Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ C.S.S. ❯ A Typical Tuesday ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Notes Pt.1: Ok, so I am FINALLY back with chapter 3. I hope you will all enjoy it and if you are still reading...thank you, and if you are reading for the first time, welcome and I hope you are enjoying yourself so far.

Disclaimer: You already know.

C.S.S. - A Typical Tuesday

Today was Tuesday. Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., the royals of the palace had a meeting to discuss any issues that needed to be taken care of. These meetings always started on time, mainly because Prince Vegeta had training right after, but now it was 10:04 a.m. and the meeting still hadn't started. Everyone seemed to be present. King Vegeta and his guard, Radditz, Kakerrot, Prince Vegeta and the palace advisor, Nappa. Although the room was filled with royals and guards, there was still someone missing. The newest guard, Bulma was late. The prince was beyond pissed. Although it was only four minutes, it was wasted time that could have been spent on training, and his time was too valuable to waste.

"Father, let's start this damn meeting. Obliviously the woman couldn't cut it and I could be doing something better with my time and you know how I hate coming here." Vegeta complained.

The king sighed. His son always tried to get out of these meetings. How did he expect to become king if he couldn't sit through an hour-long meeting? Still, he allowed his son to have his way.

"Well, since your guard didn't show up and we are running being, I will let you..."

"I hope I'm not late!" a feminine voice came from the hallway.

King Vegeta smirked. Or not.

"Bulma said as she ran into the room and took the first available seat, which happened to be next to Prince Vegeta. Why did she always have to sit by him? "I was..."

"What the fuck?" Vegeta questioned angrily. First she caused the meeting to be late, then just as his father was about to let him go, she finally shows up? "Your four minutes late woman. Valuable time has been wasted because of you."

"Four minutes? Give me a fucking break! For your information I was getting my uniform altered, so it's not like I was goofing around. I would have been even more late if I waited on my chest plate, so consider yourself lucky." Bulma huffed putting her hair into a ponytail.

Vegeta wanted to respond, he really did, but all he could do is sit there and glare at her. Of course, it was an angry glare, but it was all a front. She was sitting there with her chest heaving as she pulled her hair back. Her expression was angry and she was all flustered. He looked her over. The tailor did a good job with her uniform, a black one piece training suit and boots. Minus the chest plate, it was a typical Saiyan uniform, but he'd never seen it on a woman so...curvy. The majority of Saiyan women were masculine with huge muscles, but she had a more womanly figure. And he was going to make sure that her chest plate would be done soon because he couldn't concentrate if she was going to look like this for a while.

Prince Vegeta wasn't the only one in the room who noticed her actions however. Radditz and Nappa had taken interest as well.

"Who is that?" Nappa whispered to Radditz.

"That's Prince Vegeta's new guard."

Nappa grinned evilly, then began talking in Saiyan tongue not too loud, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "Might as well have some fun with the newbie. By the looks of her, I don't think she is his guard, more like his bed toy."

Radditz gave him a half smile. "Yeah, I'll take her when he's done. I wonder what size her tits are?"

Kakerrot looked around nervously. Vegeta seemed to be enjoying the conversation, but the king was not and neither was he. Bulma didn't seem to know what was being said.

"Ok guys, I think that's enough. You guys are being rude. She can't even respond too what you are saying." He also spoke in Saiyan tongue.

"That's the point kid brother, Chikyuu women are dumb as shit anyway." Radditz said to Kakerrot. "Now, as I was saying Nappa, what size do you think she is?"

"I'll say about a B."

"What?! You've got to be kidding me. I'm going with D. This is too easy, I should have bet you money."

King Vegeta was beyond pissed and disappointed for that matter at his royals. Even his son seemed to be enjoying this foolishness. Bulma was sitting in her seat looking at everyone completely clueless to what was going on and he had to stop it.

"That's enough!" King Vegeta yelled in Saiyan tongue. "I'm not about to sit here any further and listen to this foolishness. She is your equal and you will respect her as such. You all should be ashamed."

"That ok."

Shock. This one word described the looks of everyone's face in the room as all eyes went on the woman who just spoke in Saiyan tongue.

"This Chikyuu woman is very smart. If I wasn't, you would be doubting the intelligence of the King. After all, he hired me. And why would I try to get a job in a foreign place without knowing the language. Hmm...so who's dumb as shit now?" Bulma paused. "And by the way, you're both wrong. I can tell that you guys are without women. Who would have you?" She glared directly at Radditz and he growled at her.

'Ooh, I'm so going to take you down...' she thought to herself.

King Vegeta smiled to himself. She was indeed a firecracker and he loved it. She would be good for his son. Hopefully when it's time for his soon to choose a mate, she will have personality and attitude like Bulma.

"Ok, that's enough. Now we've wasted too much time, now it's time to get serious. What's the first thing on the agenda?"

Yaumcha stretched as he walked down the halls of the palace. He took the long way to work today. He was going to do more than janitor work; he was going to try to find out about Radditz and any type of foul play that could take place. He found some really good spots to put cameras that would be out of eyesight. Yaumcha walked to the other side of the hall to a window and looked out of it.

'I should probably put some cameras outside too. That way we can monitor who visit and maybe we can see if the other two show up...'

"Good morning."

Yaumcha jumped a bit, being interrupted by his thoughts by a soft whisper in his ear. He turned around and met Trelina's hazel eyes. He couldn't get over how pretty she was for a Saiyan. "Well, good morning."

"So, were you taking the scenic route to work today?"

"Ah...yeah." He lied. "This is a really nice palace."

"Um hm." Trelina said as she crossed her arms. "You're late, you know that right?"

"Late? For what?"

"For what? Work silly." She laughed.

Trelina thought it was cute, but Yaumcha actually forgot that fast that he had to go to work. His job for C.S.S. was much more important than this janitor job. But although this was just a pose, he couldn't risk getting his cover blown.

"I'm sorry Miss Trelina."

"Just Trelina is fine."


"Well we might as well get started with our daily cleaning. Usually we start from the bottom up, but since you're already on the 2nd floor, you can start here and I'll start in the basement."

Yaumcha nodded and Trelina winked. "There are some cleaning supplies in the closet around the corner so you should be all set."


Trelina didn't want to leave just yet. This guy Yaumcha was so cute to her and he had a nice body. She had a thing for human men. They were so much more emotional than Saiyan men. She wanted to get to know him on a more personal level, but now was not the time. He didn't really look like he wanted to talk, he was being short with his answers and he always looked so focused. Hell, he might not even be interested and if he wasn't, that would make for an awkward work setting.

"Well, if you need anything, Yaumcha, you know where to find me." With that, she walked away.

He responded, but he was sure that she didn't hear him. He couldn't help but watch her as she walked. Every time she came around, it was hard for him to concentrate in what he was doing. She was such a flirt. Even this morning as she was supposed to be scolding him for being late, she was doing it in a flirty manner.

'I wonder if she is seeing anyone right now? Am I her type? Yeah right, as if I am her type. I need to stop getting side tracked. I'm here strictly for business and you should never mix business with pleasure.'

Yaumcha started putting up cameras, but still couldn't quite stop thinking about her.

'Dammit! Never mix business with pleasure!'

The meeting was almost over thank Kami. Bulma could see why Vegeta needed a decision making guard, he was half sleep but she wasn't too far behind. It was so boring. She was glad her job at C.S.S. was more hands on. She wondered how long it would take for them to complete their assignment. The sooner the better she hoped. She looked over to Vegeta, who was noticeably nodding in and out of sleep and nudged him in the side. Neither one of them was paying attention, but she decided that both would for the remainder of the meeting.

"Alright, we have one more thing to discuss before I end this meeting," King Vegeta began. "The science and technology wing sent us a plea not to shut down their department. Now, they haven't been doing much of anything up there and before I make my final decision, I would like some input."

"I think it's a waste of time and money. Shut it down." Radditz said quickly.

Bulma looked at him curiously. That was suspicious. "I think we need it here."

"No we don't, my King. Shut it down."

"What's your problem? You can't even give a legimate reason why it should be shut down."

King Vegeta put a hand up to silence Bulma. "Tell me Radditz, why do you think the science and technology wing should be shut down?"

It took a minute for Radditz to respond. Keeping that damn lab open could possibly ruin his future plans. Everything was going according to plan so far. "Because they are wasting time and funding as I said before. And I know hoe you hate to waste both."

Bulma looked at the King and he nodded. She had to keep that lab open. Radditz was up to something, she was sure of it and that lab might be a key factor to busting out Radditz and possibly the other two. "But so much could be done with the lab. You could build things, investigate problems, and keep in touch with other planets through this lab. Products can be testing and data could be processed."

King Vegeta turned to her interested. "But our staff hasn't done any of these things that you have mentioned. So, although it sounds good, I can't keep it open."

Radditz smirked in triumph and Bulma glared at him, but then gave her a wicked grin. "I can take over the lab."

"How can you? Your Vegeta's guard. Surely you can't do both." King Vegeta said.

"I told you father, I do not need her. She can get off my back and go work in that lab." Prince Vegeta fussed. He was wide-awake now. The woman had some fight in her. He liked it.

Bulma continued. "I can do both. It won't be a problem because I have been working with technical things since I was a child. It's all I grew up around. My father owns one of most successful technology companies in my hometown."

King Vegeta ignored his son's comment. He didn't know how much he needed Bulma. She was going to stay his guard. He loved the fact that she spoke up for herself and she was so determined. "Ok, I'll keep it open for a trial period, but if I don't see progress, I'm shutting it down."

Bulma nodded. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it.." This would be great. Now she could do her C.S.S. work there without anyone knowing. Before, she was going to do it in her room, but it was too close to the Prince. Now she had a closed location to work.

Radditz glared at her. He was starting not to like her more and more.

'All I know is if that bitch gets in my way, then she will be the first to go.'

King Vegeta adjourned the meeting, and then introduced Bulma to the royals that she didn't know. Afterwards she gathered her noted and walked into the hallway. She was about to walk past the king, prince, and Kakerrot when she heard an all too familiar voice.

'Woman, do not be late again. Because of you, I'm missing out on valuable time training."

Bulma turned around and sure enough, it was Prince Vegeta. After dealing with those Saiyan men, she was beyond fed up. "Look, you're actually wasting your own oh so precious training time now, you could be training, but instead, you are out here running your mouth. Ugh!" Fuming, Bulma turned and walked away without another word.

The king was speechless, Kakerrot blinked twice, and Vegeta smirked. She was a feisty one, disrespectful, but feisty. He would put her in her place, but not today. He had something more important to do. He nodded farewell to his father and began to walk away.

"Kakerrot, let's go. I have an ass kicking with your name on it."

Later that evening...

Chi-Chi sighed as she washed dishes from dinner. She was already exhausted from cooking. She cooked most of the food by herself and she had to cook so much. How could Saiyans eat like that? One could eat for five people. She laughed to herself and finished up what was left in the sink. She couldn't wait to start really working with her C.S.S. assignments. That was what she lived for. When she saw Yaumcha earlier, he told her that he placed cameras all around the palace. She tried her best to get something on Radditz today, but it was really hard because she works in the kitchen the majority of the time. But where were the other two she wondered. They have been there for a week and there has been no sign of them. She shrugged it off because she really wanted to finish in the kitchen and turn in for the night. She dried her hands and went over to the stove to grab some cookware used for dinner. Chi-Chi grabbed a pit that she thought was empty but it was not.

'That's weird. I thought every thing was served.'

Celerina, the woman who hired Chi-Chi was also helping out in the kitchen in the kitchen, walked over to where Chi-Chi was a grabbed a different pot.

"How come so much food is left over?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Celerina looked into the pot and grinned. "Kakerrot didn't come down for dinner."

'Kakerrot? Isn't that Radditz's brother?' "Oh, I guess he wasn't hungry." Chi-Chi said and started to dispose of the food.

"Kakkerot? Not hungry? Please, that man eats every time he gets a chance. He was training with the prince all day. Heh, that must have been a hell of a training session to keep him from coming to dinner.

Chi-Chi stooped. "But Prince Vegeta didn't come to dinner either."

"No he didn't come to think of it, but I remember someone coming for his food."

"Oh." Chi-Chi kinda felt bad for the guy. "Well, would it be okay if I took him his dinner?"

Celerina turned to look at her. Humans were so caring and sensitive. "Sure kid. No use wasting good food."

"Thanks." Chi-Chi said as she began placing his food on a tray. She warmed it up, covered it up, and walked to his room. She didn't exactly know where his room was. She forgot to ask, but she didn't remember Bulma saying that something about the prince's guards staying on opposite sides of him, so he wasn't too far from Bulma's room. She walked past Bulma's room, then the prince's room where she heard yelling coming from the room. It sounded like Bulma. 'I wonder why she's in his room.' She walked to the last door on the hall; it was closed so she knocked on it. No answer. She knocked again, and heard a faint mumble. She opened the door. The room was fully furnished and was huge, unlike her room, which was half the size. She walked over to the bed and sat down in a nearby chair. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like crap" he mumbled through a pillow. He was lying on his stomach with the covers pulled over his body.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Kakerrot didn't recognize the voice, so he slowly turned over on his back. A smiling face greeted him. He tried to smile, but even that hurt.

"You didn't have to move. I know you're hurting." She looked him over. He was all bruised up, but he was really cute.

"I'll be fine in the morning. Vegeta's in the same shape as I am. We really fought it out today. I hate that I missed dinner though. I'm starving."

Chi-Chi smiled. "Well I guess today is your lucky day because I brought your food for you."

"Really?" He was staring to perk up.

"Yeah, I didn't want you to go without eating."

Kakerrot slowly sat up and Chi-Chi placed his tray on his lap lightly so it wouldn't hurt him. "Well I hope you like it." She smiled and turned to walk out the door.

"Wait, you don't have to leave. Stay a minute."

"I have to get back to the kitchen. I still have work to finish."

"Oh you'll be ok. They know that you're with me right?" She nodded. "Then you're cool. Being the prince's guard does have it's advantages."

"Well, ok." Chi-Chi said and sat back down.

"So," Kakerrot said between bites. "I've never seen you around before, how come?"

"Well, I just got hired a week ago and..."

"Oh, you're one of those new hires from Chikyuu right?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

She has a beautiful smile and she was so nice. No one would have gone out of his or her way for him, but she did.

They sat there for hours just conversating and getting to know each other and enjoying each other's company. Neither one of them wanted it to end.

Chi-Chi was glad that she decided to take Kakerrot dinner that night.

Author's note Pt 2: OK, so what do you think? What is Raddiz's up to and why was Bulma in Vegeta's room? Hmm. Please read and review. Chapter 4 will be coming soon! If you want to be on the mailing list, put your e-mail address in your review and let be know. I'll add you.

Ja! For now.