Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging By A Moment ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DBZ: Hanging By a Moment
Disclaimer!! I don't own DBZ, or the characters therein, they belong to Akria Toriyama. Also, the song; Hanging by a Moment, belongs to
the band LifeHouse.
Brief Summary: Goten has a girl friend while in middle school, and Trunks is always teasing said girl friend. Finally Trunks took his constant teasing and ridicule too far, causing Goten's girl friend to run away…. Now four years later, Goten's ex-girl friend comes back, and she's changed…
{AN- I'm in a particularly sappy mood, and this came to mind. It's a one shot, and I don't plan to continue. Goten is 18 and Trunks is 19, just to let you get a general idea of the time line I'm trying to work with here. ==== Also, anyone who was reading my previous fic, Of Honor, Glory, and Death, I'm in the process of tweaking it, as was the advice of GreyPhoenix. I didn't mean to delete it, but… oh well, I'll post it again once I've played with it abit.}
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Chapter One:
~ Goten's bedroom ~
Life sometimes gets in the way…
Whoever said that wasn't as wise as Goten would have believed when he was younger, he was still hung up over a girl from his middle school years. Trunks had pushed her too far, and he was the one to suffer for his friends' callousness.
The young Son, lay sprawled out on his bed and gazing at a picture, kept in a silver frame, which was slightly tarnished, and dirty with smudged fingerprints. The early summer breeze floated in through his open bedroom window, and stirring his wild, recently cut, spiky black hair, Goten traced the facial features of a violet eyed, red head girl… His Zora had left him so long ago, but he couldn't forget her no matter how hard he tried. His thoughts drifting to that autumn day, when they first met, they'd literally ran into each other…
& Flashback &
Goten in his haste to make third period before the bell rang, wasn't looking where he was going as he ran through the halls, rounded a corner, and… WHAM!! He smacked into something, something solid yet soft, books flew and papers scattered.
Jumping to his feet, Goten muttered a few choice words to himself as he quickly gathered his belongings when a pain filled groan caught his attention. He turned his head to look behind him, and his dark eyes widened… He'd ran into a girl!! `Oh shit!!' he cursed in thought, then went to her side, and helped her to sit up… He checked for injuries, knowing that he could've seriously hurt her without even trying.
Goten failed to notice that the girl he was currently assisting was overweight for her stature, and somewhat homely looking. No, that didn't matter at the moment, he was more concerned with her well being, and the fact that a trickle of blood formed at the corner of her mouth.
He panicked, and without giving another thought to his books or class, rushed her to the school nurse. `It's my fault!' He ranted to himself, `I hurt a girl!!!' Goten was mortified beyond belief, he'd never really harmed anyone before… Trunks didn't count; his lavender haired friend was a half-Saiyan like himself and therefore couldn't be seriously hurt like a normal human being, namely the girl in his arms. A number of what if's scenario's danced around in his head, and Goten's panic only increased further, as most of them all seemed to end with her dying in his arms.
Ten minutes later, Goten's fears were eased. The nurse; Mrs. Harper, was good at her job, and Goten was glad for that.
He waited in a chair by Mrs. Harper's desk, when she appeared from behind a drawn sheet, of which concealed the girl lying on a bed, and in the beginning's of waking.
Brown hair twisted up in a messy bun, kind amber eyes sought out Goten's coal eyes, and Nurse Harper said with a reassuring smile;
“Zora will be fine, though I'd imagine she'll have one heck of a headache for quite sometime.”
`Zora…?' Goten mused, then he asked out loud, “Is that her name?”
Hai, Cloud Zora.” Mrs. Harper said as she took a seat behind her desk, and leveled her gaze on him. The look wasn't harsh, merely curious… “How was she injured in the first place?”
Goten dropped his gaze, embarrassed… “I was running in the halls, trying to make it to class before the bell rang, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going…” He smiled sheepishly, and rubbed the back of his neck, “I ran smack into her…”
“And that's the reason we have that rule, Son Goten.” Mrs. Harper gently reprimanded.
“Oh man…” A quiet feminine voice grumbled from behind the sheet, drawing the attention of both the other occupants, “I hope someone got the number of the truck that hit me…”
Mrs. Harper chuckled having noticed the blush that crept into Goten's cheeks, “As a matter of fact, Zora, he's sitting right here.”
The sheet was thrown back, as Zora stumbled forward… Violet eyes, bordering on the verge of tears, met with Goten's apologetic gaze, and she smiled warily, “I was trampled by you?” She chuckled, but just as swiftly winced and pinched the bridge of her nose, brow creased in pain… “I guess it serves me right for not paying attention.” She murmured to herself, but Goten heard her anyway.
`So… I wasn't the only one to blame.' He laughed in thought, and mentally shook his head.
Goten took a good look at her… 5'4” give or take an inch or two, hip length vivid red hair, kind violet eyes, and plain features. She wasn't a super model; she was 20 to 30 lbs overweight, and rather homely. Baggy tan cargo pants, a large black sweater, and tan
boots. Her aura spoke volumes of her too… Purity and deep inner strength, Goten could feel it in her ki.
Goten decided right then that it didn't matter what she looked like, sure she wasn't as good looking as most girls, but she had a beautiful soul, from what he could sense.
Mrs. Harper gave Zora a couple of aspirin and a glass of water. “I want you to take it easy for the rest of the day Zora, and if you feel queasy, or disoriented, come back and see me.”
Zora nodded, then popped the small white caplets into her mouth and downed the glass of water.
“Come on, I'll walk you to your class.” Goten offered, trying to be the gentlemen, and it earned him a pretty blush on Zora's face. He even held the door open for her, and the pink blush on her cheeks only darkened in a deep shade of red, Zora wasn't use to such kind treatment, and Mrs. Harper knew it.
Mrs. Harper, the kind Nurse knew more about Zora than anyone… as Goten would later find out for himself.
& End Flashback &
That had been the start of their friendship. From that day forth, Goten would walk Zora to class, and meet her outside the school grounds to chat for a few minutes before heading home. They would split, going in opposite directions, but then they would meet again the next mourning, and start their day together.
Goten was ignorant to the snickers and jokes that the other students would whisper behind his back. Zora felt too good to care for a change. She finally had a friend that didn't judge her, or lecture her about her weight, and appearance.
It was his fault; after all he was the one that introduced Zora to Trunks.
The insults were subtle at first, only Zora seemed to catch onto them, but he hadn't, believing that Trunks had better sense than that.
Looking back now, Goten understood the stares and knowing smirks… Zora was a laughing stock. A verbal punching bag, sort to speak, and he'd been too stupid to notice it before it was too late to do anything to protect her.
Goten could remember clearly, now, that Trunks' insults hadn't been too harsh until Goten announced that he and Zora were a couple. He'd asked the shy girl out on a date and she'd accepted. They saw a movie, and had dinner together, at his house with his mother present no less, but Goten had a nice time with her.
His mother adored Zora. The girl could cook; his mother was impressed with Zora's skill in the kitchen, and didn't argue when Zora insisted that she help with the dishes and clean up after dinner.
A particular memory surfaced, and a genuine smile graced Goten's saddened features…
& Flashback &
It was their fifth date, dinner and a movie at his house again. They both ended up washing dishes this time, while his mother straightened up in the next room.
“What do you plan on doing after you graduate Zora?”
“I haven't the slightest clue…” She answered softly, a cute thoughtful expression on her face… Hands still submerged in foamy water, she turned a smile on him, “I'll figure it out sooner or later I suppose.”
“I'm going to college.” Goten said puffing up, “And not just because Mom wants me to either, but because I want to.”
“Good.” Zora gave a sharp nod of approval, “I'd hate to have to kick your butt otherwise.”
Unknown to the two teenagers, Chi Chi was leaning against the doorframe and observing them with an amused smile.
“As if you could.” Goten playfully retorted.
You shouldn't underestimate me Goten,” Zora sang with an odd twinkle in her eye, of which Goten noticed too late… Zora turned with a handful of soapy, foamy water and flung it at him. Taking advantage of his shock-surprise, Zora pounced, and pinned him to the floor then mercilessly attacked his ribs, knowing full well that he was especially ticklish there.
A face full of foam and a gleeful Zora on top of him, Goten was at a great disadvantage, and to make it worst, he distinctly heard his mother's laugh mingling with Zora's melodic laughter. On impulse, she leaned down and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
“Alright you two,” Chi Chi said, smiling, “Finish those dishes and we'll have dessert.”
Burning a bright red, Zora leapt nearly ten feet, and Goten was finally able to wipe all the foam from his eyes… Goten noticed Zora's red flushed face, she was embarrassed and shocked that they'd been caught, and it was then that Goten realized that his face too was burning hot.
& End Flashback &
Gohan and Videl became fond of Zora as well, having met her during an outing that his mother insisted they go on. His mother wanted Zora to go shopping with her, you know to have girl -talk and other such things females did together, and he'd been drug along with them. His only saving grace during such times of woe was the fact that his brother had also been drug along, and the two brothers kept each other company most of the time.
In all that time, no one mentioned Zora's weight issue. As a matter of fact, no one that really knew Zora for the kind and gentle person she was thought anything about it. Zora would give the shirt off her back for anyone in need. She was harmless, unless angered beyond her reasonable point of patience, and quite shy around those she didn't know, or just meeting for the first time.
At this point, Trunks was getting down right crude, and Goten's temper was in the beginning stages of rising. The harassment began to grow, even on school property, and Zora had apparently did all she could to hide it from him. She was shielding him with herself, he finally figured it out after all was said and done.
A year and three months later, since their first encounter in the hall, it all came to ahead… It was their last year of junior high.
& Flashback &
The snickers and harsh whispers of his fellow classmates reached his ears; Goten was appalled by some of the things that were being said about Zora and behind her back no less.
Then Goten noticed that the pointing fingers and stares were not only directed at Zora but him as well. Why hadn't he noticed this before now? How had he…? It wasn't that hard to figure out. Zora! She was shielding him from it!?
Goten continued to walk the halls, ignoring the hushed tones, and headed straight for the cafeteria, where he was suppose to meet Zora for lunch…
She was nowhere to be seen. Goten frowned, where was she? It wasn't like Zora to just forget, or run late for one of their lunch dates.
“Did you hear?” A girl near him said, her tone practically dripping with gleeful malice… “The fat chick was knocked down a few pegs. She's in the Nurses office. They really did a number on her; I only wish I could've been there to see her cry.” The girls' laughter made Goten sick to his stomach; he turned tail and ran to Mrs. Harper's office.
Goten's presence was welcomed, and Nurse Harper let him see Zora…
Goten inhaled deeply then exhaled, his hand gripped the sheet and slowly drew it back, only to find Zora curled up on the bed, her body raked with silent sobs.
“She's asleep, but she still cries…” Nurse Harper whispered as she pulled the white blankets up and over Zora.
Goten fisted his hands at his sides, his anger finally stirred and coming to life beneath the surface.
“You're the only one she considers a friend Son Goten, and because of that I think you should know exactly what's been going on behind your back. “ Nurse Harper stepped away from Zora, and turned her head to look him in the eye, “Zora has absorbed most of the attacks directed towards you, the insults and snickers. She protected you from it all because she cares about you, and I don't know if you know it or not, but that means more to her than life itself.”
Startled Goten's anger ebbed a little; his gaze fell to the shivering bundle on the bed… `She cares that much about me?' He was dumbfounded.
“She's been transferred to six different schools.” Nurse Harper sadly spoke, catching Goten's gaze again, and held it, “I've read her student file, and I must say it disturbed me.”
Nurse Harper gestured for Goten to join her at her desk, and he complied, maintaining his silence… His mind remained on Zora.
“The reports of abuse, physically and emotionally, are staggering. Apparently, each principle decided to transfer her to keep the peace among the student body.”
“Huh?” Goten didn't understand.
“Riots broke out in four of the schools Zora has attended. As to why, I do not know, but Zora is implicated as the reason behind all the madness.” Nurse Harper pinned Goten with an unwavering stare, her frowning expression serious… “Zora herself has told me of some of the awful things that have been done to her, all because of spiteful prejudice. No one accepts her among her peers, and I fear the results will be devastating.”
Several minutes passed in complete silence.
“Take her home Goten,” Nurse Harper stated with a frown, “She needs to rest, and somehow I doubt she'll want to stay after what happened.”
Goten gathered Zora's sleeping form in his arms, and cradled her close to his chest.
“Go out the back way,” Nurse Harper suggested, “Don't worry about an excuse for missing class; I'll take care of it.”
Goten nodded and as soundlessly as he could, stepped outside the Nurses office. He looked in both directions and apon seeing no one, he walked out in a quick pace.
& End Flashback &
He never made it without being noticed, Trunks confronted him and Zora… It was the only time in Goten's life that he let his anger go unrestrained, seeing Zora's tears and rendered helpless to stop them, had finally caused him to snap.
The punch he landed to Trunks' jaw, nearly shattered the bone, and sent his friend flying. Silently fuming, Goten never noticed Zora flee… Until it was too late that is.
& Flashback &
“Come Back Zora!” Goten exclaimed, her form grew further and further away, and he made to give chase after her…
“Why do you even bother with that piece of trash Goten?” Trunks managed to say, even though his jaw was throbbing in searing pain, “I say good riddance.”
“What's wrong with Zora!?” Goten shouted, his anger reaching its boiling point, “She's done nothing to warrant such hateful treatment!” Goten grew quiet, his narrow stare bore into Trunks with such force…Fists clenched at his sides and teeth gritted, Goten said, “I thought you were better than the other scumbags Trunks. Now, I see that you are lower than them… Zora is the kindest person I know, my dad would agree with me too if he were here.”
Trunks blinked, “What are you talking about?”
“You didn't even take the time to see into her ki did you…?” Goten asked of his friend, frowning disappointedly, “Zora possesses a pure soul… I didn't care that she was overweight, and I did notice it, I just didn't see it. I saw into her soul, and that's all that mattered to me.”
& End Flashback &
Trunks had the audacity to come find him days later, looking ashamed, and apologizing profusely.
Trunks spent his time afterwards helping him find Zora, and collecting information about her.
It shocked them both to learn that Zora's family had disowned her several years prior, and that she was living on her own in an abandoned warehouse just six blocks from the school grounds. Eyewitness account confirmed their findings, and they visited the place where she lived, only to find it empty. Her trail had gone cold.
Trunks had also gotten a hold of Zora's medical records. Goten never asked how, and he was pretty sure he didn't want to know.
The reports told a gruesome tale of abuse and mistreatment, which caused even more guilt to manifest within Trunks.
In the past ten years alone Zora has suffered from numerous broken bones, bruises, stitches, and was hospitalized on one occasion for severe head trauma. Each incident was labeled as an Accident, but they knew better.
Goten had no idea Zora's life had been so… hard, tragic as it was, and yet she remained undaunted. Pure at heart and smiling beyond the darkness that shadowed her, Zora kept herself in good spirits. She always held out a helping hand to others, a smile on her face for those who were saddened, and still stayed strong, even through her tears.
Goten gave up hope a year ago, but he never forgot about Zora, no matter how hard he tried.
He's dated other girls since then, and he was known for his flirtatious ways. None of them meet his expectations though, and he always ended up dumping them after the very first date.
Dark eyes stared at the smiling face of a fourteen year old Zora and himself, depicted in the frame he held with such care in his hands. The picture was taking by his mother; they had all gone out for a picnic that day before the weather got too cold. Gohan and Videl had come along too.
& Flashback &
They all sat around a spread that could've satisfied an army. Gohan and Videl sat across from Goten and Zora, while his mother lifted a camera and shouted, “Say Cheese!!”
She snapped a picture of them all together, and then got them as separate; as in couples. It was Gohan and Videl, then Zora and himself. Later after they ate, Zora revealed to them her love of sports. She loved to play football, soccer, and baseball, just to name a few.
Zora and Videl teamed up on the brothers, much to Chi Chi's delight… The girls bested their beau's at nearly every game they played, but Chi Chi suspected that the boys let them win.
“No we didn't!” Goten was arguing with Zora, “Why would we let you girls win?” He fumed while picking blades of grass from his air, Zora had just moments ago, made him eat dirt.
Zora crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot in mock anger… One only had to look, seeing the smile threatening to split her face to know she wasn't really mad, but Goten hasn't seem to notice it yet. “A true gentleman would've let us win, fair and square.”
Goten let out a frustrated growl, it rumbled low in his throat… But then it died instantly, noticing the barely suppressed mirth on Zora's face, he growled playful as he tackled Zora to the ground, she burst out into hysterical giggles…
Unseen by the two wrestling around on the ground, Chi Chi and Videl were snapping pictures left and right, while Gohan laughed heartily at their antics.
Even though the air was chilled by winter's approach, they found happiness in just laughing and spending time together that day.
& End Flashback &
Goten suddenly wanted to teleport back into the past, just to relive that day again, and again, in reality instead of only in memory.
His mother's shout, from the kitchen, jerked him back into the present… With a dejected sigh, Goten sat up and set aside the picture on his nightstand beside his bed.
He'd finally done it. He's a high school graduate. His family, especially his mother, couldn't be prouder and they were going out to dinner to celebrate, The Son's and The Brief's.
As he stood, dressed in neatly pressed slacks now wrinkled slightly, a white button up shirt, red tie, and polished black shoes, Goten looked down on the picture again… `Will I ever see you again Zora?'
In the Son kitchen, Mother and elder son were discussing a certain surprise gift for Goten. Videl just happen to be in on the whole thing as well.
Pan, their energetic 5 year old daughter was left in the care of a babysitter, along with a 14 year old Marron, and a 10 year old Bra.
The babysitter is none other than Zora, the poor… poor girl.
Chi Chi was unusually ecstatic, her dark eyes danced with glee, “And Trunks was the one to find her?”
“Hai,” Gohan answered, keeping his tone down an octave or two, “He convinced her to meet us at Capsule Corps for the after dinner party.”
“Actually it was 18 that found her,” Videl interrupted, “18 just happened to be meet her in the market, and the two became friends. Later 18 put the pieces together, having told Krillin, and he in turn mentioned that 18's friend seemed similar to the girl Goten used to date.”
Their attention was drawn to the doorway, Gohan gave the signal, and no one said anymore about the subject. All smiled at Goten as he appeared.
Goten could hear them whispering, as he approached the kitchen, and then abruptly stop as he walked through the doorway. Smiles and twinkling eyes turned to him, and Goten could swear they were all conspiring against him. `Something's up…' Goten immediately knew.
Gohan clapped a heavy hand on his little brother's shoulder, “Let's go eat.”
~ Capsule Corps ~
The entire compound astounded Zora; there were so many rooms, and such a large, indoor, sanctuary. Where she and the children were currently playing a game of hide and seek. All the varies animals didn't seem to mind their presence and even the green skinned man, that Pan informed her was named Piccolo, didn't seem to mind them running around and disturbing their peace. He actually seemed like he was sleeping, leaning against a shade tree, sitting crossed legged, and with arms folded loosely over his chest. If it wasn't for the fact that she could see his ears twitching every so often, and that his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, in deep intervals. He wasn't asleep.
She was of course older, she shot up to 6' tall, and lost all that extra weight, all 30 pounds of it. She's lean, mean, and extremely nervous.
The Brief's family had left an hour ago, to join the Son family for dinner, and soon… so very soon, they would be returning with guests.
Namely Goten.
What would she say to him? Would he turn her away? Would he be angry?
Zora became self conscious about her appearance, and began to wonder if maybe she should've braided her knee length red hair, or applied a touch of make up. She never really like the stuff, personally she didn't believe in caking make up on her face just make herself look pretty.
She wore her favorite pair of faded blue jeans, with holes in the knees, the butt so worn out, it looked bleached, and a thick black belt with a silver buckle. The tank top she wore was red and a bit snug fitting, showing off a teasing amount of cleavage and toned abs. Her arms were toned and sleek, she worked out daily, and pushed herself to the limits to keep the body she has today. Tanned skin she bore as a testament of her love of the outdoors…
Zora continued to look for her charges, even as her mind wandered. However, a small bundle of energy plowed into her legs and knocked her to the ground with a grunt; “Offh…” She hadn't been paying attention.
“Zora's funny” a girlish voice chirped, as weight settled on Zora's stomach. “I like you, you the best sitter I have.”
Marron and Bra came out of hiding, and joined Pan, standing around Zora and looking down with smiles. The two older girls nodded their approval. “You play with us.” Bra said and Marron added, “All the others that have watched us, were always too busy to play games with us.”
“You have no idea just who I am.” Zora replied with a laughing tone, “I may be 18 on the outside, but in my heart I'm still 5.”
In a quick, fluid motion, Zora sat up, scooped up Pan into her hands, and then jumped up onto her feet. She tossed Pan up and then caught her, “Life is too short to be serious all the time. Everyone needs a little play time; it's what keeps the heart young and the soul carefree.” Zora tapped Pan on the nose to emphasis her point.
Pointy green ears twitched, Piccolo silently agreed with Zora's words, but he'd never admit it aloud.
For the past hour or so Piccolo has silently observed the female named Zora, and deducted that she was human, but she seemed different from all the other human's he even encountered. She smelled good, for one. She possessed a crisp, clean scent, like freshly fallen snow. The majority of human's that has crossed his path, stunk, or just smelled so, so. Her ki was pure, there was no taint or even a speck of grey from what Piccolo could sense. The girl was entirely pure, and innocent, she's never been with a male before.
Green lids opened to look at the female. Gohan's girl was latched onto her side, propped on Zora's hip, and Vegeta's girl was on her shoulders, while Krillin's pre-teen daughter tugged on her hand…
“Juice! Juice! Juice!” Pan chanted, and Zora laughed, “Alrighty then,” She then declared loudly, jabbing an index finger in the air, “Time for a snack!”
The children cheered, and smiling widely, Zora trotted along, a walking jungle gym.
Before she completely disappeared, Zora paused and whipped her head around, “Can I get you anything, Mr. Piccolo?”
Startled, Piccolo mutely shook his head, `no' and Zora nodded, then continued on towards the kitchen.
No sooner had Zora gone, did Bulma, and Vegeta, along with everyone else, show up.
Krillin intercepted Zora and the children, ushering then back outside… “Hide.” He pushed Zora with enough force to send her stumbling slightly, she shot him a scathing look, and he apologized, “sorry” then he waved his hands, he whispered urgently, “Now, Go before he sees you!”
Zora trotted off, to hide behind the same tree that Mr. Piccolo occupied, and pressed her back against the rough bark.
The children were taken back inside, for their snack, while Zora and Piccolo stood in silence together.
The crisp clean scent of her seemed amplified, and threatened to knock him out… She was nervous, beyond nervous, almost frightened it seemed to him, and excited at the same time.
For Zora this moment was a long time coming, and yet the urge to tuck her tail between her legs and run was almost impossible to fight off. Shame, guilt, excitement, and nervousness… All those sensations were suffocating, she nearly fainted.
Several moments in her life flashed before her mind's eye…
“You know Zora,” Goten started, he and she were sitting at a picnic table out in the school's courtyard eating lunch together, “Sometimes I wish I knew why my Dad took off like he did. I mean, is training a complete stranger more important than your own family? I know I would have stayed, if I had to make that decision.”
Zora chewed on the bite of apple, swallowed, then gave her opinion, “Perhaps his reasons stem from something that you cannot comprehend.” She smiled, offering him comfort as he turned to look her in the eye, “I mean think about it Goten… Your Dad must have his reasons to leave like he did.” She paused taking a sip of water from the bottle, “For him the importance was great, yet your heart lies with your family, and that, I'm sure, is something that he takes great pride in knowing that he can trust you to be man of the house while he's gone.”
“Maybe…” Goten mumbled thoughtfully, his sandwich forgotten as the very idea mulled over in his brain for a short period of time, then he looked at her again, dark eyes dawning with understanding… “You're right!” He reached out and covered her hand with his, giving it a gentle pat, “Thanks Zora, I feel better now.”
It took every ounce of her being to bite back a gasp… The instant his warm flesh made contact with her cool hand, electric sparks flew through her insides and ignited her spine in trembles. She hid it well enough, and returned his smile as best she could without making it seem out of character… `By gods… Was that what it feels like to come so close to the edge of ecstasy?' She thought heatedly, on the verge of passing out.
Gentle brushing of his fingers caused her face to heat up and burn red, along with her ears… how embarrassing.
She and Goten were cozy on the couch in his mother's house watching the latest action movie starring Jet Li, her most favorite by far, Hero.
They shared several moments on his mother's couch, cozy and snuggled together, in complete silence as some action/adventure movie blared on the TV screen in front of them…
During these moments he would show her affection by holding her hand or letting her rest her head on his shoulder… All of it was under the watchful eyes of his mother, which didn't bother her in the less.
Chi Chi liked her and she in turn thought of Chi Chi as a mother figure.
She'd never seen him so angry… The sight frightened her, Goten's eyes burned with intensity unlike she's ever seen before, and his hair seemed to rise, with an unseen force, and pulse in a golden light.
His fist flew in her defense, striking his friend Trunks in the face. A crack was heard, and she gasped, eyes wide in disbelief, shock, fear… She backed up a step, then two… then three, and finally she turned and ran.
`Pathetic…' `Worthless…' `Are you sure IT is a girl?'
The voices were there, ever present spiteful words that haunted her ever waking mind, and even in her subconscious. In her dreams where they would manifest into horrid nightmares as black as night and as terrifying as any rated “R” horror film, where she had no escape.
`Fat bitch!' `Watch your lunch tray, the incredible eating machine is here.' `White trash.' `Look out, it's the incredible hunk!'
`What makes you think you deserve him… you fat cow! Honestly, I don't see why he even tolerates you. But then again, maybe you're a good lay, although I wouldn't want to mount you even if I lost a bet.' `I've never seen someone as ugly as you, where do you get your face done, at the house of horrors?' (Hurtful words courtesy of Trunks.)
She ran… ran… and ran, until she could run no more. By the time she collapsed, she'd found herself well outside the city limits, and deep in a forest she used to come to from time to time, to think in peace and quiet.
The gruff bark of the tree scraped her back and tearing the plain black t-shirt she wore, beads of blood surfaced, and were soaked into the dark fabric before she noticed the stinging sensation of the injury. Too exhausted to care, she slept there in the wilderness unguarded, and completely defenseless.
A sharp kick in her side woke her, and she cursed colorfully while sitting upright, blinking bleary eyes at the strange male looming over her.
Piercing blue eyes, seemed to devour her and spit her out as they studied her, black hair fell over his shoulders, as he bent over at the waist to offer her a hand. He wore jeans, a brown trench coat; black shirt underneath the coat, a red scarf tied loosely around his neck, brown cowboy boots and carried a shot gun, strapped onto his back.
“Thanks” She muttered as her hand latched onto his, and he pulled her up effortlessly, she smiled gratefully at him.
“You might want to get that wound looked at,” the males' smooth voice stilled her heart… so suave, and sensual, “before it gets infected.”
Her face fell, however, as the previous days events filled her mind again… Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the strange males' face, and plopped unceremoniously to her knees. `Perhaps… I'd be better off… dead.'
“Don't you dare cry.” A cruel voice sneered; the stranger demanded it of her, “Get up.”
“Why should I!?” She cried out, her soul totally sunken into despair… “Why can't I cry out my agony, it's all I have left!?”
The once gentle helping hand of the stranger, became harsh jerking her to her feet unwillingly, and gave her a violet shove forward. “Move it girl…” He growled at her, he growled! “Or so help me, I'll move you myself.”
# End Flashback #
She wouldn't have made it without 17, that gruff stranger that had happened by her that day in the forest. Zora loved him as a sister would a brother, and even though 17 would most likely rather die a gruesome death, than admit that he cared for her, he showed it whenever no one else was looking.
17 took her into his home, and patched up her physical wounds, the scraps and scratches she acquired from the tree he'd found her sleeping under. She ended up staying with him after that. He never offered out loud, and she never asked, or protested, it was an unspoken agreement between them. She cooked, cleaned, and talked with him; all the while he literally forced her out of her self induced state of despair. He whipped her into shape, and, using threats, made her finish school.
Not long after that, Zora accidentally encountered 18, 17's true sister in the market place while shopping for vegetables for dinner, and the rest was a whirlwind of making new friends, laughter of an adorable little girl in blonde pigtails, and learning that most things weren't as they first seemed.
She's a totally different person from that shy, overweight, fourteen year old Goten remembers. I was with Krillin and 18's help that she finished high school, blowing the competition away as she graduated in a record two years, and finally, just three months ago she enrolled in college. She hasn't received any replies yet, nothing from any of the five schools she mailed transcripts and enrollment papers to.
“Aww, come on you guys…” Goten's familiar voice was heard whining, many footsteps echoed in their approach of the tree where Zora and Piccolo stood. “Why can't I at least see where you're taking me?”
Startled out of her trip down memory lane; Zora damn near jumped outta her skin.
Piccolo glanced up, only to see Gohan steering a blindfolded Goten towards his position, and then stopped just five feet short… A crowd of familiar faces gathered behind the two brothers, even Vegeta was there though he looked less than thrilled to be there, but it seemed he hadn't no choice in the matter, Bulma was clinging to his arm tightly.
“Because it would ruin the surprise we all worked so hard to get you Goten.” Gohan said grinning from ear to ear as he stepped back, away from his brother as Zora rounded the tree, and Piccolo, to stand right in front of Goten.
She towered over him, there was about a 6” difference in their height, but otherwise she hadn't changed… oh yeah, she wasn't obese anymore, she had a finely toned body now.
Violet eyes took in his features, the green graduation gown he worn, and the tassel that hung down in his face… He was even more handsome than she remembered him, and she was relieved to note that he still had the boyish roundness to his face that she loved so much. `He cut his hair,' she mentally noted, then voiced it aloud, “You cut your hair…” She watched as his eyes popped open in utter surprise/shock, and stared at her while his jaw hit the ground… “I like it, it looks good on you.”
Goten's brain malfunctioned in his disbelief, “Z… Zora?” He took her in, from head to toe, “But how…? When…?”
“You finally graduated I see.” Zora smirked, a bit of mischief twinkling in her eyes… “I did that two years ago.” She leaned over, bending slightly at the waist, and met him nose to nose, “What took you so long?”
Goten continued to stare at her… “You what…?” He seemed to snap out of his stupor as the meaning behind her words absorbed into his brain. He backed up a step, thinking. `She graduated two years ago…' That would mean… It struck him, and he was stupefied, `She graduated high school at the age of 16!!'
“How the hell did you manage that?” Trunks' was the one to voice Goten's next thought, and received a hard look from his mother for his cursing… He tossed her an apologetic smile, cocking his head cutely to the side.
Krillin answered the blurted question. “She studied and worked very hard everyday.” He simply said, “That and 18 found a loop hole in the educational system. Which enabled Zora to quit classes, then enroll in a community college, and take the required SAT tests, she passed with flying colors. She graduated on her 16th birthday; 18, 17, Marron and I watched her receive her diploma.”
“Oh by the way,” Gohan said, having remembered something important… He chirped the good news, “I've heard some good things from the dean at the University, and the other professors are talking about you Zora.” He winked at Zora saying, “I put in a good word for you.”
Goten suddenly walked away, muttering to himself about traitors and backstabbers… He felt jilted, everyone seemed so friendly with Zora which in turn meant that they've spent time with her, and didn't bother to reveal her to him until today. How long…? That's all he wanted to know. How long have they kept her a secret from him?
“Goten.” Chi Chi called out to her son, worried that maybe they waited too long.
“I wouldn't worry Chi Chi,” Bulma assured, “I don't think he'll be angry for long.”
Zora trotted off after him, and came to walk, at his pace, by his side, hands clasped behind her back as her hair trailed like a red flag… They become nothing more than a couple of blurry dots, as they grew further and further away, before they finally stopped, nearly disappearing beneath a cluster of shade trees.
Goten finally came to a stop, turned, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why did you runaway that day?” He couldn't help but ask, the questions burned in his mind constantly, and now he'd have the answers he sought, “Where did you go? Why didn't you come back?” He reached out and grabbed her by the arm, “Do you realize how worried I was?”
“I ran because I was scared.” Zora admitted, unclasping her hands and brought one to rest on his that covered her upper arm… “I ran because I didn't know what else to do. If it wasn't for 17, I wouldn't be here today either. He saved me from myself. I didn't come back, because I blamed myself, and couldn't bring myself to face you…” Gradually, her grip on his hand tightened, and he closed the distance between them as she spoke, “I am deeply sorry for worrying you as I had, Goten.”
“Stupid girl,” He muttered affectionately, Goten scowled half heartedly at Zora… “I didn't blame you. As a matter of fact, for the past four years, I blamed myself for everything that happened. I should have protected you from the insults and hateful treatment…”
He was cut off by a soft finger pressed over his lips, “Shhhh…” She hushed him, smiling warmly she removed her finger. “Let's not play the blame game anymore, alright?”
“I never stopped thinking about you…” Goten said genuinely sincere, then he mentally kicked himself for sounding so, cliché.
“That's nice to know,” Zora replied in a snicker, it did sound rather cliché, but his tone was sincere and that was all that mattered to her. She smiled widely, “You know I never stopped thinking about you either, Goten.” She winked playfully at him, causing an interesting shade of pink to cover his cheeks, “The truck that trampled me in the hall… I never did get your number.” She laughed at her own joke, and Goten joined her, his deep tone mingled beautifully with her clear, sweet musical one.
“Well,” Videl said, breaking the silence… “I don't think that Goten will be joining us for drinks and cake,” She smirked, “At least not yet…”
“We'll start the party without him then,” Bulma declared, and 18 agreed, “Let's.”
No one bother the two standing away from the festivities, sharing loving smiles and smoldering stares… Lyrics to a song playing in the background, seemed to sum up how they felt, without saying a single word to each other.
Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
Closer where I started
Chasing after you
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
Forgetting all I'm lacking
Completely, incomplete
I'll take your invitation
You take all of me now
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and I'm not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
There's nothing else to lose
There's nothing else to find
There's nothing in the world
That could change my mind
There is nothing else
There is nothing else
There is nothing else
Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
Closer to where I started
Chasing after you
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and I'm not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
Just hanging by a moment
Hanging by a moment
Hanging by a moment
Hanging by a moment here with you
Only the children bore witness to the romantic scene as Goten and Zora finally shared their first real kiss…
Goten, despite their slight height difference, abruptly pulled her into his arms, and held her there in a grip that spoke volumes to her… He never wanted to let go. She submitted, leaning down a bit, and enveloped her arms around him, bringing him tightly against her chest… She never wanted to let go. Silky red strands were sweep up in a sudden gust of air, creating a curtain that separated them from the rest of the world, and their lips met, at first the contact was gentle, soft pressure testing the waters. Then passion quickly consumed them.
“I never want a boy to do that to me.” Bra said thoroughly disgusted, sticking out her tongue and making a disgusted sound, yuck. Pan and Marron agreed, vigorously nodding their heads.
They lived happily ever after.
The End.