D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Queen of Wings ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Queen of Wings
--Chapter One--
“I had a great time last night, Daisuke.”
The red-haired boy blushed fiercely. Scuffing his foot on the sidewalk, he looked embarrassedly back up at the girl, his long eyelashes partially hiding his eyes. “I-I'm glad to hear that,” he replied. “Maybe we can go out again sometime...?”
The brown-eyed girl next to him smiled and then nodded her head. The two sat down. “I'd like that a lot.”
“Risa! Your coach is looking everywhere for you!”
Risa rolled her eyes, standing from the bench she had been sharing with Daisuke. “Sorry, Riku,” she said to her twin sister. “I was talking.”
Riku sighed. “Well you shouldn't be, your cheerleading practice started five minutes ago!” she paused in her reprimanding to wave at the teenage boy who still sat on the bench. “Good morning, Daisuke. How are you?”

Daisuke's already red face flushed even more. “I'm fine, thank you.”
The younger of the two twin girls stared huffily at her sister. “You know, it was really rude of you to interrupt Daisuke and me!” she explained, resting her hands on her hips indignantly.
The auburn haired girl just ignored her sister. “Well it wasn't a good idea for you to try and skip practice like this so you can talk to your boyfriend.”
Risa blushed. “I-I have to go, Daisuke! Bye!” Glaring at Riku one last time, she rushed off to the practice field.
Riku watched her go. Since basketball practice was over, and she had a ton of homework to do, she decided it would be best to head on home. “I should be going...do you want to walk home together?” she asked her red-haired friend.
Daisuke nodded and gathered his things. “Sure let's go,” he said.
The two walked together, passing by the brightly lit stores and houses. Riku always loved this time of year. Christmas lights shone and the snow fell gently from the sky. The only negative thing was how cold it was. She stopped as they walked by a coffee house.
“Hey, Daisuke? Do you mind if we stop in here for a minute? I feel like having a hot chocolate to warm up,” she said, pointing to the café.
Daisuke smiled. “No problem. Here, I'll treat.”
Amethyst eyes narrowed. As the bells to the café chimed, they darted towards the doorway.
`She's here,' their owner thought.
Taking a sip of his cappuccino, Dark watched as Riku and a red-haired boy came into the café and walked up to the register. Turning the page of his newspaper, he kept a close eye on them. He was expecting her to come inside, but he wasn't expecting this other youth to be accompanying her. `He'll be easy to get rid of. I can see from here that they aren't together in a romantic sense. All I need to worry about is finding a way to introduce myself.'
Riku received her drink and made her way over at an empty table. Dark quickly averted his gaze to his newspaper. The redhead soon joined her.
“Thanks for the drink, Daisuke. That was really sweet of you,” Riku said, blushing slightly as she moved closer to him.
Dark raised an eyebrow. What was this he was seeing?
The red-haired boy - Daisuke - smiled kindly at her, not noticing the pink tint on her face. “It's no problem, Riku,” he replied, taking a sip from his cup. “We're friends, and as such I have the right to treat you to hot cocoa every day.”
Riku sighed, looking away. “Friends...right.”
The purple-haired man crossed his legs, placing his newspaper down on the small table he was seated at. His eyes narrowed slightly, picking up on the girl's disappointment. `Why should she be disappointed that they are friends?'
He knew the answer already, but he didn't want to believe it. Raising the cappuccino to his lips, Dark took a slow sip of the brown liquid. He then placed the mug back down rather loudly, causing the red-head to turn and look in his direction. Amethyst eyes narrowed.
`How can she...have feelings for him?!'
The brown-haired girl sighed, standing up from the table that she and her friend were seated at. “I should get going,” she declared, finishing off her drink.
“Oh, I'll walk you the rest of the way home if you want.”
Riku shook her head, her auburn hair falling in her eyes and concealing her face from her friend. “No, it's all right. You don't have to. Besides, Risa's practice will be over in a few minutes. I'm sure you want to be there to walk with her.”
Daisuke nodded. “Oh...okay then. See you tomorrow.”
The teenager smiled at him, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. “See you,” she whispered.
No sooner did she start making her way to the exit, Dark stood and began to follow. He walked slowly behind her, re-memorizing every feature of her backside. He frowned slightly, thinking back on the blush he had seen stain her cheeks when she had sat down with that other boy.
`This may be harder than I first thought. If she is already in love with someone else...how am I going to get her to remember our love?'
Dark sighed and stopped walking, watching Riku disappear down the road. He wasn't going to give up just because she had feelings for some other guy. He was Dark Mousy, the legendary Thief Lord of the Black Wings. He could get any woman he wanted.
And he would not fail on achieving Riku's heart.