D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Gay Sanctum ❯ Realizations ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gay Sanctum
Disclaimer: I am not the creator of DNAngel
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Between school and computer troubles, it has taken me a while to update.
Chapter 8: “Realizations”
Daisuke sat in the confession both. He was waiting nervously for the priest. In the mean time, what was he going to say? Would he tell the priest about his immoral and intimate relationship with Dark? Wasn't that why he was here?
Daisuke was trying to be as honest with himself as possible. And because he grew up with strong religious morals and values, homosexuality in itself was not seen as something completely sinful. No, it was more like the single action of intercourse. Intercourse was seen as something only used to bring forth life. Not as something to benefit one's own satisfaction. So, didn't that mean that even heterosexuals having sex were doing something just as sinful? How about married couples that were infertile? Was this action also considered sinful? Even if they were heterosexuals? But then again, the church is very reserved. It was the twenty first century for crying out loud! People didn't marry just because they wanted to have children. Some marred for love, for money, for companionship, or for financial support. Some married couples even hate the thought of children. So, why could homosexuals not get married? Probably because they cannot bring about life. But they can adopt. What's wrong with two men or two women adopting? They can be just as loving as any parent, right? Of course there may be cases where the child may grow up abused, but there are also many children who have abusive heterosexual parents. The world was getting over crowed already with all those people who want to have huge families. More homosexuals are just what everyone needs. So they can adopt those children who have lost their parents.
But that was another issue. In many cases, homosexual couples aren't allowed to adopt. People are afraid that the child may grow up confused, and turn out to be gay/lesbian. But face it. Homosexuals are born from heterosexuals. A child can grow up living with straight parents, but when they realize that they are different from everyone else because they are looking at the same gender, then they become confused regardless. It's a never ending debate. “Daisuke Niwa? I haven't seen you in the church for a while. How have you been?” asked the priest.
Coming back from his mental debating, Daisuke smiled and said, “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.”
“Sinned? Daisuke, I think it's not possible for you to sin even if you try.”
Daisuke mentally grinned. Oh, if you only knew. “Well, go on,” said the priest.”
Daisuke hadn't really sin in the sense with Dark. They only kissed a few… scratch that, many times over. The most sexual they had ever gotten was Dark moved his thighs in between Daisuke's legs for him to rock against. He's never masturbated while thinking of Dark, Dark has never made him ejaculate, hell, Dark has never even removed Daisuke clothes for sexual purposes, let alone stick his hand in Daisuke's pants. “Um, just recently I started a relationship with someone.”
The priest smiled, “Is that all? Daisuke, that's wonderful. It's about time you got with someone your own age. What's her name?”
Daisuke mentally chuckled. “Um.. Da…Da… Dara,” Dara? What kind of name is that?
“Dara? That's an odd name,” said the priest.
“Well, Dara and I have been intimate… sort of. And well…”
“I understand,” the priest blessed Daisuke, “Say a few `Our Fathers,' and try to keep your relationship as innocent as possible. Believe me, you don't want to be in any hurry,” the priest shook hands with Daisuke, and out he was.
Daisuke knelt on the pew before the altar. Dara…Couldn't I have come up with a better name?
“Hey, Daisuke?”
Daisuke turned around, “Dark?”
“You're needed in the library. What are you doing here?” Dark leaned over on the pew.
Daisuke smiled up at Dark. He hadn't seen him for a few days. Mainly because Dark has been busy with his own life, and Daisuke's friend for some reason were purposely keeping him from spending time with Dark. “I was about to pray…”
“For what?” Just having Dark there was making Daisuke feel light headed. Man, how he wished he could just jump him. What am I thinking?!
Daisuke wished that he could say that he was praying for them. For their relationship to continue, even if that meant prolonging his engagement with Risa. I must be insane. Why would I want to stay with Dark? “I just got out of confession, Dark. I'm asking for forgiveness.”
“I'm sure God has forgiven you for whatever you've done,” said Dark as he pulled Daisuke off his knees, “You're innocent, Daisuke. You are not capable of true sin.”
Daisuke moved his hands over Dark's clothes, thinking to himself: Is this a sin? To caress my male beloved? Daisuke breathed in Dark's familiar scent; feeling secured. Why would anyone see this as a sin? “You wanna kiss here, right now?” asked Dark, after he slipped his arm around Daisuke's waist.
Daisuke wanted so say `yes,' but because the priest was just in the confession booth, he shook his head. “Later, Dark.”
“So, later I can kiss you?”
Daisuke nodded while burying his blushing face in Dark's clothes, “Hmm…”
“Let's go,” Dark led Daisuke away.
In the library, the librarian handed Daisuke a few books she wanted him to put back for him. “They all belong to the aisle at the far end. Thank you so much, Daisuke,” the librarian thanked.
Daisuke nodded.
He took four books in his arms while Dark took the six others. “Do you do this often?” asked Dark.
“Yeah. I told the librarian to just ask me whenever they had a lot on their hands. I don't mind.”
Once in the back of the library, Daisuke set the books in a pile, then turned to Dark. “Can you put these two books away?”
Dark did so quickly. “Already done?” asked Daisuke as he slipped the last book into the bookshelf.
“Done and waiting,” said Dark.
“For what?”
“You,” Dark pressed his body against Daisuke and the bookshelf, “It's later.”
Daisuke beamed with excitement, “Well…”
“Don't deny me,” Dark chuckled as he leaned into settle his lips on Daisuke's.
Time only allowed them a second before foot steps could be heard approaching them. Dark rapidly pulled away and stepped back. It was Saehara. “Hey, Daisuke.” He waved.
“Oh, hello!” Daisuke tried to hide his blush by smiling and looking down.
“Are you Ok?” Saehara noticed how Daisuke was positioned against the bookshelf. He looked like he had tripped and fell.
“OH?!” Daisuke stepped away from the bookshelf and approached Saehara, “I was just a little tired; that's all. So, what are you doing here?”
“Actually, this is where some people said I could find you. I just wanted to hang out.”
As Daisuke and Saehara began talking, Dark stood behind Saehara and began tapping his feet on the group quite vigorously, yawning, checking his watch, all the while glaring at Saehara.
Daisuke quickly took notice of Dark's activity and began to chuckle. He's so impatient.
Soon, Dark decided to take another approach to this, he began making faces behind Saehara and even did little bunny ears. Daisuke giggled some more, but Saehara thought he was laughing at his comments. So he continued. Dark bit his lower lip and pretended that he was strangling Saehara from behind. Daisuke finally decided that Dark had waited long enough. “Um, Saehara, can you call me later? Dark and I were kinda busy and as you can see, he's restless.”
Saehara nodded and left while waving. As soon as he disappeared around the bookshelf, Dark sprang out at Daisuke and knocked him to the floor. “You know, your friends can be really annoying.”
“I'm sorry, Dark,” Daisuke giggled, “I just didn't think you would be so impatient to kiss your pretend boyfriend again.”
Dark was taken aback by Daisuke's selection of words. Is that all Daisuke thought he was to Dark? A pretend boyfriend? Just someone he'll use until the job's over? “You still don't get it,” pinning Daisuke's hand down on the rug, Dark forcefully kissed Daisuke while running his tongue against Daisuke's.
Daisuke succumbed and whimpered. Dark's kisses always made him feel wanted, longed for, enjoyed, and loved. He couldn't bear the thought of breaking away from Risa and losing Dark forever. He would sooner die than give up Dark. “Mnn…,” Daisuke moaned and gasped as Dark touched him in all the right places.
Finally, Dark pulled back and panted. “Why can't you understand?” asked Dark.
Daisuke appeared dumbstruck. He didn't understand a word that Dark just said. “What do you mean?”
Dark shook his head and just said, “Never mind. You'll understand eventually.”
Just then, an announcement was made, “Attention, students. Will Daisuke Niwa please report to the front office? Thank you.”
“I'll meet up with you later, Dark,” Daisuke pulled himself from under Dark and was just about to leave, if Dark didn't pull Daisuke in one last time to give him a quick kiss.
“Come to my room later.”
I'd go there now if I could. Daisuke thought to himself.
However, it was not to be. Daisuke's parents had arrived with Risa to pick him up. “We're going to lunch, Daisuke. We have a few things we need to discuss.”
Daisuke suddenly felt sick. His stomach felt tight, his heart wasn't beating according to its normal rhythm. “Um… Ok. When will I get back?”
“Later,” said Risa while filing her nails, “Why? Do you have plans with Dark?”
“Yes,” Daisuke said without a second's thought.
That did it. Risa glared at Daisuke and said, “Is that all you think about? Is Dark the only person you care about? What about me?! I'm your fiancée!”
Daisuke was about ready to slap Risa. “Dark's my friend, Risa. He's important to me.” He's more important to be than anyone else!
“Is that all he is? Because it sure doesn't seem that way.”
“We're just close, that's all.”
“Stop your arguing,” said Emiko, “Risa's parents are waiting at the café for us. We have reservations, and we can't miss it.” Risa forced Daisuke to link his arm with hers as they walked to the car.
Once they got to the café, Emiko let Daisuke and Risa out of the car while she drove off to find some parking. Daisuke spotted Risa's parents and his dad right away. They were only standing five feet away, however, that wasn't the only thing that captured Daisuke's attention. The café was located next to a teen's club surprisingly, and Daisuke couldn't believe who he had just seen! Dark? If it was Dark, then he had just walked into the club accompanied by several teenage girls. “Is something the matter, Daisuke?” asked Mr. Harada.
Daisuke snapped out of his gaze, “Uh, no, sorry.”
“Well, come along, we have just been called.”
As Daisuke sat down in a booth besides Risa, he noticed that there was an unfamiliar face with Risa's parents. She looked very much like Risa, but with shorter hair. “Daisuke, we would like you to meet Risa's sister, Riku.”
Riku was listening to some music on her ipop, so of course she wasn't paying attention. She was just bobbling her head around to the beat of whatever she was listening to. Risa smirked, and then kicked her. Riku snapped out of her little world, removed her ear phone, and said, “Hey,” she then kicked Risa back and crossed her legs so that Risa couldn't kick her again.
“Riku is slightly older than Risa,” said Mrs. Harada, “If you haven't guessed, they're twins.”
Daisuke swamped glances between Risa and Riku. Yep. He definitely could see the resemblance. Riku then reached across the table, grabbed Daisuke's free hand, and shook it, “Nice to meet you, Daisuke.”
“Um, yeah,” Daisuke smiled.
“You seem like the innocent, shy type,” said Riku.
“Um, sure…,” if she only knew.
Risa then reached out and pulled Daisuke's hand away from Riku, “You have your own fiancé. Lay off mine!”
Riku grinned, “Hey Dai, you don't mind if I call you Dai, right?”
“Cool, so, do you really like Risa?”
“I mean, could you possibly bear being with her your ENTIRE life?!”
“Um… I don't know,” Daisuke could feel Risa's evil eyes burning on his skin.
“Please. You say that now, but give it until the end of the month, and you'll wish that you never knew her.”
“I guess…”
“Don't you have someone that you'd rather spend your life with?” Riku asked while the waiter placed glasses of water on the table.
Daisuke folded his hands together. Yes… I think so…
Riku grinned. “So tell me, who are you thinking about right now?”
Daisuke smiled, “Just a friend,” A very special friend.
“OH?” Riku leaned forwards, “Tell me more, Dai. Who is this friend?”
“He's just a friend.”
That's all Daisuke needed to say to make Risa snap. “Would you stop thinking about Dark?! He's not the only person in this world!”
“Dark? Is that the guy's name?” Riku asked with a grin.
Emiko decided it was time for her to step in, “Please, we are not here to argue, and this is certainly not the time to talk about your guy friend.”
Daisuke felt like crawling into a shell and dying.
“Well, then what should we talk about?” Riku asked snidely, “About Risa's and Dai's wonderful, nonexistence love life?”
“It's not nonexistence! Daisuke loves me very much, don't you, Daisuke?” Risa looked threateningly at Daisuke.
“Um… haha,” Daisuke laughed nervously.
“Face it,” Riku slapped her hand on the table, “Dai doesn't love you, Risa. He's in love with Dark.”
“What?!” Daisuke and Risa yelled at once.
“Isn't it obvious? I haven't even seen Daisuke with Dark together and I already can tell. It's clear that Daisuke and Dark must be very close if Risa has heard of him. Emiko must not like Dark if he is constantly the center of Daisuke's attention when Risa is present. When Daisuke was thinking about Dark, he had this sort of musing smile of his face. You'd have to be blind if you didn't notice the signs.”
Once done with her proclamation, the entire table was left gaping and speechless. Daisuke was right about ready to run out of the café when his mother turned to him. “Daisuke,” her fake smile twitching, “Why don't you tell her Riku the truth about you and Dark?”
“Or better yet, Dai, why won't you tell everyone the truth about your relationship with Dark?”
Before the waiter could take their order, Daisuke had managed to slip out of the booth, out of the café, and onto the streets. Oh my god, I've made it so obvious that I love Dark! Daisuke turned into an alley, leaned against the brick wall for support and thought. Wait? Love? Do I love him? Certainly, Daisuke reacted to the physical contact he had with Dark, whether it was when they held hands coyly, when they held each other tightly, or when they kissed passionately. Those were not simple signs to just confuse the watcher. Hell, most of the time, Daisuke and Dark didn't even have an audience. So the affections they showed towards each other, if anything, were just for them.
Just then, Riku appeared from around the corner, “I found you!” she smiled.
Daisuke looked up at her and smiled, “Yeah, and you made me realize something I never thought I'd ever admit to myself.”
“What's that?”
“I think… I think I'm in love,” Daisuke's hand clenched.
“With Dark?” Riku asked sympathetically.
Daisuke nodded slowly, “When it all started, I was just using Dark to help me get rid of Risa, but I never thought that I would… fall for him…”
“Help you get rid of Risa?”
“He agreed to be my pretend boyfriend. We rehearsed things to do in front of Risa when we were alone, but I just thought it was for show. I guess that explains why I can't bare to think about a life without him.”
Riku grinned, “I think I can help you.”
A/N: Now we are finally going to get into the scenes where Daisuke really tries to show his family that he and Dark are secret lovers. BETA NEEDED!