Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Power Rangers: Digital ❯ Unhappy Aniversery... OR... Two fro one. ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A couple of months had passed since Kimeramon, and the Digimon Emperor were destroyed, and the towns were restored to normal.
Tai and the other Digi-Destined went back to college. They wouldn't really be able to help too much now as their Digimon-partners' attacks were no good against General Lockhart's monsters. Still, they promised to keep in touch with the rangers, and always be ready if ever they would be needed again.
Izzy, on the other hand was hard at work; working on a special project that would possibly help the rangers become even stronger in their battles, but… he did not dare tell anyone. Not even Gennai.
Now it was early springtime, and time for a new semester at school. New classes, new classmates, new projects; Ken even finally got to master his new powers, and was fully ready to join the others in all their missions.
All six rangers were kept a close watch out for the city. Lockhart was likely to strike at any moment, but strangely for the past couple of months nothing had happened.
At lunch, Yolei, Ken, and TK were sitting together and talking about how General Lockhart hadn't sent any monsters or Robo-Cops out for quite a while now. “Do you think maybe he finally got the message?” asked Yolei. “Maybe he finally realizes that he can't beat us.”
Ken and TK didn't quite agree. “I wouldn't count on it, Yolei.” TK said. “Lockhart could be up to something really big. Maybe that's why he's been so quiet lately.”
“Well, whatever he's up to, I just hope he doesn't strike soon.” replied Yolei. “You guys haven't forgotten what tomorrow is, have you?”
Ken and TK raised eyebrows. “Tomorrow?” Ken asked. “Uh… well, er--?”
Yolei couldn't believe them both. “Oh honestly guys?! It's Kari and Davis' anniversary from since they started dating.”
“Anniversary?” TK asked. “But Yolei, they've only been dating for like… two months.”
“Exactly.” replied Yolei. “Tomorrow will be two whole months exactly.” Now the boys got the idea. Yolei even made sure Cody knew too before they left for school that day.
“I was really surprised, I didn't think they'd ever start dating.” said TK. “You didn't even think it was a good idea for them to date in the first place.”
Yolei twiddled her thumbs in shame.
Suddenly, they could see Kari and Davis heading for the table. “Heh, speaking of the couple of honor. Hey, guys.”
“You finally made it.” Yolei cried for joy.
Kari and Davis looked confused. “Uh, yeah… we make it here all the time.” Kari said.
“No, no, no-- I mean you've made it to two whole months.” replied Yolei.
Davis leaned in closer and whispered to Kari, “Do you have any clue what she's talking about?” Kari shook her head.
“It's your anniversary.” Yolei told them. “It's tomorrow?” Kari and Davis finally got the message. “Wait… is this something that I'm in trouble for something that I didn't already know?” Davis asked.
“Relax, Davis. I didn't know it was our anniversary either.” said Kari. Then suddenly she began to trail off. “So… uh… you want to, do something special?”
Davis rolled his eyes. “I don't know… should we?”
“I think you should.” Ken said. “Yolei and I did something special every month after we decided we were an official couple.”
Kari and Davis' stomachs lurched. “Official…”
This truly was something big, almost even to big for Davis and Kari. Both of them never having serious relationships before, and now-- was it really happening between them?, and this Anniversary thing too?
They both began to feel pretty weird inside.
The reason Lockhart hadn't been making any moves lately was because he was indeed planning something big. So for the past two months, he had the professor and his team work on the monster machine; give it powerful upgrades, and more power than before.
Meanwhile, his soldiers were out hunting in the digital world for stronger Digimon; Since the Digimon Emperor destroyed most of their out posts on the main land.
By now, everything was all set, and the machine was fully finished so it could now fuse even stronger Digimon into monsters.
Lockhart was in his private bathroom, soaking in his hot-tub, and smoking his cigar. While Black-Gatomon was waiting outside and listening into the door. “He sure is being awful quiet in there.” she thought to herself. “What could he be thinking?”
Lockhart took a puff from his smoke, and was deep in thought. Hmm… I need a way to make my monsters ever more powerful if I hope to beat those rangers.” he thought to himself.
He then began to refer to all the monsters he had ever launched. “When I used two rookie Digimon, I created all these, and yet neither of them ever came even close to destroying the rangers.”
“Then that stranger and his Kimeramon came by, and despite of their near success, they still were defeated.”
“So… if a Champion Digimon, and an Ultimate could not do the job. Then we must take our powers to the next level. The only way to beat those rangers is to use a Mega Digimon.
He put out his cigar and began to laugh sinisterly. “Hmm, mm, mm. The rangers won't even know what hit them. Hmm, mm, ah, ah, ah! Ah, Ha, Ha, Ah, Ah, Ah!! AAAH… HA, HA, HAAA!!!”
Kari was walking home with Yolei, after School. Yolei also wanted to talk to her about what she and Davis would get each other, or do the next day. “I have to get Davis a gift?” Kari said.
“Of course you do?” Yolei said. “It's part of the thing about being a girlfriend; You show your guy how special he is.”
“Yeah, but… he is special.” Kari said. “I mean, of course he is, or I mean--” Kari shook herself out of her stuttering. “Never mind. I better go before the stores close.”
Davis was walking with Ken and TK. He figured they were the best guys to speak to about this whole thing, as they both had girlfriends. “I have absolutely, no idea of what to get Kari.” he moaned.
“Davis, everything will be okay.” TK said. “Don't get so psyched about this.”
Davis didn't know how to take that, but he gave TK a sour stare. “Dude, this is Kari I'm dealing with. The girl I've crushed on for like… well… ever. I gotta' get her something special.”
“Davis, take it easy.” said Ken. “We'll help you any way we can, just try and keep calm.”
Davis agreed to try, “But I'm not promising anything.”
Lockhart's soldiers were pairing in teams to haul the giant cages into the laboratory. Two very large cages, one containing a Mega-Seadramon, and the other containing a Megadramon.
They were not really easy to capture; in fact, a few soldiers were injured, and almost killed during the struggles. Nevertheless, they caught them, and were now ready for the now, upgraded monster-machine.
The two Digimon struggled, and roared fiercely to try and break loose, but the Professor's team just tranquilized them to calm them down enough so they could be controlled easier.
“Well! Come on now! Don't waste time!” Lockhart growled. “Hurry up and activate the machine!”
“Yes, Sir.” The Professor said nervously. “Come along. Come along everyone. Put your backs into it.”
Finally, the two Ultimate were loaded, and the Machine began to roar to life. The very base began to rumble with stress as the two Digimon began to fuse together, and then… KAPOW!!
The exit hatch opened wide and a new, evil Mega- Digimon had appeared. “Whoa… ha, ha, ha. I like it.” Lockhart chuckled. “You know what your orders are?”
The new Digimon nodded. “Yes, Master… I will not let you down.” he hissed. “With my power at your disposer, no one will hope of defeating you again!”
Lockhart nodded. “Then go, my monster… go and fulfill your dark purpose. Hmm, mm, mm… Mmm, hmm, mm, ah, ah, ah… AHH, HA, HA, HA, AH, AH, AH!!”
His evil laughter echoed across the base as the Digimon flew away.
Kari showed Yolei what she had gotten for Davis. “A video game?” Yolei asked in confusion.
“Yeah… it's Cyber-Tech 2. Davis has been after this one for months but he couldn't save up enough.”
Yolei was most dismayed. “Kari… that's not enough.” she said.
Kari stared down at the game. “It isn't?”
Yolei shook her head. “A thing like this might be good for like a birthday gift, or something… but not an anniversary.” she told her. “You should get Davis something really special, to show that he is special.”
Kari sighed. “Fine. I'll go get him something else.
The boys had disapproved of what Davis got for Kari. “It's a card?” TK asked.
“Yeah.” Davis said. “I picked form the Anniversary section and it's even got a cute little poem inside it.”
TK and Ken thought it was nice, and that Kari would like it, but Davis caught onto to their charade. “Okay… what's wrong with it?”
“Oh, no, no… nothing's wrong with it.” TK said.
“Yeah… you should get her what you think she'll really like.” Ken said. “Even if it is… just a card.”
Davis sighed. “Maybe I should get her something to go with it.
All the rest of that day, Kari and Davis had been struggling to get each other the right gift, but each and every one they got, they were criticized or unable to go with it.
When Kari returned the video game, and got Davis an MP3-Mini instead, Yolei thought that was going way too overboard. “But you said to get him something special.” Kari said.
“You're not supposed to freak him out.” she said. “If you get him something that special, he'll think that you're in love with him or something.” she raised an eyebrow. “You're not, right?”
Kari winced, and blushed in embarrassment. “What-- No, no, no… I'm not.” she stuttered. “At least… I don't think so.” Regardless of what she thought, Kari realized she had to search for another gift, and fast.
Davis was also have trouble of trying to figure out what to get to go with his card for Kari. He even found this beautiful necklace of the crest of light; just perfect for Kari, but sadly he didn't have enough cash to spend for it.
“Guys, you got any spare coin.”
Ken's pockets were empty, and TK was cashed out too. “Aww, man.” Davis sighed. Then he sadly began to look for another gift.
By sundown, Kari and Davis we're completely stuck. All day they had been badgered on gifts. Worrying about the next day, and even worse, how the other would accept the gifts. Right now, they both just wanted to stretch out and hit the hay.
While Yolei, TK, Ken, and Cody met at the Innoue's convenience-store. All of them talking about how they were trying to help Davis and Kari with their gift findings. “Do you think maybe we were a little hard on them?” Yolei asked to Cody who had nothing to do with the badgering.
Cody nodded. “My grandfather always says; “Excitement can lead one to stray from the true path that one most desires.”
The others didn't know what that meant, but they immediately began to think up ways to make it up to Davis and Kari. “I'll deal with Davis' gift.” Yolei said. “Ken, you deal with Davis' gift.”
Her boyfriend nodded in agreement, and TK and Cody agreed to help get Kari and Davis to go along with the plan. Yolei giggled to herself, “This can still be the best anniversary they'll ever have.” she thought.
The next day
A nice fine Saturday, with no school or work, but Davis were being marched through the town by TK. “Whoa, hey-- where are we going?”
“Trust me, Davis.” TK said.
“Cody?!” Kari moaned. “What's going on.”
“This is for your own good.” Cody answered.
Soon, Kari and Davis were dragged to the movie-theater where Yolei and Ken were there; Yolei handed Kari a bouquet of flowers, and Ken gave Davis a new soccer-ball. “Guys?” Davis asked in confusion.
“What's going on here?” added Kari.
Yolei explained that they all felt bad about putting all that pressure on them the other day. “Now we're here to make it up to you.” Then she handed them both tickets to the newest romantic-comedy playing and ushered them in. “Go on, now. Enjoy yourselves.”
After the movie…
Kari and Davis came out of the theater together, but they were arguing. “You didn't think a card was good enough for me?”
“Oh what… and you took Yolei's advice and returned an MP3-Mini I could've used? P-lease!”
Yolei, and the others who were watching could see their little plans had backfired. “So much for a happy three month anniversary.” Ken said.
Suddenly, Cody's D-Terminal beeped. It was an email from Izzy. “Red Alert! Red Alert! Digimon attacking the northern part of the city.”
“Warning; Digimon is a Mega level. Extremely powerful.”
The others broke Davis and Kari up from their fight, and told them of the danger. “Truce?” Kari asked.
“Whatever.” Davis answered rudely. Then he and the other rangers all formed a line. “LET'S GO… DIGITAL!!” they all morphed, “KAISER POWER!!” and so did Ken.
They all headed off to the northern-side where indeed there was a giant Digimon. It seemed to be turning all the buildings into ice, and then smashing them to the ground with his long serpent-tail.
The rangers all whipped out their analyzers, and began to download the information.
The combination of a Megadramon, and a Mega-Seadramon, capable of flight, and ground maneuver. His armored-scales protect him from enemy fire, and his Ultimate Ice Storm” can even turn hot flames into solid ice.
(Sorry, I can't think of another name)
Megadraseamon looked down. “Ahh, Power Rangers at last we meet.” he hissed. “But you'll soon wish you had stayed home instead.”
“Yeah, well keep dreaming, pal.” Davis snapped, “Let's go guys.”
“RIGHT!!” and everyone charged forward into battle, and Megadraseamon even launched out his Robo-cops to join the fun.
It was Ken's first ever battle with the Robo-Cops, and he was doing quite well for a first-timer. Remembering what Davis and the other taught him about their combat-skills…
“Just think of it as an everyday sort of thing.”
Like Davis, Ken was great at soccer too, and his skills really came in handy in this fight. Just one kick, and he whammed one cop in the chest and crashed it into two more. “Goal!” he cried cheekily.
Kari and Davis unfortunately were still having a hard time trying to focus more on the fight than their own problems, even when Kari was being held hard by two Robo-cops and Davis freed her…
“Thanks.” she simply said.
“Whatever.” Davis answered in sarcasm.
Once all the Robo-cops were beaten. “All right, ugly… you're next.” Davis snapped.
Megadraseamon chuckled sinisterly. “Pretty big words for such a small fry.” he said. Then he motioned for them to come at him. “Come on. I dare you Powerless Rangers.”
The rangers all drew their swords, and Ken lashed out his whip, and they lunged for him. Sadly just as Izzy promised them all, this was one tough brute.
His armor barely even got scratched by the Digi-swords. If anything. “Ha, ha, ha… oh, oh… stop it, stop it! That tickles.” Megadraseamon laughed. “My turn now… MEGA-SLICER!!”
SMASH, BAM, WALLOP!! Only one hit and the rangers already looked as if half their strength had been kicked out of them. “Whoa! This guy really packs a punch.” TK groaned.
“And I'm just getting started.” Megadraseamon replied, and he began to flap his wings. “THUNDER PARRY FORCE!!” this generated electrical currents that began to fly in a typhoon right towards the rangers, hitting them hard again!
“Heh, heh, ha, ah, ah, ah… this is too easy.” Megadraseamon laughed. “How about we try a new approach.” And he began to flap his wings and rise up into the air.
“Oh no you don't!” growled Ken as he lassoed his whip round Megadraseamon's long tail. “Yeah, I got hi-- Whoa! WHOA-OA!!”
“Ken!!” cried Yolei as she watched her Boyfriend being lifted up into the air, dangling by the tail.
Megadraseamon looked down. “Ha, ha, ha… what's the matter, Kaiser Ranger? Not a great enough view for you?!” and he began to soar higher and higher. “Where can I drop you off?”
“Whoa!” Ken cried. “Oh my gosh… high, high, this is very high!” Then it got far worse as Megadraseamon began lashing his tail all over the place and causing poor Ken to be rocked out of his mind.
“Whoa-oa-oa… AA-AAH!!!”
Yolei began to charge up her sword to fire at the monster. “Yolei, don't!” cried Kari. “You could accidentally his Ken.”
Yolei knew she was right, but this was almost too horrible for her to watch. Especially when he saw Megadraseamon heading straight towards the ground like a cannon-ball, and Ken was at the bottom end. “All right Kaiser Ranger! I'll crush you like an egg!!”
Ken opened his eyes and could see the ground coming fast. “YIPE!!” he quickly looked around, and used his whip to safely swing onto a building. “I'm outta' here!”
“Huh?! Hey!” growled Megadraseamon. Then suddenly, CRASH!! He hit the ground so hard that the tremors of the ground knocked the rangers off their feet, and even a few more buildings toppled over.
The rangers all got up, and Ken hopped down from the building he was on. “You guys alright?” he asked.
“We're fine.” Davis said. “But I think it's time we took this battle up a notch; everyone ready?”
“RIGHT!!” the rangers all shouted. “DIGI-ZORDS… DIGIVOLVE!!” Their zords appeared, and they all leapt into their cockpits. Then they formed the Megazord, “Digital Megazord, Power up!” Davis said, “POWER UP!!” cried the others, and they were armed and ready for battle.
“All right, my turn.” said Ken. “Wormon-Warrior… Power up!” then his zord appeared, and he jumped right in. “All right… time to shut Lockhart's party down.”
“You got it Ken.” his Zord said to him. “Hang on tight.” and they burrowed under the ground where Megadraseamon couldn't see them, but he could still see the other Megazord…
“Nice trick, Rangers, too bad it won't save you.” he hissed, and with that the battle waged on. They started off with their fists flying, but as powerful as Megadraseamon was, he was also pretty fast too.
All the Megazord's punches were blocked, or parried out of the way, and then of course. “Now for my next trick-- MEGA SLICER!!”
WHAMM!! Right in the chest, and the rangers were being rocked about in the cockpit. “WHOA-OA!!”
Kari checked the damage-meter “Hey! Chest damage is up to forty-percent already!” she cried.
“What?!” Davis snapped. “He gave us that much in one hit.” Keeping in mind that he was a Mega level, it was to be expected.
“Heh, heh, heh… you look a bit steamed rangers.” Megadraseamon chuckled. “Here you better cool-off. ULTIMATE ICE STORM!!”
He began to blow snow, frost and ice all over the Megazord, from head to toe. The rangers began to feel a chill, and worst of all. “Hey, I can't get us to move.” Davis said.
The Megazord, chattered as it spoke. “L-l-l-legs!” it cried. “He's… f-f-frozen my l-legs.”
“Hang on… I try charging more energy.” TK said, and he began to power up the legs, and sure enough the ice began to thaw. “He's coming!” cried Cody.
“Come on, TK! Go faster.” Yolei snapped.
“It's no good. It won't go any faster.”
Megadraseamon slithered even closer. “I was hoping this would be a worthy challenge, and instead you all let me down.” he mocked. “Ah, well-- So long power geeks!”
He raised his claws, ready for the kill… but before he could, POW!! The ground before him exploded, and up popped Ken's zord. “What the--”
Before Megadraseamon knew it, he was all tangled up in a super-strong web. “You thought you were the only one who could trap things?” Ken called.
His zord then cast a look at the Megazord. “Don't worry guys, we'll get you out of this.” he said. “Ready, Ken?”
Ken nodded. “Wormon-Warrior… Megazord-Mode!” His Zord transformed, and then using his Sting-Blades, he chopped the ice away freeing the other Megazord.
“Way to go, Ken.” Yolei called.
“Great job!” added Davis. “Now, lets finish this due off.”
The Megazord drew out it's sword, and Wormon-Warrior poised his blades just as Megadraseamon broke out of the nets. “Ooh… how interesting, you both got toy blades.”
“That's it, keep thinking that pal.” Davis said.
The two Megazords marched forward swinging their blades while Megadraseamon used his metal claws to parry them off. “Yeah, hah! Take that… and how do you like that!”
BAM!! The Digital Megazord got hit.
BOOT!! So did the Wormon-Warrior.
“Ha, ha, ha… this is so easy it's almost practically boring!” Megadraseamon growled. “Come on you pile of junk-heaps… get up and fight!”
The rangers checked over their controls. “Stabilizers are out!” Kari cried. “Systems falling hard.”
Davis pounded his seat furiously. “Man, it's no good like this. We need more power.”
Ken was grunting hard to pull on his jammed joysticks to get his zord moving. “Come on… don't give out now!”
Finally, the two zords got back to their feet, but both were still looking pretty beat-up from the battle. “We only have one option now.” Davis said. “We have to attack him with everything we have left.”
As horrible as that idea sounded, the rangers agreed with him. “Charging the saber.” TK said as he began to load up the systems, and the saber began to glow.
“Begin ascent.” Yolei said as she activated the wings.
As the Megazord readied it's attack, Ken did the same with his Zord. “All right, brining them together.” he said as his zord joined its two Sting-Blade to form the “STINGING-STAFF!!”
The staff began to glow brightly. Ken looked dup at the sky. “Ready Davis?”
“Ready, Ken!” Davis answered. The other rangers nodded that they were ready. “DIGI-MEGAZORD SABER… POWER UP!!”
The Megazord began to soar towards Megadraseamon with it's sword at the ready. “SKY ROCKET ATTACK!!”
SLASH!! Right across the middle of the body. “D-OOH-AAAH!!!
Then it was Ken's turn. “Stinging-Staff-- X-Striker, Now!!”
His zord began to buzz straight towards the monster from the front, and then slashed it's staff in an X-shape right across the face. “BAAAH… AAYEEE!!”
The two zords watched and waited as Megadraseamon armor began to break off, and his body sparked a little, but then nothing. “No! He didn't explode.” cried Cody.
“Aww, man. This can't be good.” added Ken.
All their best attacks and upgrades, and Megadraseamon was still just too strong. “Too bad rangers.” he called to them. “Looks like I'm going to have the last laugh now.”
He began to attack the zords fiercely and brutally, and the poor Megazords used up so much energy in their last attacks they hardly couldn't even fight back.
They were now barely hanging on as they were bashed, and pushed over so easily. “This guy's going to break us open like an envelope.” cried TK. “We got to do something.”
“What can we do?” snapped Kari. “We've got almost no power left at all. One more powerful hit, and we could blow.”
“No!” Davis said. “I'm not giving up. There's got to be a way to beat this ugly thing, and I'm not going to back down until we find it!”
“Davis, is right.” Added Ken. “If we give up, this guy will destroy everything.”
The other four rangers were still not convinced, even thought they knew the boys were right; but what were they to do?
They suddenly got their answer as the Megazord, and Ken's Zord began to feel all funny. “Hey, what's happening?” asked the Megazord.
“I don't know.” Said Ken's zord, “It feels like I'm being taught a new special-ability.”
The rangers could then see it. A new Digital-Code for Zord-Transformation. Then, they got an email from easy saying that he had completed his project.
“You guys will be able to beat Megdraseamon after all.”
“This new code I've installed will let you combine the Digital-Megazord with Ken's Wormon-Warrior, and you'll create a whole new zord, with unbelievable power.”
The ranger began to download the data. “Man, it sounds so crazy it just may work.” Davis said. “Everyone ready!”
“RIGHT!!” said the Rangers.
“You bet.” added Ken.
The two zords agreed as well. Then six rangers inserted their D3's into special slots, as was instructed by Izzy's message, and all activate their DNA-Digivolution at once.
The two Megazords began to glow as they both rose up into the air, flying in circles ready to fuse.
The two Megazords had finished transforming into one, and now looked pretty tough; It now had four wings; Two being insect and two being feathery. The legs and arms were much longer, and wider.
It was almost as if Ken's zord was providing body armor for the other Megazord.
All six rangers, now in a brand new cockpit, couldn't believe their eyes. “The power levels are going crazy.” said Kari.
“Look at all these new weapons.” TK said.
“Our speed meter has even doubled in length.” added Yolei.
“Well, what are we waiting for.” Davis said. “Lets finish this job.”
Megadraseamon didn't know what to think about the new Megazord. “One zord or ten, I'll crush you all anyway.” he growled as he began to charge straight for it.
Megamon just stood where he was and then thrust his arm forward holding Megadraseamon and stopping him from going nay further. “Going somewhere?” it mocked.
BOOM!! “YAARRGGHH!!” Such a powerful bash, Megadraseamon fell over after only one. “That hurt. That actually hurt.” he chuckled. “You might as well savor that last attack rangers, because I assure you… it's not going to happen again!”
“Oh, no! Not this time.” Davis said. “Do it, Yolei.”
Yolei nodded, and began to fiddle with her controls. WING-WAVE DEFENSE!! Megamon began to flap his four wings which sent the ice-storm right back to where it came from.
“Huh… hey what's going on… AAAH!!” Before Megadraseamon knew it, he was frozen right on the spot. “Aye! Just… you wait… until I get out of here.” He growled through the ice.
“Yeah? Well don't count on it pal.” Ken said. “Okay guys, now's our chance.”
The other rangers all nodded, and began to power Megamon up for his strongest attack. “All right big guy. It's light out for you.” said Davis.
Megamon began to fly up into the air, and his body began to flare up in flames. Then it bombed right for Megadraseamon like a burning-missile. “MEGA… FLARE STRIKE!!”
KAPOW!! Right through him. “GAAAAAAAAH… AYYYYYYYYYYE!!” His body began to break up, and spark like crazy. Then he keeled over, EXPLODED… and was really gone.
The rangers all went wild with cheers as their Megazord stood tall and proudly.
Black-Gatomon had delivered the stressful news to Lockhart. “Master! Sensors in the control room indicate Megadraseamon has been defeated.” she cried, but strangely, Lockhart wasn't blowing his top.
“Hmm, mm, mm… my pet.” he said. “I never really expected for Megadraseamon to actually beat the rangers.”
He explained that he was only using Megadraseamon as a test. Now he had an even greater idea of what could destroy the rangers now. “Get the professor to start working at once.” he demanded.
Black-Gatomon obeyed, and scuttled off.
Lockhart then looked out at the night sky. “Enjoy this victory while you can, Rangers. It just may be… YOUR LAST!! Ah, hu, hu, ah, ah, ah. Eh, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah!!”
The Next day
All the damage was back to normal, thanks to Azulongmon's power, but sadly of all the people who we're happy that day, two people we're at home… not feeling happy.
Kari and Davis… in the own respective homes, in their own bedrooms, lying flat on their beds. They had decided to break up.
Their ranger duties and daily lives were making it far too difficult for them to really get too far in a relationship. Plus, even Davis felt that he just wasn't ready for this yet, even if it was with Kari.
“I… I really thought we had something special going on.” Davis said earlier.
“We do.” Kari said. “We're good friends, and that's special. I'm not saying forever, just… right now.”
It was for the best, but right now they were just spending the day in their rooms, trying to get over their first ever break-ups.
“Poor guys.” Ken said. “You think they'll be okay?”
TK nodded. “They will… anytime.”
Both them, Yolei, and Cody just couldn't help but feel really bad for Davis and Kari.
Still trying to get over their break up, Davis seems to have lost his courage to confront Kari, and has become overly paranoid.
“Maybe I should just join a monastery, then I won't have to worry about girls.”
“Davis, get a grip on yourself.”
Meanwhile, while strolling on his own, Davis runs into an unexpected creature who carries a Golden Digi-Egg of Miracles.
“I was attacked… by a flying Amazon.”
Whoever this Amazon is, she seems to really know something about the Golden-Digi egg. The rangers try to stop her, but such a task proves to be most difficult.
What is this Amazon after? Will Davis find his courage back again? And what is the secret to this special Golden Digi-egg?