Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Takari fluff, at the zoo style ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, if I did I would have already made my stories into cartoon form.

"Beep, Beep"

Takeru woke up slowly, rolling off his bed with a bump


He turned off his alarm clock and wandered to his closet, a not on the door read "School trip to the zoo"

"Damn a school trip, oh well at least Kari would be there" he though smiling.

He hopped into the shower, turned on the water and jumped right back out howling, "HOT HOT HOT", he waited for the water too cool down, had his shower and got dressed. He looked at his watch,

"Damn I'm gonna be late" he thought.

"Bye mom" he shouted

TK rushed out the door, banging it closed behind him, leaping down the stairs, he fell the last few and landed in a heap in front of Kari.

"Damn she looks beautiful" he thought

"Uh hey" Kari said looking at TK

"hey sorry I'm late" he said picking himself and straightening his hat. Kari gave him a hug, then laughed.

"What's so funny?" he asked

"Uh, have you checked in a mirror lately?" she replied laughing more

He looked down, then blushed and laughed,

"I meant to put my t-shirt on the wrong way" he took off his hat and pulled his shirt off, Kari blushed and turned round. TK pot his t-shirt on the right way.

"You can look now" he said blushing

"Damn, he looks cute when he blushes" thought Kari taking TK's hand and walking off towards school. TK stared at Kari and thought "Why can't I tell her I love her?"

When they got to the school gates Davis rushed up to them, he looked at them holding hands


"I'm not your girl I'm TK's" Kari replied calmly.

TK and Davis stared at Kari, Kari blushed and smiled at TK. She then dragged TK off by the hand leaving Davis standing there speechless, which is very unusual for him.

TK and Kari stood by the bus listening to the teacher, they were still holding hands, the rest of the class gave them quick glances thinking they'd finally got together.

"Right all of you get into pairs and get onto the bus" shouted the teacher

TK and Kari sat next to each other smiling and flirting, not noticing Davis's deadly glare.

When they got to the Zoo the teacher allowed partners to go off together as long as they met back here in a hour. TK and Kari wandered off to see the lions and have some time alone. They sat down on a bench, TK tightened his grip in Kari's hand staring deeply into her intense hazel eyes. He plucked up enough courage swallowing all his fears in a gulp

"Did you mean what you said about you being my girl?" he asked quickly

"I've been hinting at your for weeks, I want you to be my boyfriend stupid" she smiled

TK blushed for the 15th time today, Kari always made him blush. Kari grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. The kiss sent shockwaves down his spine, Kari pulled him down with her onto the bench, and they kissed more.

"I can never get enough of this" they both thought in unison.

They were in a world of their own and didn't notice the rest of the class staring at them, TK looked up and coughed, blushing ferociously. Kari looked at him then looked up. She saw the rest of the class wide eyed. Silence followed with a few whispers and giggles. Both TK and Kari still blushed. The silence was broken by the teacher

"Miss Kamiya, Mr Takaishi I don't think this is the time nor the place for you to show how hormones can get the better of you" laughed the teacher "I'm letting you off with a warning this time, but don't let me catch you at it again"

"Now all off you back to the bus, we have to go back home because someone let half the petting zoo go loose" she looked at Davis who was still in shock from seeing TK and Kari.

The rest of the day went smoothly, TK and Kari were content in just holding hands under the desk. At the end of the day they met up with Yolei, Cody and a sorry looking Davis.

Kari and TK looked at each other, they nodded.

"If Davis hasn't already told you, or school rumors, we're going out" Kari said blushing a little.

"That's great!" Yolei said smiling. Cody wasn't really listening, he was looking at Davis who looked as if he was about to cry. Davis ran off crying, they all looked at each other and shrugged. Yolei and Cody ran after him.

TK and Kari wandered off home kissing each other now and again


Authors note: I hope you liked my story, it's the first one I've written so be nice, I love Takari stories, so I thought I'd write one myself :)