Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 16 ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 16 Rose Morning Star
"So, what are you waiting for guys?" I smile. "Let's go to . . . uh . . . where are we going again?"
"The Rose Morning Star," Bokomon answers.
"Hey, that's where I was," I point out.
"What do you mean?" Koji cocks an eyebrow.
"Remember, I told you that Kouichi and I were brought here by a way other than Trailmon? Well, we woke up in front of this giant and that's when I was pushed away from him. I found myself in front of a strange ball of light. It was warm, and it spoke to me. It told me 'Welcome to the Digital world, Sakiko, you have been chosen, do you wish to remain in the Digital World?' I asked it where Kouichi was and the light told me that Kouichi was in the Digital World and so was . . . the person that we were looking for. So, I decided that I would like to remain in the Digital World, that way I could help reunite those two," I explain.
The group stands, hanging on my every word.
"Well, then everything went black, slowly, as if I was being raised away from the light. Eventually I must have blacked out since I woke up in a castle with a sphinx-like Digimon looking after me. Her name was Nafertimon and she was very kind. She helped me make sure I was all right and then I was off. That place was the Rose Morning Star," I continue.
"Really?" Bokomon gasps.
"So, there's a castle waiting for us at the Rose Morning Star," Zoe states.
"The question now is, who, or what, besides Nafertimon, is in that castle?" Koji speaks up.
"Yeah, do you remember anything else about what was in that castle?" Takuya asks.
"I do remember there being a lot of books, and a goat-like Digimon," I respond as I think.
"Anything else? 'Cause I doubt we're going there to read," J.P. points out.
"I can't remember," I admit.
"Please try," Zoe begs.
"Um . . ."
"You can do it," Tommy encourages.
"I do remember a cold chill coming from the top room where there was always a light on, but Nefertimon never let me go up there," I explain.
"That light must be the reason we're going there," Takuya states.
"So, what's in that light, or what's creating it? And why are we being told to go there?" Koji asks.
"This is doing no good, when we finally manage to get one question answered, more questions come out of it," J.P. complains as he ruffles his hair.
"Ok, I'm assuming that the light is Cherubimon, since it was cold, and if it is, then that means we're going there to kick his butt," Takuya explains his thoughts.
"No, or else I would have already found Kouichi, remember," I point out.
"All right, so far we have one creepy warm light, one creepy cold light, one light that held Seraphimon, and a really bad dude who needs to be stopped who's controlling your friend and four of the other five spirits," Takuya lists them off.
"So that's four major Digimon," Neimon states.
"Of course, I'm such an idiot for not thinking of this before," Bokomon scolds himself. "It's so obvious!"
"What did you remember, Bokomon?" Zoe asks.