D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Gay Sanctum ❯ Never Enough ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gay Sanctum
Chapter 10: “Never Enough”
(Daisuke's POV)
When I woke up that morning following the party, despite how heavy my eyes were with sleep, I could not look away from Dark's sleeping face. Even in sleep, he was so… handsome. I then smiled painfully. Even though he had his arms around me, with me close against his body, and everything feeling as right as possible, I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. That man before my eyes, sleeping in my bed was the root of my sins according to my religion. If I continued to give him everything, then my soul was doomed to dwell in an eternal inferno. I closed my eyes and my hands came out to hold tightly to his shirt. I felt Dark's warmth swathing around my hands and tickling my arms as it surged through my body. I weakly smiled this time, and then pushed my head further into the crook of Dark's neck. I wasn't sure what I felt for him, or maybe I was, but just refused to believe it, but whichever it was, I knew that it was pure and untainted by selfish, wanton desires. So, why would God hate me for this? “Dark…,” I wanted to wrap my arms around him so bad. I wanted to hold him tight and never allow anyone to tear him away from me, yet, there was still something inside of me that wouldn't allow me to give away everything. My religion… my faith... it was strong… perhaps too strong for its own good. If I am to carry out the Lord's will, then I will marry a woman and produce children… I will not continue to have this man in my life and give into temptation. “Oh, Dark…”
I looked at him again, making sure that he was asleep; then I leaned in and whispered, “I'll never let you go…”
I couldn't. If I did… if I denied that I felt something special for him, then I would just be lying to myself and I couldn't do that… for much longer.
Then I felt Dark stirring. He legs were shifting around and then his arms were suddenly holding me tighter, and my body responded by heating up. I felt warmer and butterflies were swarming around inside of me. I think I may have even felt something moving further below. “Daisuke?” I guess Dark must've finally woken up.
“Yeah?” What I wouldn't give to wake up to this every day.
“You awake?”
“I've been awake for a while.”
“Why didn't you wake me?” He asked softly.
“I didn't feel like getting up.”
I could almost feel him grinning. That's how connected to him I felt. “Didn't feel like getting up, or didn't feel like leaving my arms?”
I was blushing fiercely. That's just the kind of effect he had on me. I wanted to say, `A little bit of both,' but I didn't. “You're so full of yourself, Dark.”
There it was again… I knew he was grinning.
“Should we get up?” He asked. “And take a shower together?”
God, how I wish I could just say yes. “Don't be silly.” I was about to get up, but my body wasn't willing to move. It just felt to perfect here in his arms.
“Oh well,” Dark shifted so that his arms were no longer around me, but rather supporting his head as he lay on his back.
I then felt bare and vulnerable. I wanted to reach out for him and I guess he sensed that. “What? Want me to top you again?” He smirked then brought one arm around to guide me over him, “How about you top me for a change?”
I was about to say something, but then I felt myself resting on top of him, our faces just inches apart. “Dark…”
“Like the view? Don't get used to it,” he then whispered to me, “I like it better when you are lying under me… completely at my will.”
I closed my eyes tightly and then wrapped my arms around him. I didn't want to say it out loud, but I felt the same way too. “Let's get up before your mom discovers that I'm still here.”
But… wouldn't that be a good thing?
Dark pulled himself from under me then stood up. I was left on the bed, resting over the spot he had just abandoned, and I was breathing in his scent. It was everywhere. Please mom, don't send for anyone to wash my sheets.
“Anyways, Daisuke, I have to run. I'm supposed to meet up with a few friends of mine.” He then went about the room picking up his clothing.
“But first…,” he pulled me to the edge of the bed and pecked me on my cheek. “Ok. I'll see you later, love.”
Before I could even say goodbye, he had left through the window. I then ran over to my window and caught a glimpse of him jumping the wall just in time. Then that was it. He was gone, but I didn't want to leave my window, just in case he came back. “Oh, Dark… what am I going to do about you?”
(Author's POV)
“There you are! We've been waiting for you, man! What took ya?”
“I was sleeping over at a friend's house,” said Dark as he took a seat next to a few friends, “So I had to run to the school to shower and get changed. I wasn't about to show up here in some tux.
“Hmm…, I would've liked to see that,” said a girl with dark hair who was sitting behind one of Dark's friends.
“Who are you?” asked Dark.
“You can call me Jess, and I believe your name is Dark, correct?”
Dark nodded. “Haven't seen you around. You new?”
“Yes. I just moved here a few weeks ago. I live just across the street from your pal James, so if you ever want to visit, you know where to find me.”
“Ooo!” The guys gave Dark an approving pat on the back, “It's about time, Dark!”
Dark's grin just got bigger.
“So, you want to hang out?”
“I guess you'd make a cool friend,” said Dark as he sat up and headed towards the club across the street.
“Just a friend?” asked Jess as she got up to catch up with Dark.
“Are you looking for something more?”
Jess just smiled, “So, you're looking for someone with no strings attached?”
“I'm not looking for anyone,” said Dark, “I already have someone.”
“Oh, really?” Jess grinned as they entered the club. Dark had caught the grin before they entered, and so he made sure to watch his back while with Jess. He didn't know what kind of girl she was, but so far, it seemed like she was no different than those horn dogs back over there.
Monday finally rolled around and school was back in session. “Take care, Daisuke,” said Emiko as she looked around the dropping off zone, waiting to see if Dark was going to pop out of nowhere.
“Bye mom.”
Daisuke jumped out of the car and raced towards his class. In order to get there, he had to pass by Dark's dorm. Perhaps he could catch a glance of Dark leaving the building or something. Anything would do just fine, so as long as he saw Dark.
But, as Daisuke passed the building, he saw this girl leaving the dorm. What was a girl doing on campus? And Dark! He was waving goodbye? Daisuke was completely confused. “Who's she, Dark?” Daisuke whispered more to himself.
Dark then leaned against the wall and watched her until she exited the campus. Daisuke frowned and narrowed his eyes. Did Dark have yet another secret life that Daisuke didn't know about? Or was he just jumping to conclusions? Daisuke prayed it was the latter. He didn't know how he could handle breaking everything.
When lunch finally rolled around, Daisuke wanted to help out the art teacher. She handed three boxes stacked on top of each other to Daisuke and told him exactly what she wanted him to do with them. As Daisuke walked in the halls, occasionally looking around the boxes to make sure nothing was blocking his path, he had no idea that Dark was casually walking behind him. That was, until he reached the point of his destination. He needed to open the door of the teacher supply room, but the boxes were a little heavy and he couldn't balance them with one hand. Just then, Dark reached out and scared the living shit out of Daisuke. The boy yelped and jumped back, nearly dropping the load he was carrying. “Don't do that, Dark!”
“Sorry. I just thought that you needed some help.”
(Daisuke's POV)
I wondered how long he had been there… just walking and waiting to see if I'd realize I wasn't along. He took the top box away from me in order to lighten up my load and then opened the door for me. He was such a gentleman. Inside, the room was dark and the shades were down. Dark flipped on the switch then asked, “Where do we put these?”
I pointed to an empty table. He then grabbed the last two boxes I had and placed all three on the table at once. “Finally. Now we can talk.”
“Talk?” I looked at him, knowing very well that I had this worried, fretful look on my face. “Talk about what?”
“You know what I'm referring to,” said Dark as he leaned against the desk.
“No I don't,” I just hoped to God that he wasn't referring to that girl I saw leave earlier.
“No, silly. About the party. Did your mom give you any shit yesterday or today?”
“Oh…,” I rubbed the back of my head, feeling unbelievably relived that he wasn't referring to that girl. “Well… she didn't talk to me all day. She just kind of poked her head into my room and watched me do my homework. It was like she wanted to ask me something, but couldn't find the right words.”
“Do you think she's catching on?”
“I don't know. Why? Do you hope so?”
“Well, Daisuke, we've been at this for a while, you know.”
What was he getting at? I felt cold again and quite panicked. “…is something wrong?”
Dark smiled. “Daisuke, we been going at this for months. Unless your parents are blind, I can't see how they wouldn't notice our relationship.”
“Well… I think my mom knows, but she hasn't gotten around to talking to me about it.”
Dark nodded as watching me carefully. “What does Risa think?”
“I think she knows, but is ignorant of it.”
“Well then, we'll just have to change it, won't we?”
Dark was then walking towards me with this big, sinister grin on his face. I looked up at him and instinctively closed my eyes. His lips were on mine in mere seconds and then his tongue was plowing my mouth. I gripped his shoulders to steady myself and he wrapped his arms around my tiny body.
Too quickly he pulled away, leaving my mind cloudy and my body craving more of his affection. “Risa's not here… why did you kiss me?” I asked.
“Must I always have a reason when I kiss you?” Dark asked as he continued to hold me close to his body.
I wanted to say `no' so badly. I loved it when he kissed me! I love it so much! I didn't care how wrong it might've been. “Well… I don't know.”
“Is Risa going to be over today?”
“When is she not?” I asked him.
“Alright… I have an idea. Invite me over.”
I nodded and he smiled wickedly. “And Daisuke, I want your complete and utmost trust. I can't do this without cooperation.”
I nodded again and he patted my head as he left the room.
What was he up to?
It was difficult after that to go through the day without wondering what Dark had up his sleeve. I kept on dozing off in the final two classes, just drawing stick figures in my notebook as the teachers continued to lecture about whatever it is that they teach about. After that incident in the supply room, I just didn't want to work anymore. I wanted to go home and… do stuff with Dark.
The end of the day came slow enough and then we waited while my mom drove up. She looked out her window and raised her brow. “Daisuke… why is Dark with you?”
“We're study buddies, mom. Test tomorrow and we need to help each other out. He won't be sleeping over today.”
My mom nodded while eyeing Dark suspiciously, as she always does. I passed the OK nod towards Dark and he hopped into the vehicle.
Once we reached my house, Risa was outside on the lawn smelling flowers. As soon as she saw me, she darted towards me. Only mere seconds before she glomped me did Dark deliberately cross her path. “Hey, Risa! Long time so see!”
Risa's mouth dropped and she passed a pleading look towards my mom. Emiko looked the other way and pretended to have not seen anything.
“Let's go, Daisuke. We have studying to do.”
Hmmm… I wanted to study anatomy.
In my room, Dark shut the door and then locked it. I looked over my shoulder and eyed him. “So, what were you planning on doing?”
Dark suddenly picked me up and settled me on my desk. “We can't do this at school easily, but at least here… we have some privacy.”
“What?” My eyes opened wide and I shuddered to think that we were going to do something a bit more intimate.
“Do you trust me, Daisuke?”
My eyes and thoughts were so focused on Dark that I barely heard what he said. Either way, I nodded and then I felt him spreading apart my legs and he pulled me closer to him.
It was then that I woke up. I looked down to take in the picture of our situation and then I noticed Dark unbuttoning my pants. I grabbed onto his shirt gently and just watched as he unzipped the zipper. There were so many thoughts running through my head, like, what am I doing letting him get away with this, and, shit, I should stop him, but I want to see what he's going to do. Well of course I should have an idea of what he was going to do, but I didn't have the motives to pull his hands away. He pulled down on my pants and I obediently lifted myself up so he could pull them all the way off. “Dark?”
He kissed me again. He kissed me hungrily and impatiently. I whimpered and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Then I could feel his finger tips lightly running down the front of my briefs. I pulled away from Dark's lips and closed my eyes tightly; remember to breathe as he applied a bit more pressure. “Hmmm….”
Dark then, thought the material, started rubbing me. I gasped out loud and tried to spread my legs wider so he could cup me. He did so and I unwrapped my arms from around his neck in order to rest them behind me to support my body. I arched towards him and rolled my head back. I was already hardening and he had barely begun. “Dark….”
I felt so dirty… so manipulated, and the pleasure I felt from Dark's hand massaging me through my briefs was just sinful. “You… you can slide you hand inside….” I looked at him and he nodded. He easily pulled on the hem then slid his hand inside. His warm hand was strong and large. It wrapped around my entire length and pumped me forcefully. I moaned out louder than I intended to and then I reached out to hold onto him. His scent, most filling and appeasing, mixed with my thick and musty scent.
Time now was going so fast. I moaned and whimpered with every single pump he gave me. He teased my head and caressed me tenderly. With my ear against his chest, I could hear his own heart rapidly thumping. At this point, I was quickly approaching my climax, and I made sure Dark knew it as I pulled him down so he could kiss me. This time I delved deep into his mouth, seeking out my other companion and seconds late, I felt my entire body tense as I ejaculated onto his hand. He quickly gripped me and pulled me back against his body. The tingling feeling I felt was beyond anything I anticipated. “I'm here, Daisuke.” Dark kissed my forehead, and that dirty, used feeling I had fled. I felt loved… I felt tended to. I felt relieved.
And then someone was knocking on the door. “Pull up your pants,” Dark said as he walked over to answer it.
“I heard some strange noises,” I heard Risa say as she tried to look in.
Dark blocked her as he hid his right hand, the one that gave me a hand job, behind his back. “We're studying. Go away. He doesn't want to see you.”
Dark closed the door on Risa and walked towards me. “Got a towel?”
I passed him some tissue I had on his desk so he could wipe his hand. I then blushed and mumbled, “Thank you.”
Dark smirked and said, “Perhaps we should do this more often. Feel relieved?”
Sweet heavens, I felt free as a bird. I didn't bother to put on pants as I walked over to sit on my bed. Dark was grinning again. Whatever for, I had no idea. “I think your mom heard you moaning,” Dark suddenly said.
I gasped and looked over at him. “Do you really think so?”
“You were really loud.”
When dinner came around, Dark had to leave. Emiko made sure that there was only enough for Risa, dad, herself, and me. “I'll walk you out,” I said to him as I left the house with him beside me.
As we walked down the pathway, I looked up fondly at the stars and smiled as the cool breeze blew against my face. Dark then had taken my hand in his and I was blushing again. “I wish you could spend the night.” I could never have enough with Dark.
“Can't do everything in one day, Daisuke, or you won't be able to get up for a week.”
I gasped and looked at him, “What?!”
At the gates, he pecked my lips and ruffled my hair. “See you tomorrow at school.”
When he was completely and utterly out of sight, I returned to the house. Inside, everyone was oddly quiet. I looked around and then I caught my mom's eye. She seemed upset about something. Risa seemed upset about something too. A huge storm will be ensuing shortly.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Please review and have a lovely day.