Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ A Raging Uchiha Catastrophe ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Here is the next chapter and I have to say that so far, I will have Hinata and Ayane, one of my OC main characters, being paired off with Naruto. I’m not sure if I’m going to have anyone else, but if I do, it will be four people at most. However, I will tell you this: Sasuke will NOT be paired with Sakura! While Sakura has become a better person even with her ‘quirks’ in Part II/Naruto Shippuden, I feel that Sasuke has gotten worse and while he won’t going the path of the villain in my story, not exactly anyway, he and Sakura can’t compare even with Sakura’s lingering feelings for him. If anything, Sakura will go with Naruto and I’m sorry anti-Sakura fans, but Sakura will have a ‘positive light’ as much as possible in this story.

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds/Zexal, Naruto, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series are owned/licensed by Tomonobu Itagaki and Tecmo, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 32: A Raging Uchiha Catastrophe

Within one of Orochimaru’s hideouts, we find one Sasuke Uchiha walking down a hallway and enter a room in which he looks to see Sailor Charon in that room.

Sailor Charon tells Sasuke, “I see that you took my suggestion.”

Sasuke replies, plainly, “You had a point, but that doesn’t mean that I believe your ‘sage prediction’, woman.”

Sailor Charon replies, plainly, “You’re funeral and I mean that literally, Sasuke Uchiha.”

Sasuke tells Sailor Charon, “You are really starting to annoy me.”

Sailor Charon tells Sasuke, “Whatever, Uchiha. However, even as we speak, my power and skills continue to grow. Unlike you, I am no fool.” Sailor Charon tells Sasuke, “However, I can see that you are starting to make a few wise moves.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “She is annoying like Sakura, but I’m glad that she isn’t like those pathetic fan girls in a way.”

Sailor Charon tells Sasuke, “Why would she be with someone like Orochimaru if she cared about looks? It is because he has such a powerful and dominating chakra that she remains with him.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “That’s why she is more… tolerable.”

Sailor Charon asks, with a plain tone, “Why do you care about a girl liking you for your chakra instead of your looks?” Sasuke doesn’t answer and he continues into the room in which Sailor Charon vanishes into a portal.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, plainly, “When the time is right, I will defeat you and then I know I will be powerful enough to destroy Itachi and finally defeat HIM.”

(Back within the Leaf Village; Later on)

Within the Leaf Village, we find Sakura in a hospital bed as Tsunade and Shizune along with Ryu, Ayane, Serena, Rei, Lita, Haku, and Naruto, who had just come back from his mission with Team Gai, in which the others in the room explained what happened while he was gone.

Naruto says, with a sigh, “And I thought that Raiga guy was a real handful.”

Ayane tells Naruto, “It sounds like that you had one heck of a time with this Raiga guy, Naruto. A guy that can bring lightning with two swords isn’t a pushover.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “No joke, Ayane.”

Serena asks Tsunade, “Lady Tsunade, will she be okay?”

Tsunade says, looking over papers, “She is okay physically…”

Ryu asks, curiously, “But?”

Shizune says, with a plain tone, “After we examined some samples that we took from her from DNA samples from before this incident, we noticed little ‘changes’.”

Haku asks, curiously, “Changes?”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “I don’t like the sound of this.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “It seems like the two ‘Duel Spirits’ or this crystal seems to have ‘activated’ genes in her DNA that have been dormant.”

Rei says, with a plain tone, “I really don’t know about this crystal, but it isn’t producing any negative energy from it.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “Regardless, we should get it off, but the thing shocked me and Shizune when we touched it. And since you have your own ‘magic crystal’, Lady Serena…”

Serena says, with a plain tone, “You think that I could get it off, Lady Tsunade.”

Shizune tells Serena, “We aren’t implying anything Lady Serena…”

Serena says, with a plain tone, “I’ll try, Shizune-san.” Serena then goes over to the crystal around Sakura’s neck and puts her hand, but she yelps as energy comes off the crystal and forces her back.

Lita says, shocked, “Serena!”

Serena says, shaking her head, “I’m okay, but I’m just surprised.”

Rei says, with a plain tone, “Something tells me that Sakura-san is the only one that can take off that crystal.”

Naruto asks Ryu, “What about that strange card that you found on Sakura?”

Ryu tells Naruto in reply, “We decided to get Davis’ friend, Izzy, to hack into Industrial Illusions and see if they have any information on these ‘Exceed’ monster cards.”

Ayane says, plainly, “They kind of look like Dark Synchro Monsters, but they have black and gold stars while Dark Synchro Monsters have dark blue stars to show their negative level in which this card’s stars are on the left side of the card where with other cards, the stars are on their right.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “And that’s just one part of it. And by the looks like it, it is kind of like Synchro Monster cards, but the ‘Material Monsters’ are two level three monsters and that’s it.”

Rei says, with a plain tone, “And there is a strange energy in it, but it isn’t evil through I’m not sure that it is good either.”

Haku asks Tsunade, “But what about these ‘genes’ that you talked about?”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “It seems like dormant genes in Sakura’s DNA have become activated and we can’t be sure what this will do to her yet.”

Ayane says, with a sigh, “I know that Sakura-san pissed me off, but I didn’t want her to constantly go through stuff like this. In my mind, she has gone through enough and enough is enough.”

Haku tells Ayane, “We know, Lady Ayane.”

Shizune asks Tsunade, “Lady Tsunade, what should we do?”

Tsunade tells Shizune, “All we can do is motion her and wait until she wakes up to remove that jewel around her neck.”

Serena says, with a plain tone, “I think that it is best that I continue my training, Lady Tsunade.”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “Good idea. Shizune can take care of Sakura until she wakes up.” Tsunade asks Serena, “However, Lady Serena, you seemed interested in her crystal.”

Serena says, with a plain tone, “It is reacting lightly to my Silver Crystal. It is possible that her crystal comes from the Silver Millennium.”

There are plenty of people looking at Serena and Ryu asks Serena, “Are you Serena?”

Serena says, with a nod, “And the crystal seems familiar to me too. My crystal was the most powerful item in the universe, but it isn’t the only powerful crystal. I remember that recently after my battles with Chaos.”

Rei asks Serena, curiously, “Hey, Meatball Head, why didn’t you tell us that you remember stuff from your past life?”

Serena replies, “I didn’t remember much, Pyro.”

Ayane tells Naruto, a sight blush forming on her cheeks, “Naruto?”

Naruto asks Ayane, curiously, “Yeah, Ayane?”

Ayane tells Naruto, trying her best to hide her blush, “Do you mind if I talk to you… in private?”

Naruto gets a perplexed look and he then thinks, remembering that time with Hinata and Ayane, both fully clothed in night time clothing, “I think that I know what Ayane-chan wants to talk about.” Naruto tells Ayane, with a smile, “Sure, Ayane.” As Naruto and Ayane head out of the hospital, Tsunade had a feeling about what those two are going to discuss with Ryu having a ‘weary eye’ on the two of them.

(A short time soon after; just outside of the hospital)

Soon enough, we find Ayane and Naruto walking out of the hospital and Ayane has a bit of a nervous look on her face with Naruto having a somewhat confused look on his face through he has an idea what Ayane wants to talk about.

Ayane tells Naruto, blushing, “Naruto-kun, Hinata-chan told that you… heard me talking in my sleep on THAT night, right?”

Naruto replies, blushing himself, “Yeah, we were about to go to sleep and both of us heard you… talking, Ayane-chan.”

Ayane tells Naruto, blushing, “So, you know?”

Naruto tells Ayane, “Yeah, I do. Ayane-chan, I…” However, Naruto sees the love for him in Ayane’s eyes and before he could say or do anything, Ayane embraces him and kisses him right on the lips. Naruto’s eyes widen, but then he feels a warm ‘feeling’ like he gets with Hinata and he can’t help to return the kiss through he stops awhile later.

Ayane tells Naruto, with a blush, “I’m sorry, Naruto-kun. I couldn’t… I didn’t say anything before because you and Hinata and where we grow up, we don’t allow anything other than one-on-one marriages.”

Naruto replies, with a nervous blush, “I understand, Ayane-chan… I’m not really sure about this myself. I love Hinata-chan and I know that because of my Rinnegan and being the last of my dad’s clan, but I don’t…”

Ayane tells Naruto, with a warm smile, “I know that you don’t want to hurt either of us, Naruto-kun. And that’s why I… I… That and the way that you told Sasuke off to defend me…”

Naruto replies, nervously, “It was nothing, Ayane-chan. You are precious to me…”

Ayane tells Naruto, with love in her eyes, “You are precious to me, too, Naruto-kun. After losing mom, dad, and my family, you’re… the most precious thing in my life other than my bro. If I lost you…”

Naruto tells Ayane, with a smile, “Same here, Ayane-chan. You and your bro helped me a lot too.” Naruto tells Ayane, a bit nervously, “Maybe… we should talk to Hinata-chan first.”

Ayane nods her head and she thinks, “I don’t think that Hinata will mind too much.” Soon enough, Naruto and Ayane head out, but what they don’t know is that a certain white haired Sannin is watching them with a grin on his lips.

Jiraiya thinks in his mind, slyly, “That’s it, my boy. This shall be the perfect idea for my next book with the heroines fall for their fellow male hero.”

Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “And what do you think that you are doing Pervy Sage?” Jiraiya yelps and turns to see Kushina looking at him with the ‘protective mother’ mode in her expression.

Jiraiya says, nervously, “Hi, Kushina.”

Kushina tells Jiraiya, with a sickly sweet tone in her voice, “Were you spying on my son Pervy Sage?”

Jiraiya replies, nervously, “Why would you say that Kushina?”

Kushina tells Jiraiya, with a sinister smile, “I think that it is time that I showed why Tsunade-sensei liked me the best.” Jiraiya sweatdrop knowing that he was in a world of hurt and his yelp is heard throughout the Leaf Village in which Naruto can only mentally sign since he knew who that yelp came from and why.

(Elsewhere in the Leaf Village; Later on that day)

Right now, we find Alexis Rhodes, taking a break from her classes today, walking in a section of the Leaf Village behind its new Duel Academy in which she sighs in relief knowing that Kari Kamiya is going to be okay.

Alexis says, with a plain tone, “It is just like the good old days back at our Duel Academy. Freaky enemies and plots to destroy or take over the universe.” Alexis gives a sigh and she thinks in her mind, “It makes me wonder about Chazz, Jasmine, Mindy, Aster, and my brother most of all. Did they live full lives? Do they have kids now? And grandkids?” Alexis then sees some kind of mysterious flowers in which they have seven petals with them being pink the center and red around the edges. Alexis says, curiously, “That’s a weird flower.” Alexis then takes a deep whiff of the flower and she finds a strange sweet yet musty scent from the flower, but then she starts to feel a bit woozy. Alexis says, woozily, “Oh, man. I must have some kind of reaction…” However, she doesn’t get to finish as the strange pollen comes from the flower and lands on her skim seemly absorbing into her skin instantly in which very vivid images like seeing on television of her having very explicit love making. Alexis’ mind, now quite foggy, can’t explain why these images are coming up and just then the wind picks up and more pollen is absorbed into her skin in which those images dominate her mind. Her cheeks become flush with excitement and she rubs her legs as a great wetness is coming from them. Alexis says, in a sultry tone that’s just not like her, “Jay-kun…” Alexis then picks up the flower and with her cheeks flush and her eyes, expression, and mind dominated by desire and passion heads back to the Academy.

(At the Namikaze compound; around the same time)

Back in the Namikaze compound grounds, we find Naruto, Hinata, and Ayane together with all three of them lying under the shade of a tree with Hinata on his right and Ayane on his left in which both girls are gently rubbing his chest. Ayane and Naruto went over to Hinata and all three of them had a talk which ended up like this.

Naruto tells Ayane, kindly, “Ayane-chan, are you sure about this?”

Ayane says, with a nod, “I am, Naruto-kun. If it makes you uncomfortable, then I will ‘back out’, but I do want to be with you.”

Hinata tells Naruto, with a kind and loving tone, “I know that you don’t want to hurt me, Naruto-kun. And it warms my heart that you care about me so much, but you deserve so much love after being denied it for so long, Naruto-kun. And I feel that your heart is so big that we can have a place in and more, Naruto-kun. When you are happy, Naruto-kun, so am I.” Hinata moves in to kiss Naruto and Ayane does the same in which they are locked into a three way passionate kiss in which all three of them can’t help to enjoy as a warm feeling comes over their hearts. Their kissing becomes more passionate and intense in which they enjoy the taste of each other’s mouths and saliva. They bring each other in a deep hug as they continue the kiss, breaking it only for air.

When they break the kiss, Hinata and Ayane say in unison, “We love you, Naruto-kun.” The two female Signers snuggle on the chest and neck of our blond ninja Signer and he can’t help to enjoy as he wraps his arms around them.

(Back within Orochimaru’s hidden bases; on the meanwhile)

Inside of Orochimaru’s bases, we find said Snake Sannin and his number one assistant, Kabuto, walking some kind of cloning facility similar to the ones seen on Dead or Alive series.

Orochimaru says, with a sinister smile, “Excellent, we have learned much about the excellent cloning technologies of the outside world.”

Kabuto says, with a grin, “Indeed, Orochimaru-sama.”

Orochimaru asks Kabuto, “Has the examination of Sasuke’s clothing when he fought the Namikaze been successful?”

Kabuto says, with a sinister smile, “There has been sufficient DNA found when Sasuke injured Naruto in their battle before he used his enhanced healing to restore the damage. With this type of cloning technology, more than enough Orochimaru-sama.”

Orochimaru says, with a sinister smile, “Excellent, Kabuto. And with the sample from Sasuke, I’m almost tempted to not use him. However, in order to have the fullest potential of a body, you need to condition it a certain way and then some which can’t be achieved by cloning alone. So, Sasuke should be glad that he has the chance to become powerful.”

Kabuto says, with a nod, “I agree, Orochimaru-sama.”

Orochimaru tells Kabuto, “However, one must make sure that one has a backup plan. Is the first project on schedule?”

Kabuto tells Orochimaru, with a nod, “Indeed, Orochimaru-sama.”

Orochimaru tells Kabuto, with a sly smile, “Good, Kabuto. We should also prepare our plans to gain the power of the Crimson Dragon as well. The current Signers are proving more trouble than they are worth and we need to use an alternative method to get it.”

Kabuto tells Orochimaru, “You know that by doing this, you are making it that Signers will need to earn their ‘Marks of the Dragons’ and if they succeed, they will have the power of the Crimson Dragon once and for all.”

Orochimaru says, with a sinister smile, “You sound as if I need all six ‘Marks of the Dragon’. One of them will be enough, Kabuto. Getting all six shall be a pain, but taping into that power is all that I need to gain what I desire.”

Kabuto asks, surprised, “Really, Orochimaru-sama?”

Orochimaru tells Kabuto, “Yes, Kabuto. However, I think that we will need to choose who we shall return from the world beyond in order for the best chance for success and I know the two to start, my dear Kabuto.”

Kabuto tells Orochimaru, with a grin, “Interesting, Orochimaru-sama.”

(Back in the Leaf Village; Later on)

Returning to the Leaf Village, we find Ryu and Ayane in the middle of their training with Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, Kasumi, Momiji, and Rachel assembled together.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Soon after, Ayane uses the classic Uchiha jutsu as their ‘right of passage’ into manhood and creates a good sized fireball through nowhere the level that Sasuke did before, but it was a pretty strong one.

Momiji tells Ayane, “Very good, Ayane. You would rival many Uchiha in using their jutsu that they use as their right of passage to manhood.”

Rachel says, with a grin, “It is nice of them to leave scrolls of their jutsu around through I’m surprised that they have any original techniques since they are a bad of technique stealing thieves.”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone, “Probably stole them from another clan which they wiped out to make sure that these jutsu weren’t connected to them and made it their own. Wouldn’t put anything by this thieving clan.”

Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!

Ryu then creates a strong gust of wind that blows around some stuff and unearths some rocks in the ground, but doesn’t do any major damage like when Orochimaru used this jutsu against Team 7 during the Forest of Death in the Chunin Exams.

Ninja Ryu tells male Fudo twin, “Good work, Ryu. You have done well using this jutsu.”

Ryu tells Ninja Ryu, “Thank you, Hayabusa-sensei.”

Kasumi asks, curiously, “It is a bit weird that their nature chakra is the same as the Attribute of their Signer dragons. Black Rose Dragon is fire and Stardust Dragon is wind. Do you think that the Crimson Dragon had anything to do with their chakra natures?”

Ninja Ryu tells Kasumi, “It might be possible, Kasumi. Serena’s Crystal Release has Earth Release in it in which she has gotten some Earth Release jutsu down so well. But there is no Light style jutsu.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “Is there some kind of Darkness Style jutsu?”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone and a nod, “There is. It is one of the sub-elements like the Ice Release and Wood Release.”

Ryu asks, curiously, “By the way, what is Davis’ chakra nature?”

Ninja Ayane replies, plainly, “Like Naruto-sama, all of them.”

Ayane asks, surprised, “Davis has all five main chakra natures like Naruto?”

Kasumi says, with a nod, “His special bloodline grants him this gift and for a good reason, Ayane-sama.”

Ryu asks, curiously, “What is his bloodline?”

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “I’m curious about that myself, Ryu.”

Momiji replies, plainly, “It is known as ‘Assimilation’ in which it is the ability to gain other Kekkai Genkai, Rachel-san.”

There are some wide eyes and Ayane asks, amazed, “Are you sure?”

Ninja Ayane replies, “Rare bloodline. Motomiya-sama might be the last holder of that bloodline and probably a descendant of the Six Path Sage. There is a theory that Six Path Sage also had daughters as well as sons in which it is possible the Uzumaki and Motomiya-sama’s clan are descended from.”

Ryu says, plainly, “That might explain Naruto’s Rinnegan. It might be an atavism in which genetic trait from a distance ancestor appearance in a person.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “We believe that there are only a selective few that will activate the gene from the few that get the gene for the Rinnegan, probably due to the ‘interference’ of the Jubi sealed within the Six Path Sage. Based on what we know now, the older child would have gotten the Rinnegan, but due to the Jubi…”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone, “It created that thieving dojutsu: The Sharingan.”

Momiji says, with a plain tone, “However, we have confirmed that Naruto’s Rinnegan will be passed down to his children.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad news for Naruto with people wanting to use him for their own gain.”

Ayane says, with a stern tone, “As long as we are around, they won’t.”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone, “With the respect that the Signers have especially those in the leadership of the nations of the Elemental Countries, they won’t even try. It is those elements that wish to use the Crimson Dragon for their own gain that we need to worry about.”

Ryu and Ayane their heads in agreement and Ryu asks Ayane, “Where is Naruto at this time?”

Ayane tells Ryu, “He is practicing with Davis to use our Duel Boards, but even through Sherry-san, Kalin, and Leon are completing our training to use our parents’ Duel Runners, I think that Naruto, Hinata, Davis, and Serena should have Duel Boards of their own.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “That’s a good thing to consider and Trudge and Mina brought in stuff belonging to our parents while they were here including parts that I could use.”

Ayane says, excitedly, “That’s great, bro! I’m sure that the others will like it, Ryu!”

Kasumi says, with a smile, “That’s good to help your fellow Signers and all, but you need to finish your training today.” The Fudo twins nod their heads as they prepare to continue their training to learn the ninja arts.

(At the former Uchiha compound; during this time)

Inside of the Uchiha compound, we find Kushina with Neko looking around Sasuke’s former home within the Leaf Village looking for any clues about the Uchiha massacre which they are finding nothing so far.

Neko tells Kushina, “Kushina-sama, I’m sorry, but I don’t think that we will find anything around here.”

Kushina tells Neko, “Don’t be sorry, Yugao-chan. Personally, I’m starting to think the same thing.” Soon enough, the two of them explore Fugaku’s bedroom in which they look around and Kushina ‘senses’ something at a bookshelf.

Neko asks Kushina, “What is it, Kushina-sama?”

Kushina says, curiously, “I don’t know, but the aura is very faint and this bookcase, it looks different from the time that I was here with Mikoto visiting her bastard husband, Fugaku.” Kushina then moves the bookcase, but nothing looks out of order expect she looks down at the corner in which she puts her hand over an area in which she focuses her chakra into her hand to reveal some kind of seal.

Neko asks, surprised, “A sealing jutsu?”

Kushina says, with a nod, “Something was sealed here and made up in a way to prevent anyone from detecting it.”

Neko asks Kushina, “How did you detect it?”

Kushina says, with a plain tone, “You know what’s chakra still inside of me, Yugao-chan. I think that by gaining some control over it with the new seal has given him the same sensor ability as my boy through much weaker. I can sense Fugaku’s nasty chakra.”

Neko says, with a nod, “I see, Kushina-sama.”

Kushina says, with a plain tone, “It looks like a blood seal and make sure that only an Uchiha can unlock this seal.”

Neko asks Kushina, “How do we open it?”

Kushina says, with a smirk, “I’ve got some Uchiha blood to spare, Yugao-chan. Let’s just say that I kept it as reminder to Uchiha not to piss me off.” Yugao couldn’t help to shudder at what happened to make her former teacher say that.

(That evening; Elsewhere in the Elemental Countries)

Within a good sized city within the Land of Fire, we find people walking through the streets of the city for the ‘night life’ of this city and then there was a scream in which the people look to see one person’s shadow extends and a shadowy creature appearing from it with a hooks for hands in which the person is frozen in fear as the shadow creature heads towards the person. The person then screams and runs away in fear, but the creature still remains and the crowd starts to run away in fear. Some distance away is three figures on Duel Runners and when we get a closer look, we find that it is none other than Team Catastrophe with sinister smiles on their faces.

Hans says, excitedly, “These primitive peons can’t tell the difference between a hologram and a real monster.”

Nicolas says, with a smile, “This is nice and all, but we need to remember our true objective.”

Herman says, with a grin, “I know that this is rotten and all, but a chance for world league sponsorship? This is a chance of a life-time.”

Nicolas says, with a grin, “With Jack Atlas in the ground and all of Team 5Ds murdered, the only ones that can stand in the way is those two brats. Nothing personal, but they have to go down.” The three members of this sinister team give wicked smiles in which those people that are their goal have plenty to fear.

(The following morning; Back in the Leaf Village)

Inside of the Hokage’s office, we find Tsunade sitting in her desk having a drink while a few Shadow Clones are taking care of the paperwork in which Shizune and Sarutobi walk into the room.

Shizune tells Tsunade, in a stern manner, “Lady Tsunade, I hope that you aren’t having sake while working.”

Tsunade says, with a sigh, “Shizune, my Shadow Clones are taking care of the work.” Tsunade says, with a smile, “You know, I have got to thank my godson gaki for figuring out the secret of defeating this stuff.”

Sarutobi says, with a smile, “Indeed, Tsunade. Out of all of us, Hokages, only one of us have discovered the secret and it took the son of that Hokage to give it to us.”

Tsunade says, with a sigh, “You’ve got a point, Sarutobi-sensei.”

Shizune sighs and she says, “Lady Tsunade, we have got new reports of unusual doings from a city nearby.”

Tsunade asks, curiously, “Unusual doings?”

Shizune says, with a plain tone, “Citizens at the city have reported seeing a ‘monster’ coming out of the shadows and this is just one or two people, my lady. A whole crowd of two dozen or more saw this ‘monster’ comes out of the shadows in the ground.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “Same story by so many people, huh? I think that this is some kind of prank by someone, but we’ll look into it.”

Sarutobi asks Tsunade, “Tsunade, do you have any ideas about the ‘Biju cards’?”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, with a sigh, “Not much, Old Man. Even with all of the information, we are bordering at zero here.”

Shizune tells Tsunade, “Maybe we should focus on the Uzumaki clan information that Kushina-sama gave us since… you know?”

Tsunade asks, curiously, “You haven’t gotten to that information yet?”

Shizune replies, nervously, “I’ll… get to it right away, Lady Tsunade.” As Shizune heads off into the distance, Tsunade gives a sigh as Sarutobi looks at her with a concerned look.

Sarutobi asks Tsunade, “You fear that Sayer or even the Akatsuki might use the sinister chakra for whatever their plans are?”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “That’s just one of my worries, Old Man. There is also Orochimaru. I also researched something and I believe that he hears my granduncle’s forbidden jutsu.”

Sarutobi asks, surprised, “You mean…?”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “That’s right, Sarutobi-sensei. Orochimaru has the Summoning Jutsu: Impure World Resurrection and he planned to use against you, but due to our Signer friends, he didn’t get the chance and Kushina’s attack when she was a Dark Signer aided in that.”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “I see where you are getting at. Orochimaru may plan to use that jutsu to revive the murdered Signers and gain the Crimson Dragon’s power through them.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “I talked with Hayabusa-dono about this and he feels that by that time, our current Signers will have gained the Crimson Dragon’s ‘respect’, but this will lead into a ‘challenge’ and both groups of Signers will fight to see who are truly worthy of its power.”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “I see, Tsunade. I hope that they will be ready when it is time.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “I agree Old Man.”

(At Leaf Village’s Duel Academy; later on that same day)

At Leaf Village’s Duel Academy, we find ourselves at what looks like a Duel Runner field in which we find Ayane wearing a modified version of her mother’s Duel Runner outfit and helmet training on Bloody Kiss, Akiza’s Duel Runner, with Sherry riding beside her in which Ryu managed to modify Bloody Kiss to be handled by someone of Ayane’s age. Her riding is quite shaky, but she is handling the Duel Runner quite good.

Sherry tells Ayane, “Very good, mon cher Ayane.”
Ayane tells Sherry, with a smile, “Thank you, Sherry-san. But this isn’t… easy.”

Sherry tells Ayane, “Focus, Ayane. You must focus.” Ayane nods her head and on the meanwhile, we find Ryu, riding his dad’s Duel Runner, Turbo Dueling against Davis, who is riding on Ryu’s Duel Board in which Ryu has Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) and one face-down card with 2750 life-points with Davis having Elemental Hero Prisma (1700/1100) with a face-down card along with 2800 life-points in which it is his turn.

Davis says, drawing a card, “It’s my turn!” Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play Blackwing-Kochi the Daybreak in attack mode!” Soon after, Blackwing-Kochi the Daybreak (700/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. Davis yells out, “And now, I tune my Daybreak with my Prisma!” Just then Kochi the Daybreak turns into four stars that turn into four rings that surround Prisma making it become transparent before a column of light appears on the field. Davis takes out a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck and chants out, “Darkened gales, become the wings that soar from resolved hope! Synchro Summon!” Davis puts the card on his duel disk and yells out, “And now, let’s rock Black-Winged Dragon!” Out of the light, Black-Winged Dragon (2800/1600) appears on the field in attack mode.

Ryu says, pushing a button on his Duel Runner, “I play my Graceful Revival trap card!” Ryu’s face-down card is revealed to be the Graceful Revival trap card and he says, “Due to this trap card, I can revive one level one or two monster from my graveyard and I choose my Formula Synchron!” Just then Formula Synchron (200/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu then closes his eyes as the speed of his Duel Runner and after achieving Clear Mind, he yells out, “I tune my Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron, with my Synchro Monster, Stardust Dragon!” Formula Synchron then turns into two stars that fly out that become two massive circles which increase the Duel Runner’s speed incredibly and Ryu calls out, “Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro!” Ryu then holds up a blank card which stuff appears on the card before vanishing into a beam of light and Davis is looking for him.

Davis asks, stunned, “Where did his vanish to?” Just then a ripple appears behind him and Ryu, on Yusei Go, bursts out with a new monster above him.

Ryu calls out, “Let’s rev it up, Shooting Star Dragon!” After doing an aerial show, Shooting Star Dragon (3300/2500) appears above Ryu and his Duel Runner in attack mode.

At this moment, everyone has noticed this and Sherry says, with a plain tone, “Your brother has mastered your father’s power well, Ayane.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “My bro has been training to handle Clear Mind and Accel Synchro Summoning Shooting Star Dragon along with his ninja training.”

Nearby, we find Kalin and Leon with their Duel Runners as they watch what’s happening in which Kalin says, with a plain tone, “He has done real well in that training.”

Leon says, with a nod, “As my dad would say: Sweet!”

Soon after, Naruto and Hinata arrive on the scene and Naruto asks, curiously, “What’s happening?”

Leon says, with a smile, “Davis, Ayane, and Ryu are practicing Turbo Dueling in which Davis has borrowed Ryu’s Duel Board.”

Kalin says, with a plain tone, “However, I think that it is time for Davis to use Crow’s Duel Runner, Blackbird. He can only use a Duel Board for so long and he has mastered its use.”

Leon asks Naruto and Hinata, “So, what are you lovebirds doing?”

Naruto and Hinata blush and Hinata says, “We hoped to get some lessons. If we are going to be duelists, I think that we need to know all aspects of dueling.”

Ayane and Sherry pull up from their practice run and Ayane says, with a grin, “Why do you let me help, Hinata-chan? Ryu and I are planning to build you, Naruto, and Serena some personal Duel Boards.”

Naruto says, excitedly, “That’s awesome, Ayane.”

Leon asks, curiously, “Can you do that?”

Ayane says, with a grin, “Bro inherited dad’s technical genius and in all things technical and mechanical, he gets top grades. It will be easy for him to create custom made Duel Boards for you.”

Naruto yells out, excitedly, “That’s awesome, Ayane!” Naruto does his best to restrict from using ‘chan’ since all three of them agreed to keep their relationship a secret for now through they plan to tell Tsunade and Sarutobi out it later on.

Ayane gets off her Duel Runner, she gets her Duel Board that’s nearby, and she says, “I’ll show you some of the tricks and such to help you get a feel of the Duel Board.”

Hinata says, with a nod, “That’s good, Ayane.” Ayane attached to her Duel Disk to her Duel Board and after she is done, she heads off onto the practice course by herself on her Duel Board. She shows some tricks and such in order to show Naruto, who only has his Turbo Duel with his mom as experience in Turbo Dueling on a Duel Board, and Hinata about to handle a Duel Board, but nearly unseen is a shadow hook that comes out of the ground near the back wheel of Ayane’s Duel Board from the shadows in which Ayane cries as one of her Duel Board’s wheels locks causing her to lose control.

Everyone gasps and Naruto yells out, stunned, “Ayane-chan!” Ayane is then sent flying into the air causing her Duel Disk to disconnect in which she tries to reach her deck to summon a monster and use her Psychic Powers to make it catch her, but she doesn’t make it in which she slams into the ground causing her to bounce, hit the ground again, and roll a bit before coming to a stop in which Duel Board slams into a tree causing it to become seriously damaged.

Immediately, Davis and Ryu stop their duel immediately and Ryu calls out, horrified, “Ayane!” He immediately races off to get to his sister while Naruto and everyone else race to Ayane’s side. When everyone gets to the scene, Ryu immediately gets to his sister’s side and takes off her helmet showing that blood was coming down her forehead as well as she was unconscious from the impact.

An ANBU arrives on the scene and asks, stunned, “What just happened to Lady Ayane?”

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “Ayane-chan lost control of her Duel Board and she crashed real hard! Get Granny Tsunade or some kind of medical ninja here on the double!”

The ANBU says, with a nod, “Right away, Namikaze-sama!” He immediately races off to get help for Ayane.

Hinata asks, concerned, “Is Ayane okay?”

Sherry, Kalin, and Leon examine Ayane in which Leon says, “She is breathing fine, but she might have suffered a nasty concussion. We need to get her to the hospital as quickly as possible.” Soon enough, the group was moving quickly to get Ayane to the hospital and get treatment as quickly as possible, but nearby, we find a familiar face in Ninja Ryu witnessing the scene from the cover of the trees.

Ninja Ryu thinks in his mind, “That was no accident. Something causes Lady Ayane’s Duel Board to have one of its wheels lock up.”

(Later on; Inside of the hospital)

Inside of the Leaf Village hospital, we find Ayane, with a bandage covering the top of her scalp and forehead and the rest of her up to her neck covered in a blanket on a hospital bed, where we find the rest of the Signers, the Digidestined and their Digimon partners, Serena, Rei, Lita, Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura, who recently got of bed, but she is still stuck in the hospital until she is cleared to leave and return to her training.

Kari says, shocked, “How could this happen? This is horrible.”

Just then everyone hears a door open in which Tsunade and Shizune enter the room and Naruto asks, concerned, “Is Ayane going to be okay?”

Shizune says, with a sigh, “She suffered a nasty concussion, but hopefully, she will wake up okay. However, when she will wake up, we’re not sure.”

Sakura asks, curiously, “How could have this happened?”

Lita says, with an amazed tone, “That must have been some kind of nasty accident.”

Ryu says, with a laptop computer in his hand, “It wasn’t an accident.” When everyone looks at Ryu, he says, “I went over the data of what happened to Ayane’s Duel Runner. There is kind of a black box in it like in Duel Runners that are designed to survive and the data from her Duel Board says that her wheel locked like something jammed in it.”

Davis asks, stunned, “Whoa, that’s not possible! How can something get in the Duel Board’s wheel when we made sure that the track was designed not to do that?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I remember my dad telling about something like this. Yliaster gave this monster to a group who had criminal marks and was a team in WRGP. This card was no ordinary card. It was a ‘card of darkness’ in which it can come to life using Shadow powers within the card and they used it to lock the wheels of their opponents making them crash without any reason why. They did to Uncle Crow and my mom before their match with my family’s team: Team 5Ds.”

Matt asks, stunned, “You’re joking right?”

TK tells Matt, “I don’t think that they are joking.”

Izzy asks Ryu, “Is the data similar to that time?”

Ryu says, with a nod, “Exactly, Izzy-san.”

Just then Ninja Ryu appears in the room causing some people to yelp in shock and Yolei yells out, annoyed, “Do you ninja have to do that?”

Cody tells Yolei, “They wouldn’t be ninja if they didn’t know how to enter a place silently.”

Izzy says, with a plain tone, “True, Cody.”

Tai says, with a plain tone, “But this isn’t ‘enemy territory through.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Forgive me, everyone. However, I would like to tell you that I was watching what happened and I managed to notice something come out of Ayane’s shadow, but it was so quick that I doubt that you could see it.”

Ryu asks, curiously, “What was it?”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “A hook-like hand.”

Ryu says, his eyes narrowing, “I knew it. It is them. Team Catastrophe.”

Serena asks, curiously, “Who?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “That team with the criminal marks with that ‘card of darkness’ that I told you about which was a monster card known as Hidden Knight Hook. They did this kind of same thing to Uncle Crow and my mom putting her in the same state that Ayane is in now. Uncle Crow, even through he had a broken arm when they made him crash, dueled them and made sure that they couldn’t use that card when he beat their first member. The leader tried another ‘card of darkness’, a trap card, but Uncle Jack’s monster protected him and this ‘card of darkness’ effected him too because Yliaster was done with them at that point. Uncle Jack saved his life and this is how they repay it!”

Shizune says, with a plain tone, “Just sometime ago, we had reports of ‘attacks’ by a creature coming out of the shadows and he had hooks for hands.”

Ryu says, with a sigh, “I’m not surprised. They are criminals. I don’t think that Uncle Jack saving one of their numbers would make them change.”

Just then another ANBU comes into the room and he says, with a bow, “Lady Hokage, we have reports that three people wearing clothing from the area and having equipment like the honored Fudo twins use are a short distance away and heading away from the village.”

Naruto asks, seriously, “Did they have yellow markings on their faces?”

ANBU says, with a nod, “Yes, Namikaze-sama.” Without another word, Naruto then starts to head off in which everyone is looking at him in which plenty of them know what he is planning to do.

Tsunade asks, seriously, “Where do you think you are going brat?”

Naruto says, with a serious tone, “Where do you think Granny Tsunade? I’m going to make these jerks pay for what they did to Ayane and make sure that they hurting and terrorizing people.”

Ryu says, walking forward, “Same here, Naruto. They are just like bullies and unless someone stands up to them, they won’t stop. And personally, I think that they are after my sister and me since we are children of Yusei Fudo and Akiza, two of Neo Domino City’s heroes and legendary duelists, who defeated them in the WRGP.”

Davis says, with a plain tone, “I’ll go with you.”

Kari asks Davis, “Davis, are you sure?”

Davis says, with a plain tone, “When you attack one of us, you attack all of us, Kari.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Believe it!”

As the three Signers head out with Veemon following Davis, Shizune makes a move to stop them, but Tsunade tells Shizune, “Let them go, Shizune. We’re going to have let them handle it for now.”

Sakura thinks in her mind, concerned, “Naruto…”

Kari thinks in her mind, “Davis…”

Hinata thinks in her mind, “Naruto-kun…”

Tai says, with a sigh, “Same old Davis.”

Ken says, with a nod, “You know it, Tai.”

TK says, with a sigh, “I just hope that they will be okay.”

Serena thinks in her mind, “Be careful you three.”

(A good time afterwards; Some distance away from the Leaf Village)

Within a large path in a deep forest, we find the three members of Team Catastrophe laughing as they stop to take a breather from their escape from the Leaf Village after their ‘attack’ on Ayane which they used their ‘card of darkness’.

Herrmann says, with a sinister smile, “It looks like it is a repeat of history. We took care of her mom in the same way.”

Nicolas says, with a grin, “But this time there is nothing that they can do about it.”

Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “Oh, yeah!”

All three Team Catastrophe hear the voice and Hans asks, stunned, “Who is that?” They look in one direction to see a lot of kunai and shuriken in which they duck out of the way as the kunai and shuriken slam into two of their Duel Runners damaging them so serious that they are rendered useless they are repaired.

Nicolas yells out, shocked, “Our runners!”

The voice then yells out, “Be glad that it isn’t you asshole!” All three of them look to the source to see Naruto, with his duel disk attached to his left wrist, was above them in the tree branches.

Nicolas calls out, angrily, “Who do you think you are brat?!” Soon after, Yusei Go, Yusei’s/Ryu’s Duel Runner, appears with Ryu in it rides up and stop in front of them in which he takes off his helmet and exits his Duel Runner.

Ryu replies, “He is my friend… Team Catastrophe.”

Herrmann says, amazed, “You are Yusei Fudo’s brat.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “The name is Ryu Fudo and you have some nerve to do what you did to my sister.”

Herrmann asks, with a sly smirk, “So, what are you going to do about it?”

Davis’ voice booms, “Why don’t you look behind you?” All three members of Team Catastrophe look behind them and they gasp in shock as Davis, riding on Raidramon’s back, is behind them.

Hans asks, stunned, “Who or what is that?”

Raidramon replies, with a snarl, “Your worst nightmare scum!”

Herrmann calls out, “It can talk?!”

Davis tells them, “My good buddy, Raidramon, can do more than talk. Show them pal!”

Raidramon says, with a serious tone, “With pleasure, Davis!”

Thunder Blast!

Raidramon unleashes a blast of blue electric energy at a tree, destroying the trunk, and causing the rest of it to crash onto the ground causing Team Catastrophe to get nervous.

Naruto says, leaping down from the tree, “And I’m a trained ninja! Believe it!” Naruto then creates a Shadow Clone and with the Shadow Clone for help, he creates a familiar sphere of chakra.


Naruto slams the sphere of chakra into the tree, cutting through the tree trunk, and leaving a massive hole in the tree in which after three seconds, the rest of the tree collapses to the ground in front of them.

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I think that my two friends can give us enough muscle to take you down in a fight and let me tell you that I have a few tricks of my own since I’m getting similar training.”

Naruto says, bashing his fists together, “You have some nerve to do what you did and you are going to pay for it! Believe it jerks!” Team Catastrophe become a bit nervous since they just lost two of their Duel Runners and our three Signers have got them surrounded.

Ryu asks them, “Now, fess up! Did you do it just to get revenge for your defeat by our family’s hands or did someone put you up to it?”

Herrmann yells out, strongly, “What makes you think that we will tell you anything brat?”

Raidramon says, getting close to them, “Do you really want to find out? My kind tries not to kill humans, but that doesn’t mean that we tolerate such actions!”

Naruto says, getting out a kunai, “However, I’m trained to kill and normally, I don’t kill anyone unless I really have to and all of you aren’t worth it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not trained in torture! And if you think that I’m bluffing… let just say that you won’t like what happens next!”

When Naruto points the kunai at Hans’ neck, he yelps in which he says, in a panic, “All right, someone gave us back our ‘cards of darkness’ and told us for a chance to be in the World Leagues to become the World King since Jack Atlas is dead as long as we get rid of kids of Yusei Fudo and Akiza Izinski, who the ones that stopped our chances for the WRGP!”

Nicolas says, annoyed, “Coward!”

Ryu asks, seriously, “Who?”

Nicolas says, with a sneer, “We won’t tell and if you kill us, you know a darn thing!”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Then how about this? We duel. I win, you tell me everything. You win, we let you go. And you had better take it.”

Herrmann says, with a sneer, “Fine! Since you wrecked my friends’ Duel Runners, you will surrender your dad’s precious Runner in order to pay us for damaging their Runners.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Agreed.”

Davis and Naruto look at Ryu and Davis asks, curiously, “Are you sure, dude?”

Ryu says, with a deep seriousness in his eyes, “I won’t lose Davis.” Ryu gets back on Yusei Go and inserts his Turbo Deck into his Wrist Dealer while Herrmann gets on his Duel Runner, puts his deck into his Wrist Dealer, and both of them activate their Duel Runners which activate a Speed World 2 Field Spell.

“Let’s ride!” Ryu and Herrmann call out in unison as they start their Turbo Duel by draw five cards from their decks after their decks were suffered in which they put them into their Wrist Dealers.

Starting Scores:
Ryu: 4000 SPC: 0
Herrmann: 4000 SPC: 0

Herrmann says, drawing a card, “I draw!” Herrmann puts one card on his duel disk part of his Runner and yells out, “I play Hidden Knight Hook in attack mode!” Soon after, Hidden Knight Hook (1600/0) appears on the field in attack mode and Herrmann says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “And I end with two cards face-down!”

Ryu thinks in his mind, “That card. When it switches from attack to defense mode, it inflicts eight hundred points of damage and it switches to defense mode when a monster attacks it forcing it into defense mode. When its special ability is activated, Hidden Knight Hook can attack me from the shadows. I’ve got to be careful.” Ryu says, drawing a card, “It’s my turn!” After both duelists speed counters go up by one, Ryu says, discarding his Quillbolt Hedgehog (800/800) monster card and putting another card on his duel disk part of his Duel Runner, “I discard one monster card in order to play my Quickdraw Synchron in attack mode!” Soon after, Quickdraw Synchron (700/1400) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu then displays a monster card known as Level Drainer (0/0) with a picture of a humanoid white-clad monster with a pack that has golden stars in which it is connected to some kind of tube and nozzle of a vacuum cleaner, “When I have a Tuner monster that’s above level one, I can drop its level until it is level one to special summon Level Drainer in attack mode!” Soon after, Quickdraw Synchron’s level drops from level five to level one after Level Drainer (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu says, drawing four cards, “Then I can draw one card for every level that my Tuner lost due to my Level Drainer! And since that’s four, I get four new cards!” Ryu says, with a serious tone, “And now, I tune my now level one Quickdraw with level one Level Drainer!” Quickdraw Synchron turns into one star that turns into one ring that surrounds Level Drainer turning it transparent while Ryu takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck causing a column of light to appear on the field. When Ryu puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, he yells out, “Formula Synchron, let’s rev it up!” Soon after, Formula Synchron (200/1500) appears on the field in attack mode.

Herrmann calls out, nastily and with a sly grin, “What’s that going to do brat? That card can’t hurt my knight!”

Ryu says, drawing a card, “When brought to the field, my Formula Synchron gets me an extra card!” Ryu looks at the card and he thinks, seriously, “Just what I needed!” Ryu says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Next, I play Blue Expense Falcon in attack mode!” Soon after, Blue Expense Falcon (800/800) appears on the field in attack mode and Ryu says, putting one more card on his duel disk, “And thanks to his ability, when he is brought to the field, I can play one dragon monster that’s level four or below from my hand and I choose my Decoy Dragon!” Just then Decoy Dragon (300/200) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu says, with a plain tone, “And since I have a Tuner out, I can replay my Quillbolt Hedgehog too!” Quillbolt Hedgehog (800/800) appears on the field in attack mode as well. Ryu yells out, “I tune my Falcon with both my Hedgehog and Decoy Dragon!” Blue Expense Falcon turns into two stars that turn into two rings that surround Hedgehog and Decoy Dragon causing them to become transparent. When a column of light appears on the field, Ryu takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck and chants out, “Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon!” Ryu puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk and he calls out, “Let’s rev it up, Stardust Dragon!” Out of the light, Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.

Herrmann says, slyly, “Well, if it isn’t Yusei Fudo’s legendary dragon? Let’s see if his brat can use it.”

Ryu says, closing his eyes, “I can more than use it, pal.” Ryu then focuses himself and he thinks, “I can’t let what they did get to me. For Ayane, I must remain focused and my mind clear.” As Ryu does his best to focus, his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glows with Naruto’s and Davis’ glowing in unison.

Naruto asks, “What’s this?”

Davis says, amazed, “I think that Ryu needs our support.”

Naruto yells out, holding his arm with his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ in the air, “If he needs support, he has got it! Come on, Ryu, you can do it!” At this moment, we see images of Serena’s, Hinata’s, and Ayane’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’ on their arms glowing as well and immediately back to Ryu, he sees images of the other Signers which gives him strength and focus in which he achieves Clear Mind as his Duel Runner starts to speed up.

Herrmann thinks in his mind, confused, “What’s going on here?”

Ryu calls out, “I tune my Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron, with Stardust Dragon!” As Formula Synchron turns into two stars that turn into two massive rings, Ryu’s Duel Runner speeds up as he and his Runner passes through the rings and chanting out, taking a blank Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, “Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro!” The blank Synchro Monster card gains stuff on it before Ryu vanishes into a beam of light.

Herrmann calls out, stunned, “He vanished!” Just then a ripple in time and space appear behind him as Ryu, his Runner, and a new monster burst out of the ripple.

Ryu calls out, “Let’s rev it up, Shooting Star Dragon!” Shooting Star Dragon (3300/2500) spins around in the sky and appears above Ryu and his Runner in attack mode with a mighty roar.

Herrmann asks, stunned, “What’s that?”

Ryu says, putting one card into his spell/trap slot, “My dad’s ultimate monster: Shooting Star Dragon! And he is going to take you down! However, I play my Speed Spell Overboost giving me four more speed counters until the end of this turn in which my counter drop back down to one!” After Ryu’s speed counters go up by four, Ryu says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I put a face-down onto the field…” Ryu says, putting one more card into the spell/trap slots, “And next, I activate my Speed Spell Summon Speeder! Since I have more than four speed counters, I can play one monster from my hand that’s level four or less! And I choose my Night Wing Sorceress!” Night Wing Sorceress (1300/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I can play one Assault Mode Activate trap card on the turn that it is set and I have one right here.” Ryu pushes a button on his Runner and his face-down is revealed to be the Assault Mode Activate trap card! A card comes out Ryu’s deck and he yells out, “Now, I can release one Synchro Monster in order to play its Assault Mode version with my deck! So, it’s time to rev it up Assault Mode Shooting Star Dragon!” Shooting Star Dragon then transforms into Shooting Star Dragon/Assault Mode (3800/3000), Shooting Star Dragon wearing armored similar to Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode, but the armor is matched to Shooting Star Dragon’s body frame and the jewel in the chest is a bright emerald green instead of a deep blue, after Ryu puts the card from his deck on his duel disk.

Back with everyone else, they are watching the duel on the screen of one of the damaged Duel Runners of Team Catastrophe and Naruto says, amazed, “Whoa, I didn’t know that Ryu had that kind monster!”

Davis says, amazed, “Neither did I, Naruto.”

Returning to the duel, Ryu says, drawing five cards from his deck, “And now, I activate Shooting Star Dragon’s ability! I draw the top five cards from my deck and I get one attack for every monster card drawn, but for every Tuner monster, my dragon gains five hundred attack points!” Ryu then displays Hyper Synchron (1600/800), Effect Veiler (0/0), Junk Synchron (1300/500), Drill Synchron (800/300), and Debris Dragon (1000/2000) monster cards in which Ryu calls out, strongly, “I draw Hyper Synchron, Effect Veiler, Junk Synchron, Drill Synchron, and Debris Dragon Tuner monsters and that means Shooting Star Dragon gains twenty-five hundred attack points!” Shooting Star Dragon/Assault Mode goes from 3800/3000 to 6300/3000!

Herrmann says, shocked, “Over six thousand attack points? That’s impossible!”

Ryu calls out, “Shooting Star Dragon, attack Hidden Knight Hook now! Starfire Mirage!” Shooting Star Dragon/Assault Mode turns into five rainbow colored versions of itself and rain down on Hidden Knight Hook like meteors.

Herrmann says, with a grin, “Hidden Knight Hook’s ability activates! It switches itself and your monster into defense mode in which you lose eight hundred life-points!”

Ryu shouts out, “Shooting Star Dragon’s second ability activates! Once per turn, it negates one effect and I choose your Hidden Knight Hook’s ability! Starlight Certain!” Shooting Star Dragon/Assault Mode’s wings unleashes a glowing green light certain in which Hidden Knight Hook groans as his ability is negated in which it’s ‘shadow’ coming from Ryu’s shadow groans out greatly as it is forced back into the shadows itself.

Herrmann calls out, stunned, “It can’t be!” Shooting Star Dragon/Assault Mode slam into Hidden Knight Hook, destroying it, and Herrmann yelps out as he loses 4700 life-points, ending the duel immediately.

Final Score:
Ryu: 4000 SPC: 5
Herrmann: 0 SPC: 1

As Herrmann’s Duel Runners comes to a screeching halt, we go back to the others in which Davis and Naruto were cheering for Ryu’s victory.

Naruto calls out, excitedly, “Way to go, Ryu!”

Davis says, with a grin, “That’s the way, bud!”

Nicolas says, with a sneer, “That worthless…”

Davis says, with a serious tone, “Okay, losers, it is time to pay up.”

Nicolas says, taking out a large knife, “It is and you are going to pay!”

Naruto says, with a snarl, “Why you dirty…!”

Davis says, closing his eyes, “Don’t worry, Naruto. Let me handle it. We need these jokers alive.” Davis’ eyes then shoot open revealing what looks like a pair of Sharingan eyes, but the irises are gold instead of red in which the black tomoes spin around causing the two criminal duelists to gasp in shock before their eyes become blank and they collapse to the ground.

Naruto asks, shocked, “Whoa, Davis! Those look…”

Davis says, with a nod, “Sharingan or my version of it. My bloodline is the ability to gain other bloodlines. It’s called ‘Assimilation’. Give me a good enough DNA sample which I can get by touching people when I activate my bloodline and bam, I gain their bloodline as if it were my own.”

Naruto says, stunned, “Wow, Davis. That’s cool!”

Davis says, with a nod, “The instant that your assholes back in your home knew about it…”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I hear you. Believe it.” Naruto asks Davis, “Wait, Davis! Does that mean since you can gain bloodlines…?”

Davis says, shaking his head, “Not all of them, bro. I can only pass down one bloodline that I gain through my own to any kids that I can including my own bloodline and that ‘other bloodline’ is completely random if I added more than one bloodline to myself. There might be other limits, but since I’m the last guy with this bloodline… I think that my mom would only know.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “How come your Sharingan is gold and black and not red and black like Sasuke’s? And how did you get the Sharingan in the first place?”

Davis tells Naruto, “How do you think Naruto? That backstabber teammate of yours and my Sharingan is different is because Hayabusa-dono says that some kind of power within me purified the ‘taint’ from Jubi that all Uchiha members have. I’m not sure how I got it from him through. Mom knows about this and told me to keep it quite. You know how that village of yours is.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Don’t I know it.” Naruto says, looking at the Nicolas and Hans, “Nice Genjutsu.”

Davis says, with a shrug, “Mom taught me a few when I restarted my ninja training even through I prefer Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. I’m also not good with Genjutsu.”

Naruto tells Davis, with a grin, “Tell me about it, Davis.” Back with Ryu, he goes over to Herrmann and gets out of his Duel Runner.

Ryu tells Herrmann, “And that’s game, buster. Now, it is time for you to talk.”

Herrmann, already out of his Duel Runner, says, with a sneer, “Like I would talk to a punk like you!” Herrmann charges at Ryu, but he easily sidesteps the larger man and knocks him out with one chop to the neck.

Ryu thinks in his mind, “Thank you, Hayabusa-sensei.” Soon enough, Ryu prepares to transport the unconscious Herrmann along with the other members of Team Catastrophe back to the Leaf Village in order to have them spend a little ‘visit’ to Anko and Ibiki which won’t end good for them.

(Back in the Leaf Village; A brief time later)

Inside of the Leaf Village, we find ourselves within the Namikaze clan compound with what looks like plans of the village, the Hokage tower, and a small book along with various pieces of paper in which Kushina and Neko with a group of ANBU are working on this.

Kushina says, shocked, “This is beyond incredible!”

Neko says, stunned, “I can’t believe at what this information is telling us. It looks like the Uchiha were planning a coup against the Third Hokage around the time of the massacre!”

One ANBU member says, horrified, “I can’t believe it!”

Kushina says, plainly, “Neither can I, but plenty of this has Uchiha that I know and their signatures including Fugaku’s asshole signature too.”

Neko says, curiously, “This is interesting. Itachi was supposed to be a plant in the ANBU.” Everyone looks at the information that Neko was looking at and Kushina gives an amazed look.

Another ANBU asks, amazed, “Itachi was put in the ANBU by the Uchiha clan in order to spy on us and get information on our defenses?”

Neko says, with a nod, “It looks like it, Buzzard.”

A third ANBU asks, curiously, “If Itachi was in on the coup, then why did he murder the clan?”

Kushina says, with a plain tone, “I’m not sure, but I knew that I was right about Itachi. Something told me that he wouldn’t do anything for no reason and I think that we may have an idea to his true motives. What I don’t get is if he acted on his own or… did he have ordered from above?”

Neko asks Kushina, “You mean from Third Hokage-sama?”

Kushina says, with a plain tone, “He may have failed a lot when it came to my son, but he wasn’t THAT senile. If something like this was going on, he would know about it. It looks like the so-called ‘noble Uchiha’ wasn’t so noble after all. And this can’t be fake information by Itachi. He kills his clan and he then wants to frame them? Even before this, we knew that it wasn’t his style.”

Neko says, with a nod, “You do have a point, Kushina-sama.”

Buzzard asks, curiously, “What shall we do Kushina-sama?”

Kushina says, with a sigh, “I think that we need to talk to Tsunade-sensei about this. Let’s gather all of this evidence and bring it to her immediately.”

The ANBU with her reply in unison, “Right, Kushina-sama!”

As they begin to gather the evidence that they have gotten from the Uchiha compound, Kushina thinks in her mind, with a sigh, “Tsunade-sensei will have a cow once we tell her this.”

(A good time afterwards; Inside of the Hokage’s office)

Inside of the Hokage’s office, we find Kushina and the group of ANBU including Neko and Buzzard, in front of Tsunade sitting in front of her desk looking down on the evidence with a shocked look on her face.

Tsunade slams her hands onto the table and she yells out, shocked, “I can’t believe this!”

Kushina tells Tsunade, “It is the same reaction that we had Tsunade-sensei.”

Tsunade tells Neko, “Neko, get Sarutobi-sensei in here right now! Tell him that I want to see him or I will go to him with a chakra enhanced punch!”

Neko replies, nervously, “Yes, Hokage-sama!” Neko vanishes in a swirl of leaves leaving the rest in the room minus Tsunade nervous.

Tsunade tells the rest of the ANBU, “The rest of you, get the FORMER elders, in here immediately! I know that these vultures have something to do with this and they are going to answer them! If they don’t, drag them in here with chains and broken to an inch of their lives!”

All of the ANBU left in the room reply in unison, “Right, Hokage-sama!” Those ANBU also leave in the swirl of leaves and Tsunade gives a large sigh as she puts her head on her desk.

Tsunade says, with a groan, “Something tells me that I’m going to need a lot of sake after this.”

Kushina thinks in her mind, with a giggle, “Some things will never change, Tsunade-sensei.”

(Much later on; Elsewhere in the Leaf Village)

At this time, we find Anko and Ibiki standing in front of three tied up members of Team Catastrophe with Davis, Naruto, and Ryu right in front of them.

Ibiki asks, with a plain tone, “So, this is the scum that did that to your sister, Ryu-sama?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “You are looking at them.”

Anko then says, with a sadistic smile, “Then we’ll make sure our ‘session’ with these ‘tough guys’.” Anko then gives a sinister smile and giggle which makes the three members of Team Catastrophe very nervous.

Davis thinks in his mind, nervously, “I almost feel sorry for them.”

Ibiki says, with a plain tone and wicked grin on his lips, “For once, Anko, I agree. You, punks, should know that these people are considered heroes in here including the one that you hurt by your act. And here, we perform acts of torture and I’m not kidding here.”

Anko says, with a grin, “In your words: We are about to go medieval on your asses.” Anko then gives such an evil giggle and the two of them unleash plenty of KI that the three members of Team Catastrophe are very nervous in which one of them, Hans, is ready ‘to go’ in his pants.

The three Signers give nervous looks and Naruto thinks in his mind, “Okay, I really almost feel sorry for them.” Soon after, a group of ninja come up and drag the three members of Team Catastrophe away in preparation for their ‘visit’ to the T&I department with Anko and Ibiki planning a ‘joint special session’ with them to find out who put them up to this.

Ryu gives a deep sigh and Davis tells Ryu, “Hey, Ryu, let’s go visit your sister.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Good idea, Davis.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “Yeah.” Soon enough, the three of them head off to the hospital to visit Ayane to see how she is doing at this time.

(Back with Tsunade; on the meanwhile)

Returning to Tsunade, we find her facing the former Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, in which she reveals all that she knows from the evidence that Kushina found in the former Uchiha clan compound.

Tsunade tells him, “Okay, Old Man, don’t give me any bull. Tell me what you know.”

Sarutobi sighs and he says, “I knew that sooner or later this would get out.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “So, you knew about the Uchiha coup?”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “I did, Tsunade. You see, the Uchiha weren’t as ‘beloved’ as the people make it out to be in their treatment for Sasuke. In fact, we knew that the Nine-Tailed Fox was controlled far before Naruto’s battle with Paradox. And we knew that only an Uchiha through the Sharingan had that ability through we didn’t fully understand why. There were many that felt that the Uchiha were responsible especially those in the council, the ninja council, and their attitude didn’t help their case none. We didn’t know that Madara was the one and it is quite obvious why.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “I get it, Old Man. Even through there was no evidence and they kept their suspicions quiet, there were plenty of people that put the guilty blame on the Uchiha and started to make their miserable.”

Sarutobi says, with a nod, “You are correct. In fact, I didn’t like it, but it was felt by the ninja council and my teammates that the Uchiha should be restricted which is why we put them in their currently former compound. The Uchiha were quick to realize this and believe that their ancestor was right in which the Uchiha would be oppressed by the Senju which extended to your clan’s supporters in the village which were many I remind you.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “And because of that, the Uchiha felt that it was their right to rebel and take over the village.”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “A simple way of looking at it, Tsunade, but you are correct anyhow.”

Tsunade asks, curiously, “And Itachi?”

Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “Itachi was… a double agent. He was sent to spy for the clan, but he realized what the coup could do including creating another Great Ninja War and experiencing the horrors of war when he was just three, he followed my ways as much as possible. He was a pacifist and knew what kind of conflict and bloodshed were to come. The Uchiha coup wouldn’t affect just the village and the Land of Fire, it would affect the Elemental Countries as whole. So, he told me and it was decided that Itachi would be our agent in the clan. I tried my best to try talk to the Uchiha and resolve their grievance peacefully.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “But they didn’t agree did they? And that’s when the ‘Massacre’ happened, right? So, I have one question: Did Itachi do it of his own will or did you order him to destroy the Uchiha clan?”

The former Hokage didn’t say a word for half-a-minute and after taking a deep breath, Sarutobi says, with a plain tone, “Itachi… was under orders.”

Tsunade asks, her eyes narrowing, “So, you ordered him to destroy his whole clan?”

Sarutobi says, shaking his head, “No, I didn’t order Itachi to destroy the whole clan. Just those that were or were suspected to be part of the coup which was the majority of the clan, but I knew that while all Uchiha knew of it, there were some that were either indifferent or didn’t want to say because of love for the clan. He was to kill his best friend, Shisui Itachi, who was ordered to spy on Itachi because of his behavior due to his action being our agent which would give him the Mangekyo Sharingan and an edge. He also recruited Madara Uchiha…”

Tsunade yells out, stunned, “Wait! You already knew about Madara?”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “We didn’t know that he was connected to the attack on that day through we had our suspicions and we found out about him only after negations broke down. The plan was for Itachi to murder the majority of the clan leaving those few alive and join up with Madara to keep an eye on him. We knew that Madara was a threat, but now, with learning this fact, I know how much of a threat that Madara truly is. He was to keep an eye on him and his organization in which he would pass on his information as best as he can to Jiraiya, but not even Jiraiya was supposed to know this fact that Itachi is part of his spy network for fear of blowing his cover. However, we believe that Madara knew Itachi’s real purpose all along, but for some reason, he kept his cover for one reason or another even those in the Akatsuki that know about him most likely his ‘front man’, the mysterious Pain.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “I can think up plenty of reasons for Madara’s behavior Old Man.”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “Anyway, you must be thinking that if I didn’t order the whole Uchiha clan to be destroy, why did Itachi do it leaving Sasuke? To my shame, I didn’t give Itachi the order directly. Even through it was for good of the village and the Elemental Countries, this choice weighted heavily on my heart to kill so many people not in war. They are traitors, yes, but to kill so many people at once? I am an old man and I am a believer of peace. I told my teammates to give the order for me and as you may already guess, they told Itachi that my orders were destroy the whole clan. As you know, he didn’t follow the orders to the letter. He left Sasuke, his little brother, alive.”

Tsunade asks, curiously, “Why?”

Before Tsunade could answer, Shizune enters the room and she says, seriously, “Lady Tsunade!”

Tsunade yells at Shizune, “Shizune, can’t you see that I’m in the middle of something? What is it?”

Shizune replies, nervously, “It is just that… we found where the Kyuubi card is hidden!”

Tsunade calls out, shocked, “What?”

Shizune says, with a nod, “We have its location, my lady.”

Tsunade tells Sarutobi, “We’ll put this on hold for now, but this isn’t over and your former teammates, those old buzzards, are going to have to answer my final questions.”

Sarutobi says, with a sigh, “I understand and I will tell everything.” Sarutobi then asks, “Did you get that Jiraiya?”

Just then Jiraiya leaps into the room through the window and he says, plainly, “I got that sensei.”

The seriousness of Jiraiya’s expression causing Tsunade to ask, “You heard all of it?”

Jiraiya replies, plainly, “Obviously, Tsunade. I’ve wondered about the critical information on the Akatsuki that I was getting.” Jiraiya tells his former teacher, “Sensei, Tsunade and I are going to need to have a long talk with you.”

Sarutobi says, with a nod, “I understand. I have much to answer for.”

Tsunade tells Shizune, “Shizune, you said that you had figured out where the Kyuubi card was found.”

Shizune says, with a nod, “We had found that your grandmother and your grandfather, the First Hokage, had it because his Wood Style jutsu could contain the chakra of the fox within it. They sealed up in a secret tomb of which we have found the location, but you can only get into the tomb if you have two people with you: One of Senju blood and one of Uzumaki blood.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “Special seals, huh? That means that I have to go with either Kushina or Naruto to this place to get that card.”

Shizune says, seriously, “My lady, there is a warning that your grandfather left. The card’s power is terrible. Since it is a Duel Monster card, it somehow gained connections to the powers of Duel Monsters and the Nine-Tailed Fox itself in which the yokai chakra within the card would grow over time. It’s power might rival the Nine-Tailed Fox itself by now. Only someone with the same Wood Style jutsu can hope to contain it which…”

Tsunade says, with a nod, “I know, Shizune. I don’t have my grandfather’s bloodline, but I know someone who does. It is a ‘gift’ left by that snake, Orochimaru.”

Sarutobi tells Tsunade, “I see where you are going with this, but since HE is only a ‘copy’ of your grandfather, his Wood Style isn’t as strong as your grandfather.”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “You have a point, but there is one more possibility. Remember the bloodline of the Signer with the Tail ‘Mark of the Dragon’?”

Jiraiya says, with a grin, “I see where you are going with this, Tsunade.”

Sarutobi says, with a nod, “His bloodline will most likely give him a perfect Wood Style bloodline, but if people learn of this…”

Tsunade says, with a plain tone, “Like I care what those assholes think, Sensei. I’m more worried about him helping us.”

Sarutobi says, with a grin, “Of that, I can assure you that will happen. The Motomiya boy shows much of Naruto in him and since he is like Naruto, he is not one to turn down someone in need.”

Shizune tells Tsunade, “My lady, there is still a risk going in there with either Naruto or Kushina. The card is said to contain the ‘will’ of the Kyuubi in it and since its ‘hatred’ is a part of its chakra…”

Tsunade tells Shizune, “I know, Shizune. But it is a risk that we need to take. Like the Biju themselves, we can’t let those cards fall into the wrong hands.” Tsunade thinks in her mind, worriedly, “I just hope that I know what I’m doing here.”

(Elsewhere; A good time afterwards)

Right now, Serena finds herself in a beautiful garden in front of a grand palace that has a mixture of Ancient Egypt, Medieval Europe, and Feudal Japan in which she is confused.

Serena asks, curiously, “Where am I?” Just then Serena spots herself as Princess Serenity in front of a lovely teen girl with Egyptian Blue hair in Serena’s pigtail style, golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, Egyptian Blue Byakugan-like eyes, deep and gorgeous blue lips, and wearing a similar gown to Princess Serenity’s gown expect it is silver and blue.

‘Princess Serenity’ says, looking at the girl who is moving her fingers like Hinata does when she is nervous or around Naruto, “Sister, you need to stop that.”

The girl says, sounding much like Hinata, “I’m sorry Sister Serenity.”

Serena says, amazed, “That girl sounds like Hinata.”

‘Princess Serenity’ tells the girl, “Phoebe, even through we aren’t related by blood, you are still my sister to me.”

The girl that sounds like Hinata, Phoebe, tells ‘Princess Serenity’, “I know and I’m glad, but your… our people don’t like the fact of an ‘adopted Lunarian Princess’ since I truly came from another kingdom that was destroyed.”

‘Princess Serenity’ tells Phoebe, “Blood or not, we are family to me.”

Phoebe tells ‘Princess Serenity’, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Sister Serenity. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

‘Princess Serenity’ says, with a sigh, “Which is why I don’t like the fact that you are going to the prince of the Sun Kingdom with their traditions and all. I can understand about their ‘genetic power’ and all…”

Phoebe tells ‘Princess Serenity’, with a blush, “I know, but he doesn’t take a wife unless he truly loves them which is the usual tradition here. You only have one wife unless you can prove that you have a heart that can encompass more than one… ‘mate’. They have to go through a test to prove that they can ‘please’ the hearts of their beloveds and more in which this tradition is only for the royal family, the holders of the bloodline.”

‘Princess Serenity’ says, with a sigh, “Venus would have a field day if she was here. And it makes me wonder if the people here aren’t related to Venus…”

Phoebe says, with a blush, “I think that we both would forget that day on Venus, Serenity.” ‘Princess Serenity’ blushes at that comment and the two females giggle in which they hear footsteps coming towards them, but before Serena can see anything else, a bright light engulfs her vision and the next instant, she finds herself on the floor of the hospital with a group of people surrounding her including Lita and Sakura, who are supporting her in a sitting position.

Serena asks, weakly, “What? What happened?”

Luna says, leaping down from a nearby table, “You just suddenly collapsed to the ground, Serena! You had me so worried!”

Sakura asks Serena, “Are you okay, Lady Serena?”

Serena says, shaking her head, “Yeah, I’m okay.” Serena gets to her feet and she thinks, “Was that a dream? It felt so real. Was it a memory of my past life as Princess Serenity?”

Rei tells Serena, concerned, “Don’t do something like that Meatball Head! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

Serena says, groggily, “Sorry, Pyro.”

Yolei asks Serena, “What happened Serena? Why did you black out?”

Serena says, shaking her head, “I don’t know, but the last thing that I remember. It was… Hinata’s and my ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glow in which we sensed that Ryu was dueling against someone, but when Ayane’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’ stopped glowing, Hinata’s and mine didn’t in which we looked at each other’s arms…”

Sakura says, with a plain tone, “And that’s when both of you hit the floor.”

Serena asks, surprised, “Hinata, too? Where?”

Lita tells Serena, “She’s in the nearby bed over there.” Lita points to a location and Serena looks to see Hinata lying in bed in which we find Naruto by her side as she wakes up.

Naruto asks Hinata, really concerned, “Are you okay, Hinata-chan?”

Hinata says, blushing, “I’m f-fine, Naruto-kun.” When Serena shows that she is okay to stand by herself, Sakura and Lita let her go in which Sakura goes over to Hinata.

Sakura tells Hinata, “You had collapsed onto the floor with Lady Serena, Hinata.”

Hinata asks, surprised, “I did?” Hinata then says, “I remember. For some reason, my and Serena-san’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’ wouldn’t stop glowing when we knew that Ryu was out of danger, but when we touched each other, I… I blanked out.”

Tai says, with a plain tone, “Same with Moon girl here. Both of you sent us and plenty of people into a panic even through doctors said that you and she just fainted.”

Naruto tells Hinata, “I’m glad that you are okay, Hinata-chan.”

Hinata tells Naruto, with a warm smile, “I’m sorry if I worried you, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto tells Hinata, with a warm smile, “It’s okay, Hinata-chan. I’m just glad that you are just fine.”

Hinata asks Naruto, “Is Ayane…?”

Naruto tells Hinata, looking behind him, “Not yet, Hinata-chan.” Hinata looks towards another bed to see Ayane still lying in her bed with her bandaged up head and her brother by his side.

Davis says, with a plain tone, “However, we managed to captured those assholes and they are spending a little ‘alone time’ with your specialties to find out who put them up to this. We found that someone gave them those new ‘cards of darkness’ and told them to attack us. However, they refused to tell us, but we brought them back to get some answers.”

Just then a female voice calls out, “And hopefully, we’ll get some dirt from them, Davis-dono.” Everyone looks to see Kushina enter the room.

Naruto asks, “Hey, mom, what’s up?”

Kushina tells Naruto, “Tsunade just found out where the Kyuubi card is being contained.” There are plenty of gasps and Kushina says, with a plain tone, “However, it is a special tomb designed by the First Hokage and the Uzumaki clan in which it needs the blood of a Senju and Uzumaki to open. However, due the card’s connection with both the fox and the powers of Duel Monsters, the card’s yokai chakra might rival the fox itself in which lace with the fox’s hatred…”

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “The card could effect us since I contained the fox and you still have plenty of its chakra in you which are laced with its ‘will’.”

Kushina says, looking at Serena, “That’s why she wants Lady Serena to come with us, but since she suffered a nasty fall…”

Serena tells Kushina, “Don’t worry about my Lady Kushina. I’ll fine.”

Kushina says, with a plain tone, “However, there is something else everyone. Since this tomb was created by the First Hokage, we will need someone with Wood Style like him. However, as you know, Tsunade is the last Senju, but she doesn’t have her grandfather’s bloodline. But there is an alternate possibility.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “What is that mom?”

Kushina says, looking at Davis, “It is Motomiya-sama and his bloodline.”

Davis asks, surprised, “Me?”

Kari asks. “Davis?” As plenty of people look at Davis, he is wondering what this tomb has to do with him and a Wood Style bloodline, but he knows that he is going to quickly find out…

Next time in Chapter 33:

Sakura: Who is this guy? And how can he perform Wood Style jutsu?

Mysterious Leaf Ninja: I’m a member of the ANBU and all I can tell you is that my codename which is Tenzo, but outside of the ANBU, you will call me Yamato.

Davis: So, this guy is one of that snake’s experiments with Wood Style and you want me to assimilate his Wood Style bloodline?

Naruto: So, this is where the Nine-Tailed Fox’s card is stored? Creepy!

Tsunade: Trust me, gaki. My grandfather wanted to make sure that this card never fell into wrong hands and this place is a death trap for the unwary even those with the right blood.

Ayane: Naruto-kun?

Sayer: Your precious brother and Signers won’t save you now, young Ayane.

Ayane: Sayer? What are you doing here? And where is here?

Sayer: I’m using my newest technology to enter your mind and in this ‘Mental Turbo Duel’, the winner controls your mind, Ayane. And your brother and fellow Signers can’t help you here.

Ayane: You’re wrong. I can feel them with me. I won’t let you win this duel! Accel Synchro!

Serena: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: Fox’s Lair and Mental Games

Sayer: An Accel Synchro version of her mother’s dragon?! But how?

Leon: What’s going on with my mom and dad?

And that’s it for this chapter! I’m started added Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, which I DO NOT own, elements into the story with ‘Numbers’ Exceed monsters and there is more to come as I study the story as it goes along. However, don’t expect too much of elements of the latest Yu-Gi-Oh series in this story until probably the sequel everyone. Right now, I’m taking the concept of Accel Synchro and Double Tuning and bringing them to new levels in this and my sequel story. If you want to know what I’m talking about, you are going to have to read and find out folks! And what I’m doing for Jaden and Alexis is a funny through ‘mature’ side note, but I believe that it will be interesting. And finally, sorry about not updating last week, but I have been very busy everyone! Later and best wishes, Naruto, Crossover, and Dueling Fans!
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