Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ DigiGundamHakusho ❯ The Digital World ( Chapter 2 )

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Digimon,YYH&GW crossover

Chapter 2:the Digital World

Disclaimer:Don't blame me if my story crappy,ok.I'm just a ten year old girl writing this story.

The nine of them landed in different places. Just after they landed, each of them saw walking stuffed toys! The toys could talk too! the toys followed them where ever they went. Quatre and his stuffed toy found a cave. In the cave, "My name is Agumon. I'm a digimon. Short for Digital Monster." "Why are you following me around?" "You're a human and I am supposed to protect a human by the name of Quatre.Do you know him?"
"Of course I know him. He is me!" "Wow! That means I got the right person."

"Where are we, guys?" Duo asked Wufei,Heero and Trowa. "I don't know.. well we are supposed to find Quatre and the others," Trowa told them. The four of them went to look for Kurama,Hiei,Yuusuke,Kuwabara and Quatre.
Nearby the cave that Quatre and Agumon was in......
Kurama,Hiei and Yuusuke were searching for Kuwabara,Quatre,Trowa,Dou,Heero and Wufei. Kurama found a cave. It was the same cave that Quatre was in.Kurama,Hiei and Yuusuke decided to rest in the cave for a while.In the cave they found a sleeping Quatre with another digimon.