Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Bishounen Boys ❯ Part 12: Savile Row #3 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Bishounen Boys
Part 12: "Savile Row #3"
By Splash

well, if anyone was still keeping up with the progress of this fic (*pokes* Anyone? Q_Q), I said that this was going to be the last part, but it ended up too long... again. So the last part should come up in less time. XD

First off, I have to apologize from deep within my heart. My single, short excuse: Life. The extended version of it concerns personal relationship, college applications, two senior music recitals I have to prepare for (violin/piano), and my focus on art... need support, onegaishimasu! X3

Next, review response!

Lady Zephyros: I'm glad you watched Gravi! Shounen-ai is always great stuff. =3

SrPositivo: I know I was horridly slow with this fic, but it's hard to put my feelings into words in these kind of situations. You are absolutely right. ^_^

nEo-cHaN: I'm so glad you stuck around for my slowness. I love your fics!

Sillie: Thanks for the sweet reviews, lol!

Blackout12: Wow, I'm overwhelmed with those ratings. o.o; Sorry if I blanked out too often on AIM, I juggle a lot of windows. XD

Aero-Grrl: Aerooooo! We're so statistically similar, it's scary. Gogogo Taito!

Ice'is Blue: Mwehehe, I live to see Taichi and Yamato getting close.

AngellicVixen: Sorry the site was inaccessible, with the Dreamwater situation, I hope more people use the gottaito.cjb.net address instead. Thanks for the Tai comments! Although, I feel guilty at times for changing his personality too much. XD

Lady Moon: Fufufu, lots of fan action in this one, hope it amuses you. =3

jkb: *blushes* awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *_* I'm so glad you had fun with this!

amanda: When I started this fic, I intended for Daisuke, Ken and Takeru to have a much larger role, but I couldn't really fit 'em in. o.o;

Nyx N. Malfoy, PyroNeko Megami: I can try a little here. XD

CCPheonix: Can I have your Patamon? j/k. But here it is ^^

Zoneofdecay: Wow, I did not know that about the Columbine high school accident. Fortunately, the Bishounen Boys don't have such a twisted mind as those who were involved in the violence. One must know that not all people who are into the same interests will handle sitations similarly. This can easily be compared to nationalism today, where many people in the United States nationalists support war against Iraq, while others believe that pacifism is the true path to nationalism. Too often, humans forget that we cannot assume that a certain group represents the entirety that the group belongs to. This form of prejudice is probably one that will never cease to exist in our world. That is when an open-mind is useful. =3

Stigmatized: Thank you so much for enjoying this fic, I hope you like this part, too.

Tainted Halo: *Tries to work* Ahhh, I have been procrastinating and busy. X_x; But I managed to pull through enough for this...! *breathes heavily* At long last..~

sweetkaiser: Hope you got to read the lemon... even though I freak out every time someone tells me they're going to. I'm very self-conscious about those kind of things. XD Glad you like Gravi, too!

Sora Ishida: I'm so glad you came over to the #DigiLegacy channel on mIRC, it's so nice to have another Taito fan in the premisis! And Wonderswan Digimon games own, too. XD My feelings about Sora are so mixed at times, depending on my mood... weeeee!

FireDemon: You get to find out right here! Hope it didn't turn out TOO messy. o.o

Silverblade: It's really cool that you took the time to read my fic, even though you're not interested in yaoi. Of all the Digimon fics I've written, I actually think this one has the least yaoi content, despite what most people tell me. Sure, it has a full-blown lemon, but there would still be quite a lot of content without the yaoi. I know the cello-playing Taichi is completely out-of-character, but he was out-of-character from the start of the story, heheh. XD

Wee, that's all of 'em. =D

If you don't understand any of the technical stuff that goes on in this, then... go look it up if you're really curious. It's always nice to be self-motivated rather than have people give life to you. Also, I apologize for any over focus on the original characters in here. I really could make a whole side story on them, but it would end up sounding like a warped version of some random high school gal's diary or something... who wants to read that? XD

I only noted a couple Japanese words that I felt should be translated. xD
Oi, omae-tachi-Hey, you guys!

Now for the fluffy duff!


~February 20, 2004~

Vendredi volé! A special Friday in French class where all the students and the teacher partied with lovely food... Most of the people brought contributions of foods or party supplies and left them in something like a fireworks display on a table in the classroom.

A pair of cheerful girls mocked a toast of their caffeine to tribute their friendship. Several of the boys raided the candy supplies in the disarray of food assortments. Taichi and Yamato happily ganked their supply of French bread, Tortilla chips and Nutella, then settled to one side of the classroom where they could fiddle with the white-board. They amused themselves with a couple games of hangman and picture drawing.

Taichi suddenly made a grab for his Nutella, slinging a finger cleanly into the hazelnut spread. " Want some, Yama? I swear I'm going to make you appreciate other chocolates by force. Even though nothing's better than milk chocolate..."

" Oh, no..." the blonde replied hastily. " Really, I just like fudge Pocky-"

Taichi took hold of Yamato's shoulder and prodded a Nutella-covered finger into the other's mouth. Yamato almost bit down on the finger, but he was overwhelmed by the scent of the Nutella first.

" Mmph..." Yamato tried to back away, but only succeeded in making Taichi come closer.

The girls around them snickered lightly at their antics as their conversation ensued. And unknown to them, Yamato's tongue was playfully making its way around Taichi's finger... Without warning, Taichi groaned quietly, then hastily took his finger out. " One step at a time, Yama."

Yamato smirked. " What would you think the first step would be, then?"

Smiling, the brunette brought an arm around the other and connected their foreheads. " Lead them in... we don't have to completely shock them. Catch my drift?"

At this point, they had slipped back into their native Japanese language, despite the French environment. Yamato grinned back, cherishing their closeness. " That sounds good to me..."

The girls gave them amused looks, some utterly confused, while others surprised. It was the first time Taichi and Yamato had ever made more direct contact than assumed male friends would make in the United States...

" Ii desu na..." Taichi mumbled, immersed in their simple position. With their busy lives, they rarely had moments like these. It was a great reassurance of security and love... They didn't have to worry about doing anything more than being in other's presence, and that in itself was more than enough to make them happy.


The rumor mill was already onto them from that hour, but not to any negative effect for the admirers. In fact, most became even more excited to hear that Taichi and Yamato were able to show physical signs of affection. In the hallways during lunch, the girl named Lise could only cross her arms at the comments her peers were making.

" Wow... I want him to do that with me!"

" You think they'd do other things, too? Heheheh..."

Conveniently, Taichi and Yamato passed by them, the brunette regalling a story about his household cat. The females visibly backed to make room for them in the hallway to continue their secret admiration. Sparked by the day's earlier events, they decided to follow the duo as they walked down the hallway. They went all the way to the other side of the school. When the boys casually slipped into the orchestra room, seeming not to notice the mass of people following them, the girls gave each other intrigued looks.

" What do you suppose they're doing in the music hall?"

" I've never been here before..."

Lise smirked. Why wasn't she surprised that some of them have never been to the music hall?

The girls peeped inside the orchestra room pensively, afraid of getting caught. They found the boys to be out of sight, however, gone into another room nearby. The second practice room to their right had its light on, indicating the boys' location.

" Oh my God... I hear piano music... we're getting a free mini-concert!"

Indeed, inside the practice room, Yamato was playing the piano. The practice room was rather small, barely enough to fit the span of the upright piano. Yamato sat directly on the center of the piano bench, while Taichi leaned his back against the blonde's shoulder. It was rather interesting that the two of them were alone in such a claustrophobic room... but the moment was short lived, as the lunch bell rang. Knowing they only had 5 minutes until their next class started, the females quickly shuffled out of the music hallway and went their separate ways. Taichi and Yamato followed soon afterwards, brushing their shoulders with smug looks on their faces.


The day went by without more amusing events for the two boys, since they only had two classes after lunch. The direction home was the usual for them; they lost anybody potential followers by making a stop at their shack, protected by the many trees engulfing the area. Even though the trees were bare from the frigid weather, nobody else had dared to approach this shack where Taichi and Yamato first coined their friendship. After a short discussion to plan where they were going to make their song, they decided that Taichi's house was best... as always.

Thoughts of his family always put Yamato in a somewhat peculiar trance. Not that Taichi minded that much... Yamato spacing out meant that he was vulnerable to attacks. Attacks least expected... or perhaps most expected?

As the dim light above them flickered, Taichi leaned over and most flippantly placed his arms around the blonde. Yamato barely noticed it at first; his face maintained the look of someone who had just taken too many medical drugs. As Taichi's hands wandered into more suggestive areas, the other started showing signs of life. Suddenly, the edge of Yamato's mouth twitched as he realized the rich lighting of the area was a rather interesting turn on...

Not that it was the first time he thought of being intimate in the shack. He couldn't deny his kinky side... Yamato sighed, giving in to his hormones. He doubted he would regret this in the future, anyhow. " Taichi..." He retaliated in the fashion of the position they were in, turning around in Taichi's arms and aiming for the lips. He didn't have to aim very carefully, as his target was moving toward him in the first place. Their tongues seemed to meld together in the center of their meeting, lovingly caressing each other. Taichi mumbled something completely inaudible, then proceeded to shift closer for easier access. He loved having Yamato like this-- in his arms, willing to submit to his every need-- despite how cheesy it sounded. And well... it wasn't EVERY one of his needs... they were still human, after all. But oh, it was so heavenly...


~February 27, 2004~

Takeru silently observed the band. Daisuke was, as usual, bringing Ken's confidence up without actually taking note of it, and Taichi and Yamato were engaged in close, serious conversation. Thus was the norm for their break time... Takeru rarely stopped to converse with them, but they all respected how hard he worked. The other boys were hardly as willing to spend hours at the keyboard, fitting every one of their songs into perfection. None of them were able to keep the commitment that Takeru had with the band. He was the one who designed their website, ran their errands... yet he made no complaints about doing the extra work. Although, the other boys had to feel somewhat shameful for being so outdone.

' It's their problem,' Takeru had mused before. It didn't concern him that much that he did most of the work. In fact, he rather enjoyed it. He was freely able to boast of his accomplishments fully without feeling unmodest.

Several things had changed during this period of their band's success. All five of the boys had increasingly grown incompetant of their producer, who was eventually pitched. They felt slightly guilty for betraying one of the people who was responsible for their success, but it had to be done. If they hadn't, the producer would have been their downfall as well. Mrs. Hake had taken the position that the previous producer, Ross, had left behind. It was a bit unusual; the person who Takeru was grudging against was now one of the most helpful. Mrs. Hake now took care of the main paperwork concerning copyright and renting the concert stadium, while Takeru handled concert dates and advertising.

On his keyboard, he tested a programmed submelody in different instruments to find which one was most appealing. " No, organ pipes definitely won't do... chimes are out... maybe if I turn up the echo for orchestra..."

" Takeru, are you screwing with my song?" Daisuke called from backstage. " You know how liable every thing in existence is to succumb to your sexy stature."

Takeru gave a look of consternation, still staring at the keyboard as Daisuke trotted over. " Yes, I'm screwing with your song," he admitted. He looked up from his work to glance at the spiky-haired boy, then blinked several times, as if readjusting his eyes.

" W-what?" Daisuke stuttered, stopping in his tracks.

" Your shirt."

" What about it?" he asked, looking down. It was an old Six Flags shirt he had gotten a couple summers back when he first arrived in America. It was a drabby white, and the logo was worn out a bit.

" I could've sworn it said 'Sex Flamingo,' Takeru replied dully.

Daisuke's lips sank to the bottom of his face. He had no idea what to say to that.

" Gese, even your sister is more insightful than you are," Takeru noted.

" Uruse, na~" Daisuke pouted. " Of course she is. She's older than I am."

" Anyway, tell me what you think of this," Takeru said to change the subject. He set the keyboard to play the sequence with the new adjustments.

And so the evening came, the night of another Bishounen Boys concert. Daisuke took his song as perfect with Takeru's change (Daisuke was literally running down the concert hallway screaming " EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO THE OWNAGE OF GATE1!"), and Taichi and Yamato insisted that they do a duet. They had done a few duets in previous concerts, but they seemed different about asking to do one this time. The soon-to-be high schoolers stared at them suspiciously, but they didn't know what to make of it.

" Taichi-san and Yamato-san are pretty strange sometimes," Daisuke commented, " I wonder if high school did something to them. They're almost... TOO serious."

Suddenly, a "conk" noise from behind hit his head.

" It's because WE are serious," Taichi said, showing himself, then walking with Yamato to the dressing room.

Takeru quirked his eyebrow. Did Taichi emphasize the wrong word, or...

" Aaaa," Daisuke said in frustration, rubbing the back of his head where Taichi had knocked his fist upon. He turned on his fold-up chair. " I don't get them at all." Despite such claim, he too knew something was up with Taichi and Yamato... he just couldn't comprehend what was going on in his thought process. He was a genius... just a very confused genius.


The crowds cheered as they usually did, the boys thrilling at the excitement they were making. Daisuke's song was a great hit, and with the new improvement, he felt an exuberant energy born within him as he sang. This was going to be an exhilarating night, he could feel it. Even if Taichi and Yamato were going to hog part of the spotlight with their duet...

The three younger boys settled down behind the stage curtains, allowing the crowd to simmer.

" You ready for this, Yama?" Taichi asked huskily, still somewhat taken from the previous song. He wiped his forehead, brushing against his headband. He had worn the headband on his first day at school in America...

Pulling a single microphone off its stand for the both of them, Yamato sat down on a dark block on the center of the stage. The lights dimmed and the crowd quieted slightly. Taichi sat down close next to the blonde, then hooked a hand with Yamato's on the microphone.

They crooned softly and pensively at first, singing of unrequited love, followed by a spark of hope. Suddenly, Taichi bellowed a sweet upbeat and leapt from his seat, causing the audience to jolt happily. Yamato preceded after him, clasping his hand over Taichi's on the microphone this time. The song changed to one of new, optimistic promises that had the audience lifting off their seats in moments.

The stark melody filled the stage, flowing through every seat and pack of air available. The whole area seemed to be bubbling with their passion. The moment was short-lived, however. The song was rather short, and the quick-pace of the song suddenly died. And then... there was nothing...except the soft murmuring noises that leaked into the microphone and out through the speakers. It wasn't excessively long, but it was enough to catch the attention of everyone in the vicinity. When they broke apart, they gave one small glance at the audience before departing the stage. They had just performed the last song of the concert, so they were free to leave.

The reactions were greatly varied. Takeru was calculating something in his mind (which could be easily mistaken for his indifference), Daisuke's mouth was gaping open along with Ken's, and the crowd... a dictionary simply could not have the answers to describing the crowd's reaction.

It was simpler than the two boys thought it would be. So simple, in fact, that any trace of worry at that moment was demolished by their contentment. They were ready for anything that would happen after tonight...


~March 1, 2004~

It was supposed to be another dull morning, or maybe not. Who wouldn't expect so much commotion to result from their concert? They weren't surprised at the varying amount of stories as they entered the school together early in the morning.

Usually, people left them alone in the morning, too "busy" with their school shinanigans. However, a group of females was huddled at the entrance of the school this morning. Nobody needed to ask them why they were so early...

" Matt!"

" Tai! I can't believe what you did! I WON'T believe it!"

The two rolled their eyes simultaneously, but all in humor. These girls, who had rarely spoken to the boys upfront, were suddenly outraged... typical. They hustled past the group, trying to leave them in the dust. Not to their surprise, the girls followed them all the way to the other side of the school. Each female's faces burned with different levels of fury, jealousy, confusion, and disappointment.

All of the females raised their eyebrows as they watched Yamato and Taichi walk into the orchestra room. They were about to butt in, when the sound of music stopped them. Slowly, they crept inside the orchestra room, pausing at the first practice room. The girls fought for a peek through the small practice room door window, but finally, one of them got the upper edge... Jesse.

Yamato was playing a piece with an endless right hand movement, beautiful pedaling adding to the romantic taste. He had such a tranquil expression on his face as he played for Taichi, who was sitting on the bench next to him. Taichi gently leaned onto the blonde's shoulder, bathing himself in the continuous notes that flowed nicely in his ears.

" What weirdos," one of the females who had no more view of the boys muttered. " I can't believe they led us on that long just to come to that."

" I think it's beautiful!" one of them nearly shrieked. The females surrounding her shushed her up after giving her death glares.

" I want them even more now," one of them said, her eerie seriousness silencing the others.

" Jess, are you okay...?"

" Oh, forget her, she's too serious about them to realize what kind of hole she's sinking i-"

" LISE! Shut up."

Lise sighed, residing on the outskirts of the mini-crowd. This had been going on for too long, that even the other females, dense as they were, began to sense the lack of meaning to their actions. Pride sucked them into avoiding the realization, however. Fortunately for Lise, she was never really pulled into the situation in the first place. Still, she couldn't find it in her heart to leave her peers as they were.

The few "lucky" females who had a view through the small practice door wooed as the piano piece came to an end. However, they quirked when they noticed Taichi wasn't just leaning on Yamato's shoulder anymore...

No more, indeed, for they were set in each other's arms in full make-out mode. They seemed to have contained a lot inside them until that moment. Their sudden passion startled the girls. One of them set her hands on the knob, but the others pulled her back. For some reason, some of them couldn't help but be entranced by the scene...

" I have to stop them! I have to..."

" Jesse, get a hold of yourself," one of them finally said.

It turns out the one who had wanted to turn the knob was Jesse herself. Much to the surprise of the other girls, she knelt down to a fetal position and began sobbing. Some of the girls tried to comfort her, but none of them could really do anything... It was a hopeless case. She was learning the hard way...

' She's learning the hard way because she put it all upon herself,' Lise growled in thought. ' Taichi and Yamato probably think the same thing.'

She turned on her heels, then stormed from the scene. None of the girls even noticed her leave. She spent the rest of her morning waiting outside of her classroom for the first bell to ring.


~March 2, 2004~

Orchestra was an interesting challenge when it came to the Bishounen Boys fan base. The previous day was almost no different from this one, where the class could hardly focus on their music, resulting in the conductor's frustration. However, they had plenty of time to prepare for their spring concert, and the music didn't require too much work as a whole. After half of the class was spent playing over their songs, the conductor finally let them put their instruments away.

" I'm too nice to you guys," she said defeatedly, packing the items on her stand. Most of the orchestra didn't hear her, however, as they were already conversing amongst themselves. Taichi and Yamato were on their way towards one of the practice rooms with their backpacks on their backs, when she stopped them.

" I swear I thought you two were strict on the music scene, but it seems that you've been losing focus lately as well," she sighed. " Where are you going, anyway?"

" Just to the practice room, if that's all right with you, Mrs. Hinderliter," Yamato replied coyly.

" Oh, okay," she said indifferently. " You know what? I take back what I said about your focus on music. It's just... very different from what I perceive it as..."

Taichi frowned slightly, then turned away so Mrs. Hinderliter wouldn't see him. She was always concerned with where the world was going with the art realm. Taichi shared her concerns, but her intimidating personality kept him away from discussing it with her further.

" Alas, the arts are dying in this school..." she ambled back to her conductor's chair.

That kind of made him feel guilty. In a way, the Bishounen Boys was taking some of the traditional arts from the school. Even though he had started with playing cello solos and such, he had recently been implementing them in their modern songs. It wasn't uncommon to hear a violin or flute combined with a synthetic piano rhythm. He had even heard some unusual traditional chinese instrument blends with high-tech beats...

Taichi and Yamato stepped into the practice room, switching the light on (the light was too bright for Taichi's taste, since he preferred the shack's setting...) and sitting on the piano bench. The stuffed their backpacks in the space between the piano bench and the wall. Yamato ran his hands across the keyboard to play a few random scales. Taichi grinned with inspiration, then brought out his CD player from his backpack.

" Na, na, Ya-ma-to," he chimed. " You remember playing Borodine's Polovetsian Dances? Listen to this."

In the private chambers of the tiny room, Taichi lifted his headphones and reached his arm over Yamato's back. The other musician snuggled in closer, gently taking the microphone buds from Taichi's hands and putting them on.

" Maaya Sakamoto and Steve Conte," Taichi noted as the song started, " Listen to Maaya in the chorus."

After several minutes...

" What the... it can't..." Yamato uttered, bewildered, " It is! Cool..."

Taichi tilted his head to gaze at Yamato and smiled like an innocent ten-year old. " It's SO nice to have someone actually enjoy that with me. I thought I'd be the only one who found it amusing."

" Nope, you're not the only one. Sorry to take the glory away from you," Yamato said as his lips formed a smirk.

The obscurity within the words they shared couldn't be matched by anything else; it was that special to them. His spirit lifted, Taichi leaned over and wrapped his arms around the other boy, resting his chin on Yamato's soft hair. Still listening to the song, Yamato settled in Taichi's hold. He rested his back against Taichi's layered chest and continued to marvel at the music flowing into his ears.

Taichi's smile softened even further as he leaned back against the wall, Yamato between his knees. Everything felt so nice at that moment... Even if he could see the surprised faces outside the window out of the corner of his eye.

" What are you girls doing over there?" Mrs. Hinderliter interrogated, noticing the entire female violin-player population was crowded around the practice room.

Most of them uttered fragmented phrases, while the others remained fixated on the view inside.

Mrs. Hinderliter let out a deep chortle, amused at the high-school antics. " Come back over here," the conductor continued, half-scolding and half-joking, " Leave their friendship be!"

" But... but they're not just..." one of them started. She was unable to continue, as her vocal chords failed her.

" I highly doubt they're interested in leaving graffiti or something in there, girls. Come back."

The girls hadn't felt like saying anything about the relationship that time, but it certainly wouldn't stay that way, they expected. The teachers would find out sooner or later... the orchestra girls had no problem with it, since most of them were focused on other things rather than relationships.

But who could resist a small peek at the boys once in a while...?


~June 4, 2004~

" Daisuke! Move aside, let me fight this one. You really have no skill for RPGs, you know! Mataku.."

" Onee-san! Yaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaa~" the spiky-haired boy whined, half-heartedly pulling the controller from his sister's hands. She, however, won easily by simply standing from her position, leaving Daisuke to mumble on the ground next to her feet.

Daisuke rested his head on his hand and arm, tapping his fingers against his cheek. He was plenty frustrated with the game, so he wasn't quite perturbed that someone was helping him, but he still had a sense of pride...

Fortunately, the phone rang, letting Daisuke have an excuse to leave the room. He had been expecting this call all day, even throughout the entire final day of school.

" Ken!" he nearly shouted into the phone.

The one on the other side of the line took a while to reply. " Mou, not so loud."

" It's about time you called! I was about to break a window or something."

" Hey, it takes me longer to get home, give me a break."

" Anyway, we need to organize this thing you were talking about..."

" I-I was just suggesting it, I didn't think you'd take me seriously."

" I always take you seriously!" Daisuke said flippantly, seeming to counteract his own words. Still, he could feel Ken smiling on the other line. " So what days are you available next week?"


~June 7, 2004~

Daisuke's home was perfect for a friendly gathering. His family had its own kitchen bar, an exercise room, a pool table, and a pool itself. There was even an outdoor hot tub...

For the moment, all five boys were happy in the lounging room, taking turns with the Super Smash Brothers N64 game. Daisuke only had three controllers, so two of them were always left to watch the others in the background.

Taichi and Yamato seemed to be okay with the younger teens hogging the game spots, telling from their hushed conversations behind them.

Everything seemed to be going at the same pace until Daisuke's sister wandered into the room on her way to the kitchen.

" UWAH!"

Everyone including Yamato jumped at Taichi's sudden outbreak. The boys looked at where Taichi was naively pointing, and the female looked back in slight surprise.

" It's Lise!" Taichi spouted like a child pointing to a popular toy.

" Oh," she said, making a small wave with her hand as a greeting. " Sorry I didn't come to greet you earlier. I guess my headphones were too loud."

" Onee-san! Are you still using my CD player?" Daisuke called, turning back to the N64 game.

" Of course," she said quickly, " This is what you get for taking my Sprite Remix."

" Lise is your sister? That's so strange that we didn't know until now," Taichi commented in the midst of the sibling conversation.

" You know her or something? I barely know anything about her, even though I've lived with her for so long..." Daisuke mumbled, mainly focusing on the game.

" A few years isn't that long," she interjected. Daisuke just frowned a bit and cocked his head. He had just sent Takeru's game character into oblivion.

" A few years?" Yamato wondered.

" I'm adopted. My parents died in a car accident a few years ago," she said insightfully as she rummaged through the refrigerator.

" Well, that explains why your hair color's so different," Taichi commented. As if responding to him, Lise ran a hand through her long blonde hair before closing the refrigerator, a fresh nectarine in her hand.

" Your parents must be really nice or something to take a teenager in," Ken commented when she was out of earshot.

" Actually, she's here to teach my parents English. My parents don't know as much as I do."

" You know too much if you ask me. Same with you other boys. How did you all learn to speak so fluently?"

Ken: "Advanced classes."

Takeru: " Self-study."

Daisuke: " From you, of course."

Taichi: " Hi-mi-tsu."

Yamato: " Self-study."

Lise frowned heavily. " I don't know why, but I expected those answers. Why did I bother asking? Oh, well... I'm going." She set off to her own room.

Another several rounds of Daisuke owning all of his comrade's rear ends in the video game, and the others finally realized it was useless to struggle against him. Knowing that the others were starting to get unnerved from his game skills, Daisuke suggested that they cool off in his swimming pool. What a better way to celebrate the beginning of summer with diving into a huge tub of water!


Daisuke wasn't trying to be sarcastic about it, but somehow he had ended up coming off that way. Nevertheless, the boys peeled off any uneccessary clothes articles and immediately headed to the back pool. Along the way, Daisuke picked up his goggles and neatly set them in his hair.

Taichi and Yamato raided the swimming noodles and began to clobber each other with them in the shallow end. Daisuke set up small basketball on opposite sides of the pool before joining the others.

" Try to keep it PG-13 or less over there, you two," Takeru called after he had jumped into the deep end. Taichi, at the moment, was prodding Yamato in rather suggestive places with the noodle...

Taichi gave an overweeming chuckle. " Come on, Takeru. You know you want some action, too."

Takeru growled as he treaded water. " I don't have any idea of what you're talking about."

Suddenly, Daisuke and Ken quite deliberately swam into Takeru. Daisuke had a basketball in his hands as he nudged Takeru's shoulder with his own.

" Ahoy, hoy," the goggle boy, his words sweet with a tint of mischief. " Ken and I are going to play basketball, but we have an odd number here. What should we do about it?"

The way the boys were hanging over the blonde made it seem as if they were drunk. Then again, it wasn't the first time they had acted like that.

" Stop that," Takeru said shortly, pushing them off, " I'm not a great treader."

Daisuke pouted. Ken seemed disappointed.

" And I don't feel like playing basketball either. Especially in the water. I'll go tan or something..."

He started to swim to the end of the pool to get up, but the others dragged him back in.

Aside from the three younger boys' foolery, Taichi and Yamato grew tired of their noodle fight and were now simply relaxing in the cool water.

Daisuke, Ken and Takeru didn't manage to maintain a score board for their game (since most of it was spent clobbering Takeru when he tried to escape the pool), but eventually, they fell weary and took a break.

" Oi, omae-tachi!" Daisuke called to the two older boys as he swam over to the shallow end. Taichi and Yamato were both lying on their backs on the water, their ears buried under the liquid. Grinning waywardly, he went for the brunette's armpits to catch his attention, and he was quite successful.

Taichi made a rather voluble shout of profanity as he stood upright to get away from Daisuke, a shout beginning with the English letter "F." Daisuke winced; He hoped the neighbors didn't hear that. It saved him from having to do the same to Yamato, however, as his attention was caught from the explosion.

" What do you want, Daisuke?" Taichi said rather irritably.

The goggle boy sulked somewhat. He didn't like it when the older boys looked down on him like that. In spite of this, he coughed lightly into his mouth and gazed at them with a serious glint in his eyes. And when Daisuke got serious...

" We need to have a talk about our band... a long talk about everything concerning it."


And now, for the inspiration song. Pardon its randomness, I didn't write the lyrics for it. @_@

Savile Row #3
Arist: GLAY
Translated by RJ Escamilla
Morning, Sunday morning, being rocked by a car
That's headed for Narita, while feeling the scents left behind by the summer
Today I'm going to London
The flow of traffic on the freeway is smooth,
Just a little ways left to the curtain
I softly close my eyes, and turn my thoughts to a far-away day

Hello, my soulmate, wanting to hear your voice one more time before we part, I take my cell phone out of my pocket
They're really handy, aren't they?

I make every day into a song like that, as I pile up the months and years, like an album
The casual things are more dear to me than anything, I'll see this job through to the end

If you do a good impression of the latest hit song, a love song will follow your eyes
The song that resounds in my heart now, it's not a sweet song

While saying that the needs of an age are selfish things, once again someone
Turns to the darkness and spits gaudily

Hello, my soulmate, I wonder how I appear in your clear eyes
As I waveringly venture forward?

Let's write down each love scene so we don't forget them, scenes that we really should talk about sometime
Let's put them away for each other until that day, in a special drawer in our hearts

I want to be an innocent ball, stronger and sturdier than the red buses
Afternoon sunshine in Hyde Park
Today looks peaceful, as well
I dream of the end of my journey,
Me, unable even to take a simple trip
Before I knew it, I'd even lost my trustworthy friend...

Hello, my soulmate, emotions, money, dreams
I wonder, who decided which is clean and pure, and which is dirty?

Even if the gunshots continue to echo in their struggle, I'll scream, under a far-away sky
Some day, give me the power to make a song that will heal everything

You're my precious, everything must pass on
You're my precious, everything must pass on




It's kind of ironic that my most disliked science teacher ended up having such a kind role. @_@; Oh well.

I did warn that Daisuke's sister wasn't Jun on his website profile. Did anybody suspect this...? Ya, the secret's out. =D

Of course, reviews. Oh GOD do I need them, hehe. I probably shed about 5 pounds of hair during the writing of this... ^^;
