Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangter Love ❯ I don't know yet... any suggestion??? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from dbz/gt. Akira Toriyami (I think this is how you spell his name…) owns them. I wish I did though. I only own Rinoa and Yuki from this ficcy. Oh yeah… don't sue me cuz I don't make any money out of this!!!

Written By: lil_lei_chan

(The ages in the ficcy aren't the same like in the show. It's mixed up but you'll live through it though. Since it my fanfic, I'll do whatever I want so Ha!!!)

Chappie one - (I don't have a title!!)


"Yo Mar-chan, where's my bandana? I can't find it damn it!!" Pan yelled out in aggravation as she continued searching through the mess she called their bedroom.

"I don't know. Anyways hurry up cuz I don't wanna miss the bitch fight between Rinoa and Yuki!! I heard it's gonna be the biggest one yet!! said Marron while she checked how she looked in the cracked mirror that stood tall in the one-roomed app. She saw a tough looking teen with piercing blue looking right back at her. Marron had wavy blond hair that she usually ties it up into a tight ponytail. Her 5'4 feminine figure was masked under baggy jeans and a white tank top. On the top in red letters it read `don't mess wit me cuz a big time BiTcH'.

"Found it!" the raven-haired girl cried out happily as she began to secure her favorite orange bandana onto her head.

"Where was it? Let me guess… under that pile of shit, ain't I right Panny?? Marron assumed without giving a second thought to what Pan said. She lazily began batted some of the tiny strands that escaped from her hair band.

"Humph… It ain't my fault that I live with the two filthiest people I know!! It's your `pile of shit' too you know!" Pan angrily mimicked what her best friend had said.

She quickly grabbed the brush that was lying on the ground and briskly started to comb her long black hair. When she finished what she was doing, Pan glared at the blond that was also returning the same expression.

Marron finally broke the endless staring game that was getting on her nerve. "Chill out girl. I was just kidding!! Man, do you take everything so seriously?" she stated coolly without blinking.

"I know you don't mean the things you say Mar-chan. Anyways where's that baka for an uncle at? Don't tell me he got into another street fight!! If the cops ever catch him again, he'll be thrown in jail for good!" Goten's only niece said without trying to show any emotion. But Pan didn't succeed in doing so for a single tear rolled down her cheeks.

She cared about her beloved uncle since he was the only family she had left. Her parents died tragically in a plane crash when she was only five years old. Then a year later her grandmother Chi Chi passed away because of loneliness. No one ever knew where her grandpa Goku was. Her uncle had been only a year older than her when he suffered tremondosly. After all those horrible events in their little lives, Pan and Goten were inseparable. They did everything together and would never leave each other's side. They comforted one another when the other one felt helpless at times. Later on they met an orphaned blond girl, much like themselves. Those three young people clearly stated the meaning of friendship.


Hey everyone!! This is my first time writing a fanfic. I have lots of ideas in my head but just don't know how to write one. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one. I know it's short but maybe I'll try making the next one longer. I'll continue it if I get some r/r on it commenting the ficcy so far. Tell me what you think of the pairing as well.

Please leave some comments or email me at devilnangel_in1@hotmail.com . I'll try writing the next chappie A.S.A.P. Till then…

Ja Ne