Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ JB's Little Book of Songfics ❯ A Song for My Little Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z or any of the characters. The song `A Song for Sky' belongs to Case from the album the `Open Letter'.

AN: Hi all! It's me again. I have several songfics that I will post here in this little book. This one is my personal favorites out of the group. This fic deals with three different fathers in three different stages of their daughter's lives. Beginning a daddy's girl myself I thought this idea would make a really sweet fic so let me know what you think. Enjoy.

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~You are my reason

Girl I sing this song for you

I love every thing about you

You are my reason

Girl I sing this song to you

I love every little thing about you

Sitting here thinking about you girl

And what you mean to me

And how long it took me to believe

How much you really changed my life

In your eyes I can see the sunshine

Girl I'm so happy you're all mine

You are the reason my sunshines

Why everything seems just fine

Your daddy's so proud of you

And all the little things you do

Sometimes I ask my God why

He blessed me with you Sky

Just know that you were made from love

And give thanks above~

As the nurse placed the small bundle in his arms, he was almost afraid he would hurt her. Krillin looked down at the tiny creature and his heart filled with pride. This was his little girl! He had helped created this sweet little being. He counted her little fingers. He looked into her pretty blue eyes and touched the soft blond peach fuzz on top of her head. She was perfect. Just like her mother. He looked over at his wife. She was sitting on the bed with her hair disheveled, something she normally would never allow, and her eyes tired yet happy. She never looked more beautiful and he couldn't help but lean in and kiss her. He returned his attention to his daughter who was sleeping peacefully. She was so fragile. It was up to him to protect her from the evils of this world and he would or die trying.

“Do you have a name for the baby?” the nurse asked innocently.

Krillin was stunned. He had already vowed to give his life for this little girl and he didn't even know her name yet.

“We'll call her Marron,” 18 said softly, gazing at her daughter.

“I don't think you want to do that. See, I use to know-” Krillin protested.

“I know. And you loved her very much. Bulma told me all about her,” 18 said. “ I know you'll love this Marron even more, but this time, she'll love you back.”

Krillin smiled. His lovely wife never ceased to amaze him. She and his little Marron were his purpose, his reason.

~You are my reason

Girl I sing this song for you

I love every thing about you

You are my reason

Girl I sing this song to you

I love every little thing about you

I was walking `round lost for oh so long

Till a little lady came my way

And she made me say

That I love you

Oh God you should know

Cause now I'm whole

You're in my sole

All I do is think about you baby

You are the reason my sunshines

Why everything seems just fine

Your daddy's so proud of you

And all the little things you do

Sometimes I ask my God why

He blessed me with you Sky

Just know that you were made from love

And give thanks above~

“Don't worry, Dad. We'll be back by ten. I promise.”

Gohan hesitantly put the car keys in Pan's hand. “Drive carefully.”

“I will Dad,” Pan said obediently.

“And I want only you, Marron and Bra in the car, understand? No boys.”

“Of course not, Daddy,” Pan said sweetly as she lightly kissed her father on the cheek.

Gohan frowned. She only called him `daddy' when she thought she was getting away with something. He followed his daughter to the door and watched her climb behind the wheel of the car. Funny, he was never this worried about her when she was off fighting all kinds of evil or flying through space. Maybe that was because he knew he and her grandfather would never let her come to any harm, but who would protect her while she was out in the city streets.

“You know, if you keep frowning like that your face might stick that way.”

Gohan looked back and found his wife standing behind him. She walked over and stood beside him.

“She'll be just fine. She always is.”

He knew she was trying to make him feel better, but he didn't want to feel better. He wanted his little girl back. When Pan was little she wouldn't go anywhere without him. She would often say `I want to be just like my dad.' Now, most of the time she didn't even tell him she was leaving, let alone where she was going.

She had grown up to be a beautiful woman. Just like her mother. He had known that the boys would eventually come, he just hadn't known they would come so soon. He resented the fact that soon one of them would come and take his place in her heart. It just wasn't fair.

Videl sighed at the look in her husband's eyes. `Looks like I'll be going to bed alone again.' She patted Gohan's arm. “I'll fix you something for your wait,” she said heading towards the kitchen.

Gohan smiled. His wife knew him too well.

Pan got home at ten o'clock on the dot. She walked into the den and smiled at what she saw. She had known he would be there. He looked as though he had fallen asleep watching TV. He always tired to cover the fact that he waited for her by saying he was watching TV. `Funny how he never watches TV when I'm home,' she thought with a smile. Pan walked over to the sofa and picked up the blanket lying across the armrest. She draped it over her father's sleeping form. She kissed his cheek softly then headed up to her room.

~You're in my prayers every night

Asking God to keep you

Safe in His arms it's all right

Pretty little mamma

You are my reason

Girl I sing this song for you

I love every thing about you

You are my reason

Girl I sing this song to you

I love every little thing about you

You are the reason my sunshines

Why everything seems just fine

Your daddy's so proud of you

And all the little things you do

Sometimes I ask my God why

He blessed me with you Sky

Just know that you were made from love

And give thanks above~

Vegeta tugged at the rope around his neck known as a tie. He looked himself over in the mirror. `It's a good thing I'm so handsome. Otherwise I'd look like an idiot in this penguin suit,' he thought. Bulma was the only other person who had ever been able to talk him into one of these. But then again the girl was just like her mother.

`Daddy you have to wear a tux! Every other man in the wedding party is! Even Trunks!' she had wailed. Vegeta had learned early in her life that it was no fun arguing with her because she always won. So in defeat, he had let the woman take his measurements as he gave his son the evil eye.

He really couldn't blame Trunks. Since the day she was born, she had always gotten her way. Her brother adored her and her mother fawned over her. And him? Well, she had always had him wrapped around her little finger. All this wasn't the problem. The problem was that she knew it. Vegeta would never say it out loud, but out of the four of them, she had been the master of the house.

Vegeta shook his head at the memories of his little blue haired child. Bra running across the yard. Bra conning her mother out of a cookie. Bra running to him after he left the gravity room for the day. Bra begging Trunks until he took her to the mall in his new car. He gave his jacket one last tug as he left the room and headed down the hall.

As he walked, he thought about when he had first heard she was getting married. He had felt pure hatred toward the man who was taking his little girl away. When he had heard who the man was he had wanted to break something or someone. What was it about Kakarot's off springs that attracted his children so? First, Trunks had wedded Gohan's brat and now Bra wanted to bond with Kakarot's second born.

He had thought he had found a way out of all this when his mate had told him he had to give away the bride. He had happily told her no. There was no way in Hell he was going to give his little girl to anyone. She was his and would remain so. Bulma had refused to talk to him for the rest of the day, which had suited him just fine. It was at dinner that night when he gave in. Bra had spoken so happily of her future life as Goten's wife that it had almost made Vegeta physically sick. He just couldn't bring himself to crush all her happiness. When Bulma had started to tell Bra about his refusal, he had interrupted her by saying that he hoped Goten could afford her shopping bills. Bra had frowned at her father and Bulma had smiled approvingly. She had known what he was giving up with that statement.

Vegeta reached the Bridal Suite and walked in unannounced. He was awed by what he saw inside. Bra stood near a mirror in a long flowing white gown. Her hair was up in curls with some kind of glitter in it that made it sparkle. It was all topped off by a long veil attached to a diamond tiara. `The perfect crown for the perfect Saiyan princess,' Vegeta thought.

When Bra noticed her father, she lowered her long lashes. “Hi Daddy,” she said shyly.

Bulma stopped fusing with Bra's veil and walked over to her husband. `She gets more beautiful with each passing year,' Vegeta thought as he watched his mate.

Bulma stopped at her husband's side and kissed his cheek. She turned back to her daughter. “Doesn't she look beautiful?”

Bra blushed and Vegeta smiled. A real smile not a smirk.

Bulma's eyes began to water and Vegeta knew it was time to get her away from her daughter.

“They're about to start, woman. Go and take your seat.”

Bulma nodded and walked over and kissed Bra lightly on the cheek, making sure not to get any lipstick on her. Then she left the room before she broke down in tears.

Vegeta stared at Bra and was amazed. Even though he would always see her as the little girl she had been, nothing would change the fact that she was a woman now. She had always been his to protect and now that she was an adult, she wanted him to hand that torch over to someone else. Even though it physically hurt him to even think about doing it, he would give his little girl anything she wanted.

He offered her his arm and she took it. They left the suite and headed towards the chapel. They stood at the entrance as the wedding march began. Just before they started down the aisle she whispered, “I love you, Daddy.” He looked down at her and smiled.

Goten stood at the altar, his eyes glued to his wife-to-be. Trunks stood next to him as best man. He smiled affectionately at his little sister.

When they reached the altar, Vegeta handed Bra over to Goten and then took his seat next to Bulma. He watched as Goten stared at his daughter as though she was the most precious thing he had ever seen and he began to get angry. What gave the boy the right to look at his daughter that way? Then he remembered that he was the one who given him the right and all he could feel was sadness. It was then that he felt a hand grab his. He looked down to find his mate's fragile hand in his. She smiled at him and gave his hand a comforting squeeze. She then turned back to the service and wiped away the tear running down her cheek. She knew how protective Vegeta was over Bra and she knew how much it had cost him to give her to Goten. It made her very proud of her husband.

Vegeta held Bulma hand a little tighter as Bra's new husband kissed her soundly. He stood with rest of the audience as they clapped for the young couple. They began to walk up the aisle, but Bra stopped and hugged her mother then she kissed her father's cheek. “Thank you, Daddy,” was all she said. Vegeta touched her face affectionately, then cleared he's throat.

“Go on girl. Your husband is waiting for you.”

Bra smiled then turned and walked down the aisle with Goten.

Vegeta watched her walk out the chapel door and he knew he'd done the right thing for his little girl.

~You are my reason

Girl I sing this song for you

I love every thing about you

You are my reason

Girl I sing this song to you

I love every little thing about you . . .
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I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading.