Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Mimi ❯ Love's a Bitch ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Love, Mimi
by: Akimi

Disclaimer: Good hell, haven't you people learned yet? I don't own Digimon. And I probably never will. I'm just unambitious like that. Oh yeah, I also don't own Limp Bizkit, any of their songs, or BBMak or any of their songs. My work here is done. Sort of.

Author's Notes: You faithful readers owe me big time! I told you I wasn't gonna give you a next chapter if I did't get 35 reviews and guess what! I only got 31! So you know what that means, right? It means I want 40 reviews this time, or I'm just this story away. I mean it!

Oh, I had to change the rating from PG-13 to R because of this chapter. There's a little language problem here, and, knowing me, it'll probably just get worse. But, try not to let that scare you away, unless you REALLY don't like it. But then again, if you don't like R ratings, you wouldn't be reading this in the first place, huh?

Words ~like this~ are notes they are writing (and I wrote them like they would be really) and words **like this** are song. (words *like this* are usually just emphasis.)

I decided to write in the title to this one... it's called "Love's a Bitch." Enjoy!
The entire afternoon was torture. Matt was in all three of her afternoon classes, and he kept sitting on the other side of the room and ignoring her completely. At least, for the two earlier classes, that is.

During seventh hour, physical science, they had assigned seats, and so Matt was forced to sit across the aisle from Mimi. She looked over the note she had written him earlier but hadn't given to him. It said all sorts of meaningless things like, "God this class is soooooooooooo boring! I hope you're enjoying your class." and "We should do something again soon. That was so much fun on Saturday night!" Consequently, she ripped it into tiny pieces and gently placed each piece between the pages of her textbook, pushing them into the binding. Each piece to its own page.

'Well, that kept me occupied for, like, five minutes,' she thought. 'Unfortunately for me, I've still got 40 of them left...' She decided to write a short note to Matt. If she was lucky, he'd write back.

~Hey, ummm... you didn't take Sora seriously (at lunch) did you?~

She folded it quickly and threw it onto Matt's desk when the teacher wasn't looking. He picked it up, unfolded it, and read it, scrutinously and meticulously. She then saw him pick up his pencil and write back. He threw the note back at her, carelessly, and she caught it - after it bounced off of her head.

~maybe. but don't write back, cause i don't really wanna talk about it. i dont really wanna talk to YOU either. or tai or sora for that matter. so dont try to get them to talk to me for you. just leave me alone. when i wanna talk to you again, i'll talk to you. ok?~

Mimi was hurt at his reply, but decided to honor his requests. She didn't write him back, but instead carefully refolded the note and stuck it inside her notebook to await future relocation to the stash in her bedroom.


Neither Matt nor Mimi knew exactly how the tense minutes passed until the final bell rang. But somehow, magically perhaps, they managed.

After class though, Matt decided it was time to talk to Mimi again. For a few minutes, anyway.

"Hey Mimi, listen... we need to talk," he said as soon as they left the classroom. He pulled her over to the side of the hall, where they wouldn't be blocking traffic.

Mimi smiled. This had to be a good sign! But she was mistaken. In fact, this smile of hers only strengthened Matt's convictions that he was doing the right thing, for him and Mimi both. Never mind how much he liked her, this was the best way to go...

"Look, I think we need to break up," he said uncomfortably. He'd never done this before, and he hoped he was doing it right. He wasn't worried in the slightest about how Mimi would take it. After all, she was only using him to get to Tai, remember?

She looked away. She didn't want Matt to see her cry. Some guy had told her one time that crying was blackmail, and she didn't want to have to use it on Matt. She nodded and said, "Okay... if that's what you want..."

There was a short awkward silence that was starting to make Matt a bit edgy. He fidgeted around a little bit, looking at - coincidentally - the exact same piece of floor that Mimi was looking at. "Right then," he said nervously. "I'll see you around, I guess." And with that, he walked off, downstairs to his locker.

"Yeah... guess so..." Mimi murmured, as she walked slowly to her own locker, which - fortunately - wasn't exactly close to his.

She walked home from school today, by herself. Lately, Matt had been driving her home every day in his sexy black Firebird. And before that, she used to walk with Sora every day. But today she walked again. Alone, in multiple senses of the word. She didn't want to see any of them - Matt, or Sora, or Tai. Not today, not tomorrow, not for a while, not ever. "Ooo... I hate them all!" she cried as she broke into a run. She didn't even notice the odd looks she was receiving as she ran down the crowded street toward home.


Matt stormed into his bedroom, slammed his homework onto his bed, and turned on his Limp Bizkit CD. Significant Other. 'Significant others suck,' he thought. He switched the track to "Break Stuff." It was exactly how he felt. Tai, Mimi, Sora... all of them. He was so mad at them all.

**It's just one of those days
Where you don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked,
Everybody sucks.
You don't really know why,
But you wanna justify
Rippin' someone's head off.
No human contact,
And if you interact,
Your life is on contract.
Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker,
It's just one of those days.
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit
I think you better quit
Lettin' that shit slip
Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip!
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit
I think you better quit
Talkin' that shit.
It's just one of those days
Feeling like a freight train
First one to complain
Leaves with a bloodstain
Damn right I'm a maniac!
You better watch your back,
Cause I'm fucking up your program.
And then your stuck up,
You just lucked up
Next in line to get fucked up
Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker,
It's just one of those days.
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit.
I think you better quit
Lettin' that shit slip
Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip!
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit
I think you better quit
Talkin' that shit
Punk! So come and get it
I feel like shit.
My suggestion... is to keep your distance
'Cause right now I'm dangerous!
We've all felt like shit
And been treated like shit.
All those mother fuckers
That wanna step up.
I hope you know, I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way, I just might
Break something tonight
I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps goin' this way, I just might
Break your fucking face tonight
Give me something free
Give me something free
Just give me something free
I got your fucking face
I hope you know I pack a chainsaw
A chainsaw!
A mother fucking chainsaw!
So come and get it
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit
I think you better quit
Lettin' that shit slip
Or you'll be leaving with a fat lip!
It's all about the he-says she-says bull shit
I think you better quit
Talkin' that shit
So come and get it**

Oh, that was exctly what he was feeling just then. So mad at Mimi, at Tai, at Sora, and especially at himself. This was all his fault. If he would have only opened his crush-clouded eyes, he would have realized a very long time ago that Mimi liked Tai, and regarded himself as nothing but a loser. Just like every other girl in that God-forsaken hell hole of a school he went to.

"Ooo, Tai, won't you please go on a date with me? I'm a conformist dancing monkey in heels and I'm desperate for a date! DATE ME!" he yelled in a high, falsetto voice, mocking the girls he went to school with. He punched his pillow angrily.

He began kicking the wall in an extremely half-assed manner, muttering, "I hate you Tai... I hate you Mimi... I hate you everyone else that I'm too pissed off to think of..." He continued violently assaulting various inanimate objects until he was completely tired out and laid down on the couch to go to sleep. He sighed and said exasperatedly, "Love's such a bitch..." It didn't take long; he was soon out like a light.


Mimi walked into the house, sniffling and wiping away tears. She hadn't bothered to bring home her homework tonight. She knew she didn't have the focus for it today, not when she was so sad and angry.

Feeling hopeless and depressed, Mimi began wandering around her house aimlessly and without purpose or direction. She somehow meandered herself up to her girly, pink bedroom, where she turned on the radio before dropping pathetically onto the pink, queen-sized bed. She reached out for one of her pink, fluffy pillows and looked around her room. Her vanity in the corner, covered in makeup and various hair accessories, her stereo system in the other corner, covered with assorted CD's, and her dresser with all the pictures on it. All the pictures of her friends, of Sora, and Matt, and Tai, and Yolei, and all the rest of the group. Her favorite picture was a cute snapshot that had been taken recently of her and Matt, with Matt's arm around her. And her second favorite had been one of her and Sora acting silly. 'Good thing I have pictures... they'll last longer,' she thought.

Soon enough, the radio station played "Ghost of You and Me" by BBMak. (Hey, they both listen to American music cause that's what *I* listen to, now leave me alone!) "I like this song..." Mimi said quietly to herself as the music started.

**What am I supposed to do
With all these blues
Haunting me everywhere
No matter what I do
Watching the candle flicker out
In the evening glow
I can't let go
When will the night be over?
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
And baby there's a name for what you put me through
It isn't love, it's robbery
I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me
Seen a lot of broken hearts
Go sailing by
Phantom ships lost at sea
And one of them is mine
Raising my glass
I sing a toast to the midnight sky
I wonder why
The stars don't seem to guide me
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
And baby there's a name
For what you put me through
It isn't love, it's robbery
I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me
The ghost of you and me
When will it set me free?
I hear the voices call
Following footsteps down the hall
Trying to save what's left
Of my heart and soul
Watching the candle flicker out
In the evening glow
I can't let go
When will the night be over?
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
And baby there's a name
For what you put me through
It isn't love, it's robbery
I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me**

She sang along, softly, crying. Hey, didn't that sound a lot like how she felt just now? Yeah, now that she thought of it, it did...

Mimi suddenly remembered one short conversation she'd once had with a friend of hers, Carlos. It was at the Halloween dance at school. They were both casually standing on the sidelines, watching their friends dance and have a good time. She'd asked him why he didn't have a girlfriend. He'd replied enthusiastically, "'Cause love's a BITCH!"

"You're right, Carlos," Mimi sniffled. "Love is a bitch..." She commenced crying again and after a few minutes of that, she took a deep breath. She tried to fall asleep, but it wasn't working so well, what with her having to dodge all those bad dreams of Matt and Tai she'd been having lately. She went into the bathroom and took a sleeping pill, hoping it would take effect soon. She was lucky, and it did. Restful, dreamless sleep was on its way.
I wonder if that would still be longer than the other chapters if it didn't have 2 whole songs in it... Anyway, I'm looking for ideas on what you all want to happen next, so if ya have an idea, if ya don't have any ideas, or if ya just don't care, I wanna hear it! You can just put it in a review (HINT, HINT!) or email me. You know where to find the address. Oh, and if there's lots of mistakes, well, it's midnight and that's way past my normal bedtime, so I apologize. Toodles!