Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Journey to the Digital World ❯ Returing to the Digital World ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Digimon Tamers belong to Bandai and Disney so I didn't create them

Journey to the Digital World

Chapter 2: Returning to the Digital World

Takato lay on his bed holding his gold and sliver D-arc close to his chest. Ever since he found a portal to the digital world and told the rest of the tamers they were happy as they can be but only Henry said something on how do we get back. Takato sighed and leaped off his bed and opened his window to feel the cold air.

Takato: Oh Guilmon I wish I can leap into the portal and find you again but Henry right if we just jump like last time we be left without a way home again and you know much our familys worried about the last time we went.

Takato looked at the lit town and was about to walk in in till the whole town went pitch black and takato tiped over something and got back up again to look outside.

Takato: Huh whats going on why did the lights go off all of the sudden.

About two hours later at Henry's falt the lights went back on. Henry walked into the room where his family were and they were watching the news.

News Reporter: Today the whole of Japan, USA and the UK went into a tottal blackout, no one can explain this strange event but it seems on one was hurt during the blackout am Tina Andersan reporting from New York back to you Tom.

Jenyu: Well am gald no one was hurt but I wonder

Henry: Worry about what dad

Jenyu: Could this be linked to the events to the digital world

Henry: If so do you think Terriermon might be in trouble

Jenyu: Well I hope not, well time for all of us to go to bed so come on kids off to bed.

They all said goodnight and went back into thier rooms. Henry still wonders if Terriermon was alright, he picked up his green and sliver d-arc.

Henry: I don't care about a way home anymore your my best friend and I can't bare to see you killed, I have to go and am calling Takato and the others.

The next day Henry picks up the phone and rang Takato's bakary shop. Takato answers

Takato: Hello Takato speaking

Henry: Hi Takato its me Henry did you see the news last night

Takato: Yeah I still coudn't belive that it also happened in the US and the UK

Henry: Well my dad wonders that it could be linked to the digital world

Takato: What really

Henry: Yeah and ever since he said that I couldn't stop thinking about Terriermon so am going to the digital world

Takato: But what about a way home

Henry: Am sure my dad will build another ark like last time so can you call Rika while I call Kazu and the others and tell them to meet at Guilmon's old hiding place.

Takato: OK Henry leave everything to me

Henry: Thanks Takato see you there

Threy hang and again Henry picked up the phone. Suzi saw his big brother dailing

Suzi: Henry whats going on

Henry: Hang on Suzi.............Hello is Kazu there...............Thanks.....................Hello Kazu listen meet at Guilmon's old hiding place and pack you things we going to the digital world...............Yeah call Kenta......Thanks.

Henry hangs up and went up to his little sister

Henry: Suzi you want to see lopmon again don't you

Suzi: Of crouse Henry I miss her.

Henry: Do me a favor, go the Mako and Ai and tell them about going to the digital world but don't tell mum or dad okay

Suzi: Okay Henry

Suzi dashed towards her mother while Henry picked up the phone

few hours later at Guilmon's old hiding place all the tamers were there except Takato.

Rika: Whats taking gogglehead so long

Kazu: Relax Rika he be here

Rika ingorned him and started to get angry waiting for Takato. Mako then spotted Takato rushing up the stairs

Rika: Finnaly where have you been

Takato: Sorry had to write a note to my parents.

Henry: Okay are we ready to go then

Tamers all yelled a yeah and entered Guilmon's old hiding place and amazed that the portal was still there.

Jeri: It's still here

Takato: Yeah as if it was waiting for us to go thought

Rika: Then lets go already

They all jumped in and began they search for thier digimon

End Of Chapter

Please review me and tell me what you think of it so far but no flamers