Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 22 ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star
Chapter Twenty-Two
"What happened to Kouichi?" I ask, looking around.
"I don't know, he escaped," Koji explains.
My eyes shoot back to Koji's form and the others.
"I'm sorry, Sakiko, I tried to snap him out of it," Koji apologizes.
"You don't have to apologize. He's my friend, I should be the one dealing with him, not you," I admit, stepping back and grabbing my left arm with my right hand.
"As well as my brother, right, Sakiko?" Koji comments.
My eyes widen as a gasp escapes my lips. "How did…?"
"Seraphimon revealed that fact," Koji explains. "If you knew then why didn't you tell me? What else aren't you telling us?"
My hand starts to shake as I stare at the ground.
"I have to go find Kouichi," I mumble before turning and running away in the direction that I can somewhat sense Kouichi's Digital signals before anyone can stop me.
"Sakiko!" Zoe calls after me.
"I have to do this!" I shout back as I continue running. "I'm sorry," I mumble.
When I finally meet up with Kouichi again, I'm so far away from the group that I can't even remember how far away they are.
"Kouichi," I pant as I stand in front of him.
"Stop it," Velgamon demands immediately.
"Kouichi, return to your normal self," I beg. "This isn't you! Please, Kouichi!"
"I told you to STOP CALLING ME THAT NAME!" Velgamon screams as he attacks.
"Kouichi!" I scream out as I get hit.
I fly back and land on my back on the ground.
"Sakiko! What do you think you're doing?" Koji's voice hits my ears.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" I ask as I force myself to get up, despite the pain. "I'm finally doing something about all of this."
"Sakiko, get away from him, he's dangerous!" Koji's voice is still quite a ways away.
"No, you stay away!" I shout back. "I don't care what it takes; I'm getting my friend back. We had a purpose in coming here, and that purpose was you, Koji," I explain, as I turn around to face the bandana'd twin of my friend. "All he wanted was the chance to meet you, and get to know you. That's all he cared about when we came here. But, now look at what's he's become."
Koji doesn't stop coming closer as I watch him. Suddenly, Velgamon's attack flies past my shoulder and hits the ground in Koji's path. A crater is formed, and Koji winds up being sucked into it.
"I'll deal with him after I finish with you," Velgamon gloats, drawing my attention back to him.
I turn around and start to move towards him once again.
"Kouichi, I know you're still in there. I'm not going to give up on you," I tell him as I approach. "There's a way to get through this, whatever is going on, we get through this together."
"Stop it," Velgamon demands.
"Turn back into your old self, Kouichi," I beg. "Please, Koji is right here, he knows the truth now. You can talk to him; get to know him as your brother. Then we can all go home to where our parents are waiting for us. Don't you remember your mother? She's probably worried sick about you right now."
Another blast is sent my way, and it grazes my right shoulder.
I wince, but continue moving forward.
"Sakiko, stand back, we'll take care of him," two voices hit my ears.
I turn around to see Beowulfmon and Takuya's new form, Aldamon, standing behind me, ready for a battle.
"You guys just don't give up, do you?" Velgamon asks.
"Kouichi, please, snap out of it," I beg, turning back around. "I don't want to watch you fight your brother."
"Stop calling that human my brother!" Velgamon shouts as he shoots off another blast.
Beowulfmon moves in front of me and blocks the attack.
"Sakiko, are you all right?" he asks.
I nod.
"Why don't you spirit evolve?"Aldamon asks.
"I don't have my D-tector, unfortunately," I admit. "I dropped it back when I ran off. Please, don't fight him," I beg.
"He's not giving us much of a choice," Beowulfmon states.
"I don't care, just don't fight him. Leave it to me, if you have to. You just can't fight, it's just not right."
Another blast comes our way, this time it's too big to block. Beowulfmon pushes me out of the way while he and Aldamon take the brunt of the attack.
They get thrown back, and stay down.
"Kou…" I call out, turning back to Velgamon.
"Don't even think about calling me that again," he interrupts me.
"Kouichi," I continue anyways. "What is going on with you? What do you have against humans? You are a human!"
Before I know it, Velgamon had taken flight and grabbed me in his talons.
"Sakiko," I hear Beowulfmon call after me weakly.
"I'm fine," I assure him as I wince. "Kouichi, please, remember me, at least. We came to this world together. We came here because of Koji. That's your brother down there. Your grandmother told you about him on her death bed right before she passed away! Remember, I was standing right behind you! Your mother was in the hallway talking to the doctor. Your grandmother died holding your hand!"
"I'll kill you if you don't shut up, this instant," Velgamon threatens.
"Go ahead and try, I won't die until you come back to your senses," I declare.
His grip tightens on me, and I can feel some of my bones breaking.
I reach my hand up towards his face, imagining his gentle face smiling down at me and smile as my ribs crush, and they tear into my other organs.
Kouichi, I think as blood fills my mouth and slips out of the corner.