Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ The Aesir Signer and Fanning the Maelstrom ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
You must be wondering what my idea was with this chapter’s title and in short, not to cause confusion, Naruto’s name means ‘maelstrom’ and Uchiha means ‘fan’ in which my meaning of ‘Fanning the Maelstrom’ is Naruto against Sasuke. And like I said in the last chapter, there is going to be plenty of Digimon and Sailor Moon in these upcoming chapters! It is going to take sometime to work on the sequel that I mentioned, but I’ve already got the plot basically down. However, I’m not going to give anything away, folks! You are going to have to read and find out, Dueling and Naruto fans!

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds, Naruto, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series are owned/licensed by Tomonobu Itagaki and Tecmo, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 21: The Aesir Signer and Fanning the Maelstrom

Right now, we find our heroes and heroines looking at the mysterious man before them wanting Koyuki for some mysterious tablet that contains the secrets of the three Aesir or Polar God cards, three powerful Divine Beast Synchro Monster cards that rival the powers of the Egyptian God Cards and Crimson Dragon in power.

Naruto tells the man, seriously, “I don’t know fully what’s going on, but whatever you want her for, you are not going to get her!” The man prepares to do something, but he then looks to his right and Naruto’s left in which everyone looks to see a blimp with the last train car attached under appear in which Mizore launches his left gantlet’s hand and captures Koyuki dragging her to the roof in which Fubuki, flying through the air through her armor, launches multiple kunai knives with some kind of blue orbs attached.

Kakashi yells out, seriously, “Careful, everyone!” Kakashi and Sasuke dodge out of the way in which when the kunai land on the ground, they create multiple hardened ice spikes to burst out of the ground causing great damage to the trailers and equipment of the movie crew, but the actors, director, his assistant, and film crew along with the ninja are uninjured.

Sasuke looks around, doesn’t find Naruto, and he asks, seriously, “Sakura, where is Naruto?”

When Sakura looks around and doesn’t find him, she asks, annoyed, “You are kidding me! He didn’t?” We find Naruto hanging onto a rope tied to a kunai attached to railing on the blimp’s car.

Naruto yells out, seriously, “Come on! You didn’t think that I let you get away that easily, huh?” Naruto uses a Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu to create many Shadow Clones to get on the ship and on the ship, we find Koyuki sitting in a couch with Doto in front of her.

Doto tells Koyuki, “You’ve grown beautiful, Koyuki. Tell me: Do you still possess the Hex Crystal?”

Koyuki replies, plainly, “Yes, I do.”

Doto tells Koyuki, “Good, Koyuki. It is the sole item linked to our clan and its treasure.”

Koyuki asks, curiously, “Key? To what?”

Doto tells Koyuki, “When I rested this land from your father, our clan’s resources were all, but gone. I knew that my brother had hidden his riches and I searched for a long time in which now I’ve found it. It is hidden the Rainbow Glacier. There is a keyhole that can only be opened by the Hex Crystal and once I have control over our clan’s fortune, I will attain military superiority over the Five Great Nations.”

Just then Naruto’s voice calls out, “Not going to happen asshole!” When they look, they see Naruto in front of them with a grin.

Koyuki says, stunned, “Naruto!”

Doto asks, plainly, “How did you get up here?”

Naruto replies, with a foxy smile, “Never underestimate a ninja, pal!” However, a group of wires entrap him and Mizore leaps down to knock him in the back of the neck, but Naruto reveals his Rinnegan eyes.

Doto thinks in his mind, shocked, “Those eyes…”

Shinra Tensei!

Just then a powerful gravity force shatters the wires through shaking the ship with everyone inside of it and throws Mizore back in which Naruto tries to give him a kick, but he recovers to grab Naruto’s foot and throw him. However, Naruto spins in mid-air, but Mizore slams him with a body check, sending him skidding backwards. The door then opens to see Fubuki battling a group of Naruto Shadow Clones in which she manages to defeat them one after another, but they land some nasty blows.

Nadare leaps into the room and he says, “Forgive us, sir, but this brat is quite a handful.”

Naruto calls out, “More than you can handle jerk!”

Bansho Ten’in!

Naruto then throws Fubuki through the air using his gravity abilities and slams her into Mizore knocking both of them down, but the two of them recover soon enough in which Doto grabs Koyuki and puts a knife to her neck causing Naruto to stop.

Doto tells Naruto, “Hold it right there boy!”

Naruto says, with a sneer, “You wouldn’t dare!”

Doto tells them, “I would, boy. I can take what I want from her off her corpse, but if you don’t want that to happen, stop right now, separate your hands putting them in the air, and turn off your Rinnegan right now.”

Nadare asks, stunned like his two teammates, “Rinnegan?”

Doto says, with a grin, “That’s right, Nadare. The legendary dojutsu that gave a person the power to harness all five main chakra elements among other things.”

Mizore says, with a sneer, “No wonder this brat was so much trouble and his chakra was nothing to sneeze at.” Naruto deactivates his Rinnegan and makes sure that his hands were in the air.

Doto asks Naruto, “What is your name brat?”

Naruto replies, with a grin, “Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the next Hokage of the Leaf! My parents were the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki.”

Nadare yells out, shocked, “The Leaf’s Fourth Hokage also known as the Yellow Flash?”

Fubuki says, shocked, “I’ve heard of Kushina Uzumaki. She is known as the ‘Red Storm’, a legendary kunoichi second only to Tsunade Senju, one of the legendary Sannin.”

Doto says, with a wide grin, “The child of two legendary ninja of the Leaf Village, huh? No wonder you gave us so much trouble, boy.”

Nadare says, with a sly grin, “If I make a suggestion, he would be the perfect test subject for one of our latest devices.”

Doto says, with a smirk, “You’re right, Nadare.” Nadare goes over to a nearby panel, takes out some kind of device, and Doto keeps his blade around Koyuki’s neck threatening to kill her if he resists in which Nadare slams the device into Naruto’s waist in which he cries out in pain as he feels his chakra being drained away.

Koyuki yells out, shocked, “What are you doing to him?”

Doto says, with a grin, “That device is draining him of the chakra in his body and binding it in a powerful barrier. Once activated, it can’t be destroyed or broken no matter what.” Once it is done draining Naruto of his own chakra, Naruto collapses to his knees in which his Shadow Clones vanish.

Naruto says, weakly, “My strength… it’s gone…”

Nadare says, with a grin, “Not looking like much of a ninja anymore, huh? You are just a little brat.”

Fubuki says, with a smirk, “Not even your parents could do much without their chakra, brat.” Mizore then knocks him out with a swift kick to the head.

Doto tells Koyuki, “I’ll take the Hex Crystal if you don’t mind.” Without any question, Koyuki takes off the crystal around her neck and gives it to Doto, but when he looks at it, he gets enraged and grabs Koyuki by her collar in which he yells out, “You think that this is some kind of game? You don’t think I would know this crystal is fake?!” He shatters the fake crystal and Koyuki gives a look of disbelief.

Koyuki says, stunned, “That’s impossible!” She then remembers when Kakashi visited her room when she had fainted and she says, lowly, “Kakashi Hatake…”

Doto asks, surprised, “What?”

Nadare says, with a plain tone, “Makes senses, sir. Kakashi is a shrewd ninja and I wouldn’t put it by him to pull such a bait and switch.”

Fubuki says, with a grin, “Don’t worry, sir. We’ll have him rounded up in no time.”

Doto tells them, “Don’t bother.” When the three Snow ninja give confused look, Doto throws Koyuki away and he says, with a sinister grin, “Why go after the man when we have one of his prized students? He was the student of the Fourth Hokage and he will give it his all to rescue his teacher’s offspring. All we need to do is wait for him.” As Doto gives off an evil laugh, our helpless and unconscious Naruto remains of his and his associate’s feet to be used as bait along with Koyuki to get Kakashi and the rest of Team 7 fall into his trap in which he gets the Hex Crystal back.

(Returning to the Leaf Village; on the meanwhile)

Back in the Leaf Village, it is currently in chaos as a massive Digimon attack is in progress with the Digidestined and their Digimon working with the ninja of the village to stop it and in the center of it all, we find ourselves at the Namikaze mansion where we find Serena, the Fudo twins, Jaden, Alexis, Leon, Kalin, Tai, Matt, and their two Mega Digimon, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, are assembled as Jadeite, an old enemy of Serena as Sailor Moon and who knows both are one and the same, leaps down to the ground and unleashes a powerful burst of dark energy knocking all members of the forces of good.

Jadeite says, with a wicked smile, “At long last, Moon brat, you are alone and there is no one to save you. I already what happened to those pathetic friends of yours and I can’t believe that I lost to you. Your precious friends taken down by a mere human! How pathetic, Sailor Moon!”

Serena struggles to her feet and she says, in reply, “Shows how much you know about the humans around here, Jadeite. Your youma might take a bit of energy from them, but they will cut you in half in an instant.”

Jadeite taunts back in reply, with a smirk, “Insults, Moon brat? I guess that’s all you have since your friends are gone.”

Serena says, with a serious tone, “My friends aren’t gone! They are still with me in spirit! And I will save them!”

Jadeite says, creating a black crystal sword, “Not if you are dead, Moon brat! And do you thin that I would give you time to transform! Think again!” Jadeite charges to impale Serena in the heart, but a bright flash appears and Serena and Jadeite see Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) behind Ayane, who has her duel disk active.

Ayane yells out, strongly, “You are not going to harm Serena!”

Jadeite says, with a grin, “You think that a mere hologram can hurt me…” But before Jadeite can say anymore, Black Rose Dragon launches its attack, full force, and Jadeite lets it hit him, thinking that it will be harmless. He doesn’t expect the attack to rip him and he cries out in extreme pain as Black Rose Dragon’s attack sends him skidding across the yard of the Namikaze clan estates before causing a strong explosion.

Tai yells out, stunned, “How did she do that?”

Kalin tells Tai, plainly, “Ayane is a Psychic Duelist with the power to make Duel Monsters come to life like that.”

Matt tells Tai, “I think that they explained that to us, Tai.”

Tai replies, nervously, “Oh, yeah.”

Ayane tells Serena, “Serena, use your brooch now!”

Serena says, taking out her brooch, “Right, Ayane!” Quickly, Serena takes out her brooch and prepares to transform.

Moon Eternal Power, Make-up!

When her brooch opens, Serena’s clothes melt away as ribbons and feathers surround her turning into a sailor fuku with a pair of angelic wings coming out of her back in which when the transformation ends, Sailor Moon replaces Serena in front of everyone.

On the meanwhile, Jadeite gets out of the crater that Black Rose Dragon sent him into in which he growls in annoyance and when he sees Sailor Moon, he says, with a sneer, “So, what now Sailor Moon? Are you going into your little speech about how you will punish me? It is getting a bit old, wench!”

Sailor Moon replies, uncharacteristically, “Why should waste my breath on you, Jadeite?”

Jadeite replies, with a sneer, “I think that it is time that I shut you up for good, Moon brat!” Jadeite creates another crystal sword and attacks Sailor Moon, who easily leaps out of the way of the attack.

Sailor Moon says, with a giggle, “Do you need your eyes checked, Jadeite? These wings on my back aren’t for show!”

Jadeite says, with a grin, “Cute trick, wench! I’ve got one too!” Jadeite then floats into the air and charges her in which she blocks Jadeite’s sword with her staff/specter.

Sailor Moon says, annoyed, “No fair!”

Jadeite says, with a wicked grin, “This is fair, wench, but this isn’t!” Sailor Moon screams out in pain as black lightning zaps her from Jadeite’s sword and body in which he ruthlessly grabs her by the neck and throws her to the ground, hard!

Alexis says, shocked, “Serena!”

Jadeite dives down to impale her with his sword, but Sailor Moon blocks it with her staff again in which Jadeite says, with a grin, “You never learn, you meatball headed moon brat!” Sailor Moon then cries out in pain as she is zapped by more dark lightning from Jadeite.

Ayane says, horrified, “Serena!”

WarGreymon says, seriously, “There is nothing that we can do! They are too close to each other!”

Ayane thinks in her mind, “WarGreymon is right. I can’t attack with my powers and Black Rose Dragon or risk Serena’s life!”

Jadeite tells Sailor Moon, with a sinister smirk, “It’s over, Sailor Wench! Without your friends, you are nothing! You can’t stand on your own two feet without someone keeping you up! You have no power, Sailor Moon!” Jadeite moves his sword closer to Sailor Moon’s heart with the others unable to do anything to help her.

Sailor Moon thinks in her mind, “I can’t… I can’t stop him! I’ve already had the others to keep up my back in nearly every other fight! They were always there for me! If it wasn’t for them, I would have never won those victories! Is this… this my true end?” Just then the images of Sailor Moon’s friends, the Sailor Scouts and the Signers, appear in her mind and her memories and she thinks in her mind, strongly, “I can’t give up now! My friends are counting on me to save them! My new friends are counting on me to create a new and gorgeous future! I’ve lost so much! I’m not going to lose anything else! I won’t! Never again!” Just then Sailor Moon starts to push Jadeite’s sword back much to his sword and her broach opens to reveal the Imperium Silver Crystal inside while her Mark of the Dragon blazes with new light.

Jadeite yells out, shocked, “The Imperium Silver Crystal?! That means that you are…!”

Sailor Moon says, seriously, “I guess that you didn’t get the memo, jerk!” Soon after, Sailor Moon’s outfit transforms into a beautiful royal silvery-white gown/dress and her wings become large and angelic fluffy wings in which her staff/specter becomes a beautiful silvery-white sword with the Silver Crystal inside and she pushes herself back to her feet as her powers and Jadeite’s dark powers clash.

Jadeite exclaims, with a sneer, “So what if you are the Moon Princess?! You are nothing against my new dark powers! You are still that pathetic weak Sailor Scout who is nothing without her friends!”

Princess Serenity yells out, “While that may be true, my friends are still with me! I told you! Their spirits are behind me all the way, giving me strength, and one day, I will rescue them from the monster in human form that took them away from me! And I have new friends to give me strength and no will stop me especially not Negaverse trash like you!”

Jadeite shouts out, strongly, “We shall see, princess!” Soon after, the clash of powers creates a massive twister as Jadeite’s dark power goes against the powers of life and light from Princess Serenity and the Silver Crystal which forces everyone else to struggle to stay on their feet, windows to shatter, and debris to fly everywhere while Tsunade, Shizune, Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, Kasumi, and Momiji arrive on the scene with a group of ANBU guards for Tsunade.

Shizune yells out, stunned, “What’s going on here?”

Luna thinks in her mind, shocked, “That’s Jadeite! How did he survive our last battle?!”

Momiji yells out, stunned, “This clash of powers… is incredible, Ryu-sensei!”

Ninja Ayane tells Kasumi, “We need to stay out of this fight. If we get in-between, we will get seriously hurt.” As the clash of powers continues, a crater starts to form around Jadeite and Princess Serenity as their powers clash.

Jadeite yells out, with a sinister sneer, “My powers have grown since we last fought, moon brat! I won’t lose to you again! And when I claim your crystal, the world shall be at the Negaverse and my knees! I shall succeed where that fool, Beryl, has failed!”

Princess Serenity calls out, in reply, “Never, Jadeite! As long as I breathe, you’ll never win! I know that with my friends, past and present, behind him, I will have more power than you can imagine!” Princess Serenity’s Mark of the Dragon glows with a bright light along with the other Signers which vanish and the full Crimson Dragon mark including her Dragon’s Heart mark in one of the Crimson Dragon’s claws appears on her waist in which the Crimson Dragon, in its full glory, appears behind Princess Serenity with a mighty roar.

Jadeite yells out, stunned, “The Crimson Dragon has returned?!”

Princess Serenity calls out, “That’s right, Jadeite! I see that you know my newest friend here!”

Jadeite thinks in his mind, shocked, “It can’t be! This bratty Moon Princess is one of the Signers?!” Just then the Crimson Dragon unleashes a powerful crimson light that weakens Jadeite’s power and Princess Serenity unleashes a wave of power from her Silver Crystal that baths the whole village in it forcing everyone to cover their eyes and Jadeite cries out in pain and agony. When everyone is able to open their eyes, the remaining Digimon, minus the Digidestined’s Digimon partners, have vanished and Jadeite is entrapped in a massive silver crystal prison along with the damage done to the village by the attack and the clash of powers between Jadeite and Princess Serenity are restored.

MetalGarurumon asks, stunned, “Whoa, what’s just happened?”

Tai says, stunned, “Took the words right out of my mouth.”

WarGreymon says, amazed, “The remaining Digimon are gone and it looks like the village has been completely restored to before this whole battle ever started.” WarGreymon flies up into the air and he yells out, “I’m right! The damage to the walls of the village are gone too!”

Kasumi says, lowly, “Incredible…”

Kalin says, amazed, “Such power…” But then Princess Serenity transforms back into Serena with her broach and she collapses to the ground on her back.

Luna calls out, shocked, “Serena!” Everyone goes over to the collapsed Moon Princess and Tsunade checks up on her immediately.

Tsunade says, with a sigh, “She is still alive. She is just very exhausted, but I’m not taking any chances.” Tsunade snaps her fingers and one of the ANBU, a hawk masked one, comes forward.
The ANBU asks, “Hokage-sama?”

Tsunade tells ANBU, “Hawk, bring Lady Serena to the hospital immediately!”

The ANBU says, with a nod, “Right, Hokage-sama.” The ANBU gently puts the unconscious Serena into his arms, bridal style, and he leaps off to bring Serena to the hospital while Luna goes up to get her broach.

Tai asks, pointing to the crystallized Jadeite, “So, what do we do about him?”

Luna tells Tsunade, “Keep him in that crystal and never let him out ever! He is too dangerous to ever let return!”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “I have to agree with you on that one, Luna.” Tsunade points to the crystallized Jadeite and she yells out, “Get some workers to dig out the whole crystal and send that crystal into our most secure cells in which he is sealed away never to be broken out!”

The ANBU reply in unison, “Yes, Hokage-sama!” Soon enough, the ANBU assemble around the crystallized Jadeite and prepare to dig the crystal out to put it away safely without releasing the village at all.

Shizune asks, curiously, “Shouldn’t we check on the rest of the village?”

Kasumi tells Tsunade, “Allow us to take care of it, Hokage-sama.” When Tsunade gives her nod, Kasumi, Ninja Ayane, Ninja Ryu, and Momiji take off into the distance.

Shizune asks, confused, “Where do you think that Rachel woman is?”

Tsunade tells Shizune, “She was with Anko, Shizune.”

Shizune asks, nervously, “What?!”

Tsunade tells them, with a grin, “Don’t worry, I told them to behave through I must admit that woman’s strength is a rival to my own chakra made super-strength. It wasn’t easy.”

Jaden says, with a whistle, “Wow. That Serena girl was pretty powerful. I can sense the incredible strength of that crystal.”

Luna says, with a nod, “I told you that it rivals the Crimson Dragon’s own strength, but the backlash is that it drains the user’s own strength and to use the crystal’s full power would bring the direst consequences to the user. Something tells me that the Crimson Dragon boosted Serena’s own energy to ensure that didn’t happen.”

Ayane says, with a plain tone, “But I’ve got to say that was incredible.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “It is no wonder that Orochimaru wants that crystal of hers.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “That with the Crimson Dragon’s own power, he can do anything that he wants and that will be a nightmare for the world even the universe.”

Ayane tells Ryu, with a nod, “But we’ll be here for her, bro. She is a Signer now and she has us now.”

Jaden tells Ayane, “And don’t forget about us, Ayane.”

Alexis replies, with a sly tone, “How can anyone forget Jaden-kun?”

Leon says, with a grin, “Mom has a point, dad.”

Tsunade thinks in her mind, “I don’t think that Orochimaru is the only person that she has to fear. I keep wondering who else around here would want her crystal.”

As Tsunade is thinking, Ayane thinks in her mind, with a sigh, “Naruto must be having an easier time than we are here.” On the meanwhile, Sherry Leblanc looks at all of this is going on with a serious look on her face with plenty of the others looking at her and wondering what she is doing here.

(Later on; Rejoining Naruto)

If Ayane knew what kind of situation Naruto is in now, she would change her opinion in which we find ourselves in a group of jail ceil carved into ice with iron bars where we find Naruto’s arms bound to the ceiling with his legs bound to a weight on the floor in which he tries to use his chakra, but the device makes him unable to access it in which he gets shocked for his efforts.

Naruto says, annoyed, “This is just great.” Naruto thinks in his mind, “I could try the fox’s chakra since yokai chakra is far more ‘potent’ than my regular chakra, but with my chakra so suppressed, I’m might be risking getting killed and letting fuzz ball on the loose!”

Kyuubi replies, “I heard that brat!”

Naruto retorts, with an annoyed tone, “Keep it down, fox! I’m trying to think and I don’t need your mouth getting in my way.”

Kyuubi tells Naruto, with a sly tone, “You think? Miracles can happen in this world!”

Naruto yells out, really annoyed, “When we get out of this, I’m coming into my mind and kicking your ass! And remember, you are powerless since the Crimson Dragon and I ripped your chakra from you! And you that mean that I can turn you into a fox skin rug if you had a real body anymore!” Kyuubi growls in annoyance including words like ‘stupid gaki’ and ‘rotten spawn of Kushina and Fourth Hokage’ with such knowing that Naruto got him that time. Naruto struggles to move his feet to get to a razor hidden in his sandal and after a bit, he manages to get it, but he then hears footsteps in which he quickly hides the razor in his jacket’s collar in which he pretends to be unconscious or asleep while two snow ninja lead Koyuki into the cell across from him. When they are gone, Naruto opens his eyes and looks at Koyuki who glares at him.

Koyuki says, plainly, “Serves you right.”

Naruto replies, “That’s my line lady.”

Koyuki says, plainly, “Whatever.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “No spring, huh? What did you mean by no spring around here anyway?”

Koyuki replies, “You’ll see when the spring comes, Koyuki. That’s what my dad always told me.” After remembering her childhood before she left the Land of Snow, Koyuki says, “This land has no spring. My father died, I felt the Land of Snow, and I stopped believing. I was always lying and always running through I was mainly lying to myself. My life is nothing but a lie and becoming an actress is the only thing that I could do in this world.” Naruto then tries to cut through the bars with the razor in which Koyuki tells him, “That’s not going to change anything.” When Naruto drops the razor, Koyuki tells Naruto, “Told you. All you can do is give up.”

Naruto tells Koyuki, with a plain tone, “It must be a lot easier giving up, but that’s not my way. You must think that I’m the kid of two legendary ninja and I must have had it good. Guess what? That’s not the case. When I was growing up, no one cared about me and they just gave him hateful cares even tried to kill me. And you know why?” Naruto yelps as he gets shocked as he prepares to use the fox’s chakra and he yells out, “It is because something my dad did to me on the day I was born! Something that he was forced to do to save lives which shows what kind of man that he is! My mom, Kushina Uzumaki, had an incredible secret inside of her. She was the container for a beast known as the Nine-Tailed Fox and when I was being born, the fox was threatening to come out! My dad helped with the seal while I was being born in secret, but then a rotten asshole, wanting the fox, attacked my parents and released that fox from my mom using his powerful eyes to take control of it! My mom survived due my clan’s, the Uzumaki’s clan, legendary vitality and stamina, but she will die when she helps my dad seal the fox in me. But on the meanwhile, the asshole attacked the village with the fox and forced my dad to seal it inside of me, not wanting to turn me into a weapon like other baka villages, but to give me the power to stop that asshole! My dad felt that asshole would threaten the world and my dad believed that I was the one to stop him! I was a ‘chosen one’ destined to bring a new age of peace to the Elemental Countries! And with my dad’s last breath, he begged and pleaded that I be treated like a hero, but they betrayed him! Many of the villagers compared me to the fox and spit on both of my parents’ grave hurting me in ways beyond imagination!” As Naruto continues to talk, his charka cloak from the fox’s chakra starts to form in which the device already focusing on containing his regular chakra is straining to containing the fox’s chakra. He yells out, “It pisses me off, but did I become the monster that those bakas tried to make me out to be? Did I just give up and die! No, I refused! I didn’t know it through my childhood, but they called me horrible names and I swore to make them better what they called me! When I learned the truth about my family and what my dad wanted me to do, I promised to do him proud and fulfill what he wanted me to do! To protect not just my home village, but this world! I won’t let that monster that took my family away from me hurt anyone else! I pushed myself above and beyond and I gained much, friends, a new family, and so much more! And I’m not going to let them down by giving up! When you give up, your dreams and for someone like me, many others dreams, will die! And I will never let that happen! Believe it! I will surrender to anyone or anything ever!” Just then Naruto’s body explodes with his yokai chakra cloak and the chakra suppression machine attached to his waist explodes along with the chains binding him to the ceiling and floor! Naruto stumbles a bit as he lands on the floor as his yokai chakra cloak blazes around while his regular chakra returns through now in the ‘back seat’ of his body since he is using the Kyuubi’s chakra and Koyuki looks at him in shock.

Koyuki thinks in his mind, stunned, “I can’t believe it… He did it!”

Naruto looks at her and he exclaims, seriously, “You can give up if you want, but don’t give that crap to me, lady! As long as I have my friends, my family, and all of my hopes and dreams as well as many other innocent people to fight for, I refuse to surrender ever!” Naruto then slams one of his chakra arms and yelps out in shock from the electrified bars, but the bars then explode as the yokai chakra creates a huge hole in the cell’s bar.

A couple of Snow ninja rush in and one of them yells out, “What’s going on…?!” However, he doesn’t get to finish when Naruto, his yokai chakra cloak still blazing, leaps out and turns towards them.

Naruto asks, with a foxy grin, “Okay, you jerks, ready for someone that can defend themselves?” The two Snow ninja prepare to attack, but Naruto was on them in moments and before they knew what hit them, they were unconscious as Naruto, his yokai chakra cloak deactivated, throws them into a nearby cell. Naruto tells them, “Told them that they shouldn’t underestimate a ninja! Now, do you want to mope there and give up or do you want to get out of here?” Koyuki gives a weak smile as Naruto gets her out of the cell. Soon after, Naruto and Koyuki are running through the jail cells with Naruto leading in which they get into an elevator bringing them to another floor. They go out onto a catwalk when seemly a Snow ninja comes up to the walk through a line in which Naruto quickly activates his Rinnegan and attacks hand to hand.

The ‘Snow ninja’ says, “Hold it, Naruto! It’s me!” The ‘Snow ninja’ takes off the clothes to reveal Kakashi underneath.

Naruto says, surprised, “Kakashi-sensei!”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Sorry to keep you waiting.” Kakashi throws Naruto a pouch for ninja tools and he tells Koyuki, “You look alright princess.”

Koyuki tells Kakashi, “Yeah, I am. You had some nerve to switch my crystal with a fake and not tell me.”

Kakashi takes out the real Hex crystal and he says, “Yeah, sorry about that, but I figured that he was after this.” Kakashi hands Koyuki the real Hex Crystal and he asks Naruto, “By the way, Naruto, we sensed a massive charka spike when we got in and I figured that was you.”

Naruto tells Kakashi, nervously, “That would be me. I had some kind of chakra sapping device on my chest and I had to use ‘that other chakra’ to get it off.” Kakashi nods his head when they hear yelling and stuff in which they look to see Snow ninja getting felled by Sasuke and Sakura.

Sakura calls out, “This place is crawling with guards!”

Naruto tells them, with a foxy smile, “Sakura! Sasuke! What kept you?!”

Koyuki exclaims, “Come on, everyone! This way!” Koyuki runs off ahead and our ninja run off after her as multiple explosions are heard throughout the fortress. Soon enough, they run into a large room and a large light appears on a top of a large stairway in which they find Doto on a good sized throne.

When everyone looks at him, Kakashi says, seriously, “Doto!”

Doto then says, “Well done… Koyuki.” All of them gasp in shock as Koyuki runs over to Doto in which Kakashi tries to stop her, but Nadare, Fubuki, and Mizore appear to stop him.

Kakashi says, shocked, “It can’t be.”

When Koyuki gives Doto the Hex Crystal, Koyuki tells them, “This shouldn’t be a surprise to you. I am an actress after all.”

Doto tells everyone, “And there you have it, everyone. Another brilliant performance by the famous Yukie Fujikaze!”

Koyuki says, plainly, “Yes, it was all an act.” Koyuki then draws a knife/short sword that Sandayu had on him when he died and seemly stabbed Doto right in the chest in which she yells out, strongly, “I told you, didn’t I? I’m an actress!”

Doto says, angrily, “How dare you?! You’ll pay!”

Doto grabs Koyuki by the neck and starts to strangle her in which Naruto yells out, shocked, “Princess!”

Koyuki says, weakly, “I knew… that if I ever came back… I would die here… but at least… I can try to…”

Naruto tells Koyuki, “Don’t you dare stop fighting!”

Koyuki says, weakly, “It is because of you… that I can stop running away… in the end…”

Naruto yells out, strongly, “But all you are doing is running away! Don’t throw your life away!”

Koyuki says, weakly, “Forgive me, father… and you, too, Sandayu…” Soon after, the two of them fall off the platform with Doto’s throne and land on the ground with a sickening thud.

Naruto says, shocked, “Koyuki-san!” Naruto then rush off and the three Snow ninja notice something.

Mizore asks, “Isn’t the device supposed to be on his waist?”

Nadare says, seriously, “Oh no!” When Naruto gets over to them, he is hit hard by Doto and thrown to the floor.

Doto says, while taking off his robes, “Did you really think that you could kill me with that little toy, Koyuki. That’s pathetic.” Doto takes off his robes to reveal some kind of special black version of the chakra armor that Mizore, Fubuki, and Nadare are wearing. Doto says, with a smile, “That’s right, fool. It’s chakra armor and our latest prototype.” As Koyuki coughs out, Doto grabs her.

Naruto calls out, strongly, “Don’t you dare touch her with your dirty hands!” Naruto charges him and Doto strikes back with a backhand, but Naruto grabs with his right hand in which Doto notices the device that he put on Naruto’s waist is gone.

Doto yells out, stunned, “The device! How did you destroy it?”

Naruto replies, with a sneer, “My charka proved too much and it broke!”

Doto says, with a sneer, “You are just full of surprises, aren’t you! So am I, boy!” Doto then releases his hand from Naruto’s hand and slams his fist into his gut causing Naruto to skid back in which he grabs his chest in pain. Doto says, with a sneer, “Even through you’ve regained your chakra, you are no match for me.” As Koyuki struggles to get free, Doto tells her, “Time to go, Koyuki. It is time to head beyond the rainbow.” Soon after, the roof explodes and Doto is lifted into the air.

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “I don’t think so, pal!” Naruto launches a grappling rope that wraps around Koyuki’s right hand and wrist in which Naruto is lifted into the air with them. The others also escape in their own fashion out of the crumbling fortress and out of the fortress, Doto comes out and deploys a pair of wings out of the back of his chakra armor. As he starts to fly, he notices the rope with Naruto hanging onto the end.

Doto yells out, strongly, “You don’t know when to give up, boy! You might have your chakra back, but you still can’t fly like me!” He then cuts the rope and flies away leaving Naruto to seemly fall to his death.

Koyuki calls out, horrified, “Naruto!”

As Naruto falls towards the ground, he exclaims, “Oh, man! This is going to really sting!” Naruto performs a Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu and creates dozens of clones to cushion his fall, but he lands in the snow pretty hard while going through the thick trees and branches in the process. Doto laughs as he flies away and Naruto, mainly unhurt through suffering from some nasty cuts and bruises along with a bump to the head, wobbles along to follow them. Naruto says, with a snarl, “I’m not done. I’m going to get you pal and I’m not going to give up. I’ll follow you as long as I have to until I catch you, jerk.” However, Naruto is still quite ‘dizzy’ from his nasty fall, but then he sees the director, his assistant, and some of the film crew on some kind of mobile camera platform.

The director yells out, “Hop on, Naruto!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Thanks, director-san! Let’s do this!” Soon enough, Naruto hops onto the mobile platform and they head off after Doto and Koyuki.

(A short time soon after; Joining up with Doto and Koyuki)

At this time, we find Doto and Koyuki in front of a small shrine in front of what looks like a good sized crater and huge cliffs that look like monoliths. This is the place in the Land of Snow known as the Rainbow Glacier.

Koyuki asks, “So, we’ve come here anyway, huh?” Doto then inserts the Hex Crystal into an opening in the small shrine which causes the whole crater and monoliths to glow in the form of a massive snowflake in which he smiles at this. As Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke defeats the three Snow ninja in their own ways, there is a lot of steam as the ice melts and bring glows come from the monoliths. Koyuki says, lowly, “It’s so warm…”

Doto exclaims, with a shocked and angered tone, “A heat generator? The hidden treasure of the Kazahana clan is a heat generator!”

Naruto’s voice calls out, “Koyuki!” Koyuki and Doto look to see Naruto on the mobile camera platform is racing towards them in which Naruto leaps off and starts to run the rest of the way while the mobile platform drives away to keep itself out of the ‘line of fire’.

Koyuki yells out, amazed, “Naruto!” Doto puts his hands through some ninja hand signs as he prepares to attack.

Ice Style: Black Dragon Blizzard!

Doto then unleashes a wave of freezing energy in the form of a black Asian dragon that heads straight for Naruto as he gasps for shock in which Naruto stop and tries to attack, but he is slammed hard by the attack especially since he had no time for a defense sending him flying high into the air.

Koyuki exclaims, horrified, “Naruto!” Naruto then falls down onto the ice and he greatly cracks the ice from the powerful fall.

Naruto groans out, stunned, “Is that all? I barely felt a thing.”

Koyuki says, fearfully, “That’s enough, Naruto! You might have your chakra back, but with that armor, Doto will kill you!”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin as he slowly gets to his feet and regain his senses, “Trust me, I won’t die. I’m the hero and kicking the bad guy’s ass is what I do best.”

Doto yells out, with a sneer, “Oh, yeah, boy! Take this and die, brat!” Doto charges in and before Naruto could clear his senses after getting slammed by Doto’s powerful attack and the fall to the ground, he sent through the ice into the freezing water below. Koyuki falls to her knees, thinking that Doto has just killed Naruto while Doto looks at his supposed victory when he hears a sound that sounds like chirping birds.


When Doto looks to the source, Sasuke comes in with his left hand glowing with electric chakra and he slams his attack towards the center of Doto’s armor causing a major crack to form, but Doto backhands him into a large ice pillar.

Doto asks, with a grin, “Did you really think that you could hurt me with your pitiful jutsu?”

Sasuke says, weakly, “His armor is weakened, Naruto. It’s all up to you…” Under the water, Naruto hears Sasuke’s voice call out his name and his eyes open up to reveal his Rinnegan eyes.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “I hear you, Sasuke! I’m on my way!” Naruto unleashes a burst of the Nine-Tailed Fox’s chakra which is seen on the surface of the water confusing Doto and just the water seems burst revealing dozens upon dozens of Narutos. Naruto and his Shadow Clones yell out in unison, “Time for some payback, jerk, with interest!”

Doto moves his hand signs and he yells out, strongly, “Just try it, you little brat!”

Ice Style: Twin Dragon Blizzard!

Doto creates two powerful black dragons made of ice and snow that turn into a huge twister and seemly destroying everything in its path in which Koyuki hides to keep herself from being swept up in it.

Doto yells out, excitedly, “That’s it! This little farce is over!” Doto laughs in victory and Koyuki gives an emotionless look.

But then Naruto’s voice yells out, “It’s not over yet, asshole!” Doto and Koyuki look to the source to see Naruto and a Shadow Clone holding a Great Ball Rasengan in their hands. Naruto yells out, “It isn’t over until justice is served and the villain is crushed once and for all! Get ready for your unhappy ending and our happy end, pal!”

Koyuki calls out, “I believe in you, Naruto! I know that you are the strongest ninja of them all!”

Naruto exclaims, slyly, “No kidding, Koyuki! As if there is any doubt!” When the sun shines on the mirrors of the generator, the monoliths, Naruto’s Great Ball Rasengan goes from blue to glowing in a rainbow of colors.

At this moment, Kakashi and Sakura arrive on the scene and Sakura says, amazed, “It’s the rainbow chakra like in the movies!” Doto tries to strike back, but he made a grave error in doing so allowing Naruto’s attack to strike home.

Great Ball Rasengan!

Naruto attack slams home and Doto yells out in extreme pain and agony as the attack shatters his armor into nothingness while sending him flying into one of the generators, extreme hard, shattering the ice/glass on it in which the whole landscape transforms, seemly like magic, from ice and snow, into a beautiful grass and flower filled valley with a pond-like pool of water in the center of what was a snow and ice filled crater.

Naruto collapses on his back and he says, lowly, “I did it.” But then his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ starts to blaze to life and the pool glows with a bright light in which a column of light reaches for the sky in which a figure emerges from the lake.

Sakura asks, perplexed, “What is that?” The figure then become and reveals to be a large humanoid monster that rivals the Egyptian God Monsters in height, wearing red and white clothes and robes with black armored shoulder pads, a patch over his left eye, and a golden spear in his hands.

The figure looks at Naruto and he says, in a deep male and deity-like voice, “Young Signer, I thank you for my freedom. I am Odin, one of the Aesir or Polar God monsters, infuse with the power of stars and heavens of time’s past! After my previous chosen one, Harald, was murdered by evil ones, we have hidden ourselves within your lands! The Land of Snow held many of our secrets and the power of Valhalla! The fight with the usurper of this land’s true rulers has brought me out of my own included sleep and now, it is time for me to join the battle against good and evil once again. I, along with Thor and Loki, aided the Signers into changing the horrible future and preventing ZONE from crashing his fortress into Neo Domino City to trigger a horrible new Zero Reserve, which separated Neo Domino City into itself and Satellite.”

Naruto replies, nervously, “You’re welcome.”

Odin looks at Princess Koyuki and he tells her, “Remember the words of your father, young one. If you truly believe, then your land shall truly experience spring.” Koyuki gasps in shock and Odin says, “I must go, but we shall meet again, young Signer. My new ‘Chosen One’ is calling for me and she is the new Heart of the Crimson Dragon. You, six, the new Signers, are the ones that will weld or unite the powers of Harmony and stop the great chaos is to come and I shall be by yours and the Crimson Dragon’s side when the time comes. Farewell for now, young Signer.” Odin then transforms into a sphere of light which seems to contain a card inside and flies off into the distance.

Naruto thinks in his mind, “His new ‘chosen one’ is the new Heart of the Crimson Dragon… wait a minute! Does he mean…?” However, as Koyuki remembers her dad and his words to her, Koyuki’s eyes sheds tears and for the first during this journey, she laughs truly and really while Naruto collapses into a deep sleep, exhausted from the battle especially using his Great Ball Rasengan which drains him of quite a bit of energy.

(A brief time afterwards; Back in the Leaf Village)

Right now, we find ourselves in the Leaf Village hospital where we find Serena inside of a hospital bed and still in a deep sleep after the battle with the Digimon and Jadeite in which we find Ryu, Ayane, Team 8, Kalin, Leon, Jaden, Alexis, Tsunade, Shizune, and Haku entering the room with two ANBU members guarding the door to the room as they pass by.

Tsunade asks Haku, “How is she, Haku?”

Haku tells Tsunade, “All of her testing proved negative on anything life-threatening, Lady Hokage-sama.”

Alexis says, with a sigh of relief, “That’s good to know.”

Hinata says, concerned, “I hope that she will be okay.”

Shino says, with a plain tone, “With the immense power that my bugs and I felt come from her before, I’m sure that she will be tried for sometime. My bugs felt the power that she released and it was quite sizeable to say the least. I can understand why Orochimaru wants her or specifically the crystal that she bears.”

Kiba says, with a nod, “If it can do all that we saw happen, no kidding Shino.”

Just then Ryu’s, Ayane’s, Hinata’s, and Serena’s Mark of the Dragon glow with a bright light and Ryu asks, stunned, “Our Marks of the Dragon!” But before anything could say or do anything, a bright light slams into the room and engulfing Serena forcing everyone to cover their eyes including Luna, who is by Serena’s side. Within Serena’s mind, we find our Moon Princess looking around as she finds Life Stream Dragon (2900/2400) and Crystal Leviathan Dragon (3000/2000) by her sides.

Serena asks, perplexed, “What’s going on? Where am I?” Just then Harald of Team Ragnarock and Odin, Father of the Aesir (4000/3500) behind him in which Serena asks, shocked, “And who are you?”

Harald replies, “I am Harald of Team Ragnarock, young princess.”

Serena asks, surprised, “Team Ragnarock? Wait, you are those guys that had those Aesir or Polar God cards? But aren’t you…?”

Harald replies, with a nod, “We are no longer part of the living. After Yusei and the original Signers were murdered, the forces that wish to cause discord to the world destroyed because the power of the Aesir rivals the Crimson Dragon’s own power. They believed that without us, you and the new Signers would be helpless. They also wished to use the powers of the Aesir against you, but Odin, in his infinity wisdom, sealed themselves away in the area that you are in now: The Elemental Countries. They are waiting for the newest generation of chosen ones to weld the Rune Eyes and the power of the Aesir once more in order to ensure that the true Ragnarock does not happen.”

Serena asks, curiously, “Ragnarock?”

Harald tells Serena, “The Nordic end of world, young princess. And Odin has informed me of who you are in full, young princess.” Harald tells her, “It is unusual, but you and your fellow Signers are different from Yusei and his friends. You are the ones that will unite the powers of Harmony, both light and darkness, together to fight against the forces of discord and chaos which will bring about Ragnarock. In order to ensure that unity, Odin has chosen you as his new partner.”

Serena asks, stunned, “Me?” Serena says, looking at her Mark of the Dragon, “I already have the power of the Crimson Dragon and a Signer. You might be giving me too much to handle.”

Harald tells Serena, “Your role as a Signer is to unite the warriors of the Crimson Dragon and the power of the Aesir and Valhalla together against a common foe. The forces of the stars and harmony must be as one.” Harald then extends his right hand and his dueling deck appears in his open hand in which he says, “And you, Princess Serenity, have a connection to the Aesir yourself. The Aesir are deeply bounded with the Silver Alliance and the Moon Kingdom which is the reason that you must become one with Odin.”

Serena tells Harald, with a deep breath, “I don’t know if I’m worthy of your cards and its power.”

Harald tells Serena, with a plain tone, “You have proven yourself worthy of the trust and faith of the Crimson Dragon. Like our Aesir, the Crimson Dragon is a living entity that has lived for many millennia as the Dragon Star before even the start of your kingdom and it would not give its power to those that are not worthy. Odin believes that you are the one and if you wish to regain all that you lost, you must trust and have faith in yourself.” Serena takes a deep breath and takes the deck into her hands in which she gasps as Harald’s Rune Eye appears in her left eye. Harald tells Serena, “You have been deemed worthy, young princess.”

Serena tells Harald, “I won’t let this honor go to waste, Harald-san.”

Harald tells Serena, “There is one more thing before I leave you. Before my death, I had found out about a lost Aesir card. There is a fourth Aesir which makes our Polar Gods unique from other ‘Sacred Cards’, which usually have three monsters. The card’s name is Lenneth, Mistress of the Aesir. She will go to someone that holds a strong connection to one of the Signers other than yourself, young princess. However, this person isn’t a Signer herself.”

Serena asks Harald, as Odin moves over to Serena’s side, “Who is it?”

Harald tells Serena, “I can’t say, but she will play a vital role in yours and the Signers future to save life in all of existence. Farewell, young princess.”

Serena yells out, “Wait, Harald-san!” However, there is a bright light that engulfs Serena and the three monsters with her in which she wakes up to see the group that entered their room looking at her.

Luna asks Serena, “Serena, are you okay?”

Serena says, weakly, “I’m fine, Luna.” When Serena comes out from under the covers, she finds a dueling deck in her right hand.

Ayane asks, curiously, “Where did that come from Serena?”

Serena replies, confused, “I don’t know, Ayane.” When Serena reveals the top card, it is Divine Synchro Monster card, Odin, Father of the Aesir (4000/3500).

Ryu says, amazed, “That’s one of the Aesir or Polar God cards!”

There are plenty of gasps and Haku asks, curiously, “Lady Serena, how did you get that?”

Serena replies, nervously, “It’s a long story, Haku-san.”

Alexis says, with a smile, “We have the time, Serena.”

Jaden tells Alexis, “Just like the good old days, Alexis-chan.”

Alexis replies, with a giggle, “It’s like we never left Duel Academy, Jaden-kun.”

Kiba is giving Serena a good ‘look over’ and Shino tells Kiba, “I would watch where you are looking, Kiba.”

Kiba replies, a bit nervously, “I don’t know what you are getting at Kiba.”

Shino tells Kiba, “Serena is becoming friends with Naruto and his other new friends and Naruto does not like perverts in which you do something that he doesn’t like, he will… have to restore to defending his female friends through if Lady Ayane gets wind of this…” Just then Kiba gets image of Ayane using her powers against him in which he yelps in fear and decides that it is for the best not to bring on the wrath one Psychic Duelist which he fears more than Naruto despite his many advantages over him in a fight.

Hinata gets a feeling and she thinks, “M-My Naruto-kun sense is tingling… someone… someone is kissing my Naruto-kun!” Around that moment, we find Koyuki kissing Naruto as he is resting and recovering in a hospital-like bed.

(A few days later; returning to the Namikaze Compound)

Right now, we find Naruto walking with Hinata relaxing by a tree with Hinata unable to help herself to blush being so close to the boy that she loves so much, but it doesn’t mean that she isn’t enjoying the moment. The two of them were discussing on what happened in the village and what happened during the mission in which Naruto made sure not to make Hinata jealous when she found out about Koyuki kissing Naruto when he was recovering from the battle with Doto.

Naruto tells Hinata, “Wow! I can’t believe that I missed that! I’m glad that everyone is all right!”

Hinata tells Naruto, with a nod, “With Davis-san’s and his friend’s help along with Serena’s help, the village is safe and it looks like that nothing happened at all.”

Naruto gives a whistle and he says, “Man, Hinata-chan. Serena’s crystal is really powerful.”

Hinata says, with a nod, “And Lady Hokage-sama believes why Orochimaru wants her so bad.”

Naruto says, with a foxy smile, “With the two of us around along with Ryu, Ayane, and Davis helping her out, the snake won’t lay a hand on her!”

Just then a male voice calls out, “Got that right, pal!” Naruto and Hinata swing around to see Davis, Veemon, Jaden, and Alexis coming towards them.

Alexis says, with a smile, “Oops! It looks like we interrupted our two lovebirds.” Hinata and Naruto can’t help to blush from Alexis’ comment.

Davis tells Naruto, “What’s up?”

Naruto tells Davis, with a grin, “Nothing much, Davis-san. I thought about spending some time with my Hinata-chan.”

Hinata thinks in her mind, blushing, “He called me ‘his Hinata-chan’!”

Naruto tells Davis, “Anyway, Davis, I didn’t get to thank you for protecting my home!”

Davis tells Naruto, with a grin, “It’s no problem, Naruto.”

Naruto asks Davis, “By the way, how is that Asuka girl doing?”

Alexis tells Naruto, “She is doing just fine. It is kind of weird to have a clone of yourself on the loose and based on her examination, she is a healthy teenage version of me that grow up naturally.”

Jaden tells Alexis, “That’s sweet, Lex. But you need to remember that she isn’t you.”

Davis says, with a nod, “And you need to help her become her own girl.”

Alexis says, with a nod, “I know, Davis-san.”

Naruto asks Davis, “By the way, what about that Sherry woman that helped out?”

Davis tells Naruto, “Ryu and Ayane say that she is a friend of their father and mother. She wanted to get Yusei’s aid to find out about Yliaster, who killed her family, but respectfully declined and she entered the WRGP with her faithful butler to find and stop Yliaster’s plans. She was the reason that Ayane’s and Ryu’s mom got into Turbo Dueling.”

Jaden says, excitedly, “Man, I really like this whole Turbo Dueling bit! It is so sweet!”

Alexis tells Jaden, with a loving smile, “I’m not surprising that you would be, Jaden-kun. I think that Turbo Dueling is a great new form of dueling myself. Leon agreed to teach Jaden-kun and I to Turbo Duel.” Alexis says, with a sigh, “And it is usually the parents that teach the kids, not the other way around.”

Veemon says, with a curious tone, “I think that it is for ‘regular’ families.”

Alexis tells Veemon, with a nod, “Good point.”

Jaden says, with a grin, “Yeah, we are far from ‘regular’.” Naruto and Hinata get to their feet with Naruto having one arm wrapped around Hinata’s waist, who can’t help to blush from that.

Naruto asks, curiously, “By the way, where is everyone?”

Davis says, “I think that our Moon girl is supposed to help getting rid of that hicky on your teammate.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Really?”

Hinata tells Naruto, “N-Naruto-kun, didn’t Serena-san and Luna-san say that her crystal can purify any corruption?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Oh, yeah! They did, Hinata-chan! And they said that Anko-sensei, the crystal snake lady, had one too. She was just another one of Orochimaru-teme’s subjects before he abandoned her like that.”

Hinata says, with a nod, “And they are going to see if Serena-san’s crystal can get rid of the Curse Mark on her.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, with a nod, “And if it works, we can get rid of the one that snake put on Sasuke’s neck.”

(Elsewhere in the Leaf Village; shortly thereafter)

Inside of some kind of closed facility, we find Eternal Sailor Moon standing in front of Anko surrounded by Tsunade, Shizune, Haku, Kakashi, Ibiki, and a group of ANBU with multiple seals and such drawn on the floor and walls of the room.

Luna then appears on Tsunade’s shoulder and she asks, “Might I ask what is all this for, Lady Tsunade?”

Tsunade replies, “This is just in case. We are not sure what kind of reaction that Curse Seal will have with the energy of that crystal.”

Luna tells Tsunade, “I can assure you that nothing will go wrong. This ‘corrupt’ might be man-made through I doubt any of us can call that fiend a human of any sort, but my princess’ crystal can heal any corruption.”

Shizune tells Luna, “We trust your judgment, Luna-san, but my lady wants to make sure just in case.”

Kakashi tells Luna, “In our line of work, you need to prepare for the worst.”

Tsunade asks Shizune and Haku, “Is everything ready?”

Shizune says, with a nod, “Yes, my lady.”

Haku says, with a nod, “Everything is ready, Lady Hokage-sama.”

Anko says, sounding impatient, “Come on, already! I don’t have all day!”

Ibiki tells Anko, “Easy, Anko. I know that you want that rotten hicky that traitor gave you to go away, but we need to make sure if something goes wrong, we need to make sure to stop it.”

Anko says, with a snort, “You mean about if I go berserk or something due to something unexpected, Ibiki. I’m not an idiot you know.”

Tsunade tells Sailor Moon, “Okay, Serena, we’re ready.”

Sailor Moon says, preparing to use her Silver Crystal’s purifying abilities, “Okay, ma’am.” Sailor Moon asks Anko, “Are you ready, Anko-san?”

Anko says, with a sly grin, “I’m ready little girl. Hit me with your best shot.” Sailor Moon gives a nervous glance and she unleashes the power of her Silver Crystal on Anko in which nothing seems to happen, but she then hisses in pain as dark violet/black smoke seems to come from the Curse Mark on her neck.

Anko groans out in pain as she falls to her knees as the amount of ‘smoke’ from the Curse Mark and Tsunade says, holding out her hand, “Wait, everyone!” Anko groans out in pain as the Curse Mark seemly tries to spread out as it did with Sasuke, but the lines that form on her body also start to turn into dark violet/black ‘smoke’ that fades into nothingness. Soon after, the markings on Anko’s body vanish along with the Curse Seal completely.

When Sailor Moon is done, she takes a deep breath and she says, “Wow! That was hard!”

Shizune says, amazed, “Incredible!”

Haku goes over to Anko, checks her neck, and she says, “The Curse Mark is gone, Lady Hokage-sama!”

There are plenty of gasps and Anko, after recovering from the pain of the removal of the Curse Mark, yells out, “Let me see!” Anko does her best to turn her head where the Curse Mark was in which Tsunade puts a mirror to the area of her neck where the Curse Mark was.

Tsunade says, with a smile, “This might help, Anko.”

Anko looks, gasps, and she says, amazed, “It’s gone.” Anko yells out, excitedly, “Finally, the freaking hicky on my neck is gone! Take that you bastard snake!”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “She seems quite excited.” Through there are plenty in that room give worried looks through in the case of ANBU, their worry isn’t shown through their animal masks.

Anko then unexpectedly hugs Sailor Moon, mashing her face into her cleavage, and she yells out, excitedly, “Thank you for getting rid of that rotten mark on my neck!”

Haku tells Anko, nervously, “Anko-san, you are crushing Lady Serena.”

Anko says, nervously, “Oops! Sorry about that!” When Anko let’s go of Sailor Moon, she takes a big gasp and Anko tells her, nervously, “I guess that I got carried away in my excitement of getting rid of that thing.”

Sailor Moon says, gasping for you, “You think?!”

Tsunade tells Anko, “However, before we allow you back on duty, we need to check for anything unexpected that not even Luna or Serena would expect, Anko. But this holds great promise.”

Anko says, with a grin, “If that mark never returns, I’ll be happy to go through a megaton of tests, but don’t keep me away from my ‘appointments’ too long or I might get ‘testy’ Lady Tsunade.”

There are plenty of nervous looks in the room and Tsunade says, with a grin, “I’ll remember that Anko-san.”

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “It looks like a success and if Anko checks out, then Sasuke will be next. Question is: Will Sasuke willing part with the Curse Mark?”

(Joining up with Sasuke; on the meanwhile)

Speaking of said Uchiha, we find him inside of his house looking at where he saw the bodies of his mom and dad on the day that Itachi killed the clan and the horrible memories flow back into his mind.

But then images of Naruto flow into his mind and he thinks, “What have been doing all this time? Naruto… That Dobe… ever since Wave… that battle with Neo Paradox, he has been getting more and more powerful… his power is leaping bounds… and he… he did what I couldn’t… he sent my brother in a retreat… he has the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed into him by his own father… given him with the purpose to destroy the man that destroy his own parents! I don’t get him! He is nothing like me! He has no purpose for power! He may come from once noble clans and he may have legendary ninja as parents, but he and I are completely different! I need greater power! The power to avenge my clan by killing my brother and restoring it to its glory! And yet, his power exceeds my own! He may have greater levels of chakra, but that doesn’t mean he should be more powerful than I! But ever since that day, his power is evolving beyond mine! What is his secret?! Why is Naruto so powerful?! What have I been doing all this time?!” Sasuke clenches his fists and activates his Sharingan with blaze with an intense fire.

(Sometime later; at Training Ground Seven)

Right now, we find our Fudo twins with Sherry Leblanc, Trudge, Kalin, and Mina together to find out what Sherry is doing here.

Trudge tells Sherry, “Okay, Sherry, what are you doing here anyway?”

Sherry replies, with a smile, “What do you think zat I am here officer?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “She is a friend of the family, Trudge. Mom and dad did tell us a lot about her and she was a friend.”

Sherry replies, with a nod, “Yusei and Akiza were my friends and they helped me find out who had killed my parents as well as help me push on beyond that. I am here to return ze favor through I see that they are in good hands.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Kalin-san, Leon-san, and our new friends in the Leaf Village are taking good care of us.”

Mina says, with a nod, “Plus, the Signers are well-respected in this part of the world, so, we can breathe a sigh of relief for the most part.”

Sherry asks, with a smile, “Expect for those that want to use the Crimson Dragon’s power for evil, no?”

Ayane replies, nervously, “Yeah.”

Sherry tells Ayane and Ryu, “Since you are thirteen and the youngest age that you are able to get a Duel Runner’s license is sixteen, I suspect that you had some special training from your parents.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “We did have some training sometime before our thirteenth birthday in special two-seated training Duel Runners that my dad created as well as simulators.”

Sherry tells Ryu, with a smile, “That means that you are pretty good in a Duel Runner, no?”

Ayane says, with a smile, “My bro actually managed to modify our dad’s Duel Runner so he can use it.”

Sherry says, with a smile, “I see, Ryu. You have inherited your father’s prowess for mechanics, Ryu.”

Ryu says, a bit nervously, “I guess that I have, Sherry-san.”

Trudge asks Sherry, “So, you are just here to say hello?”

Sherry replies, “Actually, I wanted to zee if these new Signers are all they are cracked up to be.”

Kalin says, with a plain tone, “This isn’t a social visit I take it.”

Sherry says, shaking her head, “No, it is not, Kalin. With the deaths of Ryu’s and Ayane’s family and Team Ragnarock, there have been many who are trying to take over their positions among the world’s greatest duelists.”

The Fudo twins sigh and Trudge says, with a sigh, “I’m not surprised by that. It is bound to happen sooner or later. There are going to be plenty of people that want to be known as the best and quite a few worms that want to use their deaths to their advantage for their own selfish and nefarious gains.”

Sherry says, with a plain tone, “There is also something else I had found out. Shortly after the deaths of ze Signers, some organizations have popped up including a new Yliaster.”

There are quite a few gasps and Ayane asks, stunned, “A new Yliaster?”

Sherry says, with a nod, “They aren’t part of the mainstream news since they keep into the shadows, but what I did find out is that they appeared shortly after your parents were murdered.”

Trudge tells Sherry, with a serious tone, “Okay, you have got me interested lady. I’m still working on that case and I need to know all that you know.”

Sherry says, with a sigh, “Sadly, there is little that I know.”

Trudge says, with a snort, “I knew that you were going to say that.”

Ryu thinks in his mind, “Could this new Yliaster be the ones that murdered our family?”

Mina asks Sherry, “Sherry, you said that there was more than one organization that appeared after the deaths of Ryu’s and Ayane’s family, correct?”

Sherry says, with a nod, “That’s correct, Mina.”

Mina tells Sherry, “Sherry, we need as much information on these organizations even if they are just a tiny bit that you got.” Sherry nods her head, but they heard footsteps in which everyone looks to see Sasuke Uchiha in front of them.

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “I shouldn’t be surprised that you aren’t alone.”

Trudge says, with a serious tone, “Hey, kid, this is a private meeting!”

Sasuke glares at Trudge and he yells out, with a threatening glare, “Don’t you dare talk to me in that manner.”

Ayane tells Sasuke, with a serious glare, “And don’t you threatening a family friend like that Sasuke. We are guests in your village and you don’t have that civilian council by your back anymore.”

Sasuke says, with a snort, “Like I ever needed those fools for anything. They can spoil me all they want since I would never do any favors for them.”

Ryu replies, with a plain tone, “What do you want Sasuke?”

Sasuke tells Ryu, with a serious glare, “I’m here for your sister.”

Ayane asks Sasuke, “What do you want me?”

Sasuke says, grabbing Ayane’s arm, “I need to talk with you alone.”

Ryu tells Sasuke, with a serious tone, “Let go of my sister’s arm, Sasuke.”

Sasuke replies, with a glare, “Don’t interfere, Ryu. This is between your sister and me.”

Trudge says, with a serious tone, “Hey, kid, you had better do what he says!”

Mina tells Trudge, “Easy, Trudge. This ‘kid’ has more strength than the adults back at home.”

Sasuke tells Trudge, “Better listen to your woman, she is the one being smart.”

Trudge says, with a snarl, “Why you little…?”

Kalin tells Trudge, “Mina is right, Trudge. However, Ayane can take care of herself.”

Ayane tells Sasuke, “Let go of me, Sasuke!”

Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “Hey, what’s going on around here?!” Everyone looks to see Haku, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi assembled in front of them.

Haku takes out her senbon needles and she says, threatening, “Take your hands off of Lady Ayane or else, Uchiha.” However, Ayane manages to get her arm away from Sasuke and gently rubs it with a look of annoyance.

Kakashi tells Sasuke, “What is going on here Sasuke?”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “I wanted to talk with her and she resisted.”

Kakashi tells Sasuke, “It looked more than that to me, Sasuke. You should know better. The Third Hokage made it law that the Signers are under the protection of the Namikaze clan and any violence towards them is punishable in which our new Hokage, Lady Tsunade, is enforcing greatly. Uchiha or not, you would have been in big trouble if we weren’t first to stop you before it turned into some kind of assault. You would have been lucky to have your ninja status removed and your remaining ‘supporters’ in the village won’t dare help you.”

Sasuke snarls at Kakashi in which Sakura asks Sasuke, with a concerned tone, “What you were thinking Sasuke? You could have been in big trouble.”

Sasuke replies, with a bit of a nasty tone, “This is none of your concern, Sakura.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, going over to him, “Hey, she was concerned for your health which would have been in major damage after that ‘stunt’ you pulled! What were you trying to do? And by the way, I’m a Signer too! So what happens to Ayane is my business, Uchiha-teme!”

Ayane thinks in her mind, a bit surprised, “Naruto…”

Naruto tells Sasuke, “Now, spill it! What you were trying to pull with Ayane?”

Sasuke wanted to tell Naruto to ‘back off’, but he knows that he is not going to be let off too easily and he says, with a plain tone, “I wanted to offer Ayane to become part of the Uchiha clan.”

There are plenty of gasps and Trudge yells out, “You are asking Ayane to marry you?!”

Naruto tells Sasuke, “Oh, brother! Sasuke, Ayane isn’t one of your ‘fan girls’ back in the Academy Days! She barely considers you an asscoi… asscoi…”

Haku tells Naruto, “I believe the word you are looking for is ‘associate’, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “Right, Haku!”

Kalin says, plainly, “I don’t think that love is a matter in this, Naruto.”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “You want Ayane because of her Psychic Dueling powers, don’t you Sasuke? You either want her to aid you in your quest or since you heard that Psychic Duelist powers are passable down from parents to children, you want children with her powers.”

Sasuke says, with a scoff, “If I am to rebuild my clan, I need strong women not just those fan girls from the Academy Days. Even my ‘fan girls’ from ninja clans are worthless.” Sakura felt a pang through her heart with those words and Sasuke says, his eyes looking at Ayane, “Ayane is powerful girl and the kind of girl that I want to bear the new Uchiha clan.”

There are plenty in the group that are disgusted and Naruto yells out, getting angry, “So, Ayane is nothing, but a ‘breeding factory’ to you, Sasuke-teme?!”

Sasuke replies, with a serious tone, “This is coming from the one that’s engaged to the Hyuga heiress.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, with a snarl, “Don’t compare my relationship with Hinata-chan to what you are trying to pull! Hinata-chan has loved me for years and being with her, she has shown me nothing but the sort in which before you say anything, teme, I do care about Hinata-chan and I would be honored to be her husband! And don’t you dare thinking about trying anything with her or else, I’ll make sure the Uchiha name is dragged through the mud!”

Sasuke says, with a serious glare, “Watch what you say, Dobe!”

Naruto says, with a snarl, “Make me, Teme!”

Sakura gets in-between them and she says, making sure that Sasuke and Naruto don’t battle each other, “Okay, cut it out! Both of you!”

Kakashi thinks in his mind, with a sigh, “Here we go again.”

Sasuke says, with a snort, “I don’t have time for this. My business is with Ayane and I don’t have time for your foolishness Dobe.” Sasuke tells Ayane, “I don’t get why you hang around with him. He is never going to get you to what you want most.”

Ayane asks, with a serious glare, “What do you mean?”

Sasuke tells Ayane, “Finding whoever destroyed your family. You are training the ninja arts for that.”

Ayane replies, with a plain tone, “If I am, Sasuke?”

Sasuke tells Ayane, “If you become a part of the Uchiha clan, you will get what you want most.”

Ayane tells Sasuke, “You just want me for my power and you want to use me as Naruto said to give birth to children with my powers in which to use them to probably hurt people to. I don’t think so, Sasuke! I am no one’s tool! Sayer turned my mom into his tool by coming to her at her weakest moment and use her for his sick plans for world domination until my dad freed her by reaching out and opening her heart. You aren’t going to do that to me, so, back off and get out of my sight!”

Ryu tells Sasuke, with a plain tone, “You heard my sister, Uchiha. Leave now.”

Sasuke tells Ryu, with a deadly glare, “Don’t ever order me around and stay out of this! I told you before: This is between your sister and me!” Sasuke tells Ayane, “Fine then, Ayane! Stay a weakling loser for all I care! I offered you what you need in return for loyalty to my clan and helping me restart, but if you wish to remain a worthless weakling, its fine by me. You’ll never find out your family’s murderer and most likely, you’ll end up like them.” Sasuke turns away, but Naruto grabs his arm and stop him.

Naruto tells Sasuke, with a deadly low tone, “You take that back, Sasuke-teme.”

Sasuke tells Naruto, with a deadly tone, “Let go of my arm, Dobe.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, with a deadly tone, “I told you to take it back and you had better do it right now!” Sasuke then tries to attack Naruto, but Naruto easily dodges the attack and slam his right fist into Sasuke’s nose sending him stumbling back.

Sasuke yells out, angrily, “How dare you?!”

Naruto exclaims, angrily, “You are the one that dared, Sasuke-teme! You called Ayane a weakling and made that horrible comment of her ending up like her parents did! You will take that back right now!”

Sasuke says, with a sneer, “And if I refuse, Dobe? Do you think that you can really stop me? You might have that thing inside of allowing you a boost in chakra, but you are nowhere near me!”

Naruto says, with a snort, “Get over yourself, Teme! If you were around to see my match with Neji, you would know that I’m more than a match for you! Now, apologize to Ayane right now!”

Ayane tells Naruto, kindly, “As much as I would like to see Sasuke get his butt kicked, I don’t want to see you hurt Naruto.”

Naruto tells Ayane, “Thanks, Ayane. But you and I are Signers and we need to look out for each other! And there is no way that I will let my friends and precious people down!”

Ayane thinks in her mind, amazed, “Naruto…”

Naruto says, with a sly grin, “And since we’re Signers, we’re going to do this in the Signer way! You and me, Teme, in a Duel Monsters duel!”

Sasuke asks, with a plain tone, “You want to fight me with a card game?”

Naruto says, with a foxy smirk, “Unless you are too scared, Sasuke? I mean if you are afraid…”

Sasuke says, with a sneer, “Fine, Dobe! You are on and I have a deck too!” Sasuke then gains a wicked smile and he says, “But let’s put up the stakes in which the loser grants the winner one request and on the honor of their clan, they will fulfill the request which means you can’t back out at all!”

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Fine, Teme!”

Just then Ayane steps forward and she says, “I’m not letting Naruto go it alone. I’ll put my faith on Naruto in which if you win, I’ll agree to your marriage, but if you lose, you must grant Naruto TWO requests in which they can be anything including stripping you of your clan grounds and taking of ANYTHING in your clan!”

Sasuke yells out, shocked, “What?!”

Ayane says, with a smirk, “Unless the ‘Great Uchiha’ is scared!” Ayane then extends her hand and before anyone can say or do anything, Sasuke shakes her hand.

Sasuke tells Ayane, “Deal, girl! And you can’t back out!”

Ayane tells Sasuke, “We, duelists, have a sense of honor and I will honor my part of the agreement, but only if you win.”

Sasuke gives a smirk and he tells Naruto, “Okay, Dobe, I’ll give you a week to prepare and that should be enough time for Ayane to pack. We’ll do this in the stadium where the Chunin Exam finals were held and settle things there as they should have been before Orochimaru decided to ruin my chances to be Chunin. Plus, you can’t use that or any Egyptian God cards and before we start, you are going to show me those three cards to make sure of that!”

Naruto says, with a serious glare, “Fine, Sasuke.” Sasuke then takes off back to his clan compound and there are plenty in the group that give him unpleasant looks as he takes off.

Sakura tells Naruto, annoyed, “What is up with you Naruto?!”

Naruto tells Sakura, with a serious tone, “Teaching that Teme a lesson in humanity that he deserves! I’ve tolerated Sasuke and his antics because in a way, I understand him better! His parents and his clan were murdered by his own brother! I get it! His own flesh and blood betrayed his fellow clansmen and murdered his own family leaving only Sasuke alive! He has a right to be angry about that, but it doesn’t mean that he is ruler of the world or something! He can’t do anything that he wants! And he crossed the line when he tried to try to force Ayane to marry him just so she can bear his kid as well as gain Ayane’s powers! You heard what he said Sakura! He only wanted Ayane for her powers using her like that Sayer jerked used Ayane’s mom! That’s just sick and wrong! And when he hurt Ayane’s feelings like that, he really crossed the line! That Teme is going to learn his lesson one way or another! Believe it!”

Kakashi tells Sakura, before she can speak, “Naruto is right, Sakura.” When Sakura looks at Kakashi, he tells her, “Sasuke needs to learn he can’t always have it his way. Just because his clan was betrayed and murdered by his own older brother doesn’t give him the right to do what he wants. Plenty of other people have suffered as much or in Naruto’s case, far more injustice that Sasuke have. And by doing what he did, he is up for major punishment by the laws that the Third Hokage sent up concerning the Signers before the Fifth Hokage took over, Sakura. And you know it is true.”

Sakura says, lowering her head, “I know, Kakashi-sensei.” Sakura thinks in her mind, worriedly, “It is just that we were becoming such a good team especially during our latest mission in the Land of Snow, but now, everything is falling apart. I know that Sasuke-kun is in the wrong and Kakashi-sensei is right, but I don’t want our team to fall apart. Ever since that duel with Neo Paradox, I’ve seen Naruto in a new light and I know what I did to him in the past during our time in the Academy was wrong, but I… I don’t want our team to fall apart. I don’t want to lose Sasuke-kun, but I don’t want to damage our team either including Naruto! And the pressure from my mom to get me to get into bed with one or the other is making things even worse! What am I going to do?”

Ryu tells Ayane, “Ayane, are you sure that you want to do this?”

Ayane tells Ryu, “Naruto needs our support, Ayane. He is a fellow Signer and in a way, I feel responsible of starting that fight even through it was Sasuke’s fault in the first place. This way, I’m throwing my support to Naruto.” Ayane tells Naruto, with a kind smile, “Thank you, Naruto.”

Naruto tells Ayane, with a foxy grin, “No problem, Ayane. I know that you don’t need someone like me since you are a really strong girl, but you and I are Signers and we need to stick up for each other.”

Ayane says, with a warm smile, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “And that’s why I’ll always have your back, Ayane! Believe it!” For the rare time and maybe even first time in her life, Ayane can’t to blush from seeing Naruto’s smile and hearing his words.

Ayane thinks in her mind, “What is this warming feeling in me right now? It feels…” Ayane tries to shake it off, but no matter what, she can’t get rid of the warm feeling in her chest right now.

(A good time later; back at the Uchiha compound)

At this moment, we find Sasuke Uchiha walking through the empty streets of his clan’s grounds in which he thinks about his Duel Monsters match with Naruto.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “That Dobe thinks that he has me at a disadvantage. We, Uchiha, thrive on challenges and Duel Monsters is just another challenge to us. Every Uchiha child is required to play Duel Monsters the instant that they are able to walk to start us on our path to greatness. I may not have played for awhile, but I have access to the best cards in the whole of the Uchiha district which were stored away in special storage scrolls. You may have your powerful Signer Dragon, Dobe, but I will find a way to defeat it and you in which I will show not even the Signers can surpass the Uchiha!” As Sasuke gets to his house, there is a letter on his front porch. Sasuke picks up the letter, opens it up, and finds a Duel Monsters card with a letter inside.

Dear Sasuke Uchiha,

Don’t ask any questions and ask about how we know this, but you have that big duel with Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and dueling against a Signer is no tall order. Despite all of the cards that are at your disposal, your chances against Namikaze are similar because only another Signer, a Dark Signer, or someone just as powerful as a Signer like someone holding one of the legendary God Cards, Egyptian and/or Polar, for example. For this, we are giving you a card that’s equipment to God Cards of Aesir and Egyptian. This card is yours for good under one condition: Crush Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. We are just giving you the card and we can get it back at any time. The choice is up to you to use it.


A concerned member of the public

When Sasuke looked at the card, his eyes widen and he then gains a wicked smile on his lips in which he thinks, “I don’t know who this person is and I don’t care, but this card shall finally show up that Dobe once and for all! I will prove the superiority to the Uchiha to everyone even if they are the son of the Fourth Hokage AND a Signer!”

(Later that day; Inside of the Hokage’s office)

Within the Hokage’s office, we find our six Signers along their friends/family/allies assembled together where the Hokage, the current village elder, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the clan heads are listening to what happened just awhile ago and Tsunade isn’t too happy about it.

Tsunade yells out, angrily, “That rotten little asshole! I knew those old frats and that civilian council spoiled him too much! I should send him to Ibiki and Anko for this!”

Davis says, with an annoyed tone, “What’s that asshole’s problem anyway? You’ve told us his ‘sob story’ and while he has a right to be pissed off, it doesn’t give him a right to act like a jerk!”

Tai says, with a nod, “No joke, Davis.”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone, “I’m not surprised. Uchiha are power-hungry and they steal techniques that ninja worked hard for with their thieving eyes.”

Kasumi says, with a plain tone, “I have to agree with my sister. You can never trust an Uchiha.”

Kiba says, with a snort, “That’s not surprising that Sasuke’s clan pissed other people off.”

Tsunade tells Naruto, “Look, Naruto, I know that he is your teammate, but the way that he is acting…”

Naruto tells Tsunade, with a grin, “Don’t worry, Granny Tsunade, I’ll set him straight.”

Kakashi tells Tsunade, “Hokage-sama, I do believe that Sasuke needs to be set straight, but I don’t think that sending him to Ibiki and Anko would benefit that. His mind was already ‘damaged’ when Itachi used his Mangekyo Sharingan’s most powerful Genjutsu on him and that was the second time, I believe that the first was on the day that he murdered the clan.”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “And you are right about that, Kakashi. Based on evidence of what we know of that day.”

Hiashi says, with a firm tone, “However, the Uchiha boy must be kept under control and with those bastards of the civilian council and your former teammates, Sarutobi-sama, are gone with you replacing them, we can put firm restrictions on the day especially now that we have a way to reserve the Curse Mark.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “It will take a day or two more to make sure that it has completely worked, but I believe that Serena-san’s ‘advisor’ was right about her crystal.”

Inoichi says, with a plain tone, “Then we should get the Uchiha purified of that thing with Lady Serena’s help right away.”

Tsunade says, with a serious tone, “Hold your horses! That crystal takes a good amount of energy out of Serena too in order to use its power and if she uses the full power, she can do anything, but her life is forfeit! That’s the price of her crystal!”

Hiashi says, with a plain tone, “We understand, but Lady Serena’s crystal is the best way to eliminate the danger the Uchiha now possess since he has the Curse Mark.”

Sakura asks, stunned, “Danger?”

Shikaku Nara says, with a plain tone, “Troublesome, but I have to agree. Sasuke Uchiha, as long as that mark is on him, makes him more unpredictable and he was before especially with those fools in the civilian council spoiling him.”

Naruto tells everyone, “Whoa! Wait a minute! Just let me handle the Teme and give him some ‘humble pie’! I’m sure that we don’t have do something distract! He did fine on the Land of Snow mission!”
Tsunade tells Naruto, with a sigh, “You are just like your dad, Naruto. He believed in the good of people and look where it landed you! I should have come back and took care of business a long time ago! And what if you lose?”

Naruto tells Tsunade, with a serious glare, “I won’t lose! Sasuke may be my teammate, but I won’t let him use Ayane and get his way anymore! He is going to learn his lesson the hard way! Believe it!”

Serena says, with a kind tone, “Lady Tsunade, I believe that you should let Naruto handle this. I, too, have always believed in the good within people and I think all that Sasuke Uchiha needs is to be shown the way.” Serena thinks in her mind, with an annoyed tone, “As well as a major kick in his groin to get that thick head going!”

Tsunade gives a sigh and she says, “This goes against my better judgment, but since this is a ‘Signer affair’, I will let you handle it in your own way, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Thanks, Granny Tsunade!”

Tsunade thinks in her mind, annoyed, “He is seriously like his parents!” Tsunade tells Naruto, seriously, “However, if he goes overboard at anytime, I’m going to step in! Is that clear, gaki?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yes, ma’am!”

Alexis tells Naruto, “I hope that you know what you are doing Naruto.”

Jaden says, with a grin, “Don’t worry, Lex. With an attitude like that, I know that Naruto won’t lose!”

Serena thinks in her mind, looking at Naruto, “I hope that he knows what he is doing!”

(Joining up with the Dark Signers; around the same time)

With the new Dark Signers, we find Kushina moving around the dark and gloomy headaches much like a caged rabbit while the Spider Dark Signers comes up to her.

He tells her, with a dark plain tone, “You are going to put a groove into the floor if you keep moving like that.”

Kushina says, with a dark plain tone, “I don’t like just sitting around.”

The Spider Dark Signer tells her, with a dark sly tone, “I have something that may interest you. Sasuke Uchiha tried to ‘make a move’ on Ayane Fudo and use her to create a new Uchiha clan with Psychic Duelist powers.”

Kushina says, with a dark snort, “Why I am not surprised? The little snot is just like his dad, Fugaku.”

The Spider Dark Signer tells Kushina, “The best part of it is that your son stopped him and when Sasuke insulted her, Naruto stepped up to defend her honor. One week from now, Sasuke Uchiha and your boy are going to duel and if Sasuke win, he will get Ayane and one request for your boy, but if Naruto wins, he will force Sasuke to honor two requests from him.”

Kushina asks, stunned, “What?”

The Spider Dark Signer tells Kushina, with a dark sly tone, “I thought that you want to know.”

After he walks away, Kushina thinks, with a dark sly tone, “I know what you are trying to goad me to do, fool. However, I’ll let my son take care of that rotten Uchiha! I can’t wait to see his face when the Uchiha goes down by the hands of the Uzumaki and Namikaze as well as a Signer. He will learn soon enough why my and my Minato-kun’s clans were once the best in the Elemental Countries rivaling only the Uchiha and Senju clans. And after that, I will take care of my ‘business’ with the Leaf Village once and for all. Tsunade-sensei, I wished that you didn’t come back because you are going to find much pain in what I will have to do to ensure that the village pays for their crimes against my family.” As Kushina gives a dark grin for her immediate future plans, her smiles shows ill will towards those that she plans to unleash her dark fury upon…

Next time in Chapter 22:

Sasuke: It is time that we prove who is superior once and for all Dobe!
Naruto: Get over yourself, Teme!

Sasuke: Let me show you my ace, fool!

Matt: What is that card?!

Kari: The darkness… That card is filled with such darkness…

Trudge: What is that monster?

Yubel: It’s one of the polar opposites of the Egyptian God Cards: The Wicked God cards!

Jaden: Wicked God cards?

Naruto: Oh, man! That card is super-powerful! But I know that I can beat it!

Orochimaru: It is time. Sound Four, bring me Sasuke.

Sasuke: How can this be? How could I… Who are you?

Mysterious Person: I’m Sakon. These are Tayuya, Kidomaru, and Jirobo.

Tayuya: We’re here to bring you ass to Orochimaru-sama.

Sakon: Why stay here? This village is going to hold you back especially more so with the Namikaze being the ‘star’ of this village. And you need to remember who you are and what your true mission is.

Sakura (pleadingly): Don’t go Sasuke!

Sasuke: I can’t, Sakura. Thank you for everything.

Serena: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: Wickedness and Wrath of the Uchiha

Sakura (pleadingly): Naruto, you are the only one that can stop him!

And now, the stage is set of Sasuke Retrieval Arc of my story! It is not too surprising that Jadeite was brought back, right? He wasn’t killed like the other generals in Beryl’s army. He was put in ‘cold storage’ and it isn’t too hard to believe that somehow he got free of his prison to get revenge on Serena/Sailor Moon. However, how did he get Digimon under his control? That’s a story for another day. Jadeite is far from gone, but we won’t see him for awhile. Let’s just say that when a former Chunin teacher in the Academy that tried to get Naruto framed for a crime that he tricked Naruto to commit breaks out of prison, Jadeite is going to come back. And I know that our Dead or Alive/Ninja Garden characters are getting less ‘air time’ in my story lately, but they will be making a comeback soon. Plus, the other females from Dead or Alive might be making their debut soon! Later and best wishes, Naruto, Dueling, and Crossover Fans!
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