Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beyond All Expectations ❯ Our Next Steps (I) ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I have yet to procure the rights to DragonballZ or to find anyone stupid enough to pay me for my junk.
A/N: Wow! I'm really about to post the third chapter! Enjoy!
I lifted my eyes for what must have been the fortieth time from the adventure book I had been reading. Marron slowly turned the page of her latest romance novel.
Shortly after Marron had moved in, we had established a nightly reading time. We both enjoyed reading, and it seemed no matter how stressed we were, a half-hour of such relaxation always promoted a good night's rest.
Only days before our six month anniversary, and I knew, I loved her. Did she return my affections? Only everyday. To put it simply, we were in love.
Yes, I loved Bulma at a time. I guess a small part of me always will love the girl who became my first girlfriend. This time with Marron though, things were different. The love was mutual for starters. Not only that, but the feelings were different; I was different. Instead of being star-struck with puppy love, I found myself loving with my full mind, body and spirit.
Mine and Marron's first date had only been a taste of the things yet to come. I found myself smiling for no reason at all. I began to hum often when I worked on any project. My wrinkles, mostly frown lines, all but disappeared. Sometimes, I almost didn't recognize myself.
Sometime around month four, I think, I began seriously pondering the idea of "popping the question." Month five's celebration had encouraged me to even pick out a ring. Then, along came month six.
"Is there something I can do for you?" Marron snapped irritably, having caught my stare.
I shook my head. "No. I'm happy just looking at you."
Marron had sighed and rolled her eyes before going back to her novel. She had been getting like that more and more often. Something was tearing her up inside, and I had a good idea what that something was.
Marron was a stubborn soul and she certainly had her pride. She never backed down or admitted defeat, even when she wanted. It was this conundrum, which plagued her. I knew she longed for some semblance of reconciliation with her parents. She just did not want to be the one to apologize or make the first move she knew she'd have to make. Her parents still had no idea she was alive.
Well, if she wasn't going to make the first move, by golly, I was!
I closed my book loudly, causing both Marron and Puar to jump and look at me, Puar quizzically and Marron with a frown at the interruption.
"I have decided, I'm taking a short trip tomorrow, and Marron, I would like you to accompany me," I plainly stated my objective.
Marron's frown was replaced by curiosity, as she played right into my hands. "Sure, I'd love to go with you. Where are we going?" I did have a tendency to take her on surprise weekend getaways to some of the world's best resorts with little or no warning.
I almost couldn't help grinning as I replied nonchalantly, "Kame House."
Half a second passed before it sank into Marron exactly what I meant. As realization dawned on her, her pretty face turned from curiosity to surprise to fury. "I am not going there! If you want to go to that wretched island, have fun! But I am not going, and there is no way you can make me!"
I couldn't resist as a smirk crept across my lips. I've always had the tendency to rub it in my opponent's face when I have gained the upper hand. In fights, it usually became a matter of gloating while I could since I knew it would not last long. Fond memories.
"Well, I hate to break it to ya, princess," I changed my smirk to a friendlier smile, "But you already agreed to the trip. You wouldn't want to be known as a liar, would you?" I grinned from ear to ear. "What do you say we depart around eleven or so?"
Marron's eyes grew wide once again before narrowing to slits as she realized I had tricked her and exactly how. Putting her book down angrily, she turned to me. "You are a sneaky jerk!" she yelled, rising to her feet before stomping off toward the bedroom.
I had simply sat still in my chair, wincing as I heard the door slam loudly. I looked over to Puar. "Have to admit, that went better than I thought." A smile crept across my face becoming a lewd grin. "I figured she'd assault me!"
Puar only shook her head. "I should have known you'd pull something sneaky like this."
I nodded, rather pleased with myself, still grinning. "You don't date Bulma for as long as I without learning a few tricks to getting your way and survival techniques for the aftermath."
"She's gonna be pissed," was Puar's only warning before going back to the book she had been reading.
Still grinning to myself, I nodded. "Probably," I said with a shrug before once again diving into my adventure. I knew it would be a lonely night alone in bed, but forcing Marron to reconcile with her parents was worth the loss. She was miserable with guilt, the same guilt I was sure ate at Krillin and Eighteen daily.
Confident I was doing the right thing, I pressed tenaciously ahead.
I remember glancing at Marron at a rate that seemed like five-minute intervals throughout the trip. During our first portion, across land, she had seemed content to inspect her perfectly pink nails and cuticles with her brow furrowed in deep thought. While she had left with me willingly, she was less than eager to engage in any conversation. I suppose the night before hung too heavily in her thoughts along with our destination.
Once we were over the ocean, Marron's attention was adverted away from her nails and toward the seemingly endless waves. This was more her environment. She was headed home.
Neither of us spoke. I don't think either of us wanted to voice the worries on our minds. Neither wanted to fight.
Did I have my worries? You bet I did. She worried about her parents' anger or acceptance; I worried if I would survive the encounter. If Krillin or Eighteen learned of the things I had done to their little girl, my girlfriend, and I hoped soon would be my fiancée, then wife, if I survived the day that is, my life would become a living hell.
My other worry centered on Marron and her parents' relationship. Even if things went well for them, what would happen to us? Would Marron leave me for the safe haven of Kame House? I had no idea how things would turn out. I certainly hoped I had made the right decision. Only time would tell.
As we neared Kame House with Roshi's island emerging on the horizon, Marron began fidgeting in her seat nervously. It seemed she was definitely beginning to regret her deal to accompany me.
With a soft, reassuring smile, I placed my right hand on her left, giving it a gentle squeeze. When Marron lifted her eyes to mine, she gave a small smile in return before turning her attention to the almost full-sized island before us.
Slowing my hovercraft to land on the beach, I noticed Krillin and Master Roshi opening sleepy eyes from the vigilant posts in hammocks between the sparse palm trees. It only took a moment's observation before the duo sprang from their favorite napping spots to take fighting stances, just in case. Normally, I would have called before showing up out of the blue. This time was different. After so many years, I had no idea how I would be received. Marron had to make it to the island, no matter how her family might view me for my disappearing act.
After carefully landing my craft with its tail in the shallows, I turned to Marron. Taking her hand, I smiled encouragingly. "It's show time."
Marron looked over at me and nodded her head as she gave me a brave smile. "I think I'm ready."
As the door opened, Krillin and Master Roshi crouched slightly lower to the ground in anticipation of a possible enemy. The Kame House has a long history of having very bad visitors appear with no notice. Think back to the Red Ribbon Army and Radditz to name two.
Stepping into the sunlight, I blinked in the blinding light of the subtropical sun. After looking around to see what might have changed after so many years, which turned out to be nothing except Krillin's graying hair, I focused on my old friend and our master.
After a second, Krillin blinked in confusion and relaxed his guard. "Yamcha? Is that you?" He seemed unable to believe it was I standing before him. I suppose after all those years and all my womanizing, he must have thought I was either my son -I did look good after all- or possibly an apparition.
I remember smiling at my longtime friend and nodding. "In the flesh!" I laughed across the sand, "You guys look like you've seen a ghost!"
Recognizing I was speaking the truth, Krillin and Master Roshi put down their guards completely, and with a smile, Krillin began walking toward my craft as I approached him as well.
"How ya doing?" Krillin asked as he shook my hand.
"I can't complain, that's for sure," I laughed, pulling my old friend into a quick embrace.
Krillin smiled brightly. "So, what are you doing here after so long?"
Eighteen stepped out the front door to see what was happening on her island. Curiosity was something she definitely had in her programming.
I nodded acknowledgement to Eighteen before answering Krillin, conscious of Marron hiding just inside the craft's open doorway. "It's been a while." I gave Krillin a warm smile before continuing, "That, and I found something important you lost."
As Krillin and Eighteen blinked in confusion at my words, I had turned back toward the doorway, offering Marron my hand to help her to the ground. A moment's hesitation and Marron, a look or resolve upon her face, came to face her family.
The look on Krillin's face was priceless as joyful surprise filled his every cell. "Marron!" I remember Krillin, tears running down his cheeks, embracing his long lost daughter before her feet were solidly on the sand.
When I had glanced over at Eighteen, still beside the door, I noticed a change in her eyes. For years, I had no idea what Krillin had seen in the seemingly completely inhuman android. At that moment, I knew.
As I watched Eighteen, Krillin had disengaged one of his arms from around his beloved daughter and brought me into a group hug. "Thank you," was all he had seemed able to muster as his voice was wrought with emotion.
"Why don't you invite your friend and our daughter inside, out of the sun?" Eighteen had called in a seemingly emotionless tone. The emotion was there, though. Trust me.
Releasing Marron and I from his bear hug, Krillin had smiled. "Sorry about that. I'm sure neither of you would enjoy baking in the sun. Let's go inside and catch up."
Turning toward Kame House, Krillin beckoned us to follow. Eighteen was already inside, waiting or us to join her. Master Roshi had gone back to his hammock, figuring we did not need his assistance. Sometimes, the old coot had a little breeding about him, not intruding on family matters.
Marron and I started after her father. She had reached out, wrapping her arm around mine. I smiled down at her and spoke softly, "See? That wasn't so bad."
A blush had crossed Marron's cheeks as she nodded. "You're right."
Smiling, I helped Marron up the stairs and into the door.
"Drink this," Eighteen met us at the door, handing Marron a tall glass of iced tea before she took a seat beside her husband on the loveseat.
With a smile, Marron had taken a sip of tea before moving to sit beside me on the other couch, facing her parents. An uncomfortable silence ensued.
After a moment, Krillin eyed me; "I saw the Taitans' game last week. You're lookin' good. You blew the Jellyfish out of the water!"
Laughing, I replied, "Yeah. They really lost their edge when their old pitcher retired. Besides, with the Roshi-style training, I expect no less from them."
"So, work's good, basically?" Eighteen summed everything up in that simplistic way she has. You can always count on her to cut out the fat.
"Yeah, basically," I could not help but chuckle. "Right now, I think things are going pretty well."
"Anything cooking in the love department?" Krillin waggled his eyebrows as I felt Marron silently gasp beside me.
"Well..." I took a deep breath and glanced at Marron for strength in preparation of answering.
A/N: I know; the ending is an evil cliffy. Sorry about that guys. Here's hoping I get the next chapter fixed soon so I can post it as well. You all know you want to know what happens next. Right? Well, if that is the case, you know what to do...REVIEW!