Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Danger in the horizon ❯ More news for Goku ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 21 - More news for Goku

Note: I don't own DBZ

Special Thanks to: Susan (queen of reviewing!) Starheart (lemon to come very, very soon! Please be patient with me!), Jadedbest (sorry I just thought that the chapter would end best there) and mizu megami!

This chapter is just a small distraction, (sorry) Vegeta/Bulma lemon coming up very, very soon for all of you who wanted it!

Goku waited impatiently outside the hyperbolic time chamber, anxious to get in and train to his absolute limit. It had been agreed that Krillen and Yamcha go in first, as both were in desperate need of extra training, having slacked off considerably since the battle with Garlic Junior. Not that he could blame them. The concept of fighting did not run through their blood as it did with his. Tien and Chao Tzu were currently in there, also only using one day to train. Goku had different plans for himself; he was going to take the maximum two days training. He had to. Everyone, his family, friends and even Piccolo were relying on him to repel the threat to the Earth.

From the corner of his eye, he observed Piccolo going through the complicated motions of his warm up routine. He had to admit that Piccolo intrigued him somewhat. This was the man who had single handily terrorised the Earth for several years with the intention of taking over the world. However, during the long protracted battle with Garlic Junior and his henchmen he had changed for the better. His previously cold heart was beginning to thaw, and all because of a small boy whose faith in him was unshakeable.

Growing ever more impatient and bored because of his enforced inactivity, Goku rose from floor intending to offer to spar with Piccolo, who never turned down a good fight. As he strode out to Piccolo however, Kami waylaid him.

"Goku, I must speak with you before you start your training." Kami's face wore a troubled look as he looked at Goku.

"Yes Kami? What is it?" He replied, silently hoping that there was not going to be any more problems on top of the ones the Earth already had.

Kami studied his expression closely. "Remember, I can read your mind Goku. And yes, there are more complications."

Goku's face fell. "What now? How could this situation possibly get any worse?"

Kami moved Goku towards a bench outside the time chamber and motioned for him to be seated. "Well, Goku it's like this. Remember how 2 days ago I visited you and your family and conversation we had?"

Goku rolled his eyes in exasperation. Was Kami not going to get to the point? "Yes, I recall that event." He replied caustically.

Kami pretended not to notice the look of impatience and irritability on Goku's face as he answered. "One of the Saiyans coming here is your brother."

"My brother?" Yelled Goku in surprise. "How do you…"

"Know? I am the God of the Earth, remember." Kami chuckled, but cheerlessly. "He and the other two Saiyans will be wanting you to join them in a partnership of sorts, to help them defeat Freeza. Then there is the other problem. The shield, which so carefully protects the Earth, will be breached. By one of your friends."

"How can that be possible? None of these guys has the first idea about that sort of thing. Besides, all of them are here, with us."

"Oh, but there is one who is not here. The young lady, Bulma."

Goku was horrified. "Bulma? But she would never do that!" He yelled loudly, trying to defend his friend.

Kami gently laid his hand on Goku's shoulder to calm him. "Not willingly. The Saiyans will give her no choice in the matter. She either does this or dies. I'm sorry."

"Not half as sorry as I am, Kami. Poor Bulma. If any one of them hurts her, I'll kill them!" Goku snarled, baring his teeth.

Kami stood up, deciding it was best to leave Goku alone. "She won't be hurt in any way, Goku. Bulma is part of this, but how is not clear to me yet. I'm sorry that I cannot see more." He walked away, leaving the agitated Goku with his head in his hands, once again wishing that times were much more peaceful.

Goku tried to brush aside the anguished thoughts in his head about Bulma. She was his dearest, most trusted friend. Goku decided not to inform the others about her situation. Yamcha for one, because as her ex boyfriend he had a special connection to her and would probably do something stupid. Then there was the other problem Kami spoke about. He now had a brother. But what kind of brother? Was this brother someone to trust and ally with or someone he would have to destroy?

Pausing in his thoughts briefly, he glanced at the clock outside the hyperbolic time chamber and noticed that Tien and Chao Tzu would be emerging very soon. Then he and Piccolo would be able to enter and start training, to become ready for what could very well be their last battle ever. He stood up, stretched and made his way over to Piccolo, who was now performing a series of complicated katas.

"Care to spar, Piccolo?" Goku asked cheerfully, trying to carefully disguise the turmoil inside his head.

Piccolo grunted at him, not fooled by his upbeat question. "I heard every word, Goku."

"You did?" Goku was surprised, he never saw Piccolo as the type to eavesdrop on a private conversation.

"Yes. My ears do more than frame my face. What are you going to do?"

Goku knitted his eyebrows together, thinking carefully. "I'm not going to tell any one about it. I have to focus on the larger threat, this Freeza person. I expect you to remain silent also, Piccolo."

Piccolo sighed deeply before replying. "As you wish, Goku. I don't agree with your decision, but this information was told to you in confidence, so nothing will come from me."

"Good. Now, shall we spar?" Goku grinned, eager to brush aside his problems.

Piccolo growled in response, moving his body into an attacking position. "Fine. But be ready, I won't be holding back!"

Goku merely laughed and launched himself towards Piccolo, all his cares in the world temporarily forgotten.

About an hour into the sparring session, the door to the hyperbolic chamber opened and Tien and Chao Tzu emerged, looking very much worse for wear. Goku stopped in mid punch and ran across to them, eager to find out how much they had improved.

"Well, how was it?"

"Great!" replied Tien, wiping a few last drops of sweat from his baldhead. "But I have to say, Goku one year in there is more than enough for Chao Tzu and I. I hope that we have improved sufficiently to assist."

Goku smiled warmly at his two friends. They looked absolutely exhausted and in need of food and a good wash. "That's really good! I'm happy that both of you are out now though cos Piccolo and I need to get in there ASAP."

At the mention of his own name Piccolo strode over to the small group, nodding at Tien and Chao Tzu in greeting. "Well?" He questioned looking over at Goku. "Wouldn't you say that it is time to go in, Goku?"

"Sure. But there is one thing I need to do before going in."

Piccolo rolled his eyes in annoyance, quite sure that he knew what Goku needed to do. "Don't tell me. You need to eat?"

Goku laughed, putting his hand behind his head out of habit. "You know me too well Piccolo. I'll need about an hour and then we'll go in, okay?"

"Fine." Piccolo grumbled. He still found the idea disgusting, especially when Goku was doing the eating. The man acted like a pig at a trough when he ate. "One hour or I'm going in alone, got that?"

"Yep! Now where's the food? Mr Popo! Anymore food around here?"

After a satisfying meal shared with Tien, Chao Tzu, Krillin and Yamcha, Goku patted his now full belly; pleasantly surprised that Mr Popo had proven to be almost as good a cook as Chi Chi. Ah, Chi Chi, I miss you so much.

Goku stood up, and quickly went outside, having noticed Piccolo impatiently pacing back and forth, eager to get down to some serious training. He turned back to his friends still eating at the table. "So guys, I'll see you in two days."

Krillin spoke for the group. "Okay, take care in there, Goku. Remember, we need you. We'll all be waiting for you here."

"Right. Let's go Piccolo. Time to get down to it."

Farewells finished, Piccolo and Goku then strode over to the time chamber and entered, disappearing into the void within.