Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ The End and the Beginning Again ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Anyway, I’m sorry that the Sasuke Retrieval Arc of this story is so short, but it is pretty much the same like in the Naruto anime/manga with some differences here and there expect for the Naruto and Sasuke fight at the Valley of Ends. Here is where the major changes are going to start and the anime filler arcs are going to happen in this story especially the Star Village arc, but I can’t say why. Also, you should expect plenty of other surprises through the story and then some, everyone!

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds, Naruto, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series are owned/licensed by Tomonobu Itagaki and Tecmo, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 24: The End and the Beginning Again

Right now, we find ourselves in the Valley of Ends where we find Naruto, who is standing on a statue of the First Hokage, facing Sasuke, who is standing on a statue of Madara Uchiha on the opposite of the waterfall that separated the two massive statues in which the left side of Sasuke’s face is covered in the marking from Orochimaru’s curse mark with his left eye golden-brown demonic-like with black irises.

Sasuke asks Naruto, “She sent you, huh?” Sasuke tells Naruto, “Like I told Sakura, it’s over.” Naruto gives a serious look, Sasuke gives a rare giggle, and he asks, slyly, “What’s with the angry face, Dobe? I thought that you would be glad that I’m leaving. That way, the ‘great Namikaze’ won’t have any competition and be the Leaf Village’s ‘star’. Why do you look so angry, Naruto?”

Naruto tells Sasuke, with a plain tone, “I don’t get it Sasuke. Why are you doing this?”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “Why should you care on what I do? You and I are on separate paths and there is nothing that you or anyone in that village can do about it. Just stay out of my way. But I can tell this much: My days of ‘playing ninja’ with you, kids, of the Leaf Village are done.” Naruto gasps in shock and the memories of what happened during the mission to bring Sasuke back flow into his mind, he gains an angry expression on his features.

Naruto says, plainly, “All of them. They, all, risked their lives. Why? To save you.”

Sasuke replies, sarcastically, “Isn’t that nice of them?” Sasuke turns away and walks off, but he then sees a shadow that’s getting larger in front of him and he turns to see Naruto diving on him.

Naruto yells out, angrily, “Hold it right there! Are you saying that your comrades’ lives were risked for nothing asshole?” Naruto then tackles Sasuke down while bashing him in the face sending them skidding a few feet before stopping. Sasuke shows a cut lip, but he then spits a bit of his blood onto Naruto’s face while Naruto lifts him up by his collar.

Sasuke says, “My comrades, huh? If I stayed with comrades like you, I never gotten this strong. Now, I’ll go to Orochimaru.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, angrily, “Orochimaru, huh? He is the murderous freak that tried to destroy the Leaf Village! Do you really think he will give you something for free? He wants to use your body like a suit of new clothes! Do you think that you will get out of there alive? Well, I’m not going to sit here and let you waste your life!”

Sasuke says, “Nothing matters to me now. All that matters to me is achieving my goal. And if you insist on getting in my way...”

Sasuke then grabs onto Naruto’s collar and Naruto yells out, “If you aren’t going to come willing, then I’ll do this by force!” Sasuke then gives a wicked smile and giggles in which Naruto asks, with a snarl, “What’s so funny?”

Sasuke replies, “What do you think, Dobe? I’m laughing at you. You may have had the edge on me before, but this time…” Sasuke then pushes Naruto back and gets himself on his feet in which he lifts Naruto into the air by his collar in which Sasuke has a sinister smile on his face. But then Naruto turns his right hand into a fist and slams into Sasuke’s face forcing him to let go, but then Sasuke slams his own right fist into Naruto’s chest, sending him flying into the water. Sasuke thinks in his mind, “What is this sudden burst of power radiating from within me?” Sasuke winches in pain and the left side of his face then returns to normal. Sasuke says, slyly, “So, this is the power that he was talking about? I can feel it flowing through me. If this is what I’m capable of now, I can’t wait to really unseal this Curse Mark.” Sasuke then looks down at the water to see Naruto coming up to the surface and using his chakra to stand in the water.

Naruto yells out, running towards him, “Okay, Sasuke, that’s it! Wake up! You had better wake up before it is too late!” Naruto leaps up to attack Sasuke, but Sasuke leaps down, bashes him with a kick, and grabs Naruto hip pouch for ninja tools before Naruto crashes back into the water.

Sasuke says, “I have woken up, don’t you see? That guy that dreamed of happiness and friendship. He was the one that was asleep. That’s why I left the village. I don’t dream of the future anymore, but of the past.” Naruto attacks with shuriken, but Sasuke counterattacks with a kunai knife from Naruto’s stolen pouch. When Naruto hides behind a boulder, Sasuke uses two kunai knives, making them bounce off each other, to attack Naruto on the rock, but when the kunai strikes, ‘Naruto’ vanishes in a puff showing him to be a Shadow Clone. Sasuke doesn’t lose his smirk and instead gets out some wire. When Naruto appears from another rock, he uses the wire to tie Naruto to that rock.

Naruto says, with a sneer, “I’m warning you. You are making a big mistake.”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “I already told you. I don’t need that kind of future or that village anymore.” Sasuke then forms his hands into ninja hand signs while having a bit of the wire being held in his teeth.

Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!

Sasuke then unleashes a barrage of flames that heads down the wires straight for Naruto and he yells out in shock as they head right for him in which they seemly slam into him!

Bansho Ten’in!

Sasuke is then surprised to get thrown forward by a powerful gravity pull in which Naruto bursts out of the flames in which he is preparing to give Sasuke a powerful punch.

Naruto yells out, “Take this, Sasuke!” Naruto then slams his fist into Sasuke’s face, but Naruto is surprised that it doesn’t seem to have any effect on him. Naruto then tries to bash him in the face again and Sasuke doesn’t seem to be effected by it in which he thinks, as he hits him again and again, “Why don’t my punches seem to affect the teme?”

Sasuke says, with a smirk, “If that’s all you’ve got, then I don’t need my Sharingan.”

Naruto replies, with a sneer, “Don’t mock me, Sasuke-teme!” Naruto tries to punch him again, but this time, Sasuke catches it and Naruto can’t break his grip.
Sasuke tells Naruto, “You don’t have what it takes. The strength or the desire. If I had just been pals with you and the rest of those losers, I would never gain this much power!” Sasuke then lands a powerful punch knocking Naruto into air, he leaps into the air, kicks Naruto multiple times in the chest, and uses one powerful kick to send Naruto into the dirt creating a good sized crater from Naruto’s form. Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Now, I know what I need. Only through power and hatred can I ever exceed my blasted brother, Itachi.” As Sasuke goes into his memories about Itachi, he hears footsteps and he looks to see Naruto coming out of the crater that Sasuke just sent him into.

Naruto says, with a sneer, “Don’t you have enough running your mouth about your hatred and power, Teme? It is starting to get real annoying.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Someone like you would never understand.”

Naruto says, with a snort, “You think that you don’t know about suffering, Teme? Then you must have really hit your head.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Like I care, Dobe.” Sasuke says, with a sly smirk, “This time, you won’t have Kakashi saving your ass from me. And now, I’m going to show you the true power of the Sharingan.”

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “Fine, Teme! And I’ll show you what the Rinnegan can really do!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, with a smirk, “You might have a legendary dojutsu, but you are no match for me.”

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “We’ll see about that! Show me that Sharingan, so, you can see me pummeling you to the ground!” Naruto creates ten Shadow Clones and Sasuke charges in which he knocks them out one after another.

Sasuke says, with a sneer, “So, what? Ten times zero is still zero!” Sasuke turns around and grabs the real Naruto’s right arm in which he says, with a grin, “My Sharingan showed me which one is the real one. I only played along for old time’s sake, but it is over.” Sasuke then punches Naruto in the chin and sends him flying with a kick in which Sasuke performs some familiar hand signs.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Sasuke then launches a massive ball of flames right at Naruto, but Naruto flips around and prepares to counterattack.

Shinra Tensei!

Naruto then uses his powerful gravity attack to disperse Sasuke’s fire attack and Sasuke growls, but then Sasuke sees Naruto performing the same hand signs.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Naruto then unleashes the same attack that Sasuke just used on him back at the Uchiha in which Sasuke growls as he dodges the attack.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “How dare he? That jutsu is a right of passage in our clan! How dare he use it against me?”

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!

Sasuke then gasps to see a large water dragon come out of the water and Sasuke gasps as the dragon of water slams into him which slams him back into the ground, hard!

Naruto gives a giggle and he thinks, “I’m glad that I managed to convince Kakashi-sensei to me see that awesome jutsu through this is the first time that my dragon didn’t turn into a puddle… or attack me for that matter.”

Sasuke comes out of the small crater that form when his form was slammed into the ground by the water dragon Naruto used against him and Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Do you really think that using a jutsu that you copied for Kakashi will work on me? Think again, Dobe!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Shows how much that you know, Teme! Unlike you, I didn’t use your cheating eye to learn that jutsu! I watched Kakashi with my non-Rinnegan eyes and learned it myself! In fact, this is the first time that jutsu… didn’t backfire on me.”

Sasuke says, with a snort, “I see. You are still the same Dobe as ever. You have been given a great gift and you waste it.”

Naruto says, with a snort, “Like I said, Teme, unlike you, I achieve my strength through hard work. I didn’t cheat to gain my strength.”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “Is that it, Naruto? You and your ‘big talk’ can’t defeat me.”

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Big talk, huh? All you have done is talk big and I have been fighting the big battles, Sasuke. Look who is calling the kettle black.”

Sasuke says, with a sneer, “Fine, Naruto! Let’s see what the big bad Namikaze can do!” Sasuke then rushes in with incredible new speed and gets close to Naruto in which he attacks with a furious attack of punches in which Naruto barely manages to dodge or block in which Sasuke yells out, nastily, “Is that it? Is that all the son of the mighty Fourth Hokage and Red Storm can do?” Sasuke then lands a powerful knee to Naruto’s gut causing him to gasp as air leaves his lungs in which Sasuke uses another kick to slam him into the river, hard! Sasuke then leaps up near to the top of Madara Uchiha’s statue and looks down at where in the river that he sent Naruto into. Sasuke thinks in his mind, “No matter what darkness is ahead of me, I shall face head on! And no matter what, nothing and no one shall stop me to gain that power!” Sasuke then remembers the day that his brother murdered the Uchiha clan minus himself as well as what happened after that including the day that he swore to get his revenge and became an avenger.

When Naruto comes to the surface, Naruto tells Sasuke, “Sasuke, didn’t everything that we have done mean anything to you? What were Sakura and I to you?”

Sasuke tells Naruto, with a plain tone, “To be honest, Dobe. I was enraged when you beat me in that duel, but I’ll admit that there was something between Sakura, you, and I. To be honest, you are the closest things that I had to best friends even through you got on my nerves. And it has more meaning when I destroy you.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, “To gain the Mangekyo Sharingan, Teme?” Sasuke’s eyes widen and Naruto tells Sasuke, “The fox told me about it and I thought that he was just mouthing off expect with the stuff relating to Madara, but it makes sense to me now. You want to destroy me for more power, huh? You must really have a screw loose then! I’ll knock sense into you even I have to bash your head into the dirt!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, with a grin, “Then what are you waiting for?” Sasuke and Naruto then charge at each other as their battles prepare to become far more intense.

(Returning to the Leaf Village; on the meanwhile)

Back in the Leaf Village, we find Kakashi in the Hokage’s office and talking with Tsunade in which he learns what the current situation is with Sasuke and his retrieval.

Kakashi tells Tsunade, shocked, “What? Lady Hokage, you sent Genin after Sasuke?”

Tsunade tells Kakashi, “What do you wish for me to do? Kakashi, you know the current situation that the village is in. Don’t worry, I have a backup plan in place.” Kakashi then turns and walks away in which Tsunade tells him, “Kakashi, where do you think that you are going? I already have a mission for you.”

Kakashi tells Tsunade, “I have an errand to run, Hokage-sama. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “Let him go, Tsunade. He wanted to take care of Sasuke himself.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “Don’t you think that I know that, Old Man?”

Outside, Kakashi walks out as Sakura walks towards him and she yells out, “Kakashi-sensei, it’s been around two days since Sasuke left the village! Naruto and the others didn’t come back either!”

Kakashi tells Sakura, “I know, Sakura. I’ve already been brought up to speed. Neji and Choji actually did arrive just recently, but they are critically wounded.”

Sakura gasps in horror and she asks, stunned, “Critically wounded?”

Kakashi tells Sakura, “Sasuke has a bit of an escort and Shikamaru’s team is taking care of them. I’m also hearing that they manage to capture one or in fact, turn one of Orochimaru’s own members against him. It seems like one of them is a friend of that Kin girl that Hayabusa ‘rescued’ awhile back.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “I see.” Sakura tells Kakashi, “I believe in Naruto. I do, but if anything were happen to those two, I don’t think that I could forgive…”

Kakashi tells Sakura, “Sakura, don’t worry about anything. Just leave it to me.” Kakashi then heads off with Sakura deciding to follow them in which she witness Kakashi performing a Summoning Jutsu in which he brings out a whole pack of ninja dogs of various shaped, styles, and breeds, but practically of them have Leaf headbands on them like Pakkun. Kakashi tells them, “Okay, guys, I need for you to find the scents of Naruto and Sasuke.”

Pakkun asks, curiously, “Naruto and Sasuke? What happened to the two of them?”

Kakashi tells Pakkun, “I’ll inform you on the way. Right now, time of the essence. Okay, scatter!” Soon after, all of the ninja dogs that Kakashi brought out leap off into the distance and Kakashi looks at Sakura standing by the doors. Kakashi thinks in his mind, “It is pointless to tell her not to worry. Sasuke did try to kill Naruto after he was defeated in that duel with him. I was too naïve trying to think that I could use words to stop Sasuke. Obito, you would be ashamed of what your last living clan member has become. Minato-sensei, I’m sorry, but I have failed you. I hope Naruto doesn’t hold back because if he does, the two of them might just destroy each other. However, Naruto’s complete access to the Kyuubi’s chakra without the fox spirit’s influence may be a huge ace, but Naruto isn’t able to completely use that power to its fullest yet. To be honest, I feel that Sasuke has gone too far to be saved, but I will try. However, if I have to make a choice, I will save Naruto’s life over Sasuke’s because Naruto’s life has become far more worth saving and not just because he is a Signer and the last of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans. He is a far better person than Sasuke can and will ever be especially at this point.” When Kakashi hears a howl from one of his ninja dogs, he leaps off into the distance. Kakashi thinks in his mind, “I just hope that I’m not too late!”

(Back to the Valley of Ends; A short time soon after)

Returning to Naruto and Sasuke, we find them two of them crippling on the statue of Madara Uchiha as they prepare to go ‘all out’ in their battle.

Sasuke tells Naruto, “Okay, Dobe, be honest: You’ve been waiting for this too. Kakashi and Sakura aren’t here now.”

Naruto tells Sasuke, “You are becoming annoying, Teme!” Naruto tries to strike Sasuke, but Sasuke dodges and grabs one of Naruto’s kunai knives.

Sasuke tells Naruto, as he falls away to get some distance, “It is time that we settle this once and for all! We’ll see how is stronger: The power of the Uchiha or the last of the Uzumaki and the son of the Fourth Hokage! And it will be the end of you!” Sasuke throws the kunai at Naruto in which Naruto uses a shuriken to block it while falling after Sasuke at the same time, but Sasuke uses his chakra to hang on the wall and kick Naruto hard in which Sasuke hangs on the waterfall while Naruto manages to recover and land on the water safely.


However, Sasuke prepares his ultimate jutsu in which his right hand crackles with electric chakra and Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Fine, Teme! I’ll crush you flat if that’s what it takes!” Naruto brings out a Shadow Clone and prepares a Rasengan. Sasuke charges in at Naruto and Naruto charges back with his finished sphere of chakra.


The two of them slam their attacks together and the power of their attacks create a powerful explosion that forces both of them backwards into the water in which after a brief while, Sasuke gets back to the surface.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “Damn it all! He was able to counter my Chordi at it’s full power. What is that jutsu? Is that one of his father’s legendary jutsu?” Sasuke thinks, as he sees Naruto come to the surface of the water, “Naruto, you loser… how can you have such power?”

Naruto looks at Sasuke and he thinks, with a sigh, “So, it has come to this huh? You are dead serious, aren’t you? You really mean to kill me, huh? For power, Sasuke?”

As Sasuke activates his Curse Mark, he thinks, “I’ll have to use some of my faster jutsu to create an opening and then Chordi…” Sasuke tells Naruto, “When two ninja are powerful, they are able to read each other’s thoughts by an exchange of fists and without uttering a single word, get it? You’ve always been so naïve. Can you tell what I’m thinking Naruto?” Sasuke then puts his hand into quick hand signs as he prepares to attack.

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

Sasuke unleashes multiple fireballs at Naruto, who leaps up into the air to avoid them, but then Sasuke appears with incredible speed and slams his elbow into Naruto’s face.

As Naruto falls down to the water, he thinks, “Sasuke, how could you have fallen so far? I always knew that you were alone and I was glad to know that there was someone like me. I wanted to get close to you and you were always able to do anything in which everyone was faming over you. You were so far ahead and I didn’t want to admit it in which I saw you as a rival. I didn’t want to you and when everyone started to call me a loser, it only made it work. But after we became Squad Seven and I learned the truth about my family, I didn’t feel that way because I was the last of a proud and great clan, the Uzumaki clan. And the son of a great man, the Fourth Hokage, but I was angry at my dad at first for putting this burden within me. However, I knew what kind of man my dad was because like me, he put the lives of others over himself. He loved life, but he also loved me. It angered me that my dad’s last wish with his final pleading breath was spit upon by the majority of the village that say that they cared or respected him. However, it also angered me that my chance at a good life with a loving mom and dad was taken away by a sicko that wanted the fox who was inside of my mom at the time. But then I realized that you and I are the very similar more than ever before. Both of us lost people that we loved to some sicko: My parents to Madara and your clan and parents to your own brother. Despite our difference, I thought that we were getting closer as friends.” Sasuke continues to pummel at Naruto down through the power of his Curse Mark and grabs Naruto by his neck preparing to use Chordi while Naruto was too stunned at the moment to fight back.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “I’ll admit that you really pissed me off especially with you being the son of the legendary Fourth Hokage and that in which those peons start to fawn over you in which restricting my ability to gain the power that I need, but I’ll admit something. You and I are pretty much the same, Dobe. Which is why I don’t get why you don’t seek revenge on my ancestor? Why you don’t gain power in order to avenge what he took from you? If it wasn’t for Madara, who I suspect has something to do with my brother, you would have a family like I had. You and I had everything taken from us! You weren’t there to know about it! I can’t understand you, Dobe. But that’s a mood point, Naruto. I could never admit it in public, you and I are pretty much the same. And you are pretty much the closest thing to a friend that I have.”

As Naruto tries to activate his Nine-Tailed Fox clock, Naruto thinks, “I don’t know if you meant what you said, Sasuke. Maybe I was the one being naïve that I thought we could be friends.”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “Trying to use the fox’s power now, Naruto? It’s too late!” Sasuke tries to use his Chordi to pierce Naruto’s heart, but he manages to direct it to his right shoulder in which it goes through. Sasuke tells Naruto, with a sly grin, “Used your arm to deflect the blow? Not bad, Dobe. I would say that you wouldn’t be able to use any jutsu, but remember, your ‘secret’ isn’t a secret anymore.” Sasuke starts to choke Naruto and he says, “Due to that thing inside of you, despite taking its power away, you have enhanced healing and while that injury would crippled a regular ninja, you aren’t a regular ninja. If given enough time, the wound would heal and you will be ready for more, but I’m not going to give you that time, Naruto!”

Within Naruto’s mind, we find him in front of the cage of the Nine-Tailed Fox, who still looks like skin and bones, and he looks at Naruto, who is on his knees.

Kyuubi tells Naruto, “You are pathetic, brat. Is this the son of the Fourth Hokage and former host, Kushina Uzumaki? Are you just going to let him beat you? At least my previous host, your mother, had my respect! She didn’t let anyone defeat her! Use my power and crush this weakling Uchiha!”

Naruto tells the fox, “Can it, fox.” Kyuubi gives a growl and Naruto looks at his Mark of the Dragon in which it starts to glow causing his eyes to widen. Just then images flash through his eyes in which he sees the adventure of Davis with the Digidestined and their battles against evil Digimon including MaloMyotismon as well as Ken as the Digimon Emperor while under the control of the Dark Spore, Serena, as Sailor Moon, and her adventures with the Sailor Scouts, and the adventures of the original Signers in which images of Davis and the Digidestined, the Sailor Scouts, and the original Signers grouped together in their own group flash before his eyes in which Naruto looks up to see the Crimson Dragon which gives him a roar of strength. Naruto then goes up to his feet and he says, “I understand now. I was so shocked by Sasuke’s new power and shocked his attempt to kill me to gain more power that I forgot.”

Kyuubi thinks in his mind, “What is that gaki talking about now?”

Naruto says, with a serious glare, “I don’t need your power, fox.”

Kyuubi tells Naruto, “You are a fool, boy. You need my power to win!”

Naruto says, holding up his Mark of the Dragon, “I don’t need it, fox! I have a greater power! Greater than Orochimaru’s blasted hicky! Greater than your power fox! I have the power of my bonds with my friends and all my precious people! I have their strength to help me through any situation even through we’re not together physically! Hinata-chan! Sakura! Ryu! Ayane! Kakashi-sensei! And everyone else!” Soon after, Naruto’s Mark of the Dragon blazes to life along with his seal in which the whole area of his mindscape glows in which the Nine-Tailed Fox is confused about what’s going on. Naruto’s eyes glow with power and he yells out, “I know that together we fight and together, we win! That Teme better watch out because no matter how much of his so-called ‘power’ that he uses against me, there is no way that he can defeat me! Without heart, you can never have true strength and power! Believe it!” Naruto roars out in power letting the memories that he just saw of the unity/bonds of friendship and then some that he saw in his ‘visions’ as well as letting his own positive memories and emotions flow in which strange chains of chakra energy flow out of Naruto and bind the Nine-Tailed Fox along with its mouth.

Kyuubi thinks in its mind, “This chakra… Kushina… that woman must have sealed the last of her special chakra… in her son… to aid him when he tried to take my power… but since the cursed Crimson Dragon did so… what is it doing now…?!” Soon after, energy from the seal and Naruto’s Mark of the Dragon flow out of him in which the Nine-Tailed Fox’s chakra appears in its reddish-orange form, but then starts to ‘transform’ into a sparkling golden form in which the Kyuubi thinks in his mind, shocked, “It cannot be! Is that brat… purifying my chakra?! He has gained the power to purify my yokai?! Could it be that he is indeed… the true heir of the Six Path Sage?! For he is the only one that could ever do that through he could never strip of the Jubi of its power.” Back ‘outside’, Sasuke gasps to see a golden aura surrounding Naruto and he is perplexed by what’s going on in which when Naruto looks at him, his eyes glow gold and Sasuke is slammed by a powerful force that sends him skidding across the water for twenty feet before making a huge splash.

When he returns to the surface, he thinks in his mind, “What in the world was that?!” Sasuke’s eyes widen to see Naruto’s wound completely heal nearly instantly and Naruto looks at him with a look of powerful determination and confidence in his features while his new aura causing the whole Valley of Ends to shake and quake with power.

Naruto yells out, strongly, “Sasuke, I am not going to let Orochimaru-baka to take you! I’m not going to let you and your selfish actions hurt anyone else! It all ends here! I’ll break every bone in your body and drag your precious ‘Uchiha name’ through the mud if that’s what it takes to stop you! You are not going anyway!” Naruto’s mysterious new aura then starts to shake the whole area, but that’s not all. All over the Elemental Countries, everyone that can sense chakra and plenty of others that can’t, feel the energy of Naruto’s new aura while the other Signers have their Marks of the Dragon blazing the same light as Naruto’s Mark of the Dragon is doing now.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “What is this energy? Is it the Nine-Tailed Fox? No, it isn’t the Kyuubi! This chakra is too powerful! I’ve sensed the fox’s power before in the Dobe’s duel with Paradox and when he used it, but it felt this way! This chakra is at a level way beyond even the fox’s chakra! What is this power?!” Sasuke yells out, strongly, “Hey, Naruto! What… What are you?!”

Naruto exclaims, strongly, “Someone that tried to and feels that you are his friend, Teme! If you won’t listen to reason, then I’ll take you down and drag you back! I won’t let you going hurting others with your selfish actions anymore, Sasuke! It’s time to wake up and see the truth, Sasuke! And here is a news flash: As long as you have hatred in your heart, you can never beat me!”

Sasuke yells out, strongly, “That’s nonsense!”

Naruto calls out, with a powerful expression in his eyes, “Let’s see you deny it when I pound you into the ground! Your new power might have surprised me and got me mixed up, but now, I see the truth! I have a greater power than you can ever have as long as you remain as you are! A power that no hatred can overcome much less destroys!” Naruto displays his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ and he yells out, “And proof of it is right here! It’s not the power of the Crimson Dragon! It is what this represents! The power of bonds! The power of friendship! I’m not fighting for myself! I’m fighting for my precious people and all the good people in this world! Even if we’re not together physically, they give me strength! Strength beyond that fucking hicky of Orochimaru’s and even the Nine-Tailed Fox’s! As long as I have this, I can never be beaten! Sakura gave me her hopes and dreams and hers along with many others including my mom’s and dad’s before they died are with me! Power is nothing without heart! As long as you continue to use such ‘heartless’ and worthless power, you will never beat me, Teme!” Sasuke was about to retort when Naruto unleashes a burst of his aura and Sasuke yelps as Naruto’s aura blasts him back.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, stunned, “I was beaten back by his own chakra aura?!” Before Sasuke knew what happened, Naruto was on him and Naruto slams his fist into Sasuke’s chest in which he gasps as the wind gets knock out of him as well as getting thrown about a few miles into the air in which it is a miracle that Sasuke’s ribs weren’t cracked, but Naruto then uses his Rinnegan and his Bansho Ten’in to pull Sasuke back down while Naruto leaps up towards him. Before Sasuke could try any defense, Naruto bashes him with multiple punches and sent him into the water in which he makes a big splash. After a short time, Sasuke bursts out of the water and skidding on the surface with his chakra in which Naruto appears in front of him instantly. Before Sasuke could react, Naruto bash him again and sends him skidding across the surface of the water in which Naruto leaps towards Sasuke, who is preparing to unleash another jutsu.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Sasuke unleashes a powerful and massive fireball at Naruto, but he just swings his right arm and the fireball fizzles into nothing nearly instantly in which Sasuke is sent under the surface of the water again.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “Impossible! He just swung his arm and made my attack completely worthless!” Naruto dives into the water after Sasuke and as Sasuke tries to get to the surface, Naruto, moving with incredible speed even through under the water, slams into Sasuke like a torpedo again and again. Sasuke swims to the surface, but Naruto rams him into the walls of the canyon that surrounds the river at the bottom of the falls in the Valley of Ends pinning him to the wall.

Naruto says, as he has Sasuke pinned by the collar, “Okay, Teme, wake up and get with it already! It’s over!”

Sasuke yells out, angrily, “Shut up, Dobe! It’s far from over! I don’t get it! I don’t get you! You and I may have suffered the same loss at different times, but both of us lost our families! I don’t understand, you idiot! He took everything from you! My ancestor stripped you of your family just like Itachi stripped me of my and my clan! It may have been on the day that you were born, but like me, you lost everything! In fact, he took away your chance for a family! He never gave you the chance to form ties and Itachi stripped me of mine!” Sasuke lungs at Naruto and grabs him in the waist in which they push off the canyon wall back down to the river in which Sasuke punches Naruto as hard as he could in which none of his punches have any effect in which Sasuke exclaims, strongly and angrily, “He made you alone from the start! Madara took away your chance to have a family and Itachi took away my family and my clan! Now that you know the truth of your family, you should understand how I feel, but like the moron you are, you don’t! How can you let yourself not take your revenge on Madara Uchiha for the suffering that he has put you through like Itachi did with me? What’s wrong with you?” The two of them slam into ground on the canyon wall, rolls around, and the two of them land on logs in the river in which they stand up on top of the logs.

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Yeah, I’m angry for what Madara did to me and did to my family. He took my family and helped turn my mom into that monster that she has become: A Dark Signer. But I was also angry at my dad for putting this burden into me at first too. However, my dad did it because he believed that I was the one that would do something. He believed that I would stop Madara Uchiha and his sick plans. However, I’m not going to turn into the monster that the baka villages tried to make me into before. They compared me to the fox which in truth, you can’t blame it either since it was being controlled. Anyway, Teme, I’m saying that I refused to turn into the kind of monster that they tried to make me out to be! I swore to make myself better! And that’s why I wanted to be Hokage in the first place! I learned that anger and hatred just bring nothing but more of the same with more despair and pain! You take your revenge and then what, Sasuke? What, Sasuke-teme? I bet that you never thought it through either! What I’m trying to do is justice! True justice! I’m honoring my parents’ memories by becoming a better person, a better ninja, and doing what’s right! Making sure that baka never hurt anyone else like he hurt me! If I do what you are doing, I would be dishonoring the memory of my family because I would becoming something just as horrible as that asshole, Madara Uchiha! And I would be betraying all those that believe in me! And that’s something that I would never do, believe it!” Naruto then holds up his Mark of the Dragon and Naruto tells Sasuke, “And another thing, Teme, I may have lost my parents on the day that I was born, but I gained a new family! It started with Iruka-sensei and my new family grew! And even through we are not related by any blood or something like that, we are a family! And plenty of my new family is just like me! Their strength flows through me even now! They are the reason that I’m this powerful! They are the reason that I have this great power, Sasuke-teme! And that’s why… you can’t win! As long as I have them behind me and you are remain selfish and full of hatred, you will never win!”

Sasuke says, with a smirk, “Same old Dobe.” Sasuke tells Naruto, taking out his headband and tying it around his forehead, “There is no turning back for me, Naruto. I can never go back. I can see now, even through you and I are similar in our lives, we are completely different as night and day. You are powerful, Naruto. You know the pain of solitude as I do and I know now if I can serve the bond that you and I have, I will gain greater strength.”

Naruto asks Sasuke, plainly, “Then why wear that headband?”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “We’re going to fight as equals, but you are never going to lay a true scratch on me, Dobe.” Sasuke then splits his log into pieces and uses a piece to do the same with Naruto’s log in which they both land on the surface of the water in which Sasuke tells Naruto, “Come on, Naruto!”

Naruto tells Sasuke, with a plain tone, “Serve a bond? And you dare to call me a moron, teme? There is no way that you can ever serve a bond especially not mine with the others!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “No more talking, Naruto! We speak with our fists.”

Naruto says, plainly, “Fine.” Just then Naruto vanishes with incredible speed and Sasuke’s Sharingan, now fully developed, sees what’s coming, he can’t do anything as Naruto lands a powerful blow to his nose, breaking it, and sending Sasuke bounding three times before he stops himself. Naruto tells Sasuke, “Get it now, Teme? As long as I have these bonds, you can never defeat me!” Naruto then charges at Sasuke with incredible speed and despite his fully developed Sharingan seeing what’s happening, Sasuke can’t stop Naruto slamming his right knee into his gut which shocks Sasuke beyond belief.

(Elsewhere; later on)

Right now, we find Kakashi with Pakkun running towards the Valley of Ends at top speed.

Kakashi tells Pakkun, “Did you feel that?”

Pakkun tells Kakashi, “Who couldn’t feel that power? I never felt anything like it!”

Kakashi tells Pakkun, “Neither did I! I never felt such chakra before! I’ve heard the Nine-Tailed Fox’s chakra, but it was nothing compared to this! But the chakra, it’s so different! It’s powerful yet…”

Pakkun tells Kakashi, “Protecting, strong, and determined. I know, Kakashi. I felt it too. If I want to be a betting dog, it must be Naruto.”

Kakashi tells Pakkun, “I believe that you are right, but how did he achieve such levels of chakra and what kind of chakra is it? It isn’t human or demon chakra!”

Pakkun tells Kakashi, “To be honest, Kakashi, it feels like something from up there. It’s hard to believe, but this chakra doesn’t seem right for this planet.”

Kakashi tells Pakkun, “I know, Pakkun. I feel the same way.”

(At the same time; in another area)

Right now, we find Haku, Ayane, and Davis, riding on Raidramon’s back, heading towards the Valley of Ends as well with the Marks of the Dragon are blazing with power and light.

Haku asks Ayane, “Lady Ayane, is it Naruto-sama?”

Ayane says, with a nod, “It is, Haku, but this feeling, its so different than before. It isn’t like two Signers fighting each other or a Dark Signer being nearby. This feels completely different.”

Davis says, with a serious tone, “Well, I do have a good idea. And whoa, it feels like Naruto’s power went right through the roof!”

Haku asks Davis, curiously, “You mean that immense power that we felt before was Naruto-sama?”

Davis says, looking at his Mark of the Dragon, “I know so, Haku-san. And believe me, I don’t want to be that Sasuke asshole. Naruto is most likely kicking his ass right now.”

Ayane thinks in her mind, “I hope so, Davis.”

(A good time afterwards; Returning to the battle between Naruto and Sasuke)

Returning to the Valley of Ends, Naruto is indeed doing what Davis is saying and despite Sasuke’s Sharingan allowing him to see Naruto’s moves ahead of time, it was like his battle with Lee, Sasuke’s body couldn’t react to Naruto’s attacks because Naruto was so fast due to his mysterious new golden aura. Sasuke tries everything and anything to get an edge over Naruto, but Naruto easily blocks and/or dodges every attack with Sasuke ending up on the wrong side of Naruto’s fist, knee, or foot hitting somewhere on Sasuke’s body.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, seriously, “How can this be? This is like… my first battle with Lee! I can see his movements, but my body… I can’t keep up with them! I can see what he is going to do, but he is so fast that I can’t use that information to even block! How did the Dobe get so powerful?!” Sasuke uses the power of the Curse Mark, but it proved just as useless as Naruto continues to beat him senseless.

Naruto yells out, strongly, “Get it now, Teme! Did I finally knock some sense into your thick skull? Or do you need to taste my new family’s strength even more?”

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Sasuke unleashes a powerful fireball that heads right for Naruto, but he just stands there and takes the attack, however, Naruto’s new aura negates the flames as easily as a candle’s flames gets blown out. However, Sasuke rushes towards Naruto and pummels him with a series of punches.

Sasuke calls out, angrily, “You are the one that doesn’t get it, Naruto! I can’t go back! It’s too late, Naruto!” But Naruto grabs his arms and he squeezes them, hard, in which Sasuke yelps out in pain as they are getting crushed.

Naruto says, strongly, “It is never too late to change, you idiot! I already taught that lesson to Neji! You made your own path and your own destiny! And I’ve learned you can change who you are and make yourself better! You are so absorbed by your stupid revenge that you can see that! Fine, Sasuke! I’ll teach you the hard way!” Naruto then slams his fist into Sasuke’s gut and he gasps as this time, he gets two of his ribs broken in which Naruto throws him into the river creating a huge splash in which he leaps towards it. Just then Sasuke burst out of the water to attack Naruto in mid-air, but Naruto dodges his attack and kicks him in the face. Naruto then unleashes two golden chakra arms and they slam Sasuke into the canyon wall with a loud ‘crash’ sending a lot of smoke and dirt into the air.

When the smoke and dust clear, Sasuke is slumped in the good sized crater in which he says, “There is no getting around it, I guess. You leave me no other choice, but to unleash this power. I don’t what will happen, but you leave me no other choice.” Just then the Curse Mark’s markings on his body cover him up in which his Sharingan eyes gain black irises, his skin becomes dark brown color, his hair become grey and longer making his hair become similar to Madara Uchiha’s hair on the statue, his lips become a dark blue color, and just then two hand-like wings coming out of his back.

Naruto thinks in his mind, shocked, “Sasuke…”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “I’ll admit it that you are very special, but you are not as special as I am.”

Naruto says, with a sneer, “Special, huh? You aren’t special, Sasuke. The way that you are, there is nothing special about you even with that Sharingan of yours. I told you: Power without heart is meaningless and worthless. Believe it, Teme! You are nothing, but a monster!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, with a smirk, “Oh, really? It doesn’t really matter to me! Or didn’t you get the message yet? If I have to become a monster, then so be it.” Sasuke groans in pain and he thinks, remembering Sakon’s words, “My body… I guess that I can’t waste any time!”

Naruto groans out in which he sees his aura getting weaker and he thinks, “My body… I feel weaker…” Within Naruto, the chains binding the powerless fox is crumbling in which the golden energy starts to turn back into the regular yokai chakra that Naruto took from the Kyuubi.

Kyuubi thinks, in a low sly tone, “I see now. I’m bound up so I can’t take any of the brat’s own human chakra since it is helping the process of ‘purifying’ my chakra, but this isn’t a complete and true purification. Even with his powerful positive emotions combined with Kushina’s leftover chakra and the Crimson Dragon, this ‘filter’ that allows this can’t last for too long and since this is new to the gaki, he may have one attack… two attacks at best if he plays his strength right. But knowing that gaki, he is about to go all out now.”

Back ‘outside’, Sasuke tells Naruto, “I noticed that your aura is getting weaker. This power… is only temporary and you can’t maintain it unless you risking something, am I right?”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Actually, I have no idea!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “Take a look! This place is known as the Valley of Ends! This is where Madara Uchiha fought the First Hokage himself! The perfect setting for this fight!” When Naruto doesn’t reply, Sasuke says, with a sly tone, “Oh, yeah, I said no more talking. I guess that we are at the end of this fight and all of the others until now! It is time to see who’s strength… no, who’s will is stronger, Naruto! This isn’t a battle of clans… it is so much more and it is time to end this!”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “This is it! My final attack!” Sasuke then forms a dark version of the Chordi while Naruto forms a golden Rasengan in his right hand in which the two of them charge right at each other.


Celestial Rasengan!

When the two of them come close, they slam their attacks into each other creating a massive column of energy of light and dark energy in which the two of them push, but in the end, Naruto breaks through Sasuke’s attack and prepares to slam the attack into his chest in which Sasuke’s eyes grow wide, but Naruto turns his hand into a fist slamming it into Sasuke’s chest in which the column of energy explodes into a burst of light in which Sasuke is sent flying into the forest away from Naruto while he is slam into ground in front of the river. Sasuke’s form skids across the ground greatly, breaking through the trunks of a number of trees, and then he skids to a stop showing his bloody and battered form, but he is still very much alive. For a moment, there is only silence, but then a figure appears over Sasuke’s unconscious form.

The figure says, in a male voice, “So, this is the mighty Uchiha, huh? I’ll admit that he isn’t bad, but the Namikaze… he is far superior. You are really something, Namikaze.” The figure then grabs Sasuke’s unconscious form and he says, slinging him over his back, “However, this brat isn’t coming back with you. He is needed to be your enemy just to make you stronger and much more. Sasuke Uchiha has a greater role in the ‘Great Design’. Farewell, Signer Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.” Soon after, the figure drags Sasuke away in which we notice that Sasuke doesn’t have his Leaf headband on his head in which we find it laying on the side of the river that Sasuke was on while Naruto lies unconscious due to extreme chakra exhaustion on the other side. Just then it starts to rain and pour in which after awhile Kakashi and Pakkun arrives on the scene with Haku, Ayane, and Davis just behind.

Ayane says, shocked, “Naruto!” Soon enough, everyone rushes to Naruto’s unconscious form in which Pakkun sniffs him.

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “Am I too late?”

Pakkun says, plainly, “He is alive, but he is suffering from great amount of chakra exhaustion.”

Haku says, looking over him, “Your ninja canine is right, Kakashi-san, but we’ll need to get him back to the Leaf Village immediately.” On the meanwhile, Pakkun leaps over to the other side of the river and sniff Sasuke’s headband in which he brings it over.

After dropping it in front of him, Pakkun says, “It’s Sasuke’s headband.” When they look to see where Naruto’s attack sent Sasuke, Pakkun says, “I think that where Naruto blasted Sasuke.”

Davis tells Raidramon, “Can you check it out, buddy?”

Raidramon says, with a plain tone, “Right, Davis!” Raidramon then leaps over to check out as Kakashi puts Naruto on his back.

Pakkun says, with a sigh, “I think that Sasuke is long gone. Something tells me that Naruto won the fight, but the mission failed.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “I think so too.”

Pakkun says, with a sigh, “The Valley of Ends, huh? Talk about irony.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “I know, Pakkun. As long as Naruto and Sasuke live, the cycle will continue.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “Cycle?”

Davis says, with a plain tone, “The cycle of hatred that’s a part of the ninja world. That’s why I have a real problem with this place.”

Ayane thinks in her mind, “Cycle of Hatred?”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “However, I know that Naruto will break that cycle. I believe that’s why he was a Signer and I believe that my sensei, Naruto’s dad, knew this too. He knew that Naruto would break the cycle of hate that rules the ninja way of life and the Elemental Countries. And I believe that you will help him succeed.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “But how?”

Kakashi tells Ayane, “I wish I knew, Lady Ayane.”

Raidramon returns a short time later and he says, “That Sasuke jerk isn’t there, Davis.”

Davis replies, with a snort, “Why I am not surprised?”

Pakkun says, with a plain tone, “The rain is going to, if it didn’t already, wash away the trail, but I think that Naruto’s health is greater concern.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “So do I, Pakkun.” Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “We are going back.” Soon after, the group heads back towards the Leaf Village not knowing that someone with a Venus fly trap with his head inside and wearing the same cloaks as Itachi and Kisame appears from the distance and is watching them leave.

The weird figure thinks in his mind, “Pain-sama will want to know about this!”

(Sometime later; Within Orochimaru’s Sound Village base)

Inside of one of Orochimaru’s Sound Village bases, we find him, Kabuto, and a certain figure looking down at a hospital bed with Sasuke Uchiha on it with IV wires and sensor wires attached to his bare chest and body.

Kabuto says, amazed, “I can’t believe that he did such damage to him.”

The figure tells Kabuto, “You had better be lucky that the Namikaze wanted to keep him alive and intact. With his level of power, he would have obliterated him with his last attack.”

Orochimaru says, with a plain tone, “The Namikaze has become more than a minor nuisance.”

The figure tells Orochimaru, “That’s putting it lightly, Orochimaru. Didn’t you feel the power that he unleashed?”

Kabuto replies, “I don’t think that there isn’t anyone in the Elemental Countries that didn’t feel that power.”

Orochimaru tells the figure, “And that’s why your story is quite believable. I also found some obscure ancient texts that mention such a thing, but like many others, I thought that kind of chakra was only legend.”

The figure tells Orochimaru, “There are only two ways of getting that kind of chakra. You need to become a Kage-level ninja and than you need at least forty years of mental and physical training to get it. The other way seems to be easier, but no one other than the Six Path Sage has succeeded before: The ‘true purification’ of the yokai chakra of the Biju. As I have told you, the force that created the nine Biju was created by the clash of Crimson Dragon and the Earthbound Immortals, but that’s only part of the story. In actual truth, the Jubi’s power is more like the ‘corruption’ of celestial energies.”

Orochimaru says, with a nod, “Interesting, my friend.”

The figure says, with a plain tone, “However, even Madara Uchiha, the true leader of the Akatsuki, will sense this and he will feel that Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is a major threat. Most likely, Pain will agree with him.”
Kabuto’s eyes grow wide and Kabuto says, with a plain tone, “I see. So, we should not take Namikaze real lightly either, huh?”

The figure says, with a sigh, “The future is ever changing and more in which the Namikaze use of such power changed the future, but only this much is certain.” The figure then holds up his hand and an image appears in which it shows a sixteen year old Sasuke Uchiha wearing clothing similar to Orochimaru’s/Sound Five’s outfits, but it is ripped, torn, and the older Sasuke has blood pooling all around with his blank eyes as well as not a sign of life on him. There are also six figures hovering behind him and each of the figures has the ‘Mark of the Dragon’ on their right arms.

Orochimaru asks, stunned, “What is this?”

The figure replies, “The future. Due to the chaotic nature of space/time as it is now, I can only see possible futures because there are infinite possibilities and the future is never set in stone. However, right now, from what I can see, Sasuke Uchiha, in three years, will die at the hands of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and the Signers. If you take over his body or if Sasuke Uchiha completes his revenge against his older brother, I’m not sure, but at this time, it is his future.” Orochimaru’s and Kabuto’s eyes grow wide, but what they don’t or seemly don’t know is that Sasuke opened his left eye and manages to hear this.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, weakly, “Naruto…”

(Back in the Leaf Village; Later on that same day)

Right now, we find ourselves back in the Leaf Village hospital where we find a still unconscious Naruto in hospital clothing and wrapped up in some bandages with Hinata and Ayane by his bedside with Ryu, Ninja Ryu, Rachel, Kasumi, Serena, Davis, Ken, Veemon, and Wormmon behind them with Luna in Serena’s arms.

Hinata says, worriedly, “Naruto-kun…”

Serena tells Hinata, with a weak smile, “I’m sure that Naruto will be okay, Hinata.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “From what we have seen on his clothing, he did suffer a few deadly wounds, but his enhanced healing has made sure that it isn’t life-threatening. He is suffering from major chakra exhaustion and even for him, it may take more than his typical one day to recover. However, with the blood of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze flowing through his veins, you can be assured that he will remain bedridden for long.”

Rachel asks Ninja Ryu, “How can you be so sure?”

Ninja Ryu tells Rachel, “If you had known them as my father did and when you were a child, you would say the same things too.”

Kasumi tells Rachel, “Naruto-sama’s parents, even in our villages, are well-known. They are rivals to the Sannin themselves.”

Soon after, the ninja or those in the room with ninja training sense something and they look back to see Sakura Haruno enter the room in which Ayane asks, a bit annoyed tone in her voice, “What do you want Haruno?”

Sakura says, nervously, “You see, I wanted…”

Ayane tells Sakura, annoyed, “Your precious Uchiha isn’t here. Naruto won the fight, but he exhausted himself in the effort in which Sasuke ran off like the whipped dog that he is.”

Sakura gasps in shock and Ryu tells Ayane, plainly, “Ayane…”

Ayane tells Ryu, as tears fall from her eyes, “Why shouldn’t I be mad, bro? She had Naruto made that dumb promise which nearly got him killed! You saw that big hole in his jacket! That Uchiha asshole tried to kill him! He used that Chordi to impale him in the heart and somehow Naruto managed to avoid it in which only his enhanced healing doesn’t make him lose his right arm right now!”

Sakura gasps in shock and she thinks, “Oh no! Please no!”

Davis takes out Naruto’s torn jacket and he says, plainly, “This is Naruto’s jacket.”

Ninja Ryu says, pointing to the hold close to Naruto’s right shoulder in front and back, “This is where we found the holes. We know that most likely and Kakashi even confirmed this, it was a through and through attack which is most likely the Chordi. Most likely, Sasuke was attempting to pierce Naruto’s heart and Naruto managed to divert it just in time. If Naruto was a regular ninja, his arm would be useless or would have to be amputated. It is only the enhanced healing from having the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed in him and being born when it was sealed in his mother, Kushina Uzumaki, is the only thing that saved him from that.”

Sakura thinks in her mind, as tears shed from her eyes, “Sasuke, why? You really did try to do like you did after your duel with him. You really tried to… to… Why, Sasuke? How could you?”

Ayane tells Sakura, her tone filled with anger, “Are you satisfied, Haruno?”

Hinata tells Ayane, “Ayane, please stop. I know that you are angry and you have a right to be, but you can’t take it out on Sakura.” When everyone looks at Hinata, she says, her voice not stuttering for an instant, “In fact, I’m angry too. At first, I was angry at Sakura too for having Naruto make a promise to bring back Sasuke, but I realize that Sakura had no chance against Sasuke. It was lucky that she didn’t end up dead with the way that he is now. Sakura was confused and scared and she didn’t know where to turn in which she turned the only person that she thought could stop Sasuke.”

Kasumi thinks in her mind, “The young Hyuga heiress has started to truly become a real shinobi and I believe that Namikaze-sama has been a wonderful influence on her.”
Ayane says, solemnly, “Yeah, you’re right, Hinata.”

Luna says, with a plain tone, “It does show you one thing: The Uchiha has taken his path and I don’t think now that taking away the Curse Mark would do anything. Instead, it would drive him deeper into the darkness.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a nod, “Everyone sets his own their own path and he has chosen his. I know far well the path of an avenger. I went along that path and it nearly destroyed me.”

Rachel says, with a nod and plain tone, “No joke, kiddies. It is time for you to make the hard choices.” Rachel tells Sakura, “Especially you, girl. Is that the kind of man that you want to give you heart to? And you need to think long and hard about this question and what happened now. When you make your decision, the consequences will be on your head and others may suffer for your choice. Remember, many times, others are affected by the choices that we make.”

Davis says, winching, “Harsh.”

Ken tells Davis, “But true, Davis.”

Davis tells Ken, with a sigh, “Don’t I know it, bro.” Davis says, looking at Naruto, “Personally, I don’t think that Naruto should ever consider Sasuke Uchiha a friend ever.”

Ken tells Davis, “Part of me feels the same way, but another part reminds me when I was the Digimon Emperor…”

Davis tells Ken, “Ken, we already know that it wasn’t really your choice. You never let the darkness in, it took control of you. The Dark Spore messed up your head even through we didn’t know until later including you when you remembered when you were inflected by it. You never really had a choice to fall into the darkness, but that Uchiha asshole did.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Like it or not, you are going to have to admit that fact, Sakura.”

Sakura lowers her head, knowing that Davis and Ayane are right, and Serena says, “I know that he tried to kill Naruto, but I’m not sure that there is no chance for him to be saved.”

Ayane asks Serena, seriously, “How can you say that Serena?”

Serena tells Ayane, “Naruto proved that people can change and Sasuke Uchiha would have never become the way that he is if his brother never destroyed his clan. It’s true that Sasuke willing chose his path, but there were outside influences.”

Luna tells Serena, “Serena, I believe that they are right in saying what they meant about this Sasuke Uchiha. He willing chose the darkness and he tried to kill Naruto in cold blood. I know you try to see the good in people, but for once, I believe that they may be right in what they are in implying. That Sasuke Uchiha is beyond saving and he has become a major threat.”

Just then a female voice calls out, “More than you know, Luna.” Everyone looks to see none other than Sailor Charon herself enters the room through some kind of portal.

Luna says, shocked, “Sailor Charon?”

Ryu asks, curiously, “The person that saved you, Serena?”

Serena says, with a nod, “The same, Ryu-san.” Serena tells Sailor Charon, “It is a good to see you, again.”

Sailor Charon says, with a nod, “The same, my princess.”

Kasumi asks, curiously, “What did you mean Charon-dono?”

Sailor Charon says, with a smile, “Please call me Sailor Charon. Like my princess, I’m not into this ‘formal stuff’.” Sailor Charon then gains a real serious expression and she says, with a plain tone, “Sasuke Uchiha is, like the Signers, a major factor in the formation of the future.”

There are plenty of gasps and Ryu asks, curiously, “So, whatever Sasuke Uchiha does will affect the future?”

Sailor Charon replies, with a nod, “The future is currently in a state of flux and like the Signers and Jaden Yuki for that matter, whatever they do or whatever happens to them will affect the formation of the near future and even the far future. And the far future is still in doubt. So far, it looks like everything Ryu’s and Ayane’s parents and the rest of the original Signers looks to be undone at one moment and the next, you are creating something even greater. Sasuke Uchiha is one of those factors, but his influence is the opposite of Naruto and his influence is positive.”

Ryu asks, seriously, “So, his actions threaten the peace of the future?”

Sailor Charon says, with a nod, “With the way that he is, that’s right.”

Sakura gasps in shock and she thinks, “Sasuke will… destroy the future?”

Serena asks Sailor Charon, “Is there a way to change that?”

Sailor Charon tells Serena, with a smile, “My princess, it warms my heart that even through horrible tragedy, you don’t let who you truly are be destroyed.” Sailor Charon says, with a plain tone, “However, I’m not sure that he can be saved.”

Luna asks Sailor Charon, “Charon, you must know…”

Sailor Charon glares at Luna and she says, seriously, “I am not my sister, Luna. And I will not make the mistakes that caused this situation to form in the first place.” Sailor Charon says, looking at Naruto, “Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, they are… the final end to a conflict that was started long ago. The battle between the Senju and the Uchiha and the cycle of hatred that makes up the Elemental Countries and the way of the ninja right now in which the choices that they make will either end the Elemental Countries or bring about a grand future greater than Crystal Tokyo. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is the ‘chosen one’ of the Toad Sage’s prediction: Of a ninja that will bring about great change and through Naruto’s choices, he will be a savior and not a destroyer, but if he makes one misstep, he will be destroyed and the hopes and dreams of a peaceful future for the Elemental Countries will most likely die with him.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “You mean that Naruto is supposed to bring a time of peace in the Elemental Countries?”
Sailor Charon says, with a nod, “He is supposed to, but if he will fulfill that is open to debate. The future is not set in stone and right now, the future is clouded as it is ever changing in random ways. And that means any chance for a brighter future than Crystal Tokyo depends on the peace of the Elemental Countries. However, in the coming war that you have seen in your visions, each of you, the six new Signers, plays an important role, but what role you play is up to you to find out. No one can truly see the future, they can only see the POSSIBLE futures.”

Davis says, with a plain tone, “I make my own future.”

Sailor Charon tells Davis, “That’s part of the attitude that you are going to need if you are to make the future the way that you and everyone else that hopes for.” Sailor Charon tells Serena, “My princess, you need to make this place your new home for now. This is where the place where you need to gain the skills and strength to become a true Sailor Warrior. As I said before, there is a difference between a Sailor Scout and a Sailor Senshi.”

Luna asks, perplexed, “A difference between a Sailor Scout and a Sailor Senshi? Aren’t they the same?”

Sailor Charon says, creating a portal, “Far from it.” Sailor Charon then goes into the portal which vanishes behind her after she leaves.

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Senshi is Japanese for ‘Soldier’ and ‘Warrior’.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I believe there is truth between what Sailor Charon implies, but for the answer, you are going to look within to find out that Lady Serena.” Serena goes deep into thought and everyone in the room start to think a lot of things.

(Around the same time; Inside of the Hokage Tower)

In the Hokage tower, we find Tsunade with Sarutobi by his side meeting with the members of the ninja council about the recent events mainly the abandonment of the village by Sasuke Uchiha and the mission that attempted to retrieve him.

Tsunade tells everyone, “While Choji Akimichi and Neji Hyuga are in serious condition, they have been moved from critically and they are no longer in life-threatening situations. Shikamaru has suffered the least wounds in the form of a broken finger that he broke himself to get out of a Genjutsu and Kiba Inuzuka and his canine partner, Akamaru, are hit with serious injuries, but not life-threatening. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze fought Sasuke Uchiha himself, but due to his enhanced healing, he is only suffering from major chakra exhaustion and will recover in due time. The mission is complete failure and evidence showed that Sasuke Uchiha attempted to kill Naruto in cold blood.”

There are a few gasps and Hiashi says, with a plain tone, “I am not surprised by this. The Uchiha was always unstable and the colluding the civilians gave him made it worse. When the Namikaze showed superior abilities, he turned his back to the village. Tsunade, this can’t stand!”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “I know, Hiashi. And Sasuke will be made an example of. My ruling is that Sasuke Uchiha is now an A to S-rank criminal ninja, but only elite ninja shall find him and do their best to capture him first. If the first isn’t possible, then those that find him are authorized and order to take his life. And if that’s the case, take his corpse back to the village, but if not, destroy his body on site.”

The ninja council looks confused and Shikaku Nara asks, curiously, “You hope to publicly humiliate the Uchiha if it comes to killing him, Lady Hokage?”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “Fair enough, Shikaku. I do. I plan for Sasuke Uchiha’s corpse to be publicly mutilated before being destroyed to show the village the price of their stupidity and to prove a point! No one is above the law of the village and this land!”

Tsume thinks in her mind, with a grin, “Okay, I’m really starting to like this!”

Tsunade says, with a serious tone, “And I’m going to make sure that Sasuke Uchiha feels the full price of his betrayal! Since he is formally the last ‘loyal’ member of the Uchiha clan in this village, he shall be punished greatly in life as well! I’m making it that his clan lands, all of his remaining clan funds, and his clan’s scrolls are taken from him and given to the Namikaze clan immediately!”

There are plenty of gasps from the ninja council and Hiashi says, plainly, “While I make no disagreement to your decisions, the civilians will not like this.”

Tsunade yells out, strongly, “Then they can screw themselves! I am the Hokage! My word is law! And if those assholes have a problem, then they can leave if they aren’t ninja! I am also making it public law that anyone that supports that traitor’s actions is immediately executed!”

Tsume thinks in her mind, with a wide sly grin, “Nice! Real nice, Lady Hokage!”

Inoichi asks, curiously, “And Sasuke’s former teammates?”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “With those ninja under my command, I will make exceptions, but there will be none for those asshole civilians. It is time for them to learn their place in this village once and for all, but the ‘exceptions’ that I will make for only those that got ‘close’ to Sasuke and no more. Any other ninja will ‘get the axe’ like it or not.”

Tsume tells Tsunade, “Lady Hokage, I think that it is about damn time that this came around.”

There is plenty of the ninja council, actually all of them, that nod their heads in agreement with Tsume and Tsunade tells them, with a grin, “I don’t need to ask if there are any objections. So, I will get started immediately with the transfer of the remaining Uchiha clan funds and clan scrolls to the Namikaze estates as of immediately. I also remember that the Uchiha clan might have had stored supplies there.”

Hiashi says, with a plain tone, “Sky Ward, but I’m not really sure. I believe that they left someone in charge and she and her granddaughter are still there even after the massacre.”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “You are right, Hiashi. Sky Ward is a seemly abandoned city where the Uchiha stored supplies there. They left Nekobaa and her ninja cats in charge in which her granddaughter is also there.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “After we locate it, I will send a team over there to tell them that all of that stuff belongs to the Namikaze clan and the Leaf Village in general. If Sasuke Uchiha comes over to them, they are to inform the village immediately and they are not to help him at all under the penalty of death.”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “But the granddaughter is only thirteen years of age and not a ninja, Tsunade. However, I do agree with your decision. Nekobaa should not be made an exception to this rule, but the granddaughter is innocent through I heard rumors that she might have a crush on Sasuke Uchiha through not as much as his ‘fan girls’. However, this makes agreeable that she should be punished if she helps a traitor to the village since she is old enough to know right from wrong.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “Fine, Old Man. You have a point with the girl, but you are right about everything. I’ll make her punishment, but they will know that Nekobaa’s granddaughter will be punished through not as heavy as Nekobaa would be, but it will be heavy price to get the message.”

Sarutobi says, with a sigh and nod, “Agreed, Tsunade.” However, Sarutobi thinks in his mind, “Maybe I should take some of that punishment for allowing my feelings for a prized student of my beliefs get in the way. Should I reveal the truth about THAT day?”

(In another part of the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

At this moment, we find ourselves within a place known as the Hidden Rain Village where we find three people dressed in Akatsuki cloaks assembled together.

The first one is a female with short blue hair with a paper flower in her hair, amber eyes, ultramarine eyeshadow, and a piercing under her lip.

The second one is a male with spiky orange hair, a black ninja headband with four vertical lines in the center of the metal band with the scratch going across the center, multiple strange piercing, and the same Rinnegan eyes as Naruto.

The final person is another male with spiky black hair and wearing an orange spiral mask with only one eyehole for his right eye.

The blue haired woman tells the one with the orange spiral mask, “Why did you call us here Madara-sama?”

The man with the orange spiral mask replies, “Did you feel that power? It was the Namikaze.”

The female gives a look of shock and the orange haired male with Rinnegan eyes replies, plainly, “Impossible. The Namikaze may have control of the Kyuubi’s chakra, but it is nowhere near that level of strength, Madara-sama.”

Madara replies, “It is not impossible if the boy has done the same that only the Six Path Sage was able to do in the past, Pain.”

The orange haired male asks, his voice sounding more stunned while trying to remain stoic, “Do you mean…?”

Madara tells the orange haired male, “Yes, Pain. The boy found a way to access or in this case, recreate the ultimate chakra: Sacred Chakra. The legendary chakra that it is said to transcend human and yokai chakra. As you and Konan know Pain, there are only two ways of harness that level of chakra. One, becoming a Kage-level ninja and taking forty years of mental and physical training to prepare body and mind to achieve this. Or two, find a way to truly purify a Biju’s chakra. Remember, the Jubi was created in the clash of the Crimson Dragon and the Earthbound Immortals, but it is more than that. Its yokai is actually a ‘corruption’ of celestial energy from entities like the Crimson Dragon. It is possible that the Jubi also gained energy from the Egyptian God Cards and the three Legendary Dragons/Knights of Atlantis and their battles as well. However, the point is that the yokai chakra of the Jubi is in fact a ‘corruption’ of celestial energy. And if one is able to correctly purify it, the chakra would restore to its original form. And that kind of chakra is far more powerful than human and yokai chakra giving one far greater power and since this kind of chakra transcends the ‘earthly’ and into the ‘heavens’, it is said that one can do things with that chakra that are otherworldly.” Madara tells Pain and the blue haired woman, Konan, “If the Namikaze is allowed to truly purify the fox’s chakra, he will become too powerful even for us and plus, our plans will be lost forever because if the boy succeeds, the fox shall lose its chakra to the Namikaze for all time making it useless to use as well.”

Pain asks Madara, “So, are you saying that you want us to terminate the Namikaze?”

Madara replies, with a nod, “Exactly, Pain. We can wait for the fox to reform and we can wait for the Crimson Dragon to choose a new vessel for the power that it has given Namikaze. The boy has become too great a threat now. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze must die.”

Pain tells Madara, “Understood, Madara-sama.”

Madara tells Pain, “However, you can’t go in now. With Sasuke’s betrayal of the village, they will be on high alert and they have some good ninja there. Getting to the boy won’t be easy and even if we lose just a few members, we may not be able to win. All of the Akatsuki be there together to take the boy’s life. We can’t risk a chance for him to perform the same feet again and this time, it might be permanent. From what I can tell, the ‘purification’ was more like a ‘filtering’ of the fox’s chakra into the true Sacred Chakra that it was once was, but the fox’s chakra remains the same. Most likely, it could be a combination of the Crimson Dragon power and something else. However, if the boy can figure out a way to truly and completely purify the fox’s chakra into Sacred Chakra, our plans are finished.”

Konan asks, surprised, “Madara-sama, do you think that it will need for all of the Akatsuki to get one child?”

Madara tells Konan, with a plain tone, “I understand your ‘hesitation’, Konan, but remember, this is the child of the Red Storm and Yellow Flash AKA the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf. Their blood especially the Uzumaki blood flows through his veins and he has been gifted with the Rinnegan as well. If we give him time to master the Rinnegan and gain all of his father’s jutsu along with gaining the power that you just sensed right now, do you think that we can win then?”

Konan says, with a plain tone, “I see, Madara-sama.”

Pain tells Madara, “Madara-sama, you can be assured that this Namikaze child, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, will be taken care of. He doesn’t know true pain and he can’t defeat a god that knows it so well.”

Madara tells Pain, plainly, “Pain, you must remember this well: There are even times when even deities must die (A/N: I DON’T own ‘Superman: Doomsday’ DVD movie.).” Madara then tells Pain, “Wait for now, Pain. Do not make move and don’t tell any of the others of the Akatsuki of this change of plan just yet. There is something that I must see.” Soon after, Madara then vanishes as his form seems to swirl into nothingness as he fades away.

Pain thinks in his mind, “What does Madara-sama mean by that?”

(Returning to the Dark Signers’ unknown headquarters; Sometime soon after)

Right now, we find the Spider Dark Signer and the Lizard Dark Signer together as they are discussing what’s ahead.

The Spider Dark Signer tells the Lizard Dark Signer, “It is not time. The original ‘four stars of destiny’ within Satellite are now gone and the new gateway to the Netherworld shall take time to form here.”

The Lizard Dark Signer asks, curiously, “Where is the new doorway?”

The Spider Dark Signer replies, with a dark sly tone, “The last place where they will think to find it.”

The Lizard Dark Signer asks, curiously, “How long will the wait be?”

The Spider Dark Signer tells them, “Several years, my friend. This new gateway was only created recently since the original Signers sealed the original one in Satellite AKA the original Domino City, but as you well know, there were cracks that allowed our group to form since the day that Madara tried to regain the Kyuubi which caused the crack between this realm and the Netherworld.”

The Lizard Dark Signer asks, curiously, “Speaking of whom, where is Kushina Uzumaki?”

The Spider Dark Signer replies, with a dark plain and serious tone, “Off on her agenda of revenge as well as try to bring her own son into the darkness.”

The Lizard Dar Signer asks, perplexed, “Shouldn’t we be worried?”

The Spider Dark Signer says, with a dark grin, “It matters not. Even if she falls, this time, there is always chance for another one to take her mark.”

(The following day; Back in the Leaf Village)

Returning to the Leaf Village, we find a familiar orange and black cloaked figure with a glowing dark violet mark on her right arm in the shape of the Nazca Hummingbird on top of the Fourth Hokage’s head on the Hokage Mountain/Monument.

Kushina says, with a dark glare, “Now, scum, it is your judgment day.” Kushina says, looking towards the hospital, “Naruto, my boy, it is time for you to return where you belong.”

(A good time afterwards; In the Leaf Village hospital)

Right now, we find ourselves in Naruto’s hospital room where we find Naruto, fully awake, with Hinata and Ayane along with the rest of the Signers, the Digidestined and their Digimon partners, Jaden, Alexis, and Serena with Jiraiya on the sitting on the window with a massive toad standing outside of Naruto’s bedroom window.

Jiraiya tells Naruto, “Basically, the situation is this. The Akatsuki have been well aware of your little stunt back in your battle with Sasuke and by harnessing such power, you have become a major level threat to their plans. From what my spy network tells me, they may want to kill you to release the fox and wait for it to appear it than rather trying to catch you.”

There are plenty of gasps and Hinata asks, worriedly, “Kill Naruto-kun?”

Jiraiya tells Hinata, with a grin, “Don’t worry, your pretty little head. I’ll take this boyfriend of yours and make him into an ultimate ninja much like his mom and dad!” Jiraiya tells Naruto, “Naruto, with this information, we are going to need to put you to the grindstone. I’m also thinking that we should make a visit to Toad Summons homeland.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “The home of the toads?”

Jiraiya tells Naruto, “That’s where you can learn one of the most powerful techniques in my arsenal: Senjutsu or Sage Jutsu. We also need to expand your arsenal of jutsu and help you master that Rinnegan of yours. From what I know, the Akatsuki are going to need three years to get their plans into action, but they might try to take action to ensure that timetable so we need to get work as soon as possible.”

Naruto tells Jiraiya, “No way, Pervy Sage! I don’t have the time! I have to save Sasuke before Orochimaru takes over his body!”

Jiraiya tells Naruto, “So you heard the details of his Immortal Jutsu, huh? You have to know that Sasuke is just fine. Sasuke arrived too late and he had to take another body in which Sasuke is safe for three years.”

Naruto asks, stunned, “Are you sure, Pervy Sage?”

Jiraiya tells Naruto, seriously, “Naruto, Sasuke went to Orochimaru of his own free will. He accepted the Curse Mark in his quest for power. He won’t change. You might be able to change someone like Neji Hyuga, but someone like Sasuke Uchiha is beyond saving.”

Naruto tells Jiraiya, “No way, Pervy Sage! There has got to be a way…!!”

Jiraiya yells out, interrupting him, “Wake up, gaki! Would a friend kill you just to gain more power like the Mangekyo Sharingan?!” Naruto lowers his head and Jiraiya tells him, “You might believe that everyone other than Orochimaru can be saved, but like Orochimaru, Sasuke has forged his own path and if you continue to go ahead with stupid ideas like saving him, then you are not smart enough to be worth my training.”

Ayane yells out, angrily, “Hey, you pervert!”

Naruto tells Jiraiya, with a smirk, “Fine, Pervy Sage! Then I’ll train myself and be a ‘dummy’ forever!” When Jiraiya looks at him, surprised, Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “Like Serena, I always believe that there is good in everyone even someone like that asshole, Sasuke-teme. And if you won’t train me, then I’m finds someone else to do it! I’m sure that there are plenty of people in the village that would have the honor of training the son of the Fourth Hokage.”

Jiraiya says, with a sigh and smile, “Okay, gaki, you win. If I leave you alone to your training, you might mess up and maybe use that Rinnegan to put a crater in this village of ours. To try to stop you would be like to make the sun not shine and that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Oh, well! So, get ready, gaki! When I’m ready to start on our training journey, you had better be packed and ready to put yourself into training like never before!”

There are plenty of surprised looks and Ayane asks, curiously, “Naruto is leaving the Leaf Village?”

Jiraiya tells Ayane, “Don’t worry, cutie! He’ll be fine with me! Anyway, if Naruto is going to learn new jutsu, he is going to need to travel all about! I’ve also got permission from Hayabusa-sama to travel to his village as well and hopefully, the Mugen Tenshin clan will allow Naruto to learn their techniques too. This gaki is going to need a huge arsenal of skills and abilities! I also plan to take him into the outside world! If he is going to be a Signer, he is going to need to learn how to duel the way that you duel too. And the best way is to get experience from people beyond our Elemental Countries.”

Jaden says, with a smile, “I’m sure that we can teach him the ropes.”

Jiraiya tells Jaden, “I do not doubt your abilities, Jaden-san, but I think that different duelists with different dueling styles would allow him to learn to adapt to any deck and tactic.”

Alexis says, with a nod, “That’s a good point, Jay-kun.”

Jiraiya tells everyone, “Anyway, he and I aren’t going to leave right away. You see, I have some other stuff to take care of before he and I head out.” But then all six Signers groan in pain as their ‘Marks of the Dragon’ glow in unison and Jiraiya says, with a plain tone, “And it looks that’s a good thing.”

Serena says, groaning in pain, “My Mark of the Dragon… it’s like it is on fire…”

Davis says, groaning, “Wait, I remember… I remember this…!!”

Hinata gasps and she thinks, “This is when Naruto’s mother appeared during the invasion!”

Ayane thinks in her mind, worriedly, “Does this mean that…?”

Naruto says, lowly, “Mom…”

Jaden asks, curiously, “What did you say?”

Ken asks, plainly, “She’s here, huh?”

Naruto says, getting to his feet, “That’s right. I can tell. It’s her. I need to find her right away or this village is rubble.”

Davis tells Naruto, “Whoa, bro! Are you sure you should be getting back on your feet?”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “Don’t worry, Davis! I’m a quicker healer. At least that fuzz ball in me is good for something!”

Kyuubi yells out, annoyed, “I heard that brat!”

Naruto retorts, plainly while giving a ‘mental one-finger salute’, “Like I care, fox!” As Kyuubi snorts about ‘rotten gaki’ and such, Naruto looks around for his clothes, his duel disk, and dueling deck.

Sora asks, curiously, “Do you think that it is okay to let him do this?”

Jiraiya says, with a grin, “Don’t bother on stopping the gaki! When he gets his mind set on something, he is going to do it!”

Tai says, with a grin, “I know that feeling!”

Matt tells Tai, with a grin, “You should, Tai!”

Tai gives an annoyed look while Naruto finds his deck, duel disk, and his clothes, which are a copy of his original jumpsuit, in which Hinata tells Naruto, “Naruto-kun, before you go to face your mother.” Naruto looks at Hinata and she gives him a card.”

When Naruto looks at it, he says, surprised, “Hinata-chan, this is…”

Hinata says, with a nod, “I love you, Naruto-kun. And this is my support to you.”

Naruto tells Hinata, with a foxy grin, “Thanks, Hinata-chan. Don’t worry, I’ll bring it back after I win! Believe it!”

Ayane says, giving Naruto another card, “And to make sure of that, Naruto! You are going to take this card!” Naruto takes the card and his eyes widen when he sees it, but then Davis and Ryu each give him a card in which Serena gives him two cards.

Ryu tells Naruto, “Remember, Naruto, our bonds are our strongest bonds and we do everything together even through we are not together physically.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “I remember, Ryu. Believe it.” When we look in Naruto’s hands, we find him with Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000), Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800), Stardust Dragon (2500/2000), Black-Winged Dragon (2800/1600), Power Tool Dragon (2300/2500), and Life Stream Dragon (2900/2400).

Just then a loud explosion is heard and everyone possible looks out the window to see dark violet flames coming from deep within the village, building are crumbling, and Jiraiya says, “That’s your mom all right. Like you, she always had a fiery temper.”

Yolei asks, “Is this really a time for bad jokes?” Jiraiya sweatdrops at this, but he quickly regains his composer.

Naruto tells Ryu and Ayane, “There is one more thing. I want to borrow one of your Duel Boards.”

Ryu asks, a bit surprised, “Why, Naruto? You can barely ride it now. Do you really want to risk a Turbo Duel? It will make the Shadow Game much more dangerous.”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “I’m sure that it won’t be that hard. I already got my own Turbo Deck ready, right? I’m sure that it will be a breeze.”

Davis tells Naruto, “Dude, there is a great difference between regular duels and Turbo Dueling in which it is more than playing a different type of speed card and dueling while riding something similar to a motorized skateboard or motorcycle, Naruto.”

Ryu tells Naruto, “Turbo Duels are a whole other level of dueling.”

Jiraiya tells Naruto, “For once, Naruto, you might want to listen to them.”

Naruto tells Jiraiya, “I know, Pervy Sage, but if I’m going to fight as a Signer, I’m going to need ‘battlefield experience’. Believe it. This is a better time than any.”

Ayane is preparing to argue, but Jiraiya tells her, “Don’t even try, Lady Ayane.”

Ayane thinks in her mind, concerned, “Naruto, I hope that you know what you are doing through I really doubt it at this point.”

(A short time soon after; Deep within the Leaf Village)

Deep within the Leaf Village, we find civilians running for their lives as Kushina Uzumaki rampages through the Leaf Village and while she hasn’t killed anyone yet, she has destroyed quite a few buildings in buildings and she has seriously injured quite a few people. At this moment, she has a group of civilians including several families trapped in a circle of dark flames.

One of the children, a young boy, asks, fearfully, “Mommy, who is this woman?”

Kushina replies, with a dark smirk, “Someone who had her child hurt by your mommies and daddies and it is too bad for you, you have to pay for your mommies’ and daddies’ bad behavior!”

The parents of the child gasp and one of them yells out, “Kushina-sama, don’t! I beg you!”

Kushina yells out, with a dark angered tone, “You beg! You fucking beg! What did you do when my son begged you? What did you and your fellow Leaf whores do when my Minato-kun on his deathbed begged for our son to be treated like a hero?! You spat in our faces! So, why should I give the same children the same consideration? It is as the saying goes: ‘The sins of the father are passed down to their sons’. You should have thought of this before you treated my son worse than trash! And now, as the scum you are, you are going to pay the price!”

Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “Kushina!” Everyone looks to see Tsunade, Sarutobi, and a group of ANBU including Neko leaping down onto the scene.

Kushina asks, a bit surprised, “Tsunade-sensei?”

Tsunade tells Kushina, “Personally, even after the Old Man told me, I still couldn’t believe it was you.”

Kushina replies, with a dark sneer, “Did he tell you that you were lied to about my boy?”

Tsunade tells Kushina, “You don’t have to worry about those civilian assholes. The Old Man got a bit of spine and took care of them already.”

Kushina says, with a dark scoff, “The Old Bastard should have grown a spine and took care of those whores and bats a long time ago!”

Sarutobi tells Kushina, “Kushina, I beg you not to do this. Destroying the village won’t take away the sins of what they have done to your child and dishonoring yours and Minato’s memory.”

Kushina says, with a dark snarl, “No, but it will make me feel better. And besides, this village is getting what it deserves!” Kushina draws her sword and she yells out, with a dark sneer, “I can’t allow their crimes to go unpunished! It is judgment day for this village and every single one of its backstabbing people!”

But then a familiar male voice calls out, “Mom, stop it!” Everyone then looks to see Naruto, with his duel disk that has his dueling deck inside and the rest of the Signers escorted by Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, Kasumi, and Haku assembled together in front of her.

Kushina says, her eyes widen, “Naruto…”

Naruto tells Kushina, “Mom, I’m just as pissed off at them. Not because of what they did to me, but how they spat in the face of yours and dad’s grave for not honoring his last wish that he made with his dying breath. I know that you and dad never wanted me to contain the Nine-Tailed Fox as I did and you wanted to lead a normal life, but my dad believed that I was meant for something greater. He believed that I would stop Madara and bring peace to the Elemental Countries.”

Kushina says, with a dark plain tone, “Minato-kun… was an idealist and that’s why I loved him. He loved me for my hair, which I didn’t like for a long time, in which I loved him. He had a wonderful heart and loved life, but he was… naïve. I once believed in his ideals, but now, I know that the only way that this land can ever be redeemed is that the majority of people are wiped out those who use people like you as weapons or scapegoats! I’ve seen the truth of the majority of the human heart and your dad was the only few exceptions to the rule like you are, Naruto! And now, it is time for them to pay for their crimes and wipe this wicked village off the map!”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “Then I have no choice mom. Doing this to the village won’t wipe away what they did to me and what they did to yours and dad’s memories! It just leaves you, dad, and our clans with a legacy of blood and that’s what I’m not going to do! I’m not going to let you do that! My dad is in the stomach of the Shimgami and I’m not going to let you add more pain to his spirit than he already has which most likely started on the day that he had to seal the fox into me and yours and his death! If you have any honor as a ninja and as a duelist, you will face me in a duel!”

When Naruto holds up his duel disk and Kushina sees the determination in his eye, she says, with a sigh, “I knew that it would come to this, Naruto. I knew it since I realized what I had become and learning what you are now.”

Naruto says, motioning for Ryu and Ayane to bring up something, “One thing, mom…” Just then Ryu brings up his Duel Board, Naruto gets on it, attached his duel disk to it, and puts on special helmet made in the form of a fox’s head, Naruto tells Kushina, “Mom, you’ll face me in a Turbo Duel!”

Kushina gives a look of surprise for a few moments and she says, with a smile, “Sorry, my boy, but my new ‘associates’ taught me the ways of a Turbo Duelist.” Kushina snaps her fingers and the same Duel Runner that Carly used as a Dark Signer in her Turbo Duel with Jack appears as the flames around her and trapped civilians in which she says, “You and I may be both be Rookies, but I had more training as a Turbo Duelist.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, nervously, “I was afraid of that.”

Kushina gets into her Duel Runner and she says, putting her deck into her Wrist Dealer of her Duel Runner, “I know that there are at least a few good people and only for them, I will take this duel away from the village.” Her ‘dark mark’ glows in which dark violet flames taking the form of the Nazca Hummingbird in the sky above the Leaf Village and some distance away in which a path of dark light and flames forms in front of everyone.

Ryu tells Naruto, “Good luck, Naruto.”

Davis tells Naruto, with a grin, “You are going to need it, Naruto, but remember, all of us are here with you.”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “Thanks, everyone.”

Hinata tells Naruto, “Be careful, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto tells Hinata, with a warm smile, “I will, Hinata-chan.” Naruto kisses Hinata on the cheeks causing her to blush in which Kushina gives a warm smile not filled with any darkness.

Kushina asks Naruto, with a dark smile, “Ready, Naruto?”

Naruto replies, “Ready as I will ever be.” Soon enough, the two of them race off and up to their special dueling friend in which Tsunade wants to reach out to stop them, but Jiraiya, who seemly comes out of nowhere, puts his hand on her right shoulder in which he shakes his head when she looks at him.

As the two of them race up, Sakura, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Temari, Kankuro, Gaara, Tenten, and Ino then appear and Tenten asks, perplexed, “What’s going on here?”

Gaara says, looking up, “My Biju was right. A Dark Signer is here. It can sense the power of the Netherworld.”

Sakura asks the other Signer, “Is it… Naruto’s mom?”

Davis replies, “The one and only.”

Temari asks, stunned, “You mean that Dark Signer is the Namikaze’s own mom?”

Ryu says, with a nod, “She has been revived as a Dark Signer and she wants to take revenge on the village for what it did to Naruto since the Nine-Tailed Fox was sealed him.”

Kankuro whistles and he says, “And I thought that I’ve heard everything, but this is beyond shocking.”

Gaara says, plainly, “The Namikaze faces his ultimate test now.”

Jiraiya asks Gaara, “By the way, Gaara, how is your new seal working?”

Gaara says, with a nod, “Very well, Jiraiya-sama. Your assistance and aid was most appreciated. I owe much to you… and to the Namikaze.”

Shikamaru says, with a sigh, “What a drag. Just out of that failure of a mission and now, he has to fight another life or death battle.”

Sakura thinks in her mind, concerned, “Naruto…”

Hinata thinks in her mind, in a concerned tone, “Be careful, Naruto-kun.”

Ayane thinks in her mind, “Naruto, come back to us.” With Kushina and Naruto, Kushina’s Duel Runner switches to Duel Mode while a hologram of a Speed World 2 Field Spell appears in the Field Spell slot of Naruto’s Duel Disk, their life-point counters display 4000 life-points each, and their decks are shuffled in which both of them draw five cards from their decks as their duel begins.

“Let’s ride!” Naruto and Kushina yell out in unison as their Turbo Duel begins.

Starting Scores:
Naruto: 4000
Kushina: 4000

Kushina says, drawing a card, “Are you ready, my boy? It’s my turn!” As Kushina prepares for her first move, the Leaf Village looks up as plenty of them know that the future of their village right now rides on the person that most of them inflicted unjustified pain for so many years…

Next time in Chapter 25:

Naruto: Oh, man! This is it! My mom and I are going all out in this Shadow Duel! But while she has that wicked Earthbound Immortal, I have the six of my fellow Signers’ dragons in my deck now!

Kushina: Soon, Naruto, you shall be at my side where you belong and this village shall burn for its crimes!

Naruto: Sorry, mom, not going to happen!

Davis: Oh, man! She brought out that Earthbound Immortal already!

Joe: Tell me when it is over!

Serena: I wish… there was something that I can do to help Naruto-san.

Hinata (concerned): Naruto-kun…

Ryu: Hey, what’s happening with the Dragon’s Orb?

Naruto: Mom? What’s going on here?

Tsunade: With that over and done with, there is a new mission that I wish to assign you.

Sakura (surprised): Serena’s talking cat just gave us the location of one of Orochimaru’s bases in the Land of Rice Fields?

Luna: Trust me, it wasn’t easy.

Serena: I’m going with you, Naruto. My friends, the Sailor Scouts, might be there and they may need my help.”

Ayane: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: Deadly Wings and Snake’s Nest

Serena (stunned): Girls? Is that you?

And that puts an end to my Sasuke Retrieval Arc of my story and I’m sorry for those of you that wanted Sasuke to die or be dragged to the Leaf Village, but I have something ‘bigger’ in my mind for him. Hopefully, my ‘punishment’ for Sasuke that you saw in this chapter was enough for him and you must be wondering: Will that ‘future’ you just read come true? That’s something that you are going to have to wait and see because that won’t be until the sequel to this story! However, there are going to be plenty of surprises in this story including a twist that you might not expect me to do, but you are going to have to wait awhile to see it, folks! Later and best wishes, Naruto, Dueling, and Crossover Fans!
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