Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hand Picked ❯ Rumors ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hand Picked
By StarbearerTM
Disclaimer: I don't' own Raditz, Turles or Dragon Ball Z. Akira Toriyama created it, and it is licensed and owned by Toei Animation Co. Shuisha Bird studios and Shonen Jump. I'm only borrowing them for the use of this fanfiction which means no harm to the owners. I don't make money from this.
Turles has to reassign Raditz to a new position but will Raditz be up to snuff or not? What tests of loyalty will he pass? Yaoi, Shonen-ai. TurlesXRaditz.
A/N: I was inspired to write a Turles/Raditz pairing because it's not one that normally comes to mind. In this Raditz and Turles are NOT related by blood despite the fact that Turles resembles Goku and Bardock. So it's not an incest fic.
"Sir?" asked Raditz.
"You're going to be reassigned. But you have to pass a few tests first. My little sister has seen you often at target practice. And she has rejected Father's matches for her breeding partners. Upper class tend to be quite selective in their mates. Did you know it was the older brother's choice if she rejects her father's recommendations?"
"Yes sir," said Raditz quietly.
"Tomic likes you. You should be grateful that an uninitiated female shows you interest, and that her brother will listen," Turles whispered close.
"My life is at your command. Do what you will, Sir," said Raditz quickly.
"Which is why I must test this loyalty. Bardock's bloodline had showed no significant advantages till now. I've heard that your father's team has quite the reputation. And since Seripa is your dam I expect much from you. Tomic expects much from you. But before I can extend such a privilege you must prove yourself, Private," said Turles smoothly. He grasped Raditz chin between callused fingers.
A bolt of energy shot from the burning touch down to Raditz groin, causing the front panel of his armor to twitch a bit against the part of his body that was responding to the commander's proximity. Turles tanned skin stretched taught overtop the solid muscles in his thighs and along his arms. Raditz suddenly blinked at the mental image of sitting across those things and popping small bits of melon into the Commander's mouth.
"Yes sir," Raditz coughed, his voice cracking.
"You seem distracted Private," Turles murmured, flicking Raditz head from one side and the other. He equaled the private in height, so Raditz met him eye to eye. Despite Raditz effort to avert his gaze, Turles forced Raditz head around so his dark eyes met the gaze of the Third class.
"Sir… it is not seemly… I have no wish to be punished."
"What is this about punishment?" Turles laughed lightly. "You question my JUDGEMENT?"
"No sir… I mean… I had heard…" Raditz stammered then clapped his jaw shut.
"What?" Turles asked, slipping his hand around Raditz neck. Gulping, Raditz swallowed hard. His tongue grew dry as a bone while his eyes blinked spasmodically.
Daizu, Cacao, Raisen, Rakasei, Amund. The members of his non Saiyan crew were well known for their odd sense of style. It was rumored that he had slept with each and every one. Bur Raditz doubted that, judging by the bold look Turles gave him now. His tongue fought for control, and Raditz licked his lips nervously as he searched for the right words.
"What HAVE they said about me, boy! Answer me!" Turles commanded, voice low and twisted with barely perceptible anger. He seemed heavily insulted Raditz would believe scuttlebutt over first hand experience. Something compelled him to reveal all, yet the inner voice also warned him not to rat out his comrades. Yet why did he owe THEM any loyalty when Turles had showed any sort of interest. Instinct told him that Turles was only trying to get to the truth.
Off the lens of his blood red scouter glinted his reflection. Raditz bit his lip and then let the words tumble out of their own accord. "It… has been said… that many go into your office… for discipline."
"And?" urged Turles, nodding his head as his hand tightened on Raditz neck. Croaking Raditz felt the heat of Turles furious gaze. Onyx eyes tinged with cold hatred and it stabbed Raditz sense of duty.
"They… they say that you… initiate your crewmates by… fucking them," Raditz stammered.
At first Turles face twisted in anger. Then he slowly released Raditz neck. Loosing his balance and his legs turning to water, Raditz felt the hard floor deal a stunning blow to his backside. It was as sobering as any spanking. Glancing up Raditz pressed his palms to the side and was presented with a cape covered view of Turles. At his hips the commander knotted hands into fists. They clenched and unclenched a bit, and Raditz felt his heart come into his throat.
For a long tense eternity Raditz waited for the verbal harangue that the rumors suggested. Many a tongue lashing from the clever commander would be followed by fast punches and thrashes to within an inch of his life. Yet Raditz steeled himself for the worst, squeezing his eyes shut the instant Turles wheeled on him. Inte4nsly his face was twisted with rage, teeth baring so Raditz saw the pointed fangs. Something about the Commander's demeanor caused his heart to skip beats.
"Sir… forgive me."
"Is that the truth, Private?" asked Turles with a low quiet growl.
"Yes," Raditz nodded, choking. Under the intense weight of that dark eyed death stare Raditz wished a rift would open in the floor and consume him. Something pained him to see the hurt masked by anger in the Commander's face. Although he resembled Raditz sire, the Third Class felt a strange longing to set him at ease.
"I see," Turles said, glaring down at him. Expecting a blow when Turles swung his hand down, Raditz flinched. He turned his cheek.
Yet the hand stopped. Extended down to him Turles inclined his head and spread his fingers. Raditz blinked in disbelief to see the rage vanish with sorrow across the tanned face. "I… don't share their opinion," Raditz admitted.
"Get up," Turles said. He motioned with his hand.
Raditz blinked again, slowly extending his own hand. The Commander squeezed the proffered fingers tightly, tugging Raditz up with surprising strength. Astonished Raditz found the dark eyes softened and regarded him with open vulnerability. He felt shame at his admission, yet strangely protective of the Commander at that moment.
"Sir? You… are freely at liberty to punish me," said Raditz. Turles released his hand and then stepped back. Clicking his tongue he closed his eyes and gave a natural disarming smile. He rested hands on his armored hips, clad in blue panels. The darkness of his black armor was exotic, those sapphire touches the mark of a 'space pirate'.
"Well well, that's quite an entertaining suggestion, Private. Your willingness to serve is refreshing," said Turles with an amused smile. Raditz opened his mouth wide, unable to form words at the smoldering glare Turles cast him. Something about that glance inflamed the thudding pulse in his heart. Like a plucked string his body vibrated with need, and want.
"I… sir?" Raditz stammered.
Turles smugly twitched the corner of his shapely mouth into a lopsided grin. "So, how exactly would you say I'd punish you, Private?"
Legs turning to jelly, Raditz felt his head spinning. Did the Commander just express a mutual need? Surely enough he saw the heat of Turles gaze, and the lascivious grin. Not to mention the wafting smell of thick musk emanating from the powerful muscled form. Every inch exuded power and unreachable heights. Dare he think that the Commander desired HIM?
From the exotic slant of Turles brow to the smooth flawless tanned skin, Raditz gazed at perfection. For the first time he saw the Commander through the eyes of lust. His entire body twinged with palpable thirst that only one source would quench. Flinging his cape aside, Turles revealed his muscled torso encased in black armor. He strode forwards on those mighty muscled legs and brought his face within mere inches of Raditz.
As Raditz pitched forwards, strong arms bracketed on either side. Turles steadied the weak form of Raditz, gently propping him up and keeping him at arm's length. "Not so fast, Private. You still must name your punishment," Turles purred, his nose almost brushing Raditz.
A bolt of energy surged over Raditz body, crackling over every inch of his exposed skin. Hot and hard his pants seemed accusingly tight, and his skin crawled with need. He ached for more contact, denied by Turles smugly touching his nose to the side of Raditz.
"I… I'm yours to do with what you will," Raditz stammered out.
"Come on, I know you can do better then THAT, young one," Turles shook his head. He licked his lips, then leaned forwards.
Raditz gasped sharply as Turles seized his sensitive earlobe between his lips. Sharply his fangs penetrated, causing Raditz to gasp with bliss. Slowly Turles lapped the blood oozing out from Raditz shapely lobe, then sucked on it with small brushes of his tongue.
From deep in his chest Turles let a low purring rumble. Raditz felt the frequency vibrate his very core. Sweat dripped on his bare legs, hitting the floor. It grew unbearably hot in the presence of Turles. Energy surged from the Commander, crackling in a palpable aura that surrounded Raditz. Moving back, Turles continued to grip Raditz forearms tightly in a death grip. Gasping, Raditz felt his legs finally give way. Instead of stopping him, Turles gently guided Raditz to kneel before him.
"I admire your initiative, young one," Turles laughed. His voice was alto pitched, much like Raditz sire. Yet Raditz felt no revulsion. So similar did third classes look to each other that such familiarity was hardly a turnoff.
"I…" Raditz stammered. He seized Turles hand and gently pressed it to his face. Rubbing his cheek to Turles inner palm, he felt a laugh vibrate the Commander now.
"Mmm, how delicious. So, what should I order you to be… punished for first?" Turles asked, thoroughly enjoying the unabashed devotion that this youth bestowed upon him. Such open willingness to serve was refreshing, and struck a chord in the commander. Yes, he had chosen well. Raditz had no idea what he was about to dive into. And Turles would enjoy showing this young one the delights he had to offer. Yet he had several more trials to put Raditz through before he'd admit to such need himself. The young one needed a stern master to protect and guide him.