Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ 105 question questionnaire ❯ Trunks ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**105 question questionnaire**

My mate sent me this, so I thought I'd let you all see it. Trunks' answers to the 105 question questionnaire! This all takes place at school, in their I.T lesson, when Trunks find the e-mail and fills it in, instead of doing his work.

Disclaimer: I own nothing you may recognise. My band / D12 - don't own. Trunks and Goten and the whole of DBZ - Don't own (YET) I own Kathlyn and a few of Trunks' friends. Kathlyn Croft is Trunks' girlfriend. Everyone's 18.

The beginning bit's from Kathlyn's POV. I guessed Bra's age. Made up the phone number, the whole fake phone number is 2267 787 657© which is actually Ccorptrunks (I got bored. (I copy write it being Trunks' number… I wanted to use the symbol =p)) I also made up the -mail addy, don't know if it's a real one or not.

"Trunks, I'm bored!" I poked Trunks on the shoulder. Didn't even feel anything... He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Everyone's bored, Kath, it's I.T class." I shrugged and started twisting my auburn hair around my fingers.

"Yeah well... Why did they have to block all the decent websites?"

"To make school less fun."

"You got an e-mail Trunks."

"Huh?" Goten pointed at the box on the screen.

"There, see? - '105 questions'. Who's it from?"

"Vegetas_little_sis@yahoo.co.uk. Isn't she that mad one that attacked me?"

"I think so, that might have been her sister though... Oh well, she can't do anything through an e--mail, can she? Open it."

"Wait, what do you mean, attacked?"

"You don't want to know. Really, you don't."

"Open it!"

"Alright, alright."

"Gonna fill it in?"

"Might as well. Nothing better to do."

1. Full name: Trunks Vegeta Briefs

2.Nicknames: Don't have any… apart from Briefs Boy but I try to forget that.

"I love that name."

"That's because you gave it to me."

3. Place Of Birth: Capsule Corp.

4. Eye Colour: Blue

5. Hair: Lavender

6. Siblings: Bra (9)

7. Do you like to sing in the shower? No

8. Do you like to sing on the toilet? No

"But how do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Are you gonna keep talking you two?"

"Does it annoy you?"


"Then we continue to talk."

9. Birthday: Not tellin

10. Star Sign: See above

11. Address:Capsule Corp. You know, that big building, hard to miss

12.Sex: Male

13. Righty or lefty: Righty

14. What do you want in a relationship?: Um… Dunno

16. Marital status: I have a girlfriend

"That he loves!"


17. Do you have a car?: Had. It's being repaired.

"Because he crashed it into a wall!"

"You crashed it into a wall."

18. What kinda car do I want to have?: How the hell should I know what car you want?!

19. Movie: Scary Movie 1+2 couldn't be bothered to go and see 3

20. Song: Dunno

21. Band/singer: Dunno

23. Actor: Dunno

24. Actress:Dunno

"You might have to answer some questions along the way, you know."

25. Sport: Football / soccer - what ever you want to call it

26. Food: Burger, only 'cause I've just eaten one

27. Number: 6 dunno why

28. Cartoon: Bugs Bunny

"I thought you liked SpongeBob SquarePants."

"Go away, if you're gonna take the piss."

29. Disney Character: Donald Duck

"Why are you giving me that look?!"

30. Colours: Blue

31. Do you plan on having children?: guess so

32. Do you want to get married? S'pose so

33. How old do you wanna be when you have your first Child?: 20 something.

34. How old do you wanna be when you're married?: 20 something I guess.



"You said 20 and you like the number 6."

35. Do you want to get married?: Didn't we already have that?

"They're building up numbers."

36. Do u have a b/f or g/f :Yes

"That he loves!"

"You already said that."

37. Do you have a crush?: No

Choose one

38. Music/TV: Music

"But you can get music on TV."

39.Guys/Girls: Guys are better friends; Kathlyn is an exception.

"I thought I was a freak?" He shook his head.

"No, exception. I'll change it if you want."

"Leave it."

40. Green/Blue: Blue

41. Pink/Purple: Purple

42. Summer/Winter: Winter

43. Night/Day: Night



"Same diff."

44. Hangin Out/Chillin: Hangin out

45. You think of me when you hear?: Huh?

46. What school do you go to?:Orange Star

47. Have you ever taken drugs?: Dun fink so.


"Oh yeah."

48. What's a major turn on?: HAHAHAHAHA..!

51. How far would you go on a first date? HAHAHAHAHA..!

"Breathe, Trunks. Goten, in, out, in, out…"

52. Most Blonde: Um, no one I think…

53. Funniest: Me! Or Goten when he don't know anything. Or Kathlyn when she's taking the piss out of someone.

54. Smartest: Me!

55. Weird beyond all Reason: Goten!

56. Personality: Dunno

57. Best all around people: Dunno

58. Which 10 people do you trust and are open with the most?: Goten, Kathlyn, Nick, Sean… and six other people that probably don't exist.

"The fairies at the bottom of the garden."

"No, they moved last week."

"Oh right."

59. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: No

"Good answer."

60. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: When I broke my arm training.

"Aww, did Twunksie cwry?"

"It bloody hurt!"

61. What's something about guys/girls you don't get?: Why girls think shopping's fun

"I don't."

"Bra does though."

"And Marron."

62. Are you happy?: Yeah

63. Why?: Don't know

64. What objects can't you live without?: My computer and Internet.

65. Love or lust? Love

66. Silver or gold? Silver

67. Diamond or pearl? Diamond

68. Sunset or sunrise? Sunset

69. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: HAHAHAHAHA..! No.

70. Do you sleep with a dummy or owt?: No…

"What about Mr Teddy?"

"That's my Dad!"

71. Do you have any piercing?: No

72. What colour underwear are you wearing right now?: HAHAHAHAHA..! Um, I can't remember.



"They're blue. With Bugs Bunny on, the one your mum got you for Xmas."

"And you know this how, Kathlyn?"

"'Cause I sleep in the same room as him… Goten, I've never seen anyone go so red… Trunks, you look like a tomato."

"Shut up!"

73. Are you happy?: Already had that I think.

74. What song are you listening to right now?: My Band - D12

"We ain't listening to any music."

"Yeah, but there's always that song that's playing in your head, ain't there?"

75. What are the last four digits of your mobile number?: 8657

76. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: Dunno.

"I say Italy."

"Have you been talking to my mother?"

"I never said it was with you, Trunks."

77.who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Dunno

"Do you wanna change that, Trunks?"

77.who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Kathlyn



"Better pack for Italy, Trunks."

"Shut up, Goten!"

78. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eye colour

"What colour eyes have I got?"

"Green. Dark green, like a dark emerald green."

"Very good."

79. What makes you happy? Free sweets…

80. What are the next CD's you're gonna get?: I don't buy them, I get them free.

81. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Neither

82. What's the best advice given to you?: Dunno

83. Have you ever won any special award?: Probably.

"You've got loads and you know it!"

84. Number of school detentions: Um… about 12, over my whole school life though.

"Teacher's Pet."

"Just because I ain't been expelled from anywhere."

"That was a misunderstanding."

"You kept calling your teacher a whore when you were 10, how can that be a misunderstanding?!"

85. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better?: Funny

86. On the phone or in person?: Depends on who it is

87. Hugs or kisses?: Both

88. What song seems to reflect on you the most?: Dunno

"I say 'Behind Blue Eyes."


"You've got blue eyes."

"You're a genius, Goten."

89. Do you have any enemies?: I think so

90. What is your greatest fear?: Nothing I'm gonna tell you

"It's Ball-Pits, ain't it?"

"No it ain't! That's Goten."

91. What would you rather be, rich or famous?: I'm both!

"Show off…"

"Kathlyn is as well."

"No, I'm just rich. Just because I'm Lady Croft don't mean I'm famous."

"You in the Tomb Raider games then?"

"Do you like hospital food or something?"

92. Have you ever been in love? Yep


"Shut up, Goten."

93. Have you ever met Santa?: The real Santa? Or Goten in a Santa hat?

"What? When?"

"Last Xmas. I think you were drunk."

"Oh then!"

94. Do u have any pets? Yep

"Do you?"

"Yeah, Cheddar."

"Oh, the mouse. I thought that was just there to scare Bra."


95. When was the last time you talked to someone you like?: About… 10 seconds ago.

"7 actually."

"Shut up, Kathlyn."

"Don't tell me to shut up!"

96. What's your Email address?: Trunks_V_Briefs@Ccorp.net

97. Are you an alcoholic?: Nope

98. What are your future goals?: To get to lunch before Goten

"Keep dreaming."

Do You Believe in:

99. God: Met him, well Dende but it's all the same thing

100. Heaven: Yeah

101: Hell: Yeah

102: Satan: Yeah

103: Aliens: That's a stupid question.

"Well, do you or don't you?"

"I'm half alien, remember? So's Goten."

"Oh yeah, I knew that."

104. Who sent this to you?: Some slightly insane authoress I've been attacked by before.

"I still wanna know how she attacked you."

105.What do you think of this person?: Mad, psychotic, and slightly insane

"Why is she only slightly insane."

"Because saying anything more could piss her off."

"Well that was fun."

"Pointless is the word you're looking for."

"Is it lunch yet?"

"Five more minutes left."

"You were supposed to forward that e-mail, you know."

"Alright, who to?"

"How about…"


Thank you for making it to the end. I pity you, really I do. 9 pages of, well, to be honest, crap! Still, more than I normally write. Learn anything new? If you did, it's probably made up.

Right, it's now up to you, who did Trunks forward the e-mail to? His mother? Gohan? You? E-mail and tell me, or review, although my computer's too slow to let me see the reviews. But do review. I need help choosing who to write about next. And I just need reviews!

BTW: I know it's confusing and pointless and plot less, it's supposed to be! And I know Trunks didn't answer all the questions, it was hard enough making it come to 105. Want to make suggestions for the answers? Go ahead! I'll mention them in the next chapter.
