Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 9 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 9 Attack on Duskmon
Authors Note: Ok, I know that it is never good to start a story, or a chapter, with author notes, but I am getting tired of receiving reviews accusing me of having Mary-Sue characters, "crapping upon the canon," or stealing other's ideas. For starters, if you think my character is a Mary-Sue then I'm sorry you feel that way, because in my knowledge my characters have too many problems to be Mary-Sue's. Second, this is a FANFICTION, the cannon will not always be followed, if you don't like it, tough. Stop reading fanfiction's. Third, I never get a chance to read anymore due to all of the things going on in my life, so I cannot possibly steal anyone's ideas, and I can't do anything if our characters sound alike; I CAN'T READ MINDS PEOPLE! And one last thing, never, and I mean NEVER, request that I take my story down, because I absolutely positively will NOT! I write for fun, and you can't control what goes on this site. I am not forcing you to read this story, or any for that matter. If you don't like it, the simple answer is to STOP READING IT! Don't waste both of our time by reviewing and telling me such stupid things because it will do you no good. Thank you, please enjoy.
"Why not?" I ask, now surrounded by large Digimon that my new friends have changed into.
"Because you'll all be finished soon," Duskmon responds as if it is obvious.
"Oh," I state. "But why? What'd we ever do to you?"
"Cherubimon's orders, that's all that matters," Duskmon answers.
"Why do you listen to that freak? He seems like a total jerk to me," Zoe comments in the form of Kazemon.
"Stay behind us, Sakiko," Koji, as Lobomon, whispers as he steps in between Duskmon and me.
"On the count of three attack all together," Takuya speaks as Agunimon.
"Right," Tommy nods his white bear head of Kumamon.
"Roger that, Agunimon," J.P. rings through Beetlemon's body.
"What should I do?" I ask.
"Just stand back with Bokomon and Neimon, you're not ready to join in a battle yet," Lobomon responds.
"Battle? You mean you're really going to fight?" I ask, alarmed.
"Well, we ain't gonna run, if that's what you mean," Beetlemon responds. "Even if that's the safer choice."
"You guys ready?" Kazemon asks.
"You bet," Kumamon responds.
"Get into position, Lobomon, stay on this side and make sure those three don't get hurt," Agunimon orders.
"You've got it, Agunimon," everyone responds.
Kazemon flies up into the air over Duskmon's head while Agunimon and Beetlemon set up behind him. Kumamon fans out a little ways from Lobomon, creating a square around the dark Digimon.
"Ready guys?" Agunimon calls out.
"It's too obvious of a plan," I realize, looking around. "But why isn't Duskmon doing anything to stop it?"
"Ready, Agunimon!" everyone responds.
"One . . . two . . ." Agunimon starts the count as everyone prepares their attacks. "THREE!"
Everyone releases their attacks directly towards Duskmon.
Hurricane Wave!
Lobo Kendo!
Lightning Blitz!
Pyro Punch!
Blizzard Blaster!
The area around Duskmon turns into a bright light full of colors as the attacks mix together.
Why didn't he move? He saw it coming, I think.
The light fades and Duskmon remains, chuckling at their weak attacks.
"Is that all?" he asks in an amused tone.
"These forms aren't strong enough," Kazemon declares.
Slide Evolution!
A sinking feeling hits me and suddenly I pull out my digivice.
"What are you doing, Sakiko?" Bokomon asks.
"I have to stop them," I think aloud.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Bokomon asks, skeptically.
Execute! Spirit evolution!
"Stop!" I shout, interrupting the others from firing their new round of attacks in their beast forms.