Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Double Wedding ❯ Chapter One: TK and Tai Pop the Question ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ML: OK, for all of my MM.org readers, I'm giving you a special blast from the past!
Tai: Does that mean?
ML: Yep… I'm going to be taking one of my older fics from FF.net, polishing it up, adding new characters and whatnot, and uploading for all to see! Now I'm sure anyone who's been on both FF.net and MM.org know this is a takari and taiora wedding fic, and well, I got the idea from watching this soap, “Passions”.
TK: So, who's doing the disclaimer?
ML: Davis?
Davis: OK! “ML does not own Digimon whatsoever. The only things he does own are Himself, Darkgabumon and Danielle. He does this for fun, and not money. Ken?
Ken: “Concerning ages, they are as follows: TK, Kari and Davis are 17, ML, Jolene, Yolei and myself are 18, and the 01 kids are 20+”. Matt?
Matt: “If you are one of those people who don't like takari or taiora, leave now! Otherwise, sit back and enjoy!” ROLL FILM!
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Chapter 1 - TK and Tai pop the question
It all started one summer night. The digidestined, including Jun, Danielle, and me, were at the karaoke restaurant my parents owned. We were all having a good time, and I said to TK, “Man, you enjoying yourself?”
He said, “Yeah! At least I'm with Kari, and speaking of which, you mind if I show you, Tai and Matt something?”
I said, “Sure man. What is it?”
He then led Tai, Matt and me to the front area and said, “Hey, you know Kari and me went on a few dates, right?”
I said, “Yeah, so?”
He said, “Well, I'm planning to...”
Tai said, “Get to the point!” TK then showed us a little velvet box he had in his pocket, and then opened it. Inside was a beautiful engagement ring with a diamond that was obviously 24K.
I said, “Whoa man. Don't tell me you're gonna...”
He said, “That's right. I'm going to pop the question to Kari tonight.”
Matt said, “Good luck. I hope Kari says yes.”
Tai said, “Yeah, I hope you get the reaction you want.” But then Tai said, “Hey ML, mind if I show you something?”
I nodded and then said, “What is it, Tai?” He then showed me another engagement ring, with two 24K diamonds. I thought, “Tai's going to pop the question to Sora?” I knew how those two were. They were always with each other. I smiled and said, “Good luck, man.”
We went back out into the area we were at, and then we enjoyed the rest of the party. TK asked, “You think she'll say yes?”
I said, “Go for it, man, you'll never know until you try.”
Tai said to me, “Well, if TK's going to try, I'll try too right after him.”
I replied, “You sure?”
Tai just said, “Definitely man.”
TK then breathed in, went to the stage and asked, “May we have some attention?” Everybody just stopped what they were doing, and looked up.
Tai then asked, “Can Sora and Kari come up here?”
I whispered to Matt, “I hope those two know what they are doing.”
Matt said, “Don't worry, ML. I'm sure everything will work out.”
Kari and Sora came up, and Kari asked, “Hey guys, what's going on?”
TK went first, and said, “You know that we're pretty serious, and we've went on a few dates now and then, so...” Davis said, “Get to the point, TA!” Same old Davis, that guy never gets it right.
“I was just getting there!” TK yelled back. He then went on one knee. Kari was thinking, “Is he actually going to pop the question to me?” Her suspicion was right on the money when she heard those words. “Hikari Kamiya, will you give me the honor of being my wife?”
Davis was thinking, “Oh no. Please don't say `yes', Kari.” But Matt and myself were going, “Come on, Kari, come on.”
After awhile, she then said, “Yes I will, Takeru!” She put the ring on, and kissed TK.
Matt and I went up to TK and said, “Way to go, man!” As for Davis, well, he just went to his car to go home, with a scowl on his face.
Tai said, “Smooth one, TK. Now it's my turn.” He then turned to Sora, and said, “I loved you the first minute I saw you.”
Sora said, “Tai, I loved you at first sight too.”
It was then his turn to get down on one knee. He asked, “Sora Takenouchi, will you marry me?” Yolei and Mimi were watching obviously. They were thinking, “Please say yes, Sora.”
Sora then said, “I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you, so, I will!” She put her ring on, and kissed Tai. the guys were all saying, “Congrats, Tai.” He said thanks. I was considering marriage, but I didn't want to go for the hat trick tonight. I gave Danielle one of my famous smiles, and as the guys exited, we closed the restaurant, and Danielle asked, “So, when are you going to ask your parents to give me a job here?” I said, “Hey Dani, don't worry about it, I asked my parents yesterday. They would consider it. You think you can give me your resume?” Danielle said, “Yeah. I would love to work for my boyfriend's parents.” I smiled at her again, and we finished closing up the restaurant. I drove Danielle home, and went back to the apartment building Tai, Kari and myself lived in. After washing up, I went to bed.
I hope y'all like this blast from the past! R&R!