Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ True Fear ❯ History's Horror ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

True Fear
Chapter Four

It was one o'clock in the afternoon. Rika was in History class at the moment and was not in a good mood. She was exhausted, angry and as much as she hated to admit it... frightened.

'How could he have known...?' Rika thought. She thought she hid it so well... the pain... the suffering... she never thought anyone, even Henry, could come so close to finding out the truth... she was so disturbed about their earlier conversation that she wasn't even paying attention to the lesson being given in class. She couldn't let them know... she couldn't... if she did, her life would be ruined... even more than it was now... She eventually drifted off and unknown to her, was about to have another one of those dreadful nightmares that had been haunting her for years...

The man approached the nine-year-old Rika Nonaka with hostile intent... he had dark red hair and dark brown eyes which looked down upon the girl... he was tall... about six feet, five inches... he had a large, powerful build and an evil smile...

"No, Daddy! Don't!" She begged.

The man sneered at his daugter's cries and continued to approach the girl. She knew what he was going to do... she had to get out of there. As the man began to unbuckle his belt, the nine-year-old girl ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Hey! Get back here, you little brat!" The man roared. He tore off after his nine-year-old daughter who was desperately trying to escape him.

As the girl reached the door, she yanked it open and ran... As she ran down the hallway, she saw the front door at the other end... running faster, she made it to the door and opened it, but before she could even make it out the door, a hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her away.

"You're going to be sorry you did that, little girl!" The man snarled. He dragged her across the floor and back down the hallway.

"No! Don't!" She cried.

"Shut up!" He growled. He opened a door and attempted to shove her in. She placed her hands at the sides of the door in a desperate attempt to protect herself from what was bound to come. Her father, however, was not pleased. "Get in there!" He shouted.

"No!" She screamed.

"You'll do as I say, girl! Get in there!"

"No!" She repeated, even louder.

Her father grew even angrier...

"If you're not in there on the count of three... I'll make you hurt like you've never been hurt before, do you hear me?!"

The nine-year-old Rika Nonaka did not answer her furious father, only held on the sides of the door, scared beyond belief. That's when her father's anger reached its peak... he raised his arm and in a split-second, bashed his fist against the back of her head, sending her hurtling through the door towards the floor. She hit it hard. As she looked up, she saw her father, smiling maliciously as he approached her while unbuckling his belt. She backed away while still on the floor, trying to gain as much distance away from her father as possible, however, there was only so far she could go... her back was now against the wall. All hope was gone... As her father grew closer by the second, he let out a low, sadistic laugh... it was a laugh Rika would never forget... she closed her eyes, waiting for the horror to be inflicted upon her...

Rika awoke with a gasp. She was back in her History class. She let out a sigh of relief.

'It was that damn nightmare again,' Rika cursed in her mind. She was sick of these dreams... sick of everything! Why couldn't she just be a normal girl and live a normal life? Why? Why did things have to be the way they were? All of these questions were pounding in Rika's head at the moment that she didn't even hear the bell ring, indicating that the class was over. When she didn't get up to leave, the teacher became concerned. She walked over to her desk.

"Rika?" She asked.

Rika did not respond. The teacher tried again.


Still no response. That's when the teacher placed a hand on Rika's shoulder, slightly shaking her.

"Rika?" Rika finally came back to reality.

"What?!" Rika shouted, unaware that it was the teacher she was speaking to. The teacher looked shocked. Rika then realized who she had shouted at and was quick to apologize. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hiroshi."

"Rika, are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine," Rika replied, even though that was not true.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Rika answered, obviously irritated with people asking her if she was alright. She then gathered all her books and necessities and stood up and walked out the classroom with the teacher looking on. Everyone was getting more and more concerned about Rika and she knew it. Little by little, her secret was revealing itself. But Rika was determined to keep this secret hidden at all costs. She would rather die than suffer the humiliation that this horrible secret would cause if ever revealed.

After Rika had placed her belongings in her locker, she grabbed her gym bag and headed to the girls change room. Phys. ed. was her last class of the day and she was quite relieved for a number of reasons... for one thing, there wouln't be Henry pestering her since he was not in her phys. ed. class and she could really use some physical activity at the moment to get her head straight. Plus, it was the last class of the day and Rika couldn't wait to get out of the hellhole she was in. When Rika got to the change room, she changed into her gym clothing and hurried to the soccer field so as not to be late for class. Her phys. ed. teacher was especially harsh when it came to students being late and she wasn't in the mood to listen to her teacher bark. Luckily, she made it on time, so there was no hassle. As the teacher assigned the students to teams, Rika's mind became unaware of her surroundings and she drifted off into another haunting memory...

Rika, nine years old, sat at her desk, reading a book, when she heard a noise downstairs... being the curious girl that she was, she tiptoed out of her room and down the stairs, not knowing who or what made that sound... she made her way into the kitchen... it was dark so she could not see... she drew her hand across a table for support, when she touched something sharp... she winced in pain as she sprung her hand back to find that she was bleeding... then... without any warning... the lights came on...

"What are you doing up?!" Roared a furious man.

"I... I heard a noise," young Rika replied, voice filled with fear.

"I told you never to be up at this time!"

"But I..."

"Didn't I warn you what would happen next time I caught you up?!"

Rika glanced at the table from a moment ago to see that there was a broken beer bottle lying on top of it... that must have been what she cut her hand on...

'He's been drinking again...' she thought.

"You're going to be sorry you disobeyed me, Rika!" He then struck her across the face, sending the young girl hurtling to the floor. Rika felt blood dripping from her lip as her drunken father grabbed her by the arms, raised her up, then smashed her small body against the concrete floor. Rika screamed in pain as her father raised his hand to strike her again... it came down... down...

"Rika Nonaka!"

A voice snapped Rika out of her trance and it was none other than Ms. Akisha, her phys. ed. teacher.

"Uh... yes, Ms. Akisha?"

"Wake up, would you? You're on Team A."

"Yes, Ms. Akisha," Rika replied as she hustled to her team. She slipped on a red jersey and got into position. "Time for some action..." she mused.

To be continued...