D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Gay Sanctum ❯ Truly Thankful (Part 2) ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: “Truly Thankful (Part 2)”
Upon reawakening, Daisuke felt a headache coming on. What had happened to him last night? He looked up to see two amethyst eyes looking hack at him, “Ello?”
“D… Dark?!”
Daisuke jumped up, “What are you…”
“You slept on my stomach last night, remember?” Dark winked.
Daisuke could have sworn they did more than that, but he didn't want to get into the issue. Just then, Dark's mother called, “Dark, Daisuke, breakfast is ready! Hurry on down!”
Dark's head flung back. He obviously didn't want to get up. “Urgh! It's too early! Wake us up in another three hours!” Dark looked back at Daisuke, “It'll give us some time alone,” he grinned.
Daisuke immediately rolled of Dark's stomach, “No way!” He grabbed his clothes and then asked, “Where's the shower?”
“There isn't one. But there's a public bath two miles that way,” Dark pointed to the back of the house.
“You're kidding! There's no way I am gonna walk for two miles like this!”
“Just kiddin'… Damn. Don't take me so seriously,” Dark groaned as he rolled himself off the bed.
Daisuke pulled out the towel that Dark had packed him and waited for Dark to give him instructions. “There's a bathroom right next to my room. Don't do anything funny. There walls are paper thin. I can hear everything that goes on in there.”
“You pervert! I can't believe I agreed to come with you!”
“You didn't. If I recall correctly, I had to force you to come.”
Daisuke strolled right out of the room before Dark could say another word.
In the bathroom, Daisuke noticed just how old fashioned this house was. The floor was wood, not tile, which meant that there was mold… “Eww…,” Daisuke tried to step over them, but then he noticed the tub. It was a greenish marble, but it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years, and on the outside, there were formations that Daisuke couldn't even describe. How could people live like this? Daisuke was beginning to wonder if the food here was even editable with such unsanitary housekeeping. “This is like a danger to my health.” Daisuke was beginning to hope that there was a public bath two miles away. It sure couldn't be as bad as this. There were even dirty old cob webs hanging over the only window, which, he assumed, hadn't been opened for decades.
Despite all that he was seeing, he still decided to make the best of it. He turned the faucet and waited to see what would happen. At first, all he heard was water trying to rush up, then water began to spat out at him. Daisuke reached for the faucet to turn it off, but it didn't work. The water began shooting out like a disposal from a water hydrant. “Aurgh!”
Daisuke raised his hands in front of his face to block the water, “Dark!” he cried.
Suddenly, the door was struck down, and Dark came rushing in as if his precious Daisuke was screaming bloody murder. He immediately noticed a drenched Daisuke standing by the tub with nothing but a towel hanging around his waist. “Couldn't wait for me, now could ya?”
“You pervert! I'm having problems with the tub! How do you turn it off?!”
“Like this,” Dark stepped over to the tub and began turning the faucet all the way until it was as high as it could go, then is slowly began to die down. “Just keep turning the faucet. Eventually, it'll reach off. Now, do you need my help with anything else? Maybe the removal of your towel, scrubbing your back, cleaning you up, drying you off?”
“No! That's all. You can leave now,” Daisuke pointed towards the door.
Groaning, Dark reluctantly left the bathroom.
Once Daisuke finished with his bath, he came downstairs to see what was for breakfast. He wasn't that surprised that there were your typical pancakes with eggs and sausages being served with orange juice. However, it all smelled really good. Daisuke sat down and began eating while Dark's parents sat near by drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. “There's a game playin' down town,” said Dark's dad.
“That's nice, dear.”
When Dark finally came down to join them, he noticed that there was hardly anything left. Daisuke had scarfed down all the sausages, eaten most of the eggs, and left not a single pancake for Dark. “Jeez, Ma. Couldn't you have cooked more?”
“Sorry, Dark. I didn't realize how much your little friend eats,” she said without looking up form her newspaper.
“Guess I'll have to get breakfast elsewhere.”
“Don't wonder too far, dear,” said Dark's mom, “And take the keys with you. Your dad and I have work.”
“Yeah, yea!” Dark dismissed, “Ready for an adventure?” Dark asked Daisuke.
“Then let's go,” Dark pulled Daisuke chair to help him out, then once they turned around the corner of the dinning room, he grabbed Daisuke's hand, and yanked him out of the house. It wasn't until they were outside, free of Dark's parents, did Daisuke wonder why Dark was still holding his hand. “Um.. Dark… why are you…”
“I'm afraid that I'll lose you,” Dark said while only turning around for a second.
The words sent chills up Daisuke's spine, but he held on tighter to Dark's hand regardless.
They walked for about twenty minutes before they came across another farm. “They grow fruits here all year long.” Dark pointed to the assortment of orange trees, apples trees, grape wines, watermelon vines, and strawberry patches. “They're all grown chemically of course. Most of these fruits aren't in season after all.”
“Aren't we trespassing?” Daisuke asked, “And won't we be stealing someone else's crops?”
“You are so cute,” said Dark as he reached for an apple, “You worry too much. Where I come from ,it's either you find your own food, or starve.”
That couldn't be right. Dark's mom cooked for the family everyday. It must just be those mornings when someone like him devoured his entire breakfast did Dark possibly come here. “If it's survival of the fittest, then why aren't there crowds around the orchards?”
Dark shrugged. “They must have been here earlier.”
Daisuke wasn't buying it. “Here, eat this,” Dark tossed an apple to Daisuke, “For my one and only,” Dark winked.
“What?!” Daisuke jumped, nearly dropping the apple in the process.
“You worry too much,” Dark then made another move. Aligning himself shoulder to shoulder with Daisuke, he rested his arm over Daisuke's shoulder, “Eat the apple. It tastes just as good as the ones you buy from the grocery market,” Dark held the apple against Daisuke's lips.
“I guess it couldn't hurt,” Daisuke took a bite, but then grimaced.
“What's the matter?” asked Dark.
Daisuke suddenly looked at the apple. There was half of a worm hanging out. Guess where the other half was? Before long, Daisuke was regurgitating everything including that morning's breakfast, “That's disgusting!” Dark laughed.
“Arugh!” Daisuke began wiping his tongue on his sleeve. He never tasted worm guts before, but he was sure that that was what the bitter flavor lingering on his tongue was. “I hate you, Dark!” Daisuke spat.
“Hey! I just picked out an apple at random. I didn't know there was a worm inside it!” Dark tried to give Daisuke a reassuring hug, but Daisuke pushed his away. “I want to go back. Now.”
“Stop being so stubborn. It's still early. Do you really want to be cooped up in that smelly old house all day?
“Is that why you brought me here?” asked Daisuke, “To share your misery?”
“Don't think of it like that. I just wanted someone else to hang out with, and so far, you're the only one I like.”
Daisuke gave into Dark, and within the next few minutes, Dark was showing Daisuke how to climb a tree. Dark went ahead first, and then reached for Daisuke's hand to help him up. Once seated on a branch, they both dangled their legs over while Daisuke rested his back against Dark's. “It's breezy up here,” Daisuke whispered. He realized that there wasn't another house for quite a few miles. So in other words, they were secluded in a place where no one would guess they were. “Who takes care of these trees?” Daisuke asked to keep his mind off the fact that he was alone with Dark.
“You think I know? I only come here when I know no one is taking care of them.”
“Damn straight.”
There were another few moments of silence that passed between them before Dark decided to lean back against the tree, taking Daisuke's body with him, “Whoa! Don't make sudden movements like that!”
“I'll do what I want,” Dark snaked his arms around Daisuke's petite waist, “After all, you're at my mercy.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Dark closed his eyes as he rested his head against the tree, “I am obviously the stronger of the two of us. I can make you do whatever I want, and if you decide to scream or cry, no one will hear you.”
“I'm just making you aware of the situation. Jeez,” Dark rubbed the back of his head, “Don't suddenly make any weird assumptions.”
“You're the one being suggestive!” Daisuke tried to pull away. He wanted to go back.
“And where do you think you're going?” asked Dark.
“Where do you think?” Dark released Daisuke to see what he was gonna do. Tenaciously, Daisuke held onto the tree branch incase he would suddenly plummet down, and then slowly he move himself so that he was dangling. “You look so vulnerable,” teased Dark, but he spoke the truth. What seme wouldn't want to jump an uke suspended defenselessly from a tree?
“Touch me and die,” threatened Daisuke, but Dark knew he wouldn't do anything. Daisuke wasn't that kind of kid. It fit his character more to come to someone's aid than to execute a death threat.
Daisuke released his grip on the tree, clumsily landed on his feet, and flopped over. That poor tush! Dark thought. “I didn't know you're a klutz.”
Daisuke's frail body, well, more like tush, ached. “Can we go back, Dark?” Daisuke asked while rubbing his behind.
Groaning, Dark jumped off the tree and nodded. “If that's what his Highness wishes.”
Dark aligned himself next to Daisuke then draped his arm over his shoulders. “Let's go then.”
Daisuke raised a brow, “Um.. Dark…”
Dark tightened his grip and began to walk, pulling Daisuke with him. They had only walked so far before Dark said, “Hey, don't be so tense. Loosen up a little. I'm not gonna do anything to you.”
“Sure…,” Daisuke looked down at the dirt. Sure he's seen girls walk like this before, but they were girls; not two guys. It seemed strange, at least to Daisuke, when two men walked together like this. Maybe it's because men are… masculine and don't do things like this with each other. However, it didn't seem to bother Dark at all. “Why are you so touchy?” Daisuke finally asked.
Dark stopped and looked down at Daisuke, “What do you mean?”
“Well.. you know. Like when we first met… and in the pool, last night…., and now?”
“Does it bother you? Because whether it does or doesn't, I'm not gonna stop.” Daisuke glared at Dark, “You're just so molest-able,” Dark kneeled before Daisuke, wrapped his arms around Daisuke's think waist, and pulled him against his body, “Your body's warm, your skin is soft, you smell like cherry blossoms, your body curves like a girl, yet you're a guy. You have rubescent cheeks almost every second of everyday, your eyes are rare bloodstones,” Dark looked up, “Your teeth are creamy, your lips are luscious, and I have yet to find out if your tongue is as scrumptious as it appears.”
While a fierce, bloody, crimson red blush covered Daisuke's face, he asked nervously, “Are you gay?!”
Dark silenced him by placing his index finger over Daisuke's mouth and postponing the question, “You worry too much.”
Back at the house, Daisuke could already smell dinner, and it hadn't even been that long since they left. “Mom is dinner almost ready?” asked Dark.
“Almost, dear. Why don't you and Daisuke get cleaned up? I washed the tub and your father fixed the faucet.”
“Will do!” Dark practically tossed Daisuke over his shoulder and brought him into the bathroom. Dark proceeded in removing his own clothes and then Daisuke's. “I'm not so sure about this, Dark.”
Dark pushed Daisuke up against the walls and slipped his shirt over his head. “Don't worry. I won't molest you,” he unbuckled Daisuke's belt, unzipped his pants, and removed whatever Daisuke was wearing under them. The advantages we have as males! Dark thought to himself while smirking.
Daisuke shivered as Dark left his side to turn on the water. Once the water was warm enough, Daisuke slipped his arm around Daisuke and rubbed his cheek. “The water's ready,” Dark took Daisuke's hand and led him in.
“Are you absolutely sure about this, Dark?”
“If I was hesitating, would I be inviting you in?”
“It's just that the tub is…,” by just looking at the tub, you would think it had the maximum capacity of one person, but here was Dark pulling Daisuke in. “I don't think there's enough room.”
Dark gave Daisuke's arm a good yank, and Daisuke tumbled in on Dark. “Oh? So you like it rough?” Dark breathed against Daisuke's neck.
Quickly regaining his posture, Daisuke yelled, “Excuse me?!” But then dropped it. The water was so incredibly warm that he couldn't help but sink in. “Ahh…,” Daisuke had forgotten that he was sharing the bath with another person.
“Want me to scrub your back?” Dark's hands were quavering with the desire to touch Daisuke.
“Sure I guess,” Dark reached for the back scrub, and pulled Daisuke closer.
Soap secreted from its little tub and onto the fine hairs of the scrub. Dark then lathered it onto Daisuke's body and began scrubbing gently. Daisuke leaned forwards, clearly showing that he was taking pleasure in Dark's deed. Screw this. Dark tossed the scrub to the side and replaced it with his own hands. He had been itching to touch that virgin skin all day. Gradually, he moved his hands over Daisuke's smooth skin while not just working up a good lather, but also satisfying his own craves.
“Mmm…” Daisuke wrapped his hands around his ankles and fell back against Dark's chest, between his legs.
“Want me to wash your front too?” his voice, husky and dangerously low.
“Don't get too carried away,” said Daisuke.
(Dark's POV)
I was doing just fine with his back, running my hands up and down, working up a good lather, but then he just had to lie back. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't change what he did, but the bottle I was holding fell between his legs. I don't know where it might be now exactly. The soap bubbles are currently blocking my view. Would I dare reach down to find it? Actually, before I even considered the benefits, my left hand was already wondering down. I'm telling you. These lands, well, at least the left one, has a mind of its own!
I sat up a little, and oops. That was the worst mistake, because Daisuke's body slid down and his groin met my wondering hand. I just had found the bottle too before an even better item replaced it. I held my breath as Daisuke's eyes looked dead at me. He must think I'm a pervert, touching him like that! “Dai…”
“What are you doing?!” Daisuke's face flushed a brighter red than I've ever seen. Is it even normal to get that red?
“I was reaching for the soap bottle! It fell down there!”
“You liar!” Daisuke backed away form me, “You probably dropped it there intentionally!”
“I would never snoop so low!”
“What are you boys fighting about?!” Shit, my mom heard us! “Don't make me come up there!”
Daisuke settled down and handed me the bottle. “Next time, just ask.”
(Author's POV)
Within half an hour, Daisuke and Dark finished their bath. Of course, Daisuke washed the rest of himself with his back to Dark, who was forced to face the opposite way. He wore a disappointed look the rest of the night, and even through dinner.
His mom had prepared the usual things for a typical American thanksgiving dinner. She had the potatoes, the stuffing, the yams with marshmallows, biscuits, ham, and of course, the turkey. The wild rice she was preparing had burned while she was busy with the stuffing.
Daisuke had served himself a whole plateful of food, and now was occupied with devouring everything. Dark's parents watched attentively as he did what he dose best until they noticed that Dark had hardly touched anything. “You alright, son?”
“Yeah. I'm just not that hungry.”
“How could you not be hungry? You haven't had anything to eat all day.”
He didn't want to answer them honestly, but it was because he was afraid that Daisuke was still offended by what he did in the tub. “I don't know. Maybe I'll be hungry a little later on.”
“Well, the food isn't going to be as good later on,” said Dark's mom as she picked up a few plates and went off into the kitchen.
As soon as she vanished, so did Dark's dad. He retreated to the living room to read his paper, and once clear of sight, Dark snagged Daisue by the arm and removed him from the table. “What are you doing now?”
“I want to talk with you for just a second.”
Inside Dark's room, Daisuke sat on the edge of the bed while Dark paced for a few moments, gathering his thoughts together. “Well?” Daisuke asked while swinging his legs.
“Are you mad at me?”
The question took Daisuke by surprise. Since when did Dark suddenly care about what other people thought? “What do you mean? Why would I be mad at you? It's not like you have done anything to upset me.” Dark took a sigh of relief, “Now can I got back to eating?”
“I think you have had enough. We should go to bed early. Tomorrow we have to go back,” Dark proceeded in removing his shirt, stretched out on the bed, and motioned for Daisuke to do the same.
Unlike before, Daisuke removed his shirt on his own then joined Dark by his side, “It's cold in here,” Daisuke commented.
“Get close,” Dark reached for the blanket and pulled it over their bodies. Once he was snug, he pulled Daisuke against his body and to their surprise, Daisuke folded perfectly against Dark's body.
“I swear,” Dark whispered softly against Daisuke's ear, “We are meant for each other.”
“Why do you say things like that?” Daisuke asked in a surprisingly calm voice.
However, Dark had already fallen asleep, and Daisuke's question went unanswered. The next day, they packed and headed for the road.
A/N: Please give me feedback. Do you like where this is heading or not?