Doctor Who Fan Fiction ❯ Doctor Who and Start Of It All ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

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1963 London
Ian Chesterton was still huddled over his lad bench, it looked like he had a lot of work to clean up off it. Since it looked like some of his experiments didn't go to well. He had a cheerful face that seemed to make his brown eye twinkle. He was a young looking man dressed in his sports jacket that was covered, with the normal white lad coat. It seemed to hang over his flannels that most schoolmasters wore, he was very different from Barbra Wright. Not only in his carefree ways but also in his teaching methods. While Barbra wonted no talking as she teaches, he on the other hand didn't care as long to much just as long as they learned something.
Looking up from his work he spied Barbra walking into the class room. 'hello, Barbra. Not gone yet'
'Obviously not'
Ian groaned. 'That was a silly question! For me to ask'
Barbra was a sharp-tounged women, often when she was tired or had something on her mind. She took a seat in a chair that was next to Ian's bench and placed the book she was caring on her lap.

'I'm Sorry,' Barbra quickly said as soon as she heard him groan.
Smiling up to her once he to took a seat 'I forgive you, this time.' Ian said with a hint mockery to his voice.
'It's just something's been bothering me lately, and I don't know what to make of it'
It wasn't like her to be confessed or helpless about something, Ian was unexpected with her confession. Not wonting to be at confessed himself he couldn't help but ask what was wrong.
'what's wrong, Is there anything I could help with'
'Oh, it's one of the students in my class room. Susan Foreman'
Chocking back some air that gathered into his throat, Ian's eyes widened a bit. 'You Find her a problem too'
'I do'
'You don't know what to make of her either, do you?' Question Ian.
Shaking her head no, Barbra sit back in the chair to gather her thoughts on Susan.
Once Ian knew that she was focused back on him, he confirmed that he too didn't know what to think on the young girl, who just started going to the school a few weeks ago.
Ian often wondered how old she was so he looked to Barbra. 'How old do you think she is'
Barbra thought for a moment before she replied to his question. 'I think she's about fifteen'
'fifteen!' exclaimed Ian, as he ran his hand through his untidy short brown hair. 'Do you know what she dose, in my classes'
'No what?' asked Barbra, as she watched him run his hand through his hair.
'She smart, but she doesn't let all her knowledge out she just lets alittle bit of it come out'
He could tell she was smarter then most of the kids in the class room he just wished she wouldn't hold back when answering the problems he asks.
'I think, she dosn't wont to make me to look bad in front of the class. I don't wont to go to the office and report about it and get the girl into trouble. I guess your going to say that I'm imagining it or making up things. Barbra only reply was a firm No.

Ian finally started back to work, he only stopped to list to Barbra, but he was still waiting to see if Barbra was going to continue after her last reply. Turning off his Bunsen burner and gathering his test tubes and Petri dishes. He began to wash them in the labs sink, stacking them on racks so they could try. 'Go on!' he replied as he dried off his hands and walked back to his set at his desk. At first he thought she was going to leave him hanging there.
'You know a few days ago I told you she was good at history?' She paused to let the question sink in before she continue. The only reply was him shaking his head 'She could earn a place at oxford or Cambridge in a year two, if she wonted to!'

'Did you tell her? If so how did she take it?' Questioned Ian.
She was cautious, but she seemed to like the idea of it.' Again Barbra paused. 'I told her she would have to study and work a lot more then she normally does, I offered to work with her at home too. But she said it was impossible. What was it she said?' Barbra thought for a few minutes..'She said her grandfather didn't like strangers around!' Neither one said anything for awhile.