait. Like I said in the last chapter, the plot and action are going to climb up with new Senshi going to be revealed, new Digital Knights, and our heroes and heroines gaining new powers, even before the greatest foe that they are going to face in the universe of our Sailor Senshi. I hope that you will send more reviews because it is your reviews that keep inspiring me to keep going with this story! By the way, if you need to know, the `X' in this title means `Extreme', which I hope describes this story. Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Yu-Hakusho, Card Captor Sakura, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone that comes from other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This story has intense violence, blood, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations!
Sailor Moon X: Digital Heroes
Recap: One evening after the battle with the Digimon Empress' circus, Kurama and Sailor Pluto meet in private and after some brief `introductions' by each other, Sailor Pluto and Kurama discuss the facts about Solar Moon and his group where Kurama and Sailor Pluto figure out who the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime really are. However, they decide not to tell the others . . . at least till the time are exactly right. But the Digimon Empress isn't going to give them the time when she issues a challenge to our Digidestined team to a `final battle'. When our heroes and heroines get to the `battle site', they find that the only enemy that they are going to face was none other than the Digimon Empress, alone! However, they learned that the Digimon Empress is more than enough to take care of them without much effort! Then the Digidestined learn that the Digimon Empress didn't need the Digidestined, she just needed their crests to unlock the seal of the three sacred artifacts. She then tries to kill our heroes and heroines, but Solar Moon, Sailor Sun, and Sailor Star sacrifice their lives in order stop her. Our heroes and heroines, including Sailor Pluto and Kurama most of all, thought with Davis, Jun, and Kairi killed, all hope was lost. However, it wasn't when Davis, Jun, and Kairi were revived back to life, the two treasures of the Moon Prince and Sun Princess were revealed, and Davis and Jun were revealed to be the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime! In their `true forms' of Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Kairi's `royal form' of Queen Alyssa, the three siblings freed the elder Digidestined and their Digimon partners and took the Digimon Empress `to the cleaners' with some enhanced and new powers. However, their victory was short lived when the `real' mastermind behind this plot appears! The evil Apotheosismon, the most powerful and dangerous enemy that the first Digidestined faced, appears with new greater dark powers than when he fought our three royals and the rest of the first Digidestined around nine years ago! With this power, not even our three royals' powers can stop him, but then Kari, risking it all to save Prince Daisuke's life, transforms into his beloved in his past life, Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom! Using her shadow powers, Princess Hikari summons the three Egyptian Gods to try to stop Apotheosismon, but the evil Digital God stops the three Deities of Domination in their tracks. However, with Veemon and Gatomon gain `new' Mega forms of Sovereigndramon and Magnadramon with BlackGatomon becoming Ophanimon and Renamon becoming the new Sakuyamon Selene Mode, they combined their powers together to weaken Apotheosismon while the rest of our heroes and heroines, reinforced by first Digidestined members of Jun's best friend, Janet, and Sean, with their Digimon partners, AntarcticAngewomon and SaberLeomon, took care of the rest. Apotheosismon retreated for the moment and our four royals collapsed, totally drained of their energy with the use of their `awakened' powers. While Gennai and Orion planned to explain the `situation' to the elder Digidestined, through Orion and the rest of the younger Digidestined are also surprised by this turn of events, many of our heroes and heroines know that the `first stage' of this war with the Digimon Empress and her master, Apotheosismon, is over and the second one is about to begin . . .
Chapter 9: Torn Between Identities
(Over one day after the battle with Apotheosismon; Inside of Rei's temple)
Within Rei's temple, we find four sleeping bags in front of the Sacred Fire and in those sleeping bags, we find the sleeping forms of Hikari Kamiya, Jun Motomiya, Kairi Motomiya, and Daisuke `Davis' Motomiya with Davis' and Kari's sleeping bags side by side. Davis has his Senshi morpher on top of his sleeping bag, Jun has her Senshi transformation brooch on top of her sleeping bag, Kairi has her henshin wand on top of her sleeping bag, and on top of Kari's sleeping bag, we find there is rainbow colored brooch with a golden Eye of Hours in the center of the heart brooch with a silver Milky Way sigil within the center of the `Eye of Hours', the golden crescent moon sigil, golden sun sigil, and five-pointed star sigil surround the Eye of Hours in the triangle formation with four rainbow colored wings attached to the heart brooch. Back to our sleeping Digidestined, we find the closed eyes of our Digidestined of Light and Galaxy Princess starting to stir and then slowly open until they are fully open.
Kari murmurs out, groggily and weakly, “What the? What's going on?” Just then Kari remembers the events of the battle with Apotheosismon, she gasps and she thinks, “Oh no! I remember! Daisuke!” Kari goes into a sitting position in her sleeping bag and looks to see our Digidestined of Miracles is sleeping peacefully in his sleeping bag. Kari gives a slight smile and replies, “He's safe. But what is he doing in a sleeping bag?” Kari then looks around to see that she isn't in the pocket dimension of Apotheosismon's and his Digimon Empress' creation and Kari asks in her mind, “What the? Where am I? It looks like that we are inside a Shinto temple.” Kari looks to the other side to see the sleeping forms of Jun and Kairi, then looks down on her sleeping bag, notices the heart brooch on her sleeping bag, and thinks in her mind, “What's this?” Kari then puts the transformation brooch into her hands and then hears Davis groan out. When Kari looks towards Davis, he sees her beloved sit up on the bed and holds his head.
Davis says to himself, “Whoa. What hit me?”
Kari tells Davis, “Daisuke, you're okay.”
Davis turns to Kari and asks Kari, “Kari?” Just then the events of the battle of Apotheosismon and the Digimon Empress slam back into his hand and he states, “Oh shit! What happened to Apotheosismon?” Davis then looks around to see the inside of Rei's temple and asks, “Where in the world are we?”
Kari replies, shrugging her shoulders, “I don't know, Davis. Last thing, I remember, we had just beaten Apotheosismon and then I felt weak.”
Davis nods his head and says, “Yeah, I caught you in my arms and that `weakness' just surged through my body causing everything to go black.”
Just then Jun's voice groans out, with an annoyed tone, “You're going to be black and blue if you don't keep it down.” When Davis and Kari look to the source of Jun's voice, they see Jun and Kairi, with their eyes still closed, slowly going to a sitting position in their sleeping bag while holding their heads.
When they fully open their eyes, Kairi asks, curiously, “Where are we? It looks like we are in some kind of Shinto temple. What's going on here?”
Jun says to Kairi, “I remember defeating Apotheosismon and then a wave of weakness hit me causing everything to go black.”
Kairi looks down on their sleeping bag and states, “Our transformation items.” Kairi, Jun, and Davis picked up their transformation items and Kairi asks, “What's going on?”
Just then Orion's voice calls out, in a plain tone, “Good morning, your majesties.” When Davis, Kari, Jun, and Kairi look to the source of the voice, they see none other than Kairi's guardian cat walking towards them on all fours and stops in front of all four of them.
Jun states, “What do you mean . . .?” Jun then quickly remembers what happened during the battles with Apotheosismon and the Digimon Empress and Jun says, “Oh, right. Now, I remember.”
Orion says, in a plain tone, “Indeed, you should. You and your brother are the brother and sister to Princess Serenity that we have been looking for and not only that, Kari is the Galaxy Kingdom Princess, Prince Daisuke's soulmate.”
Kari asks Orion, holding her transformation brooch, “Hey, Orion, I hate to ask a stupid question, but is this . . .?”
Orion nods in understanding and says, “I know this is a lot to take in Princess Hikari, but that indeed is your sailor transformation brooch. From what Ami can tell, you are also at an Eternal Sailor Senshi level like Jun, Kairi, and Serena. It appeared when you, Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and my liege turned back into your `Earthling states', which is when we arrived here.”
Kairi then asks Orion, “Okay . . . But Orion, where are we?”
Just then a familiar female voice replies, “You are in my temple.” When everyone looks to the source of THAT voice, they find Shinto Priestess and Sailor Senshi of Fire, Rei Hino, in her Shinto Priestess clothing, in the doorway and looking at them. Rei tells them, in a plain tone, “I'm a Shinto Priestess and this temple belongs to my grandfather. We brought you here after we escaped from that pocket dimension. I put some spell charms up to make sure that your auras weren't detected and no evil energy can enter until you woke up.”
Jun asks Rei, in a serious tone, “How long were we out?”
Rei replies, in a plain tone, “Over a day. It is Sunday morning, now.”
The four Digidestined gasp and Kairi exclaims, stunned, “Over a day?!”
Kari asks Rei, “Wait! What about Tai and the others?!”
Rei tells Kari, with a reassuring smile, “Don't worry, you're friends are safe and sound. Thanks to our little sun princess and her fiery temper, here.”
Jun gives a small blush of embarrassment and Orion tells Rei, in a plain tone, “Princess Rei of Mars, I don't think that you should insult Princess Juniper's temper when you have, yet, to work out yours.”
Rei growls at Orion, annoyed, “Watch it, furball!”
Orion ignores Rei and tells the four royals, “If you four are well enough to stand on your feet, the others are waiting for you. We have explained our `stories' to the `newcomers', but there are a few `blanks' to be filled and we need you for that.”
Kairi says, in a plain tone, “Well, time to face the music.”
Davis tells Kairi, “No kidding, sis.” The four Digidestined get out of the sleeping bags and onto their feet, in which they follow Rei and Orion outside where the others are waiting for the four of them. Davis then notices his Senshi morpher, now, has a shining silver finish to its `body' with the marks of the sun sigil and silver Milky Way sigil on its `body' as well.
(In the temple `courtyard'; A very brief time later)
In front of our Fire Senshi's temple, we find our Digidestined, first through third generation, their Digimon partners, the Frontier Digidestined, Sakura, Madison, Meilin, and Li, and last, but not least, Darien and our Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi, minus Rei, in their civilian forms are waiting in front of the temple for the news on the `condition' of our Digidestined of Light, Miracles, Destiny, and Freedom from Orion and Rei.
BlackGatomon asks Veemon, “Veemon, do you think that Kairi and the others are going to be okay?”
Renamon tells BlackGatomon, in her usual tone, “Do not worry, BlackGatomon. They were drained of energy during the battle with Apotheosismon and the Digimon Empress and they might still need some time to recover.”
Our Digidestined of Wisdom, Janet, says, still pretty amazed, “I still can't believe that my best friend is a real princess!”
Gatomon says, “Well, I'm not too surprised by anything anymore.”
Li says, in a plain tone, “If they are the Moon Prince and Sun Princess, they hold the `keys' to finding two of the most powerful mystical items in existence.”
Cody says, in his logical tone, “With Kairi being the `holder' of the third mystical artifact, it seems like the fate of two universes are in Davis', Jun's, and Kairi's hands.”
Yolei says, in a sarcastic tone, “Well, that's a real confidence bringer.”
Just then a familiar male voice says, in a familiar sarcastic tone, “Thanks for the vote of confidence, four-eyes.” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Davis, Jun, Kari, and Kairi being led out into the temple courtyard by Orion and Rei.
Gatomon exclaims, happily, “Kari, you're okay!”
Kari smiles and tells Gatomon, her tone sounding of more confident than before, “Don't worry, Gatomon. It will take a little more than Apotheosismon and a little energy drain to kill me.”
The Digidestined, minus Janet and Sean, were perplexed by Kari's new tone of voice and Mimi asks, curiously, “Is it me or does Kari sound more confident than before?”
Palmon tells Mimi, “I don't think it is you, Mimi. Kari does sound a bit . . . different.” While the four royals sit down in front of the temple, Kari instinctively leans on Davis' right shoulder while he wraps her right arm around her waist gently.
Tai asks Davis, a bit confused, “Hey, when did you and my sister become boyfriend and girlfriend, Davis?”
Davis and Kari look at each other and when Davis looks at Tai, Davis replies, in a bit of his usual sarcasm, “Quite a while. Oh, say, a few millennia or so.”
Matt says, with a small smile, “Well, he sounds like Davis.”
Jun asks Matt, a bit of suspicion in her voice, “Okay, what does THAT supposed to mean?”
Orion tells Jun, “Well, your majesty, remember, we already told your recently arrived friends in the Digidestined and the friends that you released about our world, our `story', and your `connection' with our world.”
Renamon then says to Jun, “Jun, in order to make sure that we have all the details for this battle for both our realities, I feel that it is for the best that we review our `back stories', reintroduce ourselves a bit, and study what has happened in `connection' to the battles against Apotheosismon and the Digimon Empress.”
Luna nods her head and says, “I agree with Renamon. If we are going to be working together to defeat a common enemy, we are going to know and trust each other.”
Just then a familiar voice says, “Indeed, Luna.” Everyone whips their heads to the source to see none other than Gennai in front of the stairs.
Tai exclaims, really annoyed, “Do you have to do that Gennai?”
Mina asks Yolei, “Does he always do that?”
Yolei nods her head and replies, “A lot of times.” Yolei then looks at Gennai and yells at him, in an annoyed tone, “And where you were when Davis, Kari, Jun, and Kairi were recovering from Apotheosismon.”
Gennai replies, in a plain tone, “I return back to our reality through the Digital World of this reality to give my report to the Sovereigns and check on the balance of light and darkness within both realities. Unfortunately, the news isn't good: The balance between light and darkness is totally unbalanced in both realities.”
Trista nods her head and says, “What Gennai says is true: The balance of light and darkness in our reality is unbalanced and it is causing the balance in the dimension where the majority of the Digidestined came from to become unbalanced as well.”
Lita asks, shocked, “What? How is that possible?”
Gennai replies, “It is simple, young princess of Jupiter. You see, this realities' Digital World is actually just one of five `sub-divisions' of the whole Digital World, with one sector `connection' to one reality. It is like a domino effect: Whatever effects one affects the others, in a matter of time.”
Izzy says to Gennai, “Like the balance between the Real and Digital Worlds, right, Gennai?”
Gennai nods his head and replies to Izzy, “Correct, Izzy.”
Renamon says, in her plain tone, “However, I believe that it is best to get started.”
Janet asks, curiously, “Okay, how do we start off?”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “I think that introductions are the best way to start off.”
Izzy nods his head and replies, in his logical tone, “I concur with Ami.” The rest of our heroes and heroines nod their heads in agreement with the two geniuses of their groups.
Tai says, “All right. I will begin. I'm Taichi Kamiya, my friends call me Tai, and I'm the holder of Courage.”
Agumon states, “I'm Agumon, Tai's Digimon partner, Rookie level Digimon, my special attack is Pepper Breath.”
Sora says, in a kind tone, “I'm Sora Takenouchi and Love is my crest symbol.”
Biyomon bows and says, “I'm Biyomon, Sora's Digimon partner, and my special attack is Spiral Twister.”
Mimi says, in her usual tone, “I'm Mimi Takencuchi, fashion critic extraordinaire, and I'm the Digidestined of Sincerity.”
Palmon then says, “I'm Palmon, Mimi's Digimon partner, I'm a plant Digimon of the Rookie level, and my special attack is Poison Ivy.”
Joe Kido says, a bit nervously, “Well, I never introduced myself to a group of princesses before, but here goes: I'm Joe Kido, I'm trying to become a doctor, and I hold the Crest of Reliability.”
Gomamon then says, “Don't worry about him. Joe is also this way. The name is Gomamon, Joe's Digimon partner, and my attack is Marching Fishes.”
Matt says, with his usual smile, “What's up? I'm Matt Ishida, famous rock-star and leader of my band, back at home, the Teenage Wolves, I'm the Digidestined of Friendship.”
Gabumon says, “I'm Gabumon, Matt's Digimon partner, and my special attack is Blue Blaster.”
TK then says, “You already met me. I'm Takeru Takashi, my friends call me TK, one of the Digital Knights that you met, I'm Matt's younger brother, and I'm the Digidestined of Hope.”
Patamon states, “And I'm Patamon, TK's Digimon partner, my special attack is Boom Bubble, and my Digivolved forms are Angemon, MagnaAngemon, and I DNA Digivolve with Armadillomon's Champion form to form Shakkoumon. I also armor digivolve to Pegasusmon through the Digimental of Hope.”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “I am Izzy Izumi, computer and computer programming expert and `genius' of the Digidestined, and I'm the Digidestined of Knowledge.”
Tentomon then states, “And I'm Tentomon, Izzy's Digimon partner, I'm a Rookie level insect Digimon, and my special attack is Super Shocker.”
Cody says, in his logical tone, “I'm Cody Hida, the holder of the Digimentals of Reliability and Knowledge, and the bearer of the Crest of Honor.”
Armadillomon states, “Hiya! I'm Armadillomon, Cody's Digimon partner, my special attack is Diamond Shell, and I use the Digimental of Reliability to armor digivolve to Submarimon, I use the Digimental of Knowledge to armor digivolve to Digmon, and I digivolve to Ankylomon, my Champion form, and Shakkoumon, my new Ultimate form.”
Yolei says, in her usual tone, “Hey, my name is Miyako Inoue, my friends call me Yolei, I'm the holder of the Digimentals of Love and Sincerity, and the holder of the Crest of Faith.”
Hawkmon then says, in his logical British type tone, “Greetings. I am Hawkmon, Yolei's Digimon partner, my special attack is Feather Strike, and I digivolve to Halsemon using the Digimental of Love, Shurimon using the Digimental of Sincerity, and I digivolve to Aquilamon, my Champion form, of course, and Silphymon, my Ultimate form.”
Ken says, “I'm Ken Ichijouji and I am the holder of the Crest of Kindness.”
Wormmon says, “And I'm Wormmon, please to meet you. I'm Ken's Digimon partner and I digivolve into Stingmon as well as DNA Digivolve with Veemon into Paildramon, our DNA Ultimate form, and Imperialdramon, dragon and fighter mode, our DNA Mega form.”
Janet says, “Well, I'm Janet Heito, a member of the very first Digidestined team from my world, and I'm the holder of the Crest of Wisdom. My special powers are ice and cold elemental and mystical abilities.”
An ice-blue version of Gatomon with purple stripes and white gloves says, “And I'm IceGatomon, a Champion Artic Feline Digimon, my Icicle Paw and Cat's Eye Mesmerizing puts the `cold shoulder' on my opponents, and I'm Janet's Digimon partner. My Ultimate form is that of AntarcticAngewomon.”
Sean says, with a strong tone, “Well, I'm Sean Kanto, I'm the `muscle man' for the first Digidestined team, my crest is Determination, and my special powers are Nature-based meaning I've got powers over nature.”
An Elecmon says, “I'm Elecmon, a Rookie Digimon, and my Thunder Strike attack with give you a shock like none other. I'm Sean's Digimon partner and my digivolved forms are Leomon, my Champion form, Grappleomon, my Ultimate form, and Mega form is SaberLeomon.”
Kari then says, with her usual smile on her lips, “Hi, I'm Hikari Kamiya, my friends call me Kari, I'm the Digidestined of Light, and the reincarnation of Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom . . . and I guess the Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Galaxy.”
Gatomon says, “I'm Gatomon, Kari's Digimon partner, Champion Digimon, and I use the Digimental of Light to armor digivolve to Nefertimon. Plus, I digivolve to Angewomon, my Ultimate form, and my Mega form is Magnadramon.”
Kairi states, in a plain tone, “I'm Kairi Motomiya, sister to Daisuke and Jun Motomiya, I'm a member of the first Digidestined team, I'm the Digidestined of Freedom, and the reincarnation of Queen Alyssa, daughter of Queen Serenity and the Lord of Time, Chronos, through his magic. My Sailor Senshi form is Eternal Sailor Star and my Digidestined powers are Light and Darkness based as well as telepathic and telekinetic powers.”
BlackGatomon then says, speaking up, “And I'm BlackGatomon, a Champion feline Digimon, and I digivolve into Shadow Angewomon and Ophanimon. I am Kairi's faithful Digimon partner of nine years.”
Davis then says, in a plain tone, “I'm Daisuke Motomiya, my friends call me Davis, I was a member of the first Digidestined and leader of the third generation of Digidestined, I hold the Digimentals of Courage and Friendship and I am the Digidestined of Miracles. My special powers are based on Fire, Lightning, and Ice, I'm the reincarnation of the Moon Prince known as Prince Daisuke Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and my Senshi form is Eternal Solar Moon.”
Veemon states, in an excited tone, “I'm Veemon, a mythical dragon Digimon of legend in my Digital World, Rookie level, I literally use my head with my V-Head Butt to pound my enemies down to the ground. I use the Digimentals of Courage to Armor Digivolve to Flamedramon, the Digimental of Friendship to Armor Digivolve to Raidramon, and I digivolve to ExVeemon, my Champion form, Cyberdramon, my Ultimate form, and Sovereigndramon, my Mega form. Plus, I also DNA Digivolve with Wormmon to form Paildramon, our DNA Ultimate form, and Imperialdramon, our DNA Mega form.”
Jun tells everyone, introducing herself, “Well, I'm Jun Motomiya, elder sister to Davis and Kairi, I'm the Digidestined of Destiny and the unofficial leader of the first Digidestined, my special powers are based on Earth, Sky, and Plant-life, and I'm also the reincarnation of Princess Juniper Serenity Amun-Re, eldest daughter of Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and King Apollo of the Sun Kingdom. My Sailor Senshi form is Eternal Sailor Sun.”
Renamon then states, in her usual tone, “And I am Renamon, a fox Digimon from the Southern Sector of the Digital World, my Diamond Storm and Power Paw attacks will make sure that you will not harm my partner in anyway, and my digivolved forms are Kyubimon, Taomon, Sakuyamon, and my newest form, Sakuyamon Selene Mode. I am Jun Motomiya's faithful partner and I've dedicated my life to her protector, even at the cost of my own life.”
Gennai says, “And I am Gennai, one of the last members of the `Order', a group of Digital beings similar to the Digimon, but not like them at all, who kept the balance of light and darkness between the Digital and Real Worlds. We were the ones that had chosen the second generation of Digidestined and I had been the unofficial advisor and guardian of all three generations of Digidestined. I am well-skilled and knowledge in the ways of universe and existence, which has helped the Digidestined in more than one occasion.”
Tai then says, in a sarcastic tone, “Like it or not.” Sora then punches him in the arm and Tai yells at Sora, holding his arm, “What did you do that for?!”
Sora replies, in a serious tone, “For being an ass in front of Gennai and the others.”
Ignoring what just happened, Sakura continues by saying, “Hi, I'm Sakura Avalon and I'm sixteen years old. Back when I was ten years old, I opened a mystical book known as the Clow and released powerful mystical cards known as Clow Cards, the guardian of the Clow, Kero, gave me the key of the Clow, and I became the Card Captor. My duty was to capture the Clow Cards before they can cause trouble and I had help of my friends, Madison and Meilin, along with my boyfriend, Li, descendant of the creator of the Clow Cards, Clow Reed, to stop them. After I was done capturing the cards, I had to change them into Star Cards so they can use my magic instead of Clow Reed, who is long gone . . . sort of. Anyway, I'm also the reincarnation of Princess Sakura, half-sister to Queen Alyssa AKA Kairi, and my Sailor Senshi form is Sailor Constellation.”
Madison says, in her usual tone, “Hi, there! I'm Madison Taylor, Sakura-chan's best friend since the third grade, when I was ten years old, I learned about the Clow Cards and Sakura's duty of the Card Captor, and during her Card Captor days, I designed incredible costumes because I believed that heroine should always come into battle with the coolest costumes. Now, I'm her fellow Sailor Senshi and guardian, Sailor Nebula, Sailor Senshi of the Cosmic Storms.”
Meilin exclaims, in her usual tone, “I'm Meilin Rae, Li's cousin from China, and I didn't have any magic before now, but I've always tried my best to help my cousin and Sakura. Now, I can do a lot more since I'm Sailor Aurora, Sailor Senshi of the Rainbow Lights, but don't expect me to go easy on you if you want to fight.”
Li says, in his usual tone, “I'm Li Showron, descendant of Clow Reed and Sakura's boyfriend, my clan has always known and made sure that the Clow Cards weren't released to cause chaos to the Earth, when they were released, I tried to become the Card Captor instead of Sakura, but when the guardians of the Clow chose her to be the new Mistress of Clow, I step aside and aided her whenever I can. I don't remember when, but Sakura and I fell in love and became boyfriend and girlfriend.”
Takuya then says, “Hey, there, I'm Takuya Kanbara, 16 years old, and I'm the holder of the spirits of Flame, Agunimon and BurningGreymon.”
Kouji says, in his usual tone, “I'm Kouji Minamoto, 16 years old, and I'm the holder of the spirits of the Digimon Warrior of Light, Lobomon and KendoGarurumon.”
JP states, in his usual excited tone, “Hey, I'm Junpei Shibayama, call me JP, lovely ladies, 17 years old, and I'm the holder of the Spirits of Thunder, Beetlemon and MetalKabuterimon.”
Kouichi says, in a plain tone, “Hi, I'm Kouichi Kemora, twin brother to Kouji, 16 years old, and I'm the holder of the spirits of Darkness, Loweemon and YeagerLoweemon.”
Tommy exclaims, in his excited tone, “I'm Tommy, 13 years old, and I'm the holder of the Spirits of Ice, Kumamon and Korikakumon!”
Zoe then states, “Hey, I'm Izumi Orimoto, my friends call me Zoe, I'm 16 years old, and I'm the holder of the Spirits of Wind, Kazemon and Zephyrmon.”
Ami starts off for the Sailor Senshi by saying, “I'm Ami Mizuno, 16 years old, and I'm Sailor Mercury, the Sailor Senshi of Ice and Water.”
Mina says, in her usual excited way, “Hi, I'm Mina Aino, future pop star and idol, 16 years old, and I'm Sailor Venus, the Sailor Senshi of Love!”
Rei says, in her usual fashion, “I'm Rei Hino, 16 years old, I'm a Shinto Priestess in Training at this shrine that belongs to my grandfather, and I'm Sailor Mars, the Sailor Senshi of Fire and War.”
Lita states, “I'm Lita Kino, 16 years old, and I'm Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Senshi of Wood and Thunder, one of the strongest of the team.”
Hotaru says, in her usual shy tone, “I'm Hotaru Tomoe, 14 years old, and I'm Sailor Saturn, the Sailor Senshi of Darkness, Destruction, and Rebirth. I was once possessed by an evil entity known as Mistress Nine until Serena or Sailor Moon saved my life. I was reborn was a baby, but around when Sailor Galaxia showed up, the part of me that was Sailor Saturn `reawakened' and I aged rapidly until I was around twelve to thirteen years of age. Now, I age like any normal girl.”
Yolei thinks in her mind, “Talk about your `growth spurts'.”
Amara says, in her usual cold tone, “I'm Amara Ten'ou, 18 years old, I'm one of Hotaru's guardians, and I'm Sailor Uranus, Sailor Senshi of the Sky.”
Michelle gives her usual smile and says, “Please don't mind her, she doesn't trust outsiders, even fellow Senshi. I'm Michelle Kaioh, Amara's cousin, 18 years old, and one of Hotaru's guardians. I'm also Sailor Neptune, Sailor Senshi of the Water.”
Pluto then says, in her usual tone, “Greetings. I'm Trista Meiou also known as Sailor Pluto, the guardian of the Gates of Time. I'm the last survivor of the Silver Millennium and physically, I'm in my late twenties, but I've lived for around several millennia.”
Mimi whispers to Sora, “Wow. I want to get to know her facial expert or what kind of moisturizer she uses.”
Sora whispers back to Mimi, “I think it is a little more complicated than that, Mimi.”
Serena then says, “I'm Serena Tsukino, 16 years old, my favorite hobbies are video games and hanging with my handsome boyfriend, Darien. I'm also Sailor Moon, Champion of Love and Justice, and the reincarnation of Princess Serenity, holder of the Imperium Silver Crystal, and heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom.”
Luna states, “And I am Luna. I make look like any other black cat, but I'm Serena's guardian and advisor.”
Atriums then says, “And I'm Mina's guardian and advisor, Atriums.”
Darien then states, “I'm Darien Shields, 20 years old, I'm Serena's boyfriend, and I'm the reincarnation of Prince Endymon, heir to Earth's throne and Princess Serenity's soulmate back in the Silver Millennium. I'm also known as the hero Tuxedo Mask.”
Orion then finishes with, “Finally, I am Orion, guardian and advisor to Kairi, reincarnation of Queen Alyssa, ruler of the universe back in the Silver Millennium.”
Gennai says, “Now, I feel that we should tell our `back stories' and how we are involved in this `war' with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon. In our case, there are two worlds that surround this world and our reality. One of these worlds is known as the `Real World', the world that all of you and the world of flesh and blood, and the other world is the Digital World, a world created from the Digital Information passing through the `network connections' between all of the digital devices on Earth and the dreams of all of humanity, most of all, young children and teenagers. These two worlds are separate from each other, but they are `linked' and need each other to survive. If one world is destroyed, the other world, sooner or later, will be destroyed along with it. In our reality, the `Order', those who motioned the balance between light and darkness, found a group of children who discovered a Digi-Egg, the way that Digimon are born into the Digital World, that came from the Digital World into the Real World at a place known as Highton View Terrace. These children were no other than seven-year old Tai and four to five year old Kari. Young Tai and Kari took care of that Digi-Egg and the Digimon that came out of it, who digivolve all the way to Greymon, as well as helping it to survive and digivolve in the Real World. Greymon battled and defeated another Digimon that came into the Real World, Parrotmon, to protect little Tai and Kari. During that time, we found out that they would become members of the `Chosen Children', human beings with special qualities needed to protect both worlds, also known as the Digidestined. We also found out that Matt, TK, Joe, Izzy, Mimi, and Sora, who were also living at Highton View Terrace at the time, had a connection to Tai and Kari, even through we didn't know what, and would also be the Digidestined. By the time that Greymon and Parrotmon returned to the Digital World, we had found all of the information that we need to design their Crests and digivices as well as chose their Digimon partners. However, the human partner is critical to the Digivolution process, not the digivice. The digivice along with the crest allowed the Digidestined to become aware of the special qualities within them and `smoothed' the digivolving process.”
Jun then says, “However, they weren't to become the first Digidestined. One day, around nine years ago, I was with my two siblings, Davis and Kairi, playing with our friends, Sean and Janet, when a bright light hit all of us and the next thing that we knew, we were in the Digital World. All of us were just kids, so, you can imagine that we were scared and frightened, but we pulled through, especially when we met our Digimon partners, Veemon, Renamon, BlackGatomon, Elecmon, and IceGatomon for the first time. They really helped us out and soon enough, we gained our powers and crests as well as meeting Gennai, where we learned about the Digidestined, the Digimon, and the Digital World.”
Gennai states, continuing the `story', “I was surprised to meet the first Digidestined for the first time. They were . . . exactly what I expected, but they proved to be a strong and powerful team. They defeated powerful foes until they met Apotheosismon, who proved to be the most dangerous and most evil of any Digimon ever known. Even with all of their powers combined, Jun and her team, human and Digimon, were totally overwhelmed by this force. But the first Digidestined combined their powers together to weak Apotheosismon and send him into a dimensional prison, but he avoided it by dragging Kairi and BlackGatomon into the portal, which caused it to send all three of them into your reality.”
Kairi says, in a plain tone, “Soon after I arrived here, BlackGatomon and I quickly figured out that we were trapped in an alternate universe and not able to get home, right away. We were quickly adopted by the Kagoma family, who are very nice people I must tell you, and I started a new life, here, at least until BlackGatomon and I found a way home. That changed when I met Orion for the first time. He was getting picked on by some bullies and I saved him. Soon after, I learned about the Silver Millennium, the Moon and Sun Kingdoms, and my `past life' as Queen Alyssa. Orion gave me my first henshin wand and transformed into Sailor Star for the first time. From that day, I had a new mission: To protect this world from any demons or alien invaders that threaten this planet and over time and some battles of my own, I went all the way to Eternal Sailor Senshi by the time Sailor Moon was starting her battles with Sailor Galaxia.”
Gennai says, “On the meanwhile, we didn't know the fate of Kairi and BlackGatomon at the time, so, I sent the remaining members of the team home, but they had to give up their powers and crests at the time in order to restore the Digital World and repair the damage done by the forces of darkness that they battled. However, I also took Davis' old digivice because one day I knew that he would return and I sealed Veemon in the Digimental of Courage, knowing that Veemon and Davis would one day be reunited for another battle. A few years past and Tai, Matt, Izzy, Sora, Mimi, TK, and Joe arrived in the Digital World from their summer camp and met their Digimon partners. Kari wasn't there because she was home sick and she couldn't go to camp. However, when Myotismon, the second and third generation greatest enemy, invaded the Real World, the other Digidestined found Kari's digivice and crest and found her Digimon partner, Gatomon, who was brainwashed by Myotismon to believe that she was evil, but thanks to Kari, she remembered her true purpose. The second generation team defeated Myotismon, the Dark Masters, and finally, the powerful Apocalymon with aid from all of their friends and family in the Digital and Real Worlds, but when the final battle with Apocalymon ended, the Digidestined had to return to the Real World because the gateway between the two worlds was closing. However, around four years later, the gateway reopen and Davis returned to the Digital World with two new Digidestined, Yolei and Cody, to stop a new threat in the form of Ken as the Digimon Emperor. He was infected with the evil of a Dark Spore, a digital organic device that increased the `host's' intelligence and sports skills, but corrupted their heart and turning them to the darkness.”
Cody says, in his logical tone, “However, we didn't know at the time. We defeated Ken and he managed to free himself from the influence from the Dark Spore as well as starting to help us stop Arukenimon and Mummymon, two evil Digimon who Ken believed used his emotions and turned him to darkness. All of us, expect for Davis, were skeptical of Ken and Ken wanted to fight alone, believing it was `his fault and his fight', but with some work, Ken became a member of our team. And after we, along with a worldwide alliance of Digidestined, stopped chaos in the Real World when Digimon were sent into the Real World, we found out the truth when Okinawa, a human that managed to discover the Digital World and the `creator' and boss of Arukenimon and Mummymon, revealed himself to us. He told Ken about the truth of what happened and what he did to him by infecting him with the Dark Spore. Okinawa extracted the Dark Spore from Ken to infect other kids in order to open a gateway to the Digital World, but the gateway diverted into a dimension where dreams can come true. However, we found out that Myotismon had possessed Okinawa since the second generation `kids' defeated him and he left Okinawa's body and transforming into the evil MaloMyotismon. He used his Mental Illusion attack to try and trap us within our own `worlds' of our fears and fantasies, but Davis was totally unaffected and he and Veemon freed us from the spell. Together, with all of the Digidestined all over the world, we destroyed MaloMyotismon, once and for, and we lived in peace for three years.”
Gennai then states, “However, it already started to unravel two years ago when Davis and Jun found their way into the Digital World, gain their Digital Knight morphers, the crests and powers back, and finally, somehow, gain their two treasures from their own bodies, giving them their Senshi powers. Unknown to the rest of us, they've trained for two years for the day that they would find their long lost sister, Kairi, and her Digimon partner, BlackGatomon. But then the Digimon Empress appears and kidnapped Tai and the elder Digidestined, taking them into your world through the Vampire Gate, a special gateway in the Digital World that allows passage into all other realities. I didn't know for what reason at first, but I summoned the other Digidestined and their Digimon for a mission to rescue them. When I had found out what happened, minus the Senshi part at the time, between Davis and Jun, I remember a prophecy about three ancient and powerful artifacts in another world that whoever holds them would become one of the greatest powers in existence and a warning that if any evil power gets their hands on them, all of existence would be covered in darkness. When I remember about the Digidestined's crests as well, I figured out that she was going after the three sacred artifacts and told the Digidestined about them. Soon after, with my knowledge of reality and existence, I managed to slightly alter your reality to make sure that these all of them just didn't appear out of thin air until their mission in your reality was complete. However, with all that we learned over time, I had soon found that this `rescue mission' and defeating the Digimon Empress is a lot more complicated and turning into something more that I originally thought, especially learning of Davis, Jun, and Kairi gaining powers based on warriors and guardians of your universe.”
Yolei tells Gennai, motioning to Davis, Kari, Kairi, and Jun, “But what happened last night was a real `complication', huh?”
Luna says, nodding her head in agreement, “Indeed. Now, for our `story', as you say: Well, it beings over several millennia ago, at a time of great peace and prosperity known as the Silver Millennium. All of the planets in our solar system were inhabited, but the planets and kingdoms of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were united in an alliance with each other and the Lunarian kingdom on Earth's moon with the Moon Kingdom under the leadership of the beautiful and wise Queen Serenity who was Praetorian or `head' of the Silver Alliance. She was married to the powerful and kind King Apollo Amun-Re, leader of the Sun Kingdom and Praetorian of the Golden Alliance, the Sun Kingdom and kingdoms of Indo-European Zodiac Star Constellations, Aquarius, Aries, etc, and together, they bore a group of wonderful children, including the taiyou-no-hime, Princess Juniper Serenity Amun-Re, the eldest of the children and heir to the throne of her father's kingdom, the tsuki-no-hime, Princess Serenity, younger sister to Princess Juniper and heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom, and the tsuki-no-ouji, the younger brother to Princess Juniper and twin brother to Princess Serenity, Prince Daisuke Cosmic Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. Also there was Queen Alyssa, Queen Serenity's and Chronos' daughter through the Lord of Time's magic, and ruler of the universe. However, Earth wasn't included in either alliance because the Earth was at war with itself and both kingdoms didn't want to get involved in the fight. But then Prince Endymon of Earth came to the Moon Kingdom to make a peaceful alliance with the Moon and Sun Kingdoms to learn from both kingdom and improve life on Earth. However, at the same time, Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom also came to the Moon Kingdom as well. She is the daughter of Queen Angelica of the Galaxy Kingdom and the great Pharaoh whose spirit lies within the Millennium Puzzle, allowing her to use and summon the three God Monsters of Egypt as well as great shadow powers within her from her Earthling father. She had escaped her Earth kingdom when the evil demon god, Zorc, battled the Nameless Pharaoh and Princess Hikari's father had his spirit sealed away within the Puzzle and returned years later to establish peaceful relations with the Moon and Sun Kingdoms. Princess Hikari knew Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Princess Serenity from their childhood together back in Egypt before Zorc. Anyway, while Prince Endymon and Princess Serenity feel in love with each other, Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari also formed a powerful bond. These bonds were the hope of peace in the universe, but it all came to end when Metallia, an evil entity, came to Earth to takeover the universe and to do so, she infused dark powers into Beryl, a countess that was jealous of Princess Serenity's and Prince Endymon's love for each other. Beryl become queen of the Negaverse, she nearly conquered Earth, attacked both kingdoms, and killed Princess Serenity, Prince Daisuke, and Princess Juniper along with Prince Endymon, the guardian Senshi of the tsuki-no-hime, tsuki-no-ouji, and taiyou-no-hime, and Princess Hikari as well. However, King Apollo and Queen Serenity used the treasures of their kingdoms to send their children to be reborn on Earth as well as Queen Serenity sealing Beryl and Negaverse away. However, using the powers of the treasures cost them their lives and Queen Serenity sent us to find her daughter and the Sailor Senshi in case Beryl or an evil like her come back to terrorize Earth, since it was the only planet that managed to survive with a breathable atmosphere for humanoid life. Beryl and her allies destroyed all of the kingdoms of both alliances.”
Atriums says, “However, Queen Serenity tricked us to think that there was a Sailor Senshi of the Moon and when Luna found Serena, she didn't know that she was actually the Princess that Serena and the Inner Sailor Senshi, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, were looking for until the ginzuishou was restored and Serena was revealed to be Princess Serenity and Tuxedo Mask AKA Darien, who also tried to find the crystal and our princess through we didn't know that at the time, was revealed to be Prince Endymon. But Queen Beryl turned Darien against us until Serena reached out with her heart and banished all of the darkness that Queen Beryl put inside of him. In the final battle with Beryl and Metallia, Serena as Princess Serenity used every bit of her power along with the power of the other Inner Senshi to defeat Beryl, but it cost her life and the others. However, the Imperium Silver Crystal restored them back to life and erased their memories of what happened, but once again, we had to reawaken the Sailor Senshi for fighting greater evils. Ranging from misguided aliens like Ann and Ail to beings like Chaos who possessed one of the most powerful Sailor Senshi there ever was, a rival to Sailor Galaxy, Sailor Galaxia, to terror and destroy the universe. Their Sailor Senshi powers increased over time and their powers range from Super Sailor Senshi and in Sailor Moon's case, Eternal Sailor Senshi powers”
Ami then says, in her logical tone, “It has been one year since Sailor Moon defeated Chaos and freed Sailor Galaxia from her control when Davis, Kari, Jun, and the others arrived in our universe. Trista sensed the dimension disruption from the Gates of Time caused by the Digimon Empress and possibly, you, when you altered our reality slightly to make sure that Davis and his team were well `disguised' in our universe. When they were attacked by three Digimon that you call IceDevimon, we tried to help, but Kairi as Sailor Star finished them off for us.”
Sakura tells Takuya, “Well, my friends and I already told our story when we introduced ourselves, maybe you should take it from here.”
Takuya nods his head and says, “Right! Well, our story starts around three years ago, around one year before the Sailor Senshi appeared, I had got a message on my cell phone to come to train station in Shibuya, my hometown. When I arrived, I found myself down in an underground station full of Trailmon, a transporting train Digimon of my reality, and I took a train with Tommy, JP, and Zoe. The four of them soon enough found ourselves in the Digital World, namely Flame Terminal, and we didn't exactly take it so well. However, we were under attack from a Digimon and I had found the human spirit of Flame using it to Spirit Evolve into Agunimon. We used the spirit of Legendary Warriors and our D-Tector digivices to transform into the Legendary Warrior Digimon, Ten Digimon who long ago defeated a corrupted angel Digimon known as Lucemon, and purifying Digimon and Digital World data by scanning it into our D-Tectors. Kouji, who came to Flame Terminal after my first battle as Agunimon, gained the human spirit of Light, Lobomon, Tommy gained the human spirit of ice, Kumamon, Zoe gained the human spirit of Wind, Kazemon, and JP gained the Human Spirit of Thunder, Beetlemon. However, we learned that the other five spirits were used by Cherubimon, the Digimon causing the trouble in the Digital World, to gain his own evil warriors. During our battles with them, we gain our Beast Spirits of BurningGreymon, KendoGarurumon, Zephyrmon, MetalKabuterimon, and Korikakumon and took their spirits. Plus, we found that our last enemy warrior, Duskmon, was Kouichi, Kouji's twin brother, who got into an accident and his spirit, given physical form somehow, found its way into the Digital World. We freed him from Cherubimon's control and the spirits of Darkness changed to allow Kouichi to Spirit Evolve to Loweemon and YeagerLoweemon. However, it took Ophanimon's power to change mine and Kouji's D-Tectors to allow us to use all of the spirits of the Legendary Warriors to evolve into EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon to defeat Cherubimon, but then we learned that Cherubimon was a pawn for none other than Lucemon, himself. He stole all of the Digital World's information to revive himself and we couldn't beat him until we united all ten spirits into Susanomon, the Legendary Warrior of Peace. Together, we defeated Lucemon and restored the Digital World as well as saving the Real World in the process.”
Zoe then says, in a serious tone, “We got involved in this when those creepy Digimon, Arukenimon and Mummymon, along with those jerky Dark Masters tried to destroy us and many of you tried to save us. After the battle, Davis and his friends told us about what was going on and where they came from, we allied with each other in order to save their friends and defeat the Digimon Empress before she got her slimly hands on the three sacred artifacts.”
Kouichi says, “We just didn't expect the holders of the Moon Heart Crystal and Sun Soul Emerald to be right in front of us.”
Kairi then states, “By the way, where are the Spirit Detectives and Yugi and his friends?”
TK tells Kairi, “Yugi and his friends have some work at his grandfather's game shop and we don't know what those Spirit Detectives are up to.”
Kari then asks, a bit nervously, “Did you tell Yugi and his friends about me?”
Yolei tells Kari, shaking her head, “No way. I don't think the `Pharaoh' would have been taken the information that you are his reincarnated daughter.”
Kari says, in a plain tone, “I'm not sure if I'm taking the information.”
Jun says, also in a plain tone, “You aren't the only one. I can't believe that very same prince and princess we were looking for has been Davis and me all along.”
Renamon tells Jun, “Well, Jun, you are indeed the holder of the treasure of the Sun Kingdom and you had transformed into the form of one of royal blood . . . from outside of this planet, of course.”
Mimi tells Jun, “Wow, Jun! And by the way, I really loved your dress. Could you tell me your maker?”
Jun replies, a bit nervously, “I think he or she died around several millennia ago.”
Mimi replies, in her usual tone, “Oh, too bad.”
Atriums says, in a plain tone, “I'm guessing that she is the `Mina' of your group.”
Mina and Mimi yell at Atriums in annoyed tone and in unison, “Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!”
Matt asks Jun, “What I don't understand is why you never told us that you were once a Digidestined?”
Jun replies, with a sly tone, “One: I'm not a former Digidestined, I am a Digidestined. And two, you never asked me, Yamato-kun.”
TK giggles and says, in his own sly tone, “Should have seen that coming, bro.” However, Davis, Kari, and Jun give off solemn looks, but they are so slight that nearly no one notices expect for Kairi and Trista.
Luna says, with a smile, “Ah, it is finally good to have the royal family of the Sun and the Moon Kingdoms together again and with the Ginga-no-hime, no less, too!”
Atriums then states, “Well, we should be expecting Cosmic and Isis to be making an appearance sometime soon.”
Lita asks Atriums, “Who are Cosmic and Isis?”
Orion replies, “They are the guardians and advisors of the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime. They came from the same star system as Luna, Atriums, and myself. However, Cosmic, Prince Daisuke's guardian and advisor, is trapped in a canine body and Isis, Princess Juniper's guardian, is trapped in a feline body like Luna and Atriums as well as myself. And to keep gender's straight, Cosmic is a male and Isis is a female.”
Luna grumbles in annoyance and says, a bit annoyed, “Plus, Isis is my elder sister.”
Serena asks Luna, surprised, “Sister?!”
Luna yells out, her tone showing extreme annoyance, “Yes, that . . . that overgrown fleabag of sister of mine always tried make it seem that she was always better than am I, including guiding and protecting her charge!”
Atriums then says, trying to whisper, “And it worked too.”
However, Luna heard him and she roars out at Atriums, angrily, “I heard that!” And she slashes Atriums in the face with her claws and he yells out in pain from the scratch.
BlackGatomon tells Gatomon, “Wow, sounds like those two have got some history.”
Gatomon nods her head and replies, “No kidding.”
Ami tells Luna, in a nice tone, “Come on, Luna. I'm sure that she isn't that bad, now. It has been a long time since you've seen each other.”
Mina says, in her usual cheerful tone, “Yeah, come on, Luna. Try to get along? We are going to be working together.”
Luna just huffs and replies, annoyed, “I'll work with her . . . but I won't like it.”
Darien, trying to change the subject, says, “Anyway, since we have a common enemy, we are going to have to work together in order to stop them. So, like Mina was implying, we are going to need to cooperate with each other in order to find the three sacred artifacts.”
Orion looks at Davis and Jun and says, “However, now, we have another mission to consider. We need to find your guardian Senshi as well. The Solar Senshi and the Zodiac Sailor Senshi.”
Davis tells Orion, in a bit of annoyed tone, “We know about those Orion and I don't mean to be rude, but Jun and I can take care of ourselves.”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “Yeah, we've been practically fighting all of our lives and we know how to defend ourselves. We have tons of training, including with our Senshi powers. Why do we need to `wake up' those guys and girls when it is not necessary.”
Orion practically leaps at them and yells at them, in a very serious tone, “That would be okay if you were ordinary Senshi, but you are not! You are the son and daughter of Queen Serenity and King Apollo!! And I might add, your majesties, that you are heirs to the throne, especially you, Princess Juniper, to the throne of your father, King Apollo!! You hold the future and the legacy of the Silver Millennium and this is responsibility that you will not take lightly . . . IS THAT CLEAR?!!!” Everyone nearly jumps at Orion's brawling of Davis and Jun, surprised by his angered tone, especially Kairi.
Kairi thinks in her mind, “Whoa! I never heard Orion that angry before! Geez! He takes this more seriously than I thought!”
However, another surprise is coming, when Kari, for some reason or another, gets really angry at Orion and yells out, in an angered tone not seen in her before, “And what right do you have to order Davis around, Orion?!”
Everyone looks at Kari, in surprise, and Tai thinks in his mind, “What the?! I never heard Kari sound so . . .angry before. What's gotten into her?”
Orion tells Kari, in a serious tone, “Your majesty, it is for the best that you leave . . .!!” However, when Orion looks at Kari, she is giving him a look that say `you are getting me pissed off' and Orion winches back in surprise.
Kari then yells at Orion, in a strong tone full of author that makes her sound similar to Princess Hikari than Kari, “No, you look here, fur ball! I don't know care if you are `guardian' to Davis' sister. If you are giving Davis a mouthful than you have a problem with me as well . . . IS THAT CLEAR, ORION?!!” Everyone jumps at Kari's brawling at Orion, not expecting her to do anything like that.
Orion replies, very fearfully, “Yes, your majesty.”
Davis thinks in his own mind, “Whoa! I never seen Kari so angry before! Or sound like so strong . . . like she was the leader of a kingdom.” Just then Davis holds his head in pain and give out a roar of pain causing everyone to look at him.
Kari goes over to Davis and asks him, worriedly, “Dai-chan, are you okay?”
Tai asks in his mind, “Dai-chan?!” When Davis takes his hands away from his forehead, everyone sees his crescent moon sigil glowing on his forehead.
Izzy asks, curiously, “Is that Davis' `royal birthmark'?”
Luna tells Izzy, “One way to put it, but yes, it is. It is the mark of members of the Lunarian royal family, passed down from generation to generation, and said to have come from the great goddess of the moon, the very one that started the royal family of the moon.”
Soon after, Kari and Jun hold their head in pain as their royal sigils appear on their foreheads and Yolei asks, “What's wrong with them?”
Atriums says, “I don't know. Their royal sigils wouldn't usually come out unless they were under periods of great stress.” However, as quickly as they appeared on their foreheads, the royal sigils fade from their foreheads.
Tai asks Kari, “Kari, are you, Davis, and Jun all right?”
Jun replies, her tone sounding more like Princess Juniper than Jun Motomiya, “To put it simply, Taichi Kamiya, we are far from okay.”
Matt asks Jun, “Are you okay, Jun? You sound different and not like yourself. Are you feeling all right?”
Kari says, her tone sounding more like Princess Hikari than Hikari Kamiya, “Well, that's the understand of the Silver Millennium.”
Yolei states, in a plain tone, “They are starting to sound like their `alter egos'.”
Mimi states, in her usual curious tone, “Makes you wonder if they were really Davis, Jun, and Kari at all.” Wham! This hits Davis, Jun, and Kari like a ton of bricks and the memories of what happened during the battle with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon.
Davis thinks in his mind, “Could Mimi be right? Were we ever who we thought that we were?”
Kari thinks in her mind, “Were we ever Daisuke Motomiya, Hikari Kamiya, and Jun Motomiya or are we just some `personalities' created by our `true selves'?”
Jun thinks in her mind, “Are our lives on our planet Earth just a lie? Were we never who we thought that we were? Are we, as Davis, Jun, and Kari, just some `creation' of our `alter egos' of Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Princess Hikari?” Soon after, Davis, Jun, and Kari started to walk away with solemn looks on their faces.
Rei asks the three of them, “Where are you going?”
Davis says, in a plain tone, “For a walk.”
Orion states, in a bit of flabbergasted tone, “A walk?! How can you be thinking of going for a walk at a time like this?!”
Jun yells at Orion, in a serious tone, “Orion . . . we need to go for a walk and that's final! By the authority as Princess Juniper of the Sun Kingdom, we're leaving for a walk alone and we are leaving alone!! Now . . . DROP IT!!!” Davis, Kari, and Jun quicken their pace and head out down the stairs of the temple into the streets of Juuban.
Madison asks, curiously, “What's gotten into them?”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “I'm not sure, but Davis and Jun are part of the royal family from the Silver Millennium, so, like it or not . . .”
Kairi then tells Amara, “Amara, leave them alone.”
Everyone looks at Kairi and Orion tells Kairi, “Your majesty, this is your brother and sister and plus, the blood of three of the most important kingdoms in the Silver Millennium. Plus, your brother and sister are two of the most important people in this war against the Empress. They are the holders of the Moon Heart Crystal and Sun Soul Emerald, two of the most powerful treasures in all of existence.”
TK says to Orion, “Hey, Orion, they are not just royalty from this universe, you know?! They are our friends Davis, Jun, and Kari.”
Kairi says, in a serious tone, “And that's exactly what the problem is.”
Everyone looks at Kairi, perplexed, and Serena asks Kairi, “What do you mean by that Kairi?”
Izzy then says, what Kairi is trying to say, “I get what Kairi is saying. They didn't have time to think about this when they were battling the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon, but now, going over the events of what happened and learning what they know now. Davis, Jun, and Kari are going through some sort of an identity crises.”
Matt asks Izzy, “Identity Crises?”
Kairi nods her head and says, “Remember, my sis and bro along with Kari have thought they knew who they are for practically all of their lives and then in one night, just in one instant, they learn that they were totally different people a lifetime ago in another reality. They are supposed to be these powerful prince and princesses that might literally have the fate of existence in their hands within their own subconscious minds as well as great and powerful warriors as well. Legends, added to the fact.”
Everyone thinks about this for a moment and Luna says, nodding her head, “Yes, I see where you are going, Kairi. Knowing what they know now and thinking that they knew themselves totally for years and then learning about their `past lives' can put a `dent' in your `reasoning' about your identity.”
Serena nods her head and says, “I know how they feel. During much of the early time that I knew I was Princess Serenity, there were times I wasn't sure that I knew who I was and times I wished that I just Serena Tsukino and not the Moon Princess.”
Kairi tells Serena and everyone else, “Well, I've known about my `alter ego' for years and deep inside my heart and soul, I could always `feel' my `other self' in there, ever since Orion told me about my `other life'. Now, more than ever, since my `alter ego' as Queen Alyssa has been fully awakened. But Davis, Jun, and Kari didn't know about their `other selves' until now and right now, they aren't sure if they are really Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, and Hikari Kamiya at all. As well as if they aren't so kind of `personalities' created by their `alter egos' and they never really existed at all.”
Everyone, minus Trista, gasps in shock and Luna says, in her usual tone, “Well, that's just plain preposterous!”
Lita tells Luna, “Try telling that to them.”
Sakura asks, worriedly, “Is there anything we can do to help?”
Trista shakes her head and replies, “Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. In this journey, the only way for them to find the answers to these questions is for them to look inside of themselves.”
Mimi lowers head and says, solemn, “I just made things worse, didn't I? I wished that I didn't say that comment.”
Joe tells Mimi, reassuringly, “I know that you didn't mean anything by it. I guess that they are having a harder time with their new `situation' that we are.”
Tai exclaims, nodding his head, “No kidding, Joe! I still can't believe that my little sister is a reincarnated alien princess and one of the most powerful beings in two universes!”
Matt tells Tai, “Well, Tai, `Little Kari' isn't so little, anymore. She's practically grown up and grown in ways I don't think that they've imagined.”
Sora says, in a serious tone, “Well, I'm not sure that they are ready to accept `certain' changes to themselves.”
Hotaru says, in a worried tone, “I wish that we could help them.”
Serena nods her head in agreement and says, “I wish so too, Hotaru-chan.”
Kairi says, in a plain tone, “Well, it is the best that we leave them alone . . .” However, Kairi gets a bit of small grin and says, in a bit of a sly tone, “ . . . However, that doesn't mean we can't just `accidentally' bump into them while showing Tai and the others around the district to allow them to get to know this universe. I mean that was our plans for today, right?”
TK gives a wide grin at Kairi and asks, simply, “Loophole, huh? They told us not to follow us, but they can't say we are following them if we are doing something else that seemly doesn't involve them, right?”
Ken says, with a wide smile, “You are Davis' and Jun's sister all right.”
Matt nods his head in agreement and replies, “That's for sure.”
Kairi tells Matt, in a taunting tone, “How sweet. No wonder my sister truly does like you through this time she plans to win you in a fair manner.”
Matt asks Kairi, curiously, “How is she going to do that?”
Kairi replies, in a sly tone, “When we get home, she is going to be her own band together and beat your butt.”
Matt says, in a not threatened tone, “You wish!”
Renamon tells Matt, “I would not count on that, young bearer of Friendship. Even when Jun was just a little girl, she had a singing voice of goddess in her lips.”
Matt exclaims, shocked, “You're kidding.”
Gabumon tells Matt, “Renamon are elite type warrior Digimon, Matt. They rarely joke around.”
Gatomon asks Luna, “Did Jun have an incredible singing voice back when she was Princess Juniper?”
Luna nods her head and says, “Yes, she was. Princess Juniper had a varied of talents, through some talents she never did want. Queen Serenity kind of . . . `forced' Princess Juniper to take ballet when she was ten years old.”
Rei asks, curiously, “One hell of a temper tantrum, huh?”
Atriums says, in a serious tone, “With the taiyou-no-hime, that's putting it mildly. Princess Juniper and Prince Daisuke were among the stubbornness people in the whole universe. When they have their minds sent on something, they rarely, if ever, change their minds about it.”
Yolei says, in a serious tone, “Now that sounds familiar.”
Ken says, in a wondering tone, “I just wished that we can help Davis, Jun, and Kari realize that they are much as Daisuke Motomiya, Hikari Kamiya, and Jun Motomiya as much as they are Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Princess Hikari.”
Kairi gets to her feet, start to walk towards the temple stairs, and replies, “Well, we are not going to get anything done if we just stand here and mope! Are you coming or not?!” Kairi started to head out with BlackGatomon, Veemon, Gatomon, and Renamon starting to follow her.
Tai gives a few laughs and says, excitedly and a wide grin on his lips, “Now, she is definitely Davis' sister! No doubt about it, now!”
Matt then gets to his feet and says, “In that case, we better follow her before she does something drastic.”
TK tells Matt, “Now, I hear that bro.”
Meilin says, in her usual excited tone, “Yeah, why does she get all of the fun?” Sakura and Madison couldn't help to giggle and soon after, all of the rest of our heroes and heroines were following our Digidestined of Destiny and the four Digimon partners.
(Somewhere within the district of Juuban; on the meanwhile)
Within the backalleys of the district of Juuban, we find two figures roaming around as they watch the people of Juuban go along with their delay business. When we get a closer look at these figures, we find that these figures are canine the size of dachshund with bright brown eyes, bright silver well-groomed hair, and a golden crescent moon sigil on this canine's forehead. The second figure is a feline with beautiful pearly white hair and sparkling silver stripes across this feline's back, light green eyes, and the same sun sigil on Princess Juniper's/Sailor Sun's forehead is on this feline's forehead.
The feline says, in a serious deep female tone, “This is it, Cosmic. This is the area that I've sensed our charges.”
The canine, Cosmic, asks the feline, in a handsome male tone, “It has been so long, Isis. However, I keep wondering why they didn't awaken until now.”
Isis replies, “We will know when we find them. However, until we find them, they will be in mortal danger and plus, we cannot start finding their guardian Senshi as well. Hopefully, their sister and her guardian Senshi have found them and keeping them safe.”
Cosmic tells Isis, “For Selene's sake, I hope so.” The two of them then head off into the crowd on their mission to find their charges and we already know who they are.
(Within the Crown Fruit Parlor; Sometime later that morning)
Inside of the Crown Fruit Parlor, one of our Sailor Senshi's popular `hang-outs', right now, we find our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny looking over their menus with solemn looks on their faces. They tried to concentrate on getting a drink to get their minds off the `identity crises' that they are going through, but what happened to them during the battle with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon was too vivid in their minds and all three of them slam their menus into the table in frustration.
Davis looks at Kari and Jun and asks them, plainly, “You, too?”
Jun and Kari nod their head in agreement with Davis and Kari, who is sitting with Davis at the booth, tells Davis, “Daisuke, I can't stand this. I keep thinking: What if Mimi is right about us? What if we aren't who we think we are for all this time? I just kept thinking that I'm not really Tai's younger sister . . . that Hikari Kamiya never really existed at all.”
Davis tells Kari, trying to sound strong, “No way, Kari. You do exist. You are right here in front of me.” However, Davis hangs his head low and says, “But I keep feeling the same way. Damn it. What if . . . What if we were living a lie for all this time? A lie that we never knew about.”
Jun nods her head in understand and says, “Same here, bro. I just can't keep these thoughts out of my head.”
Just then a female voice asks them, “What thoughts?” Davis, Jun, and Kari whip their heads to the source of the voice to look into the eyes of Elizabeth Hansford, the younger sister of Andrew Hansford. Elizabeth says, with a smile, “Hey, I know you! You are Serena's cousins, Daisuke and Jun Motomiya. And you are one of their friends, Hikari Kamiya.”
Davis asks Elizabeth, sounding a bit suspicious of Elizabeth, “Yes, we are. How do you know?”
Elizabeth replies, “My big brother told me. His name is Andrew Hansford and you've met him in the Crown Arcade. I'm Elizabeth Hansford.”
Kari then says, in a sweet smile, “Oh, please to meet you, Elizabeth.”
Davis tells Elizabeth, in a nervous tone and giving his typical nervous smile, “Sorry, if I sounded suspicious of you.”
Elizabeth tells Davis, “No problem. From what I saw from you, it looks like you have a lot on your mind.”
Davis says, with a solemn tone, “That's an understatement.”
Elizabeth asks them, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Jun tells Elizabeth, “I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I don't think you would understand.”
Elizabeth tells Jun, “Well, my best friend, Serena, and her friends, Rei, Ami, Lita, and Mina, taught me that you should always discuss your problems with your friends, even if they don't understand. I can be your friend if you want.”
Kari tells Elizabeth, with a kind tone, “Thanks, Elizabeth. We really appreciate that.”
Davis tells Elizabeth, “Yeah, we really do, but I don't think you can help us. It's not you . . . It's just . . . us.”
Jun tells Elizabeth, “It's just very complicated and not easy to `answer'.”
Elizabeth nods her head and says, “Well, I'm willing to try.”
Davis, Jun, and Kari look at each other, gives a big sigh, and Jun tells Elizabeth, “Okay, here goes: Did you ever get the feeling that you never really knew yourself? Let me ask you this: Did you have a day that you have thought you knew who and what you are with nearly absolute certainty and then you find out something that totally turns the perception of yourself totally upside down as well as making you think that you are not really who you think you are and your existence could have also been just a lie?”
Elizabeth shakes her head and replies, “No, I didn't. Wow, that is complicated. I really can't help you.”
Davis tells Elizabeth, with his usual smile, “Hey, no big. You tried to help and that's counts.”
Kari nods her head and replies, “Thanks for trying.”
Elizabeth says, in a nice tone, “No problem. Now, it is time for your orders.”
Kari tells Elizabeth, “Chocolate milkshake.”
Jun tells Elizabeth, “Make that three chocolate milkshake, Elizabeth. All of us are in need of something sweet.”
Elizabeth replies, with a smile and a nice tone, “Okay, got it.” However, when Elizabeth heads off to fill Davis', Jun's, and Kari's order, the three of them sigh and get solemn looks on their faces.
Davis says, solemnly, “Man. I never felt so low. I'm glad that Serena's friend tried to help, but that was a real downer.”
Jun tells Davis, “I hate to say it, but I agree, bro. I feel like that I've lied to my family and my friends back at home.”
Kari nods her head in agreement and says, “Same here.”
Davis also nods his head and states, “No kidding.” The three of them look up into the beautiful crystal-clear skies up ahead and wondering about the questions raging through their minds, not knowing that they were being watched by two familiar four-legged `animals', namely Cosmic and Isis.
Isis exclaims to Cosmic, “That's them! I recognize their auras anywhere! Plus, the Galaxy Princess is with them!”
Cosmic says, in a serious tone, “They may look different, but I recognize my charge and his elder sister anyway. Plus, Prince Daisuke is reunited with his beloved. This is better than I ever hoped.”
Isis looks on their expression on their faces and says, “However, Cosmic, it might not be the right time to come to them.”
Cosmic asks Isis, “When should we return to our charges?”
Isis tells Cosmic, “Well, we have waited years for them to return, I'm sure that we can wait an hour or two.” However, the two `guardians' sense a dark aura and they turn their heads to see Mimete, in disguise, watching the three royals from down the street.
Mimete says to herself, “So, it is true. That rotten two that's Solar Moon and Sailor Sun are that moon brat's long lost sister and brother. Plus, that girl is that male moon brat's long lost beloved. How sweet. I think that I'm going to gag. Lord Daemon would be pleased to know this information and the possibility that their pure hearts might contain the Moon Heart Crystal and Sun Soul Emerald.”
As Mimete walks away, Cosmic tells Isis, in a serious tone, “She must be an enemy. I can sense her powerful negate aura.”
Isis nods her head in agreement and says, “Yes, I can sense it, too. And she is after our charges. Let's try to keep an eye on her.” Cosmic nods his head in agreement and the two of them head off to follow Mimete to make sure that she doesn't try anything `funny' while Elizabeth comes back with the three chocolate milkshakes for our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny.
(In the center of Juuban Park; Sometime later)
Sitting in front of the lake near the center of Juuban Park, we find Davis, Kari, and Jun staring down the lake while Davis is skipping stones down the lake and all three of them have solemn expression on their faces.
Davis looks at Kari and tells her, with a very weak smile, “Guess having something sweet just like, through not as sweet as, you didn't help.” Kari couldn't help to try to smile from Davis' comment, knowing that he was trying to cheer her up, but it didn't work and both of them regained their solemn expressions.
Jun says, in a solemn tone, “My mind is just burning with all of these questions.”
Kari tells Jun, “I know how you feel, Jun. I don't know how to `figure' this entire `situation' out.”
Davis says, in a serious tone, “Man! How are we going to know the truth?! It's not like the answers are just going to drop from the sky!”
Just then a familiar and haunting beautiful female voice replies, “You speak the truth about that, my son. However, I believe that I can help you find your path!” Davis, Jun, and Kari whip their heads to the source of the voice only to be blinding by a bright light and they cover their eyes with their hands.
Davis exclaims, in a shocked, “Whoa! What's with the light show?!”
The female voice replies, “Now, my son, I hope that you didn't forget my voice. Maybe this shall help you.” The blinding light turns into a bright silver light and unknown to Davis, Kari, and Jun, their royal sigils appear on their forehead as the light starts to engulf them. However, unknown to them, Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan, just arriving in Juuban to have a `discussion' with the Digidestined and Sailor Senshi, witness what was happening and have to cover their eyes from the light as well.
Tristan shouts out, in a perplexed, “Dude! What's going on here?!”
Yugi's Millennium Puzzle gives off a bright light and Yugi shouts out, “YU-GI-OH!!!” Yugi then turns into the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, the Nameless Pharaoh, only known as Yami.
Yami says, in a serious tone and also forced to cover his eyes, “I don't know! I sense a great power coming from that light.”
Tea points towards Davis, Kari, and Jun and shouts out, “Hey, that's Davis, Jun, and Kari! What are they doing there?!” However, before Tea could get any reply, Davis, Kari, and Jun yell out as the silver light engulfed in one bright flash. When the bright flash fades away, Yami and his friends look to see that Davis, Kari, and Jun have vanished without a trace!
Joey asks, shocked, “Whoa! What happened to them?!” All of them rush over to where Davis, Kari, and Jun were and don't find a single trace that of the three of them were there.
Yami says, in a serious tone, “That light must have transported them away! I sense some kind of great power from it, but I'm not sure if the presence within that light had good or evil intentions for them.”
Tea quickly gets the sailor communicator that Kairi gave her, activates it, and when Kairi's face appears on the screen, she asks, over the screen, “Hey, Tea, what's up?”
Tea tells Kairi, over the communicator, “Kairi, we've got some bad news! Your brother and sister and their friend, Kari, was taken by some kind of mysterious light! We don't know what's happened to them!”
Kairi exclaims, shocked, “What?! Stay right there, Tea! Don't move! The others and I will be there shortly!”
Tea nods her head and says, worriedly, “Okay.” When she closes the communicator screen, Tea tells the others, “Kairi is coming over with her friends.”
Joey tells Tea, “Good idea, Tea. Because I don't think we're going to figure what happened to those three by ourselves.”
Tea says, in a worried tone, “I hope that they are okay.”
Yami nods his head in agreement and says, “I hope so, too, Tea. Since Davis and Jun are two of the original welders of the three sacred artifacts with powers that far exceed all seven of the Millennium Items, our enemies will stop at nothing to destroy or get their hands on them since with their ancient memories is the location of where they are sealed.”
Tristan asks Yami, “Do you think that one of our enemies got them?”
Yami says, in a serious tone, “I pray to Ra that they are safe, Tristan. In more ways than one.” As Tea and the others nod their heads in agreement, they kept wondering what happened to our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny and hoped that the other heroes and heroines would arrive in a quick fashion.
(In an unknown location; A short time soon after)
Lying down on the ground, we find our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny slowly rising to their feet, but they are in their `royal forms' of Prince Daisuke, Princess Hikari, and Princess Juniper, minus the angel wings coming out of their backs, with Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper having their royal sabers in their right hands with their royal treasures insert inside of the hilts of their sabers. When they have fully risen to their feet, they hold their heads for a few seconds and shake them before they open their eyes.
Princess Juniper groans out in pain and asks, in her deeper and more mature tone, “What hit us?”
Princess Hikari replies, in her own deeper and more mature tone, “I don't know.”
Prince Daisuke asks Princess Juniper and Princess Hikari, in his deeper and mature tone, “What's wrong with your voices, you guys? You sound different. Did you injury yourselves?” When Prince Daisuke looks at Princess Juniper and Princess Hikari, he gasps in shock and exclaims, “Hey, when did you two decided to become your `royal selves' all of sudden?”
When Princess Hikari and Princess Juniper look over themselves, their eyes widen in surprise, and Princess Juniper tells Prince Daisuke, “You've got me. I didn't decide to become Princess Juniper.”
Princess Hikari says, “I didn't want to transform either.”
Prince Daisuke gets a serious look on his face and says, in a serious tone, “Well, I'm getting a wild suspicious that someone or something caused our transformation and I'm going to find out why.”
Princess Juniper looks behind her brother, points behind him, and states, in a serious tone, “I think you've already got your answer.” When Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari look to where Princess Juniper is pointing, they gasp in shock to see the Moon Kingdom right in front of them.
Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari say in unison, “The Moon Kingdom.”
Prince Daisuke says, in a serious tone, “If we are going to get our answers, we have to go there.”
Princess Hikari asks Prince Daisuke, “Dai-chan, how can you be so sure?”
Princess Juniper says, “My brother is right. I don't know why, but we have to go there.”
Princess Hikari nods her head in agreement and says, “I trust you, Davis . . . I mean Prince Daisuke . . . I mean . . .”
Prince Daisuke tells Princess Hikari, “Don't worry about it, Hikari-chan . . . This is confusing to me, too . . .”
Princess Juniper says, in a serious tone, “Well, I know that once we go there, we will get our answers about who we are.” Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari nod their heads in agreement and all three of them try to rush towards to the Moon Kingdom and the palace, but Princess Hikari, not used to walking on high-heels, trips and yells out as she falls down.
However, Prince Daisuke quickly catches her in his arms and asks Princess Hikari, worriedly, “Are you okay?”
Princess Hikari gives a slight blush being in Prince Daisuke's arms and replies, a bit nervous, “Yeah . . . I'm not used to high-heels.” When Prince Daisuke helps Princess Hikari to her feet, she lifts her dress slightly to reveal crystal-like and crystal clear high-heeled shoes that look like they are made from glass. Princess Hikari asks, in annoyance, “How does people walk in these things?”
Prince Daisuke then says, with a slight blush in his voice, “I think that . . . you look good in them.”
Princess Hikari puts her long royal gown/dress back down to the ground and replies, a bit nervously and with a slight blush in her voice, “Really?”
Princess Juniper calls out to them, “Hey, you lovebirds are coming or not?!”
Prince Daisuke tells Princess Hikari, “We better get going. You know how my sister can get.”
Princess Juniper shouts out, “I heard that!” Giving off wide grins, Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari head over to Princess Juniper and all three of them head over to the Moon Kingdom palace. Sometime later, we find our three royals walking down the hallways of the Moon Kingdom palace and Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper are leading the way, instinctively knowing where to go.
Princess Hikari asks the two of them, “Are you sure where you are going?”
Prince Daisuke replies, “Absolutely certain. I just can't explain this `instinct', but I know exactly how to navigate this palace like . . . like we've been here before.”
Just then the beautiful female voice from the light earlier then calls out from the hallways, “That is because you and your sister here a long time ago, my son.” Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Princess Hikari then quickly move down the final part of the hallway into the throne room and gasp to find none other than Queen Serenity, with four beautiful fluffy and large angel wings coming out of her back, sitting down on the throne of the Moon Kingdom. As the three royals approach, they can sense her powerful ethereal presence just by looking at her.
Princess Hikari asks, “Is that . . .?!”
However, Princess Juniper nods her head and replies, “Yes, it is Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and our . . . our . . . our mother.”
Queen Serenity says, with a kind smile and tone, “I see that you are unsure to refer to me as your Lunarian mother or your `true' mother.”
Princess Juniper gasps and asks, surprised, “How did you know that?”
Queen Serenity slowly rises from a sitting position on the throne, slowly walks over to the three of them, and replies, “What mother would I be if I didn't know my children? I'm glad you can come here and we can have another talk.”
Princess Hikari asks the two royals, “What does she mean by that?”
Prince Daisuke replies, “Before we found out that we were her kids, Queen Serenity appeared to the two of us in our dreams. You know, now that I think about, I think we should have known that we were her kids since in our dreams we've always transformed into our `royal forms'.”
Princess Juniper says, with a sigh, “That should have been obvious from the start.”
Queen Serenity tells them, with kind words, “Sometimes that simplest solution isn't the right answer, my daughter. You had your rights to doubt and it isn't your fault that you didn't figure it out right away. Anyway, back then, it wasn't time for you to find out. If you had found out right away, it would have been most likely that the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon would have found out and killed your friends right away and taken their crests.”
Princess Hikari then asks, curiously, “So, by finding out only during the battle with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon, it saved Tai and the others, your majesty?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “Yes, Princess Hikari. Even the littlest detail can make a difference.” Queen Serenity then says, “However, I know that right now, you are unsure about who you really are and need some answers.”
Prince Daisuke tells Queen Serenity, “Yeah, we do. Can you please tell us who we truly are?”
Queen Serenity tells Prince Daisuke, “My son, only you, your soulmate, and your sister can answer that question.”
Princess Juniper says to Queen Serenity, “Not to sound insulting, but that isn't a lot of help.”
Prince Daisuke says, in a serious tone, “Neither do I want to insult royalty, but I need to know! Were we ever Daisuke Motomiya, Hikari Kamiya, and Jun Motomiya or just some `lie' created by your kids within our souls or whatever?!”
Queen Serenity sighs and says, with her usual tone, “Impatient as ever I see, Daisuke. You've gotten that one from your father.” Queen Serenity then says, in a plain tone and a kind smile, “I can answer that question, but whatever or not, all of you wish to believe it is up to you.”
Princess Hikari tells Queen Serenity, “Please tells us, your majesty.”
Queen Serenity tells the three of them, “The answer of who you really are is: That you are both my son and daughter as well as the Princess of the Galaxy Kingdom as well as Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, and Hikari Kamiya of Earth. The three of you are not some `personalities' created by the part of you that's my children. You are as much as a part of them as they are as much as a part of them. You are one half of their soul and they are your other half. You are as much as my children as the children of your Earth families.”
Princess Hikari says, in a curious tone, “So, our `alter egos' as Prince Daisuke, Princess Juniper, and Princess Hikari can't be whole without us as we can't be whole with out them.”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “Yes. You will always be as much as Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, and Hikari as my children, Prince Daisuke of the Moon Kingdom, Princess Juniper of the Sun Kingdom, and Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom. Even when you turn back into my children when your soul becomes one and not two.”
Prince Daisuke asks, pretty shocked, “You know?”
Princess Juniper tells Prince Daisuke, “She's our mother, bro. Why wouldn't she know?”
Prince Daisuke scratches his head and replies, with his classic Daisuke Motomiya smile, “Yeah, right.”
Princess Hikari asks Queen Serenity, solemnly, “Your majesty, can I ask you one more question?”
Queen Serenity replies, “Yes, Princess Hikari?”
Princess Hikari then says, “I feel that I'm hurting Daisuke because I do love him, but I'm so afraid that I love just because of our life back in our past lives.”
Prince Daisuke asks Princess Hikari, “You, too, Hikari-chan?” Princess Hikari looks at Prince Daisuke, surprised, and he says, solemnly, “I feel the same way. I'm afraid that I'm betraying your ability to choose to love just because of what we had in the past. I don't . . . I don't want to do that to you.”
Queen Serenity replies, with a kind tone, “Would you be asking that question if that was true?”
Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari look at each other for a few seconds and Prince Daisuke says, “Well, when you and I first met, as Davis and Kari, I was still reeling from my past and I had just come back from the Digital World for the first time, so, I was reeling from my loss of Kairi. I had just met Tai and we played soccer together which made me feel a bit better. However, I decided to sit down in the grass and stare into the sky, not noticing the people talking. And then I heard your voice, Kari, and I noticed your voice. When I looked towards your voice, I saw you sit down by me and we've may just talked for a while, but you allowed me to forget my troubles for that time. Your voice was that of an angel.”
Princess Hikari asks Prince Daisuke, “You fell in love with my voice? What about my looks?”
Prince Daisuke tells Princess Hikari, with his usual grin, “Hikari-chan, if I cared about your looks, would I be able to handle the Digital World as I did? I'm the kind of guy that looks on the inside, not the out, but to me, you always were and looked like an angel from heaven.”
Princess Hikari replies, with a wide blush, “Oh, Daisuke . . . Well, I always loved it when you've always tried every attempt to win my heart. When you were around Daisuke, I've always get this warm feeling inside and you may not know, but you've always give people hope and strength. I guess that I did like you, but I've never really admitted until I nearly lost you.” Prince Daisuke and Princess Hikari then look at each other, knowing that the answer to Princess Hikari's last question was already in front of them.
Queen Serenity says, with a kind and warm tone, “As you see, you have always cared about each other a long time before you remember your life in the Silver Millennium. You were always soulmates and you were never meant to be together: You chose to be together.”
Princess Hikari says, with a bit of a blush, “I guess that we worried ourselves for no reason.”
Prince Daisuke replies, with his typical smile as Daisuke Motomiya, “Yeah, no kidding.”
Princess Juniper then asks, “What about our friends and family, through? I mean my mom and dad, my Earth mom and dad, had to take a lot, but . . . will they think that we are not their children anymore? And what about our friends within the Digidestined?”
Queen Serenity says, with her usual smile, “I believe that maybe that should answer that question for you.” As the three royals looked at Queen Serenity, quite perplexed, she waved her right hand and an image forms in front of all of them. The image shows the Digidestined, minus our three royals, and their Digimon, the Sailor Senshi, the Frontier Digidestined, and Sakura and her friends along with Luna, Atriums, and Orion. in the park with Yami and his friends trying to find or figure out what happened to them. Tai, Yolei, Ken, and Kairi had especially worried looks on their faces.
Prince Daisuke says, “Whoa! It's Tai and the other back on Earth!”
Princess Hikari says, in a simple tone, “They look worried.”
Queen Serenity replies, “They are worried for you three. When I transported, Yugi Moto, the Pharaoh, and his friends saw what happened when I transported you and contacted the others. Now, they are trying to find you. Tai is especially worried for you and Daisuke, Hikari. Yolei is also worried for you and Ken is worried for my son. Kairi is worried for you, two, because they are her brother and sister in two lives.”
Prince Daisuke says, “Kairi, I can believe. But Tai, Yolei, and Ken are worried for Kari, me, or both? Even after all that they've learned?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, smiling at Prince Daisuke, “Yes, my son. They are. They care about you. No matter who or what you are, they are true friends and it doesn't change their opinion about you in their eyes. However, if you need to hear this for yourself . . .” Queen Serenity then closes her eyes and starts to chant in her Lunarian tongue, some kind of spell, but our three royals are unsure what's going to happen.
(Back on Earth; on the meanwhile)
Returning to Juuban Park, we find all of our heroes and heroines trying to find any sign of our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny with Ami using her computer to track whatever transported them or where, but so far, no success.
Serena asks Ami, in a worried tone, “Have you found any sign of them, Ami?”
Ami shakes her head and replies, solemnly, “I'm sorry, Serena, but I haven't. However, I will keep looking.”
Kairi shakes her fist and exclaims, angrily, “Damn it! I shouldn't have let them go alone! Our enemies are still out there . . .”
Luna tells Kairi, “Don't blame yourself, Kairi. You did what you thought was best.”
Orion nods his head in agreement and says, “Yes, it was a good idea to leave them be. Based on what we saw about them, they were very confused and lost about their purpose and themselves. They did need some time away from us. We just didn't think that any of our enemies would be able to attack them so quickly.”
Veemon says, “No way that this was Apotheosismon's doing! We kicked his Digi-butt into next week! Not even he could recover that quickly!”
Hawkmon nods his head in agreement and says, “Yes, I agree. His injuries from the attacks that all of us gave him were too severe to recover in under two days.”
Patamon says, “Remember, Apotheosismon is not the only one out there.”
BlackGatomon states, in a serious tone, “Yeah, Daemon and his friends, including Mimete, are still somewhere in this reality.”
Mina asks, curiously, “Do you think he would do something like this?”
TK tells Mina, in a serious tone, “Well, Mina, that isn't his style, but I wouldn't put anything by that demon. However, if he had taken them, he would have left us a clue or something.”
Tai exclaims, in a very serious and near panicky tone, “I don't care who it is! We've just got to find them right away!”
Joe tells Tai, “Whoa, Tai. Chill out.”
Tai yells at Joe, in an annoyed tone, “Chill out?! My sister, Davis, and his sister are out there with a multiple of creeps on their backs wanting to kill them or worse just because they hold fate to all of existence on their backs!”
Matt yells at Tai, in a serious tone, “Well, yelling at Joe isn't going to find them, Tai!”
Tai calms down and says, “I'm sorry, Joe. Ever since that I learned that my little sister, Kari, is some kind of reincarnated princess and one of the most powerful beings in two universes and my successor as leader of the Digidestined and good friend for many years, Davis, is some kind of reincarnated prince with the `key' to one of the most powerful `treasures' in existence. I keep seeing them with targets on their backs and now, I'm afraid that someone has just hit the `bull's-eye', literally.”
Takuya tells Tai, “Well, Tai, they are our friends, too! We'll find them no matter what it takes. Friends don't leave friends behind.”
JP says, in his usual tone, “Especially since they are the ones with the fate of existence on them.”
Zoe tells JP, drolly, “Real encouraging, JP.”
Madison asks, curiously, “Well, if they were transported like in some kind of Sci-fi show or something, they would be some kind of mark. But we haven't found any `mark' of some sort, I wonder: They just did disappear into thin air. Where did they go?” However, as if to answer Madison's question, bright silver light, similar to the one that engulfed Davis, Kari, and Jun earlier, appears in the sky.
Joey says, in a serious tone, “I think that you are about to get your answer.”
Tristan exclaims, worriedly, “Oh no! That's the same freaky light that took Davis, Jun, and Kari away!”
Tea says, worriedly, “And I'm getting the feeling that it has come for us, this time!”
Lita states, in a serious tone, “And I think that you're right!” Just then all of our heroes and heroines yell out as they are engulfed by the silver light in a bright flash and when the bright flash has faded, all of our heroes and heroines are gone without a trace as if they weren't there at all.
(Returning to where our Digidestined of Miracles, Light, and Destiny are; A brief time later)
Back into the mysterious `spirit world' version of the Moon Kingdom, we find a group of familiar figures rising to their feet and when we get a closer look, we find our heroes and heroines standing and looking at each other, gasping at their change in clothing.
We find Serena has transformed into her `royal form' as Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, her hair is still in its usual odango hairstyle, but with white pearly jeweled orbs in the odango portion of her pigtails, her golden crescent moon mark on her forehead, a white metallic choker is around her neck with a nice fit, not too loose to fall around, but not too tight to choker, with the Imperium Silver Crystal attached to the center portion of the choker, and her white royal dress fitting onto her body in a perfect fashion.
Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista are wearing similar dresses, but they are a mixture of white and their Sailor Senshi colors with Ami's being blue, Mina's being orange, Rei's being ruby red, Lita's being dark green, Hotaru's being dark violet, Amara's being dark blue, Michelle's being aqua-marine blue, and Trista's being light black, they have cloth chokers in their Sailor Senshi colors around their necks, and their planetary symbols `tattooed' on their foreheads like Serenity's sigil and in their own Sailor Senshi colors.
Darien has transformed into Prince Endymon of Earth with blue royal `uniform' under black armor with a brown belt across his chest armor and a sheath with a sword on the left side of his belt.
The male members of the Digidestined and Li have similar `attire' to Prince Endymon, expect Tai's `uniform' is fiery red under orange armor, Matt's armor is ice-blue over pure white `uniform', Izzy's armor is dark red over dark violet `uniform', Joe's armor is pure white over ice-blue `uniform', Ken's armor is pitch black over a light grey `uniform', Cody's armor is light brown over a dark green `uniform', TK's armor is bright orange over a deep blue `uniform', and Li's has bright green armor under a dark yellow `uniform'. The male Digidestined have their crest symbols, Courage, Friendship, Knowledge, Reliability, Kindness, Honor, and Hope, in the center of their belt buckles as well as the crest symbols on the top center portion of their sword's hilts as well as their tags containing their crests wrapped around their necks.
The three female members of the Digidestined have similar `attire' to Princess Serenity, expect they don't have sigils on their foreheads, Sora's dress is cheery red and white, Mimi's dress is bright pink and white, and Yolei's dress is dark violet and white with jewels in the form of crest symbols attached to their ears as earrings. Sora's earrings are a ruby red color, Mimi's earrings are emeralds, and Yolei's earrings are sparkling violet.
Sakura, Madison, and Meilin also have `attire' similar to Princess Serenity's attire, expect Sakura has three golden stars on her forehead, Meilin has rainbow colored five-pointed star on her forehead, and Madison has emerald green and ruby red five-point star on her forehead, Sakura's dress is pure angelic white all around, Meilin's dress is white and rainbow colored, and Madison's dress is a mixture of emerald green, ruby red, and white.
Takuya, Kouji, Tommy, Kouichi, and JP are also wearing similar `attire' to Prince Endymon, expect Takuya has flaming red armor over crimson red `uniform', Kouji has light blue armor over a white `uniform', Tommy has ice-blue armor over a brown `uniform', Kouichi has pitch black armor under plain grey `uniform', and JP has dark blue armor under brownish-yellow uniform. The symbols for the Legendary Warriors' spirits that they are carry on their belt buckles and on the top center portion of the hilt of their swords.
Zoe has a beautiful light violet and white dress similar to Princess Serenity's royal dress/gown on her body with sparkling pink jewels in the form of the symbol of the Legendary Warrior Wind attached to her ears as earrings.
And last, but certainly not least, Kairi has transformed into her `royal form' of Queen Alyssa, expect this time, she doesn't have wings coming out of her back.
Biyomon asks Sora, confused, “Sora, what happened to your clothes?”

Sora replies to Biyomon's question, pretty confused herself, “I wish that I knew, Biyomon.”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “All of guys look like knights and all of the girls look like princesses or female members of a royal court. Prodigious.”
Tai tells Izzy, “I knew that you would say that, Izzy.”
Mimi looks over herself and exclaims, loving the dress, “Oh, wow. This dress is so beautiful and it is pink, my favorite color.”
Sora says, with a giggle, “I knew that you would say that, Mimi.”
Tommy asks, curiously, “But why have we been dressed up in these clothes?”
Kouichi replies, “I wish that I knew, Tommy, but I'm as confused as you are.”
Zoe asks Takuya, in a bit of sly tone, “What do you think of me in this dress, Takuya?”
Takuya replies, a bit nervously and slight blushing, “You . . . You look great, Zoe.” Takuya slaps himself mentally and thinks in his mind, “What the fuck you are thinking, Kanbara?! She doesn't look `great', Zoe looks drop dead gorgeous in that dress!”
Just then our heroes and heroines hear Tea's voice give out a gasp and her voice exclaims, “Pharaoh, what's going on here?!” When everyone else looks to the source of the Tea's voice, they find quite a surprise.
Tea is wearing a similar dress to Neo-Queen Serenity's dress expect it is mainly golden color and white with silver wings coming out of the back and beautiful golden colored fingernails.
Tristan, Joey, and Yugi also have similar `attire' to the other males of the group, but with Tristan's armor is light brown `uniform' under dark brown armor, Joey's `uniform' is dark blue under white armor, and Yugi having emerald green armor over light blue `uniform' with the Millennium Puzzle hanging around his neck.
Finally, in front of the four friends is their fifth friend, Yami, the spirit of the Pharaoh living within the Millennium Puzzle, wearing what an Egyptian Pharaoh would wear with a golden headband across his head with the Eye of Horus engraved in the center of the headband and his skin is a honey-skin tan of an Egyptian instead of the ivory skin tan of a Japanese person. The Pharaoh also has the Millennium Puzzle around his neck.
Joey asks Yami, “Call me crazy, Pharaoh, but aren't you supposed to be a spirit living within the Millennium Puzzle and sharing Yug's mind and body?”
Yami replies, a bit perplexed in his tone, “In simple terms, Joey, yes, I am. However, it looks like we are in some kind of spirit world or something like it that allows Yugi and me to be separate `people' at the same time while we are here.”
Tea looks at the others and asks, “You, too, huh?”
Sora nods her head and says, “Yep.”
Yolei goes over to Serena/Serenity and asks her, “Is this your `royal form' as Princess Serenity, Serena?”
Orion nods his head and replies, “Indeed, Yolei. This is Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, the tsuki-no-hime, sister to the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime, and heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom.”
Queen Alyssa tells Orion, in a plain tone, “I believe that they get the point, Orion.”
Mina, in her `Princess Form', tells TK, blushing at how he looks in his new `uniform', “Wow, TK. You look so kawaii in that.”
TK blushes in embarrassment and tells Mina, nervously, “Thanks, Mina. You look . . . gorgeous in that dress.”
This time, it is Mina's turn to blush and she replies, blushing wildly, “Thanks. You really think so?” When TK nods his head, Mina's blush becomes a deep cheery red.
Rei thinks in her mind, “Would those two stop fooling and say that they like each other already?”
Joe asks, perplexed, “Okay, Serena and Kairi have transformed into their `alter egos', all of us look like we are either knights or princesses, with a Pharaoh, and we are in some kind of spirit world. Basically, what's going on here?”
Just then Prince Daisuke's voice calls out, “Joe, calm down or you will give yourself an ulcer!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they gasp to see our three royals with none other than Queen Serenity standing behind them.
Mimi asks, amazed, “Wow. Who is that?”
Princess Serenity says, in amazement, “Mother.”
All of the Digidestined's eyes widen at Princess Serenity's `remark' and Matt asks, surprised, “Did she just call her `mother'?”
Princess Juniper tells Matt, “That's right, Matt. May I present my `first mother', as you can technically call her, Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom?”
Queen Serenity does a curtsy and says, “Greetings, young Terran. It is an honor to meet the friends of my son and daughter.”
Yolei asks the three royals, “Wait! If that's your mother from your `past lives', does that mean . . .?!”
Queen Serenity nods her head and says, “You are correct. I have been long dead for many millennia and what you see before you is my spirit.”
Joe winches a bit and says, “Okay, I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.”
Princess Hikari tells Joe, with a kind tone, “Calm down. Queen Serenity is a spirit, not a ghost. She's more like an angel.”
Trista tells Queen Serenity, “It is good to see you, again, your majesty.”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “It is good to see you, too, Trista. My thanks to you and the other Senshi for taking care of my daughter.”
Trista tells Queen Serenity, “It is our duty as Sailor Soldiers to protect your daughter and all members of your family.”
Queen Serenity tells Trista, “Thank you, Princess of Pluto.”
Takuya says, “Why do I get the feeling that you have to show a sign of respect or something guys? I mean we are in front of royalty, after all.”
Tommy states, in a plain tone, “That's a good point. She is a queen after all.”
Queen Serenity holds out her right hand, shakes her head slightly, and when she stops shaking her head, she says, in a kind and gentle tone, “Do not worry yourselves about that. Actually, in truth, my son, daughter, and my son's beloved wish to ask you something. It might seem strange, but please, I wish for you to hear them out.”
Cody asks, curiously, “What is it?”
Queen Serenity motions to Princess Hikari with a nod of her head, Princess Hikari slowly goes over to Tai, a bit nervous in her expression, and asks Tai, “Tai, can I ask one question?”
Tai tells Princess Hikari, “You are my sister, Kari. You can ask me anything?”
Princess Hikari tells Tai, “Would you consider me your sister if I wasn't biologically related to you anymore, Tai?”
Tai asks Princess Hikari, confused, “What do you mean?” Princess Hikari then explains about what happened when they `met' their `alter egos' for the first time and what's going on to happen when the two halves of their souls become one.
When they were done, Matt exclaims, shocked, “Wait! You mean that all of you are going to become who you were in your past lives?!”
Princess Juniper nods her head and replies, “Yes, that's right. Physically, we won't be Daisuke Motomiya, Jun Motomiya, and Hikari Kamiya anymore, we will be Prince Daisuke of the Moon Kingdom, Princess Juniper of the Sun Kingdom, and Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom. In a way, we won't be the friends that you know.”
Ken says, with a smile on his lips, “No way, Jun. You will always be the friends that we know.”
Princess Juniper, Princess Hikari, and Prince Daisuke look at Ken with surprised looks on their faces and Prince Daisuke asks, “Hey, Ken, I don't mean to be rude, but did Apotheosismon's attacks manage to hit you on the head while we were fighting?”
Ken gives a few laughs and tells Prince Daisuke, “Look, I'm not going to say that I understand everything about your people, Davis. All that I know is that you are my friend and you will always be. Prince Daisuke of the Moon Kingdom or Daisuke Motomiya, it doesn't matter to me. To me, you will always be my friend, Davis, Digidestined of Miracles, younger leader of our team, and my best friend in any part of reality.”
Prince Daisuke says, pretty surprised, “Ken . . .”
TK tells the three royals, with his own usual smile, “Yeah, you will always be our friends, Davis, Jun, and Kari, no matter who you were before or who you will become, in a physical sense, deep down, you are always our friends. You are no just `creations' or `remnants' of your `alter egos'. Those can't be just as complex and feeling as you are.”
Princess Hikari says, surprised, “TK . . .”
Tai tells Princess Hikari, “Kari, I don't know much about your past life nor I don't care. All I know is you're my sister and that will never change no matter what happens.”
Yolei tells them, with her usual grin, “Yeah, you shouldn't be all worried about thinking who you are. You are always and will always be the same people that we know and care about. And no matter who you were thousands of years ago in another life or if you will turn back into those people, deep down, you will always be our friends, Davis, Jun, and Kari. Through with you, Davis, you need a bit work if you are going to become a ruler.”
Prince Daisuke replies, drolly, “Ha. Ha. That was so funny that I forgot to laugh, Yolei. You know, if this was the Silver Millennium, you would have been probably thrown in a dungeon for insulting a member of the royal family.”
Yolei says, with a wide grin, “Yeah, right. Personally, I think that I was probably a Sailor Senshi myself back in those days.”
Prince Daisuke then says, with a sly tone, “Well, Mina is a reincarnated princess and a Sailor Senshi, so, who knows? You might get lucky.”
Yolei and Mina yells at Davis in unison and in annoyance, “Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!” Everyone, minus Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Yami, get a few laughs out of that while Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Yami get smiles on their faces.
However, Luna, Atriums, Orion, and Trista take Yolei's comment into consideration and Luna thinks in her mind, “What Yolei said might not be so much as a joke as much as the truth. There were a lot of Sailor Senshi back in the Silver Millennium and if Queen Serenity's son, eldest daughter, and the heir to the Galaxy Kingdom throne and one of the most powerful Sailor Senshi in our reality and existence was reborn in the alternate reality, who knows? There might Solar and Sailor Senshi that are waiting to be awakened with these Digidestined or `Chosen Children'.”
Prince Daisuke says, with his usual grin, “You guys are right. We worried ourselves for nothing.”
Princess Juniper then says, with a kind smile that matches her Lunarian mother and Princess Serenity, “We were so worried that we were never the people that we thought that we are and that we were some kind of living lie. However, we are who we today and who we were in our past lives.”
Princess Hikari says, with a wide smile, “And no matter if we become who we were, once more, in our past lives as royalty and heir to three kingdoms in the universe of this reality, we will always be Hikari Kamiya, Jun Motomiya, and Daisuke Motomiya in our hearts for however long that we live.” Soon after, their crests began to glow with bright lights as start to pulse with more energy than before.
Joey asks, confused, “Hey, what's with the light show?”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “Our crests reflect our special traits and since Davis', Jun's, and Kari's crests some of most powerful `elements' of universe, positive elements. When the doubt and darkness within their hearts and minds about who they are left them and the replaced by light, it gave their crests move strength and power than ever.”
Queen Serenity says, nodding her head, “You have wisdom that rivals the Princess of Mercury, young warrior of Knowledge. Your `trait' was chosen perfectly. With your help, my son and daughter as well as Princess Hikari found the answers that were always there all along. They are and always will be who they are now as Earthlings, even they won't be their `Earthling forms' when the time is right.”
Prince Daisuke tells the others, with his typical nervous smile, “Sorry, everyone.”
Queen Alyssa tells Prince Daisuke, “Daisuke, I know what you, Hikari, and Juniper went through. When Orion told me about my `past life', I had plenty of doubts about my identity and I was worried about if I was ever your sister. However, with Orion's help, I managed to get through it. Don't worry about it. Remember, you should always turn to your friends when you are in doubt.”
Queen Serenity tells the three royals, in her usual tone, “Alyssa is correct. Whenever you are in your darkness, always remember your friends and loved ones. They might be your guiding light from the darkness.” Queen Serenity then says, in a plain tone, “You will need them for the times ahead of you. You will face dangers that will require each other. This is not just a battle for just Senshi or the Chosen Protectors of the Digital Realm. All of you need each other because all of you have a part in the battles that are up ahead and special skills as well as knowledge necessary for the evils that you will have to face. All of you need together as a united force.” Queen Serenity then looks at Amara and Michelle and states, with a bit more seriousness in her tone, “Despite whatever `doubts' or personal feelings that you have for `outsiders', understood?”
Rei thinks in her mind, with a mental grin, “Busted! Big time!”
Queen Serenity then kisses Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper on their foreheads, the two of them blush madly in embarrassment, and Prince Daisuke exclaims, pretty embarrassed, “Mom! Not in front of our friends!”
Princess Juniper yells out, also pretty embarrassed, “You're embarrassing us!” All of the others, minus Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Yami, get a good laugh while the ancient Pharaoh, Amara, Michelle, and Trista give wide smiles at this `event'.
Takuya whispers to Tommy, with a sly grin and tone, “Guess the mighty legendary prince and princess can be embarrassed.”
Princess Juniper yells at Takuya, in a bit of annoyed tone, “I heard that Takuya!” Takuya winches back in surprise as Princess Juniper looks at him with seriousness in her eyes only matched by Rika Nonaka of the Digimon Tamers.
However, Queen Serenity motions for Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper and tells them, kindly and gently, “Take care, you two. Watch out for each other and your friends and your two sisters.”
Princess Juniper says, with a smile, “Don't worry, mom. We will. Promise.”
Prince Daisuke asks his Lunarian mother, curiously, “I hate to ask, but how do we return home?”
Queen Serenity replies, with her usual smile, “That's simple, my son. Like this.” Queen Serenity snaps her fingers and all of our heroes and heroines were engulfed in a flash of bright light. When that bright light fades away, all of them were gone. Queen Serenity takes a deep sigh and says, softly, “Please take care of each other.”
(Returning to Juuban Park; Soon after)
Back in Juuban Park, we find all of our heroes and heroines back in Juuban Park and in their regular clothes, with the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle and Yugi, returned as two souls in one body.
Tristan says, amazed, “Whoa. Dude, that beats flying in airplane.”
Joey nods his head in agreement and says, “No joke. Take about your wild rides.”
Yugi feels some restlessness from the Pharaoh and when his `astral form' appears beside him, Yugi asks Yami, telepathically, “Is there something on your mind, Pharaoh?”
Yami replies, telepathically, “Yes, there is Yugi. All the time that we were there, I felt something `familiar' when we met this Queen Serenity. It first came when Kari Kamiya transformed into her `true form' for the first time and somehow summoned the Egyptian God Monsters! I can feel shadows powers within her body. And now, I have a feeling . . . through just a feeling . . . that I've met this Queen Serenity before. Plus, I saw that she did indeed know me from the look in her eyes. Trista AKA Sailor Pluto is the last surviving member of this Silver Millennium and the time of the fall of the Moon and Sun Kingdoms are shortly after my spirit was sealed with the Millennium Puzzle.”
Yugi asks Yami, telepathically, “So, do you think that your past and the `past lives' of the Sailor Senshi coincide with each other?”
Yami replies, mentally, “Yes, I do, Yugi. I believe that the answers to my past not only lay with the Egyptian God Cards and the Millennium Items, but the Sailor Senshi as well! We should hold off our trip to Egypt for a longer period of time and focus our attention on helping them. We should be helping them because we have to protect the world from darkness, but I believe that I might get more answers to my past from them, in one way or another. Also, I believe that the Moon Prince, Sun Princess, and the Moon Princess are the `keys' along with the mysterious Galaxy Princess, who I can tell has shadow powers within her without a Millennium Item and has a connection to the three God Cards.”
Yolei tells Davis, Kari, and Jun, “Next time that you three have some kind of `identity crises', take her majesty's advice before disappearing on us.”
Kari replies, with a smile on her lips, “Sorry, Yolei.”
Darien says, “We are just glad that the three of you are okay.”
Serena nods her head and replies, “I don't want to lose my long lost brother and sisters before I get to know them better.”
Davis rubs his head and replies, in his usual nervous tone, “Sorry about that.”
TK tells Davis, “Hey, don't worry about it, Davis. We know that you, Kari, and Jun are going through a lot, through some of us understand better than we do.”
Jun then asks Davis and Kari, in a sly tone, “By the way, when are you two planning your `first date'?”
All of the Digidestined, minus Davis and Kari, and their Digimon partner exclaim at once, “Huh?”
Davis yells at Jun, annoyed tone, “Jun!”
Kari wraps her right arm around Davis' left arm and says, with a smile on her lips, “I've decided to become Davis' girlfriend . . . Well, once again, if you count our relationship all of those years ago.”
Tai tells Kari, “Kari, no matter what we say, I don't think we can do anything about. However, I thought that you and Davis were best together since I've always felt that Davis was special somehow . . . through I didn't expect him to be a reincarnated prince with great powers and you, two, were `lovers' back thousands of years ago in another life.”
Kari tells Tai, with a smile, “Thanks for understanding, Tai.”
Davis asks Kari, in a loving tone, “By the way, speaking of our first date, I saw this great restaurant with balcony that's perfect for `certain moments' in Shibuya.”
Kari giggles and replies, “I would love to, Dai-chan.” Soon after and unexpectedly, Kari kisses Davis right on the lips in a passionate kiss, surprising even Davis. However, Davis got over his surprise and returns the passionate kiss. The two of them continued their passionate kiss, mating their tongues and tasting each other's mouths, and not caring that everyone is watching them.
Sora gives a wide smile and says, “Something tells me that we will be seeing more this often.”
Tai tells Sora, with a bit of a groan, “Tell me about it.”
Tea smile and says, with a sigh, “Well, I think it is very romantic about how true love can transcend time and death like that.”
Joey says, with a sly grin and tone, “You would, Tea.”
Tea roars at Joey, angrily, “Watch it, Wheeler.”
Mina then tells TK, in a sly tone, “By the way, TK, did you forget to tell everyone about our `plans'?”
Matt asks TK, “What does Mina mean by that, TK?”
Lita giggles and tells Matt, “I already know, Matt. Mina needs someone to tell and she tells me a lot. Mina plans to go out on a date with your brother.” Davis and Kari stop their kiss and while still locked with their lips, look at our Digidestined of Hope, who is wildly blushing.
Zoe says, with a sly grin, “Well, it looks like that your brother decided to take a bold step.”
JP thinks in his mind, a bit annoyed, “Oh man! What does that kid have that I don't?!”
Joe tells TK, in his plain tone, “You realize that Mina and you come from different realities, don't you?”
TK replies, nervously, “Yeah . . . but she kind of . . . `talked' me into it.” Mina then wraps her arms around TK's right arm with her excited grin on her lips and TK's blush becomes cheery red . . . for more than one reason.
Patamon thinks in his mind, “More like seduced.”
Serena says, with a wide grin, “That's our Mina!”
Rei tells Serena, with her own smile, “You know it, Serena!” Everyone, minus Amara, Michelle, Trista, Davis, and Kari, gives a round of wide laughs at this new `situation'.
Michelle thinks in her mind, “This should be very interesting.” On the meanwhile, Davis and Kari returned to their passionate kiss for about one minute.
However, a new male voice then shouts out, “Well, if it isn't the Geek Squad! Found some new friends to play with?!”
Joey yells out, extremely annoyed, “Oh no! There is only one person I know who has a mouth like that!” Davis and Kari break off from their kiss and embrace and join the others to look the source of the voice to see Seto Kaiba and Mokuba Kaiba walking towards them.
Yugi exclaims, “Kaiba!”
Darien asks Yugi and his friends, “You mean Seto Kaiba, head of the international gaming corporation, Kaiba Corp? The company that makes the holographic systems for the Duel Monsters game, including the Duel Disks?”
Tristan says, with an annoyed tone in his voice, “Unfortunately, yes. The very same annoying jerk.”
Yugi asks Kaiba, “Kaiba, what are you doing here?”
Joey asks Kaiba, in a very annoyed tone, “Shouldn't you be working on your little `Kaiba Lands', rich boy?!”
Kaiba tells Joey, in his usual cold tone, “Why don't turn it down, you overgrown underdog?”
Joey roars out, angrily, “Why don't you watch it, Kaiba?!”
Kaiba ignores Joey, looks over the group, looks directly at Kairi, and asks, in his usual serious tone, “You. You must the adopted daughter of Kagoma family, correct?”
Kairi replies, “Yep. I am. My name is Kairi.”
Kaiba tells Kairi, “Call your step-father and tell him that we have a meeting today early this afternoon. I don't want to stay there as long as I have too. I'm a busy person.”
Kairi says, plainly, “Fine.” As Kairi takes out a cell phone, she thinks in her mind, “You could have said please, jerk!”
Joey asks Yugi, curiously, “What does rich boy want with Kairi's adopted family?”
Yugi tells Joey, “Kairi's step-father is famous electronics inventor and company owner. His company deals with Kaiba's company all of the time, especially since Seto Kaiba took it over from his step-father and turned into a gaming company. Kairi's step-dad is a known hater of making weapons of war.”
Kaiba tells Kairi, “Your father and I have a meeting to discuss about the components for the next generation of duel disks that I'm creating. I need you to call him up and set up a meeting.”
Yugi asks Kaiba, “What do you mean `next generation' of duel disks?”
Mokuba tells Yugi, “Yeah, you heard it right, Yugi! My big brother is already developing prototypes for the newest generations of duel disks. These duel disks will protect even more life-like holograms of cards and Duel Monsters, simpler to use and maintain, and light and more portable for easier carrying. Plus, the next generation will also have custom made duel disk. If the buyer pays the right place, we can create his own custom made duel disks to his or her own specifications, including duel vests: Duel Disks attached to your very clothing that's comfortable and able to walk in as well as have automatic card dispenses where you put your dueling deck inside and whenever you draw cards, the machine will draw the card or cards for you.”
Tea exclaims, amazed, “That's awesome, Mokuba!”
Joey says, also pretty amazed, “Yeah! I would love to get my hands on one of these types of duel disks!”
Mokuba tells Joey, “Well, you are going to have to wait awhile, Joey. These duel disks won't be out on the streets until at least a few years from now.”
Kaiba says, in his usual tone, “However, when they do come out, it will make Duel Monsters one of the top sports in the game industry and once and for all, they will make sure that Kaiba Corp is the number one gaming industry anywhere and anytime and no one is better than me! These new duel disks will be so simple to handle and nearly indestructible . . . so that not even a dog like Wheeler can mess it up.”
Joey roars at Kaiba, really angrily, “I heard that, rich boy! You are working on my last nerve!”
Kaiba ignores Joey's comment, looks over our heroes and heroines, and he says, in his usual tone, “Well, this is just great. I see that you've got new friends.”
Tristan says, in a nasty tone, “Yeah?! The only friend that you have is your own brother!”
Kaiba scoffs and says, in his usual tone, “Like I need a bunch of losers around me to drag me down.”
Rei yells at Kaiba, angrily, “Hey, watch it asshole!” Kaiba doesn't even acknowledge Rei and looks back at Kairi, who is on the cell phone, talking with her dad about setting up the appointment.
Kaiba then looks at the Digidestined's Digimon, minus Renamon, who had already used her invisibility to vanish from sight, and says, in his usual nasty tone, “Well, I see that some of your new friends still like to play with dollies.” The Digimon were about to move and yell at Seto Kaiba, but the Digidestined motion for their Digimon to stay still and pretend to be dolls.
Jun tells Kaiba, with a sly tone, “Hey, Kaiba-boy, I think that you should treat us with some respect. After all, you are looking at the girl that tied with the King of Games in a duel.”
Mokuba's and Kaiba's eyes widen by Jun's remark and Kaiba roars at Jun, angrily, “That's a lie!”
Yugi's Millennium Puzzle gives off a bright glow and Yugi shouts out, “YU-GI-OH!!!” When the bright glow fades away, Yami, the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, replaces Yugi Moto in front of all of them.
Yami tells Kaiba, with his usual sly grin, “Oh, but it is true, Kaiba. Even through it wasn't an official duel, Jun and I dueled each other and she managed to tie with me, even with the Egyptian God Cards in my deck. I can tell that she has skills that even rival my own.” Yami motions for his friends for a `helping hand' and they give slight smiles in response.
Joey tells Kaiba, with a sly grin on his face, “Yeah, Tea, Tristan, and I witnessed it ourselves! Jun was just plain awesome! With duelists like her around, you'll never beat Yug' and get what you want!”
Kaiba roars out, in a serious and nasty tone, “Ha! I'm supposed to believe that, you third-rate duelist! All I see before me is just a bunch of kids and girl scouts that wouldn't know about doing anything serious and worthwhile with their pathetic lives if the very lives depended on it!” Kaiba's comment enraged practically all of our heroes and heroines and they are ready to scream at him. However, Davis steps away from Kari and goes towards Kaiba until he is facing the teenage corporate president. Kaiba looks at Davis and asks, in his usual tone, “What do you want?” Soon after, without any warning, Davis hits Kaiba right in the chest, nearly knocking all of the air out of her. Kaiba goes on his knees as he gasps for air.
Mokuba yells out, shocked, “Seto!”
Davis roars at Kaiba, angrily and his tone sounding commanding like royalty and in Prince Daisuke's voice, “No one insults my friends and family and gets away with Seto Kaiba, especially not your kind! A bully like you never prospers!”
Davis' last comment enrages Kaiba, he quickly gets to his feet, grabs Davis by the collar, and shouts out, angrily, “How dare you say that to me?! Do you know who you are talking to?!” However, Davis grabs hold of Kaiba's wrists, applies some of his Senshi super-strength, and Kaiba yells out in pain as Davis continues to crush his wrists until Kaiba takes his hands off of Davis' collar in which Davis releases his hands from Kaiba's wrists. When Kaiba puts his hands over his wrists, he thinks, “What in the hell?! This kid has a grip like a vice! Who or what is he?!”
Davis roars at Kaiba, sounding more like Prince Daisuke with his royal commanding tone, “Who I'm speaking to is another corporate bully that needs to be put in his place! You say that you hate bullies, but you put other people down through insults with examples like Joey or Yugi Moto's other friends or bring your company's `power' down on them, which is what only a bully would do Kaiba! I heard that you were a real pain in the ass, but you really pushed me too far! How do you like when no one is afraid of you jerk?! Guess what they say is true: Like rotten step-father, like rotten step-son!”
Kaiba roars at Davis, angrily, “How dare you compare me to that snake?! My step-father was nothing, but overgrown snake and I took him down where he belongs!”
Davis says, with his commanding and serious tone, “But using his own tactics against him, Kaiba-boy! Doesn't take a genius to figure that out?! I know more about you than you know about yourself! And you don't change your ways, you will always be under Yugi's heel when it comes to be the Champion of Duel Monsters!”
Kaiba shouts out, in an angered tone, “No one is better than me!”
Davis then displays a Duel Monsters dueling deck and says, in his royal and commanding tone, “Why don't you put your cards where your mouth is, Kaiba?!”
Kaiba says, with his usual sly grin, “You wish to challenge me to a duel? Fine! But do you think you have what it takes to play with the big boys, kid?”
Davis retorts, in a sarcastic tone, “Do you, Kaiba?”
Kaiba tells Davis, in a serious tone, “We meet this afternoon in the Kaiba dome when I'm done with my meeting with the Kagoma family! Get ready for the worst day of your life, kid!” Kaiba turns away and when he starts to walk away, he calls out, in a serious tone, “Come on, Mokuba!”
Mokuba calls out to his big brother, “Coming, bro!” Mokuba tells Davis, “Hey, you just made your worst mistake. Challenge my brother is something that you don't want to do.”
Davis says, in a serious tone, “That ass insulted my friends and family and when he does that, he insults me.”
Mokuba tells Davis, “Look, I know that Seto is . . . hard to get along with, but he is a busy man. But when you insult him like that, he won't give you any mercy.”
Davis says, with a sly grin on his lips, “Well, he doesn't know who he is up against, but when he finds out, let's just say, he isn't going to like it.”
Mokuba wondered what Davis meant by his words, but then Kaiba's voice roars out, serious tone in his voice, “Mokuba, let's go!”
Mokuba calls out, in a bit of a panicky tone, “Coming!” Mokuba then runs off to join his big brother to get to their meeting with Kairi's step-parents.
Joey then tells Davis, “Wow, Davis! I had seen plenty of crazy things in my lifetime, but anyone to standing up and insulting Kaiba like that . . . Wow! You really got under his skin!”
Jun tells Davis, “Actually, bro, you sounded more like Prince Daisuke than Davis back there.”
Davis rubs his head and replies, “Actually, I was Prince Daisuke when `I' roared at Kaiba. I don't how or why, but when Kaiba insulted all of us, I switched to my other `alter ego's' personally when I was brawling him out, through I didn't know I could insult someone like that.”
Orion says, with a plain tone, “Well, as Prince Daisuke, you were commander of the Moon Kingdom Royal Armies and you can command anyone's attention. Plus, you had the `trick' of knowing where to `hurt' opponents with words.”
Matt says, in a serious tone, “Well, I've got to say that with Kaiba, he hit the nail right on his head.”
Joey says, in an angered tone, “Well, he deserved it. That rotten Kaiba has taken his insulting way too far.”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “However, he doesn't know what we have done since we can't tell our secrets.”
Amara states, in a serious tone, “But he really went over the line in insulting us like that, especially our princess.”
Davis says, with a confident tone, “Don't worry, I will put him in his place.”
Tea asks Davis, “Davis, do you know who you are going against?”
Davis states, with a wide grin and sly tone, “I do, but he doesn't know me at all. And that gives me the edge, but I've also got plenty of surprises for him. The best way to shut him up is to beat him at his own game. So, since he is a famous `dragon duelists', I will beat him at his own game.”
Kari tells Davis, with a smile, “And I will be there with you, Dai-chan.”
Davis goes over to Kari, kisses her on the right cheek, and tells her, lovingly, “I wouldn't have any other way, Hikari-chan.” Davis and the others then head off and prepare for Davis' duel against Kaiba. However, what none of them notice is Mimete, in her usual disguise, watching them from a distance with binoculars.
Mimete says, with a grin, “This should be interesting.” However, as she walks away, she doesn't know that she is being followed by two four-legged guardians who are going to protect their charges whatever the cost.
(Within the Kaiba Dome; In the middle of the afternoon)
Inside of the Kaiba Dome, fully rebuilt and restored after that `mess' with Anubis and the Pyramid of Light, we find Davis and Kaiba on opposite sides of the dueling arena with all of our heroes and heroines, expect for Janet, Sean, their two Digimon, and Gennai, looking down from the `stands' and Mokuba inside of the control tower. Janet, Sean, and their two Digimon partners are with Gennai working on some kind of `early warning system' to aid our heroes and heroines against further attacks.
Davis tells Kaiba, as both of them are inserting their dueling decks, “We follow them same standard rules expect that we start out with 8000 life-points instead of 4000, if that's all right with you?”
Kaiba gives his usual grin and says, with a sly tone, “Fine. If you want to prolong your suffering, that's fine by me.” Kaiba and Davis activate their duel disks and their life-point counters display 8000 life-points apiece.
As the others watch from the stands, Ken says, in a plain tone, “Here we go.”
Tea asks Yugi, “Do you think that Davis stands a chance against Kaiba?”
Yugi tells Tea, “I don't know. I don't know Davis full dueling abilities, but if he is like his sister, Jun, then Kaiba might be the one surprised.”
Jun gives a wide grin and says, “Let's just say that Kaiba is going to get the butt kicking of his life.”
Tommy yells at Davis, excitedly, “Go get him!” Davis gives his classic grin and `V' sign with his right hand.
Kaiba tells Davis, in his usual tone, “Ready to lose?”
Davis replies, with a sly grin on his lips, “Are you?”
Both duelists draw five cards from their decks and shout out in unison, “Let's duel!”
Starting Scores:
Kaiba: 8000
Davis: 8000
Kaiba tells Davis, with his usual sly smirk, “Losers, first.”
Davis tells Kaiba, in a sarcastic tone, “Go right ahead then, Kaiba-boy.” Kaiba growls at Davis' remark, but Davis draws his card from his deck anyway. Davis looks at his hand, takes one card and puts it into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk, and Davis calls out, “I place one card face-down!” Davis then puts one card on his duel disk and shouts out, “Now, I play Masked Dragon in defense mode!” Soon after, Masked Dragon (1400/1100) appears on the field in front of Davis in defense mode.
Kaiba says, with his sly grin, “That's your big move? Pathetic.” Kaiba draws one card from his deck, looks at his hand, puts one card on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Now, I summon Senji of the Thousand Hands!” In front of Kaiba, Senji of the Thousand Hands (1400/1100) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaiba then says, “Now, he is going to give me a hand! When he is summoned, I can take one Ritual Monster or one Ritual Spell card from my deck to my hand.” Kaiba then goes through his deck, takes one card from it, and when he puts into the spell/trap slots, Kaiba shouts out, “But it isn't going to stay in my hand because I activate my White Dragon Ritual and sacrifice my monster!” Kaiba's monster is sacrificed as it is sent to the graveyard and Kaiba puts another card on his duel disk, shouting out, “In order to summon Paladin of White Dragon!” Replacing Kaiba's last monster, Paladin of White Dragon (1900/1200) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaiba then commands, “Now, Paladin, attack with Ionic Spear Burst!” Kaiba's Paladin attacks Davis' dragon and destroys it without much trouble, but since it was in defense mode, Davis doesn't lose a single life-point.
Davis shouts out, in a strong tone, “Hold it, Kaiba! You've just activated my dragon's special effect! When you destroy him, I can summon one dragon-type monster with 1500 attack points or less from my deck to the field!” Davis goes through his deck, takes out one card, after he reshuffles his deck, he puts it back in his duel disk, puts the card on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Now, I play Armed Dragon level three in attack mode!” To replace Masked Dragon, Armed Dragon LV3 (1200/900) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tea asks, perplexed, “Armed Dragon LV3?”
Yugi replies, in a serious tone, “Yeah, he is among those new `Level Monsters' that are coming out. These monsters can `level up' and get more powerful with every turn.”
Kaiba says, surprised, but not threatened, “Well, you aren't the only one that can summon a new monster! Now, I activate my Paladin's special effect! By sending him to the graveyard, I can summon my favorite monster from my deck or my hand!” Kaiba's Paladin vanishes in a bright light as Kaiba goes through his dueling deck, takes out one card, puts it on his duel disk, and calls out, “And now, come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Out of the light, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) replaces Paladin of White Dragon on the field in attack mode.
Joey says, in a serious tone, “Damn! That's Kaiba's strongest monster!”
Tristan asks, in a curious and worried tone, “I hope that Davis knows what he is doing.”
Kaiba puts one card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I place one card face-down and end my turn! Ready to give up?!”
Davis draws one card from his deck and calls out, “Not on your life, rich boy! Now, let's duel!” Davis then states, “Now, during my Standby Phase, my dragon's special effect comes into play! When he's on the field during my Standby Phase, I can sacrifice him to summon this!” Davis sends his Armed Dragon LV3 to the graveyard, takes one card from his deck, puts the card on his duel disk after he reshuffles his deck, and exclaims, “Armed Dragon . . . Level five, this time!” Replacing Armed Dragon LV3, Armed Dragon LV5 (2400/1500) comes to the field in attack mode.
Kaiba says, not threatened and with his sly grin, “Not bad, but that's not enough to beat my dragon!”
Davis says, with a wide grin, “Don't be so sure.” When Kaiba gives off a perplexed look, Davis shouts out, “Reveal face-down! Level Up!” Davis' face-down card is revealed to be the Level Up spell card and Davis calls out, “This spell card allows me to level up my dragon again without worrying about the requirements! Now, I sacrifice Armed Dragon level five in order to summon new dragon!” Davis sends Armed Dragon LV5, takes another card from his deck, and when he puts it on his duel disk, he exclaims, “Armed Dragon LEVEL SEVEN!!” Armed Dragon LV7 (2800/1000) replaces Armed Dragon LV5 on the field in attack mode!
Tea says, pretty amazed, “That's one strong monster!”
Joey states, plainly, “However, it doesn't have enough attack points to beat Kaiba's Blue-Eyes!”
Davis then calls out, “Now, I sacrifice my Armed Dragon Level Seven in order to summon Armed Dragon Level TEN to the field in attack mode!” Davis' Armed Dragon LV7 vanishes from the field as it is sent to the graveyard, Davis puts another card on his duel disk, and Armed Dragon LV10 (3000/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.
Kari shouts out to Davis, happily, “Way to go, Davis!”
Kaiba says to Davis, with his sly grin, “Your girlfriend is celebrating a bit too soon. Our monsters' attack points are equal, so, they would destroy each other.”
Davis replies, “Not if I use Armed Dragon's special effect. By sacrificing one card from my hand to the graveyard, Armed Dragon Level Ten automatically destroys all monsters on your side of the field! No questions asked!”
Kaiba's eyes become `bug eyed' and he exclaims, shocked, “What?!”
Davis discards a Baby Dragon (1200/700) monster card from his hand to the graveyard and shouts out, “Now, I discard Baby Dragon from my hand to activate my dragon's special effect! Destroy Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Dragon Destroyer Disks!” Three silver disks are launched from Armed Dragon Level Ten's body that destroys Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon without trouble.
Tristan shouts out, amazed, “Awesome! He destroyed Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon with ease!”
Joey says, with an excited tone, “I wonder where I can get a card like that!”
Davis commands, with a strong tone, “Armed Dragon, attack and strike Kaiba's life-points directly with Dragon Inferno Breath!” Davis' Armed Dragon LV10 then fires a breath of flames from his mouth at Kaiba.
Kaiba exclaims, with a grin, “Do you think it is that easy, kid? Negate Attack!” Kaiba's face-down card is revealed to be the Negate Attack trap card and Armed Dragon's attack is negated. Kaiba says, with a confident tone, “Nice try, kid. But your attack is stopped and your turn is over!”
Davis puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, “Read the fine print, Kaiba! That card only ends my Battle Phase! I place two cards face-down!” Davis then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, my turn is over by playing Mirage of Nightmare!”
Kaiba says, in a serious tone as he draws one card from his deck, “I don't need you to teach me how to play the game, kid! My move!”
Davis calls out, “And my draw! Mirage of Nightmare's effect activates and allows me to draw four cards from my deck!”
When Davis draws four cards from his deck, Kaiba says, “Well, you are going to have to discard the same number of cards when your turn starts!”
Davis shouts out, in a serious tone, “Not if I use my Emergency Provisions!” One of Davis' face-down cards is revealed to be the spell card Emergency Provisions and Davis says, “As long as I send one of my spell or trap cards to the grave, I regain 1000 life-points! And the card I choose is Mirage of Nightmare!” Mirage of Nightmare is sent from the field and into the graveyard causing Davis to gain 1000 life-points to his score thanks to Emergency Provisions' effect.
Kaiba says, with a small snarl, “Am I supposed to be impressed just because you made one decent move? Ha!” Kaiba puts one card in the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “Now, I play my Pot of Greed! It allows me to draw two cards from my deck and add them to my hand!” Kaiba draws two cards from his deck, puts them into his hand, and then puts another card into the spell/trap slots, shouting out, “Now, I play Silent Doom! This allows me to summon one monster from my graveyard in defense mode! And I choose my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) comes back to the field in defense mode. Kaiba then states, in a sly tone, “Well, you've managed to handle one Blue-Eyes, kid, but let's see how you handle three!”
Yugi says, shocked, “Oh no! He can't be!”
Mina asks, curiously, “He can't be what?!”
Rei tells Mina, seriously, “Sending his most powerful beast against Davis!”
Joe says, worriedly, “That isn't good for Davis.”
Kaiba puts one card in the spell/trap slots and declares, “Now, I play my Polymerization and fuse the Blue-Eyes on the field with the two Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my hand!” Kaiba discards two Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards from his hand and the one on his duel disk into the graveyard, causing two more Blue-Eyes White Dragons to join the third already on the field, all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons go into a fusion vortex, Kaiba takes a fusion monster card from his fusion deck, puts it on his duel disk, and calls out, “Now, come forth, Blue-Eyes ULTIMATE Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tea says, worriedly, “That isn't good.”
Hotaru asks Amara, “Amara-papa, what is Daisuke-ouji going to do?”
Amara says, in a plain tone, “I have no idea, Hotaru-chan. However, something tells me that our prince has a trick or two up his sleeve.”
Kaiba yells out, “Now, Ultimate Dragon, destroy that kid's pathetic dragon with Neutron Blast!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires its attack from all three of its heads and it destroys Davis' Armed Dragon LV10 in one huge explosion, causing Davis to lose 1500 life-points.
Kari calls out to Davis, worriedly, “Are you okay, Daisuke?!”
Davis shouts out, “Just fine, Hikari-chan! Now, reveal face-down! Soul Rope!” Davis' face-down card is revealed to be the Soul Rope trap card and Davis states, “When you destroy one of my monsters, I can summon any monster from my deck with four stars or less as long as I give up 1000 life-points!” Davis' life-points drop by 1000 as he goes through his deck, takes one card from his deck, put his deck back in his duel disk, puts it on his duel disk, and calls out, “I play this! Red Eyes Black Chick in defense mode!” Soon after, Red Eyes Black Chick (800/500) appears on the field in defense mode to replace Armed Dragon LV10.
Joey exclaims, shocked, “What?! Red Eyes turned into a baby! Oh man!”
Kaiba laughs at Davis' monster and says, in a nasty tone, “Do you think that playing a baby version of Wheeler's pathetic dragon is going to beat me?! You are a bigger fool than I thought!” Kaiba puts one card in the spell/trap slots and states, “That will end my turn!”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 8000
Davis: 5500
Davis tells Kaiba, as he draws his card from his deck, “That's what you think, Kaiba-boy!” Davis puts one card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Pot of Greed! I draw two new cards from my deck!” Davis draws two more cards from his deck and shouts out, “Now, I play my Chick's special ability! By sending him to the graveyard, I can summon this card! His daddy . . . the Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Red-Eyes Black Chick gives a bright glow as it is sent to the graveyard, Davis puts another card in his duel disk, and Red-Eyes Black Chick turns into Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000) in attack mode.
Joey's eyes `bug out' and he exclaims, excitedly, “Forget what I said before! That card is great!”
Tea rolls her eyes and says, annoyed, “Oh brother.”
Davis then puts one card into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play this! The spell card known as Inferno Fire Blast!”
Ami asks, perplexed, “Isn't that an attack the Red-Eyes Black Dragon uses?”
Izzy nods his head and replies, “Yes, it is Ami. However, I don't know how it can be a spell card.”
Davis exclaims, in a serious tone, “This spell card can only be activated when Red-Eyes Black Dragon on the field! Since this is the case, you take damage to your life-points based on Red-Eyes Black Dragon's original attack points!”
Kaiba states, surprised, “What?!”
Tai yells out, excitedly, “Way to go, Davis!” Soon after, Red-Eyes Black Dragon fires a sphere of red hot flames from his mouth and it hits Kaiba directly causing him to lose 2400 life-points.
Joey shouts out, in an excited tone, “Take that, rich-boy!”
Davis states, with a wide grin, “However, using this spell card prevents Red-Eyes Black Dragon from attacking this turn, but my turn isn't over! Now, I sacrifice my Red-Eyes Black Dragon in order to summon a more powerful dragon! One with the power to take your so call `Ultimate Dragon' down in one blow!”
Kaiba yells out, in a serious tone, “Impossible! Nothing can handle the might of my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
Davis calls out, “I beg to differ, Kaiba! Now, come forth, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!” Davis' Red-Eyes Black Dragon vanishes in a field of flames as it is sent to the graveyard, Davis puts one card from his hand onto his duel disk, and out of the flames, Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (2400/2000) is summoned to the field in place of Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
Tristan states, confused, “Hold on! That dragon has the same attack points as Red-Eyes Black Dragon!”
Davis tells Kaiba, “Now, for every dragon monster in my graveyard, my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon gains 300 attack points and with eight dragons, my dragon gains 2400 more attack points!” Davis' Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon's stats increase from 2400/2000 to 4800/2000!
Tea tells Tristan, “You were saying, Tristan?”
Madison is using her camera to videotape everything about the duel and states, “Wow, this is great stuff! This is nearly exciting as your adventures as a Card Captor Sakura!”
Meilin says, excitedly, “Yeah, I'm really liking this!”
Sakura says, with a sigh, “Well, Davis is doing pretty well for himself.”
Davis then commands, “Now, Red-Eyes, destroys his Ultimate Dragon with Inferno Dark Fire!” Davis' dragon rears its head back and fires a beam of dark red flames at Kaiba's Ultimate Dragon and destroys it in one huge explosion, taking 300 more of his life-points with it. Davis then says, with a wide smirk, “Your dragon is nothing, but ashes, Kaiba!”
Kaiba says, with a growl, “No one does that to my Ultimate Dragon and gets away with it! Reveal Flat Level Four!” Kaiba's face-down is revealed to be the Flat Level Four trap card and Kaiba shouts out, “This card allows both of us to summon one level four monster from our decks to the field when my dragon is destroyed! And I choose Rare Metal Dragon!” Soon after, Rare Metal Dragon (2400/1500) is summoned to the field in attack mode.
Davis shouts out, “And I choose my Luster Dragon!” Besides Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, Luster Dragon (1900/1200) appears on the field in defense mode.
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5300
Davis: 5500
Kaiba draws one card from his deck and says, with a smirk, “If that's your best shot, then you are finished kid!” Kaiba puts the card into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Card of Demise! This card allows me to draw up to five cards in my deck, but in five turns, I will lose my entire hand! However, you will be finished before then!” Kaiba then draws until he has five cards in his hand, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, “Now, I play Monster Reborn! This spell card allows me to summon any monster from the graveyard! Want to guess who is coming back?!”
Davis states, annoyed, “Yeah! I know! I know!”
Kaiba calls out, “Now, return to me, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” With one bright light, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) returns to the field in attack mode. Kaiba then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play the Equip Spell, Fairy Meteor Crush! Once I equip it to my Rare Metal Dragon, the difference between its attack points and your monster's defense points will be taken out of your life-points!” Kaiba then puts another card into his duel disk's spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play the spell card, Shrink! This card cuts your Darkness Dragon's attack points in half!” Davis' Darkness Dragon's stats decrease from 4800/2000 back to its original 2400/2000!
Matt says, in a worried tone, “This isn't looking too good for Davis.”
Yolei states, “No kidding. He is about to get pummeled.”
Kaiba then commands, “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, take out his pathetic Darkness Dragon with Neutron Blast!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon blasts Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon with a powerful beam of light, destroys it, and takes 2100 of Davis' life-points away. Kaiba states, with a sly grin on his lips, “Now, my Rare Metal Dragon gets rid of your Luster Dragon!” Rare Metal Dragon then charges Luster Dragon, destroys it, and Davis loses 1200 more life-points, thanks to Fairy Meteor Crush's effect.
Sakura says, worriedly, “Oh no! He lost more than half of his remaining life-points!”
Madison asks, curiously, “Wonder how we will get out of this?”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “Don't count my bro out yet. He still has a few tricks up his sleeve.”
Matt tells Jun, “Well, right now, Jun, it is looking pretty grim.”
Kaiba then puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I end my turn with two face-down cards. Try to get out of this one, kid.”
Current Score:
Kaiba: 5400
Davis: 2300
Davis gives a wide smile on his lips, confusing nearly everyone, and he says, in a sly tone, “The name isn't kid, Kaiba! The name is Daisuke Motomiya and you will remember it when I beat you!” Davis draws one card from his deck and says, with a sly smirk on his lips, “Kaiba . . . This duel is over!”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “You lie!”
Davis puts one card in the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and calls out, “Let's find out! First, I play Card of Sanctity! This card forces both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists draw from their decks until they have six cards in their separate hands and Davis looks at his cards, stating, never losing his grin, “Guess what Kaiba? I was right! You're through!”
Kaiba says, a bit annoyed in his tone, “Stop your pathetic attempt at a bluff!”
Davis says, with his wide grin on his lips, “I'll let my cards do the talking for me, Kaiba-boy!”
Kaiba roars out, angrily, “Stop calling me that!”
Davis puts one card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my second spell card, Dark Magic Curtain! This spell card allows me to summon a monster that you and Yugi know so well as long as I give up half of my life-points!” Davis' life-points are cut in half as the Dark Magic Certain appears on the field, Davis takes one card from his deck, puts onto his duel disk, and shouts out, “I summon my Dark Magician!” Out of the Dark Magic Certain, Dark Magician (2500/2100) comes to the field in attack mode.
Yugi asks, shocked, “He has Dark Magician in his deck?!”
Davis puts another card into the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play this! The spell card Dark Magic Attack!”
Kaiba asks, confused, “What does that card do?!”
Davis says, with a wide smirk, “This card can only be activated when my Dark Magician is on the field! When it is, every single spell and trap cards on your side of the field are automatically destroyed!” Kaiba gasps in shock as Dark Magician's specter glows with power and Davis calls out, “Now, destroy his spell and trap cards with Dark Magic Attack!” Dark Magician leaps into the air and fires a sphere of magical energy that destroys Kaiba's two face-down cards and Fairy Meteor Crush card.
Kaiba says, in a serious tone, “So?! You still have to deal with both of my dragons!”
Davis tells Kaiba, “Not for long! You know, there is saying known all over the world: If you don't learn from the past, you are doomed to repeat it! However, allow me to knock back into your brain!” Davis puts another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my third spell card! A second Polymerization! This card allows me to fuse my Dark Magician with my Buster Blader!” Buster Blader (2600/2300) appears on the field with Dark Magician with both of them going into a fusion vortex while Davis discards both monsters into the graveyard.
Kaiba thinks in his mind, shocked, “No! It can't be!”
Yugi thinks in his mind, on the meanwhile, “I know what Davis is up to! Poor Kaiba! I do feel a bit sorry for him, but he did push Davis and the others too far!”
Davis takes a fusion monster from his fusion deck, puts it on his duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, meet your maker, Kaiba! I summon Dark Paladin!” Out of the fusion vortex, Dark Paladin (2900/2400) comes to the field in attack mode.
Joey thinks in his mind, with a wide grin, “This is going to be good! Kaiba is about to get it big time!”
Davis tells Kaiba, in a serious tone, “As you know, my Dark Paladin gains 500 attacks points for every dragon on our field and in both our graveyards! Since I have ten dragons in my grave, four dragons are in your grave, and you have two on the field, this gives my Dark Paladin an extra 8000 attack points!” Davis' Dark Paladin's stats then increase from 2900/2400 to 10900/2400 thanks to its special ability.
Lita exclaims, stunned, “Oh wow! That monster has nearly eleven thousand attack points!”
Davis puts one more card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my final spell card! One that you all too well! Diffusion Wave Motion! By sacrifice 1000 life-points, I can give my Dark Paladin the ability to destroy both of your dragons at once!” Davis holds up his duel disk as the life-point counter drops by 1000 life-points and Davis declares, “You're finished, Kaiba!” Davis' Dark Paladin lifts its magical blade into the air and it glows with a bright light.
Kaiba cries out, in stunned shocked, “No, I am the best duelist! I can't lose to someone like you!”
Davis calls out, in a serious tone, “Too late for that asshole! You mess with my friends and now, you are going to pay the price! Dark Paladin, attack! Destroying both of his dragons now! End this duel with Dark Burning Blade Attack!” Dark Paladin fires waves of mystical energy at both of Kaiba's dragons and turning them into dust in just a few seconds causing Kaiba to yell out in shock as they are destroyed along with nearly fifteen thousand of his life-points, which thus, ends the duel nearly instantly.
Final Score:
Kaiba: 0
Davis: 150
Mokuba, watching from the tower, exclaims, shocked beyond belief, “No way! My big brother lost to him?!”
Kari shouts out, happily, “I knew that you could do it, Daisuke!”
Tai calls out, excitedly, “Now, that's showing not to insult you, Davis!”
Joey laughs out excitedly and yells out, also excitedly, “Take that rich-boy! Mess with the best and get beat like all the rest!”
Yugi says, with a smile, “That was awesome.”
Yami then appears in his astral form beside Yugi, with a smile on his lips, and tells Yugi, telepathically, “Indeed. This was Davis' plan from the start. He knew about Kaiba's use of dragon monsters, including his Blue-Eyes White and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Plus, he also remembered that Dark Paladin's special effect allows his attack points to increase with every dragon on the field and in both of their graveyards. So, he weakened Kaiba's life-points with his dragon monsters and gets them destroyed to allow his Dark Paladin to become powerful enough to end this duel with one final strike. However, it might seem like his strategy was focused on one monster. He used all of his cards perfected and treated them with the up most respect. He and Jun are possibly rivals for the both of us more than Kaiba is. They have the ability to become world champion duelists.”
Joey then says, thinking about the cards that he used, “I've got to get my hands on some of those cards!” Joey tells Yugi, in an excited tone, “Hey, Yug', can we hit Gramps show and see if he has those cards! I know if I can get cards like those Armed Dragons, the baby version of my Red-Eyes, and that `Ultimate Version' of my Red-Eyes, my deck would be unbeatable and I can finally show up Kaiba, once and for all!”
Tea tells Joey, with a sigh, “Calm down before you choke, Joey!”
On the meanwhile, as the hologram of Dark Paladin fades off the field and their duel disk de-activate to go into `stand-by mode', Kaiba thinks, shocked and stunned, “This cannot be happening! I'm the world's greatest duelist! It's bad enough that Yugi is the King of Games, but I got beat by this kid?! How can I lose to some chump like him?! HOW?!” Just then a bright golden glow comes from the stands and when Kaiba turns to the source of the light, he looks to see that he is stared down by Yami.
The Pharaoh yells at Kaiba, in his usual serious tone, “It seems like that you've learned nothing from our duel in the Battle City Tournament Kaiba! And he is the proof before you, Kaiba! Davis beat you with nearly the exact same move that I beat you with! Why do you ask?! It was because his heart wasn't filled with hated and anger. His heart was filled with trust, respect, and honor, Kaiba! With his friends' support behind and trusting in the heart of the cards, he was able to beat as I was able to. As long as your heart continues to full of anger, any duelists with these same qualities will be able to beat you, not just myself, Kaiba!”
Kaiba roars out at Yami, “You lie!”
Davis shouts out at Kaiba, sounding more like Prince Daisuke, “My Dark Paladin would disagree with you, Kaiba! It was his attack that finished you off! It's like what they say: Anyone who craves power, gets their just desserts! So, dig in . . . Kaiba-boy!” Kaiba growls angrily at Davis, but he hangs his head slightly low to show his shame in defeat. However, what everyone doesn't know is that Mimete was secretly on the roof of the tower and aiming her modified version of Eugeal's modified at Davis.
Mimete thinks in her mind, with an evil sly grin on her lips, “Excellent! He doesn't even know that I'm here! Hope you liked your time with your long lost brother, moon princess, because he is about to be gone, for good! And the Moon Heart Crystal will belong to us!” Mimete prepares to fire her gun at Davis, but then Renamon teleports in behind her and gives her one swift kick to her back causing her to move the gun a bit `off-course' and when she fires her weapon, it totally misses its target by some distance.
Matt asks, shocked, “What in the hell was that?!”
Gatomon looks towards the control tower, gasps, and exclaims, pointing towards the tower, “Look!” All of our heroes and heroines look towards the control tower and are shocked to see Mimete battling Renamon on top of the control tower before Mimete leaps off the top of the control and using seven mid-air spins, managing to land on the ground below with both of her feet and not injured in the least. Renamon teleports away in order not to be seen by Kaiba or Mokuba.
Amara says, annoyed, “Oh, great. Her again.”
Mimi asks, curiously, “You know her?”
Yolei says, “Her name is Mimete, she is one of Serena's and her friends' enemies. She was trapped in a computer until Daemon freed her. Now, she has joined his quest for the Moon Heart Crystal, Sun Soul Emerald, and Star Spirit Diamond.”
Tai says, annoyed, “That's what we need.”
Kaiba yells at Mimete, angrily, “Who are you?! How dare you invaded this place?!”
Just then a dark voice shouts out, “Our affairs are none of your concern, human.” Just then a dark energy blast hits near Kaiba and sending him flying until he hits the ground, which knocks him unconsciousness. When everyone looks to the source of the attack, Daemon and LadyDevimon were there with his right hand smoking from his last attack.
Yami shouts out, shocked, “Kaiba!”
Mokuba, watching from the tower, states, totally flabbergasted and horrified, “Oh no! Seto!” Mokuba then leaves the tower and starts his way down from the tower. At that instant, Renamon teleports besides her Digidestined partner.
Renamon tells Jun, “Jun, Mokuba has left the tower.”
Jun shouts out to Davis, “Bro! Mokuba is coming down from the tower! Transform, now!”
Davis tells Jun, “You don't need to tell me twice!” Davis detaches his duel disk from his left arm and he attaches his Senshi morpher to his left wrist as he takes out of his sub-space pocket.
Mimete aims her gun at Davis' heart and says, “Oh no, you don't!”
Kari shouts out, “Leave him alone!” Kari takes out her new transformation brooch and leaps off the stands, much to the surprise of the others.
Tai calls out, shocked, “Kari, what are you doing?!” However, Jun and Kairi join Kari as they take their Sailor Senshi transformation items from their sub-space pockets.
Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Star Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Galaxy Eternal Power, Make-up!”
With three bright lights coming from their transformation items, Jun's, Kairi's, and Kari's clothes are ripped away as they are replaced by sailor fukus and when the transformation sequences are done, Eternal Sailor Sun, Eternal Sailor Star, and a new Eternal Sailor Senshi land on the ground safety. However, Sailor Sun and Sailor Star have slight changes to their Eternal Sailor Senshi forms.
Sailor Sun has a silver fiber-optic device with a black mini-microphone that has golden sun sigil imprinted on the device is attached to her left ear and her gloves have become fingerless with purely pearly white fingernails with golden sun sigils on each fingernail.
Sailor Star has a pearly white fiber-optic device with a black mini-microphone has a golden five-pointed star sigil imprinted on the device attached to her left ear and her gloves have become fingerless showing beautiful sparkling golden fingernails.
Now, the newest Sailor Senshi has Kari's chestnut brown hair in Sailor Venus' hairstyle with a beautiful strawberry pink bow on the top center portion of the rear of her scalp, she has two pairs of three small rainbow colored feathers on the forward portion of her scalp with one pair on the left side and the other pair on the right side, she has a silver Milky Way sigil on her forehead, Kari's chestnut brown eyes, cherry red colored lips, her earrings are silver Milky Way jewels with golden heart and golden eight-pointed star jewels attached below the silver Milky Way jewels, she has a pearly white fiber-optic device with a black mini-microphone and having the silver Milky Way sigil imprinted on the device with the device attached to her left ear, her cloth choker is pearly white in color with a silver Milky Way jewel with golden heart jewel attached in the center of the choker, her tag containing the Crest of Light is attached below the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is bright pink in color, her bodysuit is bright silver in color with Kari's new transformation brooch attached to the bust area of her bodysuit, her shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads and are aurora colored, her golden gloves are like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves in design, but they have pearly white colored bands on them, three small rainbow colored feathers on the bands attached to the ends of the gloves, and her gloves are fingerless and showing off beautiful rainbow colored fingernails, her mini-skirt is triple layered with aurora coloring, gold, and silver begin the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a large rainbow colored star jewel with eight rainbow colored angel wings attached to the star jewel in the top center portion of the skirt, her D-3 digivice and D-Terminal is attached to her mini-skirt, the bow at the rear of her skirt is designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow, but it is shining pink in color, her high-heeled shoes are designed like Sailor Neptune's high-heel shoes, expect they are rainbow colored and have slightly exposed heels, displaying her well-pedicure rainbow sparkling toenails, and she has eight rainbow colored angel wings coming out of her back. In her right hand is the same specter that she carried as Princess Hikari during the battle with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon.
Mimete states, when she sees the new Sailor Senshi in an annoyed tone, “Oh no. Not another one. How many of these girls are there?”
Galaxy Meteor Crush!”
However, without another word, the new Sailor Senshi launches a rainbow colored meteor at Mimete with her specter and it slams into her with terrific force causing her to fly fifteen feet into the air and she slams into the ground, hard, on her back, knocking her unconsciousness and cracking the ground slightly.
Sora states, in an amazed tone, “Whoa. Kari has got a lot of new power behind her.”
Orion then says, “Actually, young Sora, her name is Eternal Sailor Galaxy.” On the meanwhile, Davis prepares to use his Senshi morpher to transform into Eternal Solar Moon.
Eternal Solar Moon Power, Power-up!”
After Davis' transformation sequence is done and over with, Davis' Eternal Solar Moon has also been slightly changed. Now, he has a silver fiber-optic device with a mini-black microphone that has the golden crescent moon sigil imprinted on the device attached to his left ear and he also has a silver version of the Saiyan battle armor on the chest area of his Solar Senshi uniform that has the golden crescent moon imprinted on the left side with the belt that carries his D-3, D-Terminal, and the sheath for his sword going across the waist portion of the battle armor.
Solar Moon asks, a bit perplexed in her tone, “Huh? Why is my Senshi form changed?”
Sailor Star says, perplexed, “Our Senshi forms have also slight changed as well.”
Orion calls out, in a serious tone, “Since your `royal halves' have been awakened, my lieges, your Eternal Senshi forms are somewhat stronger than before and your fukus or uniforms have slight altered to compensate for this slight `power increase'!”
Solar Moon states, simply, “As well as the slight change of my transformation phrase.”
As the four Senshi prepare to battle Daemon, LadyDevimon, and Mimete, who has just recovered from Sailor Galaxy's attack, Mokuba runs out into the gangway and shouts out, “Hey, guys!” When Mokuba looks down on the battlefield, he exclaims, shocked, “Oh my god! Three Sailor Senshi and that mysterious Solar Moon! This is awesome!”
Sailor Sun shouts out, “Hey, get M-that kid out of here!”
Mokuba calls out, “No way! What about my brother?!”
Sailor Star states, “Don't worry about it! We will take care of your brother! Now, get out of here!”
Tea tells Mokuba, “Mokuba, those Senshi are right! We have to go! Don't worry, they won't let Kaiba get hurt!”
Yugi tells Mokuba, “Tea's right, Mokuba! We have to let them do their job!”
Mokuba tries to say something, but stating, “But . . .”
However, Joey grabs Mokuba's right hand and arm and exclaims, “Yugi's right! We've got to go!” Tea, Yugi, Joey, and Tristan run away, dragging Mokuba with them while Tea gives a wink with her right eye.
Serena thinks in her mind, with a smile, “Thanks, Tea!”
Zoe says, with a smile, “All right! Now, it is my turn!” As soon as Mokuba and Yugi and his friends were out of sight, the Sailor Senshi put out their transformation items, including Sakura, Madison, and Meilin, and Frontier Digidestined put out their D-Tectors, readying to join in.
Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Saturn Planet Power, Make-up!”
Uranus Planet Power, Make-up!”
Neptune Planet Power, Make-up!”
Pluto Planet Power, Make-up!”
Constellation Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aurora Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Nebula Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Digidestined Energize!”
Execute! Fusion Evolution! Aldamon!
Execute! Fusion Evolution! Beowolfmon!
Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! Zephyrmon!
Execute! Spirit Evolution! Beetlemon!
Execute! Spirit Evolution! Kumamon!
Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! YeagerLoweemon!
After their transformation sequences, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Eternal Sailor Constellation, Eternal Sailor Aurora, Eternal Sailor Nebula, Digital Knights TK, Yolei, Ken, and Cody, and Aldamon, Beowolfmon, Zephyrmon, Beetlemon, Kumamon, and YeagerLoweemon as well as Tuxedo Mask, who also transformed from Darien, leap down from the stands and join the four Senshi already down in the dueling arena against Daemon, LadyDevimon, and Mimete.
Beetlemon says, in a serious tone, “All right, you, three, clowns are done! You are outnumbered three to a whole army!”
Daemon states, with a dark sly tone, “Oh, really? Are you really sure about that?” Daemon snaps his fingers and a whole ton of shadows appears on the floor below them.
Digital Knight Yolei says, worriedly, “I've got a bad feeling about this.”
Sailor Galaxy tells Digital Knight Yolei, “I've got a feeling that your bad feeling is right.” Just then dozens of Heart-Snatchers and Dark Digimon come out from the shadows and surround our heroes and heroines.
Sailor Moon says, worriedly, “Oh boy! We're surrounded!”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Moon, a bit drolly, “Obvious observation, Meatball Head!”
Zephyrmon yells at Beetlemon, annoyed, “JP, did you have to say that?!”
Beetlemon states, in a nervous tone, “Sorry!”
Aldamon tells Zephyrmon and Beetlemon, “There isn't time for this!”
Daemon says, in a dark tone, “Indeed, legendary warrior.” Daemon then points to all of them and shouts out, “Attack!” Without another word needed to be said, all of the Heart-Snatchers and Dark Digimon launch themselves at our heroes and heroines at once.
Solar Moon then notices Kaiba, still unconsciousness with his back to the ground, and he calls out, “Veemon!”
Veemon jumps off the balcony and calls out, “Coming, Davis!”
Solar Moon shouts out, “Digi-Armor Energize!” Out of Davis' D-3, the Digi-Egg of Friendship comes into Davis' hand.
Armor Digivolution
“Veemon Armor Digivolve to . . . Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!”
End Armor Digivolution
Thunder Blast!”
Raidramon flies a blast of blue electric energy at one of the Heart-Snatchers and destroys it in a small explosion.
Solar Moon tells Raidramon, “Don't worry about them! We will take care of those jerks! Get that rich jerk, Kaiba, out of here, now!”
Raidramon nods his head and replies, “Right, partner!” Raidramon rushes through the Heart-Snatchers, blasting a few along the way, gets to Seto Kaiba's unconscious form, puts him onto his back, and rushes him out of the battlefield.
LadyDevimon says, with a evil grin, “Doesn't matter. He will be dead soon when we get those three ancient artifacts.”
Sailor Jupiter calls out, “Over our dead bodies!”
Daemon says, in a dark tone, “I dearly hope so.” Soon after, the battle between the Heart-Snatchers and the Dark Digimon began in earnest. Solar Moon and Sailor Sun draw their sabers out and all of our heroes and heroines began their battle in earnest. Thinking quickly, all of our heroes and heroines go into a circle and this allows them to hold off their attackers, through only barely.
Joe states, in a worried tone, “They aren't going to be able to hold them off, forever!”
Matt says, seriously, “We've got to do something!”
Sora holds up a Digital Knight morpher like the others expect that her morpher has the Crest of Love on the `transformation button' and says, “But we haven't had enough time or experience with our new Digital Knight powers like the others and none of us have powers like the Sailor Senshi or Legendary Warriors.” Mimete looks at Daemon, whispers something to him, and when Daemon nods his head, Mimete vanishes through a portal of pure darkness. On the meanwhile, our heroes and heroines continue to battle hard at the seemly endless legions of Dark Digimon and Heart Snatchers.
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
Sailor Venus launches a powerful energy heart that destroys one of the Heart Snatchers in front of her and she exclaims, in her usual excited tone, “Oh, yeah! Never mess with the best, boys!”
Just then a dark voice calls out, “Oh, really, human bitch?!” Sailor Venus looks to the source of the voice only to get blasted by a Tankmon's Hyper Cannon attack and she screams out in pain as she is knocked to the ground.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter shout out in shock, “Venus!” Sailor Venus slowly gets into a sitting position and sees two Musyamon hovering over her ready to impale her with their swords.
However, before they could attack, a male voice calls out, “Hand of Fate!” Just then a holy beam of energy slams into two Musyamon and destroys them on impact. Sailor Venus is helped to her feet by Digital Knight TK.
Digital Knight TK says, with a smile, “We should stop meeting like this.”
Sailor Venus gives her usual grin and replies, in a sly tone, “Well, I don't mind, especially if it is a cutie like you.” Digital Knight TK blushes for a few moments before he regains his composer and he and Sailor Venus rejoins the battle. On the meanwhile, we join Sailor Uranus is fighting against two more Heart Snatchers and four Monochromon.
Volcanic Strike!”
The four Monochromon launches spheres of molten flames at Sailor Uranus, but she easily dodges out of the way. However, the two Heart Snatchers leap in and grab her from behind.
One of the Heart Snatchers, a female, exclaims, “We've got you!”
Sailor Uranus says, in her usual tone, “Wrong.” Sailor Uranus uses her super-strength to knock the Heart Snatchers off her, she then quickly takes out her talisman, the Space Swords, and removes it from its jewels sheath, revealing the jeweled saber's energy blade. She uses the blade to slice the two Heart Snatchers in half and she then turns towards the Monochromon.
Space Sword Blaster!”
Sailor Uranus launches a beam of energy from her Space Sword and destroys all four Monochromon with one powerful blast. However, three Andromon move towards her and charge up to launch their attacks.
Lightning Blade!”
The Andromon launch three electric energy blades at Sailor Uranus and they slam into her before she could counter-attack causing her to scream out in pain from electrical shock and she falls to her knees.
Sailor Neptune shouts out, in shock, “Uranus!” However, before Sailor Neptune could help Uranus, she is tackled by three IceDevimon to the ground.
The three Andromon then approach Sailor Uranus and one of them say, in a machine-like tone, “Your time is up, human!”
However, a familiar female voice exclaims, “Not this time, you overgrown tin can!” Just then Sailor Sun leaps in-between Sailor Uranus and the three Andromon and cuts off one of the Andromon's head clean off its shoulders causing it to hit the ground before the Andromon's head and body turn into data particles.
One of the other two Andromon yell out, angrily, “You will pay for that human!”
Sailor Sun calls out, with a sly tone, “We'll see about that.” Sailor Sun's sword then becomes engulfed in flames and causing the two Andromon to become nervous.
Sun Nova Flare!”
Sailor Sun launches a beam of solar energy and flames at the two Andromon and they are nearly instantly destroyed. Sailor Sun then goes over to Sailor Uranus and helps her to his feet.
Sailor Sun asks Sailor Uranus, “Don't mind having help from an outsider?”
Sailor Uranus says, with a slight smile, “I've make an exception . . . this once.” On the meanwhile, Sailor Neptune is struggling against the IceDevimon that have her tackled to the ground.
Hurricane Gale!”
Just then a huge winds blows all of the IceDevimon into the air and off Sailor Neptune.
Solar Wind Destroyer!”
Soon after, a huge sphere of solar energy appears, engulfs the IceDevimon, and they roar out as they are instantly destroyed in a powerful explosion. When Sailor Neptune gets to her feet, she finds that Aldamon and Zephyrmon were the ones to save them.
Zephyrmon asks Sailor Neptune, “Are you okay, Sailor Neptune?” When Sailor Neptune nods her head, two Heart Snatchers leap up at them, but Zephyrmon easily destroys them with her claws.
Sailor Neptune thinks in her mind, “Incredible! They know how to use their powers together and individually, they are already quite formidable.” Next, we find Sailor Aurora and Sailor Nebula finds themselves in front of charging Tankmon.
Nebula Cosmic Hurricane!”
Sailor Nebula creates a huge emerald green and ruby red colored storm in the sky and then huge wind twisters along with thunder and lightning totally devastate the majority of the Tankmon charging against her and Sailor Aurora. However, one of them manages to escape the onslaught and charges at Sailor Aurora, but when the Tankmon reaches Sailor Aurora, she stops him in his tracks by grabbing Tankmon's tank treads with her hands.
Sailor Aurora shouts out, “Time to say goodbye, you overgrown rust bucket!” Sailor Aurora then uses her super-strength to throw Tankmon into the air and then she uses her special weapon to slice Tankmon right in half and destroying it. Next, we find a team of six SkullMeramon launching breath powerful fire attacks from their mouths at Solar Moon, who manages to block with his sword, but the way that SkullMeramon are placed, Solar Moon can't make any move against them.
Galaxy Meteor Crush!”
Just then a rain of rainbow colored meteors comes down from the sky and all six of the SkullMeramon are destroyed at once. Solar Moon is then joined by Sailor Galaxy with her specter in her hand.
Solar Moon asks, with Davis' usual grin, “Getting use to the new powers?”
Sailor Galaxy nods her head and says, “Yeah. It is like my new powers are telling me how to use them.”
Solar Moon nods his head and states, “That's how I felt when I first got my new powers. Guess it is past life thing, huh?”
Tai's voice then calls out, “Hey, you, two, watch out!” Solar Moon and Sailor Galaxy look in front of them to see two Tankmon moving towards them and preparing to run them over, but they move quickly and slice the two Tankmon in two before they knew what hit them causing the evil Digimon to turn into data particles. However, soon after, all of our heroes and heroines were pushed to the ground by Heart Snatchers and humanoid Dark Digimon. They tried to punch, knocks, and destroy those that were tackling them to the floor, but there were too many of them.
Joe shouts out, in a worried tone, “Get out of there!”
Solar Moon shouts out, in a serious tone, “What do you think that we are trying to do?!” Solar Moon and Sailor Galaxy knock one Ninjamon and one Heart Snatcher off them, but more Dark Digimon and Heart Snatchers, keeping them tackled in the dirt.
Sailor Mercury shouts out, “There are too many of them!”
Sailor Jupiter roars out, in a serious tone, “Every time that we knock one or two down, double to triple of them take their place!” Sailor Jupiter uses two powerful punches to destroy two Rookie level Dark Digimon, but she is nearly covered in the evil Digimon and Heart Snatchers.
Daemon shouts out, in an evil tone, “You fools! You can't win! My army is endless!”
Sailor Mars calls out, in an serious tone, “We'll find its weakness!” Just then everyone hears a scream and all of our heroes and heroines look to see Sailor Moon tackled to the ground and two Knightmon were about to impale her in the chest.
All of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi shout out, horrified, “Sailor Moon!” Just then three roses are flung at one of the Knightmon and temporary blinds the Digimon for a moment. Tuxedo Mask then uses one powerful kick to knock the other Knightmon away, but then out of nowhere, another Digimon, Meramon, fires a beam of flames at Tuxedo Mask, hitting him square in the chest and ripping the left side of his `costume' causing his exposed skin to be badly burned. Tuxedo Mask then fall to the ground, badly injured.
Sailor Moon shouts out, horrified, “Tuxedo Mask!” However, she gasps as the same Knightmon that tried to kill her before come back for a second attempt.
Sailor Mars calls out, very fearful for Sailor Moon, “Leave alone her assholes!”
Daemon says, with a dark excited tone, “Do not worry, you will see her again . . . IN THE AFTERLIFE!!!” The two Knightmon then prepare to impale Sailor Moon in the heart and killing her.
Sailor Mars roars out, her body beginning to glow with power, “DON'T YOU DARE!!!” Just then Sailor Mars' body explodes with flaming red energy and all of the enemies that were tackling our heroes and heroines to the ground are thrown off with the two Knightmon that were about to kill Sailor Moon were themselves destroyed by Sailor Mars' flaming red energy. As our heroes and heroines get to their feet, they find that they are unharmed by Sailor Mars' flaming red energy, which heals Tuxedo Mask in the process and restores his clothes.
Sailor Moon asks Tuxedo Mask, “Are you okay?”
Tuxedo Mask asks Sailor Moon, “Sailor Moon, what's going on?!”
Sailor Mercury replies, “Something is happening to Sailor Mars.” Soon after, the tiara on Sailor Mars' forehead melts away as the Mars' sigil appears on her forehead in bright ruby red.
Mars Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Sailor Mars is then engulfed in red hot flames as her old fuku is replaced by a brand new one and when the flames disperses, Sailor Mars has a totally new Sailor Senshi form.
Sailor Mars' hairstyle remains the same, but there are two sets of white feathers on her scalp, one of the left side and the other set on the right side, the Mars' sigil in ruby red is on her forehead, replacing her tiara, her earrings are golden heart jewels over ruby red star jewels, she has ruby red colored lips, she has a ruby red colored choker around her neck with golden heart jewel that has an attached ruby in the shape of the Mars' sigil in center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is the same as her former Sailor Senshi forms, she has pink colored shoulder pads exactly like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her bodysuit is the same as before, however, this time, there is a ruby heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel in the bust area, her gloves are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves expect they have ruby red bands on them, her mini-skirt is triple layered with ruby red, dark green, and dark blue as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a ruby heart jewel with four angel wings attached to it on the top center portion of her mini-skirt, her ruby red high-heel shoes are the same, expect they have two white angel wings on each heel, and she has four white angel wings coming out of her back.
Sailor Saturn says, amazed, “Mars-san became an Eternal Sailor Senshi!”
Sailor Venus exclaims, excitedly, “All right! Way to go!” Sailor Mars' body then begins to glow and flames form around both of her hands.
Mars Dragon Meteors!”
Sailor Mars launches a beam of flames into the air, creating a huge sphere of flames in the mid-air within the dome, and that sphere of flames breaks apart turn into flaming meteors that turn into Asian dragon-like forms that destroys all of the Dark Digimon and Heart Snatchers in an incredible attack.
Matt shouts out, amazed, “Awesome! That girl really knows how to turn on the heat!”
Just then a familiar evil female voice shouts out, “And so do I!” When all of the Digimon and Digidestined in the stands turn to the source of the voice, Tai is tackled to the wall by Mimete and pointing her gun right at Tai's heart.
All of our heroes and heroines on the floor look up and Sailor Galaxy says, shocked, “Tai!” Li pulls out his mystical sword, but the other Digidestined stop him before he can attack.
Mimete calls out, “Don't any of you pathetic heroes come any closer or I will extract your friend's heart crystal and crush it in my bare hands!”
Sailor Saturn says, worriedly, “Oh no! If she does that, then he won't be able to be revived and he will die!”
Mimete shouts out, “Now, if you want this brat to be saved, those three siblings that bratty moon princess must surrender to Lord Daemon and me!”
Daemon laughs in triumph and exclaims, pleased, “Excellent, Mimete! You have done well!”
Sailor Jupiter calls out, angrily, “You bitch!”
Mimete says, nastily, “Thank you! Now, get over here, you royal triplets so I can extract your heart crystals or else say `ta ta' to your friend!”
Sora calls out, “No, leave Tai alone!” Before Mimete could move, Sora tackles her from the right and knocks her gun into the air, allowing Tai to make his escape. Sora then tackles Mimete to the railing and the two of them struggle for the gun.
Mimete roars out, angrily, “You little brat! You will pay for this!” Mimete then continuous shoves her knees into Sora's gut causing her to cough out blood and get the air knocked out of her.
Digital Knight Yolei calls out, worriedly, “Get out of there!”
Mimete tells Sora, in an annoyed tone, “Let go of my gun, bitch!”
Sora says, in a serious tone, “No way! I don't care if you have powers and I don't! As long as my friends are in danger, especially Tai, I won't let you win! I won't you hurt anyone I care about!” Sora's arms become engulfed in flames causing the gun to melt and Mimete screams out in pain as her arms were burned. Sora, shocked, lets go of Mimete and allowing her to escape with badly burned arms.
Mimete says, seriously, “That girl isn't human! What is she?”
Sora looks at her flaming hands, notices that she isn't even burned, and asks, perplexed, “What's going on? I'm not even burned.” Just then a mysterious mark appears on Sora's forehead: the astrological sign of the Aries star constellation.
Izzy exclaims, “Sora, your forehead!” Sora feels her forehead and can feel something forming on it.
Joe asks, perplexed, “What is that mark on Sora's forehead?”
Just then a female voice exclaims, “It is the mark of Sailor Aries, the Fire Senshi of the Sun Kingdom!” Soon after, Isis and Cosmic land down from somewhere in front of the Digidestined, the Digimon, and Luna, Orion, and Atriums. Isis then says, in a sly tone, “Goofing off again, Luna? I'm not surprised.”
Luna growls in anger and says, “Isis, it's you!”
Joe asks, perplexed, “Is that the name of Jun's guardian?”
Isis says, “Indeed, I am, my young Earth man. My name is Isis, guardian and advisor to Princess Juniper of the Sun Kingdom, and this is Cosmic, guardian and advisor to Prince Daisuke Serenity, brother of Princess Serenity and Princess Juniper. However, the time for talk has ended and it is time for young Sora to accept her destiny.”
Sora asks Isis, “What do you mean by that?” Isis then does a back flip, creates a henshin wand similar to Sailor Mars' henshin wand, and it lands in Sora's hands causing it to transform. The new henshin hand as a golden staff with two white wings attached to the top of the staff, one wing on the top left and the other wing on the top right of the wand, a heart shaped crystal orb with a golden astrological symbol of Aries in front of golden ram inside of the crystal orb, and four golden angel wings attached to the heart orb.
Atriums asks, shocked, “Does this mean that Sora is one of Jun's Sailor Senshi?”
Sora asks, pretty stunned, “I'm one of the Sailor Senshi?”
Isis tells Sora, “Indeed, you are, my dear. You are Sailor Aries, one of the twelve Sailor Senshi of the Sun Kingdom that protected the taiyou-no-hime and the Sun Kingdom known as the Zodiac Sailor Senshi.”
Izzy says, in his logical tone, “Well, the name makes senses since Aries is one of the twelve star constellations in the Indo-European Zodiac.”
Isis tells Sora, “My dear, I know that this is a shock, but I tell you this: If you just gained the power to help all that you love and care right before you, wouldn't you want to use to help others? In fairness, I must tell you that if you chose to accept your destiny as Sailor Aries, your life will put in stone for the rest of your days, but if you don't, your life is free to do with what you will. However, I must warn you that two universe will be in danger if you don't, but the choice is yours and only yours to make. I am sorry to put this pressure on you, young Sora, but it is necessary.”
Luna yells at Isis, “If she doesn't accept the power, then all might be lost!”
Isis roars back, angrily, “It is only her decision and hers alone, Luna! Forcing it upon them is only necessary when it is, but if you force upon them, you might hurt them more than you help them and ever throw them into darkness! Can't you ever see things by your charge's point of view and know how they feel instead of forcing them into situations that can change or alter?!” Isis' question hits Luna right in the heart and she lowers her head down in shame as Atriums tries to comfort Luna and looks at Isis, very annoyed.
Sora tells Isis, “Wait, Isis! I've already made my choice!”
Isis asks Sora, perplexed, “You have?”
Sora nods her head and says, “I've decided . . . to protect all those I care about.” Sora holds the henshin want to her heart and calls out the words that form in her mind, “Aries Eternal Power, Make-up!” Soon after, Sora is engulfed in a bright red light as her clothes are ripped off and replaced by a sailor fuku. When the light fades away, Sora has totally vanished!
Mimete calls out, a bit angrily, “Where did that little runt go?!”
Just then Sora's voice shouts out, in a serious tone, “Where do you think, bitch?!” Just then Mimete is blasted by a huge jet of flames from above and Mimete screams out in pain as she is further burned. Soon after, a new Eternal Sailor Senshi lands in front of Mimete.
The new Sailor Senshi has Sora's orange-reddish hair in Sailor Mars' hairstyle, two pairs of three small golden feathers on her scalp, one pair on the left side and the other on the right side, the astrological sign of Aries in flaming red on her forehead, her earrings are rubies in the form of rams attached below golden heart and golden star jewels attached to her ears, she has a silver fiber-optic device with a black mini-microphone attached with the astrological symbol of Aries imprinted on the fiber-optic device attached to her left ear, her lips are a shining ruby red color, her neck-choker is a flaming red color with a golden heart jewel and a ruby in the form of a ram attached to the heart jewel in the center of the choker, attached below the center of the choker is a tag with the Crest of Love, her V-style sailor collar is a flaming red color, her shoulder pads are like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, but they are pure silver in color, her bodysuit is pure white in color with a flaming red heart jewel that has four golden angel wings attached in the bust area, her silver gloves are like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, but they have flaming red bands on them, the band attached to the end of the glove has three small golden feathers on it, and the gloves are fingerless with golden fingernails with the astrological sign of Aries in flaming red painted on each fingernail, her mini-skirt is tripled layered with flaming red, ruby red, and orange as the colors of the mini-skirt, the same heart jewel in the bust area of her bodysuit of her fuku is also attached to the top center portion of her mini-skirt, she has silver versions of Sailor Mars' high-heel shoes on her feet with the astrological symbol of Aries in flaming red on the heels of her shoes, and four golden angel wings coming out her back.
Tai asks, stunned, “Is that Sora?”
Isis replies, with a smile, “Yes, it is. But now, she is Eternal Sailor Aries of the Zodiac Sailor Senshi, the guardians of the taiyou-no-hime and elite female warriors of the Sun Kingdom and the Golden Alliance.”
Mimete says, in an angered tone, “So, what?! This gives me a good reason to blast you even harder!” Mimete pulls out her specter and fires a dark beam of energy at the new Sailor Senshi, Sailor Aries.
Aries Firestorm Jet Stream!”
Flames form around Sailor Aries' gloved hands and she launches them in a twisting stream of orange-red flames that easily negate Mimete's attack as well as slamming into the evil villainess. Mimete screams out in extreme pain as she is totally incinerated into ashes.
Sailor Constellation says, amazed, “Whoa! That girl is hot!”
Sailor Aries looks at her hands and says, amazed, “Wow. I never knew I was so powerful.”
Sailor Mars flies over to Sailor Aries and tells her, with a smile, “Well, you never know until you find the inspiration to fight.”
Sailor Aries smiles and tells her, “Thanks, Rei.” Just then the heart jewels on the chests of Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries began to glow in unison.
Sailor Mars asks, stunned, “Hey, what's going on here?”
Isis shouts out, in a serious tone, “Both of you are Fire Senshi! The power of the sacred flames in the universe flow through both of you and you can use your powers together as one united force! It is the power of Sailor Unity!”
Daemon calls out, “Well, let us see how they fare against my flames! Evil Inferno!” Daemon launches powerful dark red and black flames at both Fire Senshi.
Tai shouts out, worriedly, “Sora, get out of the way!”
Sailor Moon calls out, pretty worriedly, “Mars, look out!” However, Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries gain determined look on their faces as they face Daemon's attack.
Sailor Mars thinks in her mind, “Serena might be a Meatball Head, but she is still my princess and my best friend in the world! All of the other girls call me `weird' and only praised me while looking at me with them teasing me behind my back, but Serena is the first one to understand me and care for me! Now, she gave me my friends within the Sailor Senshi and I won't let her get killed like that! To me, she is a sister and I won't her get hurt!”
Sailor Aries thinks in her mind, on the meanwhile, “Tai, I thought I had feelings for Matt, but whenever I'm with you, I feel some kind of warmth in my heart and I'm not going to let Daemon or any one else take it away! Now, I've got to protect you, my friends, and all that I love then I'm going to use it! Watch out, Daemon!” The two Fire Sailor Scouts' hands then start to engulf by flames at the same time.
Double Phoenix Soul!”
Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries then launch a huge twister of flames that turn into a phoenix shape that slam into Daemon's attack and both of them hold each other back with equal power!
Tentomon exclaims, in disbelief, “Unbelievable! Sora's and Rei's flames match Daemon's flames in power and strength!”
Daemon shouts out, in total shock, “No, that's impossible! No one is stronger than me!”
Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries then shout out in unison, “Well, call us `Nobody'!” Just then the flames from Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries become even stronger, overtaking Daemon's attack, and he screams out as he is engulfed by Sailor Mars' and Sailor Aries' combined flame attack. When the flame attack is done, Daemon is badly burned and injured.
LadyDevimon, who escaped Sailor Mars' earlier onslaught, goes over to the injured Daemon and tells him, “My lord, we must retreat! You are too badly injured to go on!”
Daemon growls in annoyance and exclaims, “You might have won for now, but mark my words . . . all of you! I will return!” Daemon and LadyDevimon then vanish through a fog of shadows.
Sailor Mars exclaims, happily, “Way to go, girlfriend!”
Sailor Aries replies, “Thanks!” Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries give each other a high-five as every one else in their own quick pace goes over to Sailor Mars and Sailor Aries to congratulate them.
Sailor Venus tells Sailor Mars, “Wow, Mars! You and our newest member were great!”
Digital Knight TK tells both Fire Senshi, “Yeah, you showed Daemon who was boss!”
Sailor Aries tells Digital Knight TK, a bit nervously, “Thanks, TK.”
Tai then looks at Sailor Aries, smiles at her, and tells her, giving Sailor Aries a `V'-sign with his right hand, “You did great, Sora. You look great and did great.”
Sailor Aries gives a wide blush in her cheeks and tells Tai, “Thanks a lot, Tai.”
Raidramon then rushes into the room and asks, “What did I miss?”
Gatomon tells Raidramon, “Just the greatest Digi-butt kicking! Where were you?!”
Raidramon tells Gatomon, “With Kaiba and his endless ranting.”
Digital Knight Ken tells Raidramon, “I feel for you, Raidramon.”
Isis then jumps into Sailor Sun's arms and she tells her, “Greetings, my princess. I am Isis and I will aid you on your journey to defeat the forces of darkness.”
Cosmic goes over to Solar Moon and tells him, “And I am Cosmic, your personal guardian and advisor. And I will be your advisor and guardian on your journey.”
Solar Moon tells Cosmic, in his usual tone, “I'm not sure if I can take care of a pet, so to speak, but I took care of Raidramon, so, it can't be much trouble.”
Raidramon tells Solar Moon, indignantly, “Hey!” All of the other Digimon get a few laughs out of Raidramon's `embarrassment'.
Sailor Moon says, with a smile, “Well, it looks like we have two new Sailor Senshi and more friends than ever to protect our universes.”
Tuxedo Mask nods his head in agreement and says, in a plain tone, “That's right, Sailor Moon. Now, we are even stronger than ever, but that doesn't mean we can keep our guard down.”
Orion says, “Indeed. We have won, but Daemon and LadyDevimon are still out there along with the Digimon Empress and Apotheosismon.”
Isis states, in a curious tone, “Who are they? Do they have to do with the mysterious attack that has happened in Juuban and in other areas of Tokyo recently?”
Sailor Sun tells Isis, “We will tell you later, Isis. Right now, we have to get out of here before Kaiba comes back and finds his `battle damaged' Kaiba dome.” As everyone looked around, the Kaiba Dome was as seriously damaged as with what happened with Anubis, but it was pretty damaged.”
Sailor Venus says, with a sly grin on her lips, “No kidding.” As all of our heroes and heroines leave the Kaiba Dome, they have the knowledge that they have won their first victory and Sora gained her own Sailor Senshi powers, but as they leave, Isis and Luna look at each other with intense looks in their faces and something tells that their `history' is about to `return' . . .
Next time in Chapter 10: Triple Ice Senshi Assault: As our heroes and heroines continue to live their lives within the world of the Sailor Senshi, Card Captors, and Frontier Digidestined, TK and Mina go on their first date and it is going good until a nasty rainstorm forces the two of them into Mina's home. Inside Mina's home, only a little `spark' was require turning their date into a night of passion, if you get my meaning. The next day, as Kari's and Sora's training as Sailor Senshi and the elder Digidestined's training as Digital Knights was about to start, they are joined by a new Eternal Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Aquarius and the real shocker is that it is Jun's best friend, Janet! Janet reveals that during an accident in Orion's `base' that her `heritage' as Sailor Aquarius `awakened' and Isis gave her henshin wand. Speaking of Isis and Luna, the two siblings don't seem to be getting along with each other since their beliefs in how to be guardians to their princesses along with their guardian Sailor Senshi as well as training them differ. However, on the meanwhile, a new `person' comes into Juuban who will play a new `role' in this story. It is none other than Joey's younger sister, Serenity Wheeler, who comes into town because she is worried for her brother because of the attacks in Juuban and plus, she has been training to become a good duelist just like her brother. But when she gets the chance to duel, she didn't expect to be dueling the evil Digimon Empress herself in a deadly Shadow Duel. As her brother along with the rest of our heroes and heroines look on with horror, Serenity continues to fight her hardest to win this duel, but one draw could help her beat the Empress. After the duel is over, the Digimon Empress flings poor Serenity, Ami, and Janet into some kind of pocket dimension to be lost for all time. However, young Serenity Wheeler finds out a deeper reason to her having her first name that's similar to the name of our tsuki-no-hime's name back in the Silver Millennium. Serenity Wheeler finds out that she is the youngest daughter of Queen Serenity, named after the Moon Goddess, Princess Selene Serenity, and she finds out that leader of the Outer Sailor Senshi as Sailor Sedna, Sailor Senshi of the Artic and the Cold. Serenity then transforms into Eternal Sailor Sedna and with the addition of Sailor Mercury also becoming an Eternal Sailor Senshi, the three Sailor Senshi of Ice break free of their dimensional prison and prepared for a great fight with the evil Digimon Empress. However, can the three Sailor Senshi of Ice defeat the evil power that took the power of our Digidestined of Miracles, Destiny, and Freedom in their `royal forms' to defeat?
Hey, I'm back with the newest chapter of the story! Sorry that it took so long, but this chapter was longer than I expected and I hope that the next chapter is shorter. I've got plenty of brand new surprises to come in the future chapters. Anyway, I want to say that I'm pretty disappointed in the low review to chapter ratio that this story is bringing. Reviews are what keeps inspiring me to keep going with this story and plus, they tell me if I'm doing a good job or I need to change something in this story to make it to yours and my liking. So, please read and CONTINUE to review so that I know how I'm doing in this story. Next, I've changed Davis' Senshi transformation phrase slightly because I've heard the Power Rangers say the words `Power Up!' many times and since Davis' Senshi uniform is similar to a Power Ranger uniform, I thought `Why not'. Plus, since the Sailor Senshi say `Make-up' at the end of their transformation phrases, I thought that the Solar Senshi saying `Power-up' at the end of their transformation phrases would make them more connected to their female Senshi, but their phrase would sound more `masculine'. Tell me what you think. Now, before I go, I would like to give credit to Io14 and this author's story of Sailormoon Moon for the idea of the fiber-optic devices used by Solar Moon, Sailor Sun, Sailor Star, Sailor Galaxy, and Sailor Aries along with Sailor Aquarius in the next chapter. Plus, I would like to give SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V and this author's story of YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Invasion of Rajita credit for the idea of the Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Sedna. Now, I hope to see your reviews and I will catch you later, Crossover Fans!