Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Race To Win Your Heart. ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pan smiled at the young girl. "Marzi, I thought I told you not to bother me." Pan asked the little girl.

"You did Mommy, but grandma asked me to wake you up. She said you are really sad and that she don't like it when you are sad, and I don't like it either mommy, it makes me feel sad." Marzi lowered her head.

Marzi, also known as Marzipan Briefs was the four-year-old daughter of Pan Son and Trunks Briefs. She was a very precocious four year old.

Pan smiled and brought her daughter to her. "Oh, Marzi I'll be alright." Marzi knew her mother was sad however, she did not know it was because Trunks had left Pan.

"Mommy when can we go home and see daddy?" Marzi asked. Pan didn't want to answer that question, she didn't' want to tell her four year old daughter that her father had forbade them to enter the capsule compound, calling Pan a slut and her daughter a bastard claiming all the sudden that she wasn't and couldn't be his.

"Marzi, don't you like living with your grandma and grandpa?"

"Yes Mommy, but I like living with my daddy too, when can we go home I miss him, and I miss my own room."

Pan turned her daughter around. "Marzi, look at me, you know I love you right?"

Marzi nodded her head. "Yes mommy."

"Well you see, it's like this..." Pan stopped she closed her eyes. "Your daddy has forbidden us to go home."

Marzi's eyes started to water. "Why mommy, doesn't he love us anymore?"

Pan had to think of something, she could not tell the young girl her daddy hated them. "Of course he still loves you." It could not be a full out lie, after all Trunks had to feel some compassion for the little girl he raised. Even if he claims, she is not his.

Meanwhile in the Capsule Compound.

"I can't believe you dumped her like yesterdays trash." Trunks was getting an earful from Pan's uncle and his best friend Goten Son.

"Look, you were there you saw her, she didn't deny them."

Goten looked at his friend, was this the same man he grew up with, the same man that he could always count on. "Trunks, Pan didn't have time to deny them, you wouldn't let her."

Trunks turned around. "Look G, Pan betrayed me, I can't forgive her."

"What about Marzi?"

Trunks stopped what he was doing, he hated doing this to her. He did love the child; however, he had to be cold and heartless. "I…uh...don't care what happens to the brat." He lied.

"Trunks she's your daughter." Goten looked at Trunks in disbelief, he could not believe Trunks would actually believe the lies Bra and Marron were spreading around about Pan and Marzi.

"Goten, Bra gave me proof that Pan was just using Marzi, to get at my money." Trunks stated.

"Do you honestly think Pan would use her daughter for her own self gain, Trunks she isn't a monster. She loves you, at least she did, because if I was her, I would stop loving you the instant you dumped me." Goten chastised him.

"Look, I don't need you lecturing me." He got up grabbed his keys to his green souped up Honda and left. "You coming." He asked referring to the next race being held.

"Yeah, I just have to stop and pick up Paris, I'll meet you there."

"Alright." Trunks left.

Goten went to pick up his girlfriend Paris Monaco, Paris and Goten had been dating for seven years. Paris was the girl who started the races. Goten had met her when he was sixteen, when him and Trunks first started racing.

Goten stopped his yellow Honda in the front of a huge ass mansion, his car was yellow because Paris' favorite color was yellow. He honked his horn, and called to her.

Paris came strolling down the drive. "Hey Babe." She kissed him on the lips when she got into the car.

"Ready to roll." Goten asked his girlfriend. Paris smiled and nodded.

"Goten." Paris was concerned about Pan and Trunks, she could not believe that Trunks would believe the lies that his sister and Marron were telling him, she remembered a similar situation when Bra wanted Goten, Bra had told Goten that Paris was cheating on him. Goten broke up with her as well, when the truth came out Paris and Goten had reunited.

"I hate what's happening with Pan and Trunks, I know she didn't do those things, I know it's all lies that both Marron and Bra are throwing around." Paris sighed. Pan was her best friend, Trunks was Goten's best one, in fact the four Goten Paris Pan and Trunks were the considered the four musketeers by their family always sticking up for one another however when Trunks believed the horrific lie about Pan he dumped her.

"I know I hate it too, I wish things could go back to the way they were, I wish Trunks would turn off his blinders and see what's he had left behind, a kid and a woman who loved him with every fiber of her being. He accuses her of being after his fortune, I never knew Pan to be like that, and in fact she was the one who suggested he didn't take the trust fund right away." Goten said referring to the trust Trunks had gotten when he turned twenty-one, a five billion dollar trust from his grandfather.

"Pan never asked for money in fact when she discovered she was pregnant with Marzi she was afraid to tell Trunks, she even got a job to take care of herself, Trunks however wouldn't allow the mother of his child to work. So what lie did Marron and Bra tell him to make him turn a 180?"

Goten gripped down on the steering wheel, he closed his eyes. "They told him, Pan had an affair with his father of all people, and they told him that Marzi was his daughter."

"Vegeta? He wouldn't look twice at Pan that way; I know he would never betray Bulma." Paris stated shocked.

"I know. Marzi is Trunks child, I don't' know how he can deny it. I mean look at her, even if she does have most of her mother's features, she has his eyes. Those eyes that you can just get lost in."

"Goten." Paris was shocked to learn her boyfriend was so fond of his friend's eyes.

"I know, but you have to admit, Trunks has some breathtakingly gorgeous eyes."

Paris Laughed, "That's true."

Goten pulled his car up to the place where the next race was being held. Both he and Paris had stepped out of the car. The flair around them caused the crowd to roar with excitement. Now that Pan and Trunks were no longer together, they were now the It couple.

A few minutes later Trunks had pulled up, he got out and to no surprise got a cheer from the bystanders. He went up to Goten. "Goten, my man how's it going."

Goten just scoffed and walked away.

Trunks stood stunned. "Goten you're still my best friend."

"Maybe you should have considered the fact, before you dumped my niece." Goten turned around and shouted.

Trunks stood and wondered why everyone was now against him, why was he the evil person who did something wrong, it was Pan who cheated on him. So he thought. A roar of another car had caught his attention; he turned to see who it was.

Pan had stepped out of the car, she walked up to Trunks... and…

Authors Notes: I know bad cliffhanger huh, what does Pan do. Does She Slap him? Or Kiss him? Find out in the next chapter.

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