Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Have You Ever? ❯ Chapter IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: *sighs* I should make a tape recording of my disclaimer, I say it so much. It's sooo obvious I don't own Digimon, see. Cos if I did, Matt soo wouldn't have married Sora. He would have gotten a legal partnership with Tai. And Ken would NOT have married Yolei, Yolei would have been an item with Izzy and Ken would be with Daisuke. Oh well. Se la vie (Such as life). On with the fic!

/*Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever*/

As the prom drew closer, I grew nervouser. Is that even a word? I didn't have a date, even though Mimi had assured me I would.

I sighed and fell onto my bed. Mimi had provided me with some nice pants, a shirt, and some nice shoes. I had the feeling she was going to make me pay her back somehow. My clock read 11:30, but I wasn't tired at all. I was still waiting for Mimi's phone call. As if on cue, the telephone rang.

"Moshi moshi," I said, having picked up the extension in my room.

"Hey Izzy," Mimi's voice chirped into my ear. "Told you I'd call, didn't I? I know who you should take to the prom, I think you two would look so cute together!"

"Who is it?" I asked her, wondering who on earth it could be.

Mimi giggled and said she'd tell me tomorrow at six.

"Mimi! That's when the prom starts! I can't find out who my date is the same time I'm supposed to be arriving with them! If they don't want to be with me, then what? I'll just be screwed!" I said.

"Nahh, they'll want to be with you. Honest," she said, giggling madly before hanging up.

"Bye to you, too," I said to the dial tone. Then, I lay back down and tried to sleep. I failed. I nearly screamed with frustration, because every time I closed my eyes, I saw Yolei's face swimming in front of them.

I knew Mimi wouldn't hook me up with Yolei, because Yolei already went out with Ken. So who would she hook me up with?

I guess I eventually got to sleep, because I opened my eyes to find that it was morning. I quickly turned on my laptop and checked my email. A few were junk emails, I dumped them. A few were chain letters. I dumped them, too. Nothing of interest. Darn, I was hoping Yolei had emailed me or something.

An hour later, I was at school. The day dragged by so slowly, I though I'd never get let out of school! Finally, the day ended and I raced home. Now there only a few hours left until the prom!

When I walked in the door, the phone was ringing, so I answered it.

"Moshi moshi," I said into the phone. It was Mimi again, wanting to make sure I was coming. I assured her I would, and begged her to tell me who it was. She still refused to tell and hung up, giggling.

I didn't need two hours to get ready for the prom, so I decided to just surf the internet for a bit. When that didn't hold my attention, I tried writing another computer program. That didn't work, either. Finally, I just went ahead and got ready.

The next half hour flew by and Mimi came to pick me up (or rather, her chauffer did). I was a little surprised that she was with Joe, I never knew they went out!

When we pulled up to the school, Mimi went racing off to the other side of the campus while Joe kept me back.

"You wait here, okay?" he said. "You're gonna like who we pick, I promise.Don't worry." I wouldn't like anyone as much as I'd like Yolei, but I didn't bother to correct him.

In a few seconds, Mimi came back and told me to go near the band. So, I waited by the Teenage Wolves' bandstand and chatted with Matt. Matt suddenly smiled as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. She had large brown eyes, beautifully applied makeup, and...purple hair!

"Yolei?" I whispered, staring at her.

"Izzy?" she whispered, staring right back.

"I thought you were going to come with Ken!" I said at the same time Yolei said, "I thought you were going to come with Mimi!" I laughed.

"Why would I want to come with Mimi? I wouldn't be available in case some pretty girl asked me to dance," I said, winking at her. "You look very pretty tonight."

"I do?" she asked, blushing. "It's thanks to Mimi, Sora, and Kari. They did hte make up and hair and stuff. You look awesome, Izzy." Then it was my turn to blush.

"So..um...d'you wanna dance or what?" I asked nervously.

"Sure, I'd love to!" she exclaimed, so we did.

A few minutes later, a slow song came on, and Yolei leaned her head on my shoulder contentedly as we danced. I felt like I was the happiest guy on earth.

/*What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand how I need you next to me
Gotta get you in my world
'Cuz baby I can't sleep*/

All night, we danced, talked to our friends, and ate. I couldn't help but notice Joe and Mimi giving us sly looks every now and then. Near the end, around 10:30, Mimi came over and politely asked if she could cut in.

Yolei walked over to Joe and danced a friendly dance with him while Mimi danced with me.

"So was I right?" she asked. I smiled over her shoulder at Yolei.

"Completely," I said.

/*Have you ever loved somebody so much
It's makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night*/

Mimi told her chauffer to take me and Yolei home, but conveniently forgot to add that we lived in seperate houses. The chauffer dropped us off at my house and drove away.

"Well, I guess I should walk you home," I said, staring down the road where the chauffer had driven off. Most of the way to Yolei's apartment building, we walked in silence.

When we reached her house, she thanked me for walking her home.

"No problem," I said. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and went inside. I stood there looking at her door and touched my cheek where she had kissed it. Then, I turned and started home.

/*Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right
Have you ever, have you ever*/

There you go, my first, full-fledged Kouyako fic! Like it? Hate it? Want more? Want me to rip it down and never show it to anyone again? Please R & R!!