Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Death ❯ The Truth Is Told ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Why do you hate Trunks anyway, Pan?" Bra asked her again.

"Listen here, Bra. Trunks Briefs pretends to be this nice, great likable, friendly guy. But he's not. He's a- a jerk. He treats me like dirt and for what? Because he thinks I'm to blame for hurting you. Well, guess what?" Pan spread her arms wide, her voice rising. "Guess what?! You don't blame me. Nobody blames me except him. So where does he get off? Does he think he's so damn important, so high and mighty, that he's allowed to judge me like that?! Is he so perfect that he's never made a mistake? Or so stupid he doesn't know the meaning of the word, ACCIDENT?! Has it occurred to him that my driving might have saved your life? Maybe he's just mad that your problems aren't something he can argue away in his precious debate club! Poor baby. Maybe he just needs to grow up and get over it."

Pan noticed that Bra's face was getting redder and redder by the second. Good. she thought. That means she must be finally getting it. Then another thought occurred to her. She gulped. Pan turned around slowly. Trunks Briefs was standing a few feet behind her.

Pan froze. Her mind went blank, refusing to accept the truth- that Trunks must have heard all of the horrible things she had shouted about him. Shouted for the whole house to hear.

"Well, Pan. He said evenly after a terrible moment of silence. "I guess now we know who won't be voted most tactful in the school's yearbook this year."

It was the longest sentence he'd said to her since last night. Her hands on her hips, she glared at him.

"Listen, I've reached the limit with you. I'm sick of it. But isn't that enough for you, Mr Vindictive? Now you're trying to make me flunk chemistry too. Well congratulations. I guess that means I'll be seeing you in Summer School next year. Maybe we can be lab partners again. Won't that be fun?"

Trunks's angry expression changed to a stubborn look. "I don't know you're talking about. Don't blame me if you can't handle your classes." "Oh please! Now you're trying to pin that on me, too? Unbelievable."

"Give me a break. You-." he began hotly.

"Actually, maybe it's not so unbelievable. You've been blaming me for just about everything lately short of the weather, but I'm sure that if you thought it was too hot or too cold or too whatever, that would be my fault too!" "You don't know what you're talking about." He said through clenched teeth. "I don't have to stand here and listen to this garbage." Trunks spun on his heel and started to walk away.

Pan grabbed his shoulder, forcing him back. "Yes you do have to listen. This grudge has gone on long enough and incase you hadn't noticed, it's not doing a thing to help BRA get better!"

Trunks glared at her for a moment.

Then to her total amazement, Trunks's face crumpled. His mouth, which had been held in a straight, taut line, quivered. His narrowed eyes grew watery. A tear escaped and trickled down his cheek. A moment later, he buried his face in his hands and started to cry. Pan was stunned.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry." He apologised.

"I don't mean to hurt you. Why would I? I'm so sorry, Panny-chan."

"I'm sorry too. I don't want to hurt you."


"Spit it out Trunks."

"I can't. I will in a second. I'm not brave enough yet." He flashed a glance at Bra and Marron so they walked out of the kitchen quietly.

"I, I, love you, Panny." He confessed.

(Let's see what Panny says to this confession.)