Detective Loki Fan Fiction ❯ Ragnarok ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Four

Midgard was like nothing Loki would have expected. He'd been there on occasion in the old days, but that had been centuries upon centuries ago. The human race had been nothing but a group of foraging wild men then. Through the centuries, man had progressed to astounding levels.

After being exiled from Asgard, Loki had traveled all over the globe for years, until finally settling in Tokyo, Japan. All through the seventeen years of his exile, Loki had traveled, collecting various evil auras around the globe. Once he attained enough auras, he'd be able to break the spell Odin had placed on him and return to Asgard.

With each passing day, he longed for that day. The only companionship he'd had in all that time had been Yamino, who looked after him dutifully. Despite the advances, he found himself longing for the simple way of life that Midgard had once known.

Part of him, he had to admit, longed for Asgard still. What had happened to Sigyn after he was banished? Did Odin banish her as well, or bring her into Gladenheim as a hostage? He couldn't imagine Odin doing that to his own daughter. But then, he had been Odin's blood-brother...

Shaking his head, Loki looked up, watching the door to his study open. Yamino entered, a young girl behind him. He smirked; their first client! He'd chosen to open up a detective agency, knowing it would be easier to locate evil jaki that way. He gave his customary address, knowing how mysterious it sounded. He loved the sound of it!

The young woman stared, then walked over to Loki. He smirked, the look of awe plain on her face. Well of course she would be in awe of his amazing abilities...

Until she placed her hand on his head, looking down at him as if he were a child. Which, technically, he was. "You're the detective?"

"Yes." Loki retorted, miffed that she would think otherwise. Who else would be, Yamino?!

"Uh huh." The pretty pink-haired girl replied intelligently, arching an eyebrow up at him. "But you're still a kid!" She knelt down next to him so they were at eye level.

He was really getting tired of that phrase. "Don't judge my skills by my size. What is your name?"

"Me? Daidouji Mayura." Mayura replied, still uncertain about this. How could this kid find that doll for her?

"Mayura..." Loki stared at her, a tingle running down his back. Whether it was the small bit of jaki that he could detect from her or something else, he wasn't quite sure. "What is it you are here for?"

"Oh…OH!" Mayura giggled, nearly bouncing. "I want you to find something for me!"

"Oh? What is that?" Loki asked, a bit curious now.

" A doll!"

Loki sweatdropped. "A doll?"

"Hai!" Mayura giggled, her eyes going starry-eyed a bit. She clapped her hands together, all but gushing in her excitement. "It's so kawaii! It talks and laughs and says `onechan!'"


"Hai, Loki-sama."

Loki looked down through the window at the young girl who had just left. She'd huffed and glared at the mansion after Yamino had escorted her to the door. The jaki that had been attached to her had been vaguely familiar, yet it wasn't. At first he'd thought it was her directly, but then he'd realized it wasn't her personally, but something attached to her. But what could it be?

It was almost as if a part of Mayura was someone or something he knew, but he could never quite put his finger on it. Shrugging the thought away, he turned to Yamino. "Come, Yamino-kun. We have to find this doll."

"We're taking the case?" Yamino blinked, surprised. Then why did they send the girl away?

"NO. But there was jaki attached to her." Loki smirked, leading the way out of the room, Yamino shaking his head in wonder, but following.

* * *

Many cases later, Loki found himself in his study, gazing down at the Brisingamen. He'd found an ornate velvet box to place the golden necklace within it. It gleamed, sparkling as if made of the finest jewels, despite no jewel resided within it. He'd stolen it from Freya once, wanting to give it as a gift to Sigyn when they were courting.

At the thought of Sigyn, his eyes teared and he forced them away. He missed her terribly, his love for her having never diminished in the slightest since his arrival in Midgard. He'd been shocked to find Freya here. It still haunted him, her words of what Odin had done.

Whenever he mentioned Sigyn to Narugami, his old friend would look away and mumble something about having to go back to work and leave. Deep in his heart, Loki knew something was terribly wrong, but he refused to let it get him down. He would find her and see her again, he knew that in his heart.

He did worry about the twins, however. They were so small and would they understand what had happened to their father? And what about Hel?

Loki was determined to find out what had happened to Sigyn. His eyes narrowed in resolve as he got up from his desk and walked out the door of his study.

"Loki-sama?" His son, Yamino, questioned when he saw his father descend the stairs from his position at the foot of said stairs, cleaning the banister.

"I'm going out for a bit, Yamino-kun. I should be back shortly." Loki said evasively before walking out of the mansion without another word.

Yamino blinked, then sighed and shook his head. "Go with him?" He looked up at the fluffy marshmallow that floated above his head.

"Punyan!" Ecchan agreed, flying out of the mansion through a window and trailing after Loki. The shikigami settled itself upon Loki's head, his customary position. Loki didn't even flinch at the new addition as he set out for Narugami's latest part-time job.

"Get them while they're hot! Get your bean buns (change to whatever those bean fish-shaped treats are) here!"

Narugami called out, ringing the bell on his food cart. He was near the pier, where a carnival was currently going on. He'd managed to get a job at famous shop, Jork. They'd been amazed at his devotion to the job, even when he'd berated some customer's for not finishing what they'd ordered.

He'd gotten a promotion, from busboy to outside sales. He received a commission for each treat that he sold, which had turned out to be far more than what his salary had been. Now, instead of having to scrape for funds for his rent and food, he was making more than enough for both. Consequently, his grades at school were getting better and he was enjoying his time on Midgard now.

`Odd…ever since Loki decided to stay here, things have been getting better for everyone. Perhaps Father has given up?' Narugami thought to himself while pulling out another batch of treats out of the oven. He'd already seen Freyr, dragging Heimdall along as usual.

He blinked in surprise, however, when he saw one of his trusted friends glaring up at him. "Oi! Loki! What brings you here?"

"Narukami-kun. We need to talk. Now." Loki retorted, his eyes fierce, brooking no argument.

"Oi…but my stand!"


"Fine, fine…" Narugami sighed. There was no arguing with him when Loki was in this mood. Taking a sign stating he'd return shortly, Narugami followed Loki toward a set of benches, overlooking the ocean.

Narugami was just about to demand of Loki what he wanted when Loki spoke. His eyes were haunted, filled with pain and fear as he spoke. "Tell me, Thor."

Taken aback by the usage of his real name, Narugami opened his mouth to deny that he didn't know what Loki was talking about. He quickly closed his jaw, seeing the look of anguish and longing on his best friend's face.

Narugami gazed down at the floor, his hands gripping Mjollner tightly. Loki arched an eyebrow upwards. He'd never seen his friend so…afraid?

"She's dead." The words were simple but held a world of meaning. Loki recoiled from his friend, his green eyes with disbelief and anguish. Narugami looked up at his friend, his own eyes filled with anguish and knowledge that he held. "She demanded that Odin return you after he banished you here. He refused and she attacked him. "

He smiled, remembering how feisty and determined she had been. "I don't think I've ever been prouder of my little sister…" He shook his head, swallowing a lump in his throat. "He cursed her, then killed her, leaving nothing left. I…I'm sorry Loki."

Eyes wavering, Loki abruptly stood and ran away from Narugami, quite sobs escaping him. It couldn't be true…no! He wouldn't believe it! Sigyn wasn't dead, she couldn't be! How could she be dead?! She'd promised they'd see each other again!

Sobbing, feeling worse than he ever had before since being exiled, he tripped on a tree root. He didn't even notice where he was, or who might be around. His heart broke at that instant and he wondered fleeting if he would ever be happy again.

A figure stood behind him, though he didn't notice. There was a flash of light, and then Freya appeared. She knelt next to him, gathering him into her arms. He sobbed, clinging to her as he sobbed uncontrollably.

She sighed, crooning to him like the child he appeared. She didn't even have to ask to know why he was like this. Freya had never been very keen on Sigyn, mostly because of her jealousy. Why did Sigyn have the privilege of being Loki's wife and not her?

At the moment, she pushed aside her jealousy. Loki needed her right now and she was determined to be there for him, even if he didn't want her.

After a time, he subsided. His eyes were still filled with unbearable pain, but at least he wasn't sobbing anymore. Loki remained silent for a long time before be finally looked up at her. Reaching out, he touched Freya's face tenderly. "Thank you, Freya."

She blushed, nodding. "Anything for you, Loki."

He sighed, straightening up. "I better get back home. Will you…come for tea?"

She smiled. "I would like that very much." He smiled slightly, then took her hand and the two walked side by side to his home.